
How To Use Pushy In A Sentence

  • Or did her pushy mother and absent father turn her life into a sordid soap opera? Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem is that at the time Roosevelt was only Assistant Secretary of the Navy, albeit a particularly pushy occupant of that office.
  • he shed his image as a pushy boss
  • Thanks to the form-fitting footbeds and Vibram outsoles, these backless wonders breeze through pushy terrain.
  • Is it showing how you can help someone or the stereotype of the pushy, obnoxious sales associate selling a service or product for which you have no need?
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  • She was seen by some men, probably, as too pushy and too screechy.
  • BT has introduced new privacy measures to protect punters from annoying phone calls from pushy salespeople.
  • Customer service at this shack included a classy belch and the most obnoxious and pushy service of the night.
  • The capital, Tripoli, is a pan-African city of Italianate squares and Arab souks where visitors can wander without being hassled by touts or pushy shopkeepers.
  • Housewives, LuAnn takes the cake for being the jankiest, loud-mouthiest, pushiest brain-suck of all janky, loud-mouthed, pushy brain-sucks. Queer Sighted
  • This strange expression comes from the north of England and is used, mainly by women in my experience, as a sharp-tongued and effective put-down of a certain kind of pushy, over-confident male.
  • When it comes to pushy parenting, I bow to nobody. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mother of Andy Murray, Britain's teenage tennis sensation, has produced a guide to the pitfalls of being a ‘pushy parent’ when hothousing a sporting prodigy.
  • She was a confident and pushy young woman.
  • Tempers will mount if you are too pushy at work.
  • His letter was just so nice and so simple, not pushy or anything.
  • Yet this was not a portrait of a particularly pushy woman. Times, Sunday Times
  • You want to advertise as much as possible for yourself without being too pushy or offensive.
  • Adding that third oxygen atom makes ozone a very pushy and highly obnoxious little molecule.
  • A morose layer of low grey scud clouds tumbled along before a pushy wind. FAMILY BLESSINGS
  • No, there is no law that will send you to the pokey if you break this guideline however, this is a rule that most follow and is a recommended guideline so you don't appear too pushy.
  • Others persist, possibly driven by inner competitiveness or pushy parents. Times, Sunday Times
  • Office stationery cupboards used to be crammed with reams of carbon paper sold to gullible secretaries by pushy salesmen during the lunch hour when the boss was out.
  • About his future, he is rather pushy and choosy at the same time.
  • But here, in pushy, rude, inefficent Delhi airport, as we got off the flight and looked for our flight number in the baggage conveyor section, we saw KA staffers (listen carefully now), lining up trollies around the right conveyor before the passengers even got there! Archive 2006-06-01
  • Watching one of them cracking under the pressure is hard and there is some pushy parenting, but it's gripping stuff. The Sun
  • But schools that do have a pushy parent body generally do get much better results. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the first research to explore the impact of pushy parenting on mothers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe it's time we dropped the charade and accepted that we're as brash and pushy as any New York cabbie ever was.
  • Last year, she caused controversy with her trenchant comments on pushy parenting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because the materfamilias - for all her right-on, knit-your-own-lentils, manky-haired bullshit - was, once you scratched the surface, the most hyper-competitive pushy bitch of a mother it's humanly possible to imagine. Woodcraft Folk Memories
  • It was warm and unselfconscious, confident without being pushy. FINAL RESORT
  • Are pushy parents worse than those who do not push at all? Times, Sunday Times
  • Edith Wharton, a great admirer and friend of Henry James, was a likely candidate to edit the letters, but Alice thought her pushy and her novels too risqué to have her name associated with the James family. The Afterlife of the Lion
  • So perhaps the best advice for those who want to justify this or claim that others are being too militant and yes, some are likely being too pushy and thus come across as being little more than mirror images of those they want to excoriate is to just stop settling and just continue exploring. I'm Perfectly Happy with My Reading Habits, Even If You Aren't
  • Enough of the pushy world, he suddenly desired a little not too exclusive exclusivity. LOADED QUESTIONS
  • They are materialistic and pushy, motivated by acquisition, competition, and getting ahead.
  • Sure, she could be a rude, obnoxious, pushy, bossy woman most of the time, but I also had to admit that she had the heart of a lion.
  • But we don't want to get pushy. Christianity Today
  • Mary called the pushy insurance agent and told him she was working with this senior and that the senior had told her he was not interested in changing his Medicare Advantage plan. Tucson Citizen
  • To them, she appeared an interfering busybody, a pushy incomer meddling with their heritage.
  • She's pushy, arrogant, obnoxious, unbelievably abrasive, and not nearly as cute as she thinks she is.
  • Maybe it's time we dropped the charade and accepted that we're as brash and pushy as any New York cabbie ever was.
