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How To Use Psychic In A Sentence

  • EXPLORE the future with one of my gifted psychics or astrologers any day from 9am to midnight. The Sun
  • He believes many "psychics" are frauds who rely on perception and subtle deception.
  • It is the realm of _psychical life_; and, still more decidedly and more evidently, the _realm of mind_. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • The full range, extent, and nature of Starsmore’s psychic abilities remain unrevealed. Marvel Thursday Thirteen -
  • Trevor helped police by using his psychic powers.
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  • We have known a male mierkat so assiduous in feeding young that were quite unrelated to himself, taking to them every morsel of food given him, that we have been compelled to shut him up in a room alone when feeding him, to prevent his starving himself to death: the male mierkat thus exhibiting exactly those psychic qualities which are generally regarded as peculiarly feminine; the females, on the other hand, being far more pugnacious towards each other than are the males. Woman and Labour
  • And this means that the theories of universally acting psychical repression, of the unconscious, of the endopsychic censor, of the significance of resistance and amnesia, of the employment of highly complicated and phantastic symbolism, of the manifestations of sexuality and so forth have been made use of in a high-handed, uncalled for, unnecessary and unscientific manner to prove the truth of the thesis with which the author set out upon his journey. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • She certainly claimed to have paranormal experiences, but whether she really believed she was clairvoyant or possessed psychic powers, I can't say.
  • Just as he's an expert guide through the between-spaces of the city, so he's a practised navigator through different psychic spaces.
  • Seahenge, an ancient water megalith was a career-making story for Lorin Gallagher, a freelance writer with psychic ability to know the truth by touch. Archive 2006-08-27
  • Presumably, the chief harm to others in torturing animals that are the property of the torturer is psychic. More Fun With Libertarian Animal Rights
  • Anders believes those psychic perks were partly to blame for the occasional criticism he received from other defense executives.
  • This conflict causes psychic pain and symptoms of distress. Know Your Own Mind
  • Many of the insanities start in this fashion; and all such practices, instead of being encouraged, should be discouraged; and all experienced and intelligent students of psychical research warn those who "dabble" in the subject against the repeated and promiscuous indulgence in such practices -- because of the dangerous, even disastrous, effects upon the mind, in many instances. The Problems of Psychical Research Experiments and Theories in the Realm of the Supernormal
  • Dr. Denture preaches that the body and its engine, the brain, are the physical manifestations of all of our flaws, psychic, spiritual, and dermatological. Anhedonia (excerpt)
  • Other internal names for it were “psychic” and “Miss Cleo,” in tribute to a television fortune-teller. In the Plex
  • We sought to measure the psychic state of freedom, relaxation, and comfort versus that of anxiety, drivenness, and beleaguerment.
  • Remote viewing might well be called psychic dowsing.
  • Your psychic sector is switched on so you are tuned in to feelings and desires. The Sun
  • The struggle between abundance and abjection is an age-old story that has left physical and psychic scars on the watery landscape of the Delta.
  • A suspect in a murder investigation claims to be psychic. The Sun
  • Chat with one of my psychics and astrologers from 9am to midnight. The Sun
  • I do not let spirits enter my body and speak through me, though some psychics and mediums work this way.
  • Intoxication with atropine or hyoscyamine is characterized by psychic excitation often combined with panic and hallucination. Natural Highs Frequently Asked Questions by Vince Cavasin
  • From plastic abstraction to documentary reportage, from psychic investigation to political pamphleteering, from the autobiographical essay to a demonstration of the powers of montage, from graphic and textural work to militant revindication - Whitehead's work accomplishes an exceptional synthesis, open to every different dimension of avant-garde cinema, tending towards percpetual explosion and euphoric fusion with phenomena. GreenCine Daily: Rouge. 10.
  • In my psychic readings, I don't usually see an unchangeable, predetermined event.
  • Why not a psychic octopus with a special feel for the Beautiful Game? Times, Sunday Times
  • he was psychically blind
  • No psychic, despite their claims, has ever helped the police solve a crime.
  • You don't see psychics winning the lottery. The Sun
  • But he doesn't do emotion or much like the idea of stomping about his own unexplored psychic terrain without a map. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have only recently begun to explore my psychic side, but have been strong in the areas of psychic dreams and clairvoyance.
