How To Use Punishment In A Sentence
And the moral murder of my child is to be my punishment for daring to turn a deaf ear to the indign passion of a brute!
The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel
The government is proposing tougher punishments for officials convicted of corruption.
The French and Dutch results were punishment for political failure on a grand scale.
There must then be obedience to an infinite law, or _infinite_ punishment for transgression.
The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church
The Korea Skating Union suspended Lee Jung-su and Kwak Yoon-gy from all competitions until April 2013 as punishment for allegedly helping to fix competitions and national team tryouts in March, KSU official Kim Tae-wan said.
Two South Korean Olympic medalists get 3-year skating ban

In the Qing Dynasty, the officials's penal system includes two parts: disciplinary sanction and penal punishment.
In ways often too subtle to be conscious but sometimes overt, I believe, blacks remain devalued in American schools, where, for example, a recent national survey shows that through high school they are still more than twice as likely as white children to receive corporal punishment, be suspended from school, or be labeled mentally retarded.
Race and the Schooling of Black Americans
It was said that national crimes can only be, and frequently are, punished in this world by _national punishments_, and that the continuance of the slave trade, and thus giving it a national character, sanction, and encouragement, ought to be considered as justly exposing us to the displeasure and vengeance of him who is equally the Lord of all, and who views with equal eye the poor _African slave_ and his _American master_! [
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Worshipping in unregistered churches was strictly illegal, and those caught often faced severe punishment.
A Church for China
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
The murderer attempted to escape from law punishment by spoiling his own face.
Although marijuana is technically illegal, personal consumption is arguably decriminalized due to the ‘ban on excessive punishment’ written into German law.
In our Columbia County Study, we relied on parent and child reports of parental punishment, rejection, nurturance, and monitoring.
When we glance over the history of flagellation and realize that, though whipping as a punishment has been very widespread and common, there have been periods and lands showing no clear knowledge of any sexual association of whipping, it becomes clear that whipping is not necessarily an algolagnic manifestation.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient.
The sentence is consistent with punishments previously meted out to those charged with establishing parties.
Times, Sunday Times
Do you believe in spanking or any other form of corporal punishment?
Doug Peine - An interview with author
He was pursued up the tunnel by Jock and had to lock himself in the dressing room to avoid condign punishment.
I remember anticipating the possible punishment of being caned for writing about ‘an enemy’ - a Western Christian woman - and later being admonished by mum for provoking the authorities.
One fan has captured the despair by calling his blog Capitol Punishment.
Times, Sunday Times
The punishment is so severe that it is a deterrent for the criminal to commit the crime.
Given his appalling record, he deserved serious punishment.
The Sun
The double punishment was harsh and killed the game as a contest.
The Sun
He was in hell, surely, eternal damnation and punishment and it would never ever end…
It needed expiation - atonement to remove guilt and the liability of punishment.
Hence their punishment was to be achieved through persuading them to repentance and guilt.
Capital punishment is a highly emotive issue.
The Government needs to bring in more stringent punishments for drivers who flout the law.
The Sun
So far as the essence of justice is concerned, there is no difference between one of the cases of punishment which you called barbarous, and one in which the penalty follows the offence within the hour.
Dr. Heidenhoff's Process
If the anti-abortionist can show that the foetus is a person, then ‘you mustn't kill people’ becomes a good reason not to allow abortion - although it's also, on the face of it, a good reason not to allow capital punishment.
The text may also be viewed as a legal instruction, issuing from God, requiring a particular and mandatory punishment for murder.
It is expected to make speeding punishments more flexible, with drivers caught marginally over the limit getting two penalty points and those way over, six.
The punishment in this instance is not arbitrary; it bears some relation to the punishable behavior.
As a result, the juvenile justice system has emphasized rehabilitation, not retribution, requital, or punishment.
The magistrates committed her to Preston Crown Court for sentence after ruling their powers of punishment were insufficient.
No punishments have been meted out to anyone as yet but an investigation is going on.
The King is at first inclined to agree with this principle and to mete out to the sororicide the punishment he deserves.
What, man! there are ways to recover the general again: you are but now cast in his mood, a punishment more in policy than in malice; even so as one would beat his offenceless dog to affright an imperious lion: sue to him again, and he is yours.
Since the reinstatement of capital punishment in 1976, seven states have executed a combined twenty-two juvenile offenders nationwide.
They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent.
But if some receive swift and exemplary punishment it will serve as a deterrent to the rest.
Times, Sunday Times
It is time to leave stoning as a form of capi tal punishment behind us as a race, to relegate it to the same place we have put stringing heretics on racks -- in a chapter of our past that we are not proud of.
