How To Use Purser In A Sentence
Town, with a certain Irish purser, who is as well known as he is respected among the leviathan old negro ladies, it would be hard to find.
Travels in West Africa
I must complete with water and stores, naturally, but my purser is a capable man.
Hornblower In The West Indies
If you aren't interested in doubling your duty-free allowance, as the first cruise winds to a close, ask the purser about your boarding pass for the second cruise, and how to circumvent Customs if you want to go ashore.
The guests at 4: 05 in the morning specifically called the purser's desk and said that he had a noise complaint.
CNN Transcript Jan 11, 2006
Passengers who wish to hire a cabin should apply to the purser's office.

There were very few people in the lobby but the purser was giving me odd looks.
The purser attempted to stop her, but she called him a good-for-nothing nipcheese, and kicked and cuffed him, while
Three Weeks in the Downs, or Conjugal Fidelity Rewarded: exemplified in the Narrative of Helen and Edmund
There would also have been a market for simple ready-made clothes - certainly these were produced for sailors (the "slops" supplied by the purser on board ships in the 18th C, mainly loose-fitting shirts and trousers, for those who lacked the skill or inclination to make their own).
Kateelliott: Question for the Hive Mind
Daly was the only one, however, that was planet-struck, as the doctor termed it, though he and the purser, who sat in another seat, confessed after they had been introduced to our heroine, that they had been most confoundedly out in their reckoning; and that they would never prejudge any more the beauty of a man’s wife from any knowledge they might have either of the form or visage of her husband.
Three Weeks in the Downs, or Conjugal Fidelity Rewarded: exemplified in the Narrative of Helen and Edmund
Duggal, who started out as a storeman in the staff canteen, was promoted step-by-step to cabin-crew and eventually in-flight purser, where he was responsible for training African crew.
The extra crew included a purser, three more men in the kitchen and two extra stewards.
He now slept in the same Tent with Charles Des Voeux; his purser, Charles Hamilton Osmer (who was showing signs of pneumonia); William Bell (Erebus's quartermaster); and Phillip Reddington, Sir John's and Captain Fitzjames's former captain of the fo'c'sle.
The Terror
On flashing my ‘fear of flying’ card to the purser when boarding each flight, I got the most caring and thoughtful attention from the crews.
They then take up slops, that is, obtain from the purser as many shirts, trousers, shoes, and other articles, as they can persuade the commanding-officer they are in want of; after which they desert upon the first opportunity, only to run the same rig in some other ship.
The Lieutenant and Commander
He weathered the Depression at sea on his purser's salary, regularly making port calls in newly Nazified Germany.
Last U.S. World War I veteran Frank W. Buckles dies at 110
Whereupon the saide frigat expostulated with them, and asked why they delayed to sende or come with their Captaines and pursers to Don Pedro de Leiua their Geuerall, to acknowledge their duty and obedience to him in the name of the Spanish king,
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
I, but Matcham, who is Dead, that caused the carpenter to be carbonadoed, and the Scotch purser to walk the Plank.
The Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous, Vol. 1 of 3 Who was a sailor, a soldier, a merchant, a spy, a slave among the moors...
The supporting cast could include a sympathetic bartender, a hapless purser, a coked up cruise director, and a comically lecherous ship's doctor.
We recruit junior pursers who undergo a three month training programme aboard one of our cruise ships.
The Captain and the purser were the only two who did gamble going over, and they were very fond of poker.
Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi
There was also one cabin full of young gentlemen, called midshipmen, their ages varying from thirteen up to five or six-and-twenty; with them, however, were the captain's and purser's clerks, and master's assistants, and assistant surgeons.
Ben Hadden or, Do Right Whatever Comes Of It
Enzo was the purser on a cruise ship up North and one of his jobs was to organise show time.
The captain and purser are gloating over the sycee silver, for the Chinese government is as jealous of its exportation as of the importation of opium; and the sky and the sea are dark and angry.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
Others doubtless obtained the journal from the haughty brass-bound pursers (there are no "supercargoes" now) of the Sydney and
The Call Of The South 1908
Your captain said there were fifty men aboard, himself not included - his first mate, cook, navigator, purser, boatswain, carpenter, quartermaster, and forty-three sailors.
