
How To Use Pursuit In A Sentence

  • If this approach has a drawback, it is that the zealous pursuit of the founding principle—disinterring the buried life, stamped under the sod by conniving male partners—sometimes obscures the fact that not a great deal gets added to the wider cultural landscape it is bent on illuminating. A Far From Model Marriage
  • The Western Cape's pursuit of an inclusive South African identity is bedevilled by ... the persistence of white privilege rooted in historical baaskap and black exclusion," the document said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Country pursuits on offer include sheep-racing, woodcarving with chainsaws, small-bore rifle-shooting, wool-spinning, bee demonstrations, candle-making and ferret-racing.
  • The pursuit of such metaphysical questions is just a high-minded distraction from the more pressing issue of confronting the dilemma of one's existence here and now.
  • A copyreader might not find it perfect, for the assault is allotted too much space and the pursuit too little, but it tells the story in its baldest aspect. Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
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  • Finding the swiftest pursuer close upon his heels, he threw off, first his blanket, then his silver-laced coat and belt of peag, by which his enemies knew him to be Canonchet, and redoubled the eagerness of pursuit. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • He travelled widely in pursuit of his ornithological passion, making many new discoveries. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Both these pursuits found their way into his writing, as well as motivating his subsequent relocation to Berlin.
  • Benedict, put simply, is living out what he spoke of in Deus Caritas Est, which is true charity: Can we simply exclude them, as representatives of a radical fringe, from our pursuit of reconciliation and unity? Ecumenism
  • Integrity unlimited, superior quality Albatron is the pursuit.
  • But the market is the pursuit of friendship, mutual tired, I finally left.
  • In their pursuit of their rights, including to marry, they have been determined but have made their campaign fun, lively, colorful and open to others.
  • Chinese government has expressed its appreciation to the international munity for its pursuit of the "One China Policy".
  • But the possible bolters are there, too: two 18-year-olds in Sam Harrison and Laura Trott, both clearly being fast-tracked towards London with a view to riding in the omnium, and a more outside bet in the 20‑year‑old Welshwoman Dani King, who has a chance of a place in the women's team pursuit just a month after her first appearance at a World Cup. Team GB's young pretenders make a bolt for London 2012 Olympic places
  • People are having to move to other areas in pursuit of work.
  • In partisan Republican circles, the pursuit of voter fraud is code for suppressing the votes of minorities and poor people. Archive 2007-03-01
  • THERE is a simple truism that governs all competitive pursuits, poker very much included: you win some and you lose some. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ski mountaineering or touring is a popular Alpine pursuit in spring, when the weather is clement and the crevasses are mapped.
  • Could this be the end of fortysomething fellows abandoning their wives and rushing off in pursuit of fast cars and fast women? Times, Sunday Times
  • The setting-up of the ethics of literature and art offers the pursuit of value that reflects the unity of good and beauty.
  • Whole numbers or integers are often the subject of such pursuits.
  • Despite the entry of a myriad of new age sports onto the community calendar, traditional leisure pursuits such as shooting seem to be holding their own.
  • Few human pursuits can conjure up such overblown expectations, fanned by holiday brochure photo-spreads showing impossibly white beaches domed by suspiciously azure skies.
  • The quarterback sprinted toward the end zone with Jansen in hot pursuit .
  • Another test might be the serious pursuit of a Civil Service Act to entrench basic safeguards.
  • They represent the spirit of those who are not content to take the world as it is, who have ideas of how to improve the life they see around them and who are untiring in their pursuit of these ideas.
  • How fabulous is it that the pursuit of happiness and self-fulfillment can be achieved with the help of the diving industry!
  • the pursuit of electoral palatability
  • Yes, they had quality in attack, but their title pursuit was built on the back four and goalkeeper. news feed
  • As it is a long way away, the trip would probably involve some other caving as well as other outdoor pursuits.
  • She was resigned to getting a proper job and finding a leisure pursuit for the weekends. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wakefield, Boston's 45-year-old knuckleballer, is stalled in his pursuit of his 200th career victory. Hasn't Wakefield Waited Long Enough?