José Ramos-Horta: An Appeal for Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani
Besides she is his, shouldn't he be the one to administer any punishment?
The traditional spanking-or "paddling" - punishment for infractions was not so much in evidence anymore.
Homoeroticism In The Ranks
But it does not matter where issues of capital punishment and deterrence are concerned.
He was demoted from the rank of general as a punishment.
Faced with the reality of being alone for the first time she talked openly and honestly with John about her feelings: her disgust with herself, her fear of failing at her job, her growing conviction that her childlessness was a punishment, and the frequent wish that she could simply die and put an end to her misery.
Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
Short prison sentences or a light physical punishment are the norm in most criminal cases.
The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others.
He went on to say that the fugitives had been pursued and captured and brought back to bondage; and upon Borrow's admitting that he had been the instigator of the adventure, he was sentenced to be flogged, and that it was on the back of this very Martineau that he had been "horsed" to undergo the punishment!
Hawthorne and His Circle
I don't really believe in capital punishment, I'm just playing the devil's advocate.
Severe punishments are meted out to violators.
The person would feel even worse if the cheater does not get her or his just punishment.
I don't think anyone, in principle, disapproves of revenge when the punishment imposed on the perpetrator is exactly the appropriate amount.
What's Wrong with REVENGE?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
What, man! there are ways to recover the general again: you are but now cast in his mood, a punishment more in policy than in malice, even so as one would beat his offenceless dog to affright an imperious lion: sue to him again, and he's yours.
Othello, the Moor of Venice
The war criminal laid violent hands on himself to escape punishment.
Obviously what she did was wrong, but I don't think it warranted quite such severe punishment.
Machiavelli admired Borgia for enforcing the summary punishment of evildoing without incurring the hatred of his subjects.
Matthew Yglesias » Luce & Machiavelli on Leadership
The prison service pursues the twin goals of the punishment and rehabilitation of offenders.
The executive member said people in society felt as though there was no severe punishment for capital offences.
They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent.
The failure to address indiscipline by proper punishment is a victory for the do-gooders and defeat for children's education.
If approved by the House, the punishment would allow Gingrich to continue as speaker.
We need harsh punishments for children who attack people for just being told off even if it means bringing the birch back.
When punishment comes - such is the arbitrary nature of things - it is often for the wrong offence.
Times, Sunday Times
Neither does it follow, that, on the supposition of the satisfaction pleaded for, the freedom, pardon, or acquitment of the person originally guilty and liable to punishment must immediately and “ipso facto” ensue.
A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
Community punishment is used for less serious offenders.
The battle of the sexes, (c. 1918 – c. 2007), the colorful dialects, the familiar supernatural characters in newish situations, the punishments meted out by omnipotent powers, these all are equally interesting. bc Says:
A GOTHIC ADVENTURE • by Paul A. Freeman
The governor's repeated claim that he will raise the issue of capital punishment during the 2004 session may be no more than a bone tossed to his more rabid supporters.
To bring in the law as a big stick with which to beat parents of recalcitrant kids implies that there can be no discipline: only punishment.
They have cataclysmic visions of what will happen to the world if Orestes escapes punishment, since there will be no justice to this matricidal murderer.
Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment.
Here, too, he delineates his subject through a series of paradoxes: do English charivari and Skimmington rides represent punishment or celebration?
The history of racism in accusations and punishments for rape is sordid and shameful.
Its defendants praised the reformatory emphasis of Pentonville, its generally softer punishment regime, its system of solitary confinement, and its emphasis on prisoners' self-development.
The term hudud means 'limit', implying the defined bounds of acceptable Islamic behaviour and the respective punishments for serious crimes.
KTemoc Konsiders ........
So Scalia's insistence that the Catholic Church does not consider capital punishment immoral rests on the word "practically" in the Church's catechism.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
The mentality of collective punishment raises its ugly head in all wars, there is no difference in the behavior of soldiers at war, they all act in the most bestial way.
These particular punishments, the lectures that preceded them and the screams they provoked, were recorded on a giant reel-to-reel tape recorder that stood in the living-room.
Their punishment seemed rather stiff.
When these cultural and social divides are discussed, the focus can often turn to corporal punishment.
Times, Sunday Times
In its latest directive, the education ministry banned what it described as inhuman and merciless punishment given to students in schools.
BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
The new law will ensure that habitual criminals receive tougher punishments than first-time offenders.
Should Bermuda bring back hanging (or any other form of capital punishment)?
Like a zealot who demands a public flagellation to expiate his sin, Martin's thirst for punishment grows until his mental health is in doubt.
