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How To Use Pull up In A Sentence

  • Fifty-One Julie Craig heard the car pull up in the driveway and hurried across to the landing window-to look out.
  • The "gharry" makes an excellent perambulating studio -- it is a small, high, wooden cab, with little lattice shutters instead of glass which pull up all round so that you can let down those you need for view, aft or forward, or at either side, and pull up the others and thus have privacy and light and air, and you need no stove or hot pipes, for you could roast a partridge inside! From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
  • The heavy-coated and mufflered man was walking quickly southward; he waved his umbrella to a passing cab, which, however, did not pull up. The Town Traveller
  • It was a hard pull up to the mountain hut.
  • My neck itches and I pull up on the overalls, a movement that tugs the inseam into my crotch. Miracles, Inc.
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  • We pull up outside a whitewashed house. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grissell, the daughter of trainers Gardie and Diana, had a depressing afternoon at Plumpton on Monday when she had to pull up her horse Downe Payment in a handicap hurdle. Tattenham Corner
  • Disregarding a fundamental rule of airmanship that calls for lowering the nose of a plane to gain speed in the event of an aerodynamic stall, the 32-year-old co-pilot at the controls of Flight 447 continued to pull up the nose of the plane, despite extended stall warnings. Air France Crash Report Likely to Alter Pilot Training
  • It's a long pull up to the summit.
  • You get a glimpse of this when you pull up a clump of grass and get a cubic foot of rootbound soil along with it. The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States
  • I daren't let Bill loose on the garden he'd pull up all the flowers.
  • We pull up to his middle-class suburban home. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think the key to avoiding unhealthy levels of groupthink has to do with designing spaces that consistently exert pull upon outsiders (or social hackers or community straddlers), so as to keep the air fresh.
  • Then an observer in nearby Mineola saw the Waco dive at a house and pull up just before crashing into its roof.
  • In other words, “Pull up ya damn pants and get offa my lawn!” Really, it’s okay.
  • The only good thing about your garden becoming a quag is that the weeds pull up really easily.
  • There is no rundale in Norway; and when the cadets see that there is no room for them they quietly "pull up stakes," and go forth to seek a new home, no matter where. Ireland Under Coercion (2nd ed.) (1 of 2) (1888)
  • Fifty-One Julie Craig heard the car pull up in the driveway and hurried across to the landing window-to look out.
  • For instance, there's the double-claw hammer used by woodworkers and carpenters to pull up nails with more ease than a single claw hammer.
  • He went off at a hand-gallop, and then pulled back into a long darting kind of canter, which Bilbah thought was quite the thing for a journey — anyhow, he never seemed to think of stopping it — went on mile after mile as if he was not going to pull up this side of sundown. Robbery Under Arms
  • He took the boy in and up to the little room on the second floor which he called his den; and, turning on the light, motioned him to a chair, laid aside his hat and gloves, and was just about to pull up a chair for himself when he caught sight of an unstamped letter lying upon his writing-table. Cleek: the Man of the Forty Faces
  • Aids include shoehorns with an extension handle, devices that help you pull up hosiery, shoes you close with Velcro rather than with shoelaces, and tools that grip buttons and zippers.
  • the pull up the hill had him breathing harder
  • They had to pull up, possibly go to a motorway services or somewhere like that.
  • I have had buses pull up in front of the house and everybody who sees the gnomes creases up laughing.
  • The craft also had a supply of food - it's not like you can pull up to a row-through window and order anything - and a balky water-purification device to desalinize ocean water, plus an assortment of antibiotics and first-aid supplies. Undefined
  • Its wide tyres look elephantine compared with some of the snazzier models as we pull up at traffic lights. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would have been attractive if every time she spoke I didn't expect her to tell the Prussian to pull up and get in the back with us and bring his garotting tools. The Striker Portfolio
  • The driver of a nearby car gave her a strange look and asked: ‘Why don't you just pull up the handbrake?’
  • If they get a twinge, their solution is to pull up a bar stool and tell a gag. Times, Sunday Times
  • We pull up in front of a weathered frame house tucked behind a real-estate office on a busy main road.
  • Giddyup is gone and tallyho is here… toss the cowboy hat and pull up the jodhpers, western evolves to English equestrian.
  • Again they radioed for it to pull up, but the ship steamed on.
  • He was advised by his doctor to pull up and take it easy.
  • He went off at a hand-gallop, and then pulled back into a long darting kind of canter, which Bilbah thought was quite the thing for a journey -- anyhow, he never seemed to think of stopping it -- went on mile after mile as if he was not going to pull up this side of sundown. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • Those seeking more detailed information can use a search facility to pull up information on a particular manager or fund. Times, Sunday Times
  • You should not just pull up the racket in one motion before striking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pull up some slack, please,’ she yelled at Lori, belaying her.
