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How To Use Pussy In A Sentence

  • Now, flip the slut over on her back and her perfect pink pussy lips are spread eagle and begging for your dick!
  • These guys went at it like two tomcats fighting over the pussy next door.
  • Other locals include yarrow, pussytoes, mallow, cudweed, meadowsweet, and chickweed.
  • So it seems that overnight the one little pussy escaped from the alley.
  • You can't pussyfoot around when it comes to keeping kids safe.
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  • I don't see any reason to "pussyfoot" (to quote a famous Democrat racist, George Wallace). - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • _Pussy willow, Glaucous willow_ 40, 41, 171 falcata, Pursh _Black willow_ 42 fragilis, L. _Crack willow, Brittle willow_ 43-45 nigra, Marsh. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • It is not about pussyfooting in the dark nor is it about throwing stones while hiding the hand.
  • A pussy man 'd find it rather onhandy comin' down that chimbly an 'hoppin' hether an 'yan takin' things off o 'the tree. Back Home
  • * Chodin washes the pussybone remnants from under his fingernails* THE ‘WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE’ CLIP
  • That said, I've heard that the puma is a real pussycat compared to the African leopard when it comes to fighting. What would you rather fight a wolf or a puma?(I personaly wouldn't enjoy fighting either of them)
  • Well, stop pussyfooting around and put your foot down.
  • ‘Tell me we're not going to pussyfoot around when we get in there,’ he says.
  • Eighty-five percent of men I know are pussy-whipped. Ellen Sterling: Brad Garrett: Gambling On His Own Club In Las Vegas
  • Our favourites feature trends like mock-croc, metallic and pussybow neck details. The Sun
  • The shy emerald mantles the valleys and fledges the heights; the pussy-willows tremble by lake and stream; the wild crocus brims the hollows with a haze of violet; trailing his last ragged pennants of snow on the hills, winter makes his sullen retreat. The Trail of '98 A Northland Romance
  • Although compared to Medea, Medusa and Circe, Lumley seems more angry pussycat than classical tigress; but she does deliver Goldman's one-liners with the right snap, crackle and pop, and suggests a devious mind at work. The Lion in Winter - review
  • Stop pussyfooting around and say what you mean.
  • Alexa was doing all of this to me and, like a pussy-whipped teenager, I was falling for it. Assholes Finish First
  • It was easy to figure what she was thinking too: ‘I can't believe I married a pussy.’
  • I can't believe the way I pussyfoot around people these days, she thought. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • He's a pussy who would run away from a full-on barney.
  • It's more of a scarred old tomcat than a pussycat, but deserves a mention nonetheless.
  • For the same reason that we continue to "pussyfoot" around in Iraq and Afghanistan .. Latest Articles
  • Unlike the Federal Reserve and Bank of England, the ECB has pussyfooted around quantitative easing, or using its balance sheet to buy government bonds or other securities outright, because it's so fraught with problems in the euro zone. Spanish Fly in ECB Ointment
  • I can't believe the way I pussyfoot around people these days, she thought. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • We can no longer be pussyfooting around thinking how thin-skinned people are when dealing with the matter of national security.
  • Martin may have been vilified, but with his greying hair and creaky limbs, he is a pussycat in comparison to triggerhappy Barras.
  • I wish you could see Pussy now; she is (_unberufen_) the picture of health, and has just cut her first eye-tooth, without the slightest suffering. The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume 1 (of 3), 1837-1843) A Selection from Her Majesty's Correspondence Between the Years 1837 and 1861
  • Camera: hey lozen look at that car pussy she got a baby! Documenting Reality
  • Pussy willows in bloom, dogwoods budding, the Narcissus providing tiny splashes of yellow against the brown landscape, fields going green. "I’m made of bones of the branches, the boughs, and the browbeating light..."
  • Mike likes to make out that he's tough, but he's a pussy cat really.
  • If the people only knew him for the pussycat he is.
  • Of routine, it helps that you apprehend me pathetic my boobs and fingering my pussy while we switch begrime words, but you take in the idea. The Title is
  • `I can't say with one hundred per cent certainty he's going to be a pussycat, Sheridan. MAMBO
  • Unlike Iain Dale who claims an EXCLUSIVE but says nothing and pussyfoots around alleged names he allegedly knows I can reveal that the BBC has been injuncted from revealling that every member of the Bullingdon Boys Class of 1987 has been promised, by big D, a modest K or an immodest P - at some stage - for maintaining their generous contributions to the old alma mater. Archive 2007-02-25
  • Another famous star who reportedly performed for the Gaddafis is notorious pussy 50 Cent, the crybaby pant-shitting wuss whom I could definitely have in a fight.
