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How To Use Publication In A Sentence

  • It likewise furthered the career of Mary Shelley as "The Author of Frankenstein," the rubric under which she continued her anonymous publication with a second novel immersed in medieval Italian history, Valperga: or, The Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca (1823). Biography
  • Bishop Bernard Fellay revealed to ZENIT that the congregation told him to expect the publication of a statement issued "motu proprio" (on his own initiative) by Benedict XVI on the new structure of Ecclesia Dei before June 20. Fellay: Restructuring of Ecclesia Dei Imminent
  • It gives guidance in all matters of manuscript preparation and publication.
  • We examined publication bias and related biases in funnel plots and carried out a test of funnel plot asymmetry.
  • Unfortunately, adhoc bibliographies date quickly and are not always brought up to date after initial publication.
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  • Will you arrange the publication of the names of the winners?
  • The publication, whose Arabic name loosely translates as "Concerning," was launched as a quarterly magazine in early 2008 by members of the Lebanese lesbian group Meem and was billed as the Arab world's first publication for lesbian and bisexual women. The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب
  • Over the years in Mumbai, she spends time as an advertising copywriter, a freelance journalist and a publications officer for the World Wildlife Fund.
  • Religious publications also appear to have weathered the downturn in religious practice.
  • The publication of Quantum Leaps is not a fluke; rather it is an exceptionally clear manifestation of the taint, stigma, and taboo surrounding the paranormal.
  • Her own short-term future centres on finishing her next book, which is due for publication next spring. Times, Sunday Times
  • A local publication, The Evening Bulletin said, ‘The reporter had been horrified to see two fatted calves strolling up main street!’
  • It was clear, even before publication, that the book would be a success.
  • This documentary credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits International Chamber of Commerce (publication No. 600).
  • The last forty pages of the publication are dedicated to the numerous journalists who have fallen the victims of repression around the world.
  • He received international recognition for his work and wrote for many scientific publications as well as the National Geographic.
  • The year 1998 marked the bicentenary of the publication of the famous Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus, in which he argued that the population of a region would always grow until checked by famine, pestilence or war.
  • For the first time it would also reveal all cases that had been "rectified", the practice by which MPs can avoid publication of judgments in less serious cases if they apologise. Supreme court rules expenses MPs must face trial
  • He is the author of well over 100 research publications including journal articles, book chapters, and six books on desert grassland, the cacti of Sonora, the Sonoran desert tortoise, and packrat middens and the paleoecology of the southwestern deserts. Contributor: Tom Van Devender
  • The extract inclosed, which is taken from an official publication of the Belgian Government, and the extract from an official statement by the Belgian Minister of War, prove that the Belgian Government had never connived, or been willing to connive, at the breach of the treaty that made the maintenance of Belgian neutrality an international obligation. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
  • The latent demand for uncoated groundwood publication, printing, and supercalendered paper is not actual or historic sales.
  • They may at the least call for a right to prenotification before publication. Times, Sunday Times
  • You cannot believe this man; Should we believe a publication like the national Inquirer?
  • The launch of this new publication will take place at the conference room of the NIC building on the Waterfront, at 7 pm this evening.
  • The forward march of the publication saw it become a fully-fledged, full-grown newspaper in March of 2002.
  • In the following decade, I hammered federal training and make-work programs in articles for this newspaper and other publications. My Summer Road to Perdition
  • The committee advises the media on whether publication of a story risks endangering national security. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1998, CIW turned into a semiweekly publication.
  • Further and / or alternatively, the republication was a natural and probable consequence of the original publication by the Defendants. Politics101malaysia
  • I'm pretty sure that writing for publication is one of the most arrogant things a human can do.
  • Author Last name name. Year. Title of Book . City of publication Publisher.
  • The government has delayed publication of the trade figures.
  • The MP, who has previously obtained a super-injunction preventing the publication of private emails which had been leaked to the press, told a session of the joint Commons and Lords Committee on privacy and injunctions that such newspapers should be allowed to go to the wall. Zac Goldsmith criticised over concentration camp comparison
  • Details of the polymerase chain reaction are given in a previous publication.
