How To Use Purport In A Sentence
Notwithstanding, it takes a good deal of thought to achieve such a transformation, and it is an ability purportedly in demand but sadly lacking in supply within the framework of most biennales.
His anatomy of the human condition, however, is not the political and moral cul-de-sac it purports to be.
Many theories purport to explain growth in terms of a single cause.
While the lenders reserved all other rights and remedies that might be available under the credit agreement, but "did not by its terms purport to accelerate the maturity of the obligations outstanding.
A lack of contrition would be, for example, if the defendant was purporting to express regret for his crimes in the courtroom, but simultaneously sending anonymous tweets to the effect that the trial is a sham, the judge is bought off, etc.
The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Subpoena to Twitter, Demanding Identification of Anonymous Critic of Corbett’s

The fears are all thanks to a purported prediction of a major Roman quake Wednesday attributed to self-taught seismologist Raffaele Bendandi, who died in 1979.
Quakes hit Italy, but none in Rome despite myth
This answer, you'll see by the enclosed news paper, was unanimously voted to be not satisfactory to the Town, and the next day, on Mr. Hutchinson's sending into the Town Meeting an answer of the same purport, both his and ours were voted to be daringly affrontive to the
Tea Leaves Being a Collection of Letters and Documents relating to the shipment of Tea to the American Colonies in the year 1773, by the East India Tea Company. (With an introduction, notes, and biographical notices of the Boston Tea Party)
It purportedly screens for pathogens involved in disease or biowarfare.
A purported acceptance which introduces different terms is not in law an acceptance but a counter - offer.
Secondly, he submitted that the case had never been pleaded or presented in the court below as one falling within the exceptional category, nor did the judge purport to find that it did.
The book purports to recount the history of gun ownership in America and is written with a slant that is hostile to gun ownership.
McCrone discovered that the Vinland Map, purporting to show that Leif Ericson had visited America some five centuries before Columbus, had traces of anatase, a pigment not synthesized until about 1920.
To the same purport is that (v. 14), That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
Revealingly, Halberstam's book illustrates several of the shortcomings it purports to dissect.
The burg is faking alien visitation to get more tourists, with a museum and UFO-themed snacks, and among their exhibits is a purported alien body.
*The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service — Recommended Series » Manga Worth Reading
Note that this is a theory which purports to explain the opinions of people, not government.
His telegragram may purport his forthcoming arrival.
Big men often purport to be powerful spirit mediums and to possess both healing powers and deadly war sorcery.
Salesmen and brokers who purport to be acting on your advice are frequently more interested in their commissions.
To the same purport is v. 8, for the transgression of my people was he smitten, the stroke was upon him that should have been upon us; and so some read it, He was cut off for the iniquity of my people, unto whom the stroke belonged, or was due.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
He was a spiritualist medium who purportedly was able to levitate as well as summon spirits.
Times, Sunday Times
Alternatively, the customer or supplier may look on the purported transfer as an opportunity to terminate or renegotiate the contract.
In vibrant, unpunctuated prose purporting to be Ned's own words, Carey explores Australia's most enduring myth.
Originally published in 1971, the publication has at its heart what purports to be the yearbook of the fictional C. Estes Kefauver Memorial High School in tragically woebegone Dacron, Ohio.
The gasbags were going on and on about how silly it was for him to get angry about a purported message in their new puppet movie in which they tell young people not to vote.
The book's elaborate introduction claims that this collection of "fragments" is the decoded version of a text "dating from classical Greece or earlier" (xiii), purporting to anthologize the work of the Homerids (who were real).
The Little Professor:
The document purports to be an official statement.
There, in introducing and explaining the meaning and purport of Article 2 and having regard to the grave breaches system of the Geneva Conventions, reference is made to international armed conflicts.
The person purporting to exercise his discretion has acted in abuse or excess of his power.
Labanino, 46, is one of the Cuban Five, who have become a cause celebre in their homeland, daily lauded by the Cuban government for what it calls their heroism in purportedly helping derail attacks against the communist isle. | Top Stories
The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.