  • She rejects criticism that the account is one step too far from a pushy stage mum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her parents were never pushy although they encouraged her acting ambitions from an early age.
  • Jackson, who has earned a reputation for being difficult not according to artist John Howe, who described him as quiet, un-pushy, unobstructive, willing to listen, but certain of his decisions. North and South Magazine – Lauren Quintance - The Hobbit Film News and Information
  • Anyway, so tonight at work was awesome, I pretty much was busy taking money the whole night, the chick I worked with last night, was pretty sympathetic tonight, not getting angry at me, etc, tonight was pretty damn cruzie + I got a compliment, some woman rang up and said that the person on drive through was awesome, and the other chick seemed kinda pushy lol. Latest from PALGN
  • Hats off, that's some serious pushy parenting. Times, Sunday Times
  • I used to find most agencies pushy and unprofessional in their outlook, willing to make the candidate feel desperate by mailshotting potential clients with information.
  • While a pushy interviewer can make for an interesting scene if the interviewee resists his/her/its ostensibly subtle blandishments, the reader may well side against a protagonist who interviews like a push-poller. Author! Author! » 2010 » August
  • For many of us, these words describe someone who is ambitious-and maybe even pushy.
  • Accustomed to yelling at recalcitrant dogs and pushy hunt followers, Ferry exudes authority and self-possession.
  • OCTOPUSHY, a spine-tingling adventure story, is guaranteed to keep kiddies on the edge of their seats.
  • The first condition is that the current crop of malcontents facing the Human Rights Commissions, namely the heteronormative meanies Kate from SDA, Kathy from Five Feet of Fury *, and the pushy Ezra Levant *, all get convicted by the HRC. Practical Actuarial Mathematics for the Common Man
  • The people who settled the town called successively Terminus, Marthasville and Atlanta, were a pushy people. Gone with the Wind
  • Musical prodigies may have more to thank than pushy parents. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is ambitious but too pushy even for parliamentary circles.
  • She really wanted to know what happened but she didn't want to seem so obnoxious and pushy about it.
  • The antic world behind the world—with its dinosaurs and wizards, its talking elephants and two-headed tigers—asserted itself with pushy insistency. In This Way I Was Saved
  • But pushy Michael somehow convinces them to turn off the sound and starts banging on an old upright piano.
  • She called pushy parenting "the real modern disease". Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • Which sounds decidedly embarrassing, and for all their work pulling strings behind the scenes, Arlyn and John have often been called pushy and criticised for foisting such grand ambitions on their children at such young ages. Rain Phoenix's unusual childhood
  • First, his candidacy was introduced to the state as a kind of fait accompli, something Granite State voters resent even more than they do those pushy New Yorkers. A Scion Hits The Streets
  • I came to the conclusion the other night, on the way home, that many of these pushy, stressed out, bossy drivers were more afraid of losing face, being 'outdone', than they were of death or of bashing up other people's cars as well as their own. Malaysia independent news
  • Adding that third oxygen atom makes ozone a very pushy and highly obnoxious little molecule.
  • But pushy modelling agencies who demand upfront fees are cashing in on these fantasies. The Sun
  • Ronni could be abrasive, yes, let's use the term pushy, but ultimately, as her dinner invitation indicated, a good soul. NY Daily News
  • Kicking up a skinker: why trainers need to be more pushy Kicking up a skinker: why trainers need to be more pushy
  • There are arrogant, pushy experts in every area of ‘popular culture’ these days.
  • But they were very pushy - my mum would force me to do internships at different magazines in the holidays. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are pushy, and the normal stressy, grumpy Nathreee would hate them. Tenerife day 3
  • While some colleagues remember her as "bubbly," others called her pushy and self-aggrandizing. Clinton And The Intern
  • But pushy modelling agencies who demand upfront fees are cashing in on these fantasies. The Sun
  • You were crazy before, but you were never pushy.
  • There they stand, head and shoulders above all others, some aggressive and pushy, others large and showy.
  • Imagine how pushy their parents must be. Times, Sunday Times
  • I crave that definitive strategy created by pushy parents, by ambitious teachers.
  • Hardie doesn't want you to depart unremembered or to be unprepared when your time comes, so he's a little pushy about you deciding now what you want inscribed on your tombstone.
  • It will explain, in painstaking detail, both why I tend to go ballistic on people who are a little pushy with their advice, and also why so many people were very very upset about the OSBP proposal. The real offence, as she ultimately perceived, was her having a mind of her own at all.
  • I reduced the complaint department's diazepam dosage by half; she seems perkier, and is being much more obnoxious, talkative, and pushy than she had been. Still more puppy fix
  • Accustomed to yelling at recalcitrant dogs and pushy hunt followers, Ferry exudes authority and self-possession.
