How To Use Pucker In A Sentence
The dress fitted badly and puckered at the waist.
Leo got a door to pucker open, and they walked out into the light of a fusion-lamp sun.
The esophagoscope encounters only the diaphragmatic pinchcock which seems to be at the top of the stomach like the puckering string at the top of a bag.
Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
In the case of very tightly woven microfibers, you may wish to tip the pattern slightly off-grain in order to prevent puckered seams.
She puckered up her lips for a kiss.

Here you are in white-wine country, where producers in the Minho make a green wine that is very dry and on a first sip can appear slightly sharp, with a mouth-puckering acid kick and a slightly spritzy feel.
Iberia's Hidden Gems
The top of the stomach seems to be closed by the diaphragmatic pinchcock in the same way that the top of a bag is closed by a puckering string.
Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
‘Thank you,’ says the bartender, who does pride himself on his perfect pucker.
This canteen (with a funnel on its top, like a cavalier cap slouched over the eyes) was set on edge upon the puncheon, with the hole toward myself; and through this hole, which seemed puckered up like the mouth of a very precise old maid, the creature was emitting certain rumbling and grumbling noises which he evidently intended for intelligible talk.
Archive 2008-12-01
Sewing straight across from left to right on a cap front can cause a cap to pucker at the seam.
Unfortunately the puckering is really distracting and it's not Althea's best work.
Una LaMarche: Project Runway Episode 12 Recap: Let's Getty It Over With
His mouth had gone puckered and off-centre under pressure from her pinch.
I can fly to the time of day," the Delectable Dyke answered, "Don't think you're puckering me, ramper king.
Cap'n Dyke, Lesbian Pirate Queen & Rogue Blogger
Smokers often end up with telltale lines around their lips (created by repeated lip puckering while inhaling), but the damage doesn't stop there.
The skin between his eyebrows puckered, furrowing in almost an anxious worriment.
Although to her dismay, his lips did not pucker nor did they even move as she drew near.
Any tea-stained paper may dry with puckers or curled edges.
Greengrocers lined the sidewalks with the last of the jabalieh tomatoes, big meaty pink and green fruits whose rippling flesh puckered into circles like little baboon butts mooning you all in a row.
Day of Honey
No, there was nothing sublime and dolorous about Miss Manners; her face was round, cheery, and slightly puckered, with two little black eyes sparking and shining under dark brows, a nose she unblushingly called pug, and a big mouth with eminently white and regular teeth, which she said were such a comfort, for they never ached, and never would to the end of time.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
Her hair was windblown about her face, and deep creases were on her forehead, where her brow was puckered with anger.
She primmed up her mouth tighter and tighter, puckering it as if it were sewed, in her effort to keep her will uppermost.
The Fox
His lips puckered and a short, sharp burst of air came forth.
Each method has its advantages; in the frame it is perhaps easier to get good technique, for difficulties such as puckering the material, irregular stitching, and so on, are more easily avoided, also it is more possible to see the effect of the whole whilst the part progresses.
Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving
I admit I had a difficult time reading the review, since it focused heavily on topics that have little to do with cycling, such as color choices, "puckered" tubing, and the frighteningly intimate fitting process complete with lurid arrows:
What Happens When You Consume: Asses For You and Me
When we finally arrived at Boyes in Goodramgate, I felt like puckering up in a Pope-like fashion and planting a smacker on the carpet, but I soon discovered this was a difficult, if not impossible dream.
In the case of very tightly woven microfibers, you may wish to tip the pattern slightly off-grain in order to prevent puckered seams.
He looks at Candice and she puckers her lips, perhaps ironically.
Listening to Gerry slurping his drink from an oversized glass or sticking out his chin and puckering his lips didn't do anything for me.
His bible-infused speeches have become as commonplace as his chimp-like pucker.
The respiration becomes more painful; the head is more extended; the eyes are brilliant; every expiration is accompanied with a grunt, and by a kind of puckering of the angles of the lips; the cough becomes smaller, more suppressed, and more painful; the tongue protrudes from the mouth, and a frothy mucus is abundantly discharged; the breath becomes offensive; a purulent fluid of a bloody color escapes from the nostrils; diarrhoea, profuse and fetid, succeeds to the constipation; the animal becomes rapidly weaker; he is a complete skeleton, and at length he dies.
Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
The eye asks if the green, frilled geranium puckers, clustered at angles on each stem, are similar enough to stop time.
