How To Use Puritanism In A Sentence

  • A strain of puritanism runs through all her work.
  • They had, however, their own peculiar superstitions, which overclouded the mind with thick-coming fancies, as completely as the puritanism of their neighbours. A Legend of Montrose
  • His thoroughgoing Puritanism meant that he constantly subjected himself to self-examination.
  • Shaw, a highly dexterous dramaturgist, smothers his dramaturgy in a pifflish iconoclasm that is no more than a disguise for Puritanism. A Book of Prefaces
  • He told the magazine: "You get this constant swing between puritanism and the desire to push things as far as they can go: what I call cavaliers v roundheads. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
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  • It seems to a bemused outsider at times as if the country must have its own cultural variant of masochistic puritanism, a collective desire for the penitential abnegation of prosperity and all its works.
  • It was just that old Puritanism, Spartanism of her childhood, which was continually reaching up its bony hand from the grave where she had interred it. The Bent Twig
  • Is there some law of conservation of puritanism in American culture, that we always have to find a new class of sinners to officially hector? Matthew Yglesias » Food Taxes vs Food Subsidies
  • While much of his later life was occupied by scholarly questions of the Bible and homosexuality, he came to abhor the label "gay minister," and pursued a much wider range of studies, on early American religions, Elizabethan Puritanism, church music and the African-American experience. NYT > Home Page
  • Although he calls the treatise in which he addresses himself to this endeavour St. Paul and Protestantism, therein following Renan's phraseology, in the treatise itself he speaks rather of St. Paul and Puritanism; and this he does because here in England Puritanism is the strong and special representation of Protestantism. Matthew Arnold
  • They brought back a sensuousness and emotionalism to art which had been banished by the puritanism of postmodernist theory.
  • Puritanism had initially been a movement to expunge remaining elements of Catholicism from the Church of England.
  • There was a streak of puritanism about the Boultings.
  • Although he held the Puritanism viewpoint of life and behavior standard, he seriously criticized it.
  • Their story champions freedom over constriction, sensuality over puritanism, living for others over living for success.
  • Wittenberg itself, Andrew Karlstadt (or Carlstadt) promoted a further movement against the Mass and, on the strength of the Old Testament attacked images and called for a stricter sabbatarianism, so that signs of the later Puritanism were already visible. CHRISTIANITY IN HISTORY
  • And this belief that's called Calvinist predestination is really at the heart of mainstream English Puritanism at this point.
  • Oliver Cromwell's body hung on the Tyburn gallows, the type of Puritanism found futile, inexecutable, execrable. Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
  • Some people would tell the story of your earlier life as an escape from the austerity and puritanism and greyness and lack of colour of Britain at that time.
  • There was not a trace of Manicheanism in him, and he called puritanism, in his biography of Louis XIV, an “evil out of the pit”, meaning the pit of hell. Hilaire Belloc: Defender of the Faith
  • English Puritanism temporarily triumphed during the English Revolution.
  • His character has often been explained as the result of his grandmother's puritanism.
  • Twenty years of his life were given to politics and statecraft, and his verse is the product not only of his own genius, but of the national spirit of Puritanism – which was the desire to establish the kingdom of God upon earth. Marriage as a Trade
  • Boston was an early centre of New England Puritanism.
  • I'm just an apologist for Frankish substantialism and totalitarianism and puritanism and individualism and rationalism and ... Latest entries from
  • To use it to describe one's negative reaction to an author's treatment of a text creates a dissonance of sorts - rape is bad, usually refers to things that women/men suffer at the hands of men/women, and has become something of a conversation killer/dampener due to the semantics and paralanguage embedded these days (especially in the US - I'd argue mostly due to rape survivor advocacy centers not not to any sort of puissant puritanism still lingering in my country). On Profanity: 4
  • If it seems that way, it is only because of the puritanism, the pious emotional parsimony, of our American era.
  • The English have still much of that ancient puritanism which finds a vague sinfulness in the uncostly delights of sunshine, and colour, and ease of mind. The Land of The Blessed Virgin; Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia
  • Such sexual puritanism does little to challenge a conservative view of sex as dangerous and undesirable.
  • Note 64: Former partisan, D. Grizona, also refers to the 'puritanism' of the partisan leadership (Boutzouvi-Bania, 1993: 206). back Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • Puritanism entails hostility to the traditional culture as well as enthusiasm for sermons and predestinarian theology.
  • Yes, there was to be a new Hedonism that was to re-create life, and to save it from that harsh, uncomely Puritanism that is having, in our own day, its curious revival.
  • The disintegration of Puritanism preceded any attempt to impose the Presbyterian system.
  • Dictionary of American Biography than Boston's more individualist Puritanism, while historian David Hackett Fischer has shown how the "folkways" of colonists from four different British regions, with their own variants of Protestantism, subtly molded the character of the sections of America they settled, so that their inhabitants ended up even with differently inflected understandings of the idea of liberty. City Journal
  • Oliver Cromwell's body hung on the Tyburn - gallows, as the type of Puritanism found futile, inexecutable, execrable, -- yes, that gallows-tree has been a fingerpost into very strange country indeed. Past and Present
  • John Bunyan’s classic allegory, here in the old cradle of Puritanism, held semisacred status; to employ it ironically was tantamount to blasphemy. Mark Twain
  • He remained married and close to his family but despite a narrow streak of puritanism in his make-up, lived openly for years with his mistress, a chorus girl and minor actress, less than half his age.
