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How To Use Purity In A Sentence

  • It is August 14, 1941, the vigil of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother, the Woman clothed with the sun and the moon and the stars, who long before had promised young Maximilian the twin crowns of purity and martyrdom for God. Anti-Catholicism
  • In present-day usage, despite Fowler's strictures, concern for classical and linguistic purity is minimal and the coining of etymological hybrids is casual and massive.
  • At times, however, music of great austerity and purity is shattered by painful, pounding discords.
  • It is particularly by the mucilage, which is found in greater or less quantity in all vegetables, that the purity of oil is affected. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • In town me and Josh got Silver rings as part of the purity for God thing - very cool!
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  • What we do need is a sense of justice that doesn't succumb to moral purity or compromise with political power (and today, that means spinmeisters more than the tyrants).
  • His life was for all, bringing everyone in his midst to purity, upliftment and divinity.
  • Gold's purity is expressed either as fineness or in karats.
  • I think you have done well in avoiding the topic altogether; but between ourselves, do you really think that the refinement of manner, the censorious, hypocritical, verbal scrupulosity, which is carried so far in this "picked age" of ours, is a true sign of superior refinement of taste, and purity of morals? Characteristics of Women Moral, Poetical, and Historical
  • In Roman times, men standing for public office would wear white togas to signify their purity.
  • When the cast electrodes of air-melted steel are remelted under vacuum and deoxidized with carbon, the product has significantly improved purity.
  • From the firmness of its drawing, and the depth and singular purity of its colour, "Godiva" stood, if we judge aright, as at once a great performance and a great pledge. Famous Reviews
  • The highest conception we can form of heaven is the reversal of all the evil of earth, and the completion of its incomplete good: the sinless purity -- the blessed presence of God -- the fulfilment of all desires -- the service which is _blessed_, not toil -- the changelessness which is progress, not stagnation. Expositions of Holy Scripture
  • Microscopic examination of datolite nodules from a number of localities shows that native copper is probably the most common impurity.
  • With the digital addition of a unicorn's horn, the heraldic beast conjoins a singularly aristocratic symbol of Christian purity and England's national enthusiasm for horses.
  • Yes, I know the Internet is a jungle, but as the writer above puts it, life continues to be a "ceaseless struggle to extract moments of goodness and purity from a world of tragedy. Ingrid Hill - An interview with author
  • If he had kissed her with those uneloquent and untrained lips of his, impure in their purity, she would never have forgiven herself. Too Old for Dolls A Novel
  • Surma is made from antimony sulfide, but it may contain lead as an accidental impurity that remains in antimony sulfide or it may be an intentional adulterant.
  • It's pretty much a rule of politics that when a party has been out of power for a while it is willing to tolerate a decent amount of ideological impurity in its presidential candidate.
  • Once elected, the pressure group spokesman becomes a politician, whose business is compromise, not ideological purity.
  • Clough translated it in 1834, and Hardy has given an interesting summary of it in his Eastern Monarchism; but neither the text nor any complete translation is readily accessible, and I have therefore thought that this edition might possibly be acceptable to those who desire information respecting the practice of Buddhism in Ceylon, where, as is well pointed out by Mr. Childers, in his Pli Dictionary, (s.v. Nibbnam, p. 272, note), “Buddhism retains almost its pristine purity. The Admission and Ordination Ceremonies. III. The Order. Reprinted from a paper by J.F. Dickson, B. A., in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1874.
  • The last great bastion of French culinary purity has gone ethnic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nobody is more free from the ostentatious correctness of the literary precisian, and nobody preserves so much purity and so much dignity of language with so little formality of demeanor. Voltaire
  • Instead he was worried that people with different tastes to his were diluting the purity of the artistic endeavour. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be sure the back-seats were free for the poor; but the emblazoned crimson of the windows, the carving of the arches, the very purity of the preacher's style, said plainly that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a man in a red wamus to enter the kingdom of heaven through that gate. Margret Howth, a Story of To-day
  • In Galatians 5: 19-21 the list is headed by sexual immorality, impurity, licentiousness, and idolatry.
  • Yet this very tragedy, in spite of its author's protestations, is nothing more than a rifacimento of Racine's drama, and rather infelicitous at that, though it must be admitted that Mendes' style is of classic purity, and some of his scenes are in a measure characterized by vivacity of action. The Renascence of Hebrew Literature (1743-1885)
  • The impurity of supposedly pure subcellular fractions is a constant threat to the plant biochemist.