If the dressing is too puckery for you, add a drizzle of honey.
The Skinnygirl Dish
Only an experienced needlewoman could do justice in words to such a variety of rimplings and crinklings, of pleatings and puckerings, of gaugings, rufflings, gofferings, and pin-tuckings as it is possible to find; though somebody with a knowledge of heraldry could perhaps convey a few of the designs in such terms as nebuly, raguly or dancetty (semée, he might add, of starfish proper).
Try Anything Twice
To break or damage in a grinding sort of way is to graunch, a word tending to replace puckeroo, I think.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
The choke cherries are too puckery to be eaten raw.
This time she had the support of Majorie Elvidge at lead, as Mavis Puckering, who had partnered Wilson for the last two years, was unable to play.
A remote-controlled quadcopter, outfitted with tinsel and mistletoe, paid a visit to Union Square, where unsuspecting San Franciscans and tourists were prompted to pucker up.
The subtly billed "sparkling" libations, made with the Spanish white wine known as cava, ground their bubbles in the harder stuff of a Hemingway character and are good enough to order twice - particularly the palate-puckering punch of tequila, grapefruit juice and rosemary.
In the earliest stages of embryo development, when there are only a few cells and the embryo resembles a tiny globe of cells, a small pucker develops on one side of the embryo.
Livi's neighbor's brow puckered thoughtfully as she read the instructor's criticisms.
Before battle, a samurai would eat a single, lip-puckeringly sour umeboshi plum.
Times, Sunday Times
Lindemans Framboise, which is made with raspberries and a mouth-puckering strain of wild yeast, can be called an adult version of a sourball candy: a richly sweet-and-sour concoction.
Gregory Daurer: Imagine a Great Beer City
She puckered her lips
This view of the head of the trumpeter (Latris lineata) shows its distinct mouth, reminiscent of the puckered lips of a trumpet player.
But ask not for whom the lips pucker, they pucker for thee.
Lip lady is puckering fast and furious now and is just about to give up when a yellowed, wrinkled paper falls out from the pile she is holding.
There you have it - a perfect pucker for any kiss.
The dress fitted badly and puckered at the waist.
I grab a handful of the loose and puckered bread dough that used to be my taut belly and trace the rust-colored line that runs unfaded from a few inches above my belly button down to my pubic hair.
Left Neglected
The skin where the stitches are is red and puckery.
Though as a shark she glided through the tank like a needle and her manta ray was as graceful and sly as a ruffle of fox, when she was an angelfish she strutted her stuff, bright stripes flashing, her big eyes aware, and lips seductively puckered.
Enjoy It Now
Turn it over and pin the back making sure there is no puckering which is death to a denim mini.
DIY: Upcycle Old Jeans Into A Sexy Mini
We were making an entry of somebody's chickens at a store door in the village just mentioned, one August day, when a familiar "hillo!" reached our ear, and turning round, we perceived, some twenty yards off, the quizzical face of our old friend, projecting over the fore-gate of his wagon, and puckered into five hundred little wrinkles as he cachinnated joyously --
Some Adventures of Captain Simon Suggs, Late of the Tallapoosa Volunteers; Together with "Taking the Census," and Other Alabama Sketches. By a Country Editor. With a Portrait from Life, and Other Illustrations, by Darley
His lips puckered and a deep shiver crawled down his spine as he swallowed the sour juice from the citric fruit.
Was there not even now a curious malicious gleam in her dark eye, a frown upon her forehead, a kind of puckered and contemptuous smile upon her lips?
Ringfield A Novel
He hitched the slack of the halliard to the bridge rail and puckered his eyes, staring across the waters of the harbour to where the roofs of houses showed among the trees.
A Tall Ship On Other Naval Occasions
Leo got a door to pucker open, and they walked out into the light of a fusion-lamp sun.
At sight of their other prisoner he chattered in a high querulous falsetto, with puckered brows and troubled, wild-animal eyes.
Chapter 25
Her lips puckered for a moment before breaking into a sneer.
Little Kitty Bonner, fairylike in gauzy lawn, with pinkest of cheeks and bluest of dancing eyes, arms outstretched and lips puckered in invitation, was striving to kiss the boy.
In the sensitive areas where attempts at 'exfiltration' are insistent the vigilance is sharp and every day someone, somewhere along the nine hundred miles of the Frontier, dies, a worn coat puckered by a ballet and a hand going out to break the fall of the living body that is dead before it meets the ground; and there is special leave for the man who shot him down.
