
How To Use Puddle In A Sentence

  • BTW … the online article was written long ago and the LJW staff will, I am sure, update it when they have puddleglum (Anonymous) says … kansas redlegs: yeah I know exactly what you mean. stories: News
  • No more fuzzy programmes with muffled sound and colours like confetti in a puddle. The Sun
  • Heat a good puddle of oil in a frying pan. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, when armed with a large umbrella or a well-fitting raincoat and perhaps a pair of gumboots, it is possible to enjoy the monsoon rains, and take time out to splash through muddy puddles and wade through waterlogged roads.
  • Workers had toiled to move dirt to fill in the deeper puddles and the match was able to proceed with two days of fast shooting in excellent weather.
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  • Just many puddles of oil on your garage floor. Times, Sunday Times
  • My wife calls those jacked-up monstrosities aka “mosnter trucks” on the public roads that are obviously never going to even come within sight of a mud puddle “penis substitutes.” EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - “Save the clock tower!”
  • Within himself he would have a sensation of liquefying with giggles and of becoming extremely thin, like a puddle.
  • On October 30, just as the flood waters were creeping up in Ryedale, she drove her Peugeot car through a deep puddle and stalled the engine.
  • Both feet are covered in blood and there's a sizeable puddle smeared on my left side just above the hip.
  • If I don't work out, I turn into a puddle of unsightly pudge.
  • I will not push my master away when she wants a hug after playing in a mud puddle.
  • Q The ground is clay and as a result in some parts of the garden we get huge puddles. Times, Sunday Times
  • The photograph showed a man lying prone on the pavement, a puddle of blood about his head.
  • Outside, the rain has made small puddles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heat a good puddle of oil in a frying pan. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ground is frozen, thin ice covers the puddles between the furrows of the empty gray field.
  • If you drive down the road and the tread is worn, when you hit a puddle of water, the car can aquaplane. Club grooves limitation sought
  • Bad scrambled eggs are beyond the pale: insipid, pale lemon yellow fading to a bilious grey - granular, curdling or lying in a puddle of whey-like liquid.
  • The ploughed fields are crimson; the mud underfoot is crimson; the little torrent hurrying down the ravine by the roadside is crimson; the very puddles are crimson also. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • Rowers who pull hard will leave a large puddle behind their finish.
  • oily puddles in the streets
  • Ashwood instinctively tossed the cigarette to the ground ignoring the sizzle as it landed in a puddle at his feet.
  • Create a shallow puddle to attract swallowtails, blues, sulfurs and other butterflies that enjoy drinking at mud puddles.
  • Suddenly, a puddle of water pooled on the snowy ground, before Haywood's feet.
  • At the beginning, it was pretty wild - there were puddles on the straightaways, so a lot of aquaplaning and wheelspin.
  • Scattered across the asphalt like murderer's footprints, puddles of water turn bloody with sunset"), it vanishes when Stewart settles in to show us freelance detective Diane Fletcher using her ability as a "shaper" (someone who can read and experience the emotions of others) to help policeman Rolly French investigate the death of Jonathan Mask. AvaxHome RSS:
  • But more than a shallow puddle could risk damaging the electrics. The Sun
  • When the pan is hot, pour in a small puddle of batter. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had walked back, the night full of stars and our breath smoking, ice skimming the puddles. HIGH STAND
  • The track rolled down a steep descent and then gathered itself again in tight knots and ruts which led us through a long, spreading puddle to an estate gate.
  • I counted Bill and Megan Romersma, whose place backed up to ours and whose son, Jared, Puddles and I had ditched earlier, because there was no way we were going to get away with this if that little tattletale had come along. Chicken
  • The street is splotched with puddles from an earlier cloudburst. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • We watched the flame-colored taffy spin in the dark puddles.
  • In what other sport but cricket could you get 26,000 people splashing around in the puddles of a filthily overcast ground, waiting in vain for a game that might never resume?
  • He had sold ladies 'underwear, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners and encyclopedias door to door; he had been a short order cook, elevator operator, puddler in a steel mill, seaman, carnival shill, bulldozer operator, printer's devil and legman for a radio station. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • My skirts grew heavier and heavier, and there were puddles in my shoes so that water squirted out at the seams when I walked.
  • Likewise if Venter should intelligently design a synthetic organism it does not "disprove" the puddle theory. Better Bubbles
  • Things you don't want to hear at ViewBar, ‘Oh my god, my bag's been sitting in a puddle of puke for the last 20 minutes.’