  • So while artists in 1860s Paris were discovering the beauty of Japanese "floating world" — or ukiyo-e — woodblock prints, many Japanese artists were heading to Yokohama, scouring European publications and creating their own genre of exotica: the Yokohama-e. How Japan Saw Us
  • For Ms. Clark's last four new releases, Kindle sales of her backlisted books rose an average of 80% in the six weeks after publication. The Case of the Best-Selling Author
  • A Swiss court is still delaying the publication of documents which name those who took bungs for signing off broadcasting deals in the 1990s. The Sun
  • In between times, she continued to paint and write articles for many glossy coffee table publications.
  • A more serious breach of ethics came with the publication of a picture of Mitterrand on his deathbed.
  • The highest priority is the publication of a suite of up-to-date comprehensive guidebooks and map leaflets for the four gardens.
  • The team had already zeroed in on the Jhdm2a enzyme, showing in a 2007 Nature publication that the Jhdm2a gene is highly expressed in mouse testes and plays an important role in spermiogenesis, the final step in the production of a functional sperm cell. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • January and July issues were selected because they represent the first issue in each volume after the Journal began monthly publication.
  • Advertisements were placed in homophile publications.
  • Does your publication only have 10,000 circulation?
  • The study has been submitted to the Astrophysical Journal for review and publication.
  • Conservatives in the judiciary shut these publications, beginning in April, and jailed at least half a dozen editors and commentators.
  • They have done some fantastic science, and they have a publication record that would be the envy of many large research institutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of this is a sensible carry-over to the second publication of what is being said in the House.
  • An agency's financial status is measured in terms of billings - monies allocated by an advertiser to its agency to buy time on television and/or radio or space in publications.
  • Randall's first publications in 1965 were literally broadsides - single poems printed on large sheets of paper that sold for fifty cents.
  • Publication of WikiLeaks sourced private US comments on the corruption and nepotism of a hated "sclerotic" regime is said to have helped create Tunisia's protest, and generated talk by US commentators of a "Wikileaks revolution". Tunisia: The WikiLeaks connection
  • The new publication date of January, which will now become the norm, is the result of widespread demand from centres.
  • Our latest publication is a magazine for health enthusiasts.
  • But prior to publication, all documents from the Presidential Archive are declassified, as are documents held in the archives of the former KGB.
  • In order to put the time and energy necessary into our continuing publication, we need the help of readers, content contributors, and financial sustainers.
  • Congress has approved the new publication laws.
  • The article continues: The APS is opening its debate with the publication of a paper by Lord Monckton of Brenchley, which concludes that climate sensitivity -- the rate of temperature change a given amount of greenhouse gas will cause -- has been grossly overstated by IPCC modeling. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Along with the Austin American-Statesman, the Statesman family of print brands includes publications in communities across Central Texas and publications such as ahora si! and Glossy, which serve many diverse markets. Undefined
  • The government have delayed publication of the trade figures.
  • The Romanian-Jewish writer Mihail Sebastian 1907-45 came to the attention of the English-speaking world in 2000 with the publication of his incandescently angry and exacting World War II diaries. Tender and Tense
  • Publication of his biography was timed to coincide with his 70th birthday celebrations.
  • These publications are historical sources for a period which witnessed the transition from a humoral to a biochemical tradition, which was based on laboratorial science and document the important breakthroughs in bacteriology, parasitology and the developments of vaccines in a colonial context May 2007
  • Part of the trouble was that there wasn't very much else to write about, as the nature of the content between the covers was embargoed until the eve of publication day - today.
  • In 1709 a magazine called Tattler began publication.
  • I remember that with the help of my agent we stopped the publication of a calamitous German transmogrification of Loves That Bind where everything was translated and the Paris plane trees were transformed into banana trees.
  • Percentages can be misleading, however-only three times since 1926 have more than 10 publications dealt with stromatoporoid paleoecology.