  • Aids include shoehorns with an extension handle, devices that help you pull up hosiery, shoes you close with Velcro rather than with shoelaces, and tools that grip buttons and zippers.
  • This brake can't be banked on if we have to pull up suddenly.
  • When the train stopped before the long pull up Raton Pass, I stepped down from the vestibule into the coolness of the dawn and the good smell of the creosote in the railway ties and woodsmoke rising from the stucco houses in the valley.
  • Whilst they were thus speculating on the issue of the rencounter the valiant bonnet maker began to pull up Jezabel, in order that the smith, who he still concluded was close behind, might overtake him, and either advance first or at least abreast of himself. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • We're going to pull up stakes and move to Montana.
  • He waited several minutes for a car to pull up alongside.
  • Now, it in a stage-coach in the depth of winter, when three passengers are warm and snug, a fourth, all besnowed and frozen, descends from the outside and takes place amongst them, straightway all the three passengers shift their places, uneasily pull up their cloak collars, re - arrange their "comforters," feel indignantly a sensible loss of caloric: the intruder has at least made a sensation. The Caxtons — Volume 09
  • Pull up your leg muscles and feel how solid that left thigh is becoming!
  • Well, I wasn't going to spend the next 15 hours until daybreak in the van, so a quick evening snifter in Bude seemed in order before searching for somewhere to pull up for the night.
  • Another tradesman in Grattan Street said he heard the motorbike pull up and heard the shot.
  • You can pull up one weed, but you know that two more will appear elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pull up a chair and dig in!
  • The only good thing I can say about it is that henbit is easy to pull up. I’m a henbit farmer « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • You can pull up one weed, but you know that two more will appear elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • In one particular park in the Salthill area where the residents plant shrubs and flowers at their own expense the partygoers saw fit to pull up the shrubs and flowers.
  • She dressed in her most fashionable beachwear and waited for Matt's Corvette to pull up into her driveway.
  • We pull up at the door of the drum player's house in a middle-class suburb of La Paz.
  • If you want to impress your date, pull up Hello Vino to make it look like you know whether to order a zinfandel or a malbec.
  • If they get a twinge, their solution is to pull up a bar stool and tell a gag. Times, Sunday Times
  • While sundrops are still in the rosette stage, they are very easy to pull up and move around.
  • As a result, the ship's captain decides to pull up the sails and cast anchor for awhile until the wind returns.
  • Are you supposed to pull up begonias in the winter?
  • Now, it in a stage-coach in the depth of winter, when three passengers are warm and snug, a fourth, all besnowed and frozen, descends from the outside and takes place amongst them, straightway all the three passengers shift their places, uneasily pull up their cloak collars, re-arrange their "comforters," feel indignantly a sensible loss of caloric: the intruder has at least made a sensation. The Caxtons — Complete
  • We plough through pools of water along St Mary's Street to the town centre, splashing brollies on legs as we turn into St Cuthbert Street and pull up outside Bay Tree House, a Georgian town house on High Street and our home for the night.
  • We pull up outside a whitewashed house. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the rest of you, if you are real and proper visitors with no ulterior motives or hidden agendas, welcome, pull up a chair and stay a while.
  • Pull up the tabs on each end and slide the blinds out.
  • The tender boats pull up at a wooden jetty, with the tree-lined town beach stretching to the east and the west. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pull up a seat at this giant table - yes, it's actually a wooden periodic table - and learn more than you ever dreamed you could about calcium, helium, barium and their more exotic cousins.
  • People pull up in their cars, run behind the furze and dump everything out of sight.
  • Hotel du Lac Carling is quiet, with an understated ambience that washes over you as soon as you pull up beside the waterfall in front of a modern gray stone and knotty pine lodge.
  • The customer had lost his invoice. It took him a minute to pull up the information.
  • Gentlely Gently pull upward to stain straighten the ear canal.
  • You should not just pull up the racket in one motion before striking. Times, Sunday Times
  • One by one they stepped out onto the thin cable slung beneath each yard-arm to pull up the sails and make the gaskets fast.
  • I decided to attempt disarranging the target troop in order to pull up a gap by feinting from a delusive direction in the manner of the wolf.
  • Another alternative, this one relating to the common problem of dandelions in the yard, is to use a weed fork, or a tool, to pull up the dandelions.
  • She had to pull up hard on her feet to keep them from sticking to the floor. METAPLANETARY
  • He was advised by his doctor to pull up and take it easy.
  • The reason he wrote the word down was because he was trying to convince other Englishmen to pull up stakes in the old country and help swell the European population in the settlement.
  • If you study hard, you'll soon pull up your French.
  • Navy spokesman Igor Dygalo said last night that a new attempt is being made to try to pull up the boat, together with antenna, cable and two heavy anchors holding it.