  • Nickel is one of the most important metallic impurity in very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI). It affects seriously the VLSI properties.
  • Now, it is clear that this sacrifice is brought as a consequence of impurity from the fact that the same sacrifice of two turtle-doves or two pigeons is brought by a leper, a woman who has had an impure issue, and one who has just given birth.
  • To eliminate the need for heroic final cleanups, it is expected that the degree of purity of intermediates will increase progressively, from the first intermediate on to the drug substance itself.
  • Like geeky music snobs sneering as their favourite indie band climbs the charts, they view success as a sign of impurity, popularity as poison.
  • Once the delight and help of her husband, she is now the loathing of his soul and tempts him to absence and impurity.
  • There are some who consider that the greatest scene in history -- the hero sheathing his sword "after a life of spotless honor, a purity unreproached, a courage indomitable, and a consummate victory. American Men of Action
  • In this passage, Oothoon's rhetoric of purity and defilement reveals her unwitting capitulation to Theotormon's ascetic dualism (which opposes chastity to harlotry), while her use of the verb "rend" in her instruction to Theotormon's eagles implies, most appallingly, an invited repetition of Bromion's act of rape. Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
  • This lack of ostentation conveys a purity that is some-times as striking as the North African Qur’ans from the first centuries of Islam. Wind of Change
  • Messiah, his seductive arts and successes, the mass hysteria around him, his fall and the breaking up of illusions in destitution and new illusion, or in penance and purity. Isaac Bashevis Singer - Biography
  • A splendid Stalagmite standing 2 to 3 feet high and set apart from the drab brown of the rest of the passage by its white crystalline purity greeted my ascent.
  • The organic purity of the organoarsenic species was determined by protonic nuclear magnetic resonance.
  • That Bruno himself, in "the enthusiasm of the idea," drew from his axiom of the "indifference of contraries" the practical consequence which is in very deed latent there, that he was ready to sacrifice to the antinomianism, which is certainly a part of its rigid logic, the austerities, the purity of his own youth, for instance, there is no proof. Gaston de Latour; an unfinished romance
  • March 5th, 2010 at 1: 05 pm bitblt says: buttblight keeps whining about being stoned for purity sins, but heyzeus was very clear in john 8 that behaving with the “judgment” against others and stoning was in itself was just as evil. Think Progress » Missouri lawmaker: Allowing gays to serve openly increases a military’s casualty rate.
  • Since we had found previously that by adding bromine to the golden (SN) x material, we could increase its conductivity tenfold, we thought that perhaps the impurity in the polyacetylene was acting as a dopant and was actually increasing the conductivity of the polyacetylene, rather than decreasing it. Alan G. MacDiarmid - Autobiography
  • Putting that aside and simply listening to the sound itself, one hears a voice of remarkable purity and tonal beauty along with a command of style and color that any singer would kill for.
  • The high purity of guaiacyl lignin in Douglas fir fiber.
  • It was a sign of ideological purity to oppose both. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, the error in the latter was partly responsible for that in the former: for Stas, because of an unsuspected impurity in his silver had obtained less silver chloride from a specimen of the metal than really should have been produced by it. Theodore W. Richards - Nobel Lecture
  • Like anorexia, it often involves severe weight loss, but so-called orthorexics are obsessed with food quality, rather than quantity, and strive for personal purity in their eating habits rather than for a thin physique.
  • Later, this water is chlorinated and the output is colourless and odourless water with the purity label of 80 percent and later stored in the 1.5 MLD capacity storage tank.
  • Nor do we view the tiny flame of our own kindling (guarded in lasting purity as its light ever is) with greater awe than the celestial fires though they are often shrouded in darkness; nor do we deem it a greater marvel than the craters of Etna, whose eruptions throw up stones from its depths and great masses of rock, and at times pour forth rivers of that pure and unmixed subterranean fire. On the Sublime
  • He has previously courted the religious right with his strong line on homosexuality and sexual purity.
  • No American author had ever dreamed of such ovation before: an ovation not due to any incisive thought, not due to any novelty of his subject-matter, -- but due to the fact that a man born overseas had suddenly appeared among British writers, who could lay hold upon their own resources of sentiment, and inwrap it in language which charmed them by its grace and provoked them by its purity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 80, June, 1864
  • The purity of the cocaine was still being tested by forensic experts at Garda HQ yesterday.