  • The publication triggered a new storm over shameless MPs just when it seemed they could go no lower in public esteem. The Sun
  • Its publication is also the launchpad for an exhibition that has been shown in Madrid and Seville and will be coming to London early next year.
  • They've been documented in just about every major basketball publication and airwave.
  • Originally published in 1971, the publication has at its heart what purports to be the yearbook of the fictional C. Estes Kefauver Memorial High School in tragically woebegone Dacron, Ohio.
  • These publications made the mother of three float through her daily chores, burn the dinner, overcook the peas, but more important, enabled her to supplement the housekeeping.
  • We may edit them for publication. Times, Sunday Times
  • This book is scandalous not because of shocking exposés, but rather because of its very publication.
  • Her 1981 publication Practicing History: Selected Essays was a retrospective of her essays that she identified as weathering the tests of time. Barbara W. Tuchman.
  • Now, it is conceivable that Hume encountered these texts, and recognized their propaedeutic value, only after completing his Treatise; but this bare possibility (the letter was written two years before its publication) is absolutely ruled out in the case of Bayle, if not of the other texts Hume names, by Hume's so-called early memoranda and especially by the use This, About The Man I Met Out Here In Nearly Nowhere
  • The Friend promptly ceased publication. The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
  • The newspaper has been forced to cease publication.
  • Its members rarely published any verse or stories for adult market publications, and wrote instead for children's magazines, a blind for some of the most experimental work in the Stalinist era.
  • The statement was carefully scrutinized before publication.
  • In addition, there is a bibliography of his publications from 1952 to 2000, and an index.
  • I have pleasure in enclosing our considered response which we hope will be taken into account when finalising the guidance for publication.
  • Our latest publication is a magazine for health enthusiasts.
  • After documenting his existence and education, it appends only two more entries: a brief chronology of employment, and an impressive list of publications.
  • But it seems as he was taken with the gang, one hard-mouthed countryman swore home to him, and they were like to have others come in according to the publication they had made; so that they expected more evidence against him, and for that reason he was kept in hold. Moll Flanders
  • Publication in contravention of this provision is an offence punishable on summary conviction with a fine not exceeding £1,000.
  • The Licence Committee considered other available evidence, including that derived from the four publications referred to in the attached annex.
  • Like most of the journalists working on The Guide he seemed to realise that writing for this publication meant you could get away with any old tosh but over the years has refined this to an art.
  • The clinical use of HMG CoA-reductase inhibitors and the associated depletion of coenzyme Q10: A review of animal and human publications. Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific
  • We could have at some more Republican hacks now, like Steven Milloy, the Junkman of Science, who says he has a masters in biostatistics from Johns Hopkins, but to judge from the ISI Web of Science, not a single peer reviewed scientific publication. BREAKING NEWS: George Deutsch Did Not Graduate From Texas A & M University
  • We want to give a wider audience easier access to more of the sort of ideas spiked has been producing since it became the first custom-built online current affairs publication in the UK.
  • The book includes many references to Joseph-Jerôme Lalande's L'Art de faire le maroquin and Quemiset promises to improve on that work. 17 reference The preface also connects this book to publications on dyeing cloth, suggesting that Quemiset will organize the subject of dyeing leathers and establish its rules as Hellot's, Macquer's, and Le Pileur d'Apligny's books had done for wool, silk, and cotton, respectively. reference The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Their core business of binding periodicals for university libraries, lawyers and doctors has declined as more publications become available online, sending the bindery's annual revenue down around 10% since the recession began, to $207,000 in 2010. Digital Rivals, Economy Put Bookmakers in Bind
  • On the entrance floor level, the Winter Garden has a self-service restaurant and dining area and a shop where the emphasis is on fine art publications rather than tasteful tea cosies.
  • The publication lag, from time of manuscript acceptance to appearance in print, is slightly more than two months.