  • He was a rebellious product of the militant puritanism that shaped so many in the 1950s and early 60s.
  • He introduced to music a new puritanism, an acute political awareness and diamond-hard intelligence.
  • They are soaked through and through with that old strain of English puritanism that looks on pleasure as a mortal danger. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • Both films explore what happens when communities become subject to a grinding puritanism.
  • Such a doctrine is a doctrine of puritanism -- or purism, which is worse. The Bertrams
  • There are remarkable few studies of animal sex unconfounded by Puritanism. Frans de Waal: Fellating Female Fruit Bats
  • He said: 'You get this constant swing between puritanism and the desire to push things as far as they can go: what I call cavaliers v roundheads. Chortle News RSS
  • Slowly the gamy past of a girl from a Dutch village becomes clear, a past amid the Amsterdam docks, where Dutch Puritanism is overwhelmed by the very smells of the spices being unloaded from ships that have come from the Indies.
  • Above all it is the seriousness, the consistent refusal to engage in light banter or jollity, the unflinching Puritanism (as of Elders of the Kirk), indeed the crippling shyness that strike one most forcefully nearly fifty years on. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Hawthorne has been looked upon as the necrologist of the Puritans, and yet a certain coloring of Puritanism adhered to him to the last. The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Yet even Puritanism was, in the end, concerned with the individual soul, and individual salvation.
  • Puritanism made a substantial impact on Anglo-America.
  • Is there some truth in that or is it just latent puritanism?
  • To treat with national heritage Puritanism, his attitude is criticism, and retrospect.
  • In his lifetime he saw the English Church sway from extreme Puritanism to near Catholicism.
  • But the Joyce-Eliot group come later in time, puritanism is not their main adversary, they are able from the start to ‘see through’ most of the things that their predecessors had fought for. Inside the Whale
  • Clashes between conformists and Puritans resulted in the suppression of the organized Presbyterian wing of Puritanism by 1591, but the impact of Puritans on the Church at a local level remained enormous.
  • Having confessed, according to the terms of the text, that the field or ground is not the Church, but the world, he proceeds, with a very strong animus against what he calls puritanism or separatism, [14] to argue in the usual way against every attempt to purify the visible The Parables of Our Lord
  • More than a religion, Puritanism was a way of life.
  • The American Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values.
  • Her story of the work ethic begins with its invention in 17th-century Puritanism.
  • English Protestantism which combined diverse ele - ments from the older traditions of Puritanism, Meth - odism, and Anglicanism. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The poems articulate the function of puritanism as a check against the dangers of untrammelled art.
  • It is a secular 'born-again' phenomenon that has its historical origin in Puritanism as part of the American psyche.
  • Many of the precepts of Puritanism survived well into the nineteenth century.
  • I will reiterate Muslims love killing Muslims more than anyone, and philosophies of radicalism, puritanism, created the monsters of Terrorism in Islam..thereby destroying all that we stand for..all that we hold upright as Brotherhood and Peace.. Archive 2009-07-01
  • But you still hung, burnt at the pyre, slashed the throats, raped, murdered and pillaged the "savages" or those who would not adopt Christianity or your Victorian-era puritanism, which is responsible and has influenced much of the homophobia in many countries in Asia and Africa. - Because visibility matters
  • Out of Puritanism came the intense work ethic.
  • In the colonial period, American Exceptionalism came into being. It has an intimate relation with Puritanism.
  • Theologically, Puritanism represents an emphasis within the Reformed Protestant (Calvinist) tradition on intense personal devotion and extreme ethical probity.
  • For Puritanism was, above all else, a Bible movement.
  • The business park was the outpost of an advanced kind of puritanism, and a virtually sex-free zone. Ballardian » The Office Park
  • They were baffled when I refused to change quoted words to make them more suspenseful, euphonious or, with the puritanism of Americans, less coarse.
  • Puritanism found futile, inexecutable, execrable, -- yes, that gallows-tree has been a fingerpost into very strange country indeed. Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
  • The dominant Whig Party appealed to Massachusetts, large Congregational church denomination, which had its roots in Puritanism.
  • It is a Muslim society that challenges stereotypes of Muslim puritanism, narrowness, and intolerance.
  • To what degree this new puritanism is due to indoctrination or to the fear of retribution is a matter of speculation. Communist China—Time for Reappraisal
  • Espying a sinister pattern behind these events, Grose bemoans what she characterizes as a horrid resurgence of puritanism that has become a common attitude among young females and is somehow perverting even once-sensible feminists such as Ms. Klausner: Political Mavens
  • Bruckner described a sheriff on a Florida beach ordering him to cover his naked two-year-old daughter, as an example of the US's "problem with sex", which he described as "twisted puritanism" resulting from the alliance of "feminism and the Republican right". Dominique Strauss-Kahn will fly home to a France divided over his reputation

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