  • Get the popcorn ready and pull up a chair, when the corruption at the SEC goes mainstream, the bloodbath will commence in earnest. by brisa (0 articles, 0 quicklinks, 0 diaries, 9 comments) on Monday, Jan 21, 2008 at 8: 59: 06 PM Bloody Tuesday? Global Markets See Worst Day since 9/11.. US to Follow?
  • The location of the storm right now is just starting to pull up into this area, on the northeast side of what we call the loop current. CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2008
  • When I cook cornbread, or greens, or pinto beans, or pull up ramps from the still cool, damp springtime earth, I am transported to West Virginia, no matter where I am. Tigers & Strawberries » Hillbillies, Greens and Pigs
  • An injection of Botox in the correct forehead muscles makes them pull up drooping brows and eyelids. Times, Sunday Times
  • Susan, when you first pull up at the institute as they call it, the jail, the penitentiary, everything I imagine that you have been through before kind of fades away as you realize you're going to be confined behind bars.
  • When a search word is typed into the program, the browser uses the Google search engine to pull up masses of pictures to process.
  • So I decided to pull up my patch of broccoli raab aka cime di rapa. Green soup
  • A half dozen Marines pull up chairs outside the house, in the fluorescent glow of "chem" lights — civilian campers call them glow sticks. A Daily Dance With Death
  • Child psychologists are being brought into a borough's schools in a bid to pull up performance in key tests and exams.
  • Pull up a chair and dig in!
  • Pull up a chaise and let me tell you a little about this newsletter's beginnings ... (photo taken in Nyons.) avant-propos (ahvahn pro poh) noun, masculine French Word-A-Day:
  • So we all pull up a pew and the priest starts spruiking.
  • As we pull up outside my new residence, I unlink my fingers from Tobais' chest.
  • We pull up to his middle-class suburban home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why don't you just pull up all the plants and have done with the idea of having a garden.
  • Pull up any obscure language, preferably with the patience and good humour that took you this far. Times, Sunday Times
  • To eke out a full-time living from their honeybees, about half the nation's 2,000 commercial beekeepers pull up stakes each spring.
  • The analogy, I take it, however, is to the fact that we can still "pull up," as they say in "computerese," the earlier interview.
  • No hunting worth much -- we were sick of kangarooing, like the dogs themselves, that as they grew old would run a little way and then pull up if a mob came, jump, jump, past them. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • The leading Skidoo didn't have enough gusto to pull up its two fully laden sledges, so we decided to take each sledge up one at a time.
  • It was a long pull up the hill.
  • Gently pull upward to straighten the ear canal.
  • Being over the mercado is a terrible place to be at 6: 00 am when the young folks setting up their stands below seem to need to blare the music to get their day started, but it's a great place to be later in the day when you want to pull up the chair and sit there gazing out at the mountain off a little way in the distance and listen to the sounds of the mercado. 1st Trip part one
  • No hunting worth much — we were sick of kangarooing, like the dogs themselves, that as they grew old would run a little way and then pull up if a mob came, jump, jump, past them. Robbery Under Arms
  • Just as we pull up in front of a sweeping view overlooking golden plains the sun dips behind the hills. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the male characters have set aside all their differences in their commodification and objectivization of women (in a literal sense as they pull up lazy-By chairs and begin to eat munchies and drink refreshments as they cheer and comment). Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • It's a long pull up to the summit.
  • Green: No, it was a fun script and it was a lot of great situations, but one of the things I always look for in comedies is making sure that the actors are in situations where they have to react rather than them having to pull up a set up and pay off jokes like a lot of comedies. Interview: Pineapple Express Director David Gordon Green «
  • We got nothing, and yet I saw a Burman in a dug-out log, with a no whit better rod, pull up a beauty like a sea trout of two pounds, as he drifted past; so next stopping place I hope you will hear of fish "grassed" or "creeled," as they say in the papers. From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
  • An injection of Botox in the correct forehead muscles makes them pull up drooping brows and eyelids. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said: ‘The postwoman was handing over some mail to one of the residents who noticed two youths on a blue moped pull up by the bike.’
  • Pull up a chair and dig in!
  • Pull up a pillion seat and spend the next hour breezily circuiting the Rock while your driver tells its tale.
  • They had to pull up, possibly go to a motorway services or somewhere like that.
  • Before we hit the gym we always stop into Dunkin' Donuts, where trembling staff begin making Stu's order as soon as we pull up outside: an iced coffee with five espresso shots and five Equals.
  • Please pull up a chair and join the conversation.
  • Pull up a chair in front of the bar's open fire and enjoy winter snifters from an impressive whisky collection or a fine wine from a selected small grower.