  • Ed Kemmick, that putrid purveyor of pussyfooted prognostication, waxes nostalgic for the days when newspaper vituperation was in style. The Iconoclast
  • You see ingenious ways to turn the wildcats at work into pussycats.
  • Ms. Bush thinks its OK to use the word "prick" in a email, imagine if a man used the word "pussy. Top headlines
  • Stop pussyfooting around and show them what we can do. The Sun
  • It was a kind of purring of the extremely large pussycat variety. ɘloЯ
  • Of course White is pussyfooting around, but this is simply what a lot of players will do.
  • I filled the hole up with dirt again and put my pussywillow in it. then I used the hose to make a dryish mud all around the plant. The Stream of Concious-ness – The journal of a twelve year old boy - The Retroist
  • The Rubenesque Cream-pussy gives the serious-writer unconditional love. More Tails of the Serious Writer and Her Pussy
  • These guys went at it like two tomcats fighting over the pussy next door.
  • From the beginning Tim Geithner, supported by the president-elect and backed by Congressional leaders, pussyfooted around the issue of executive compensation in bailed out companies. Paul Jenkins: A Crime to Make Money
  • He did cute tinted drawings of pussycats, cupids, flowers and ladies' boots, with texts in a kind of ornamental handwriting.
  • Bob said: ‘He used to be quite a handful but now he's a pussycat.’
  • Of course, she thought I was a pussy-whipped idiot. Mercy Kill
  • Auld baudrons by the ingle sits, [Old pussy, fireside] Robert Burns How To Know Him
  • Other locals include yarrow, pussytoes, mallow, cudweed, meadowsweet, and chickweed.
  • Trump, in return, calls Showbiz Tonight and calls Barb a pussyfooted liar. While You Were Arranging a Prayer Vigil for Jayden James… | Best Week Ever
  • Melvin Wilcox also denied the allegations and described one of his wolfhounds as ‘docile’ and a ‘pussycat’.
  • You must do this, you big pussy!
  • I could probably make more of a career if I committed my opinions to print, but I'm kind of a pussy about the possibility of offending people.
  • Believe me, he does not pussyfoot around when operating the action.
  • Once again I was the new kid, quietly and politely sipping tea even though I don't drink tea, but I couldn't just sit there looking like a pussy who doesn't drink tea.
  • During the past three years of his fur-tuitous career, Cooper has churned out a veritable cat-alogue raisonné of photos taken on weekly jaunts around the neighborhood, during which he pussyfoots through brambles, along fence-tops, and under cars armed with a camera collar that snaps shots every two minutes. ARTINFO: Is This Cat a Great Photographer? The Seattle Art Scene's Feline Phenomenon
  • Tildy the pussycat is in a bit of a flap after these fluffy ducklings decided to set up home - in her fur!
  • The GOP pussyfoots around maximizing their war profits while liberals pull the trigger, win and get it over. Lean Left » Blog Archive » A Message to Democratic Senators and Congresspeople
  • And the ending pretty much summed up the mentality of this pussy-whipped generation. Set Visit Interview: A Nightmare on Elm Street star Jackie Earle Haley | /Film
  • Pussycat Club Ibiza Reunion Party, BrightonAs the fabled White Isle prepares to wind down the beach brolly on another season, it's time to fondly reminisce over backs painfully sunburnt after an afternoon's topless scootering and credit cards maxed out after that ill-advised round of drinks with your new bezzie mates. Clubs picks of the week
  • I initial referred to this abnormality as the “UPP” (“Unnecessary Pussy Paunch”) but then I remember that someone once told me that this was called the FUPA (pronounced “foo-pah”, the “Fat Upper Pussy Area.”) Drbigbeef Diary Entry
  • Or maybe I just look cool but I'm really just a pussy.
  • Today, the tigress is a pussycat, with occasional claws.
  • But when her sweet, sensitive side comes out, she's as gentle as a pussycat.
  • Then in time, there's the same child handling the same duck like a pussycat!