  • He stars as a sound engineer in a happy but bland marriage to an emotionally fragile woman with psychic abilities.
  • Or was it just your psychic powers that held the pin in the claymore?
  • Blake's views on psychic reintegration, heaven and hell, and the transformative power of verse fascinated him.
  • These fabulous characters use their extraordinary and unnatural physical and psychic powers on the side of either good or evil.
  • There is usually a complete lack of ceremony with this type of person as they are not a phony psychic or exorcist.
  • Footnote 4: In the use of the terms psychical and psychological, we have observed the distinction which metaphysicians have recently made. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • Infectious set brims with the trio's near-psychic sense of mutual attunement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Attempts have been made by various groups to work with trained sensitives in the presence of a crystal skull and record the impressions that they psychically receive.
  • Such things never appear to bother Albert, the consummate technician, who dissociates himself psychically from the violent, barbarous act.
  • Should any negative psychic forces manifest themselves on the page, I'll merely banish them with magical white-out.
  • He also reported cases that suggest that experiences interpreted as ESP or other types of psychic phenomena can have the same effects.
  • Such a contrast would be impossible in a traditional epic, according to Lukacs, because the age of epic comes prior to psychic interiority or subjectivity.
  • YOU can have a personal and totally confidential one-to-one reading with the very best astrologers and gifted psychics. The Sun
  • A cousin of hers had arranged a psychic readings party at home but the psychic let her down. The Sun
  • Freud thought of cathexis as a psychic analog of an electrical charge
  • Leaving out of account the precocious movements of the sexual instinct to which I have already referred as colored by psychic algolagnia, I may say that somewhat later, from the age of puberty and onward, I had three or four love affairs, devoid of any algolagnic tendency, and considerably more developed on the psychic and emotional, than on the physical, side. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • The moon reaches full power in the psychic sector so you have a deeper understanding of people's feelings. The Sun
  • `I'm not a psychic healer, I just said that to irritate my mother. JUST BETWEEN US
  • The recent sessions with the "elixir" -a mixture of blood, ground pearl, mercury, sulfur, and several herbs Alinor couldn't identify-had generated vast amounts of psychic energy, powers which Al-Hazim could not see, and which Alinor had thought at first that he was probably not aware of. Omnibus
  • People with traditional religious beliefs may view psychic phenomena as miracles or divine interventions by God.
  • And she hoped seeing a psychic would finally put her mind at rest. The Sun
  • Leaving out of account the precocious movements of the sexual instinct to which I have already referred as colored by psychic algolagnia, I may say that somewhat later, from the age of puberty and onward, I had three or four love affairs, devoid of any algolagnic tendency, and considerably more developed on the psychic and emotional, than on the physical, side. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • If their business card contains the word psychic, they're probably not a coach. James M. Lynch: 5 Signs They're Probably Not a Coach
  • The moon visits the psychic sector of your chart to help you read minds and understand why people think as they do. The Sun
  • But I do know that this ability, whether it's psychic or not, is not terribly uncommon.
  • The practice of lumping such unauthorized charges onto bills, either by phone companies or third parties like chat lines or psychic readings, is known as "cramming. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Humans with overt metapsychic powers were slowly increasing in number; however, in the majority of the population, the mindpowers were either meager to the point of nullity, or else latent, that is, nearly unusable, because of psychological barriers or other factors. The Golden Torc
  • Though this tale of reincarnation and a love that crossed generations starred the peerless Barbara Harris, as a psychically gifted young woman with a past life just waiting to leap out of her, it was generally agreed that the 1965 production was overdressed, overplotted and more or less out of its mind. NYT > Home Page
  • He explained what we as skeptics already know: that there is no evidence that clairvoyants have special powers, and that it is questionable that the police even trust what these psychics are saying.