Liberal over crime and punishment - I believed in public hanging.
When a bird trying to fly upwards is made to fall upon the earth snare, it is a plain proof that the snare is there; so, Israel, now that thou art falling, infer thence, that it is in the snare of the divine judgment that thou art entangled [Ludovicus De Dieu]. shall one take up a snare from the earth, and have taken nothing -- The bird-catcher does not remove his snare off the ground till he has caught some prey; so God will not withdraw the Assyrians, &c., the instruments of punishment, until they have had the success against you which God gives them.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Still, man is the only prisoner who knows he is condemned to capital punishment; that the sentence is without appeal; and that it has been passed already.
You smack your forehead as punishment for saying that.
Similarly, unlike many of their continental European neighbours, the English clung to corporal punishment as a penal sanction until well into the twentieth century.
Sheffer -- who knew what makes business men laugh -- pinned his simple faith to three main subjects, convulsive of the diaphragmatic muscles, building up each series upon the inherent humor to be extracted from physical violence as represented in the perpetrations and punishments of Ruff and Reddy, marital infidelity as mirrored in the stratagems and errancies of an amorous ape with an aged and jealous spouse, and the sure-fire familiarity of aged minstrel jokes (mother-in-law, country constable, young married cookery, and the like) refurbished in pictorial serials through the agency of two uproarious and imbecilic vulgarians, Bonehead and Buttinsky.
Success A Novel
Many thought this too lenient a punishment for a teenager who had created the world's most prolific computer worms.
The flame of truism burns bright in Shane's love for Dostoyevsky's kind of Crime & Punishment.
Now actually there's no mention at all in the report of punishments or penalties for those found guilty.
Kim argues that simply heaping more punishment onto bullies is an easy way out for a society that doesn't want to grapple with widespread homophobia.
The Media Consortium: Weekly Pulse: Palin Revives Death Panels; Boobs Against Breast Cancer; and the Anti-Gay Bullying Crisis
Oh, ermined Judge whose duty to society is, now, to doom the ragged criminal to punishment and death, hadst thou never, Man, a duty to discharge in barring up the hundred open gates that wooed him to the felon's dock, and throwing but ajar the portals to a decent life!
Dickensian Verse
There would be advance from punishment to probation and from probation to release.
The western community rose up to protest the cruel and inhumane punishment.
Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without expectation of rewards or punishment after you are dead. Kurt Vonnegut
The threat of collective punishment for individual infractions is one of the most powerful motivators in military training.
The Army We Have
But if the plea can be supported by a finding of guilt alone, a defendant might escape punishment altogether.
Now, it's probably a bad idea most of the time for guards to slug inmates - although I can think of lots of exceptions - but it isn't cruel and unusual punishment.
Football's violence, it is true, is contained within rules and conventions, and controlled by a punishment regime, but it is also irreducible.
It called for a free vote on marijuana, and also for possible referendums on abortion and the restoration of capital punishment.
Forces and trends that will make capital punishment one of the defining issues of the coming year are converging from several directions.
As to which concrete punishments should be annexed to which crimes, the judgment is a prudential one left for public authority to determine.
I don't agree with capital punishment.
In this context and as stated, punishment must be proportionate to the circumstances of the crime.
The imposition of such a sanction is punishment.
Various factors were decisive here: more food for better performance, the widespread introduction of piecework wages, and the constant expansion of the plant-internal system of surveillance and punishment.
Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.
Those who are found to be taking bribes or kickbacks will face strict punishment and may be disqualified.
Those who seek to grab power through violence deserve punishment.
Punishment by reciprocity is guided by principles of cooperation and equality rather than adult authority and constraint.
Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient.
Besides which he had a difficulty of breathing upon him, and had a convulsion of all his members, insomuch that the diviners said those diseases were a punishment upon him for what he had done.
Judges administer justice and punishment.
Bataillon said the ban amounted to punishment and is "legislation that identifies persons by a single trait and then denies them protection across the board, resulting in disqualification of a class of persons from the right to seek specific protections from the law.
He advocates the return of capital punishment.
When he made use of such a phrase as that quoted above, it was to be presumed that he in some sort meant what he said; and so he did, and had intended to signify that Crosbie by his conduct had merited all such condemnation as was the fitting punishment for blackguardism of the worst description.
The Small House at Allington
He is one of the leading proponents of capital punishment.
It is unlawful for a teacher to inflict corporal punishment on pupils.
One fan has captured the despair by calling his blog Capitol Punishment.
Times, Sunday Times
Estrada's move to soften his stand on capital punishment followed his announcement that he has commuted death sentences to life terms for over 100 convicts.
