How To Use Psycho In A Sentence

  • The authors concluded that creativity and psychotic symptomatology do indeed reflect equivalent forms of cognitive processing.
  • If we want to avert a very deep recession it is absolutely vital that these psychological factors are reversed.
  • They inflicted severe psychological damage on their opponents.
  • He is a Berlin gestaltist who emigrated to the United States, became professor of the Psychology of Art at Harvard University and published 13 books on gestalt theory and art.
  • Furthermore, developmental psychologists found evidence that self-recognition correlates with empathy.
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  • Animals are humanized, that is, the kinship between animal and human life is still keenly felt, and this reminds us of those early animistic interpretations of nature which subsequently led to doctrines of metempsychosis. The Art of the Story-Teller
  • I know there are some psychoanalysts who theorize that every creature which appears in a dream or waking dream is an aspect of the dreamer. GALILEE
  • The vital factor he boldly designates "entelechy", or "psychoid", and advocated a return to Aristotle for the most helpful conception of the principle of life. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • One of the most significant concerns presented by opponents is that suicide ideation is most likely a symptom of psychopathology.
  • The study of this aspect of language provides links with other disciplines such as sociology, social anthropology, psychology and philosophy.
  • I remember from my old Organizational Psychology that while money isn't a motivator, "inequity" is a demotivator. Executive Compensation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • There is no known cure for hebephilia and no effective initial screening mechanism, says psychologist James Cantor, who leads a team of researchers from Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and other hospitals in studying the role of the brain in causing pedophilia and hebephilia. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Neuropsychological evidence points towards our tendency to confabulate stories that we believe to be true in order to fit together disparate pieces of information.
  • Instead of a crime-does-not-pay melodrama, the play became an acute study of marital and psychological disintegration
  • I thought of biochemistry in our neighboring sciences and of psychophysics, and more recently of psychopharmacology, as examples of fruitful splitting and recombination in our own science.
  • At the time of decompensation, 23 patients were taking antipsychotics while 16 were drug free.
  • They operate with so much psychological projection that they would make a great case for a person to use to study for a doctoral thesis!
  • Now the American Psychological Association has weighed in as well, with a 67-page report on the dangers of the "sexualization" of girls. Archive 2007-03-01
  • There have been many different views towards postmodern social psychology since it was advanced by K · J · Gergen.
  • In this sense, he saw scientific psychology as anti-life: the more the critical reason dominates, the more impoverished life becomes; but the more myth we are capable of making conscious, the more life we integrate.
  • The entire novel must be read in the light of the comic paradox whereby Zeno thinks he is analysing himself while at the same time being certain that psychoanalysis lacks the means to analyse him.
  • The work appears in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
  • Part of pop psychology is that you should acknowledge your feelings, but there's no place for them in the workplace.
  • As long there's no good protocolled way of diagnosing autism, done by well trained teams of psychologists and psychiatrists what is called autism can be anything. Autism: A journey of recovery
  • The first obtains when the psychosis results from a misevaluation of environment. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • There they meet a scientist named Yuri Popov, who explains he is the research assistant to Professor Vladmir Magus, who has been studying parapsychological phenomena under the sea. Aquaman Special #1 - 1988
  • Concentrating on psychophysiological medicine, the four divisions cover aspects of cardiology, gastroenterology, transplant surgery and the menstrual cycle respectively.
  • So we set about assembling a team of cross-disciplinary professionals including Dr. Patricia Muehsam, on the faculty of Mount Sinai Medical School; Dr. Peter Roche de Coppens, professor of sociology, anthropology, and psychotherapy at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania and the Sorbonne in Paris; Dr. Beverly Rubik, a biophysicist who had conducted scientific research in mind-body, subtle energies, and complementary medicine; Dr. J. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • Perhaps strangest of all, the American troops brought in their own "psyops" trucks - for psychological operations - and blared sounds that created a nightmarish duet with the mosques: old AC/DC songs, something that sounded like a sonar ping, the cavalry charge. Archive 2004-11-01
  • Although the origins of the experimental child psychology are to be found in Germany, the new empirical and evolutionist child study was practiced mainly in the Anglo-Saxon world.
  • And feminist psychologists are still predominantly concerned with making egalitarian corrections to traditional psychological theories, rather than working with their uncertainties.
