How To Use Puberty In A Sentence
But considering how much time we spend on that time of the month - from puberty to menopause, the average woman menstruates almost seven whole years - many of us know surprisingly little about it.
Because he's been chronically underweight since before hitting puberty, his body is used to having to survive on unnaturally low weights, but there's a limit to how much it can take.
The term ephebophilia, derived from the Greek word for “youth,” is sometimes used to describe sexual interest in young people in the first stages of puberty.”
Think Progress » Gingrich: House Leadership Would Have Been Accused Of ‘Gay Bashing’ If They Investigated Foley ‘Overly Aggressively’
At puberty, males become warriors and killing an enemy is often a prerequisite of attaining full adult status.
Life events can be developmental in nature: weaning, toilet training and puberty are examples that characterise all people's lives.

It’s certainly more compelling than the romantic sublot between Claire and The Flying Puberty Case.
Are “Mohinder & Matt” From Heroes The “Bert & Ernie” Of Primetime Television? | Best Week Ever
Have a short sensitive puberty we,always love to do with age is not consistent.
Here, we show that both the presence of obesity during the prepubertal period and an early onset of puberty are significant and independent risk factors for persistent asthma after puberty.
As the child nears puberty, a gland in the brain called the pituitary gland increases the secretion of a hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone FSH.
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Men secrete more androsterone than women do, and most men become unable to detect the stuff right around the time they start producing it themselves - at puberty.
Have a short sensitive puberty we,always love to do with age is not consistent.
During the years between puberty and the menopause, women's ovaries make a hormone called oestrogen.
Leaving out of account the precocious movements of the sexual instinct to which I have already referred as colored by psychic algolagnia, I may say that somewhat later, from the age of puberty and onward, I had three or four love affairs, devoid of any algolagnic tendency, and considerably more developed on the psychic and emotional, than on the physical, side.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
Leaving out of account the precocious movements of the sexual instinct to which I have already referred as colored by psychic algolagnia, I may say that somewhat later, from the age of puberty and onward, I had three or four love affairs, devoid of any algolagnic tendency, and considerably more developed on the psychic and emotional, than on the physical, side.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
Meena manages to inveigle her way into Anita's gang, but exams, puberty and an undercurrent of racism in their small community turns the friendship sour.
If you have not shown any signs of puberty by the age of fifteen, it is a good idea to visit your GP for a check-up.
Nature thought good sense a handsome dower — but good sense in dependance is like a chef d oeuvres of Raffaelle [10] in a bog house. if the savages of America have fewer luxuries than the slaves of Europe they have fewer miseries — the artificial distinctions of birth & fortune are unknown — distinctions which though the Philosopher must despise, he must want. on the banks of the Oronoko when the young savages is born — his infancy is neither embitterd by fashionable nursing his puberty by absurd education or his life by the anxieties so frequent
Letter 66
The problem he had, he was extremely intelligent, very bright, but he had a face that was just past puberty.
The term puberty will so often be used in the following chapters that
Youth and Sex
The new "kumari" or living goddess, was carried from her parents 'home to an ancient palatial temple in the heart of the Nepali capital, Katmandu, where she will live until she reaches puberty and loses her divine status.
Digital Point Forums
A male singer who has, between the approximate age of six and twelve, undergone a surgical procedure to impede the "breaking" of his voice that would normally take place during puberty, the castrato is a male soprano, soprano meaning, literally, higher.
Sounds Romantic: The Castrato and English Poetics Around 1800
Some children grow slightly more slowly than others and reach puberty later than average.
Now the gymnasts for instance have been shown to have delayed menarche and also delayed puberty.
It was discovered that black girls gain 34% more bone density during puberty, compared to only 11% in white girls.
Pearls signify both tears and teeth; the latter are sometimes called hailstones, from their whiteness and moisture; the lips are cornelians or rubies; the gums, a pomegranate flower; the dark foliage of the myrtle is synonymous with the black hair of the beloved, or with the first down on the cheeks of puberty.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Fasting is one of the five ‘pillars of Islam’ and is enjoined on everyone who has reached puberty.