He now slept in the same Tent with Charles Des Voeux; his purser, Charles Hamilton Osmer (who was showing signs of pneumonia); William Bell (Erebus's quartermaster); and Phillip Reddington, Sir John's and Captain Fitzjames's former captain of the fo'c'sle.
The Terror
Purser Hardy Dickens heard only the incessant tapping of metalloid bodies against metalloid walls, a reminder of the endless droning of days of his last hundred or so years of life aboard the Interplanetary Love Ship.
CYCLES • by Stephen V. Ramey
Mr Culpepper, the purser, was my abomination -- a nasty, earwigging, flattering, bowing old rogue.
Percival Keene
You'll have a double cabin to yourself, but pay less because you won't know which one until you board the ship and the purser directs you, basically, to whichever cabin is still unoccupied.
The purser, this big friendly black gal, said, ‘Honey, just let it go!’
Christensen calls the purser and tells her to get all of the flight attendants out of the crew rest quarters, and he orders the relief first officers back up to the cockpit.
Touching History
We recruit junior pursers who undergo a three month training programme aboard one of our cruise ships.
Those not wishing to use a credit card will need to leave a cash deposit with the purser's office at the beginning of the cruise.
We recruit junior pursers who undergo a three month training programme aboard one of our cruise ships.
“This puts me in mind,” said I, “of an Irish pilot who asked the purser of a ship I formerly belonged to, to spare him an empty barrel to make his pig a hencoop, and he would give him a sack of praters for nothing at all, at all.”
A Sailor of King George
In addition, pursers were in charge of making sure that all luggage was placed aboard a Clipper.
The all-seeing purser intercepted her as she went down to the gymnasium.
Before the airplane takes off, the head or ‘A’ flight attendant or purser will make an announcement to ‘arm doors and cross-check’ or something similar.
One of them was the purser of the vessel who told us that it all happened very quickly in rough seas.
The 26-year-old, who asked not to be named, was dismissed days after being promoted to flight purser and told he was ‘not suitable for the job,’ according to the South China Morning Post.
A shipfitter, supervised by the purser, the hull officer, and the medical officer, made a slight change in the air-conditioning ducts to one cabin; two worried passengers sloughed off their cares under the influence of a nonlethal dose of sleeping gas.
The Past Through Tomorrow
But the day before she was due to leave us, she called the purser's office for help setting up an itinerary that would get her to N. Compeuia.
The Dragon Never Sleeps
Although some of the private airlines have a lower age for retirement, they also hire men and women as ‘cabin crew’ and not as pursers and air hostesses.
Your captain said there were fifty men aboard, himself not included - his first mate, cook, navigator, purser, boatswain, carpenter, quartermaster, and forty-three sailors.
In 1768 he was listed as purser of the Aurora and it was from there that he came to the Endeavour.
Philip had decided to appoint a new official, called the purser, whose job it would be to receive all monies due to the priory, with no exceptions, and then give out to each official just what he needed.
The Pillars of the Earth
Statements were being taken from the pilot, the purser and other witnesses, and a decision would be made by the end of the week on the way forward.
Some lines just dropped it to save money and the labor required in the purser's department that might be better used elsewhere.
The purser was a sharp-faced gnome who wore his Panagra uniform as though it were a sack.
The Space Merchants
Besides her cabin, usually shared with another staff-member, the pursers had their own wardroom where they could relax and share the trials and tribulations of the day.
I was then given what the pursers on British Air call a debriefing.
He weathered the Depression at sea on his purser's salary, regularly making port calls in newly Nazified Germany, where he saw Adolf Hitler in a hotel lobby, he said.
Frank Buckles, last known World War I veteran, dies at 110
Yes; nipcheese means purser of the ship -- you'll find all that out by-and-by; you've got lots to larn, and, by way of a hint, make him your friend if you can, for he earwigs the captain in fine style.
Percival Keene
John Heward, the purser, came bursting into the cabin and he shouted: ‘Nigel, you're going as well.’
The first time that we found that gratuities would be added to the onboard charges, we went to the purser and asked for some information.
Vogue has a diploma course in ‘Inflight Management’ for those who want to become an air hostess or flight purser with airlines.