  • This was followed by several papers chiefly bearing upon the relation between extinct and existing forms -- a line of research which culminated in the publication of the _Histoire des végétaux fossiles_, which has earned for him the title of "father of palaeobotany. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • He has presented his corrections—prepublication—to the New York Philharmonic; New York audiences will be the first to hear the corrected score performed and to attend a preconcert talk by Mr. Orenstein on Jan. 4. Four Lost Measures Found
  • Incidentally, the German Wehrmacht never officially used the word blitzkrieg -- literally, "lightning war" -- though it did appear in several prewar German military publications. Wired Top Stories
  • The Civil War has generated a myriad of publications that address the interests of its devotees.
  • After the 1962 publication of Structure, however, the word paradigm came to mean something bigger and more complicated than a mere example. Economic Principals
  • Publication of this story marks a watershed in American political history.
  • Soon after the paper's publication, British television aired a program on the whooping cough vaccine.
  • Over the same period other publishers produced a further 100 items, including the only publications in Pukapukan (from Mataaliki Press) and the Pasifika Press series of dictionaries and/or language course books in Samoan, Cook Islands Mäori and Tongan. Book & Print in New Zealand: A Guide to Print Culture in New Zealand
  • She landed in a literary publications class at the University of Baltimore, where the assignment was to produce a literary magazine.
  • The government tried to stop publication of the book.
  • They have seen corrigenda for mbh and moberg, and they know that the hockey-stick publications in their journal are the basis of public policy. More Correspondence with Science « Climate Audit
  • Permission to reproduce must be requested from Lodinews. com if the reuse is for commercial purposes such as reselling the material, selling advertising on a site or print publication in which the material is reproduced or using material to promote the sale of a product or service. Undefined
  • The posthumous publication of his diaries is awaited with trepidation by some and eager anticipation by those who knew him best. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's the increase in in-house publication, made possible by the same lowered barriers.
  • Striking testimony to the enduring power of Ulysses is that we mark not the birth of its author or the publication of the book but the imagined day of the fiction.
  • Another great perk is that there are lots of copies of National Journal’s insiderish publications lying around and there’s always some nugget of genius in them. Matthew Yglesias » Defense Contractors Versus Hobbyists
  • A staff member at the cafe tells the publication, "When my boss came inwith a delivery, I was sitting talking to her and Susan shouted over, 'You better not be f***ing talking about me.' - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • What I find a bit exasperating is encountering poets (of a certain age) who somehow look down on online publications as beneath a “real” publication (read print). In Praise of Online Journals : Rigoberto González : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Surely, the Internet publications would generate no revenue for the author, but few octogenarians still are searching for additional income.
  • He can bring proceedings for a High Court injunction to stop the publication of a misleading advertisement.
  • In 1907 he began the publication of his seven volumed work about the Aranda and Loritja tribes.
  • What hurts the editorial staff of most publications is the intrusion into the creative process of money in the form of advertising revenue.
  • Books from the war period and local history publications will be available.
  • The author outlines both the commonalities that define science fiction fandom and the tensions and schisms within the community, focusing on participants in organized clubs, amateur publications, and conventions.
  • Just bear in mind that the longer your story is, the chancier it gets that it will be selected for publication. Spreading the word
  • The book includes reproductions of these images, and an essay that provides a detailed account of the scandal and the murder trial that resulted from the publication of this racy material. Boing Boing
  • Even the design cribs liberally from other publications.
  • Split run Print run of a publication diveded in two, or more stages to accommodate changes in text, changes of binding style, etc.
  • This Manual is an official publication of the United States Army.
  • The whole 'revise and resubmit' process also adds months to the publication cycle. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He was a sharp critic of the application of sociobiology to human behavior that developed following the publication of E. O. Wilson's Sociobiology in the 1970's.
  • Both journals, however, review books well after publication date.
  • Besides the accumulation of a variety of northern meals, the publication is also a project to preserve the South Slavey dialect.
  • The effort that has gone into the research and compilation of this publication is remarkable.
  • The government have delayed publication of the trade figures.
  • The recent pages of our publications are awash in stories of credit difficulty.
  • He was the author of 70 major scientific publications.
  • In 1803 she completed her translation of Job, and was encouraged to translate the Klopstock memoirs for publication.
  • Publication Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W 3 C Membership.
