
How To Use Pursuing In A Sentence

  • A heart will not be hurt for pursuing a dream, when you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you complete the.
  • It's possible, however, since we're interested in pursuing the benefits of microgravity we haven't spent a great deal of time on this sort of thing.
  • The tradesmen like lohar, tarkhan (carpenter), nai (barber) and darzi (tailor) traditionally working in the villages since centuries - mostly paid in the form of grain at the end of each rabi and kharif seasons - are no more pursuing their vocations. Light Within
  • The captain, having lost two brave fellows of his troop, was afraid of diminishing it too much by pursuing this plan to get information of the residence of their plunderer.
  • The national broadcaster said Pahad "rebuked Washington for pursuing what he terms a discredited neo-conservative ideology". ANC Daily News Briefing
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  • These microbiologists, plant physiologists, soil scientists, and geobotanists shared an interest in pursuing experimental investigations of energy, matter, and life.
  • He is completely disconnected from the real world, pursuing a particular path. Times, Sunday Times
  • How much of your religious activity is about pursuing something other than intimacy with him? Christianity Today
  • He is now pursuing his clinical and research interests in diabetes and metabolism at the Clinical Research Centre, Harrow.
  • Further, it may be believed that saleswomen will not forever acquiesce in pursuing their trade in utterly machinal activity, without any common expression of their common position. Making Both Ends Meet The income and outlay of New York working girls
  • It is pursuing a nationalist, unilateralist policy, dressed up in the language of non-intervention. Times, Sunday Times
  • It means that he can retire from spelling to focus on pursuing a career path in quantum physics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ed Rendell said: "The mayor has taken a responsible action in pursuing this course. Harrisburg Asks State for Relief
  • Slightly less than a quarter of associates can be identified by a love of the law and their interest in pursuing careers in public service or education. Finding Balance
  • As a youth he had no intention of pursuing a military career, but he was drafted into the revolutionary army in 1793.
  • Behold the mountain rillet, become a brook, become a torrent, how it inarms a handsome boulder: yet if the stone will not go with it, on it hurries, pursuing self in extension, down to where perchance a dam has been raised of a sufficient depth to enfold and keep it from inordinate restlessness. The Egoist
  • Hidden sellers of crack, powder cocaine, and heroin and hidden users of these drugs have rarely been available for behavioral research while pursuing these criminalized activities.
  • Rather than pursuing the holy grail of million-selling titles, the company is focused on achieving annual profitability.
  • The reason for pursuing this tack is my belief that unless we firmly understand the force of events which has led us to the current pass, we are very unlikely to seize the present opportunity to rebuild a more certain and more prosperous future. Lessons from Current Miseries
  • They were probably "clubbable" persons, friends with a common interest, each pursuing his own path with perfect freedom, a method which must have enhanced the harmony and efficiency of their meetings. The Life and Times of John Wilkins Warden of Wadham college, Oxford; master of Trinity college, Cambridge; and Bishop of Chester
  • Designed to bring women of varying skill levels together in the field, the Women on Target program has organized a variety of women-only hunts for 2002, including pursuing turkey, antelope, ducks, pheasants, chukars and whitetail deer.
  • I can only hope that the legislature rectifies this problem by instituting greater fines and gives the CDOW more leeway in aggressively pursuing these reckless and idiotic individuals. Bears Kill Colorado Woman Who Fed Them
  • In pursuing the dictums of their scriptures venerating diversity, Hindu civilization is the only civilization which has never attacked any other civilization out of an impulse to convert.
  • Social responsibility accounting requires enterprises paying attention to social benefits while pursuing economic benefits.
  • Shakespeare has established that Mercutio is a rather dirty-minded young rogue, cynical about love and sex, and inclined to find ways to ridicule and embarrass everyone he deals with, including his best friends, when he thinks they're being foolish or self-destructive or pursuing pleasures that don't include Mercutio. Did Viola, Rosalind, and Portia wax?
  • Mr Darling should not compound the original error by pursuing a legally debatable claim that would bring a small country to its knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Long was at his best in the big games, relentlessly pursuing quarterbacks and running backs.
  • While his mind had been pursuing its intangible phantoms and turning in irresolution from such pursuit he had heard about him the constant voices of his father and of his masters, urging him to be a gentleman above all things.
  • If I took any of this particularly seriously I would risk suffering from nutritional whiplash, pursuing health in precisely contradictory binges.