  • Interviewee: Don't tell me you want a psychologist, do you?
  • The man who's responsible for two of the most black-hearted exposés on psychological cruelty hadn't gone soft - just cheeky and satirical.
  • Let us not trivialise this by saying that it is because of parapsychology or telepathy.
  • Hip-hop, cowboy wind, and the wind wind wind, occupation, fur, all-match, hippie, ladies fashion, Korean, Japanese, what is it Fashion is the urban special logo, is a city in the vast city of special psychological needs.
  • Even if the physician recognizes the psychopathology, the patient may reject the diagnosis.
  • We're journeying in the psychological borderlands of music, and what you bring with you in your head and your heart, as well as how you listen, may affect your perception of these experimental sounds.
  • A psychological counseling case of anxiety neurosis with panic attack was reported in this article.
  • Sometimes, letting go of psychodrama is letting go of your need to be right. Gamemastering Is An Art, Part VII: Catching Up
  • In addition to marijuana, cocaine, and crack cocaine, the illicit drugs reported in the survey included hallucinogens, heroin, inhalants, and psychotropics.
  • I think that Tilly's behavior on balance does indicate a kind of cetacean psychosis. Politics
  • People are unwilling to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist for the fear of being labelled mad.
  • She has been sectioned twice, held in hospital for psychiatric care and prescribed antipsychotic medication.
  • A close look at the work of Swiss psychologist jean Piaget illustrates how a cognitive psychologist views the mental processes individuals use in responding to their environment.
  • The results of the current study also strengthen claims that psychopathy is a neurocognitive disorder that is apparent across the lifespan.
  • Using behavioral sensitization animal models, poly-drug abuse about tramadol and betel quid extract was investigated in psychopharmacological profiles.
  • This conceptualization resonates with such postpositive movements in psychology as social constructionism, postmodern thought, and discursive psychology.
  • UCLA's Vital Information and Tailored Assessment program offers patients a two-hour, one-time consultation with specialists in cancer survivorship, billed to insurance as a regular visit with a physician, to identify posttreatment physical and psychological problems and create a plan for future treatments including wellness-enhancing strategies. Cancer Survivors Find Support
  • New research suggests that psychological stress may play a role in premature aging.
  • In psychology, sociology, and cultural criticism the term alienation would be popularized primarily by Jewish thinkers. Emancipation
  • Introspective interiorization and psychological subtlety are the inevitable by-products. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Most people know pharma's blockbuster atypical antipsychotics Seroquel, Zyprexa and Geodon, off label marketed to kids, the elderly, the uncategorizable and the suggestible -- are you sure you don't have racing thoughts ask ads? Start Your Engines Drug Reps! FDA Panel Says Yes to Seroquel, Zyprexa and Geodon for Kids!
  • Now Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) is tapping into that vast market with an aggressive advertising campaign for Abilify (aripiprazole), its blockbuster antipsychotic medication. AdWatch: Abilify finds lucrative new audience
  • Of course, psychological constructs and theories are not always independent of their social, cultural, and historical contexts.
  • History is littered with despots and psychopaths, murderous dullards, evil geniuses, deadly incompetents, calamitous brutes of all descriptions.
  • Many other sketches featured similar hard-men, many of them caricaturing the sort of psychopathic gangsters who would become prevalent in British films of the late 1990s.
  • He shot and killed a clinical psychologist who were entering the abortion clinic.
  • The study cites evidence that such isolation can produce “the most extreme forms of psycho­pathology, such as depersonalization, hallucination, and delusions.” Primary Sources
  • An excellent example of this return is the new psychological science of happiness, represented, for example, by the fundamental work of Edward Diener.
  • There is the pop psychology of the day, run amok.
  • But it had me utterly involved from the very start, and that's down to the mind-bogglingly superb animation that, for me, had a human and psychologically acute element to add to the expected dimension of hallucinatory fantasy.
  • Psychological studies have confirmed this: the more advanced students have much less aggressive personalities than the average person.
  • As a psychologist, Bloom had studied what in the 1970s was considered not just sexual deviance, but mental imbalance.
  • But as a psychologist what fascinated him was what he saw as the highest achievement of the individuation principle - the human psyche in its fullest possible development.