  • So attuned is the human mind to look for and find answers that sometimes it extracts meaning where none exists: the face of an old man, a witch, or the image of a monster, seen in an inkspot; psychic portent attributed to mere coincidence; the cry of "why me?" when natural disaster strikes, as if the agent of disaster chooses its victim; the perception of supernatural anger expressed in the violence of an earthquake. The urge to know
  • This tendency – which might be called a type of impersonation, a kind of camouflaging of the writer's authority and hence his responsibility – can be seen throughout Ishiguro's work, and goes hand in hand with his most persistent themes: the fear of disorganisation and abandonment; the psychical aftermath of childhood; and the relationship between the institutional and the personal through which these themes are frequently dramatised. Rereading: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
  • Thus it is possible to speak of physical parenthood and of psychical parenthood, and thus not only to avoid the term reproduction, but to get better value out of its substitutes. Woman and Womanhood A Search for Principles
  • During the reading my psychic used such ancient arts as numerology, astrology, palmistry, tarot cards and rune stones and even found hidden meaning in the color of my tie.
  • One of the psychics claimed that the general was held in a brick building with a red roof, and another guessed that the hostage was being held in Padua, a small city in the north.
  • Despite the amazing array of physical and psychic phenomenon Julia struggled to acknowledge that it was a reality, as she comments.
  • It's possible to believe in psychics, homeopathy, God, dowsing, reincarnation and probably much else besides.
  • Peter left the session disappointed with my unwillingness to believe in the psychic explanations for phenomena that he experiences.
  • He believes many "psychics" are frauds who rely on perception and subtle deception.
  • Drawing up our full psychic powers we somehow reached into the ethereal plane and lo and behold the stylus began to move on the board.
  • To achieve psychic wholeness, each character must come to accept his or her memories.
  • Psychics are actually good at intuiting the subjects of concealed photographs and cards, so I believe that it is safe to conclude that there is a weakness in the gift that makes it difficult to develop a presentient knowledge of specific numbers.
  • They belonged to our human ancestors, who helped shape the common psychic heritage of us all.
  • For a quick psychic shield, simply lower your eyelids, put a vague smile on your face, and repeat the word blank in your mind or draw circles around your head with your dominant index finger to balance your thoughts and protect you. Where To Park Your Broomstick
  • Samantha's interests, so Abha Gupta said, included art, poetry, nature, Eastern religions, psychic experiences and death. AFTERMATH
  • He declared his total disbelief in psychic phenomena.
  • The "mild" cases showed a group of symptoms which might be termed contra-environmental, viz. allopsychic delusions, sicchasia (refusal of food), resistiveness, violence, destructiveness. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • To “prime” the mind to function in this way, it is helpful to study such subjects as metaphysics, self-hypnosis also known as autosuggestion, the psychic sciences, and positive affirmation. CREATE YOUR OWN FUTURE
  • There are two common fallacies that play an essential part in the uncritical acceptance of psychic readings.
  • Maybe I'll tell you about all the prayers, and the psychic chiropractor, and the herbs, and the cascaria bath prescribed by my friend the Yoruba priestess, and the miraculous appearance of a Melchite abbot just when I'd been praying to see him. Life Goes On
  • specific something" that organizes, that is, of "dominating organic agencies," be they psychic or super-mundane, which dominate and determine the organization of the different parts of the body into a whole. The Breath of Life
  • This is the one insight into psychical reality that Frankenstein ascribes to a female character. Attached to Reading: Mary Shelley's Psychical Reality
  • Those psychic scars would never heal.
  • We witness the love of a trainer for his boss's wife, of a billionaire for the tantrically adept psychic, of a trainer for a broken-down stallion, of a corrupt owner for money, fame and Jesus.
  • FIND out what the future holds by talking to one of my team of psychics and astrologers. The Sun
  • Chalk another one up to the psychic octopus. Times, Sunday Times
  • A psychic moon deepens your understanding of a partner. The Sun
  • Perhaps that is why this holier-than-thou hoochie seeks the psychic matchmaking advice of a monstrous drag queen.
  • The application of plethysmography to the objective study of so-called extrasensory perception, Journal of the Society for PsychicalResearch, 40, 162-172. ENTANGLED MINDS
  • In the West, the target of cruelty centuries ago shifted from the body to the soul, to psychic pain - but the morality behind the practice remains.
  • Loneliness is the psychic pain that drives us to do something about our isolation. Christianity Today
  • Because Fairbairn thought that it is not possible for the child who needs others to withdraw completely from objects when deprived or thwarted, he viewed the child’s ego as coping with environmental failure by splitting its experiences with bad objects into the following different internal parts, the totality of which is referred to as the endopsychic structure. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • It is rather in what we call psychical vision that the poet is wont to excel, that is, in his ability to perceive the meaning of visual phenomena. A Study of Poetry
  • Coital penetration recovered in 18 of 20 injected patients with erectile failure of functional (psychic) or organic (endocrinic, vasculoganic or neuropathic) origin.