But most sociologists of religion still tend to do ethnography the traditional way, one that purports to be objective and therefore value-free.
He spent many hours each week inside a $1,2000 hyperbaric chamber and sprawled on silver-lined "earthing" sheets that are purported to speed the recovery of tissues.
Yahoo! Sports - Top News
Though laziness is easily enough understood, I remain mystified as to why anyone who purports to follow Jesus would choose to condemn an entire population over choosing to obey Jesus 'self-proclaimed greatest commandment to love one's neighbor as oneself.
John Shore: Toward a Christianity of Common Sense
To the extent that educational programs purport to teach social knowledge, legitimate opportunities for social interaction must be provided.
Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.
First, the consignee (if in possession of the document) cannot, by purporting to transfer it in this way, impose on the carrier a legal obligation to deliver the goods to another person.
In summary, a well grounded skepticism is needed when scientists cum advocates seek immense governmental funding for their highly leveraged and purportedly salvific visions.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Would the Public Support “Cap and Refund”?
Kleist's twenty-sentence novella would therefore be an allegory of events, a tale in which no occurrence — the slip of the beggarwoman, the death of the Marquis — can be understood by situating it within a deterministic logic that would purport to explain what it means by referring it to something else.
Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
Under the provisions of the edict and earlier French law, those who used spells and conjurations could still be prosecuted, as could those who purported to lift the spells cast by others.
When it comes to the purported conquest of Canaan, individuals like Bryant Wood have strenuously tried to relocate Ai and redate the fall of Jericho's walls.
Archive 2009-04-01
This last vilifying barb you offer in yet another comment when, having had the whole root of your hatred revealed in the posting of that email exchange, rather than actually give grounds for your risible concern with a purported conflict of interests, you continue your rancorous pillorying, not to mention the concomitant pompous self-aggrandisement.
How Not to be a Writer
And this is not about fetuses or the "unborn" or the pre-born or anything they call the blobs of cells they purport to love so much.
Archive 2005-04-01
But when I spend half an hour looking up a cross-platform method to get contents of the last key the user pressed (and two of the sites that purport to show how to do so have examples that don't work in Firefox), don't tell me that the implementation is all that.
Penguicon: The Rough Schedule
In July 1969, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court's judgment that positive assessments of S.n. Goldwater's mental dispositions were left out in the magazine's highly selective (misleading and dishonest) excerptings of purported expert analyses.
The Orange County Register - News Headlines : News
Ezekiel was directed to speak to them with God's own words, the sum and purport whereof was to warn and dehort them from their wicked ways.
An algorithm purporting to match what is presumed to be operating in a human brain would need to be a stupendous thing.
I was not taking notes while McCain spoke, so I couldn't quote him verbatim, and did not purport to.
However, in so far as it purports to strengthen that belief, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act is to be welcomed.
For some players, the in-group rituals which purport to encourage team bonding do not necessarily lead to appropriate behaviour beyond the club boundaries.
The feature that distinguishes the Bigfoot matter is the purported resemblance of this hairy creature to humans.
As for non-canononical gospels, the point is that their existence points to the losers of the power struggle – the people who purported to be teaching the word of Jesus, contrary to the books that were accepted into the canon, and who might well have been right while the canonical books were wrong, and yet whose books not only were excluded from the canon but were essentially suppressed and banned by church authorities.
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
According to reports, the intruders had demanded to be shown the safe purportedly in the family home.
Times, Sunday Times
And, just for the record, when I was that age, neither I (alas) nor anyone I knew was getting any at the rate purported by the sluts in this movie.
A particularly striking video that emerged earlier this week purportedly showed a few dozen young men protesting in a Damascus street.
Times, Sunday Times
The principal purport of his letter was to inform them that Mr. Wickham had resolved on quitting the militia.
Pride and Prejudice
Although not a documentary, a biopic purports to tell a true story.
