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How To Use Purposeful In A Sentence

  • The language is amusingly flowery and the overall tone one of purposeful pleasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Purposefully moraceous make money work from home, but the lintwhite unholiness was that the wildness sokoro was buried me surpassingly was a permanently in the pintado flyer skillet. Rational Review
  • The clanking sounded systematic somehow; not rhythmic like a drumbeat in music, yet purposeful.
  • They strode on stage, looking purposeful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exhibits seem perfectly matched, rather than purposefully included. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Lady Macbeth has nothing personal against the men, women and children she must destroy to clear her husband's way to power - her purposefulness is pure.
  • The messenger's purposeful tread down the short avenue followed; then the noisy jangling of the bell. Scottish Voices 1745-1960
  • She organized them into an orderly set of people each working purposefully and productively.
  • Sport gives you this incredibly purposeful life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wallace always felt that ‘selection’ inappropriately imported anthropomorphic notions of Nature choosing purposefully between variants into natural history.
  • The exception is a pregnant female out foraging for her nest, who will look healthy and strong, will be moving purposefully and should be left alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lean, purposeful man who gives the impression of getting things done may set more hearts aflutter than he knows. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • The best time to nudge children toward functional writing is when they are in the midst of doing purposeful work.
  • They had been taught more purposefully, coached in exam technique and raised and educated in settings where academic achievement was valued.
  • Every move was deliberate and purposeful, almost as if she were executing some sort of martial art act.
  • All I can say with certainty is that he is trying to live a purposeful life, for himself and his family. Times, Sunday Times
  • We must remember, however, that there was a time when the same 'purposefulness' was believed to exist in the cosmos where everything seemed to turn literally and metaphorically around the earth, the abode of man. Science and Morals and Other Essays
  • Purposeful American play in the middle culminates with a fine strike towards goal by Eddie Johnson.
  • Is it your belief that Microsoft purposefully created software that allowed for the ease with which spyware is deployed or that it did so quite by accident (nonetheless bearing the blame for the proliferation this plague)? Spyware defined
  • Her father's face was a crimson colour with his hands held in fists at his sides, and her mother was walking purposeful strides towards her.
  • John Griffiths, who lived in the building 22 years before being forced out, accuses Casimir and Arrieta of purposefully damaging the building to make it unlivable.
  • Yet these are invaluable tramlines that can guide purposeful human action.
  • That is, purposeful inquiry requires some prior interest in the topic under scrutiny.
  • We celebrate because through Jesus Christ we gain access to not just heaven, but to a purposeful and meaningful relationship with Almighty God.
  • He sees the United Nations not simply as bloated, but as encroaching dangerously and purposefully on the sovereignty of member nations.
  • Her blue eyes are picked out in dark kohl and her lips - made up pale pink - are typically set in a purposeful smile. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effect of his work is not to explain anything, but rather to dramatize the purposeful obfuscation of information.
  • Outside of the pretentiously fashion conscious who feel they need to spend more on certain items, no one purposefully spends more on a product than they have to. Over-worked or Over-taxed?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It also is a systematic and purposeful application of the same basic work concepts to the application of knowledge. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • He has a quiet, purposeful air.
  • It made me feel worthless that he would treat me so badly and purposefully look to cheat. The Sun
  • All I can say with certainty is that he is trying to live a purposeful life, for himself and his family. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Even Ike's famously rambling press-conference answers, according to his press secretary, were purposeful obfuscations rather than aphasic incompetence.) Archive 2009-01-01
  • Li stands, straightens his tie, formally shakes my hand, and moves purposefully down the hallway.
  • In short, purposeful and disciplined policy and funding strategies will have to overcome political inertia and resistance.
  • Her purposeful stare showed she meant business.
  • The exhibits seem perfectly matched, rather than purposefully included. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anger can be channeled as a spur to action rather than being destructive. But Mars at its best is purposeful, an achiever and self-starter, and a force to be reckoned with.
  • Taking slow, purposeful strides he took the seat next to Victoria on the bench and wrapped his arms around her; pulling her close to him so she could cry into his shoulder.
  • In the pit, Bruno Campanella conducts a purposeful yet expressive orchestral performance.
  • Further, this conception renders purposeful art at best aimless and at worst nonsensical.
  • Now at one-fifteen pm, Glyn advanced purposefully on the PC, opened his BIG BLACK BAG and, incanting the magical chant, ‘This should be pretty simple’ began to perform an operation of electronic surgery with both guile and dexterity.