  • Sure he was cheating on his pregnant wife (who new reports say was "blindsided" by the news), and sure he turned out to be far from the nice guy everyone thought him to be, but compared to some other athletes in New York, Tiki's a pussycat. New York Sports' Biggest Sex Scandals: Before There Was Tiki
  • And what better way to give one's self into autumn's clammy grip than with the kind of multisensory wigout at which those daring dandies at the Pussycat excel? Clubs picks of the week
  • We're the party of guilt, I realize -- we've pussyfooted around the facts for a decade now. Ben Stoddard: The S Word
  • She doesn't pussyfoot around with different techniques or try to tap into the latest trend. The artists' artist: violinists
  • Everyone from that time will accurately tell you that I was seriously pussywhipped. Fallin’ Up
  • As the end credits rolled, you left Amélie thinking that love would come to even those who pussyfoot around in games of the heart.
  • The plot is a jumble of overcooked clichés, and the movie can't seem to decide if it's following Russell or his wimpy pussy of a partner.
  • Silky phacelia stood purple and straight, pussy toes bowed their heads.
  • It was spotted in a garden in Upper Rosses playing with two friendly pussycats.
  • Pussywillows by Pissarro hang come hither in furry Cossacks 'caps on enchanting Russian hussies, and lilies, those well-favored Painters' Palette (Impressionists of Spring)
  • With the state governments pussyfooting, the sex ratio continued to fall and the latest census revealed a further drop - 927 girls per 1,000 boys.
  • Giller doesn't tell us, though he pussyfoots around the subject.
  • My mother in law once called someone "pussywhipped" in conversation and when we all stopped to stare at her, she turned with a blank look and said "What? I Can't Seem to Stop....
  • Anne had no attention to spare just then for a crop-eared pussy cat.
  • The Federal Government should not pussyfoot around.
  • I am sure the Chargers are satisfied with their big offseason decisions, though let's recap: pussyfooted on the notion of whether to can Schottenheimer or not, watched Cam Cameron and Wade Phillips pick up head coaching gigs, then canned Marty Schottenheimer, and then hiring Norv Turner who has lost everywhere he has coached (including an abysmal tenure with the Redskins). Pack is Back
  • September 14, 2009 at 3:53 am ahai Catena – ai jus anownce it – am busee now riting Kitteh of New Orleans by Pussy Guthree GinyPig impression - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Doctors talk of such cancers as being either pussycats or aggressive and invasive tigers.
  • If there had been, Voldepussy, the mouthiest woman on the tribe, would still be there. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor Heroes vs Villains: Mission Implausible.
  • The people on the other end of the phone when you have to call up to reactivate are going to be positive pussycats.
  • You've been pussyfooting around all week long about some secret you have.
  • Vodlepussy waxed nonsensically nostalgic for fallen Tyson: "Not only a great competitor, but also somebody that kind of bridged the gap. Survivor: Heroes vs Villains: Robbed!
  • Walk through the prairie's first showing of pussytoes, puccoon, and bird's foot violets, walk through the tick-ridden grasses, walk through the wild phlox and unfurling ferns of maidenhair.
  • I was berating myself for being a bad journalist, how would I ever be able to make a career out of this when I'm such a pussy.
  • This is an incredible feat - though his friend was such a pussy he had to walk for a bit during the fifth race.
  • March 12th, 2010 at 4: 45 pm tombaker says: how big a pussy crybaby is the man who is “injured” by seeing a sign printed in another language? what country worth saving is “injured” by the presence of a sign printed in another language? were i a wildly wealthy man, i would immediately dispatch a semi truckload of pacifiers and baby bottles to Prescott AZ, for immediate, free distribution. Think Progress » City Removes Spanish-Language Census Sign After ‘Angry’ Citizens And Lawmakers Raise A Fuss
  • Walk through the prairie's first showing of pussytoes, puccoon, and bird's foot violets, walk through the tick-ridden grasses, walk through the wild phlox and unfurling ferns of maidenhair.
  • In fact, of all the sweet, helpless little pussycats I've known in my life, hubby Rick has to top the list.
  • I hate him 'cause he's a pussy.
  • It is a term of endearment and the source of all the current pussycat titles with their sexy connotations.
  • As long as it's there, she doesn't try to get away with anything and she's a pussycat.
  • Without pussyfooting around, I can state that Catwoman is a catastrophe.