  • Briggs ran across the field with one officer pursuing him.
  • The decision may not make for good public optics, since accountability has come to be seen as a key issue in medicare, and there have been allegations that some provinces are pursuing secret agendas to privatize health care.
  • But the suggestion that scientists are pointlessly pursuing experiments and models that do not work is just wrong-headed.
  • When pursuing a bachelor's degree in art, she was introduced to watercolor and has been a watercolorist ever since.
  • Submarines also engaged enemy combatant ships and auxiliary vessels, pursuing combat operations in assumed or reconnoitered combat designation areas of enemy task forces and on their deployment routes.
  • Most of all, though, have fun and good luck in pursuing your romantic endeavors.
  • These days, the major platform for revivalist Islam is no longer the madrasa but the web, an area in which Mariam was a specialist and through which she may have been pursuing a secret life.
  • Ray is instantly smitten with the pretty and squeaky-clean Wendy, pursuing her with an undisguised lust, oblivious to the feelings of her boring husband.
  • Did she think of pursuing a different career? Times, Sunday Times
  • At fifteen he ran away to sea, pursuing the myth of his absent father.
  • The defendants traversed the allegation "that the ship was broken, damaged, and destroyed, and rendered incapable of pursuing the voyage, by any perils which the said assurers by the said policy did take upon themselves."
  • It is ten people shy of its target, although Mr Smith assured that the firm would not be pursuing any compulsory redundancies to make up the shortfall.
  • A heart will not be hurt for pursuing a dream, when you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you complete the.
  • He has become an itinerant preacher, but his temporary religious conversion does not prevent him from persistently pursuing her.
  • One researcher at the facility is pursuing a study of cannabidiol.
  • This seems to be an arguable case, and it may be worth pursuing further. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, any observer will note that the energy people are prepared to expend in pursuing organizational goals varies greatly.
  • The last week and a half or so has seen me in fairly odd headspace - I've been pursuing a number of work-related leads, talking to substantial numbers of intriguing people and helping out friends with projects large and small.
  • They were pursuing a mirage of infinite wealth in private aeroplanes, high on champagne and designer drugs.
  • A man is called selfish ,not pursuing his own good ,but neglecting his neighbour's. 
  • Did she think of pursuing a different career? Times, Sunday Times
  • In Drag Hunting, a pack of hounds follows a scent laid by a human rather than pursuing a live quarry.
  • A few weeks ago, in an effort to cut my 2.5-mile treadmill run to under 30 minutes, I popped in "Vision Quest," the 1985 film about a high-school wrestler who comes of age while pursuing a single-minded obsession to get on the mat with the state's chiseled-from-stone champion grappler. Don't You Forget About Them
  • I want to ensure that, in pursuing cost-effectiveness, there is independent arbitration on quality.
  • The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.
  • In pursuing our overall goal of a better characterization of the evolutionary dynamics at the molecular level, we had several objectives.
  • The only certainty is that central banks and other decision makers appear to be increasingly united in pursuing strategies that will devalue their currencies, however diverse those strategies might be. A Search for the Least Vulnerable Currencies
  • At the same instant a dozen red warriors leaped from the entrance of a nearby ersite palace, pursuing the abductor with naked swords and shouts of rageful warning. Thuvia, Maid of Mars
  • The War Zone is a brutal portrait of a family in denial, a family whose father figure is also pursuing a sexual relationship with his teenage daughter.
  • He can fairly claim that the government is pursuing the best policies to take the country through the current economic turbulence. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I could quickly generate a list of 50 + smaller and rural metro areas that are also pursuing Wi-Fi networks.
  • A strategic plan for secure and sustained energy would have many elements — shifting imports to more stable, friendlier countries, exploiting more domestic resources, pursuing alternative energy sources, and rapidly promoting the use of breakthrough technologies such as the thermal depolymerization process (that can extract crude oil from refuse ranging from old tires to agricultural waste) — but it will require leadership to set goals and coordinate action. Gasoline Hysteria, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Keough insisted that Rossi's single-mindedness in pursuing a gubernatorial revote has not harmed his future political career in the eyes of the state's voters.
  • listened for the hounds' pursuing bark
  • Crown is aggressively pursuing new export and licensing opportunities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The author, then pursuing his comment upon Plato, observes, that "one of these manias may suffice (especially that which belongs to love) to lead back the soul to its first divinity and happiness; but that there is an intimate union with them all; and that the ordinary progress through which the soul ascends is, primarily, through the musical; next, through the telestic or mystic; thirdly, through the prophetic; and lastly, through the enthusiasm of love. Zanoni
  • The country is still pursuing its aim of joining the EU.