  • This is a critical problem for teachers, advisory teachers, advisers and educational psychologists to resolve.
  • On the other hand, I feel so clearly a certain nearness, spiritually and psychologically, to Henry Stuart–well, I guess there is even an emotional counterpart, too. Sonny Brewer - An interview with author
  • I started topamax 3 scares truley 100 bid persisting heavy hostility, mood. "/" i took my mri periods to my super trileptal for behavior control who prior shook his impact because he noted "bulging discs, professional spondylosis, sacroiliitis, psychoactive scoliosis, and unwanted increment disease" i had no peole anything was excellent with my orally until immediately a sensation of studies anytime when i administered the important helllp and have removed in horrible arm since from the changing discs. Wii-volution
  • The missing knowledge, they believe, is in the locker room, the dugout, the team bus, the psychology of the players and the relations among them.
  • More interpersonally oriented social psychologists and cultural anthropologists view emotions as being created among people.
  • Perhaps his most interesting is Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig), a psychopath who commits various gruesome murders and owns a freak show themed tourist attraction. Five Horrifying Clowns | myFiveBest
  • Students in an Introductory Psychology course were offered extra credit if they would agree to hand in their notes at the end of a specified class.
  • The authors concluded that creativity and psychotic symptomatology do indeed reflect equivalent forms of cognitive processing.
  • The authors point out that prolactin sparing atypical antipsychotics offer a new management strategy for antipsychotic induced hyperprolactinaemia.
  • In like manner, the behavioral divorce from certain psychotherapy concepts (and alliance or mésalliance with others), has taken various forms.
  • Psychoses may be divided into two categories, organic or functional.
  • In addition, the teenage psychology problem that because of parental feeling crisis, family disaccord causes, in recent years increasingly apparent.
  • The basic human sciences involved are anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
  • The pioneering Jewish lesbian feminist Charlotte Wolff was a physician by training, but later became a chirologist, psychotherapist, and sexologist, well known in both England and Germany. Charlotte Wolff.
  • A tautly told tale of psychological tension and chilling moral complexity, The Last Secret accelerates to a shattering conclusion as it explores the irreparable consequences of one family's crimes of the heart. The Last Secret: Summary and book reviews of The Last Secret by Mary McGarry Morris.
  • His criticism of the Moscow frame-up , and his exposure of the psychological mechanism of the "voluntary confessions", are excellent.
  • Rhinoplasty, tummy tucks, liposuction and eye lifts can provide a psychological boost and restore youthful confidence.
  • It cures the sexually frigid and the easily upset; it reawakens interest in sex for those suffering from physical or psychological problems.
  • The analysis of the collective psychological errancy of that time combined with the footage was a dynamite commentary on what went wrong.
  • The psychologist's room was bare and bleak with no windows.
  • She is also a psychotherapist in San Francisco who works with couples, triads and other forms of alternative families.
  • I don't think I've seen a clearer example of the psychological phenomena known as projection in my life.
  • An amateur psychologist as well as a sleuth, O'Neill will not be so easily taken in.
  • Business Psychologist, David Chang, lists self regulation and variety as things that really make a difference in the workplace.
  • The main characters are all glorified psychopaths, with little to choose between hero or villain in terms of basic humanity.
  • Fans of David Slade, the acclaimed director of cult hits including the psycho-sexual thriller “Hard Candy” and the graphic novel noirish vampire flick “30 Days of Night,” might be shocked to discover that the man has a sweeter side. TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR MARCH 4TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Reich 1974 placed the impulsive character, the neurotic character, and the psychopath between neurosis and psychosis and observed the ambivalence, hostile pregenital impulses, ego and superego deficits, immature defenses, and primitive narcissistic features of the impulsive personality. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • Social psychology is clearly another large and highly complex topic.
  • But there is a real significance in psychological attention to the year 2000 already apparent.
  • Note 9: Derepression carries its own specialized meanings in Jungian psychology and genetics, but my usage will be readily distinguishable from that employed by those other specialties. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • Two researchers specializing in the psychology of health say they've found a more productive way to wean sun worshipers from catching some rays.
  • The Board noted with concern the continuing global disparities in the actual availability and the unjustifiable discrepancies in the consumption of important licit narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in different regions.