On site physical punishment in leu of arrest is not an option in this country. Much Ado About ... What?
In the US, the punishments for yobbery are harsh, and gangs are likely to be attacking each other, rather than the general populace.
Finally, there is no compensation for the five men who lost 20 months of liberty as punishment for a crime they did not commit.
‘There was a little bit of punishment enforced because they were more interested in the fact that I had been mitching from school.’
Unto every nation is a fixed term decreed; when their term therefore is expired, they shall not have respite for an hour, neither shall their punishment be anticipated.
The Koran (Al-Qur'an)
One of the uses of capital punishment is to deter other criminals from committing more crimes.
Some slaves were treated well, but there were few restraints on their owners' powers, and physical punishment and sexual abuse were common.
Some are unable to string together words in a coherent fashion, others curse the never-ending punishment.
Wearing the bracelet/anklet is a punishment, one should be embarrassed to wear one.
Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Lindsay Lohan Shows Off Her SCRAM Bracelet
Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.
He heard from his prison the bridge re-echo with the tread of horses, and would ask of his jailer respecting those who were arriving, whether they might be his judges, or those desirous of witnessing his punishment.
Anne of Geierstein
It's probably the only convertible, this side of a Porsche, which could really stand the punishment of everyday country road driving.
Although it is variously described as a devouring beast that is never satisfied (see Proverbs 27:20) and a gloomy abode (see Job 10:21), it was not a place of punishment, but rather the destiny of all human souls.
Mysteries & Intrigues of the Bible
Some people argue that capital punishment is a savage act and must be abolished in every state.
Corporal punishment is an outrage.
Times, Sunday Times
A good man may be in want, but then he quiets himself, and strives to make himself easy; but these people when they shall be hungry shall fret themselves, and when they have nothing to feed on their vexation shall prey upon their own spirits; for fretfulness is a sin that is its own punishment.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
This was the most she could pull off—the smallness of the crime, the minuteness of the act itself—and yet, so fearsome the punishment.
Moeller said, " EU is against banishment and collective punishment. Those are not ways to solve the problem.
It was only when the nails had been driven home and the hammerman had climbed down to admire his handiwork that the flaws in this novel form of punishment became evident.
River God
Which is why I can see both West Ham and Bolton winning and the Hammers going down, deserved punishment for a season in which they stirred themselves only when it was too late.
And this one-sided tale of woe fuels a lopsided view of youth - as well as public agitation for still more draconian laws and punishments.
Times, Sunday Times
One long-term lifer, a woman in fact, told me once that she never met a lifer in her time in prison who didn't approve of capital punishment.
Which is why, I guess, he seems happiest when executing baroque and extreme forms of punishment.
Most homicides were unplanned, and few brought any benefit to the offender even if he avoided punishment.
Ho ! Assyrian , the rod of my wrath, the instrument of my punishment!
Students at Atlantic City High School were served plain cheese sandwiches for two days this week as punishment for a cellphone-coordinated food fight that broke out recently.
N.J. students cheesed off at penalty for food fight
Forgiving releases you from the punishment of a self-made prison where you are both the inmate and the jailer.
To those whom I have told this story since, some have disputed whether this was correct application of the sharia, primarily upon two grounds: (1) that she was not a Believer, and therefore sharia cannot apply, or (2) that the punishment for fornication is merely a hundred lashes, not the death by stoning required for adultery.
The Parable of the Spider
The awardees N. Athinarayanasamy, M. John Kennedy and K. Suresh qualified for the award after a stainless service without even a single punishment or memo for 18 long years.
The main method is national assistance, including reduction of rent for land and of enslavement, lighten punishment, relief, supply doctors and medicines, bury corpses, etc.
Suffering is not a punishment for wrongdoing, but a goad to rectification.
It's time the punishment fitted the crime.
The Sun
Thus the constant, unceasing, restless legislating in the areas of crime, punishment and anti-social behaviour.
What other punitive punishment entered the national heart so quickly?
Times, Sunday Times
Expulsion from school is a harsh form of punishment.
He'll take the punishment on the chin and face life.
The Sun
Hounds that show a disinclination to kill are kicked or whipped as punishment, and may later be put down.
In creative groups, failure is regarded as a learning experience, not a pretext for punishment.
Expiatory punishment is strong punishment administered to children by parents or other adult authorities for breaking rules.
While he declined to comment on specific remedies, he did say he thinks trustbusters can seek a punishment that covers new efforts to extend the company's monopoly.
Schools should not mete out physical punishment to children.