  • He saw his work as an intellectual pursuit rather than something that he was involved with personally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, there is so much to do that such luxuries as spending hours and hours stalking cats in pursuit of the perfect shot are simply not possible.
  • It was the pursuit of total ingratiation with the media and it sort of bothered me a bit.
  • Nor is he suffering solely from his single-minded pursuit of Social Security reform.
  • exploiter" so long as he follows any pursuit, however honorable and productive, in which a Christian might engage in his stead. History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Volume II From the death of Alexander I. until the death of Alexander III. (1825-1894)
  • Anyway, the BIG story here is that one honest woman was able to do what pack of university trustees and fellows and so on couldn't or wouldn't do: stop ND's pell-mell pursuit of cozy relations with the politically correct even when it means honoring abortionism's standard bearer. Former Laetare Medalist to deliver address at Notre Dame's commencement
  • We all deserve the pursuit of happiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • I, like him, immersed myself completely in a world that was very foreign to me in the pursuit of a dream. Times, Sunday Times
  • From time immemorial our human race has been called a race of wanderers and wayfarers, a restless people forever setting forth in pursuit of a better life.
  • Others have become disgusted with politics and returned to non-political pursuits.
  • The hostile gang was temporarily disconcerted by the manoeuvre, then it dashed from the train in pursuit. Chapter 42
  • Perhaps someday it will return to Victoria's inner harbour and enlighten the city with approbatory friendly fire in greedy pursuit of our oil, gas, and fresh water.
  • Age seems to have made him more energetic in pursuit of his dreams. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is my prediction that protesting may yet become the recreational pursuit of choice in the 21st century.
  • I don't tell this story to boast of my skills as a stalker or hide builder or to show my stoical ability to endure hours without moving in the pursuit of wildlife.
  • And don't get me started on the frowzy little strips of bunting that many business houses feel so fully demonstrates good corporate citizenship, or the contrived costuming of employees in the same pursuit.
  • The Russian travels for about six months a year and this solitary pursuit would leave anyone lonesome, explaining the accompaniment of his wife on his travels across the world.
  • Once a field of interest has been chosen, dedication and single-minded pursuit of excellence is boundless.
  • There also has been speculation that they are involved in biological experiments with chemical or biological warfare or the geobotanical pursuit of petroleum and mineral deposits. A Situation Report on Our Acquisition of Advanced Technology and Interaction with Alien Cultures by O.H. Krill
  • These extremely productive people like to be occupied in their leisure time with pursuits such as craftwork, hiking or reading.
  • His selfishness and single-minded pursuit ‘to be someone’ has left casualties along the way.
  • What we call the pursuit of truth, or the creation of truth, what we call the pursuit of beauty or the creation of beauty, is always a The Complex Vision
  • The pursuit of eating raw food has become a religion of the nuttier kind.
  • All men -- man and woman -- are created equal, -- equal in _attributes of body and mind_; (for _that_ is the only sense in which they could be _created_ equal;) _therefore_ they are endowed with right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, unalienable, except in their consent; _consequently_ such consent is essential to all rightful government; and, _finally_ and _irresistibly_, the people have supreme right to alter or abolish it, &c. Slavery Ordained of God
  • That sits well with the yacht race, representing one of mankind's cleanest pursuits.
  • By going to this extreme you are unfairly punishing the individual in the pursuit of spiteful gossip.
  • He spent as much time dabbling with artistic and literary pursuits as he did with frequency counters and laser beams. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whole point of a sports car is hedonism, the selfish pursuit of pleasure.
  • Unfounded generalisations and unproven claims are common in intellectual pursuits.
  • I heard the girl give a very animal-like growl and jump from the ferry in pursuit.
  • Finally, she lists the intellectual pursuit model, which is self-directed and self-motivated by intellectual curiosity.
  • His life is spent in the pursuit of pleasure.