  • When the psycho is caught, then let go on a technicality, Mom takes matters into her own hands.
  • One might as well tell the patient she is possessed by demons, as give her a psychoanalytic explanation of her physical disease or disorder.
  • Some psychologists call sleepwalking an extreme form of absent-mindedness. Modern Mechanix
  • His plan is to establish a nonprofit foundation that would support this kind of community service in exchange for long-term psychotherapy.
  • It is at this point that the nation state begins to acquire a psychological as well as a purely administrative significance.
  • That one does not say of a cornflower that it looks blue is a linguistic point, not a psychological one.
  • As I note in the comments, I actually think commissurotomy cases are one more evidence that personal identity is not reducible to psychological continuity: people whose hemispheres have been split act almost exactly like you do. Split Something-or-Other
  • Her father David, a psychologist of increasingly dubious capabilities, decides to start over by moving out to the boonies.
  • For antimosquito repellents take antimalarials, not Larium as can cause psychotic episodes in some people Recent Updates
  • The psychological error then consists in externalizing an exceptional experience - which Bergson calls ‘resistance to the resistances’ - into a moral theory.
  • They specifically admitted children who were behaviorally aggressive, not mentally deficient, brain damaged, or psychotic.
  • Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.
  • While being interviewed by a start-up, 'you could say, 'My weakness is I get bored by routine,'' says Ben Dattner, a New York industrial psychologist.
  • Our sexual behavior expresses not only our psychosexual makeup but also the entirety of our personality.
  • Organizational culture and organizational identity are both hotspots in management psychology research area in last thirty years.
  • But a psychomachia seems virtually the perfect vehicle for satire. Stone Pastorals: Three Men on the Side of the Horses
  • As a non-science, psychology is immune to disproof of its claims.
  • In many areas essential treatments such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and psychological support are not available to stroke survivors. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • A sports science and psychology building would be built on the site of the existing swimming pool, health centre and squash courts, with a third building behind.
  • He claims that the constant aircraft noise has a bad psychological effect on the residents.
  • In today's Boston Globe, there's a discussion with noted sports psychologist Harvey Dorfman, on why he thinks Matt Clement will successfully return to the mound after being beaned in the head by a line drive.
  • Related to these accounts of bodily transformation was the doctrine of metempsychosis, that is, the migration of the soul into another body after death.
  • Flights in close quarters can also lead to back pain, swollen ankles, leg cramps and psychological distress.
  • Â Twin brother Daniel, however, grew up in the faith, becoming the local houngan of their hometown, while Jericho went to the United States to become a psychologist and physician. Review: Doctor Voodoo #1 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • His dotty brand of bush psychology didn't deserve a response - not even a laugh.
  • Three more common conditions associated with altered autonomic function include neurogenic essential hypertension, psychogenic ischemic heart disease, and congestive heart failure.
  • The various schools of suspicion in chairman psychology all understand stress from somewhat opposite perspectives. Archive 2009-11-01
  • He believed that the discoveries of sensationalist psychology had made it possible to articulate the fundamental principles of social science.
  • Game 1 was a blowout, and the Bulls got a major psychological edge that helped them to their second straight title.
  • Social psychology is clearly another large and highly complex topic.
  • Back in Japan, Nakamura first heard of words like cocaine and psychotropics on television, and later she was impressed with a campaign against drug abuse that was started in her school.
  • It is often difficult for parents to seek psychological assistance.
  • Psychology, the discipline that has probably contributed most to the accurate assessment of ESP claims, is the field that is most closely associated with such pseudosciences in the public mind.
  • Here, the character Ms. Kudrow plays is far from sympathetic—she's psychotherapist Fiona Wallice, a charlatan, and a remorseless, self-obsessed one, busy peddling what she's fond of describing as her new "treatment modality. Therapy as Shock Treatment
  • Its concern with celebrating femininity encourages it to pass over more of traditional psychology's gender biases than egalitarian feminist psychology does.
  • Part of the explanation is psychological: Pain perception is made much worse by worry, fear or the expectation of pain, he notes.
  • He denounced democracy as a psychopathic expression of inferiority and compromise as an aberration that must be crushed out of existence.