Instead, the mists of passion steamed up out of the puddly concupiscence of the flesh, and the hot imagination of puberty, and they so obscured and overcast my heart that I was unable to distinguish pure affection from unholy desire.
Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
Increasing problems with mood lability are noticeable as girls move into puberty.
Although body image is just one part of our self-image, during the teen years, and especially during puberty, it can be easy for a guy's whole self-image to be based on how his body looks.
At puberty, males become warriors and killing an enemy is often a prerequisite of attaining full adult status.
Using the curse of the werewolf as a metaphor for puberty, it's a sharp and, forgive the pun, biting take on adolescence.
Times have changed; many girls are now reaching puberty at Primary School.
An increase in physical size is the first sign of puberty in boys.
The mammary glands are specialized cutaneous glands that develop rapidly but incompletely at puberty.
Women maintain a revered and protected status in Kuna society and their reaching puberty is celebrated in a series of ancient rituals and feasts.
More recently a third kind was introduced, called the will by bronze and balance, because it was made by mancipation, which was a sort of fictitious sale, in the presence of five witnesses and a balance holder, all Roman citizens above the age of puberty, together with the person who was called the purchaser of the family.
The Institutes of Justinian
The possibility that puberty is occurring earlier in Britain than previously has caused great interest.
Another innovation of lenses is seeing yourself without the cover of glasses from a three-foot distance for the first time since puberty.
The other type of sweat-producing gland, the apocrine glands, develop at puberty and are concentrated in the armpits and pubic region.
In this study, we found that a physician-confirmed diagnosis of sinusitis in the prepubertal period was a significant predictor of persistence of asthma after puberty.
For males who have reached puberty, freezing sperm at diagnosis is the gold standard for fertility preservation and it has a well-demonstrated success rate.
Fertility Preservation Program
Significant differences in the timing of the onset of puberty between populations are well known.
As the child goes through infancy, childhood and puberty, it learns to cathect its body in a particular way - to localize erotic pleasure in certain erogenous zones.
His work is unfeigned and natural, and he shows a poise that should allow him to make the difficult transition through puberty that kills so many promising young careers.
Male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia, if you're feeling technical) affects two-thirds of all men in the UK, and can happen at any time after puberty.
‧ Clinicians should avoid the routine use of experimental therapies to promote growth and delay puberty, and patients should avoid adrenalectomy;
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As puberty dawns for a young girl, the ritu kala home-ceremony is performed to acknowledge her first menses.
Then, girls reach puberty before boys and so are more mature in their both their approach to learning and ability to learn.
USA Today thinks going through puberty is the same as getting fat
Boing Boing
The magnitude of the difference rises substantially after puberty, but the reason for this change is unclear.
This article by psychology professor J. Michael Bailey explains the distinctions between pedophiles, hebephiles (people — almost unanimously men — attracted to children in puberty) and other sexual orientations or proclivities.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Enough with the Ridiculous Hyperbole!
The adolescents were avid windsurfers who had to pass their rites of puberty by completing an overnight journey, alone and out of sight of their home, aboard their own windsurfers.
Modern pygmies have big brains because their small size is achieved in a different way, by a slowing of growth around puberty.
Enlarged breasts in men, known as gynecomastia, generally indicates an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone, which can occur from puberty or aging -- or it could be a sign of kidney disease, or a pituitary tumor.
What Your Body Is Telling You
It is much more common in children than in those past the age of puberty, ringworm of the scalp being limited to the former (rare exceptions), and tinea sycosis being a disease of the male adult.
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
Sister Bliss's big beats aren't really the soundtrack to youth culture anymore though, rather a nostalgic reminder of pills, parties and puberty.
This male menopause - "manopause," if you will - is said to stem from an age-related decline in testosterone, the hormone that plays a key role in everything from puberty to maintaining muscle strength and bone mass to sex drive.