  • In the absence of functional interpersonal [with others] processing and functional intrapsychic [internal] processing there can only be power. Dr. Robert Aziz: Why Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
  • He was unusually psychic and telepathic.
  • In advising balneotherapeutic treatment in any case, all the conditions and habits of the patient -- pecuniary, physical and psychical -- must be considered, as the spa must be fitted to the patient, not the patient to the spa. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The eponymous stigmatic of Hansen's book may ultimately be opaque, too, but she is rendered in three dimensions, with sexual, psychic, and spiritual longings ambiguous but palpable.
  • I was just having this conversation yesterday with the most naturally psychic / presentient person I know.
  • The mediums demonstrated every variety of psychic power from clairvoyance and clairaudience to telekinesis and telepathy.
  • Pucky happens to have a 3-ply parapsychic capability and therefore he's best suited for controlling unusual situations-not to mention protecting me from special dangers. Starless Realm
  • After serving in the Royal Navy in India, he went into business in Cambridge, with psychical research as his main sideline.
  • The square or useful hand, the spatulate or active hand, the philosophic or knotty hand, the conic or artistic hand, the psychic or idealistic hand, the mixed hand, and the elementary or lowest hand.
  • He said that the current trend in psychology is not to focus on trauma or the unearthing of psychic ghosts, but to explore peak experiences and how human beings can live optimal lives. Cape Fear Crime
  • On a psychic level, he used his own comeback as the example that gave Sammy the strength to return to performing, bucking him up every day and making one-eye jokes that somehow took the curse off Sammy's disability.
  • Did the beautiful new Mac explode from the psychic force of Le R's displeasure, or from overheating of the Shift key as Le R expressed said displeasure? A Reminder: Don't Fuck With the Assistant
  • I have an idea for a short story that could develop...and I have an idea for a fascinating character based on a real person who I'd love to write into a book...a conflict-engineering virus of a person, a manipulator, insinuator, psychic bottom-feeder, a lonely monster whose elastic mind has stretched too far and is starting to unravel... NaNoWriMo
  • We all dream of shocking things, and if the endopsychic censor were really on duty he would never allow these disgusting dreams to get through. A Dominie in Doubt
  • Tanu might suffer injury, but after a recuperative course administered by redactors, metapsychic healers, even the worst wounds would be cured. The Golden Torc
  • The psychic action of Shelley's lyrical drama is less Prometheus's absorption of Jupiter as his shadow than it is his release from Jupiter, who, as unabsorbed energy, falls back into the "Abysm," which, as the "deep truth," cannot "vomit forth its secrets Romanticism, Alchemy, and Psychology
  • So-called psychics frequently shoehorn events to fit vague statements they made in the past.
  • In his thought, a deep cleavage runs through the human race and divides it into two sharply-sundered classes, "psychical men" and "pneumatical men" -- men who live according to nature, and men who live by the life of the Spirit. Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries
  • Psychics also addresses the unique, sometimes telepathic, bond between twins.
  • Prophecy and clairvoyance are so widely believed by millions of people that magicians are credited with psychic powers that not even Nostradamus would dare claim.
  • They lead, however, into that region of panpsychic and ontologic speculation of which Professors A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • The testimonials for numerology and the telephone psychics are quite similar.
  • Most psychics and dowsers, for example, do not even realize that they need to do controlled tests of their powers to rule out the possibility that they are deceiving themselves.
  • The physicist debunked the psychic's claims
  • In Sapogonia, Ana Castillo explores the geographic and psychic borderlands between the United States and Mexico as internalized in a fantasy of the myth of the Conquistador and its potential violence to women.
  • Yes, for a long time I have been agitating for the licensing of ‘psychics’ and other such mountebanks.
  • She's one of those people who claims psychic ability, but has never proven anything more than a talent to sucker people into believing that she has a supernatural gift of some kind.
  • Yet he remained convinced that psychic phenomena exist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chalk another one up to the psychic octopus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Precognition falls under the category of psychic phenomena, which is a subset of the paranormal.