  • Next, get in a few behavioural psychologists to do a bit of organisational re-engineering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alternatively, you could seek your own counselling or psychotherapy to try to find the underlying problem and work out what to do about it.
  • The typical antipsychotics are taken as tablets or syrup.
  • During the second unit of study you will be studying the three major viewpoints in psychology that emerged after the first psychology failed: functionalism, behaviorism, and gestaltism.
  • Illness therefore, can sometimes reflect psychological processes which are either unacknowledged or seemingly unrealisable.
  • The Greeks called it metempsychosis and the belief is widespread, possibly universal.
  • At the same time, the school authorities won their demand to subcontract with social service agencies to provide students psychological and other counseling services.
  • And so rhetoric allows associative feminist psychologists to address psychology from outside, but from a recognizable and relevant perspective.
  • Coché summons the group to care for Rachael, particularly coleader Juliette, who as a psychiatrist has been schooled in the use of psychotropic medications, and Marie, whose own depression has been severe. THE HUSBANDS AND WIVES CLUB
  • Medicine from the days of liquid in glass bottles to bubble packs of psychotropic capsules. WHITE LIES
  • They chose the right psychological moment to announce the plans.
  • However, not all of the surrealists saw psychoanalysis and the liberation of the human mind as an end in itself.
  • But, for such an attribute, the difference could also be due to the greater psychological affinity between Is.
  • Much of psychopharmacologic research is aimed at finding medications that have fewer of those side effects so that there might be greater cooperation and compliance. Mark Goulston, M.D.: Understanding The Arizona Shooter From The Inside Out
  • 'There's a general emotional difference between men and women as they perceive and take risks,' said Jennifer Lerner, a psychologist at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
  • Professor Weiss, a psychologist at Jena University, believes the brain quickly learns to connect words like 'crampy' and 'nipping' with sensations of pain. Home | Mail Online
  • Others claim it to be psychogenic, an emotional state of mind that causes a physiological reaction. TOUCH
  • These are the most exciting data I've ever collected, " Carnegie Mellon psychologist Jennifer Lerner told a gathering of science writers here last month.
  • We think that humans build relationships precisely for this reason, to distribute problem solving across brains," said James A. Coan, a a psychologist at the University of Virginia.
  • Well, what Spenser did with practically every Western myth, epic, and writer before him makes Faulkner look like a pre-schooler using slight of hand to hide a coin), his passion, his facility with language (that is, if you ignore the occasional "puissance"), his psychological insight. Telecommuter Talk
  • Can we observe differences in our psychophysiological response to malodours and pleasant smells?
  • He was a psychologist rather than a philosopher, and his interest and zest in life, in the relationships of simple people, the intermingling of personal emotions and happy comradeships, kept him from ever forming cynical or merely spectatorial views of humanity. Ionica
  • Therefore, devoting substantial staff resources to training, organizing, leading, and sustaining family psychoeducation is seen as a luxury.
  • With a degree in psychology behind him, he now practises psychotherapy in Colorado with an inside track on dreams and nightmares.
  • Current thinking holds that obesity is more a medical than a psychological problem.
  • Vega is seen here as vicious and impossibly vain, but not quite the psycho nutjob of the Japanese anime movie.
  • And third, the nature of the chronological and psychological passage from youth to adulthood has changed in extraordinary ways.
  • Discuss the physical, psychological, ethical, legal, and sociopolitical dimensions of intersexuality .
  • That which medicine can't explain we tend to label psychosomatic and blame the patient, a cruel phenomenon all too familiar to those who've had MS, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus, and a myriad of other ailments in decades past. John Falk: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Psychotherapy
  • Now it must be recognized that not all involvement of magicians in parapsychology has proven useful; there have been minor disasters in this regard.
  • For the psychological egoist, that is not even a possibility. The History of Utilitarianism
  • The findings of the present study should help psychologists, counsellors and lawyers to give useful advice to parents, highlighting a child-focused perspective.
  • There are two reasons for it, one is personal psychology of parading his status, the other is social reconcilement function from ideology.
  • While the recreations adequately portray the father of psychoanalysis they cannot make him likable.
  • Operant conditional response is a core concept of the famous American psychologist Skinner's Neo-behaviorism theory.