Drug firms and doctors tout treatments for 'male menopause'; others are cautious
Around puberty, our apocrine glands kick into action, releasing thick secretions into hair follicles.
Anne Crank: Diary of a Young Girl - increasingly irritable from the combination of cabin fever and puberty, Anne begins to write bitter rants against those who share the attic with her.
Archive 2007-02-01
The emphasis being on “man”, not “boy”, with all the courseness and bruteness that “man” represents to young adolescents on the cusp of puberty.
Language around trans, how it works, how it doesn’t…
Fluctuating hormone levels, particularly during puberty or menopause, may also cause lactation.
Are girls more intelligent than boys during puberty?
As puberty begins, your body begins to produce hormones that cause your eggs to mature.
Las Meninas likely suffered from both a thyroid condition known as goiter and the genetic disorder linked to premature puberty, McCune-Albright syndrome. Top Stories
Past research has looked at how the age of puberty affects subsequent risk of problems and found sharp gender differences.
To accelerate the program's timetable, puberty had been artificially induced.
Since chimpanzees are patrilocal (males remain in their natal group while females migrate at puberty) any cultural traits learned by young males would remain in the society while young females would transfer that same trait to nearby societies.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
The _penis_ of the young man who has completed the stage of puberty consists (1) of the two corpora cavernosa, as they are called, or erectile bodies, called cavernosa because they contain numerous blood sinuses which when filled cause the organ to erect.
The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction Also Sexual Hygiene with Special Reference to the Male
When boys reach puberty their fuzzy black hair is allowed to grow.
The time of life which was the focus of most attention was the transitional period, which might extend from the onset of puberty to the late twenties.
The gland is very small in babies and grows at the time of puberty in response to testosterone secreted by the testicles.
Fourteen is a fairly normal age for a girl to reach puberty .
When pregnant rats, for example, were exposed to glyphosate, their male offspring suffered reduced sperm production, increased abnormal sperm, and decrease in testosterone, in puberty and/or adulthood.
Jeffrey Smith: Genetically Modified Soy Diets Lead to Ovary and Uterus Changes in Rats
In a separate appendix on "Thonga" names, Junod used the cases of two of his male informants to illustrate men's acquisition of new first names not only at puberty but with Christian baptism and entry to a new occupation, whether traditional (e.g. divination) or in the service of whites.
Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
Though she has just reached puberty, she is not overawed by a sage, howsoever famous he might be.
This is quite common in adolescents and is often first noted at the onset of puberty.
At puberty, pubic hair develops and girls begin to menstruate.
African men are initiated when they reach puberty
If you're naturally thin, you might fill out a little more after puberty, but then again, you might not.
A function is organised when a girl attains puberty.
From a business standpoint, the teenage boy going through puberty is the best demographic they can aim for, and in most cases need to aim for if they want to make anything close to a profit.
Kicking The Dog
Until the physical appearance of puberty a girl enjoys the privilege of being regarded as an image of the great Goddess.
pluck forbidden fruit, with mother Eve,/For puberty in sighing florets pant,/Or point the prostitution of
'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
So as not to disturb this important natural phase of growth, parents will recognize that prudent formation in chaste love during this period should be indirect, in preparation for puberty, when direct information will be necessary. [more ...]
Archive 2008-04-01
Once pregnancy has progressed into the second trimester and once children reach puberty, the dangers of food poisoning and foodborne illnesses may again outweigh the mutagenic risks associated with phytochemicals (Flaxman and Sherman in press).
Archive 2005-06-01
his attainment of puberty was delayed by malnutrition
In a few cases these feelings continue and so the physical effects of puberty can be very distressing and confusing.
If, notwithstanding all these facts, anyone desires to associate the beginning or the end of the puberal development, as was formerly done, with the appearance of "the external signs of puberty," no one can prevent this usage.
