
  1. a mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction
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How To Use psychoneurosis In A Sentence

  • Hysteria can currently be defined as a form of psychoneurosis characterized by disturbances of the sensory and motor functions, with a high degree of susceptibility to autosuggestion or hypnosis.
  • The idea that it was just depression or hysteria, a psychoneurosis or ‘all in the mind,’ he found not only ludicrous and cruel, but also dangerous, and his records contain several examples of suicide.
  • Today we would call this an anxiety-caused psychoneurosis.
  • This was Freud's definition of psychoneurosis: We limit how we live so that we can limit the amount of anxiety that we experience.
  • His clinical diagnosis was ‘chronic and acute anxiety psychoneurosis with generalized phobic extensions.’
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