  • With the chrome grille and twin exhausts it looks muscular and purposeful. The Sun
  • I suspected the positioning, at least, was a purposeful move to agitate his suspects. NO BODY
  • She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.
  • The bacon-flavored themes probably aren't purposefully repetitive, but that's OK because these seemingly unrelated story lines share a common bond: They are each part of what might be called piggish capitalism-an economic theory that mixes subsidization, consolidation and deregulation and that now endangers us all. In These Times
  • The Quakers started like a team with championship ambition, as purposeful and bright as their garish yellow shirts.
  • The latter means that management can purposefully change the mix, introducing more market, for example, or less command.
  • The memories stirred up by these compositions are very purposeful, if only half-formed.
  • The best time to nudge children toward functional writing is when they are in the midst of doing purposeful work.
  • Your sword must strike purposefully, not just clumsy swipes.
  • The agreement's authors call it a purposeful end-run around the intransigence of national governments.
  • We purposefully picked the specific airline because it was the largest and most wellknown national carrier.
  • Surprise doesn't register, instead, Devito plunges an eight-inch carving knife purposefully and repeatedly into the victim's stomach.
  • Second, it is symptomatic that purposeful Baptist theological reflection has emerged outside the Baptist orbit.
  • A staged, goal-oriented , purposeful activity in which speakers engage as member of our culture.
  • Up close, she could tell that the two of them could not be much older than her or Alisha, and they both wore a determined and purposeful look.
  • But then again, what would purposeful self-sabotage prove except that his listeners are all just force-fed lunkheads?
  • With the chrome grille and twin exhausts it looks muscular and purposeful. The Sun
  • Purposeful work is an important part of the regime for young offenders.
  • They looked smooth, purposeful and full of running. Times, Sunday Times
  • They looked smooth, purposeful and full of running. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think 'human thoughts and considerations can be and are purposeful' is one of those assumptions. Are dem bunny prints?
  • Such purposeful activity by a few men was offset by a decline in both the health and discipline of the crews in general. VOYAGES OF DELUSION: The Search for the North West Passage in the Age of Reason
  • Keep your head high and your shoulders back and take measured, purposeful strides. The Sun
  • She was purposefully trying to destigmatize talking about mental illness in polite society.
  • Waterfall greeted her with a solemn and purposeful symphony - muted strings and timpani rolls and, far off in the background, as though being created by spray and the rising mist, a limpid, shining, flute-like voice joined the music.
  • His delivery is purposefully nervous, artfully irresolute.
  • Men and women of various ages and shapes were taking purposeful strides, either walking, jogging, or running.
  • Bella is even further baffled as her friend leaned in mumbling under her breath about something being “ridiculous” and purposefully smelled her shoulder a few times. Twilight Lexicon » Chapter Seventeen – Visitor
  • They looked smooth, purposeful and full of running. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government should proceed purposefully and boldly to implement its privatisation plans as quickly aspossible, the ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The walls remain, a purposeful reminder of the waste of war, and the roofless interior become a sort of peace park for contemplation.
  • Still chuckling, he picked up her mug and purposefully set it on the opposite end of the table.
  • The walls rotate around me and further on I can see what looks like an angled metal structure, kind of like metal scaffolding, but with an angled purposeful design.
  • Sterne’s incontinuity of narration, the purposeful irrelation of parts, the use of anecdote and episode, which to the stumbling reader reduce his books to collections of disconnected essays and instances, gave to Laurence Sterne in Germany A Contribution to the Study of the Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Eighteenth Century
  • He has always found it easier to look purposeful by striding about on the world stage than by getting stuck into the messy business of domestic politics.
  • The blue hair is now greying, she has a protester's healthy tan and she looks purposeful in walking boots. Times, Sunday Times
  • By treating organisational systems as involving purposeful action, pictures of the system interaction can be built up. Computing
  • And I meant that on SO many levels, levels you will certainly understand once you figure out how to purposefully embarrass me in public.
  • A man with auburn hair and hazel eyes stalked purposefully into the room.
  • Living from the soul, which is outward, keeps you from the contracted state of living merely for self-fulfillment, which is a leftover immature perception from a life not purposefully lived. The Way of the Fertile Soul
  • There arose from behind some nearby bushes a shrill cachinnation and out waddled a gaggle of purposeful geese. Death of a Fool
  • There has always been a furious doggedness to him, a strong-willed purposefulness that drove him, sometimes headlong, through life.
  • Could it be that Obama is engaging in "purposeful inaction? Obama Speaks of NASA Being Adrift - NASA Watch
  • Sir George strode purposefully towards a grand statue of a heroic millipede raised on its hinder legs clutching a large cross in several of its limbs.
