How To Use Punch-drunk In A Sentence
Kenneth would send him and he'd come like a beat-up, punch-drunk fighter; useless and straight into the trap.
Punch-drunk with a case of love at first sight, Leonide breaches the garden walls and woos her way toward Agis through both of his defenders, Hesione and Hermocrates.
Olney Theatre's 'Triumph of Love' has great comedy, performances and music
I began to think I might be getting punch-drunk just listening to him.
He was punch-drunk with fatigue and depressed by the rain.
We were a bit punch-drunk, talking about silly stuff, trying to forget the ordeal that awaited.

Collectively, the players resemble a punch-drunk boxer, bruised and bloodied, clinging onto the ropes for support.
Like a punch-drunk boxer who had been hit too many times, the town seemed stuck on the canvas, with some people wondering if it would ever be able to drag itself to its feet again.
Sometimes it can be painful to watch former superstars fumbling for their lost skills like a punch-drunk boxer.
I could feel this slap-happy punch-drunk idiot grin appear on my face, widening exponentially.
The government, atypically, reels, staggers - punch-drunk on the ropes, praying for a bell.
After that, it was a test of nerve and character as both teams slugged it out like a pair of punch-drunk boxers.
The result is a heavyweight movie which leaves you feeling punch-drunk throughout, an adrenaline ride fuelled by some incendiary performances.
Many businesspeople feel punch-drunk as they try to cope with new rules on working time, trade union recognition and European works councils.
Lewis's win provided more than cosmetic surgery to the battered, punch-drunk features of heavyweight boxing.
punch-drunk with love
There was no clarity of thought, only blame, anger and bitterness; punch-drunk, the regime drifted blankly towards its end.
Everyone using the free weights looked punch-drunk from the heat.
In contrast, today's budding poets might seem insignificant and pointless, punch-drunk and undirected about content, style, identity.
Kenneth would send him and he'd come like a beat-up, punch-drunk fighter; useless and straight into the trap.
The fact of the matter was that her brain was reeling about, punch-drunk after the twelve-round contest of this interminable day.
It would be tragic if he suffers yet another body blow, fails to recognise it, and chooses to remain in the fray punch-drunk and disoriented.
He was punch-drunk with fatigue and depressed by the rain.
In contrast, today's budding poets might seem insignificant and pointless, punch-drunk and undirected about content, style, identity.
I had the attention span of a punch-drunk goldfish with Alzheimer's and Bob was scratching his bonce and looking into his beer for inspiration.
It was made easy because everyone was so nice, but I was punch-drunk by the end.
I could feel this slap-happy punch-drunk idiot grin appear on my face, widening exponentially.
But in the end the film feels closer to a rambled lecture by a schoolmaster punch-drunk on self-importance.
The visiting pack were in awesome form, consistently making ground at the edges of the rucks and gradually wearing down the home eight, who by the end resembled a bunch of bedraggled and punch-drunk boxers.
With no let up in this mean season, many hurricane - punch-drunk Floridians have opted to live in the dark, even those who have electricity.
All that changed in 1918 when, like two punch-drunk boxers, the belligerents began finally to land blows which had effect.
She was feeling punch-drunk, and Lena could not think of anything to fight this other than to remain in motion.
After arriving punch-drunk at a truck stop in Amarillo, Texas, I positioned a Therm-a-Rest atop the luggage in the very back.
This looks to be one more blow to an increasingly punch-drunk asset-backed securities marketplace, as well as a significant escalation of the bursting of the consumer debt Bubble.
If only Rangers had done so on Wednesday, Scottish football would have benefited from a hangover cure after the national side's punch-drunk display against Hungary a week earlier.
Like two ageing punch-drunk fighters, Miami Heat and New York Knicks are going to keep swinging until one falls to the canvas from a knockout blow.