How To Use Pull back In A Sentence
They were asked to pull back from their artillery positions around the city.
How do you pull back from this?
The Sun
Then I switch hands again, pull back ever so briefly and then launch myself forwards, pushing him back into the floor as we swap positions.
It would take too long to even take the time to pull back the receiver and slot a single bullet in to shoot his brains out with.
While the new protests are welcome, at this point the only thing that will pull back the throttle is a White House intervention.
Government vs. EPA

Continued aftershocks following the 9.0-magnitude megaquake on March 11 have impeded work in stabilizing the Fukushima plant — the latest a 6.3-magnitude one Tuesday that prompted plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co., or TEPCO, to temporarily pull back workers.
Japan regulators raise severity of nuclear accident
Ironically, the luxury SUV looks pretty darned good when viewed that closely, but when I pull back for the macro view I find some annoying flaws and noteworthy virtues.
Banks might have to raise fresh capital or pull back from trading, the ratings agency said, and some could face downgrades.
Times, Sunday Times
Now and then a car would blaze in the rearview mirror and William would pull back into the crawler lane until it had passed.
One of the surprising things I discovered is if you pull back with me on those mats of epiphytes what you'll find underneath them are connections, networks of what we call canopy roots.
Nalini Nadkarni on conserving the canopy
I sort of ‘pull backwards’ so the cord is reeled in and I'm drawn back into my body in a flash.
He is teetering on the edge of disaster and he has to pull back.
Times, Sunday Times
When you come to the point where listing the components of one aspect of a poem requires more words than the poem itself it behoves you to pull back, hastily, as from a bed of fierce, fiery nettles.
This implies that if we go off on multiple concurrent extended debates, then the admixture of those disrelated comment threads will make the whole exercise largely incomprehensible, because there's no sense of ground on which to sort out the threads, and then there's no way to pull back either, because there's no there to pull back to.
Small dead animals
I am tallish and thinnish, with straight brown hair that I usually pull back and clip with one of those hair thingees.
Bliss « A Fly in Amber
Pull back the tree and shoot me into the pond.
Pull back, long shot on the scrubland in the moonlight.
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How fantastic it would be to wake up on Christmas morning, pull back the curtains and see the landscape covered by a thick layer of snow.
Flashing down the runway, I gently pull back on my control column.
Also before the retreat fire every single rocket launcher you have got at those damn copters, take as many out as possible then pull back.
When the weather's good, pull back the doors and eat alfresco on the deck.
Times, Sunday Times
How do you pull back from this?
The Sun
It is not nice to hear the song if you pull back when singing it.
The perfume is penetrating but, even though it averages 6% acidity by weight, does not attack your sinuses and make you pull back like normal vinegars, and it is layered with floral and dried fruit essences.
Meathead Goldwyn: Balsamic Vinegar: Magnificence and Deception
The unexpectedness of the crushing hurt of it caused him to yelp and at the same time instinctively and spasmodically to pull back with all his strength.
If these borrowers ever get underwater on their mortgages, they will almost certainly pull back on spending, turn risk averse and generally retrench.
There are lifestyle changes we can make to pull back from the brink and remain effective.
Times, Sunday Times
Wooden shutters pull back to open the entire front wall to misty mountains.
Times, Sunday Times
He wrote his name mechanically only, not knowing what he did; and felt not, till after he had signed, that Mignon was standing at his side, was holding by his arm, and had softly tried to stop him and pull back his hand.
Chapter III. Book V
Send something embarrassing you want to pull back?
Christianity Today
David has been known to leap out of bed of a morning, pull back the blinds and find cameras and binoculars trained upon him.
The zoom shot and the pull back shot are used effectively in the opening sequence where we seem to fly over Montmartre.
‘I'd like to be able to pull back from the business before I get stale and grumpy,’ she said.
Corner shop cabinets were soon stocked with a variety of fruity lollies, waiting for us little urchins to trot up, pull back the glass cover and reach inside for our favourite.
They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
Show your opponent an opening then pull back to parry his counter attack.
I would not want to sit across the table from her as she practiced her particularly hardnosed brand of brinksmanship; however, the secret to brinksmanship is the ability to drive a situation to the brink of disaster and then knowing exactly when to pull back from that brink.
What Are Little Girls Made Of | ATTACKERMAN
Then suddenly, as if I'd thought too soon, there was a terrific pull backwards, and we were all thrown forwards in our seats as the train juddered to a sudden halt.
12 Carefully pull back foil to test for doneness, which is done by shaking the ramekins to see that they are set around the edges but not quite firm in the center.
Archive 2007-01-01
I saw the stallion pull back from the opening he had made and suddenly appraise his situation with a man's intelligence.
Having to pull back at the last minute was costly in both money and reputation.