  • Yes | No | Report from bugg255 wrote 1 year 1 week ago woe unto thee that becomes addicted to piscatorial pursuits ... and i ain't kiddin 'niether great story and good pics Stripers on the Edge of Insanity
  • The Manchester-based firm has a training centre in Snowdonia where employees get to know each other over pursuits such as archery and raft building. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, when he started his pursuit of him, Soviet missiles were still targeted on Western Europe.
  • I wouldnt trade it: I can intuit things you can't, enjoy things that would bore you crosseyed, exult in solitary pursuits that might derange another man, convince you of things you'd never believe, teach and explain things to you you think youd never understand. Aspergers
  • Sporting pursuits are still slotted into the busy lives of proudly self-made people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Opponents fiercely whittle down lap times in pursuit of the lead, but sometimes it is the smartest - not the fastest - racers who win the race.
  • Here, despite our fear of pursuit, despite the awful fetor of the rotting bodies, we had to pause to search through the knights ' gear. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • PP aka greeny cheersRe: Pursuit of HappinessRe: Pursuit of Happiness Undefined
  • One of the first objects then of this pursuit, as I have observed, should be, to learn how to distinguish with accuracy between that peculiar pustule which is the true cow pock, and that which is spurious. On Vaccination Against Smallpox
  • To achieve this, we will have to put an end to our single minded devotion to material pursuits.
  • When we are designing porch furniture and partition, should consider the consistency of integral style, avoid to be pursuit flowery and desultorily .
  • He added: 'The aim is also to encourage youngsters to take up active outdoor pursuits as a hobby. The Sun
  • Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez has accepted defeat in his pursuit of Sevilla fullback Daniel Alves.
  • The Kaisers were also tired of being conditioned to accept everyone else's values, and when their pursuit of fame turned on them and failed them, they were sick of that too.
  • This can be done by combining the pursuit of sporting excellence with the provision of time for family, friends, other interests and self-development.
  • The pursuit of happiness can itself make us unhappy. Times, Sunday Times
  • While his mind had been pursuing its intangible phantoms and turning in irresolution from such pursuit he had heard about him the constant voices of his father and of his masters, urging him to be a gentleman above all things.
  • Trawlermen in pursuit of these and other groundfish like pollock and haddock drag steel weights and rollers as well as nets behind their boats, devastating huge areas of the sea floor as they go.
  • Pursuit drivers are usually trained to back off if lives are in danger. The Sun
  • This might be an opportune time to explore or return to hobbies, leisure activities or career pursuits.
  • The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge. Napoleon Hill 
  • He might be tempted to take up croquet, or just the croquet mallet in pursuit of his enemies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film follows an ubergeek in his ungodly pursuit of Alison, the girl of his dreams.
  • This is true by definition, for different individuals will always want and desire different and incompatible things and their unfettered pursuit of their own objectives will inevitably bring them into conflict.
  • In pursuit of luxury, we also take structure stereoscopic accountto give a feeling of harmony.
  • High-class technology, well-content service, in pursuit of the identical value with customers, Annamo will be your most creditable cooperation associate.
  • It could be said that they would be captains of industry if they had directed their efforts towards honest pursuits.
  • Is it a spiritually enriching pursuit or load of old codswallop?
  • The book recounts Doonan's escape from Reading, accompanied by his best friend Biddie, in pursuit of the elusive beautiful people of London - and beyond. Life and style |
  • The band retreated safely, blocking pursuit with rocks and fallen trees.
  • Then he dedicated his life to music and the pursuit of women, and we found we had things in common.
  • Furthermore, he is only concerned with one thing and that is the pursuit of the White Whale.
  • He gave us a cursory glance, then lumbered off in pursuit of a female. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stair soothed the dog with one hand, for he could hear his heart thump in short laboured leaps as if after a long pursuit of a dog-fox on the hillside. Patsy
  • The space race is a high and lofty goal worthy of pursuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pursuit of feral beauty is showed through the description of the hell, tiger and so on.
  • It was a dodgy existence, sharing more with high-risk adventure sports than gentlemanly pursuits.