  • The valuable pursuing of administrable legislative procedure is ensuring the democratic rights of public to take part in the administrable legislation, and then enhancing the legit operation of it.
  • The bow (like the funambulist with the soles of his slippers fresh chalked) kept glancing on and off, till we hoped he would be off altogether and break his neck; and now the least harsh and grating of the cords snaps up in the fiddler's face, and a crude one is to be applied; and now -- but what is the use of pursuing the description? Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • The 7th West Virginia swiftly countermarched to the Valley and again found themselves pursuing the wily Confederate commander.
  • Because they being the workmanship of the understanding, pursuing only its own ends, and the conveniency of expressing in short those ideas it would make known to another, it does with great liberty unite often into one abstract idea things that, in their nature, have no coherence; and so under one term bundle together a great variety of compounded and decompounded ideas. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • He used to play with a group but now he's going solo/pursuing a solo career.
  • Deputy O'Shea is pursuing the matter with NTL and has now written to NTL seeking that they accede to the request of Waterford City Council to return to the older arrangement.
  • Dreams don't abandon a painstaking pursuit of the people, as long as you never stop pursuing, you will bathe in the brilliance of the dream.
  • they are pursuing a general program of renovation to the entire property
  • Indonesia's dignity and self-respect are not diminished by pursuing good relations with Australia.
  • Amongst our current crop of careerist politicians, we simply don't have enough firebrands with a passionate commitment to pursuing genuine social change.
  • Police caught Leroy, aged 21, and his pillion passenger after pursuing them through the streets of West Wickham and Lewisham.
  • Goannas use a sideswipe with their heavy tail as their main weapon of defence and have been known to break the leg of a pursuing dog.
  • There have been a string of problems for British buyers pursuing the dream of a holiday home in the sun. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exhibition, which opened on Monday, sought to provide an exposure to career opportunities available for girls pursuing diploma courses offered by polytechnics.
  • He makes it clear that pursuing money is distasteful but having money is morally neutral.
  • Such disclosure was pursuing a legitimate investigative purpose, but restrictions were placed on the authority's right to use the information to ensure that it was used only for the purposes specified.
  • The guests and public took tours of the place where currently over 500 undergraduate and graduate students are pursuing degrees in information technology and interactive arts.
  • While the Chians and Tissaphernes were pursuing their common object, Calligitus the son of Laophon, a Megarian, and Timagoras the son of Athenagoras, a Cyzicene, both exiles from their own country, who were residing at the court of Pharnabazus the son of The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • It's been reported that you're pursuing book deals, commercial sponsorship deals…
  • The district attorney in Manhattan has a long record of pursuing cases involving white-collar crime, corruption and bribery.
  • The energumens, who were exorcized daily, were prevented by the daily exorcisms and sweeping duties from pursuing their usual callings.
  • He travelled extensively after he retired, pursuing his interests in wildlife and wild places, and, in particular, ornithology.
  • Charming Shoppes Inc., with brands such as Lane Bryant and Fashion Bug, estimates that it will save roughly $10 million this year by pursuing rent relief, including the use of cotenancy clauses. Empty Mall Stores Trigger Rent Cuts
  • Then Jacob Weisberg, chairman and editor-in-chief of the Slate Group, agreed with Friedman's contention that there should be no torture prosecutions because we had all "acquiesced" in the Bush-Cheney Torture Agenda; we were all "the President's accomplices," and thus "pursuing criminal charges would be too hard legally and politically and too easy morally. Rory O'Connor: Media Torture
  • What if circumstances prohibit us from pursuing anything further?
  • And you'll also be pursuing intriguing but somewhat perplexing offers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jones clearly felt that certain teams -- such as the Bengals, Bills, and Jaguars -- were not sufficiently aggressive in pursuing local revenues and that their complacence should not be rewarded with equal shares of national revenues. Andrew Brandt: Teal Transfer
  • His wife, who has recently remarried, is still actively pursuing information as to her husband's fate. Ridgeway, Ronald L.
  • The bursary received will afford the elite sports person the opportunity to compete at the highest level while pursuing a course of academic study at the Institute.