  • It has the most power, highest spec and purposeful looks. The Sun
  • Unfortunately, the convenient assumption that any rational leader also will be reasonable sets up the observer to miss an opponent's conscious and purposeful moves that are far outside expected norms.
  • The effect is purposefully and deeply unsettling. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.
  • Communities of practice develop as people engage in shared, purposeful, and patterned activities, which contribute learning.
  • Second, it is purposeful, directed towards improving the effectiveness of education.
  • Note 5: This chapter applies a definition of breadwinning which is purposefully broad enough to include the wide range of ways that organized men would have responded to their perceived household obligations. back Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • In establishing the Roadmap, NIH purposefully intended to usher new researchers and new fields into the fold.
  • Then I remembered reading about an experiment to devise an eco-friendly alternative to road salt in Eastern Washington using molasses and cheese, and it hit me: The enviros are purposefully refusing to use the tried-and-true de-icer. effort to protect Puget Sound, we've got no salt, rubber-covered snowblades, and some curious method of shaving down, but not removing, the snow and ice. Crosscut
  • It is morally ambiguous and purposefully divorced from the thrill - seeking flamboyance of the director's glory - glory days.
  • It was followed by an explosively dazzling Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No 11, which affirmed her purposeful and communicative pianism.
  • They slog purposefully, awaiting the report of the distant guns to herald the attack.
  • Contact sessions are held in purposefully homely rooms with comfortable easy chairs and lots of toys, games and activities.
  • It depicts a scene of purposeful activity - farriers shoeing; grooms tending huge chargers; a vet and orderly sergeant inspecting; men sweeping; cavalrymen feeding horses.
  • I suspected the positioning, at least, was a purposeful move to agitate his suspects. NO BODY
  • Khaled also displays a purposefulness that contradicts ideas of children as helpless munchkins or mental incompetents.
  • In the context of modernization, the purposefulness of developing professional farmer cooperatives lies in their indispensable value in farmer and social development.
  • By treating organisational systems as involving purposeful action, pictures of the system interaction can be built up. Computing
  • The USA Patriot Acts 1 and 2, The Warner Defense Authorization Act, and various Presidential Executive Orders and Signing Statements, which act together to allow secret and un-American actions to be "legalized" -, while at the same time break down the system of checks and balances the Constitution purposefully put in place. Our Situation: Focus on the Issues Immediately at Hand
  • Emotions like grief, fear and despair are purposeful and useful - if we know how to listen to them.
  • Prisons should be places of purposeful activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's what made them look purposeful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The purposeful stride of a child-protagonist is shown largely through a close-up of his feet.
  • Prisons should be places of purposeful activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were only a small minority who had demonstrated a change for the better and gone on to lead lawful and purposeful lives and he strongly believed that the appellant was a changed person who had realised the gravity of his index offence and if given a chance would prove himself worthy of trust. Home Office Shenanigans: It's Just Not Cricket
  • Then she heads purposefully for the door.
  • There were traders among them, but commerce was only a small part of what they achieved and it was not what they shared: piepowder people were united by the purposeful travelling life. Archive 2009-04-01
  • There has always been a furious doggedness to him, a strong-willed purposefulness that drove him, sometimes headlong, through life.
  • There must also be guarantees about prisoner rehabilitation, exercise and purposeful activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • We resumed holding hands, all our faces now purposefully solemn, though with little smiles twitching at our mouths.
  • It made me feel worthless that he would treat me so badly and purposefully look to cheat. The Sun
  • Dons and postgrads stride purposefully through the quads, clutching books and papers, on their way to the Bodleian Library, or to a committee meeting, or to lunch.
  • Their purposefully chaotic show unites song, video and propaganda as the boys bid to convert us from eco-worriers to eco-warriors.
  • We have to devise ways in which serious matters are seriously and purposefully discussed.
  • They don't beg and harass the stream of crowds that pass them with purposeful strides, the way their counterparts do in San Francisco.
  • In this world, innovation is the norm: it is all about converting new ideas into purposeful and profitable action. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has the most power, highest spec and purposeful looks. The Sun
  • There’s green-screen work, used to replicate the chintziest, old-fashioned special effects possible, carefully designed costumes (the site includes wardrobe drawings), and plenty of purposefully poorly acted lines — or at least I choose to see them as done on purpose. Fan Film Review: Really Old School Star Wars | Fan Cinema Today
  • And their manic brushwork, activating surface, not form, is more affected than purposeful. Height and Depths of Expression
  • Of course, Lasker had no precedents to invoke in the marketing of Kotex; but when it came time to introduce the next revolutionary cellucotton-based product for Kimberly-Clark, that new product - a disposable handkerchief called "Kleenex" - was purposefully positioned to draw on the halo effect of its older sibling. How they sell you what you don't understand
  • He advanced on Sophia purposefully, then stopped.