  • Puddles of frozen slush glittered dully in the reflected yellow light from the phony gas lamps that illuminated the brick-paved plaza. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • If it's raining lightly, go out for a game of mud-puddle hopscotch.
  • Wow, the dough that I made extra hydrated is looking like a milkshake puddle on the kitchen counter while the firm dough is standing a little too stiffly at attention. Been a Mad, Mad Girl
  • Puddles of frozen slush glittered dully in the reflected yellow light from the phony gas lamps that illuminated the brick-paved plaza. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • One of the more unusual recruits to the unit was Tramp, a mongrel dog found starving and very ill in a puddle under the yacht.
  • The child leapt across the puddle
  • They pause in front of a large puddle. Times, Sunday Times
  • While drawing gasps of astonishment from residents, the snowflakes failed to make an impact on the ground, where they melted into large grey puddles. Times, Sunday Times
  • She saw the cars hurtle past carelessly, the rubber wheels splashing in the wide puddles.
  • While the chunks of meat in the bhuna gosht, a lamb curry, were wonderfully tender, the thick, tasty gravy carried unseemly puddles of oil. Chicago Reader
  • Trade unions of skilled iron molders, puddlers, and textile workers joined forces with struggling societies of artisan craftsmen - printers, shoemakers, and tailors.
  • If this land is agreed to be a very important site and should change into an exciting public place, contributing to the listed buildings and the vibrancy of that area, it can't continue as an uneven, puddled car park.
  • The patch is embanked and frequently inundated, and each plant grows on a small hillock of puddled earth. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • It is not just that jumping in muddy puddles is good for the soul. Times, Sunday Times
  • She smiles as she pays the driver and picks her way carefully through the puddles.
  • He must light the fire in the coal cellar under the stairs, open the back door, then come up them very quickly and light the paraffine puddles on each step, then sit down here again and cut his throat. The History of Mr. Polly
  • We had a swimming pool while our nearest rivals were still jumping in puddles.
  • When the pan is hot, pour in a small puddle of batter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heat a good puddle of oil in a frying pan. Times, Sunday Times
  • All morning, as we negotiated puddles in the wet clay soil, we were to hear the lovely sound.
  • Even if the sun is shining, chances are the puddles are ankle-deep.
  • At one point, he almost slipped in a greasy puddle of liquid.
  • Only an inch or so but it still worked; puddles forming lightly in the streets as cars ran over slush and dirtying the snow.
  • When the pan is hot, pour in a small puddle of batter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course in large alluvial claims, where capital is employed, such appliances are superseded by steam puddles, buddles, and other machinery, and sometimes mercury is used to amalgamate the gold when very fine. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • His hair was so blond it was almost white and his eyes were such an electric shade of blue that Kae was sure that direct eye contact would fry you to a complete crisp… or cause you to melt into a puddle of ick.
  • his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines
  • But the mess - the puddles of gunky congealing ick getting into a soldier's boots and running down inside the socks.
  • The tables had a ravaged look - platters almost empty and puddled with brownish juices, serving spoons staining the linens, parsley sprigs limp and bedraggled.
  • Awash in that destroying beam, Gerrard's sword wilted and fell to the ground in a silvery puddle. Mercadian Masques
  • When you go for a stroll, do you jump over really big puddles to impress people? The Sun
  • Or eight pieces of bacon, oozing a nice puddle of fat with which to sauce that four-person portion of spaghetti carbonara… eaten solo.
  • Kris slushed through the puddles of water, icy wind stinging her eyes.
  • On the eve of curtain-up, Cooper and Strallen joined their director Jonathan Church backstage to talk about following in the footsteps of Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds, and the challenges of bringing a celluloid classic to toe-tapping, puddle-splashing life. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • A flash-frozen flag of Iberico ham was allowed to thaw at the table and then unfurled and draped blanketlike over a teepee of roasted salsify and a puddle of hazelnut cream, the ham melting into the hot fluted bowl just slightly before the head waiter drizzled it with smoked paprika oil. Omaha World-Herald > Frontpage
  • We carried on and fell into many puddles knee deep, filling our wellies with muddy brown water and cow manure, not a great combination.
  • She stared at her frazzled reflection in a puddle on the floor.
  • The morning sun shone brightly and its gaze reflected in the morning dew and puddles on the ground.