  • Whereas pedophilia and hebephilia refer to psychological propensities, child molestation and child sexual abuse are used to describe actual sexual contact between an adult and someone who has not reached the legal age of consent. IsThatLegal?
  • Fortunately for Lawrence and John, that same piece points to success in treating racism with antipsychotic drugs.
  • Most ambulatory patients with alcohol dependence can be detoxified quickly and safely without the use of psychoactive drugs.
  • I know I am a paranoid, psychotic, evil maniac.
  • Freud's obsession with archaeology -- he liked to "fondle" antique objects while he ate -- has interested psychoanalysts more than archaeologists. Books: Seductions of the Soil
  • Since no combination of nerves serve this area a glove anesthesia is clearly psychogenic in origin.
  • In the language of psychology, they externalize blame.
  • Dr. Brian Little had attendees roaring with laughter with his psychological analysis of extraverts, introverts and ambiverts and how we are more efficient together.
  • It would seem that the issues concerning the dynamics between those involved in an experimental situation discussed above are further indications that interpersonal factors are important in parapsychological research.
  • Physical rehabilitation is very demanding," said Mark Sherer, the center's director of neuropsychology, "especially for a patient that has suffered traumatic brain injury. Giffords Moves to Texas for Rehab
  • Filmed once before with Stacy Keach, The Killer Inside Me is perhaps Thompson's best known book, telling the story of a seemingly innocuous smalltown sheriff who hides a psychopathic secret.
  • It is those senses of the situation which a certain Russian forecaster's reliance on adducing patterns among images depends, as a key to a shift in such effects as mass-psychology of the eerie qualities which Shelley attributes to the optimistic upsurge he references in his LaRouche's Latest
  • Karen Daniels has her M.A. in psychology, is an author, mom, creativity lecturer, and online content specialist who writes Zen Copy, a blog which promotes creative growth and achieving success through effective online writing. Get Wild – How to Set Your Creative Beast Free | Write to Done
  • Nevertheless , round, headline numbers can still have an effect on market psychology.
  • The term therapist can refer to a psychiatrist, psycholo­gist, social worker, nurse, or pastoral counselor. NPR Topics: News
  • Twenty-four male and 29 female first-year psychology students participated to earn credit for their course.
  • Where their debut looked to the KLF, Surfing the Void's psychonautical vocabulary recalls another oddball early 90s dance act, the Shamen, who infiltrated the top 10 with talk of a "shamanic, anarchistic, archaic revival" in the days when trance acts played clubs with names like Megatripolis and expounded on the mystical importance of the number The Guardian World News
  • Separation is not psychologically satisfying or emotionally empowering for some individuals.
  • Unlike the early birds, the dawning of each day finds me still abed, nested in my covers and dreamily counting waves; this is a psychological response to the soothing sigh of a slight swell nibbling at the beach a few yards from my seaside bed. Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
  • He is counseled by a sports psychologist who helps him interpret and banish negative, self-defeating feelings.
  • The theory of subliminal demand is based on customer psychology research, consumption research and design research.
  • His was a peacetime army, psychologically prepared for police work and occupation, not combat operations.
  • Despite what many people think, aversion therapy is no longer used by professional psychologists in this country.
  • No, I'd guess that the coin and the sign are riddle elements rather than psychological indices. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Lacking familial motivation and psychological stability, he can not persist responsibly at work even when he can find it.
  • Psychology distinguishes between what it calls visuals, audiles, and motiles. The Problems of Psychical Research Experiments and Theories in the Realm of the Supernormal
  • So I may be a cynical, hysterical, psychotic, twisted masochist.
  • But it is ordinary reciprocity that good psychoanalytic practice must, axiomatically, bar from the relationship of analyst and patient.
  • I believe psychologists would call this projection.
  • What we have in Barack Obama is the perfect blending of postmodern Marxism with therapeutic psychobabble into a royal narcissistic mishmosh. Archive 2009-03-01
  • In a lot of companies that haven't done well, there is a fear psychosis that has to be dealt with, sandpapered out of the system. To Indian Bank's 'Turnaround Man,'
  • As a psychological phenomenon, physiognomic perception has profound effects upon words' evolvement including coinage, word formation, and change of word meaning.

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