They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
Send something embarrassing you want to pull back?
Christianity Today
I had to pull back hard on the stick as my wounded victory drops into a steep nosedive.
As the half wore on, Oban's desperation became clear as first Fraser Inglis and then Dougie MacIntyre headed to full forward in an attempt to pull back the score and wrest momentum from the holders.
They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
I saw the stallion pull back from the opening he had made and suddenly appraise his situation with a man's intelligence.
Saul has to pull back from his assault on David andreturn to the Pentagon.
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Labor MPs pleaded with the government to pull back.
Send something embarrassing you want to pull back?
Christianity Today
In a striking letter to The Times of 22 February 1855 he called upon the government to resist the humbug of public opinion and pull back from its over-proud and un-Christian attempt to humiliate Russia.
On the right are some vertical oblongs that suggest large, loose drapery (something to easily pull back for a full view) and hint at the presence of a human figure.
As a trombone player pulls in the slide to make a higher frequency sound by reducing the volume of the tube, so does a bird open its beak and pull back its head to reduce the volume of its vocal tract.
Any time things got serious I could pull back and allow for some laughs, which was really a way to distance people.
He is teetering on the edge of disaster and he has to pull back.
Times, Sunday Times
In those days, I could pull back the blackout curtains in the morning and tell instantly whether I was going to have a good or a bad day.
They are preparing to pull back their forces.
Then, I pull back again, formulating what I'm going to say.
They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
His throat was burning, and the movement had caused him to pull back, away from Brackett, which sent a searing pain down both arms.
He taught me how to feint and pull back and right-hand counter-punch.
But where O'Connor subjects her characters' actions to a rigorous moral investigation, Means tends either to pull back to a remote, bird's-eye view a favourite trope is to lay out a sort of mini-encyclopedia of possible interpretations of the event in question, as offered by professors, news commentators, and so on or, more commonly, to aestheticise it.
The Spot by David Means – review
But now he says he is willing to co-partner with Parcells on personnel choices - or pull back even more.
Send something embarrassing you want to pull back?
Christianity Today
The middling distance that results as people pull back and forth is called politeness or civility.
Pull back your arms!
Then, having made the case that the Tea Partiers are deficit stalwarts, Hulse pivots seamlessly to say: "The clout of the freshmen and other House conservatives was clearly seen in the decision by Speaker John A. Boehner to pull back from trying to reach a sweeping deficit deal that would have taken new revenue while tinkering with Bush-era tax cuts that many House Republicans hold sacrosanct.
Jonathan Weiler: New York Times Acts as Press Secretary for House GOP Freshmen in Deficit Fight
We've had to retrench, pull back, and really kind of assort based upon what the consumer would expect to pay, number one, and number two, the kind of and type of items that are more day in and day out not driven so much and solely towards holiday type purchasing. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
I nearly overtook somebody for the first time ever, but I left it a little late, so I had to pull back in sharpish.
Yes | No | Report from DeerHauler wrote 1 year 2 weeks ago in my state of Illinois it is 40 lbs. my lil bro is trin to get strong enough to pull back 40 lbs.
What is the minimum draw weight that can be used on a bow to kill a deer?
Send something embarrassing you want to pull back?
Christianity Today
It is time pull back and reassess all that you have learned lately.
I saw the stallion pull back from the opening he had made and suddenly appraise his situation with a man's intelligence.
ISHARES INC MSCI EMERGING MRKT (EEM); that's what I call a bullish reversal, buy and use $23 as your stop. iShares Trust FTSE China (FXI); will sell my stake and buy more on a pull back. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
Will they be used as an excuse to pull back from the ultimate goal, zero-emission engines?
With the increase of the prices, we shall have to pull back on our spending.
Also Thursday, Allen had what he called a frank and open discussion with officials of Louisiana's coastal parishes, who are concerned that the Coast Guard and BP will pull back from the spill response once the flow of oil is stopped permanently.
Static kill of BP well could begin over weekend
How do you pull back from this?
The Sun
Wooden shutters pull back to open the entire front wall to misty mountains.
Times, Sunday Times
There's only a throttle lever for power control - push forward to go, pull back to stop.
Muscles gradually become flabbier until people can find themselves on the verge of disability and loss of independence, like a canoe that floats peacefully until it gets too near a waterfall to pull back, Rejeski says.
Cancer, memory loss top Boomers' health concerns
It is rumoured that the company intends to pull back from petrochemicals.
Wooden shutters pull back to open the entire front wall to misty mountains.
Times, Sunday Times
When you come to the point where listing the components of one aspect of a poem requires more words than the poem itself it behoves you to pull back, hastily, as from a bed of fierce, fiery nettles.
Instead of slotting the gear lever through an H-patterned gate, you simply push it away from you repeatedly to change up, and pull back to change down.