  • To help finance its publication and mailing, Grant sold his classic Thomas cane rods as well as some of his extensive book collection.
  • Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein on Saturday warned legal action may be taken against bloggers and publications that reprint what he calls fraudulent claims. snip several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News
  • At a time when the photography of sculpture in general is being problematized and historicized, it behooves the field to think analytically about the implications of various photographic strategies in its publications.
  • S. university herbaria and twelfth across the nation. The site provides of the center's introduction , history, staff, publications, Flora of Texas Database and Mexican Vascular Plant Database etc.
  • Neither Mr. Sher nor his designer were interested in receiving copies of the most important source materials for HOFMANN that I offered to send them (the final pages of the co-edition with the latest discoveries are still in unpublished proofs for formal publication). Blog updates
  • This meant that publication costs needed to be kept down, and the message had to be right.
  • The originals of these were displayed in my father 's shop to coincide with the publication. Times, Sunday Times
  • serial publication
  • Yet in the news pages, entertainment columns and social diaries of the same publications, the celebrity cycle continues to turn.
  • The dates of publication of the new Sciences modules are given in Annex 5.
  • There is a publications list and details of Teachers' Resource Centres around the country.
  • SNAIL'S TALES: Some open access malacological publications skip to main Some open access malacological publications
  • Javanfekr wrote in an official publication that the practice of women wearing a head-to-toe black covering known as a chador was not originally an Iranian practice but was imported. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • However, one does not need to be an expert on the Hope Diamond to know that its correct weight is 45.52 carats, a weight that has been accurately reported in reputable scholarly publications for most of the latter half of the last century.
  • The publication has only 163 pages, but it is full of the joy found in people when one sympathetically understands the oddness of age and mental infirmity.
  • At other times, academicians or scholarly researchers have debated it in publications.
  • Our concern here is to emphasize the billions of small wrangles that were altering the collective thought, to summon out of the past, for an instant, an elfin clamour of now silenced voices that prepared the soil for revolution, the not-at-all-lucid propagandists at street corners, the speakers in little meeting-houses, in open spaces and during work intermissions; to recall the rustle of queer newspapers that were not quite ordinary newspapers; and the handicapped book publications that were everywhere fighting traditional and instinctive resistances. The Shape of Things to Come
  • Every boating publication should forewarn their readers so that they, too, may be forearmed.
  • The writer was asked to touch up the story for publication.
  • We also recommended term limits on members of the executive committee and the publication of the individual compensation of key persons. Times, Sunday Times
  • While social movement theorists cite that electoral politics serve only to co-opt our work, we must ask ourselves if certain publications don't do the same.
  • The contract requires prepublication review of nonofficial writings by the government in order to protect sensitive information.
  • I'm not much of a" joiner "but I read about 30 plus publications, blogs and magazines a day," offers Ms. Merchant. Nilofer Merchant
  • I call your Excellency's attention to this, notwithstanding it is already known to all the world as a consequence of the publication of our correspondence in regard to these matters with several of the belligerent nations, because I cannot assume that you have official cognizance of it. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 3, June, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • The collection of the theses is ready for publication.
  • He can find no trace of a rule requiring research to be vetted before publication.
  • She was also the editor of a prominent, albeit student publication, and a prominent member of the youth wing of a political party.
  • This second publication proved much less successful than the first, which remained seminal in the development of scientific thought.
  • As romance fiction blossomed, a number of organizations and publications developed to serve it.
  • But now that he had left the service, this objection was removed, and in June 1854 the sum of 300 pounds sterling was assigned for this purpose, while the remainder of the expense was borne by the Ray Society, which undertook the publication under the title of "Oceanic Hydrozoa. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • They do not have to be resident here and the publication or individual they are suing need have only tenuous connections with the UK. Times, Sunday Times
  • We may edit them for publication. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though 19th century translators of Buddhist texts sometimes used the word "enlightenment" to refer to Gautama's moment of spiritual awakening on seeing the morning star, the first time a large number of general English readers saw the word used as a spiritual term was with the publication Essays on Zen Buddhism First Series by D.T. Suzuki in the 1930s. Lewis Richmond: A Cultural History Of The Word 'Enlightenment'
  • His often anthologized stories and essays have appeared in such publications as The New James Houston biography
  • Preceding the publication of this pamphlet is a report of investigations made by Ralph Bunche and Gunnar Myrdal in 1940. Race and Suffrage in the South Since 1940
  • The publication of draft constitutional amendments in October 1988 led to widespread public protests.