  • White represents the transcendental feeling of purity and clarity.
  • Leave aside for a moment the critics who recoil at the symbols, the patriarchy, the very use of the term purity, with its shadow of stains and stigma. Hullabaloo
  • The presence of this dangerous impurity is easily detected by adding ferric chloride, which, in presence of the sulphocyanate, produces a blood-red colour. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • Nonetheless, a purity of sorts still remains, evident in the heavy anticipation of the quadrennial event.
  • (the possession of correct views, decision and purity of thought and will, the ability of reproducing any sound uttered in the universe, vow of poverty, asceticism, attainment of meditative abstraction of self-control, religious recollectedness, honesty and virtue), and such doctrines. Buddhism and Buddhists in China
  • The soaring purity of her voice conjured up the frozen bleakness of the Far North.
  • The extraction by aether was carried through following primary removing impurity after bulb crashed and decomposed by Alliinase .
  • A lot of my work challenges those mythologies and stereotypes to highlight the fact that all culture is essentially hybrid, and that the notion of purity is null and void.
  • At times, however, music of great austerity and purity is shattered by painful, pounding discords.
  • There were many times when I envied the moral clarity of those priests as they tended their flocks of young believers, incessantly preaching the demands of sexual purity.
  • HPLC method for determination of ftibamzone and its chromatographic purity was established.
  • Inadequate laboratory procedures and records to assure that the APIs have the appropriate quality and purity.
  • Also available from Monex is the 32.15 troy ounce gold "kilobar" ... a one kilogram bar of fine gold bullion of at least .999 purity. Blogpulse Top Links
  • But chemists place great value on purity, and spend much time ridding their products of impurities.
  • The focus of this research is on separation and regeneration of the catalysts in order to decrease costs of production while increasing the purity of the product.
  • Her claim that the term impure (teme’ah) is obfuscated because of its biblical connotation of transmission of impurity and the rabbinic usage of unavailability for sexual purposes needs further clarification. Female Purity (Niddah) Annotated Bibliography.
  • Its eponymous hero is caught between the purity of art and the pleasures of love. Times, Sunday Times
  • The worship of God must be carried out with holiness and purity.
  • Thanks to the tireless enforcers of Darwinian purity necessary and time wasting efforts of actual hard working scientists responding to an unconscionable attack on honest scholarship by a sine nobilis, bibliolatrous bunch of cultural miscreants. No more coffee for Mr Witt - The Panda's Thumb
  • Shall equip with hydrogen and oxygen purity analyzer.
  • The naturally occurring well is renowned for the purity of its water, which is drawn with the aid of a mechanical pump.
  • In vv 24 and 26a Paul asserts a surfeit of desire and passion by the people he is denouncing, which he characterizes as impurity and dishonor.
  • Foods: The term virgin evokes purity, cleanliness, white. O Antiphons
  • Therefore what is meant by Buddhahood is the recognition and realization of the complete purity of the mind.
  • The Masonic religion should be, by all of its initiates of the higher degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. if Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty perfidy, and hatred of man, Barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? La Satanism Exposed | Disinformation
  • Unitarians saw themselves as the retrievers of a lost purity.
  • The church government which I plead for against him, is a means subservient and helpful, so far as _removere prohibens_, to remove that which apparently is impeditive and destructive to that purity and power. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Small black stones were used as touchstones to test the colour, and hence purity, of gold.
  • At the top end of Britain's food world, which has come to associate organics and therefore ‘naturalness’ with sometimes spurious notions of purity, a professor of bacteriology telling it as it is, may not always be welcome.
  • In India, however, where interrogations like genethlialogy were introduced in the second century by the Yavanajātaka, the relationship of the art to the second type of divination (familiar through the versions of Babylonian omen literature in the saṃhitās) was not ignored; from the earliest times the need for ritual purity and preparation is stressed. ASTROLOGY
  • MECCA, Saudi Arabia -- Draped in white robes to symbolize purity and the equality of mankind under God, nearly 3 million Muslims from all over the world gathered Friday in Mecca, on the eve of the sta ... 3 Million Muslims In Mecca For Pilgrimage
  • The relations among the substrate impurity, magnetic domain characteristics and disk errors are further studied by the mathematical model.