  • I replied that there are just a few issues where we have to stop pussyfooting around, and free speech was one of them.
  • He only had one tool to turn to, and that tool turned the icy professional evil minion Pussy Galore into a total narc in one go. Genre Thought: Seduction in RPGs « Geek Related
  • Is it to make the world a safer place, by hoping that the next Iraqi head of state and his ministers are a bunch of pussycats and will immediately decommission their nuclear armouries?
  • The second single "Gothic Pussy" is probably going to push the cybergoth outfit that bit further not in the least due to the provocative 'pussy' artwork. Side-Line news feed
  • They come to us all, the aches and irritations of age such as backpain, arthritis, children and ads where emollient voiceovers pussyfoot around a condition they euphemise as ‘blocked wind’.
  • His performance in the movie was one of subtraction, not addition - continuous over the top gambits, or even crying like a pussy every frame of the film.
  • Richard McManus says the same thing but pussyfoots around criticising Steve directly. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Or when all else fails, call the muthafucka a pussy fart. MVN
  • The sets look wonderfully kitsch - I especially like those pictures of pussycats in the background.
  • The New York Daily News wries that Oscar winner A.R. Rahman helped Nicole Scherzinger and the Pussycat Dolls with English lyrics.
  • Is he, like, a pussy-shaving cousin of The Shrimper? Dear Clusterflock | clusterflock
  • Nan Ondra had her black “pussywillow” pictured in her post and it reminded me I should have at least one salix in my garden too, seeing yours as well now.. so much I want and not enough room ? Time Marches On-2009 Bloom Day « Fairegarden
  • Instead of calling a woohoo a vagina, it should be referred to in its street name as a pussy. Fairy Tales With Safety Warnings
  • We're simply pussyfooting around this issue instead of dealing with it.
  • Free preteen pussy galleries dublin, police picked, slive an inexpert. We Heart Gossip: The hottest celebrity gossip news - hearted or hated by you!
  • Mike likes to make out that he's tough, but he's a pussy cat really.
  • Burns pussyfooted around every other sensitive topic – in some cases ignoring some very inconvenient facts. Turkish Media: Government Tools
  • During the past three years of his fur-tuitous career, Cooper has churned out a veritable cat-alogue raisonné of photos taken on weekly jaunts around the neighborhood, during which he pussyfoots through brambles, along fence-tops, and under cars armed with a camera collar that snaps shots every two minutes. ARTINFO: Is This Cat a Great Photographer? The Seattle Art Scene's Feline Phenomenon
  • Other favorite flowers are pussy willow, azalea, peony and water lily or narcissus.
  • My pal Lori, who works with me as the directrix of the school, brings her one-year-old daughter to the Pussy Palace every day, and we share a wonderful babysitter named Marti who looks after both girls. Mama Gena’s Marriage Manual
  • Well look out boys because when my little pussycat started doing that I had him altered the very next day.
  • Strictly is a completely different animal, more like a contented domestic pussycat than a fierce wild tiger. The Sun
  • And yes, it is an absolutely pretentious concept, but I admire Smith for making a bold claim and not pussyfooting around.
  • I'm such a copyright pussy that I patiently awaited the arrival of legal music downloading before finishing the big project of my midlife crisis - compiling the hits of my lifetime.
  • As the president, his staff and, most significantly, his frequently deranged First Lady pussyfooted around the paneled rooms of his West Coast ranch compound, eavesdropping on each other and then communicating in whispers the latest fragment of update, it began to feel like one of those Kurosawa dramas about feudal lords -- the Macbeth-based Throne of Blood, say, courtesy of FOX. Tom Gliatto: Beyond 24
  • Many political futures had been wrecked and wasted by ambitious politicians who tried to "pussyfoot" on this issue. Woodrow Wilson as I Know Him
  • The most popular were the "pussyfoot" (white of an egg, grenadine, lemon and orange juice) and the "Alexandra" (crème de cacao, grenadine, and cream). VQR
  • Being too much of a pussy to release something so inflammatory into the public domain without putting your name to it isn't just irresponsible, it's downright pathetic.
  • So much so, that she could call me "pussywhipped" when in one conversation I described my duties around the house.
  • Why, that's because you drink like a pussy, Tortoise!
  • However, the work must be finished by the end of this financial year, so we won't get anywhere by pussyfooting around.