  • His academic background, previous employment, professional organisations and committee memberships, publications and speaking engagements are so extensive that he must be the catman of medicine -- he has to at least have lived nine lives. Effects of Family Stress on Children
  • The abstract of his study was embargoed for publication in the United States on Monday 30 October, and the study will be published in Rheumatology later this month.
  • That makes editors toe the line dictated by interests financially controlling the publication.
  • The publication comes as the answer to an acute demand.
  • But these clumsy attempts to prevent its publication only promoted the swift growth of interest in the book.
  • In the case of the former, it was the date of notification, and in the case of the latter, it was the date of publication.
  • New York, besides a relief map of the State, a hypsometric map, a road map, and publications on mineralogical works besides photographs. Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
  • Margaret Sanger calls for legalization of contraceptives in her new, feminist publication, The Woman Rebel, which the Post Office bans from the mails.
  • Their catalogues contain fewer items, but the range of publications is wider than at the turn of the century.
  • It was clear, even before publication, that the book would be a success.
  • Williams is probably correct in dating the revival of Creationism to the 1961 publication of The Genesis Flood by John C. Whitcomb and Henry Madison Morris (who Williams misnames Henry B. Morris) and the founding of the Institute for Creation Research sometime later (Williams 1991: 187). "Fantastic Archaeology" Part 2
  • I have received wonderful editorial credits in the top fashion publications and have had placement in the finest stores in the country with good sell-through.
  • The recent publication of his works has allowed for a rejuvenation of sorts to occur.
  • The book received rave reviews from liberals and a Pulitzer Prize in the year following its publication.
  • If so, no wonder David Blunkett is reported to be furious at the publication of Archer's book.
  • The publication of the Document on the vocation to the presbyteral ministry which you are preparing will certainly be a great help to your pastoral action. Archive 2008-02-01
  • It offers, as its prepublication publicity stated, an insider's view. The Times Literary Supplement
  • If you are interested, the YMAA has some truly excellent publications on qigong.
  • One potential upside is that it may bring an unusual life story closer to publication. Times, Sunday Times
  • The publication of draft constitutional amendments in October 1988 led to widespread public protests.
  • The government has delayed publication of the trade figures.
  • This misspelling had been tackled earlier by Chast, who pointed out that Laennec, a native of Brittany, did not write his name with a diaeresis in his publications.
  • The reason that I continue to subscribe is that your publication is very in-depth and truly interesting.
  • Details of the polymerase chain reaction are given in a previous publication.
  • A couple of weeks ago I had a really great heart-to-heart conversation with a fellow journalist, an editor at a major lifestyle publication. Pilar Gerasimo: Revolutionary Act No. 5: Question Authority
  • The book "Cybil" is based on the life of Shirley Ardell Mason and she and Dr. Wilbur worked on the factuality of the content and was one of the first publications to bring to public eye "Disassociative Identity Disorder" or commonly called "Multiple Personality Disorder". Weiner: Obama speech may end 'Sybil' health-care message
  • I can attest that the number of patients taking metoprolol compared to other beta-blockers rose steeply in my community after the publication of that paper.
  • The interviewer was none other than Meagan, who was only in her second year as a reporter and writer, though she did have her aspirations from early on to major in journalism and become a news hound for a major national publication.
  • Entirely new publications came into being to satisfy the insatiable demands of people clamoring for historical truth.
  • Foreign publications have been criticised for alleged one-sided reporting and their correspondents have been denied visas.
  • Further publications included works on macroeconomic management and optimal planning for nationalised industries. Times, Sunday Times

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