  • It was the willingness to shoulder responsibility and the single-minded pursuit of victory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most outdoor pursuits are popular, in particular shooting, rambling, sailing and windsurfing.
  • We passed through the Grand Arch, a majestic limestone-cavern entrance-way into a hidden valley, and surveyed the spectacular grotto called Devil's Coachhouse, continuing our cryptozoological pursuit.
  • By then it is hoped no hunts will have to embark on the pursuit of a smelly sock. Times, Sunday Times
  • FELICITY hurries across the stage, PRINCE JACK in pursuit. Over the Moon
  • Secondly, you must seek to widen the circle of opportunity -- what they called the pursuit of happiness. Remarks By The President At Dnc Dinner In New Orleans
  • Tory kids will be able to retire nice and young and waste their days in inane pursuits such as reading your drivel. Been Chatting
  • At the sight they forgot the goddess and turned in pursuit of the beautiful creature.
  • In the pursuit of pseudo-scientific tractability, neoclassical economics neglects the dynamic aspects of the social realm and delivers a static utilitarian calculus.
  • To see how men began to entertain values and engage in the pursuit of excellence we need additional sources of information.
  • Naturally, that persistent little squirrel is still driving himself nuts in pursuit of an elusive acorn.
  • This skill set will assist in their pursuit of life-long learning, as competent netizens and computerate users, in a society experiencing continuous technological change.
  • A low-performing organization that continues to devote scarce time and energy to the pursuit of remote goals is courting disappointment.
  • Therefore, trying to fill our emptiness with anything other than spiritual pursuits is like trying to plug a round hole with a square cork.
  • The pursuit of, and investment in, companies that may become unicorns helps attract and fund some of the smartest technical and business minds in the world to work at the cutting edge of disruptive innovation.
  • Owning a racehorse is an exhilarating, rewarding pursuit if you know how to play the game. How To Buy & Sell just about Everything
  • S. aspiration to strengthen and expand the pursuit of people's deep, enriching people's spiritual world.
  • He seeks in vain to occupy his days with rural pursuits, -- he to whom the excitements of a metropolis, with all its corruption and its vices, were the sole sources of the turpid stream that he called "pleasure. My Novel — Volume 12
  • I am a woman in science; should I expect to encounter sexism in my pursuit of academia?
  • But the Tories will continue to crucify manufacturing industry, in pursuit of an absurdly high parity in the Exchange Rate Mechanism.
  • Platonism began the West's pursuit of abstract truth from the times of ancient Greece.
  • The consequent pursuit of thinness had become a new religion, she said, and she showed a range of advertisements to support her claims.
  • They reflect an inherent distrust of artistic or intellectual pursuits.
  • Julien approaches life and love like the video game hero, with determination and a single-minded pursuit.
  • The omnium is a multi-discipline event made up of five separate races. a 200-metre flying start time trial, a 5-km scratch race, a 3-km individual pursuit, a
  • Playing Cranium feels like playing charades, Pictionary, Trivial Pursuit, Name That Tune and hangman all at once.
  • In the place of different political parties what Fatton terms "accumulation alliances" have arisen, based on clientship and centered around the charismatic personality of a particular gwo neg ( "big man"), engaged in a "criminalized zero-sum game" in pursuit of power. Haiti: The Fall of the House of Aristide
  • Nor were we happy with how some of the churches educated, when they seemed to train the young primarily for menial pursuits such as domestics.
  • As they dismounted at the hotel entrance, the tandem overtook them, and immediately afterwards the dogcart came into view in pursuit. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • It is, as I have always said, as case of "the unspeakable in pursuit of the unheatable! On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In their pursuit of their rights, including to marry, they have been determined but have made their campaign fun, lively, colorful and open to others.
  • I hope we remain a nation that believes that all people are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
  • In May of that year, several aviators were aggressively contending to be the first to get airborne in pursuit of this prize.
  • Stories abound in the City about managers who refuse to waste a moment in their pursuit of success. Times, Sunday Times
  • I cannot condone the knocking down of old ladies in pursuit of a Panzers bagel, but sometimes there isn't any other way.