  • Stop pussyfooting around on wildlife law enforcement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let's do it in a sensible way and stop pussyfooting around.
  • You don't pussyfoot around and make excuses for a murderous dictator who ignores U.N. mandates for 12 years.
  • And I'm looking at my shaved pussy in the mirror.
  • From my third floor window, I watch pussycats patrolling their domain.
  • Mr Blair may want to pussyfoot around this issue, but I don't.
  • Don't pussyfoot around with vague terms like hang out.
  • If you want to pussyfoot around, you should not be fighting!
  • Pussy Boy: "I don 'know what bean dip is, but I know I don' wan 'any part of dat. Tallulah Morehead: Big Brother 12 : Mothra, the Penguin, and the Succubus.
  • The second single 'Gothic Pussy' is probably going to push the cybergoth outfit that bit further not in the least due to the provocative 'pussy' artwork. Side-Line news feed
  • In any event, The Insufferables, without Rob's leadership and bowling skills, were soon trudging home, to reconstruct their camp, foodless, prideless, brainless, but at least they still have Bulbous and Voldepussy. Survivor: Heroes vs Villains : Shudder Island
  • So what if pussycats and tigers originate from the same species?
  • Strictly is a completely different animal, more like a contented domestic pussycat than a fierce wild tiger. The Sun
  • She looked at me and said, ‘I guess this work is tough - if you're a pussy.’
  • A. Pussy willows 'buds form the previous fall and open during February and early March to reveal their delightful petal-less, fuzzy silver "catkin" flowers. The Taunton Gazette Home RSS
  • After a grueling 12 weeks of competition, the Pussycat Dolls songbird and her pro partner Derek Hough bested figure skater Evan Lysacek and ESPN sportscaster Erin Andrews with a eye-popping Argentine tango during the 10th season finale of the hit ABC ballroom series. Who Will Win “Dancing With The Stars?”
  • The culprit could be a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis, which is when "bad" bacteria overwhelm the "good" bacteria that keep the gears turning in the pussy factory. The L Magazine - New York City's Local Event and Arts & Culture Guide
  • Along the way, he disturbs three sleeping pussycats.
  • But underneath it all, Dickie is a pussycat, a real nice fellow, who passed some of the same human qualities on to his son.
  • It may have been from a play on the word catgut that so many of these ditties represent pussy in relation with the fiddle. For Every Music Lover A Series of Practical Essays on Music
  • Saying it was not time to "pussyfoot around" with the lawbreakers, he said he would begin a three-month consultation on ways to deal with what he called "riot tourism," focusing on scrapping a rule that allows for the eviction from subsidized housing of people who commit crimes in their own neighborhoods in favor of a broader measure that would allow for similar punishment wherever the offenses were committed. NYT > Home Page
  • After a very sexy blowjob, Tatiana spreads her pussy and let's her boyfriend have his way with her.
  • I am working on creating an extremely varied hedgerow across my front yard that I am going to incorporate it into (2 kinds of elder, 2 saskatoon berry-bushes, honeyberry-something like blueberies but cylindricalish, a round honeyflower bush for hummingbirds, and pussy willow so far). Tigers & Strawberries » Eating Bitter, Part Two: The Bitter Melon and Me
  • Methinks you are all a bunch of pussyfoots, savvy? Wednesday Open Thread
  • Anyway, I decided to give this l'il pussy cat that I met recently a chance to let all my readers hear her plaintive meow.
  • She likes to show her very sexy body and when she is naked she has on of the hottest asses and most strokable pussy's you will see. Quality Porn Links
  • He plays a political genius who makes Machiavelli look like a pussy.
  • It's this obstinate refusal to pussyfoot around and pull punches that endears her to those sick of spin and glib sloganeering.
  • Having branded the Lions as pussycats last weekend, New Zealand's Sunday papers were back on familiar ground this morning.
  • After watching the Chimp and his crew operate with an iron fist for their first 6 yrs, it's difficult to watch Obama pussyfoot around the right wing. More on the Obama sellout (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • It was the MAD back cover that brought Frazetta his first commission from Hollywood, when United Artists studios hired him to create a movie poster for the Peter Sellers film "What's New Pussycat?
  • And despite her feisty on-screen image, she is a pussycat with a heart of gold, according to Tabby.