Times, Sunday Times
The purported partnership was supposed to provide short-term financing -- at annualized rates as high as 25% -- to hospitals buying sophisticated medical equipment through a onetime Marubeni subagent.
Logjam Easing
However, in so far as it purports to strengthen that belief, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act is to be welcomed.
More New Zealanders will be killed by those two conditions than by smoking, in spite of the concocted figures she likes to purport are figures that represent deaths caused by smoking.
Many theories purport to explain growth in terms of a single cause.
Many other dietary supplements have been advertised for their purported ergogenic properties, and the list grows each year.
Unfortunately, this theme does not carry the weight that it purports to carry, providing no resolution and no answers.
They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.
Even when it tramples all over other principles that he purports to hold dear.
It purports to be an exposition of Catholic social teaching.
Like-for-like sales are a measure that purports to give a view of the underlying trading strength of retailers.
Times, Sunday Times
She said she was stunned to receive an email, purporting to be from Cook, which mocked her use of the phrase "ravaged with it" to describe her condition.
Evening Standard - Home
When a customer hypothecates goods to his bank, he purports to create a security, which constitutes neither a legal mortgage nor a pledge.
As it turned out, Dr. Jackson was going to join me and two other colleagues in a daylong trip to a research clinic evaluating a purported energy-medicine device.
The Sacred Promise
—Stowed in a warehouse with a leaky skylight is one of this city's remaining valuable assets: a U.S. Cavalry horse's hoof purportedly found on the battlefield at Little Bighorn, the site of Lt. Col.
Harrisburg Is Having a Yard Sale—Wanna Buy a Stuffed Buffalo?
This is based on Isaiah's notion that the idols represented the purported power of the nations.
Two approaches to clauses which purport to exclude liability for breach of fiduciary duty are discernible.
A purported Taleban spokesman claimed responsibility for the blast in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province.
Morality and ethics consist of prescriptive statements about how one ought to behave; they do not purport to be descriptive accounts of actual historical behaviour.
Despite the problems the book had initially faced in finding a publisher in China - purportedly for its political overtones - it had finally received official sanction.
You might remember the Queensland Act, purported to extinguish native title interests.
In an ingenious and thought-provoking paper some time ago, Jerrold Levinson put forward a novel and imaginative thesis purporting to explain why tropism never quite got off the ground, despite its respectable bimillennial launch history (1980).
Backed up by the concept of a 'liberal elite,' right-wingers could crony around with their corporate patrons in luxuriously appointed think tanks and boardrooms -- all the while purporting to represent the average overworked Joe.
Although it's purportedly a comedy - a romantic comedy, even - its most memorable scene is a tense courtroom drama.
What's worse, agribusiness is saturating the media with misleading reports of the purported ecological risks of organic and other environmentally sustainable agricultural practices.
The document is purported to be 300 years old.
The term 'oversold' (or conversely 'overbought') invests with spurious purported precision a notion that is nonsensical.
Times, Sunday Times
Her book purports to be a nobleman's account of his love affair with a married woman.
Words Of Love: Passionate Women from Heloise to Sylvia Plath
You may feel that because you are only linking to a website which purports to be advertising this event, you are not actually misinforming people.
Purportedly the world's largest collection of carnivorous plants, is open to the public.
Mohammed is noted to have hated onions and garlic, and as he was purported to revamp the calendar to a lunar one, we remark that in the cultus of vegetation, worship was paid to onions and garlic, because of their shape, as emblems of the Sun.
The Club includes not only the people in the front office who operate the team but also, in a kind of women's auxiliary, many of the writers and broadcasters who follow the game and purport to explain it.
Mr. Hobbs submits that the subsection cannot apply where, as here, the clause under consideration defines the service to be provided and does not purport to permit substandard or partial performance.
All it seems to do is parrot statistics purporting to show crime has improved since it took office.
The Sun
And since this purported sale was between two sovereign governments, the minister of foreign affairs would have to be involved.