  • If pushy means getting involved then yes, that's me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe the reason Christians seem a little pushy is cause we're so excited to let you know how awesome it is ... knowing the God of the universe, the One who offers us hope in this world messed up by sin!!! WTF: Fireproof Made Over $6.5 Million This Weekend? | /Film
  • So why do pushy mums get a bad rap? Times, Sunday Times
  • Red on bare stems always seems a bit pushy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe it's time we dropped the charade and accepted that we're as brash and pushy as any New York cabbie ever was.
  • A person who writes concise e-mail messages may seem impulsive, opportunistic, pushy, overbearing, foolish, or simply rude.
  • In other words, the pushy-baby genes and the tough-mom genes were bundled up as a package.
  • In urban areas, the pews only fill when there's a popular church school, and pushy mums are sniffing round the vicar's cassock (dads generally opt out of this game). Britain's illiberal attitude to the church has driven me away
  • How could it not when Cuff is a pushy, overbearing writer for The Globe and Mail?
  • Do pushy parents need to fret? Times, Sunday Times
  • Once home educators were dismissed as either hippies or pushy middle class parents living vicariously through their offspring.
  • Sign up online to use a provider's online trading platform and within minutes you will receive a call from a pushy salesman. Times, Sunday Times
  • This also explains the instrument's popularity with pushy mothers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then last week I met such a cute guy and he didn't seem pushy or smug like the rest. The Sun
  • So I always have to remind myself of this when I get into the kind of situation you're describing: "Remember, most people will be pleased to get an offprint and won't think you're a pushy git. Ferule & Fescue
  • It is hardly a glorious ascension to sit among party placemen, pushy plutocrats and aides who once carried your bags. Times, Sunday Times
  • The following is not an easy video to listen to, but it's necessary for not only the LGBT community but also those who claim that we are being too pushy, that we are trying to "redefine" American values, that we hate Christianity, etc. Alvin McEwen: Baptist Minister: 'We Need Hunt-a-Homo Week'
  • I'm not particularly pushy and it's hard to get your foot in the door. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am not a pushy tourist, or even American, for that matter, but I thought the man had some nerve.
  • I have to tell you, when I went to Congress, my mother was a little bit pushy, which is how I got to where I am today. Melinda Katz: My Conversation with Geraldine Ferraro
  • After all, anything that can survive an army of pushy mothers must truly be exceptional, and a worthy adversary to boot. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was the opposite of a pushy sports mum. Times, Sunday Times
  • FINALLY, a job that appreciated someone who takes initiative and jumps in head first and * could* be called a pushy, steamrolling bitch!!! Market Research Corporate Whore Strikes Again
  • Indira Gandhi - The future Indian prime minister is described as a "prune - bitter, kind of pushy, horrible woman. Breaking News: CBS News
  • She's pushy, arrogant, obnoxious, unbelievably abrasive, and not nearly as cute as she thinks she is.
  • This business is full of pushy mothers. The Sun
  • So why do pushy mums get a bad rap? Times, Sunday Times
  • I found him to be arrogant, pushy and frankly from the picture he sent me unattractive.
  • CHILDREN have a lot to contend with these days, not least a tendency for their pushy parents to force-feed them omega-3 oils at every opportunity.
  • Pushy and overenthusiastic parents may consciously or unconsciously hinder their children's development and make them more prone to early burnout and mental fatigue.
  • You might bid a pushy slam that makes on a successful finesse. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I have come across some incredibly pushy mothers. The Sun
  • The Tibetans I spoke to were infectiously humble and friendly and politically charged without being pushy about independence after the Chinese invaded.
  • What he says: 'What was most important for me was that my mother was incredibly pushy. Times, Sunday Times
  • No doubt she managed to do it without seeming pushy or offensive.
  • I had a rehearsal and band meeting and was quite pushy and critical (maybe a bit too bitchy towards Ian).
  • Clive on Learning: Kicking up a skinker: why trainers need to be more pushy Kicking up a skinker: why trainers need to be more pushy
  • But this one old guy was being really pushy, trying to make him repark. Kelsi Diary Entry
  • Last year, she caused controversy with her trenchant comments on pushy parenting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although we fought all of her pushy efforts to foist her old-fashioned, haute-bourgeois culture on us, I would have to say, 40 years later, that my amateur classical musicianship is one of my greatest pleasures. Tales Out of School
  • You might bid a pushy slam that makes on a successful finesse. Times, Sunday Times
  • So why do pushy mums get a bad rap? Times, Sunday Times
  • A morose layer of low grey scud clouds tumbled along before a pushy wind. FAMILY BLESSINGS

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