  • He knows, and he knows that we know, that once he was complicit in the sale of all sorts of colourful concoctions; the Pink Pussy (Campari, peach brandy, lemon-lime soda, served over ice), and of course, the Slippery Nipple (2 parts sambuca, 1 part Irish cream liqueur, dash of grenadine). Hugh Muir's diary
  • Is she the cutest little blond pussy you ever saw?
  • That way, Paul, Araucaria and their cohorts will sheathe their claws and go back to being pussycats! Quick crossword No 12,690
  • We also have a staghorn sumac tree and pussy willows.
  • If you did not like pictures of cuddly teddies and pussycats when you were carefree and childless, there is no good reason for you to like them now.
  • Other favorite flowers are pussy willow, azalea, peony and water lily or narcissus.
  • He felt like a pussy; what real man thought about his feelings?
  • Elmo is creepy even when I was kid I thought he was one of the stupiest muppets ever made and Oscar the grouch is a total pussy now he lives in a fucking recycling bin, Jim Henson must be rolling over in his grave. 1UP RSS feed
  • Anyway, I decided to give this l'il pussy cat that I met recently a chance to let all my readers hear her plaintive meow.
  • You can't pussyfoot around it," Garvey said later. John Garvey is inaugurated as Catholic University president
  • Aside from stating the obvious, that it would be good to reduce the need for abortion, he pussyfoots around the issue almost entirely throughout 252 pages. Half the Sky: Cover to Cover « Gender Across Borders
  • The addition of a mercury glass ball set on a cachepot, a green tree ornament, tall candlesticks with green pillars, berries tucked around the shells, and pussy willow branches in a glass vase gives the display a more festive look.
  • He finds Berkoff a pussycat to work with, despite his fearsome reputation.
  • Ginger-topped Stan, who bears an uncanny resemblance to his marmalade pussy, had found the answer to his printing problems.
  • She has had numerous episodes of chest infections, blepharitis, recurrent styes, otitis externa, otitis media, with oozing and pussy ears.
  • Voldepussy had also had an accident with her facial depilatory. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor: Heroes vs Villains: Russell in Failureland.
  • The kids today are like pussycats compared with what we used to be like.
  • But a little red-haired playmate with whom I became intimate used to take me off with her into the fields, where, sitting, on the edge of a disused cartway fringed with pussy-clover, she poured into my ears the most remarkable narratives of acquaintances she had made with people who lived under the ground close by us, in my father's orchard. A New England girlhood, outlined from memory (Beverly, MA)
  • I can't believe the way I pussyfoot around people these days, she thought. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • The film pussyfoots around any sexual matters, but it's basically the same thing. Free Special Effect: Staring
  • As Labour MPs rub liniment on their bruises after last week's anti-terror vote, here's a reminder that modern whips are mere pussycats.
  • There is a t-shirt on sale over here showing the Lions before and after the Test matches, with a magnificent lord of the jungle reduced to a mewling pussycat to illustrate their descent.
  • Sure it's bad acting, but let me tell you, if the lead actor's character supposed to be a big pussy with zero charisma, then the actor is doing a great job.
  • •Don't pussyfoot around when it comes to exercise. Experts offer summer slimming tips to lose 10 pounds
  • He's a pussycat reallyLarry, the Downing Street catTragically, endearingly, endearingly tragically or possibly tragically endearingly, news reaches us that No 10 has been furnished with a mouser from Battersea Cats' Home, to try to deal with its vermin problem insert own joke here. This Week: Nick Clegg, Larry the Downing Street cat, Pippa Middleton
  • I ceased to be a teetotalling Pussy the day that my step-mom told me that I had to hit my sisters back instead of just getting beat up. HORROR MOVIES ARE EATING EACH OTHER
  • Rod used it in his hit "Hot Legs" when he sang "are ya pussywhipped?" but had to record two versions -- one without it -- for the censors of the late 70s. Carole Mallory: 'Some Guys Have All the Luck': Memories of Rod Stewart
  • He was armed with little more than an urge to kick Iraqi butt, and a refusal to be pussy-whipped by the UN or so-called facts on the ground. Stephen Ducat: Holiday Shocker: George W. Bush Awarded the Medal of Honor
  • It is the same as why boys go running lickety-split away from a school-room geography lesson in April when the crawfishes come out and the young frogs are calling55 and the pussywillows and the cat-tails know something about geography themselves. Potato Blossom Songs and Jigs

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