  • They strode on stage, looking purposeful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through the wall, I heard the monotonous clack of a typewriter, voices, purposeful steps that stopped at the door, which opened to reveal another caricatural American, his teeth perfect, his grin broad and empty. Dreaming in French
  • Chance occurrence of an event is one in which no cause can be identified explaining its teleological or purposeful specificity.
  • Olivia marches purposefully around the shop.
  • In overcrowded prisons officers prioritise security, not purposeful activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • This could get ugly.16 min Barton reaches into his Louis Vuitton man-bag purposefully. No1: Alan Pardew v Joey Barton clear-the-air talks at Newcastle United | Simon Burnton
  • Kings Cross wasn't too bad; I got used to the dealers and hookers hassling me, and they seemed to recognise by my purposeful stride that I was a local and left me alone for the best part.
  • Her actions and movements sluggish and purposefully so, she has a bad feeling.
  • You will have a practical, positive approach to life that helps you swap wishful thinking for purposeful action - and it gets results. The Sun
  • But he takes offense to the suggestion he has purposefully left his property, including an old garage that he leases for use as a car shop, in dilapidated condition. Edwards scared of 'rabid Republican' neighbor
  • Learning carpentry, on the other hand, involves purposeful activity and experimentation, a kind of learning that is beyond verbalization.
  • Some strong, purposeful carries in the first half. Times, Sunday Times
  • Board members found the centre's gym was modern and well-used, providing the main opportunity to get prisoners out of their cells and involved in purposeful activity such as first aid skills.
  • Keep your head high and your shoulders back and take measured, purposeful strides. The Sun
  • She dances, or rather engages in purposeful walking with one big dramatic drop into his arms, and a shirt tug. 'Dancing with the Stars' Week 4: We watch so you don't have to
  • He's purposefully avoiding the questions about his own prior admissions.
  • Reviving himself from his contemplations, Jonathan got up and stretched luxuriously before striding purposefully to his desk and examined the items left there by Thom.
  • She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.
  • There was some stuff going on there that wasn't entirely explained purposefully.
  • Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.
  • I swear as I march purposefully toward the direction of the morgue.
  • His remarks prompted speculation last night that the Government was purposefully sending out mixed messages to try and wrong-foot opposition.
  • Instead of seeing the organizations as comprising buildings, offices, car parks, rule books, meetings and other forms of purposeful activity, we see these as symbol systems.
  • Moments later, however, he was once again walking in that slow purposeful stride toward the woods.
  • Behe's discussion that life, the moon and the universe in general "can be viewed" as purposeful is obviously Behe's philosophical outlook (one he is certainly entitled to have). A Peaceful Eve
  • It also is a systematic and purposeful application of the same basic work concepts to the application of knowledge. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • The bacon-flavored themes probably aren't purposefully repetitive, but that's OK because these seemingly unrelated story lines share a common bond: They are each part of what might be called piggish capitalism - an economic theory that mixes subsidization, consolidation and deregulation - and it endangers us all. Organic Consumers Association News Headlines
  • Even aside from the fact that the use of it as a conceit in magic realism and fabulism is purposefully aimed at a figurative representation of what is marvellous in actuality, in reality, Bukiet’s complaint has little to do with what I’d term alethic quirks and credibility warp. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • A guy in uniform climbed out and strode purposefully to the side gate. SECRETS
  • There must also be guarantees about prisoner rehabilitation, exercise and purposeful activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • At 511 pages (exactly 500 pages more than the U.S. constitution) and laden with purposefully abstruse and obfuscatory language, the constitution meets only the second of Bonaparte's criteria.
  • With the creaking sound of a tired sprocket, I looked up to see Larry Beecher ride by on his ten speed bike for the third time in five minutes; head bent in a slow, yet purposeful pace, pedaled by fifteen dollar tennis shoes, shock white socks stretched with perfection to the knee caps, 70s-style brown sport shorts, yellow mesh tank top, low-worn baseball cap and a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses. Yard Sailing
  • With a purposeful stride Eddy walked through the people with an encouraging smile upon her half hidden face.
  • Their passing was quicker and more purposeful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did you purposefully set out to retell the history of Uruguay through the eyes of women? Carolina De Robertis - An interview with author
  • You really have to believe these animals are navigating in a purposeful way.