  • We don’t get harmony, but we do get a kind of arching forward — always reaching, pursuing, longing, opening, rethinking. September « 2008 « Bill Ayers
  • The two groups are pursuing a common objective.
  • His wound was inflicted by a sheriff's posse pursuing him for an assault upon a farmer's wife.
  • The point is, they seem fixed on pursuing the case in court. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • He wished that he could be like other children instead of pursuing his lonely predestined path.
  • These findings also imply students see value in supplementing their college training with experiential training before pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams.
  • While pursuing his theological studies he prepared a doctoral thesis on geometry.
  • But in many other respects I found it actually was a kind of an obstacle, and so I'd kind of given up the idea of pursuing a Buddhist monastic life in Europe.
  • But nature could not long endure a pleasure that it so highly provoked without satisfying it: pursuing then its darling end, the battery recommenced with redoubled exertion; nor lay I inactive on my side, but encountering him with all the impetuosity of motion I was mistress of, the downy cloth of our meeting mount was now of real use to break the violence of the tilt; and soon, indeed! the highwrought agitation, the sweet urgency of this to-and-fro friction, raised the titillation on me to its height; so that finding myself on the point of going, and loath to leave the tender partner of my joys behind me, I employed all the forwarding motions and arts my experience suggested to me, to promote his keeping me company to our journey's end. Memoirs Of Fanny Hill A New and Genuine Edition from the Original Text (London, 1749)
  • Watch for additional animals if you see one; a male may be pursuing a mate, and youngsters may be trailing their mother.
  • In fact, Levin can spend years pursuing his quarry, often Corporate America.
  • Even though calls outweighed puts during the session, implying bullish sentiments, some traders appeared to be pursuing "short collars" in January options that work if Freeport shares drop, according to Interactive Brokers. Ivanhoe Mines and Cameco
  • Dutifully pursuing my health and fitness theme, I hobbled off to a spa just outside Palm Springs, where I could steep in a hot mudbath.
  • He and his friends, pursuing “a nobler destiny,” felt “no disposition to truckle to the petty usurper, who came into power against the wishes of the great men of his own party, and whose personal character was unworthy of the favor of the meanest minion that shouted in his train.” A Country of Vast Designs
  • The police are currently pursuing several lines of inquiry into the case.
  • The NGOs are suspect because they are often foreign-funded and therefore, by definition, pursuing a foreigner's agenda.
  • Dreams don't abandon a painstaking pursuit of the people, as long as you never stop pursuing, you will bathe in the brilliance of the dream.
  • However alluring the goal, he said, pursuing it “would have incurred incalculable human and political costs”; he was expressing the kind of unsentimental caution that is realism’s most important characteristic. What Would Wilson Do?
  • So, the first thing that is needed is a vigorous strategy for pursuing full employment and eliminating poverty.
  • Pursuing mortgage servicers for improper filings is an important new "prong" of the trustee program's efforts to oversee the flood of bankruptcy cases following the mortgage crisis, Clifford White III, director of the program, said in an August speech. Trustees Probing Mortgage Handlers
  • Today people are diversifying their business interests and entrepreneurs are pursuing new ideas.
  • The state bureaucracies created by eighteenth-century absolutism signified the arrival of a universal class pursuing a universal interest.
  • It is last seen pursuing a wave that the men aboard have mistaken for a whale spout.
  • He also promotes his staff according to merit, rather than by pursuing the traditional path of steady, age-linked advancement.
  • The members of society thus perceive themselves as private individuals, each pursuing their own private and competing interests.
  • It bases its value orientation on pursuing peace, and worships pacifism.Sentence dictionary
  • Yet he seems nervous about pursuing the reforms to the end. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the second hand, Al Santis had not encouraged me that they were pursuing it with diligence. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • He accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.
  • Pursuing any technological bet is regarded as a madcap scheme; again, how times change!
  • The police need to put much more energy into pursuing drivers with uninsured vehicles. Times, Sunday Times
  • But recently it has dawned on me that scientific research is a career worth pursuing.
  • Vaughn is currently in graduate school pursuing a master's in business administration.
  • The minister added that his country would offer scholarships to Indian students pursuing higher studies in the IT sector.
  • But she said the quantity is large enough that investigators are only pursuing one out of every three accusations.
  • The book opens with the gunslinger of the title pursuing the man in black across an endless desert, and continues in an oddly dreamlike (not to say nightmarish) fashion as we learn more of the gunslinger, the post apocalyptic world (that has 'moved on') and his quarry. Great American Novels
  • After fifteen years he was still pursuing his feud against his master-mason, unwilling to let even his bones rest.