  • Miss Logan made indeterminate gestures to the priest, then set off in pursuit of her employer.
  • Despite the fact that it contains some interesting arguments about theatre's role in a society driven mad by the pursuit of wealth and power, it is, unfortunately, almost unreadable.
  • Little recognized in this country is that the scope and pervasiveness of American power is now the lodestone for every other country in the pursuit of its own interests.
  • One of the most vital elements to consider with business creation was, he argued, the pursuit of excellence.
  • His single-minded pursuit of European union helped chase Mrs Thatcher from power.
  • We were in pursuit of a cracking story and we couldn't stop talking about it.
  • His curiosity and detailed pursuits with paint and drawing materials continued throughout his life as a vital source of exploration and communication.
  • The Christian woman who can reflect upon a laborious life of domestic duty, looks back upon a scene of true virtue; and if, in order to perform the whole of her allotted task, she was obliged to repress a taste for pursuits more intellectual, the character of magnanimity is inscribed upon her conduct, however retired, or in human estimation insignificant, may have been the daily exercises to which she was appointed. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
  • As is customary at the start of a new hunting season, Ferry and the South Shropshire hunt, where he is joint master, were in pursuit of fox cubs.
  • Things happen: Doug, who has dropped out of college, where he was, somewhat surprisingly, studying forensic science and criminal justice - he seems far too laid back and self-preoccupied to be interested in exterior pursuits - gets a job in an ice factory. NYT > Home Page
  • The grass itself was slick with the mist that rose from these gullies, squeaking beneath their heels as they went in pursuit of Rosa. SACRAMENT
  • Numerous valuable prizes have been spurned in their single-minded pursuit of the Arc. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sendivogius offered to effect Sethon's escape in return for assistance in his alchemistic pursuits, to which arrangement the Scottish alchemist willingly agreed. Bygone Beliefs
  • And this is when Anne Milgram was honchoing the pursuit of traffickers. Plainfield and AG nominee Milgram
  • How does it influence their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness?
  • But if she had to liken him to anything it would be an overgrown teddy bear in determined pursuit of his honey.
  • The goal should be the pursuit of national interest, he declared. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brooke-Rose's first four novels also share with Spark's work an effort to integrate intellectual pursuits with questions of self-definition.
  • That he afterward shrank from the pursuit of perfection seems inarguable. Orson Agonistes
  • Ceilings were painted in Michelangelo-themed angelic pictures, as well as the pictures on the walls lined with the broad spanning wings of seraphs and the pursuit of gliding in avian grace towards the luminescent clouds.
  • A report was spread that an alcayde was going to land, and that he was in pursuit of the murderers of my lord, the inquisitor. Candide
  • If your talent combines with diligence, you can excel in your pursuit.
  • The mantra that, in pursuit of serenity, you should change those things you can change and accept those you cannot has become rather dangerous.
  • But they are usually quicker to spot opportunities and gutsier in pursuit of them, according to Mark Paper, chief operating officer of Business Partners International, a South African financial institution specializing in lending and investing in smaller companies. Small Factories Take Root in Africa
  • Avoid them unless you are committed to outdoor pursuits. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • I could neither laugh with nor at the solemn utterances of men I esteemed ponderous asses; nor could I laugh, nor engage in my old-time lightsome persiflage, with the silly superficial chatterings of women, who, underneath all their silliness and softness, were as primitive, direct, and deadly in their pursuit of biological destiny as the monkeys women were before they shed their furry coats and replaced them with the furs of other animals. Chapter 29
  • I know of no pursuit in which more real and important services can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, its breed of useful animals, and other branches of a husbandman's cares. George Washington 
  • sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles
  • The Manchester-based firm has a training centre in Snowdonia where employees get to know each other over pursuits such as archery and raft building. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sport was introduced as a way of channelling intertribal violence into the more peaceful pursuits of running and throwing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trousers reached a wider audience first as beachwear, then for leisure pursuits and also in the form of pyjamas.