  • In 1910 Jung published a paper entitled, "Psychic Conflicts in a Child," in which he introduced the term "introversion" for the first time. Dr. Andrew Lange: Recovery For Introverts
  • The Society for Psychical Research is investigating reports of a ghost at the old vicarage.
  • I see here another case of a combined psychical (partial) operation of a "mediumistic" kind; and this hypothesis makes very plausible the other no less impressive hypothesis of the observer that his mind was reading (in a subconscious way) the mind of the horse. Lola or, The Thought and Speech of Animals
  • She's a Tarot reader, a psychic in training, a crystal healer and an amateur witch.
  • In order to support her family, Annie uses her psychic powers to offer the people in her town ‘readings’ - sometimes this leads to friendly chit-chat, other times it leads to trouble.
  • Phony faith healers, psychics, channelers, televangelist miracle workers, etc., are as abundant as ever.
  • The Gatherings began to attract some interesting and unusual people including psychics, remote viewers, psychometrists and scryers.
  • Micael Ewans, The Everyman Library, 1996), miasma is defined as: "Pollution; the word embraces both literal dirt and what we would call psychic pollution incurred by breaches of taboo, e.e. bloodshed. The Stain of Sin
  • For example the scenes of Bobby's grandmother conferring with the psychic at around 70 minutes is very finely detailed.
  • Its root assumptions, such as (to quote Dr. Mollinger) "that conscious and unconscious phenomena function under different modes" and "that psychic energy is distributed and transformed," are unamenable to empirical testing, yet they exert a controlling influence over the whole of metapsychology. High Tide
  • Long before the word “parapsychology” came into use, something called psychical research investigated communication between living human beings and departed spirits—usually, but not always, their friends or loved ones. The Angels and Us
  • David has recently written a book on psychic phenomena from the standpoint of suspicious skeptic of the supernatural.
  • Let us suspend, by any means, the activity of the encephalic mass, by arresting the circulation of the blood for example, and the psychic function is at once inhibited. The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps
  • Other findings cited below are less self-evident, but follow the same basic pattern of subaggregation, of correlating various psychic or social attributes with varying degrees of instrumental rationality. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • Out of the art gallery and into our offices, as practitioners of psychoanalytic psychotherapies, we witness the pain of patients stuck in interpersonal relationships or, more often, intrapsychic conflicts demons known as negative introjects. Penelope Andrew: The Freud(ian)s: Inspired by Sigmund's Passion for Antiquities, Jane Debuts Her Own Paradigms of the Unconscious
  • During the two weeks of special events, clairvoyants, psychics and other special guests from across the country will be visiting the Heber Street church.
  • Meanwhile it is referred to only because its consideration shows us some sort of excuse, if not warrant, for the higher education of woman, even though in the process of thus endowing her with economic independence, we disendow her of her distinctive womanhood, or at the very least imperil it; even though, more serious still, we deprive the race of her services as physical and psychical mother. Woman and Womanhood A Search for Principles
  • I'm not enough of a psychicist to know what the Lady Dallona's been doing, but she's knocked the theoretical basis from under Statistical Reincarnation, and that's the basis, in turn, of Statistical Socialism. Last Enemy
  • Without decent wages, too often our populations have to dip into the grey interstitial corners of making a living to survive and to deal with bare versions of what allows human beings to emerge without immense psychic and physical damage.
  • Psychic volunteers are taking part in an experiment to discover whether people really can predict the future.
  • EXPLORE what the future could hold for you by talking to one of my team of gifted psychics and astrologers. The Sun
  • A cousin of hers had arranged a psychic readings party at home but the psychic let her down. The Sun
  • The Social Registry, a local record label that specializes in warped, noisy rock and damaged dance music by the likes of Psychic Ills, Gang Gang Dance and Vietnam, had the second of its two showcases at the Glasshouse Gallery in Brooklyn. CMJ Music Marathon: Social Registry Thrills; Crowd Disappoints - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • Parapsychology has distinguished itself by objective study of psychic phenomena.
  • Attention also requires a _preparation_ of the ideative centers in relation to the external object for which it is to be demanded: in other words, an internal, psychical "adaptation. Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • By and large, psychical researchers failed to convince the majority of the scientific and academic worlds of the existence of telepathy.