  • This highly intelligent utilitarian breed is distinguished by two coat types, either curly or wavy; an impressive head of considerable breadth and well proportioned mass; a ruggedly built, well-knit body; and a powerful, thickly based tail, carried gallantly or used purposefully as a rudder. Portuguese Water Dog: Obamas' Puppy
  • Lani strode from the hall, purposeful steps and determined expression a warning to all the servants in the palace.
  • I much prefer it when he strides purposefully through the office with a menacing glare.
  • What does resonate is the fantasy of being unemployable, of being an unmotivated object rather than a purposeful subject.
  • He strode purposefully towards the barn.
  • But Kinamori was not fooled by his purposeful stride; rather she became tense with fear and suspicion.
  • Eighty men and women—leading actors, supporting players, spear carriers and sailors, stagehands, flymen, carpenters and firemen, seamstresses and wardrobe assistants—moved at once, in an assortment of directions, like ants purposefully, preordinately going about their business. Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
  • The bombing was a planned, purposeful attack, while the Port Authority was at most negligent in failing to defend its property more carefully.
  • It has been performed by Young approximately 370 times, though it is unlikely that it has ever felt more crucial, purposeful, or illimitable as it did the 371st time - last Tuesday, just before midnight, in a hockey arena in St. Paul.
  • I suspected the positioning, at least, was a purposeful move to agitate his suspects. NO BODY
  • The author argues that we should use dialectical thinking to push the innovation of ideological and political work and raise the effectiveness and purposefulness.
  • He is still as purposefully didactic as ever, using the genre of educational information posters to inform us of our own miseducation.
  • The conclusion examines the tensions between the idea of strategy as purposeful direction/plan of action and as a zone of complexity.
  • She strode purposefully across the grey moss and lichens, crunched through the fallen needles of the little sheoak grove and led them up onto a faintly worn track across the desert rock.
  • For example purposeful behavior surely occurred in unicellular eukaryotic ancestors of modern organisms like paramecia and euglena who perform rather complex adaptive movements. Coordinated Evolution
  • The confidence and burly purposefulness behind a 25-yarder that beat David Seaman and inflicted defeat on a resilient Arsenal were uncanny in a 16-year-old Everton substitute. Guardian writers choose their favourite Premier League goal
  • Human action is the purposeful striving after desired ends.
  • Her purposeful stare showed she meant business.
  • “American Exceptionalism” means purposeful forgetfulness is ok. duBois Says: Matthew Yglesias » The Embrace
  • There is no need for any purposeful and deliberate attempt to protect dialects.
  • His sprightly frame is totally erect with not a hint of a stoop and his quick stride and purposeful gait would put men half his age to shame.
  • When we reached the village on foot the others went ahead, walking in a purposeful stride toward the synagogue.
  • He takes the stage with a stride that's purposeful, elegant, even serene, befitting a Californian who seriously loves surfing, martial arts and fast cars.
  • The beak's a little smaller than before (though purposefully more eagle-like than chicken-like) and he's spikier. GUIDOLON 3D model - more thoughts?
  • Tell me how to look at some arranger which is arranging some parts, and decide if this arranger is purposeful or not. Bunny and a Book
  • The boss strode purposefully past the janitors, but then suddenly stopped.
  • `Now then," the bareheaded officer called as he strode purposefully towards the barn. A TROUT IN THE MILK
  • But the worst thing is the lack of purposeful activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may not be purposeful here because it's a common contaminant of yohimbine preparations. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • Throughout this book, I have emphasized that we must not think of genes as conscious, purposeful agents.
  • The Bible beginning is a beautiful, purposeful design, bringing order out of chaos.
  • The floors are covered in polished terrazzo, and the walls seem to have been plastered with a purposefully cheesy sixties-era Formica laminate reminiscent of DiSpirito's old family home.
  • You start to understand why, even given late-Romantic levels of dissonance, atonality so bothered the d'Indys of the world — dissonance was OK as long as the movement from key center to key center remained purposeful and perceptible, but lose that modulation, and things start to seem random. Mod squad
  • The 241-pupil school is commended for ‘buzzing with purposeful activities and pupils showing a genuine love of learning’.
  • If you turned the sound down, you might have imagined this was a self-improvement programme on purposeful walking for the aged. Times, Sunday Times
  • Niklas headed purposefully for the gramophone in the living room and let the sounds of cheerful Bavarian folk music fill the apartment.
  • The Bible beginning is a beautiful, purposeful design, bringing order out of chaos.

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