The Sexual Life of the Child
If a patient has a decreased production of testosterone, he/she also may be suffering from any of the following: chronic illness delayed puberty hypopituitarism
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Because many adolescents have slight hormone imbalances during puberty, menorrhagia isn't uncommon in teens.
The reality sinks in when they attain puberty by which time they are told they have no choice.
Islam requires women to cover all parts of their body except their face and hands when they reach puberty.
At the most basic level is the unsupported assertion that changing sex after puberty is never socially advantageous, which is the main supporting claim for the validity of transkids.
Responding To The Feminist Anti-Transsexual Arguments
Our study indicates that puberty may also be a highly vulnerable period.
Although the end of puberty and the beginning of adulthood are not clearly demarcated, first conception, pregnancy, or parturition are frequently used markers.
The mammary glands are specialized cutaneous glands that develop rapidly but incompletely at puberty.
Puberty Puberty marks the biological beginning of adult life.
Central to this are the sex hormones, which are produced at puberty.
During puberty there is subordination of the erotogenic zones to the primacy of the genital zone.
Clinical Work with Adolescents
Mrs. Sandord bore FOUR BOYS and all of them are either teens or in puberty stage.
Sanford visiting family in Sullivan's Island
Generally, girls reach puberty approximately six months to a year earlier than boys.
For example, post-puberty is the time when peer group friendships may take over from parents as the major influence.
We found that approximately 30% of children with infrequent wheezing but almost 60% of children with asthma in the prepubertal period keep experiencing wheezing episodes in the first 4 years after the onset of puberty.
In the life of the family, the critical moments of birth, puberty, marriage, and death regularly recur, and keep up the instinct, because man is then brought face to face with these eternal facts; there is no need of extraordinary perils, such as tempests or pestilences, to keep the instinct alive.
The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
However, could the amount of oestrogen ‘shed’ into the atmosphere by sexually aroused women really reach the kind of levels required to trigger puberty?
It seemed that we'd hit that magical time in puberty when wisdom teeth had to be removed.
Oh what difference thirty years make
For example, Colborn says, bisphenol A, a component of plastic that is also used as a fire retardant, causes female mice to reach puberty earlier than normal.
Early onset of puberty and obesity independently favor the persistence of asthma.
About 10% of patients have a benign tumor of the thymus gland, a lymph gland that usually disappears at puberty.
The apocrine glands, which develop during puberty, are also attached to hair follicles in the genital area and the underarms and secrete sweat and body odor linked to sexual pheromones.
Simple Skin Beauty
When he was 11, not yet into puberty enough to have major strength but definitely not a shrimpy boy any more, we were visiting my grandparents in Oklahoma at Christmas.
Who Feasts and Who Famishes
Trichotillomania almost always starts at puberty and predominantly affects women.
Times, Sunday Times
The onset of acne is usually around puberty, but in a minority of cases it may also start in adulthood.
They develop during puberty and start to release sweat in response to stress, emotion and sexual excitement.
Acne appears around the onset of puberty and runs a variable course till adolescence is over.
Fat cells produce leptin, a protein known to help trigger puberty.
The spine grows rapidly during puberty and most of that growth is completed by the time a girl begins to menstruate.
In a test for "adultness" co-created by the author, the difference between how adults and how teens scored was statistically insignificant: "Age is simply not a reliable measure of adultness," Epstein writes, "at least not once people are past puberty.
This is an extremely rare type of cancer, and circumcision may only offer protection if done in childhood, not during puberty.
Puberty is the first phase of adolescence, the time when sexual maturity becomes evident.
Now it is readily apparent that adolescence conceived in this way does not correspond with puberty.
We have demonstrated the utility of our approaches by examining developmental changes in the murine mammary gland during the transition to puberty.
The case in which the substitution was intended to take place classed it as vulgar, pupilary, or quasi-pupilary: vulgar was the ordinary substitution in which one was named to take, in case the first heir defaulted or died; pupillary, was where an heir was instituted to succeed a child under puberty
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
At ten, boys were supposed to be afraid of girls and think that they were icky, and then at puberty, boys would start liking girls.