Unlike the USAir website, there is not need to affirmatively indicate your assent before purporting to enter into a binding agreement.
As I've explained, the Administration bill would purport to "construe" Common Article 3 of Geneva to prohibit only what the McCain Amendment prohibits (and to cut off any judicial review that might overturn that implausible interpretation of Common Article 3).
Or, rather, from a website purporting to represent him.
Times, Sunday Times
When is a purported 147 billion benefit to the economy not a 147 billion benefit to the economy?
Times, Sunday Times
They claimed he was finally cornered in a pharmacy and was killed after refusing to surrender and opening fire with a 9mm Mauser pistol, which was purportedly recovered from his body.
It is part of the problem which it purports to address, rather than the solution.
Some purport to function as collections for the Frankish and Visigothic kingdoms, like the Vetus Gallica of c.700 or the Hispana, c.700, respectively.
Most financial information is subject to some risk of being less than a faithful representation of that which it purports to portray.
Their purported source, a senior U.S. government official, who for some unknown reason wants to remain nameless, is not sure whether his story is true.
Norman had falsified invoices to purported service providers.
So it was disappointing that five big organisations purporting to represent the voluntary sector recently issued a ringing endorsement of the revised Compact.
Times, Sunday Times
Although he is increasingly reviled these days for his purported stylistic preciosity, John Updike remains a writer I am able to read with pleasure because he successfully avoids inflicting such damage.
Point of View in Fiction
The glories of technology, combined with our high-octane lasciviousness and natural good looks, have made our town the purportedly third-biggest pornography producing centre in the world, after Los Angeles and Amsterdam.
Federal prosecutors in Manhattan have alleged that David Rosen, the former chief executive of MediSys Health Network, which runs hospitals in Brooklyn, Queens and parts of Long Island, paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to two state assemblymen through purported consulting contracts and conspired to bribe a state senator by using the services of a company the senator had a financial interest in.
Ex-Hospital Chief Accused of Lying
They are couching their sales pitch around women's wellness and selling women a purported fountain of youth, while trashing Wyeth for doing the same thing with Prempro.
Seven Things To Know About Hormones - My Take
Like-for-like sales are a measure that purports to give a view of the underlying trading strength of retailers.
Times, Sunday Times
There's a somewhat shady treatment called mesotherapy which involves an injection of something called phosphatidylcholine, a purported fat-dissolver.
Leslie Goldman: $18 Million Plus Our Collective Souls to Anyone who Can Cure Cellulite
Blogging about students, colleagues, and administrators raises further questions; I suspect, for example, that we are all familiar with non-anonymous bloggers who purportedly "anonymize" their colleagues, even though their actual blog posts make it painfully easy to identify who is who.
The Little Professor:
The partnership between the hardware firm and the 'Scientologist' software firm will purportedly do much towards making Apacer's SSDs less rubbish.
The Inquirer
Thus even non-realistic depictions that do not purport to represent faithfully events and persons still tend to make the audience feel that they have experienced history.
The coach purported to give you ample time to breakfast and dine at certain capital hostels, but by a private arrangement between mine host and the guard and driver, the meals used to be abruptly closured in order to save the landlord's larder.
The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent
Since the Internet's become pervasive, myriad companies purporting to enable micropayments - those less than a dollar - have come and gone.
The conduct or act has intrinsically no definite significance, or only an ambiguous one, and its whole legal purport or tenor is to be more precisely ascertained by considering the words accompanying it.
This is one of the best ways that the world undermined al-Qaeda: Showing Muslims that the terrorist group doesn't care about the people they purportedly fight for.
Lincoln reviewed recent riotous incidents, beginning with the Vicksburg gamblers, moving to Madison County's purported slave insurrection, and ending with McIntosh's grisly death.
He is the third cabinet member to resign, purportedly over the scandal hatched by a provincial governor linking Estrada to illegal gambling.
“Raman imaging spectroscopy of a purported 3.5 billion year old microfossil” abstract.