  • So, the sloganeers have found common cause with the nervous backbench nobodies and the jilted ex-Ministers in the pursuit of lowest common denominator personality politics.
  • But in avid pursuit of the lowest common denominator, Fox became a catalyst in the coarsening of popular culture.
  • Then came the long years of the cold war which saw the Soviet Union continue to blindly follow communism even though that pursuit cost it and its people dear.
  • The men's team pursuit squad arrives shortly afterwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, Wright and Reynolds start another title pursuit in the spotlight. NYT > Home Page
  • She had, it is true, no fortune, but that of my friend was ample; and he delighted in the anticipation of indulging her in every elegant pursuit, and administering to those delicate tastes and fancies that spread a kind of witchery about the sex. — “Her life,” said he, “shall be like a fairy tale.” The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • GB came home with Queally's gold, the team sprint silver, and bronzes for Yvonne McGregor in the women's 3km pursuit and the men's 4km pursuit team.
  • This original, undistorted idea of sport as a meaningful, dignified pursuit of physical excellence can be traced back to the ancient Olympics and to the various traditions of martial arts.
  • Teutonic Knights' Major Chapter House is a place where the finest German Christian warriors reside, training and devoting themselves to the order's pursuits.
  • In pursuit of that objective, they sometimes cut corners - as, allegedly, BAT did when it attempted to avoid customs duty.
  • The more they appear as fakes and liars, the more they will resort to naked political power in pursuit of their goals.
  • Science Friction also draws a parallel between the biogenetic pursuit of outward, bodily perfection and the religious pursuit of inner perfection of the soul through devotion to God and prayer.
  • overeager in his pursuit of the girl
  • They are seeking fulfillment in career pursuits as well as in their family life.
  • Horses drawing carts clip-clop along the unsurfaced roads and gypsy children run barefoot in hot pursuit.
  • The Games were marvellous but talk of a legacy of swelling enthusiasm for energetic pursuits was always unconvincing defiance of Olympic history. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite today's challenges, manufacturers continue to invest in the endless pursuit of finely tuned technological advancement.
  • He spent as much time dabbling with artistic and literary pursuits as he did with frequency counters and laser beams. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pursuit of ideas has earned him a reputation for running with them in the studio, for grabbing the moment.
  • Furthermore, the process by which the rights of a patent are exercised is costly, damaging, and net-net ends up wasting, in my estimation, much more energy that could otherwise be put into more essential or meaningful pursuits. And the monopoly goes to… | FactoryCity
  • Often, many part-time pursuits, such as cake decorating, knitting and bookbinding, can be run from home because it saves time and money.
  • She is in constant pursuit of ways in which to accentuate male sexuality and to provide men with comfortable clothes.
  • This - this creepy silence - will be the consequence of dusting off rarely used statutes to still the tongues of leakers and intimidate the press in its pursuit of truth, fame and choice restaurant tables.
  • He is chasing himself in pursuit of a glory that has eluded thousands of cricketers who have played this game.
  • A sequence that led to only 10 points being taken from 11 matches before the turn of the year, a period in which Frank Lampard, John Terry, Michael Essien and Alex were absent and Didier Drogba played despite suffering from malaria, wrecked their title defence and effectively reduced them to a pursuit of second place. Carlo Ancelotti admits Chelsea squad was not good enough this season
  • For those seeking less strenuous pursuits, gourmet restaurants, shops and manicured grounds will be available. Times, Sunday Times
  • Relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical ability was remarkable.
  • If it rained, we sat around playing backgammon and Trivial Pursuit and trying to kill time.
  • We'll start out with doing pursuit drills and we have another drill in the pass game call the converge drill. Blogs
  • But when simple housebreaking and burglary give way to the deadly pursuit of a really big score, the stakes suddenly skyrocket. WHEN THE WOMEN COME OUT TO DANCE
  • He chased and harried in pursuit of the ball, and a goal.
  • Similarly, as soon as I crossed the doorstep, the June hordes of bloodsucking blackflies and horseflies left off their hot pursuit.
  • The pursuit of sound quality, volume of unsolicited.

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