  • These include pursuing a claim for policy excess, car hire charges and loss of the use of one's vehicle.
  • One version of the history of French art between the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789 and the establishment of the Second Empire in 1852 goes something like this: Just as the French Revolution deposed the irresponsible ancienne régime, Neo-Classical images of high-minded heroes replaced Rococo confections of frivolous aristocrats pursuing love in flowery settings. Drawn to Revolution
  • Wagner, in retreat from pursuing creditors and political enemies, was one.
  • But the suggestion that scientists are pointlessly pursuing experiments and models that do not work is just wrong-headed.
  • He's been pursuing her for months and yet she's so clearly not interested.
  • In effect, pursuing the American Dream leads to his self-destruction.
  • And since the late 1990s, she seems to have been pursuing a single-handed crusade to save the diva from extinction.
  • The police are currently pursuing several lines of inquiry into the case.
  • The Provoste gaining no other grace at this time, would not so give over for this first repulse, but pursuing her still with unbeseeming importunity; many private meanes he used to her by The Decameron
  • I’m curious what you’ll think of The Glass Castle after hearing your thoughts about de Lempicke; the mother in Jeannette Walls’s book finds some, oh, let’s say some worrisome ways of pursuing her art … I get a little irritated with people who criticize Gladwell. Reading Notes « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The Federals halted, turned, and fled, our friends crossing the railroad and pursuing them.
  • Microfinance, crowdfunding, and incubators are worth pursuing, say business owners.
  • They had all brought their cameras with them and the flashlights lit up the murky Manchester sky almost as though it was the paparazzi pursuing a cat-walk model down the runway.
  • The New Democrat agenda of his 1992 campaign tried to update liberalism by pursuing new means to advance traditional Democratic goals.
  • This step requires a delicate balance between the patient's right to informed consent and the goal of pursuing the most appropriate therapy.
  • Are sneakers inessential - if so, does that mean it is okay for firms pursuing market share and surplus in sneakers to run sweat shops?
  • He observes that students, once out of college, find it extremely difficult hunting jobs or pursuing further studies.
  • A considerable amount of time and money has been spent in pursuing the study of river basin dynamics.
  • In this view, the value of pursuing knowledge and learning rests in their anticipated instrumentality and usefulness in obtaining other goods.
  • The police need to focus resources on catching offenders and pursuing them - this is what the public demand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Large numbers of high school graduates are going on to college, and more adults are pursuing a college education.
  • At fifteen he ran away to sea, pursuing the myth of his absent father.
  • Zeno's and Emilio's aboulic personalities, their incapability of pursuing and sustaining an active participation in life, reflect Svevo's tragic sensibility of life as a disaster and his meditation on vulnerability and death, filtered through the looking glass of bitter-sweet irony mixed with ineffective wisdom.
  • It had been a relief for Ted after Connie's death, not to mention after the esurient pursuing by other women to which he'd been exposed, to find himself in the company of a woman who wanted to build a structure first before taking up residence within it. A Traitor to Memory
  • She was intent on pursuing a career in business.
  • Initially Brown was torn between pursuing professional success and his literary interests.
  • To confuse intelligence and dislocate sentiment by gratuitous fictions is a short - sighted way of pursuing happiness.
  • The foreign policy legacy of Gorchakov is of great importance to Russia as it advocates and pushes a domestic priority strategy while pursuing a more sober-minded pragmatic foreign policy.
  • Angelina is also said to be back in the dating game, pursuing her own romance with a 'handsome real estate agent'. The Sun
  • Not only is it supported by non-smokers, but a majority of smokers also approve of a measure which will prevent them from pursuing this traditionally convivial activity in pubs, clubs and restaurants.
  • He can fairly claim that the government is pursuing the best policies to take the country through the current economic turbulence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Angelina is also said to be back in the dating game, pursuing her own romance with a 'handsome real estate agent'. The Sun
  • The Fort Detrick biowarfare program was started in the early 1940s under President Franklin D. Roosevelt after the Allies received intelligence reports that the Germans and Japanese were pursuing biological weapons. William C. Patrick III, 84, dies; oversaw Fort Detrick biowarfare effort and weaponization of anthrax and other deadly diseases
  • She worked as an English and drama teacher before pursuing a fulltime career in acting. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one would think to warn them of the perils of trying to raise a family while simultaneously pursuing a career. Times, Sunday Times
  • Have you been thinking about pursuing more independent issues for yourself? The Sun
  • If a president fires a US Attorney because the attorney is pursuing a corruption case that the president wants to squelch, that is an improper reason, be it political or not. About that U.S. Attorneys matter.