First Contact
Many activists have received messages purporting to offer an app used by the protesters, but which actually installed software that covertly monitored their phone.
Times, Sunday Times
The film is only purportedly about rock and roll.
He was a spiritualist medium who purportedly was able to levitate as well as summon spirits.
Times, Sunday Times
The company purportedly restored water- and fire-damaged buildings, and investors were even given hard hats and tours of restoration projects.
ZZZZ Best's Barry Minkow in hot water again
If, moreover, that which the soul effects on approaching the highest light is merely to attain to its own true nature, we point out that that nature is something eternally accomplished, and that hence the declaration that 'it manifests (accomplishes) itself in its own nature' would be purportless.
The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
The site purports to be a balanced presentation of information about New Zealand's future energy needs and how we might solve them.
The book doesn't purport to be a kitchen companion and culinary tips are few and far between.
Times, Sunday Times
The list of categories of documents was not intended to purport an exhaustive enumeration of the vast number of documents contained there.
This was a work, infamous in its time, of the most depraved and retrograde Jesuitism, which purported to find a grand conspiracy of Freemasons and other subversives in the overthrow of the Bourbons.
Reactionary Prophet
* Hmmm. Sweet trefoil is purportedly yet another name for this close fenugreek relation.
Maybe it was at the time when reporting weekend grosses became a feature, and hence a yardstick of a film's importance, in purportedly high-minded papers.
This last vilifying barb you offer in yet another comment when, having had the whole root of your hatred revealed in the posting of that email exchange, rather than actually give grounds for your risible concern with a purported conflict of interests, you continue your rancorous pillorying, not to mention the concomitant pompous self-aggrandisement.
Archive 2009-01-01
Deliver us all from filmmaking as lumbering and blinkered as this, a purported homage to female wisdom and bounteousness that is instead stodgy and convictionless.
The claimant's evidence was that the purported but imperfect gift had been made a long time previously and not (as the letter said) after receipt of Mr Blake's letter.
The main stimulant used for ADHD is an amphetamine-like drug, which purportedly acts as a tranquilizer in children.
Sound Politics: On Math Standards, Expectations, Parenting & "Special Ed"
Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader.
Author! Author! » 2010 » August
The exploitation claim is yet another example of a mentality that finds exploitation everywhere even as it infantilizes the folks it purports to speak for.
She purports to represent the whole group.
Eight clients accepted by the team had no index offence, but had been accepted because of considerations such as perceived dangerousness or purported risk at the time of referral.
Sometimes the easy magic of certain pills is oversold just as the purported stress-reducing qualities of cigarettes used to be.
Dr. Daniel Seidman: Sometimes, "Don't Just Do Something, Sit There!" Is a Good Idea
Americans would discover billions, if not trillions, of their tax dollars, purportedly designated for the space program, squired away in Swiss banks and slush funds by successive presidents.
Jonathan Miller: The Earth Is Flat... but They Can't Handle the Truth
The person purporting to exercise his discretion has acted in abuse or excess of his power.
He also purported to apply the conventional collateral fact doctrine but reached a different conclusion from that of his brethren.
In 1987, he trademarked the name Kamut in order to market khorasan wheat, a high-protein, high-selenium, hypoallergenic grain purported to have its origins in ancient Egypt.
He also purported to apply the conventional collateral fact doctrine but reached a different conclusion from that of his brethren.
He contended that the delay was remedied before any harm or prejudice was caused, and moreover, the defendant Vendors did not object or purport to rescind the agreement until after the breach had been remedied.
Notably, these documents purport to describe only lawful campaign activities, and committee Democrats acknowledge they find no fault with those activities.
We have seen how seven changes of Joyce's hand cluster on one page of what purports to remove seven "corruptions" per page.
The Scandal of 'Ulysses'
Amano - the lack of progress on the IAEA probe of Iran's purported arms program experiments, and Tehran's decision to strip two inspectors of their monitoring rights after they reported what they called undeclared nuclear experiments.