For instance, “mutant” powers normally manifest in puberty according to the X-men.
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Clinicians should avoid the routine use of experimental therapies to promote growth and delay puberty, and patients should avoid adrenalectomy; - latest science and technology news stories
Because some childhood seizures stop at puberty, doctors often hesitate to recommend surgery for children.
So, even if Clem on the cusp of puberty is Hail Mary assumption 2 for this episode, it might have worked as a plot point to save the children if anyone had made the slightest effort to develop it.
Torchwood: CoE one more time
During puberty or nearing menopause, many women have irregular periods so no treatment is necessary.
Past research has looked at how the age of puberty affects subsequent risk of problems and found sharp gender differences.
The onset of acne is usually around puberty, but in a minority of cases it may also start in adulthood.
The patriarchal medicine of the 19th century believed that femaleness in itself was a disease, and puberty, pregnancy and menopause were considered horrible afflictions that prevented women from being educated or working.
Fourteen is a fairly normal age for a girl to reach puberty .
He reached puberty at the age of fourteen.
The glands remain immature until puberty, and it is the secretion of sebum that is associated with pubertal acne.
Then, girls reach puberty before boys and so are more mature in their both their approach to learning and ability to learn.
During adolescence, it is natural to gain weight as you prepare for puberty or a sudden growth spurt.
Because it develops during puberty, biologists classify it as a secondary sexual characteristic.
The glands remain immature until puberty, and it is the secretion of sebum that is associated with pubertal acne.
Ruth Benedict, writing of puberty ceremonies in various societies, sheds some light on this seemingly paradoxical cultural attitude.
Teenage girls at a polygamist ranch are spiritually married to much older men as soon as they reach puberty.
But, apart from such confusions, the term puberty is used in various senses.
The Sexual Life of the Child
Teenage girls at a polygamist ranch are spiritually married to much older men as soon as they reach puberty.
The predominant one from puberty to menopause is 17-beta estradiol, which is involved in over 400 functions in the female body, from skin to hair, bones, heart and brain.
Sorting Through the Choices
In the West, precocious puberty is sometimes treated with regular injections to slow down physical development.
At puberty, hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis activity increases, initiating a cascade of physiological events.
At about the time the lads reached puberty, Ephraim announced that the gift had deserted the boys and retired from his circuit – marrying a rich woman and, when he eventually died, leaving a fortune to taciturn Gabriel, and nothing to the family of the handsome, free-spirited Johannes.
The Preacher by Camilla Lackberg, translated by Steven T. Murray
Although the timing of these changes is different for every guy, the stages of puberty generally follow a set sequence.
Logan's birthname hit puberty his powers manifested in the form of a healing power, animal like instincts, hightened senses, and bone claws.
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The magic of beauty, the instinct of modesty, the naturalness of self-restraint, the idea of unselfish love, the meaning of duty, the feeling for art and poetry, the craving for religious conceptions and emotions -- all these things awake spontaneously in the unspoiled boy or girl at puberty.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
Girls between age nine and age sixteen undergo a series of puberty and initiation rites known as chinamwali.
Life events can be developmental in nature: weaning, toilet training and puberty are examples that characterise all people's lives.
And there was a fascinating account of the castrati, the male singers who lost their testicles before puberty.
They develop during puberty and start to release sweat in response to stress, emotion and sexual excitement.
Have a short sensitive puberty we,always love to do with age is not consistent.
Our finding that increased body fatness is associated with the earlier onset of puberty provides additional evidence that growing rates of obesity among children in this country may be contributing to the trend of early maturation in girls," said Dr. Joyce Lee, the lead author.
Study: Childhood Obesity Triggers Early Puberty | Impact Lab
However, parental smoking was not associated with persistence of wheezing or asthma after the onset of puberty.
These were the athletes whose puberty and growth were delayed, and one of the tools was thought to be maladministered contraceptive pills.