For example, an angel should descend with the Prophet and proclaim his prophethood all over the land or at least some trailer of punishment be shown to them at his initiation - the punishment which they were being warned with by him.
Such objections as that the accused, at the time of the arraignment, is undergoing a sentence of a general court-martial, or that owing to the long delay in bringing him to trial he is unable to disprove the charge or to defend himself, or that his accuser was actuated by malice or is a person of bad character, or that he was released from restraint upon the charges are not proper subjects for motion prior to plea, however much they may constitute ground for a continuance or affect the questions of the truth or falsity of the charge or of the measure of punishment.
• Even when blacks and whites responded the same way to questions about their contact with the criminal justice system and whether rehabilitation is the primary purpose of punishment, blacks were struck at higher rates;
Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » THE JURY IS OUT
He is strongly in favour of capital punishment.
Fred Phelps and other family members who make up most of the Westboro Baptist Church have picketed many military funerals to draw attention to their view that U.S. deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq are God's punishment for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality.
Supreme Court OKs anti-gay church's picketing at funerals
Even apart from the problems above, retributivists have yet to construct a nonarbitrary way of deciding what sentence the guilty offender deserves as punishment.
But here we are forbidden to walk shodden over sacred ground and details of the cruise must be confined to generalities; otherwise the travels of the celebrated Gulliver would be eclipsed, Baron Munchausen lose his claim to veracity, and the shade of the venerable Miller slink back to its original punishment.
Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas
The Administration proposed an understanding clarifying the relationship between these goals and other traditional goals of the penal system such as punishment.
Don't expect these types of boot to take the punishment that gardening will give them.
It was not Toms practice to tell, but here justice clearly demanded that Maggie should be visited with the utmost punishment; not that Tom had learned to put his views in that abstract form; he never mentioned justice, and had no idea that his desire to punish might be called by that fine name.
X. Maggie Behaves Worse Than She Expected. Book I—Boy and Girl
Tom never disobeyed his father, for Mr. Tulliver was a peremptory man, and, as he said, would never let anybody get hold of his whip hand; but he went out rather sullenly, carrying his piece of plumcake, and not intending to reprieve Maggie's punishment, which was no more than she deserved.
Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 7
Spitting in and littering of public places can be stopped by enforcing strict rules as well as fines and punishments.
As he points out, if the allegation were true, this leak would constitute a serious breach of national security and would merit condign punishment under a 1982 law.
In his complaint, Richards said denial of his request for erotic materials is cruel and unusual punishment.
The concentration on punishment damages the national debate by focussing all attention on revenge.
The process of an ethics trial would be much more meaningful if there were tiers of punishment below expulsion that explicitly brought with them more substantial penalties, such as demotions or fines.
Why Rangel's punishment won't really matter
She would tell of the sadistic punishment wrought unto the unbelievers by the just who trusted in her righteousness.
In speaking of criminal justice it states that the punishment should be ‘proportionate to the gravity of the offense’ and that it may avail to expiate the guilt of the offender.
He suffered a stiff punishment.
There was no further punishment.
Times, Sunday Times
Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient.
Wasn't there something in the Bible about hell and damnation as punishment for this sort of union?
Times, Sunday Times
There were negative correlation between of control and attitude toward physical punishment.
Join "saith ... concerning the house of Jacob." redeemed -- out of Ur, a land of idolaters (Jos 24: 3). not now -- After the moral revolution described (Isa 29: 17), the children of Jacob shall no longer give cause to their forefathers to blush for them. wax pale -- with shame and disappointment at the wicked degeneracy of his posterity, and fear as to their punishment.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
What looks like self-indulgence is actually self-punishment.
It amazes me how people seem to forget that they were young once and that no amount of pep talks, pleading or punishment would have made a blind bit of difference to how they carried on when away from their parents' beady eyes.
Criminality and punishment beatings were only adjuncts to the substantive talks in December.
The penalty for breach is punishment for contempt of court.
The methods of punishment would not have shamed the most cruel barbarians in history.
But there still clung to her what I fear we must call a perverseness of obstinacy, a desire to maintain the resolution she had made -- a wish that she might be allowed to undergo the punishment she had deserved.
Can You Forgive Her?
Their jailers dished out their punishment.
Church in the name of the sovereign and under his authority, possess any coactive strength, executive power, or terrestrial authority, it is evident that these ministers can inflict only spiritual punishments.
A Philosophical Dictionary
The attack blinded Bahrami, who sought to have authorities render the ancient punishment of "an eye for an eye" in accordance with Islamic law.
He faked stupidity to try to escape punishment for the crime.
He got a six-year jail sentence, a harsh punishment for a first offense.