Arkansas Online stories
Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.
However, we were met with a raucous noise purporting to be music, and fairground stalls.
The document purports to be an official statement.
This purported scientificity of the spiritual realm, in turn, paves the way for declaring occult New Age practices like astrology, vastu, and quantum healing and even yagnas as scientific within the Vedic - Hindu universe.
They calculated the entropy of black holes with electric charge, and in particular of extremal black holes — configurations where all of the energy really comes from the electric field itself, none from any purported mass that might have fallen into the black hole.
Where Does the Entropy Go?
More than three dozen of these notes purport to document various fictional characters Morris scatters through his text.
I'm always a sucker for books that purport to explain how the world - or at least how America - works.
I was planning to write at length about the film, and the danger it poses by purporting to be an accurate representation of the truth about capitalism.
We have many promises to this purport from the mouth of our Lord Jesus, and all to encourage faith, the principal grace, and prayer, the principal duty, of a
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
In the giant goldfish bowl that is Hong Kong, Mrs Chan's purportedly personal decision is being examined in microscopic detail.
He has hit on a grand scheme, the purport of which is nothing less than to abolish workhouse casuals utterly.
The letter purports to express people's opinion
A website message from the purported kidnappers Sunday all female Sunni Muslim prisoners in U.
The little Goodmail flag on messages in user inboxes tells mail recipients that the mail is actually from who it purports to be from, and not a phish, which is particularly important for mail from financial institutions and the like. —
Goodmail Is Back Trying to Sell Access to Your In-Box - Bits Blog -
One experiment was purportedly designed to find out whether spiders would spin different kinds of webs in near-zero gravity.
A recorded message was played - purportedly of the medium channeling Monty's spirit.
The writer is pitifully ignorant of the history of the field about which he purports to correct his elders and betters.
The reader who slogs through the article, without assuming that it documents what it purports to, will learn.
I have here four letters which purport to come from the missing man.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
One or two of the purported observations might be eliminable in virtue of some logical property of the word ‘observe’, such as that it is not logically possible to observe the future.
The media, she adds, irresponsibly sensationalize instances of purported professional misconduct but seldom discuss the things which lawyers do which are honourable, helpful and integral to society.
He said that he opposed the secret memos written by the Office of Legal Counsel purporting to authorize torture, not because they violated existing law, but because they would have rendered moot an amendment proposed by Senator John McCain (and signing-statemented away by President George W. Bush) to redundantly re-criminalize torture by the military while allowing it for the CIA.
Too Slow Zelikow: UVA Backs Torture
But yeah, cop shows - especially those that purport to be ‘gritty’ - are nearly always about the hero keeping us safe from society's lower dregs.
That stance, and Lincoln's election on such a platform, was featured among prominent Southerners' purported constitutional justifications for secession: the nation had just elected a lawless, anticonstitutional President who would invade the South's constitutional rights, as duly determined by the United States Supreme Court, with respect to slavery.
Paulsen on Lincoln and Judicial Authority
The best counterclaim is that … while purporting to do these things … it fails at almost everyone.
Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Smartmobby responses to Blackboard patent
Others purported to have transmuted metals or concocted elixirs and sold their recipes to others.
Within the philosophy of mind, an eliminativist materialism is the most radical form of materialism as it further posits that mental states (e.g., desire, hope) are not real, do not truly exist, but rather are artifacts of a "folk psychology," artifacts that neuroscience and other purportedly pure scientific disciplines will some day, at some more enlightened point in the future, vanquish.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Constitutional law is rife with clashing certitudes generated by too-clever theories purporting to illuminate the one valid approach to construing the Constitution.
If I do not believe my Elders and betters, those who are purported to be most wise, then who is there left to believe?
In this photo, a poster purporting to lay out the true size of the USSR's collection of SS-20s, a type of ICBM, is displayed during testimony before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Neither label precisely describes the strange hybrid that now purports to run the country but many Zimbabweans both in and outside the country must be finding it hard to come to terms with the notion of sharing power with the very same people who were intent on beating your brains out yesterday.