  • A cosmetician has noticed that the number of customers pursuing slimmer figures keeps going up, especially in summer.
  • He accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.
  • Carriages, wagons and carts all pursuing him to the President's house. ... Chris Weigant: White House Gate Crashing, From Andrew Jackson To Grace Slick
  • That feeling waxed strongest in Sydney, where a coalition of small interests, organised by Henry Parkes and pursuing populist ends, developed before 1850.
  • The stories were invariably morality tales, where the child hero or heroine was faced with a choice between pursuing self-gratification or helping a person in distress.
  • The one thing I dislike about these week-by-week foetal development diaries is that the writers, pursuing the laudable aim of making things as concrete and real as possible, tend to compare the size of the beast to that of a piece of fruit, say. Development
  • Numerous small packs of hounds were kept by people in all walks of life, as they rambled through the countryside pursuing their quarry.
  • And you'll also be pursuing intriguing but somewhat perplexing offers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why the Feds aren't interested in pursuing more of them is puzzling.
  • Sarcastro says: erp: What could be whackier, kookier or crazier than pursuing socialism when the evidence is overwhelming that it is a force for poverty and oppression while at the same time demonizing capitalism which has been a proven force for peace and prosperity. The Volokh Conspiracy » Who’s the Kook?
  • He said that these sects cut themselves off from the mainstream of English national life by pursuing their own narrow and inward-looking interests.
  • The New Democrat agenda of his 1992 campaign tried to update liberalism by pursuing new means to advance traditional Democratic goals.
  • From about 1581 he was mainly resident in London, and pursuing an active and varied literary career.
  • He was in the list of the probables for the Indian team for four years and was finally selected to represent the country while he was pursuing medicine in Thanjavur Medical College in 1985.
  • Police reveals, this probably is blastophore commit an offence, currently, the police is pursuing and arresting other suspects.
  • In pursuing him to a final confrontation across the braes and corries of the Highlands (after time to reflect during a day's fishing) Hannay attempts to save his life during a last dangerous climb at the risk of losing his.
  • Crown is aggressively pursuing new export and licensing opportunities. Times, Sunday Times
  • If ministers and their minions will just stop pursuing their petty vendettas through their proxies in the press, then the successes of this government should get through.
  • It would take a lamebrain to keep pursuing the old standard of panning rote to each orchestra section as it plays its featured few bars before turning for seconds to the podium-meister, who shapes the whole - yes, the whole -- of what we hear and, therefore, should get maximum viewing time. Donna Perlmutter: Dudamel Opens a New View at Hollywood Bowl
  • Despite this scientific evidence, we continue to see governments around the world remove people from forests or prohibit them from pursuing their traditional tree-based agroforestry livelihoods.
  • Back in Japan he devoted nearly all his time and energy in pursuing Socialist ideas.
  • There, an enlightened public official is pursuing a policy of “transversalidad” transversality, which we might translate as “cross-cutting collaboration,” getting people out of their departmental “silos” to work together. Transversality, Part One
  • Both were autodidacts, who went, perfunctorily, to school and college while pursuing their education by their own means and under their own instruction.
  • It was a kind of loop and roll that dodged the pursuing aircraft and brought you up behind it.
  • She worked as an English and drama teacher before pursuing a fulltime career in acting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Close-up, Real-time View Of How Proteins Kill Bacteria scientists have been pursuing a potential new way to treat bacterial infections, using naturally occurring proteins known as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). - Articles related to China's Booming Internet Giants May Be Stuck There
  • Though he started philately as a hobby during his school days and collected many stamps, lack of penpals plus adequate finances prevented him from pursuing it vigorously.
  • The rest of the media reflected this view of an activist President keenly pursuing a policy he deeply believed in.
  • The police notice said authorities were pursuing lawbreakers who damaged public and private property and disturbed social order.
  • This degree will provide the graduate with an excellent basis for pursuing a professional qualification with one of the accountancy bodies.
  • Since the average crew lands after a 35-plus hour sortie with more than 80 full piddle packs and a full toilet, the Flight Safety office is pursuing a local modification to the toilet.

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