  • Pull up any obscure language, preferably with the patience and good humour that took you this far. Times, Sunday Times
  • He ran a sunbed shop in a run-down area of Wigan and would pull up outside in the car. The Sun
  • They can pull up a map of the area and see friendlies on it as colored dots.
  • If you study hard, you'll soon pull up your French.
  • Just as we pull up in front of a sweeping view overlooking golden plains the sun dips behind the hills. Times, Sunday Times
  • As she popped a slice of leftover pizza into the microwave for breakfast, she heard a car pull up in the driveway.
  • Londoners who each work 7.9 gratis hours extra per week - equal to £7,008 per worker over the course of a year - pull up the overall average.
  • All we have to do is pull up the carpets, lay the floors, and install barres and mirrors.
  • The house was knocked down years ago, but ghoulish coach tours still pull up in the street to gawp at the spot.
  • I heard a car pull up in front of the apartment and heard the door slam shut.
  • Walking toward the theatre, I see a limo pull up, a bodyguard jump out and escort a chubby, bewigged and bespectacled pop-culture idol from the street to the lobby.
  • A long pull up the hill in broiling sunshine brings us at last to the houses and the church. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • That would be the ‘I got mine, pull up the ladder school of government’, which sadly seems to be the dominant perspective these days.
  • If you study hard, you'll soon pull up your French.
  • The jockeys then completed nearly a circuit at a gradually increasing pace before deciding among themselves to pull up.
  • After plants stop producing, most people pull up their broccoli and toss it onto the compost pile.
  • Every minute of the training session is planned: she does warming up exercises slowly and thoroughly, does her pull ups on the wall bars, then to the trampoline for a few light and graceful leaps and somersaults.
  • For me the key is a good mixture of aerobic exercise, varied weights and “monkey stuff”; pull ups, tricep dips etc. Cheeseburger Gothic » Burger lite.
  • An injection of Botox in the correct forehead muscles makes them pull up drooping brows and eyelids. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pilot maintained that he tried to pull up but automatic systems prevented that.
  • This time though, as I walked over to where he was sitting, he offered me a cup of sweet minty tea and motioned for me to pull up a chair next to his. Katie Beck: Pardon My French: Our Heroine Gets a Warm Palestinian Welcome
  • Finally we find a machine flush with cash and in a few minutes we pull up outside my flat.
  • Please pull up a chair and join the conversation.
  • I will have to reread your comments on the salix and pull up the info online. Twiggy « Fairegarden
  • Giddyup is gone and tallyho is here… toss the cowboy hat and pull up the jodhpers, western evolves to English equestrian.
  • An hour later, we pull up; I'm guided to a tiny room, with white plastered walls, its window covered by white sheets.
  • In fretting, we are enemies to our own peace, and become self-tormentors; in fretting against the Lord we affront him, his justice, goodness, and sovereignty; and it is very absurd to take occasion from the trouble which we pull upon our own heads by our wilfulness, or neglect, to quarrel with him, when we ought to blame ourselves, for it is our own doing. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • He began to pull up his shirt and the children recoiled in horror.
  • Pull up the threads to gather the fabric into pleats.
  • Finally we pull up in a deserted street next to a small bookshop. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • She's going to pull up alongside us.
  • Here, pull up your pant legs and let me see if your knees are hurt.
  • They had to pull up, possibly go to a motorway services or somewhere like that.
  • The fairytale ended in 2002 when Swan was forced to pull up Istabraq in his last attempt to break the Cheltenham record after two flights.
  • The tender boats pull up at a wooden jetty, with the tree-lined town beach stretching to the east and the west. Times, Sunday Times
  • We pull up to Mambo Theoline's little white house with the avocado tree out front and scratch at her door.
  • Back at work the next day, the cars may pull up to docking stations and pump electricity into offices or factories.
  • I looked outwards towards the street in time to see a black limo pull up to the curb.
  • We're going to pull up stakes and move to Montana.
  • If you want to impress your date, pull up Hello Vino to make it look like you know whether to order a zinfandel or a malbec.
  • Its slender green stems and leathery leaves sprawl energetically over the ground, and gardeners greatly dislike it because it is very difficult to pull up. Times, Sunday Times
  • A herd of camels strolls past as we pull up at a sand dune for the second night of desert camping.
  • Two engineers were then able to pull up the two covers over the damaged cable.
  • We rested for the rest of the afternoon then headed back outside at about 8pm to pull up the pavers.
  • Child psychologists are being brought into a borough's schools in a bid to pull up performance in key tests and exams.
  • Plants like astilbes, dicentras and bergenias, which need no staking, spread relatively slowly and are easy to pull up when necessary are ideal.
  • Ginny's father and his disciples haven't managed, after all, to pull up the drawbridge. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Please pull up a chair and join the conversation.

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