  • puddle iron
  • Drizzle a little of the'blood' syrup into each ghost mouth and serve in a small puddle of the reduced apple juice. The Sun
  • But more than a shallow puddle could risk damaging the electrics. The Sun
  • The trackbed does have some rough sections and the odd puddle in bad weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • puddle young plants
  • Some twirled around while others puddled about forcing some of the pedestrians to stop and take note of their revelry.
  • The liquid quickly soaked his grey socks and he stepped out of the fuming puddle in no time, fumbling to take off the wet articles of clothing.
  • -- Pooh, pooh, man! all your Welsh puddles, which you call pools, wouldn't hold my brains. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 330, April 1843
  • That night, streetlights shimmer in shivering puddles, darkened only briefly by the shadows of bicycles.
  • They pause in front of a large puddle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know which paving stone is loose and conceals a puddle, ready to squirt up at unsuspecting commuters.
  • there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain
  • Tears puddled underneath her head on the white butcher paper lining the inspection table, and I hugged her arms and held her head in my hands as I let go of my own emotion and cried in rhythm with her tears.
  • On Tuesday it was pouring with rain and muggins here goes and stands too close to a HUGE puddle of water just as a bus came zipping past.
  • An oddly shaped white and yellow puddle of thinned pigment, its isolation heightened by an expanse of brushy, unmodulated blue, recalls Miro in its comic vulnerability.
  • But more than a shallow puddle could risk damaging the electrics. The Sun
  • Helen is an up-and-coming young Manhattan modeling agency administrator, whose party-hard lifestyle and puddle-shallow value system is a priori an unpunishable sin.
  • They can also be found in places not usually frequented by shorebirds, such as drainage ditches and mud puddles.
  • The dust on the rutty overgrown road turned to muddy deep puddles as the rain set in and, on evenings when the skies cleared a little, killdeer and nighthawks could be heard once more.
  • Briana shivered in the 90⁰ heat, jumping with hotch scotch feet over puddled corners. Madi's Love
  • The applicator thoroughly soaks each moss spot until it puddles with the mixture by holding the nozzle about 1 inch from the surface.
  • Amazingly I managed to avoid stepping in any really deep puddles and drowning.
  • As he moved though, the rubber bottom of his running shoes squeaked on a puddle of melted snow.
  • In the rainy months, a symphony of leaks puddled her floor, though she never cared, plashing through, with a duck's insouciance.
  • There were a few fallen trees in the roads and puddles; nothing else signified the terrible storm from the night.
  • It is not just that jumping in muddy puddles is good for the soul. Times, Sunday Times
  • Create a shallow puddle to attract swallowtails, blues, sulfurs and other butterflies that enjoy drinking at mud puddles.
  • Bill was staring at Heather with a small puddle of drool just waiting to fall from the edge of his parted lips.
  • Just many puddles of oil on your garage floor. Times, Sunday Times
  • I pointed out the hidden hazards that lie in large puddles and the fact he could have lost control. The Sun
  • The sun dried up all the puddles.
  • He had fallen asleep, his head resting in a puddle of beer.
  • As the rippling pattern of a reflection on a puddle is part of physical nature, so the rippling pattern of sensory experience is part of physical nature. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • Just don't go jumping in any big puddles. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will provide a lot of amusement hopping back and forth over the rocks from one puddle to another.
  • A shorebird repeatedly dunks its face in a puddle, unable to wash off. In Louisiana, wildlife shows effects of gulf oil spill
  • They watched the rain plop and splash into already-formed puddles, and smiled at people grimacing and holding magazines over their heads as they staggered about in the rain.
  • Then he dropped his eyes to his plate and began to mop up a puddle of syrup with a bit of waffle. JANAKY AND THE GIANT
  • My blade was even leaving puddles in its wake, which is apparently a good sign.
  • Water dripped from the ceiling, creating puddles, wetting the carpet and ruining the already rotted woodwork.
  • Really, the man was as shallow as a puddle. Times, Sunday Times
  • He may well have hidden depths or be as shallow as a puddle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beneath the forest were vast puddles of what looked like pink semolina. FALLEN WOMEN
  • She then proceeded to pluck Lucky from the puddle of mud (she made a loud squelch and left a perfect Kellogg's-like imprint) and carry her into the barn.
  • Drizzle a little of the'blood' syrup into each ghost mouth and serve in a small puddle of the reduced apple juice. The Sun
  • And he insisted the course was unplayable as huge puddles formed after a heavy downpour. The Sun
  • He felt he was melting and would end up as a putrid puddle of jellied meat on the floor of the cave.