  • The beautiful subalar plumage is then thrown out and cleaned from any spot that may sully its purity by being passed gently through the bill, the short chocolate-colored wings are extended to the utmost, and he keeps them in a steady flapping motion, at the same time raising up the delicate long feathers over the back, which are spread in a chaste and elegant manner, floating like films in the ambient air. In Nesting Time
  • If we set out with that high ideal which would seem to be demanded as a characteristic of a great religious teacher, and certainly of one claiming to be a prophet of God, we ought to expect that his character would steadily improve in all purity, humanity, truthfulness, charity, and godlikeness. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • Most ancient legislators, therefore, considered cleanliness, which they called purity, as one of the essential dogmas of their religions. The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature
  • The assay of gold-zinc slimes, which is the precipitate formed by zinc acting on cyanide solutions of gold, may be made by wrapping 2 or 3 grams in 40 grams of sheet lead and scorifying, cupelling, &c. The amount of impurity in the stuff varies greatly; it is usually calcined and mixed thoroughly with soda 40 per cent., borax 30 per cent., and sand 10 per cent., and melted in graphite pots. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • She was my grand-daughter, and what's bred in the bone ... oh, but she'd hocussed me properly, playing shrinking Purity, and I'd been ready to shell out half my fortune - and I'd come within an ace of committing murder for her. Watershed
  • And it made the case for liberal economic purity harder to make. Times, Sunday Times
  • Led by playing of uncommon mellowness and timbral purity from clarinetist Anthony McGill, enhanced by the elegant understatement of veteran violist Michael Tree and the character-rich keyboard work of pianist Anna Polonsky, they brought out the genial warmth in Mozart's writing. A superlative performance by the Schumann Trio
  • What a great name "purity" is for the Republican Party. RNC resolution won't 'handcuff' Steele, co-sponsor says
  • According to Okanagan Springs, the Bavarian Purity Law restricts beer to barley, water, hops and yeast, but in fact, the law permits the use of any type of grain so long as it has been malted.
  • By 1932 the gold standard had strayed so far from purity, so far from what it could and should have been, that its weakness contributed signally to its final breakdown in 1933.
  • In a painting of the Bethesda Fountain, Chase posed an elegant woman dressed in white against the fresh water and sunny air - a symbol of urban health and lily-white purity.
  • The seventh track off of Purity of Essence!
  • White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures.
  • unevangelical" young lawyer who was "not far from the kingdom of heaven," and yearned towards the penitent Peter, and from the tenderness of his immaculate purity said to the adulteress, The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • She tried to have him appointed to the postmastership, which, since all the work was done by assistants, was the one sinecure in town, the one reward for political purity. Main Street
  • After reduction , manganese is extracted by sulfuric acid and high purity manganese carbonate is obtained after impurity removal from the solution and reaction with ammonium carbonate.
  • No less important is his later research which led to the synthesis of completely new elastomers, in two different ways: by polymerization of butadiene into cis-1,4 polymers with a very high degree of steric purity and by copolymerization of ethylene with other a-olefins Giulio Natta - Biography
  • We are met almost at the threshold by a colossal epic, Creation, Man and the Messiah (1830); by songs that turn into dithyrambic odes, by descriptive pieces which embrace the universe, by all the froth and roar and turbidity of genius, with none of its purity and calm. Henrik Ibsen
  • All chemicals and reagents were of the highest purity available.
  • Recent research has discovered that a semiconductor can be made magnetic by doping it with an impurity such as Mn.
  • Our bodies are temples to purity and goodness.
  • Memory's pearls, in all the purity of their gleaming preciousness, were counted one by one by the flute and dulciana; and the sadder tones of the waldflute proclaimed the finding of the cross. The Rosary
  • If there’s a certain holier-than-thou purity to my sentiments, it’s true. Prizes? We Don’t Need No Stinking Prizes! : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • The two are so closely allied that the Greek for "covetousness" (pleonexia) is used sometimes in Scripture, and often in the Greek Fathers, for sins of impurity. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Finally, the sensitivity analysis and the Break-Even point analysis are used in the uncertainty and the risk analysis of YLB high purity Maltitol project.
  • It is almost as if it sullies the purity of his strategy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chroma, a measure of spectral purity, is the ratio of the total reflectance in the range of interest and the total reflectance of the entire spectrum.
  • Aye, sculpted in whitest alabaster to emphasize his purity.