The Striker Portfolio
Her mouth puckered and I thought she was going to cry.
He concurred affably, puckering his lips in thought as he pondered over the last decade's adventures.
High cheekbones and lips that always seemed to be on the cusp of a pucker.
The boy stands far aside, and at mention of this he jerks himself into a knot, his head drops down between his shoulders, his mouth puckers up, and he exclaims "Oh, hoka!
Shadows of Shasta
The child's face puckered and he began to cry.
The blank side of his face was much wrinkled and puckered up, which gave him a very sinister appearance, especially when he smiled, at which times his expression bordered closely on the villainous.
Nicholas Nickleby
The material of his trousers was puckered with his effort at calm.
You can try to pucker up to look cute, but don't overdo it.
My taste buds puckered right up, so I threw on a cardigan duster, and my slippers and went running downstairs.
His eyes opened wide and his lips puckered in a spit.
Everywhere there are chaps sucking pencil ends and with puckered brows.
Stan Prout
And then, one night, as I put my four year old to bed, I sat next to her and watched the slowing calm of her familiar breathing, her rounded cheeks and lips puckering in and out, as she lay in a cocooned slumber that only a child can know.
He told reporters at the weekend that the bulge was nothing more than a pucker along the jacket's seam when the president crossed his arms and leaned forward.
I watched him as he carefully laid his map flat on the floor, his earnest face puckered in thought, meticulously studying every hill and valley, mentally preparing for the next military campaign.
He smiled, puckered his lips and let out a deep moo.
This was the same man who had coolly stolen wife and property from his own brother and then had jeered at him, probably with that same expression puckering about his evil, gray eyes.
The Rainy Day Railroad War
He didn’t often see Major Keith dressed in anything except his gardening gear, and today he looked particularly natty—tweed suit with regimental tie, shoes polished to a looking-glass shine, neatly creased trilby in his hand, and an anxious expression puckering his round face.
All Shall Be Well
A plissé finish is applied by treating a fabric with sodium hydroxide, which gives the article a puckered look.
It's after, 'boneset's good for colds,'" said Polly, puckering up her face again at the thought.
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
Charlie the parrot puckers up for a smacker as a ‘welcome home’ after a night or two on the tiles.
She said this while pressing both sides of his cheeks in a grotesque pucker.
Only an experienced needlewoman could do justice in words to such a variety of rimplings and crinklings, of pleatings and puckerings, of gaugings, rufflings, gofferings, and pin-tuckings as it is possible to find; though somebody with a knowledge of heraldry could perhaps convey a few of the designs in such terms as nebuly, raguly or dancetty (semée, he might add, of starfish proper).
Try Anything Twice
After all, when you're a spy, what's most important is not to inform congressional overseers or educate the American people about intelligence - it's to keep your pucker.
“Get ye out, Mr. Polonius!” said the old lady, a little wizen-faced old lady, with her face puckered up in a million of wrinkles.
The Great Hoggarty Diamond
The girl regarded him gravely, a puzzled expression puckering her face.
The Promise A Tale of the Great Northwest
Shortly afterward, she closed the inch-long gap between them by drawing her own red puckery lips closer to his.
The eyes are brighter and the upper eyelid elevated, as also are the brows, the skin over the glabella, the upper lip and the corners of the mouth, while the skin at the outer canthi of the eye is puckered.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
He puckered his lips in a long low whistle of understanding and stopped rowing.
No puckering or stretching of fabric when zipper is inserted.
His typical facial expression is to set his mouth in a moue, somewhere between a pucker and a pout.
Terry Krepel: Newsmax Gets Trumped
her lips puckered
Only an experienced needlewoman could do justice in words to such a variety of rimplings and crinklings, of pleatings and puckerings, of gaugings, rufflings, gofferings, and pin-tuckings as it is possible to find; though somebody with a knowledge of heraldry could perhaps convey a few of the designs in such terms as nebuly, raguly or dancetty (semée, he might add, of starfish proper).
Try Anything Twice
Instead of being nicely tucked away inside my navel, it's now hovering just above, all hyperpigmented and puckery looking.
His tailor was trotted out to say it was just a seam pucker.
Even Barney came out dapper, in his best salesman's suit, of a silvery stuff without a fold or pucker anywhere.