  • The tables had a ravaged look - platters almost empty and puddled with brownish juices, serving spoons staining the linens, parsley sprigs limp and bedraggled.
  • I've just wiped a coffee puddle off the counter when I spot them - the notorious couch kissers.
  • She dropped her cigarette into a puddle and slid off of the bonnet of my car, landing with a splash on the gravel.
  • That queasy feeling when you are gliding on a large puddle is usually a momentary problem. The Sun
  • Kurmilla and I were dressed in our only clothes, which had been dirtied by the rickshaws splashing through puddles. GYPSY MASALA
  • Thankfully, the rain had stopped but puddles of water were still standing stagnantly before the cafe's door.
  • Skilled ironworkers (‘puddlers’) could ‘stir’ molten pig iron in a large vat, raking off refined iron for further processing.
  • Even if the sun is shining, chances are the puddles are ankle deep.
  • Suddenly dozens of eggs fell from the basket and smashed into a puddle of yolks and whites as he shifted the pole from one shoulder to the other.
  • Chat too long on the phone and the dog may make a puddle in the kitchen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if the water hasn't puddled, look for regular discoloration of the sand.
  • Likes eating cake as well as jumping in muddy puddles with her brother. The Sun
  • Likes eating cake as well as jumping in muddy puddles with her brother. The Sun
  • It is not just that jumping in muddy puddles is good for the soul. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a simple matter to have the soil of the road sink a decimeter directly under his foot, and to have a puddle of water form there, extending a full two meters on in front of him. Enjoyment
  • fell plumb in the middle of the puddle
  • We all looked, and down came the graceful butterfly, gliding on its long emerald and black wings and settling at a puddle to drink.
  • In summer, Arctic Ocean packice cover is incomplete and heavily puddled, which maintains a constant layer of stratus and stratocumulus cloud cover.
  • Liquid puddles of god knows what all over the place.
  • Women born in the Sixties onwards are so unused to chivalry that we wouldn't know what to do with it if it bit us on the nose, apologised and draped its coat over that puddle we were about to step into.
  • She was waiting in the library, ensconced at her desk in the puddle of sunlight that seeped through the leaded windowpanes.
  • And he insisted the course was unplayable as huge puddles formed after a heavy downpour. The Sun
  • Molluscs keep best on ice covered with a damp cloth, and should not be allowed to sit in a puddle of meltwater, which is saltless and therefore fatal to sea creatures. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • It is a plain, undolled-up place, with vast puddles and scruffy hats and tack piled up in a Portakabin, and not a caffe latte in sight. Horse riding in Ashdown Forest
  • A single beeswax candle flickered, the wax running down the side to puddle on the tabletop.
  • Melstead sat on the edge of his armchair, the remainder of his whisky quivering like a ruffled puddle in the tumbler. THE LAST RAVEN
  • 'O papa!' he cried; 'a great big puddle flewed up and hit me. ' MOON-FACE
  • Outside, the rain has made small puddles. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bridesmaids wore lilac strapless gowns with puddled trains, and carried smaller versions of the bride's bouquet.
  • The popular toy Silly Putty ™ is a classic example of complex viscoelasticity, bouncing better than a rubber ball under a sharp, sudden force but slumping into a puddle when left alone. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • While drawing gasps of astonishment from residents, the snowflakes failed to make an impact on the ground, where they melted into large grey puddles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Picking up kids from school on Friday, I walked through the playground and straight past a small bunch of kids throwing their homework jotters in a puddle and jumping on them;
  • There were oil puddles and sawdust on the floor. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the rainy months, a symphony of leaks puddled her floor, though she never cared, plashing through, with a duck's insouciance.
  • Joy is to fun what the deep sea is to a puddle. It’s a feeling inside that can hardly be contained. Terry Pratchett 
  • Their eyes watered with the keen tang of the peat reek, till, tired with watching the squattering of ducks in farm puddles, they turned as usual upon the family sagaman, and demanded, with that militant assurance of youth which succeeds so often, that he should forthwith and immediately "tell them something. Red Cap Tales Stolen from the Treasure Chest of the Wizard of the North
  • Drizzle a little of the'blood' syrup into each ghost mouth and serve in a small puddle of the reduced apple juice. The Sun
  • Saturday's report came a day after efforts to repower key cooling systems at the plant bogged down amid reports of highly radioactive water in puddles at the plant's troubled reactor No. Radiation Spikes in Sea Near Japan Plant
  • Anna shared Beta's skill in avoiding puddles, her dress remaining remarkably unstained, which was not a good fortune shared by my dirt-splattered trousers.