  • Various manufacturing and processing operations require the usage of high-purity sulfureous mixtures and compounds.
  • For massive material such as turquoise or lapis lazuli, which is fashioned into cabochons and free-form shapes, the purity, durability, and color of the material contribute to its desirability.
  • For his tongue is exceeding pure so that it has in purity what it wants in music.
  • According to Packard and Hoskinson, the purity of the tone may lead to the development of rotation sensors that are sufficiently sensitive to be used for Earth science, seismology and inertial navigation.
  • In Galatians 5: 19-21 the list is headed by sexual immorality, impurity, licentiousness, and idolatry.
  • The dew, jewelling a thousand spider-webs, the sparkling brightness of the air, the exquisite purity of the atmosphere, and grandeur of space and loneliness rimmed about by rose-tipped skies and far forget-me-not hills make a magic to catch the heart in a net from which it never quite escapes. Blue Aloes Stories of South Africa
  • Meanwhile, they milk her god-given attributes to mobilize armies of budding wannabes by sanitizing her sexuality, and legions of men by fetishizing her purity.
  • The purity of seed for the last round of GM crop trials for winter oil seed rape has been confirmed, reports the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
  • His narrative is one of unmitigated Spanish rapaciousness and violence and Indian innocence and moral purity.
  • After several trials, the researchers determined that nickel catalysts, which share similar properties to palladium materials, allowed the α-ketoesters to add to nitroalkenes with high yields and purity; over 90% of the final product corresponded to a specific stereoisomer, a molecule with a hard-to-achieve, geometrically distinct structure. R&D Mag - News
  • The Tukar'ramin's view tilted, following a black fleck of impurity up the glowing pipeline, starward, into sucking void, high beyond air's clutching. Tides Of Light
  • In its vitality, harmony and purity of form, this art is profoundly close to nature.
  • A tornado of energy, she pushes a vision that varies from minimalist, quasi-architectural purity to funky playfulness.
  • I always tell her she has the quality that all of us need to project more, which is purity and innocence.
  • Religious fanatics the world over are much the same, full of deadly purity.
  • It belongs European wood . The distinctive color from others is on the purity and clearness presentation.
  • You got defensive when my purity test challenged your sluthood. Random Ferrettage: The Scale Of Humanity’s Experience
  • Linguistic usage is a market whose purity would delight the heart of the crabbiest libertarian, brutally culling the weak and perpetuating the strong, but never discriminating against the young upstart. Should you use jargon in your Focus leaflets?
  • Consequently, the material is embrittled by impurity segregation to interfacial boundaries.
  • I am sure that there is a great work to do, which wants every labourer - to show that Art's highest vocation is to be the handmaid to religion and purity, instead of to mere animal enjoyment and sensuality.
  • Once there was devotion, piety, fervor, religion, holy priests, purity of heart.
  • For this is a beautiful city, surrounded by waters of crystal purity and with a myriad of historic buildings to boot.
  • And there was the allurement, the gathering of the data; the great critical point where purity reaches dreamy hands towards pitch and refuses to call it pitch -- till defiled. CHAPTER 7
  • He was smiling to himself as he looked up into her virginal face, so innocent, so penetratingly innocent, that its purity seemed always to enter into him, driving out of him all dross and bathing him in some ethereal effulgence that was as cool and soft and velvety as starshine. Chapter 14
  • Thus the imagery of Aquarius dwells upon the cleansing power of water to offer the representation of youth, innocence and purity.
  • About the year 1639, the New-English reformers, considering that their churches enjoyed the other ordinances of Heaven in their scriptural purity were willing that the 'The singing of Psalms' should be restored among them unto a share of that _purity_. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • Minerals were separated with a magnetic separator and further separation of micas was carried out using a vibrating table and handpicking in an attempt to achieve maximum purity.
  • The new EPA guidelines were designed to gauge the health of nearby streams based on their levels of conductivity, which is an indicator of water's purity. It's Getting Hot In Here
  • We may "pshaw" and "pooh" at Harry Gill and the Idiot Boy; but the deep and tremulous tenderness of sentiment, the strong-winged flight of fancy, the excelling and unvarying purity, which pervade all the writings of Wordsworth, and the exquisite melody of his lyrical poems, must ever continue to attract and purify the mind. International Weekly Miscellany - Volume 1, No. 9, August 26, 1850
  • But by "pureness" here, he means either chasteness again, or general purity, or incorruptness, or even his preaching the Gospel freely. NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • That impurity of alternativity is where, for me, there’s a subtle difference between what I’m imagining and the alternative section in the Glasgow Tower Records as I remember it. War of All Against All: Realism vs Fabulism? Er, No…
  • In reversed-polarity mode, they also observed a new peak similar to that of maleate, which they later attributed to the impurity fumarate.