But I was a late "bloomer"-my first set of braces got taken off before I had started going through my facial bone structure hadn't grown all the way yet..and my mom even warned her that all her kids are late-bloomers.
Posterior Crossbite
During puberty, levels of progesterone and, possibly, estrogen overstimulate blood circulation to the gums, making them sore and swollen.
However, at puberty testosterone production usually increases and is enough to cause virilization, so in such cases where the child identifies strongly with a female role it is advisable to perform a gonadectomy before puberty.
Transsexual Causation, the American Psychiatric Association, and Interpol
At seven or eight he saw a vision of God in the clouds; at puberty he masturbated considerably and used to stand before the mirror and "hypnotize" himself.
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Also, with puberty, children, especially girls, begin to develop their own sense of identity.
Just like the public hand-wringing over the HPV vaccine and improved access to contraceptives and birth control, a lot of anxiety about precocious puberty deals with whether it will "sexualize" a generation of girls too early.
Cristen Conger: Girls' Puberty Coming Sooner -- But What about the Boys?
The onset of puberty appears to be triggered by changes in the blood melatonin level.
Now it is readily apparent that adolescence conceived in this way does not correspond with puberty.
After puberty, and during early adolescence, when a certain amount of knowledge has been acquired, we leave youth free to learn lies from advertisements, carefully calculated to foster the tendency to hypochondria, which is often associated with such matters.
Woman and Womanhood A Search for Principles
During puberty or nearing menopause, many women have irregular periods so no treatment is necessary.
In the first place, tenesmus, accompanied with pain, attacked many, but more especially children, and all who had not attained to puberty; and the most of these died.
Of The Epidemics
The reproductive organs only attain full development at puberty, and degenerate and lose all or much of their functional importance as years accumulate.
Objective To explore the fast assessment method for identifying isolated premature thelarche(IPT) and central precocious puberty(CPP).
They were pubescent boys who had reached puberty but had not yet grown beards.
Within specific setting conditions such as sociocultural pressures to be thin and a driven and perfectionist personality, the limbic system imbalance may be triggered by such factors as puberty, dieting, weight loss, and various stressors.
Mind Hacks: Influence, anorexia and the body beautiful
At puberty, a girl's body begins to fill out.
The setting for breast cancer development may be in the decade after puberty.
Most traditional societies have transition rites at puberty.
They grow from pedicles that form at puberty and which, in time, become permanent protuberances from where antlers bud and are cast seasonally.
But the delayed menarche and the delayed puberty may have an effect on their growth and height.
You reach puberty in your teens.
The onset of puberty is normally triggered by the hypothalamus (the area of the brain that helps control pituitary gland function).
-- The ovaries develop with the growth of the female, so that finally at the period of puberty they ripen and liberate an ovum or germ vesicle, which is carried into the uterine cavity of the Fallopian tubes.
Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners A Complete Sexual Science and a Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood, Advice To Maiden, Wife, And Mother, Love, Courtship, And Marriage
Most traditional societies have transition rites at puberty.
Widespread environmental pollutants may retard puberty, suggests a new study of adolescents.
Sebaceous glands develop at puberty in response to androgen stimulation and are attached to the follicle canal by sebaceous ducts.
-- The ovaries develop with the growth of the female, so that finally at the period of puberty they ripen and liberate an ovum or germ vesicle, which is carried into the uterine cavity of the
Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
Congenital lues up to the time of puberty may simulate acute articular rheumatism.
It affects women much more often than men, because women lose some blood in each menstrual period between puberty and the menopause.
But there is still over whether neonatal exposure can trigger early puberty.
Puberty is the first phase of adolescence, the time when sexual maturity becomes evident.
The Kumaris - selected from the caste of silversmiths after having passed a series of spiritual tests including the terrifying one of spending a night alone in a dark room with the severed head of a buffalo - are anointed in early childhood and demit their divine office at the first sign of puberty.
Archive 2008-01-01
Fourteen is a fairly normal age for a girl to reach puberty .