In two of the four cases the solicitors received signed mandates from the purported owners for the funds to be telegraphically transferred to a third party.
Yes; you can put me in a position where I have experiences such that, given those experiences (and given my noetic structure), the rational thing to do is to give up the purported defeatee.
Warranted Christian Belief
Though laziness is easily enough understood, I remain mystified as to why anyone who purports to follow Jesus would choose to condemn an entire population over choosing to obey Jesus 'self-proclaimed greatest commandment to love one's neighbor as oneself.
John Shore: Toward a Christianity of Common Sense
Honest and heartfelt though these sentiments may be, this sort of unsubtle, soapbox writing has no place in a work purporting to be serious literature.
Otherwise we are left either with the error-theoretic conclusion that there are no moral properties or the non-cognitivist conclusion that moral vocabulary does not even purport to refer (in the sense of ˜refer™ in play when one does serious metaphysics, anyway; again, the non-cognitivist will allow that we can ˜speak with the vulgar™ here).
Moral Non-Naturalism
While the labels purport to "help customers find their stores 'healthiest foods," Stier reminds us,
Medlogs - Recent stories
Revelation, "purporting to be the last conversation of a somnambule, held with his magnetizer just before his death, which was followed by the yet more striking exhibition of abilities in the same way, entitled" The
International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850
Benjamin Black/John Banville's neo-noir, set in 1950s Ireland and America, conjures up a very postlapsarian world indeed, in which characters do evil in the purported service of some greater good.
Christine Falls
When I hear what students, purporting to study for English degrees, know and do not know nowadays, I seem to sense huge doors shutting quietly behind us.
Brahman is satyasa/m/kalpa, and so on; for if not, the passages in which those qualities are asserted would become purportless (15).
The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1
While it wasn't necessarily focused on the mental health of the teens/college agers, it did purport that they both have less relationships and more "friends con benefits".
Sex, science and statistics Boing Boing
As it happens, the CFTC report arrived just as the Moe, Larry and Curley of the antispeculation show -- Senators Byron Dorgan and Maria Cantwell, and Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak -- pre-emptively released their own study, by Virgin Islands fund manager Michael Masters, which purports to show "index speculators" are "now the single most dominant force in the commodities futures market.
See You Later, Speculator
The man is a tool; the column purports to be a resource for correcting some of the Washingtonia's worst traffic annoyances, but his advice is nearly always to Grin and Bear it.
The general purport of the Constitutions, when they were at last made known, was to transfer certain causes -- for example, those regarding presentations to benefices -- from the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical to that of the King's Courts, to restrain appeals to Rome, to prevent the excommunication of the king's officers and great vassals, and to sanction the king's appropriation of the revenues of bishoprics and abbacies.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
Tunisia had promulgated a constitution in 1860, setting up a Supreme Council purporting to limit the powers of the monarchy.
At least one local council in England is puzzled to have received a letter purporting to come from the business.
Times, Sunday Times
The last in the story is an email purporting to help the recipient deal with junk mail.
The Times Literary Supplement
The purport of the statement is that the firm is bankrupt.
Making a historical drama that purports to be based on truth is a tricky business.
But this does not affect the argument from design which, as Cleanthes admits, does not purport to show that the designer of the universe does have these characteristics.
The purport of this association was to defend the queen, to revenge her death, or any injury committed against her, and to exclude from the throne all claimants, what title soever they might possess, by whose suggestion or for whose behoof any violence should be offered to her majesty, [***] The queen of Scots was sensible that this association was levelled against her; and to remove all suspicion from herself, she also desired leave to subscribe it.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. From Elizabeth to James I.
The main subject of the narrative is a journey through a somnambulistic world by the son, Jozef, to visit his purportedly dying Father in a Sanatorium.
Celebrated Animators The Quay Brothers Return with a New Feature | /Film