  • A self-made directional solidification furnace was used to fabricate high purity aluminum(HPA) ingots, and the morphology of grains was studied.
  • There is Christianity, which, by revealing the truth, has limited the license of human reason; there is that human reason which resists revelation as a bondage -- which insists upon being atheistical, or polytheistical, or pantheistical -- which looks upon the requirements of obedience, justice, truth, and purity, as limitations of human freedom. Lothair
  • Our guardians of purity have magnified the pain of this family and willfully and vindictively punished them for the ‘crime’ of a biological imperfection.
  • 'Nor should I – nor could I –' she cried '' refuse him – for I have every reliance in his honour – but that the guilty world, ignorant of the purity of our friendship, might causelessly alarm my brother for my fame. Camilla
  • Does technology pose a threat to the purity Chinese language?
  • The purpose of the mission-school is to develop character, to inculcate purity, to create moral earnestness, in other words, not simply to citizenize, but to The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 09, September, 1889
  • Which is the noble character for ages to admire -- yon fribble dancing in lace and spangles, or yonder hero who sheathes his sword after a life of spotless honor, a purity unreproached, a courage indomitable, and a consummate victory? George Washington: Farmer
  • When a whole nation is roaring Patriotism at the top of its voice, I am fain to explore the cleanness of its hands and purity of its heart. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
  • The dialect of the Koreish was usually called the clear or "perspicuous" Arabic, but the Hamaritic dialect approached nearer to the purity of the mother Syriac. She
  • Conclusion: The natural Harvest clarifier can substitute ethyl alcohol in the procedure of removing the impurity.
  • In the concentrated nitric acid production, the hazard and control of impurity in the magnesium nitrate solution are introduced.
  • There are whole areas of Amsterdam devoted purely to impurity.
  • The sky was a dome of palest glass, and the sun sparkled on the snow, and everywhere was a purity and brilliance almost beyond bearing.
  • It had that quality which all pharmaceutical products aspire to - purity.
  • Prayers are to be made in the direction of Mecca and must be carried out in a state of ritual purity, achieved by either ritual ablutions or a bath.
  • And similarly among the Romans, the Rutilii, and Galbæ, and Scauri, men of eminent reputation for purity of life and manners, and for frugality; and in the succeeding generations, many men of censorian and consular rank, and even many who had celebrated triumphs, such as the The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus During the Reigns of the Emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens
  • Among conservatives, it might provoke 'anxiety for credal purity' and among liberals, 'fear of a colonialist domestication of 'the other''. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Also, moral impurity is not removed or reducible through rituals, through washings and launderings, ritual ablutions and the like.
  • The fiddler was a boy of those parts, about twelve years of age, who had a wonderful dexterity in jigs and reels, though his fingers were so small and short as to necessitate a constant shifting for the high notes, from which he scrambled back to the first position with sounds not of unmixed purity of tone. Wessex Tales
  • And he asked himself with horror: what is this impulse towards dirtiness, which is in the majority of human beings -- this desire to besmirch the purity of themselves and others, -- these swinish souls, who take a delight in rolling in filth, and are happy when not one inch of their skins is left clean! ... Jean-Christophe, Volume I
  • Muslims are striving for purity of mind and the burka is what they need on their women to prevent lust! The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • Her voice has, as yet, neither the maturity nor flexibility of other singers but her performance was strong on dramatic colouring and purity of tone.
  • In fact not only was it a lower colour and purity, but it had been enhanced by laser drilling to remove impurities.
  • The exceptions to this generalization pertained to the laws of niddah (ritual purity), candle lighting and the commandment of hallah (separating a portion of the dough when baking bread, as an offering to God). Learned Women in Traditional Jewish Society.
  • Now since chastity, purity, and sanctity exist only in love truly conjugial, it follows, that it neither does nor can exist in polygamical love. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • Order it any kind of way and you'll revel in the sweet, rich, spicy purity of the thing.