His eyebrows were raised, mouth puckered, his eyes sly, defying me to ask more questions.
With an I just wolfed a whole bowl of super sour lemons puckery smile, she asks, Portia, what do you think the solution is?
Portia's Exclusive and Confidential Rules on True Friendship
so i bet Johnny was pretty smug there in his pseudo-retirement. i bet he thought he was in the clear. i'm sure he never figured he'd surf the web and catch his name in a paragraph that prominently featured the words "puckered," "throbbing," "turgid," and "Orlando Bloom." silly Johnny. fics are for chicks, and you made a pirate movie reminding us of the joys of boys in eyeliner.
And now another installment toward my unending quest to prove an embarrassment to SAU
And my hands puckered from clorox and as i mopped my way across the stoor i began to wonder what in the hell i was really doing there after 8 hours of a serious job.
I-claudius Diary Entry
Her arms are criss-crossed with white puckered slashes - she cut herself after her older sister died from drugs.
Ryan found himself smiling as he just watched her inhale and then exhale her dark red lips puckering and then opening wide.
And so he rode overseeing about the plantation, with tightly drawn and puckered brows, puzzling over the problem, and steeling himself to the first attempt.
Chapter 20
He puckered his lips at me and made kissy noises.
The cherry lips puckered and the brows drew together as she struggled to remember, and I smiled slightly.
A scoliotic, pallid man with a sweaty helmet of black hair and a sternum puckered like the halves of a clamshell, he extended both his hands up to me as if to be pulled up from his chair.
There's the sour pucker on a snow lynx, a soulful pout on a groundhog, and a demonic stare on a giant panda.
January 8th, 2010 at 2: 08 pm raynman says: why when I see a picture of a puckered anus, do I think of Jim Bowie??
Think Progress » Native-American GOP Congressman Calls Steele’s ‘Honest Injun’ Comments ‘Unacceptable’
All braids and soutaches are made of pre-shrunk polyester to eliminate bleeding and puckering under normal specified care.
The professor's smiling expression puckered into one of prim censure.
A Kiss Remembered
Her fingers are as light as the puckers in her silks.
Collaged and lithographed breasts pucker three dimensionally on Nepalese paper with a skinlike texture.
A vast brown curtain, wrinkled and puckered and covered in fine brown hairs, was stretched across a wide opening.
Use of thicker sheets in fully adhered membranes helps resist puckering and wrinkling.
And in a room that was quiet and sunny, working with a little complacent pucker of the lips occasionally, or raising his eyebrows and adjusting his spectacles in a pause of doubt, he looked anything but sinister, anything but the traditional "bloodhound" on the train in a man-hunt.
Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
The boy who long ago kissed their bare shoulders, or the raspy-voiced best friend, bleating out hilarious comments about her puckered fanny from the next dressing room over at Eileen Fisher?
What Girls Want
This crimson skin and pucker of features, then, was his son?
She turned, her wild sow-eyes glowing back over her shoulder and her empurpled lips puckered a moment.
With his knurly forefinger at his puckered forehead he sat and pondered.
The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul
Until the candidates started putting their lips to good, puckery use, I'd mistakenly thought that this year's presidential contest was about two guys with lots of ideas, but no ability to respectively construct single, unifying themes.
Again my fingers passed her lips and they puckered.
The result is that once your quilt is washed, the fabrics will exert their own shrinking personality, and you will have a quilt that has puckers - and some patches will pucker more than others.
He sank back down, closed his mouth and puckered out his thin lower lip in a trademark sulky expression.
His puckered lips met my bare shoulder, causing my body to become significantly more awake.
She also loves the air circulated by the fan and within a minute of the fan being switched off, either by the maid to clean the room or if the electricity goes kaput, she puckers her mouth and begins to cry!
This canteen (with a funnel on its top, like a cavalier cap slouched over the eyes) was set on edge upon the puncheon, with the hole toward myself; and through this hole, which seemed puckered up like the mouth of a very precise old maid, the creature was emitting certain rumbling and grumbling noises which he evidently intended for intelligible talk.
Archive 2008-12-01
Even Barney came out dapper, in his best salesman's suit, of a silvery stuff without a fold or pucker anywhere.
Cording pintucks helps eliminate puckers and raises pintucks on heavier fabrics.
OK, between your gorgeous Kirbys and Ann's puckery carrots, you guys are making a pregger lady drool on her keyboard over here!