  • Sydney, in fact, has puddle stomped at the very park that the Ramona statue resides in all her puddly glory. Monday baby blogging: Ready for Rain
  • Some targes had center bosses of brass, and a few of these could accept a long steel spike which screwed into a small ‘puddle’ of lead which was fixed to the wood, under the boss.
  • I have rarely seen such a huge puddle of milk.
  • The other danger is heartworms from drinking standing water where mosquitoes breed, puddles which are so often found around marinas.
  • But viewers will hear some flat lines, some predictable lines and, well, some memorably awful lines, such as "Music is magic and magic music" or "You were so young then, mischievously playing in my puddles" or -- brace yourself -- "See their songs suckle on society like the stained lips of rape children to their wavering mother's breast. On HBO, poetry's 'Brave New Voices' are engaging -- if less than artful
  • It is mobilising almost a quarter of a million troops to go house to house raising awareness and draining puddles where mosquitoes breed. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stoops down, cups his right hand and scoops from the rainwater puddle and drinks.
  • I pointed out the hidden hazards that lie in large puddles and the fact he could have lost control. The Sun
  • He dodged nimbly to the left and we fell on our faces in a puddle of mud.
  • They were covered over slightly, like a shallow puddle that manages to reflect the sky while still being able to see to the bottom.
  • The ducks and geese puddled in the backyard
  • I filled it with tap water just before Thanksgiving, let it sit for a few days, then tossed in elodea from the puddle in my backyard. December skeeters
  • Paint from inside the boxes dripped out of the sides and made the puddles in the courtyard muddled with color.
  • Light bounded off the lake, streamed across the high white ceilings, puddled on the shining wooden floors.
  • The meltwater puddled the flat sea ice.
  • Nothing could be further from costume drama or the spreading of cloaks over puddles.
  • That queasy feeling when you are gliding on a large puddle is usually a momentary problem. The Sun
  • Well, for an answer, stare into the slitty, unblinking puddles of evil that masquerade as a cat's eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here is every cave formation you could hope to see: stalactites, stalagmites, columns, and curtains, all created from mineralized water that drips off the cavern's limestone ceiling and puddles on the limestone floor.
  • In a good eight, when stroke seat's oar hits the water, the boat will be past the puddles left by bow seat's oar on the previous stroke.
  • If you serve a steak (or a loin of pork, or a nice cut of lamb) straight from the pan like this, by the time the plate reaches the table, the meat will usually be lying in a small puddle of its own juices.
  • I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make a sidewalk with rocks.
  • Chat too long on the phone and the dog may make a puddle in the kitchen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just don't go jumping in any big puddles. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have finally picked myself up off the floor, wiped the tears from my eyes, cleaned up the puddle of piddle, iced the bruised knees, stitched my side…
  • I pray for us to have long walks together to dash out into the rain and jump into puddles!
  • In another comer was a fairly large puddle of congealing puke. Wizard and Glass
  • the children loved a mud puddle
  • He may well have hidden depths or be as shallow as a puddle. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a puddle of water on the kitchen floor.
  • I finished my beefburger and left a few of the more soggy french fries lying in a puddle of brown sauce.
  • On my way back to the tent I had a male siskin fly down to a puddle just in front of me.
  • Normally you can stop them in time and whatever has come up can be sent back down from whence it came but this time I just couldn't do it and out went this little puddle of puke straight into Stinking Pete's pint.
  • And kudos to the CBC for their subheading: "Piddle in wrong puddle". Archive: Oct 08 - Mar 09
  • They were marching steadily across the marshy northlands, their pace slowed by the necessity of watching their feet for sinkholes and mud puddles.
  • So many rejected dresses thrown aside as she packed: they floated down to the bed and puddled in chairs after she left the room.
  • Tea partier Paladino's John "Mr. Puddles" McCain moment is hardly likely to undercut the prevailing image of the Tea Party as "A hall full of elderly white people in Medicare-paid scooters, railing against government spending and imagining themselves revolutionaries as they cheer on the vice-presidential puppet hand-picked by the GOP establishment. Paladino wanders off stage during NY debate

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