  • The question is - what place is there for philosophical thought and purity of action?
  • The yield and purity of simetryne reach 73.57% and 89.52% respectively under appropriate reaction conditions.
  • Led by playing of uncommon mellowness and timbral purity from clarinetist Anthony McGill, enhanced by the elegant understatement of veteran violist Michael Tree and the character-rich keyboard work of pianist Anna Polonsky, they brought out the genial warmth in Mozart's writing. A superlative performance by the Schumann Trio
  • We now know it will sacrifice talent and demolish the dignity of a loyal employee for a cartoon version of moral purity.
  • Having now become the leader of the anti-corruptionist movement, he was again elected councillor in 1878 as an independent candidate, and threw himself heart and soul into the battle for purity in the municipal government. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • He spent eight years teaching high school Latin, which perhaps explains the purity of his syntax and word choices.
  • The purity of the product is ensured as the entire work is done by the members themselves.
  • Results The purity of the unknown component prepared by TLC method met the requirements of the structure identification by NMR method.
  • These alloys usually contain manganese as an impurity because wrought metal scrap is used in preparing them.
  • The sanctity of each of these sacred places of worship is determined by the purity in one's heart and not by the suffix to one's name.
  • Finally, most anode and electrowon copper is electrolytically refined to a purity of at least 99. 95%. Purchasing - Top Stories
  • Eager to learn from the great man, she hangs on his every word, reminding him of his own faraway innocence and purity of motive.
  • In the United States, prices for cocaine have risen and purity has declined, indicating a tight market, said Antonio Maria Costa, executive director of the U.N. office.
  • Eager to learn from the great man, she hangs on his every word, reminding him of his own faraway innocence and purity of motive.
  • After all, caricaturing Palin as a purity queen (Bible Spice, Sexy Puritan) is just the flip side of caricaturing her as a porn queen. Quote of the Day: From the Mouths of Feminists
  • Anything above ninety-three percent purity is weapons-grade. CHAMELEON
  • Farewell to My Concubine" is a powerful film ... a landmark ...It successfully merges the commercialism of HK moviedom with the artistic purity of China's "Fifth-generation" directors.
  • ” And he contemplated her absorbed young face with a thrill of possessorship in which pride in his own masculine initiation was mingled with a tender reverence for her abysmal purity. I. Book I
  • Precision measurement is to content determination and quantification of impurity.
  • She currently sat, perched on the step, wearing a pretty pale blue gown looking the picture of innocence and purity.
  • In fact, the good squire was a little too apt to indulge that kind of pleasantry which is generally called rhodomontade: but which may, with as much propriety, be expressed by a much shorter word; and perhaps we too often supply the use of this little monosyllable by others; since very much of what frequently passes in the world for wit and humour, should, in the strictest purity of language, receive that short appellation, which, in conformity to the wellbred laws of custom, I here suppress. XI. The Narrow Escape of Molly Seagrim. Book IV
  • When he returned she confronted him with news of her vivid dream of purity. Notorious: The Maddest and Baddest Sportsmen on the Planet
  • The first group includes those books offering serious Buddhist interpretations of the nine stages from the perspective of contemplations on impurity and transience.
  • Methods The baicalin, extracted by microwave, purified with acid, ultrafilter and macroporous resin respectively, and the purity of baicalin were quantitatively determined with HPLC.
  • Rather, Jefferson, in line with the general anti-miscegenationist sentiments of the day, was more concerned with ensuring a system of primogeniture based on a presumed purity of bloodlines. Editorial
  • Process of fabricating floating gate type field effect transistor having drain region gently varied in impurity profile
  • In fact, the good squire was a little too apt to indulge that kind of pleasantry which is generally called rhodomontade: but which may, with as much propriety, be expressed by a much shorter word; and perhaps we too often supply the use of this little monosyllable by others; since very much of what frequently passes in the world for wit and humour, should, in the strictest purity of language, receive that short appellation, which, in conformity to the wellbred laws of custom, I here suppress. XI. The Narrow Escape of Molly Seagrim. Book IV
  • As grandmas go into palpitating convulsions of disbelief, and all of contemporary society looks down at me from their pedestals of purity, let me just state that I'm not average.
  • Throughout, though, there is a warmth and purity that speaks of hope rather than despair.
  • The purity of the opening segment has slipped away, replaced by bravado and swagger.

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