With patience comes pickles | Homesick Texan
When I saw your other scar start to pucker and then to expulse bits of.
Until he had assured himself there was no danger from falling fragments in the shattered halls and stairways that led up to the gaping ruin at the truncated top of the tower he would not let her enter the building, but set her to fashioning a kind of puckered bag with a huge skin taken from the furrier's shop in the Arcade, while he explored.
Darkness and Dawn
He -- -- "The last word shrivelled on her lips, which puckered into a confused smile at the warning frown of her brother.
Stories of a western town
In the centre was a round, puckered hole, nothing like a human mouth.
October 12, 2008 at 11:20 pm i love their quilts! getting the back right while quilting is hard to do. i am sure that after some love, washings, shrinking, and dragging that the puckers will just fade away. good luck on the next one. even though i have a lot of mistakes in my first quilt, i still love to look at it. welcome to a whole new world my friend…..good luck
Polka Dot Cottage: My first quilt!
In his late thirties, Houben is on what you'd term the cuddly side, and he'd be the first to deprecate his looks, although the digital photo frame that's scrolling through his brood – some fair, some dark, some hairless, puckered babies – reveals an unexpectedly attractive crop of kids.
Conceivable ideas: meet the modern sperm donor
Following instructions, I seasoned with so much sodium that my face all the way back beyond my ears puckered up.
The moment the glass touches the botts though they may have eaten their way into the coats of the stomach, so that but a small portion is exposed, they will let go their hold, will pucker up and be driven off by the bowels.
Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
It didn't occur to me to suggest she wipe off her lipstick, but as she puckered up to the vinyl dummy's lips and left an oozy smear of lipstick, I felt my bile rise and my mouth opened to tell her to wipe off the dummy and her mouth.
The stunned looks on the faces of the audience caused her to lose her pucker, proving that you can't whistle and laugh at the same time.
She laughed, puckered, sweeping hair from her face like a pinup.
This crimson skin and pucker of features, then, was his son?
Lost for words, he looked shyly down at her, smiling sadly so that his dark eyebrows puckered into a frown.
But sometimes we get frustrated by puckers at the point of the dart.
Mrs. Bauer's stumpy frame is shaken by shuddering sobs and her little girl, hanging onto her skirt, looks up with a puckered face, ready to cry with her mother.
The skin around it was an angry red and puckery, like too much skin had been gathered to stitch up one part of it.
Galen had just crossed his eyes and puckered his lips together, much like a blowfish, towards Mikey, who in return scooped Kris over his shoulder and broke into an all out run.
Your permanent pucker deserves full points because it's just so cute!
Byrd brings her lessons to us in this book full of tips and exercises to perk up your pucker.
And that for me is the point of the peach and why I hold its qualities above those of the nectarine – the feel of the peach's soft fuzz on lips, the way the skin puckers as I bite, a teasing prelude to the sweet flesh that will follow.
Tender delights
He then puckered neon light through the mural, creating an iridescent glow.
It also can cause embroidered fabric to appear puckered or stretched.
Astringent varieties contain alum, which makes your mouth pucker when the fruits are eaten before they're fully ripe.
She herself understood it, evidently, for she drew in her puckered skirts and without any words make a place for him beside her as he driftingly approached her, affecting to whistle and keeping his eyes on the foliage overhead.
Ramsey Milholland
We know that strong tea is very astringent - it puckers the mouth - so think what it is doing to the kidneys.
Deep creases puckered the corners of his eyes and etched a spider-thin webwork of lines around his mouth.
Snug each stitch down just until it flattens to the surface; pulling the yarn too tight will create puckers.
How raised flowers, leaves, plumes, baskets, bunches of fruit, even animal and bird shapes, could be shown in bas-relief on these quilt blocks without hopelessly 'puckering' the material, none of us can imagine.
Quilts Their Story and How to Make Them
I quickly slurp up my yogurt covered with sticky red syrup, which actually tastes okay, except for the puckery effect of the pomegranate.
Portia's Exclusive and Confidential Rules on True Friendship
My mother always went out looking, my sister in the back seat asleep in pink puckered plisse p. j.s with lambs and me in the front with a book.
See the cunning brackets to hold candles, and the nice green sild, puckered up, with a gold rose in the middle, and the pretty rack and stool, all complete," added Meg, opening the instrument and displaying its beauties.
Little Women
The dress fitted badly and puckered at the waist.