  • When we apply ourselves to seeking something with memory, this pineal gland is opened to provide access to the animate spirit psychical pneuma from the anterior to the posterior ventricle. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Text a question and one of my gifted psychics will send you an answer. The Sun
  • A psychic moon deepens your understanding of a partner. The Sun
  • Man, the highest being in the lower world, participates in both the psychic and the hylic (material) nature, and the work of redemption consists in freeing the higher, the spiritual, from its servitude to the lower. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • He is an expert magician who specializes in debunking those who use magic techniques to claim psychic or otherwise unworldly powers.
  • These mechanisms would replace the parapsychic gift of teleportation for any person traveling inside their cage by transporting them via the fifth dimension to any place where a correspondingly adjusted receiving set was stationed. Menace of the Mutant Master
  • EXPLORE what the future holds by talking to one of my team of gifted psychics or astrologers. The Sun
  • According to the old syllabus for our sentimental education, psychic pain is part of the material that must be mastered for human growth to take place.
  • Lifton may have coined the term "psychic numbing," but his own sensitivity and capacity for empathy remains undiminished. Greg Mitchell: New Memoir by Robert Jay Lifton: Nazi Doctors, Hiroshima -- and Today
  • No scientist takes seriously the notion of the psychologically schizophrenogenic mother or that an imbalance of intrapsychic forces can result in schizophrenia. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • The moon visits the psychic sector of your chart to help you read minds and understand why people think as they do. The Sun
  • I have come to realise that there is a curious assumption made about people who work in clerical roles; that somehow, perhaps through psychic ability or secretive organisations, we all know each other. Confessions of a literary fraud « Write Anything
  • The Valentinians, and probably many other Gnostics also, distinguished between pneumatic, psychic and hylic. History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)
  • Finally, there is another issue, also hard to quantify, that is both psychic and financial: economic sentiment. NPR Topics: News
  • Psychics say storing things causes corresponding accumulations in our bodies - a horrifying thought for hoarders.
  • Consider any strange or unusual occurrences that have happened to you which might be a sign you have psychic ability. The Sun
  • EXPLORE the future with one of my team of gifted psychics and astrologers from 9am to midnight. The Sun
  • Moreover, Expressionist drama attempts to exteriorize inner psychic states in the human being.
  • EXPLORE what the future holds by talking to one of my team of gifted psychics or astrologers. The Sun
  • She was going to rely on the psychic link that they appeared to have at times; the one they were discussing earlier when Colt had kissed her for the first time.
  • Also, and Smithe would speak more of this later, the Kandakandero seemed to have the ability to access information, events, images, et cetera from great distances, a notion that failed to shock Switters because the CIA had once experimented with a similar psychic technique (under the term remote viewing), and several of the angels had become quite adept at it before opposition from irate Christian hillbillies in Congress had shut the project down. Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates
  • Interestingly, the anterior cingulate cortex doesn't distinguish between psychic and bodily injury.
  • Some of you I got to already ... with the wishes ... but I have a few more ... iamabadwolf crimedoc1 psychicnagger webeh jonquil missatralissa fishsanwitt soniced_up Happy Birthday April Babies
  • When a person has a traumatic experience it produces traumatic psychic energy.
  • Too bad they filmed the experience instead of getting real actual help from a psychic AND a demonologist AND a priest AND a researcher AND much more friends to help. Viewing enjoyment affected by very un- “Paranormal Activity” » Scene-Stealers
  • He believes many "psychics" are frauds who rely on perception and subtle deception.
  • The precise formulation is instructive for the ways that it connects the issue of un/mourning to the place of literature in psychical reality. Attached to Reading: Mary Shelley's Psychical Reality
  • The government is paying 75 \% of the costs to build a cathedral for the long-term predominant use and exclusive benefit of one private entity, in exchange for limited immediate financial benefit, hoped-for "psychic" benefits of keeping the team in town, and potential (but never-fully-realized) downstream economic benefits of a neighborhood and area revival. Sports Law Blog
  • However accompanying this loss of his true identity was a parallel increase of his parapsychic abilities. Menace of the Mutant Master
  • The couple contacted Woolwich psychic and paranormal investigator Gary Stock to find out if the house was haunted.
  • Someone recently brought to my attention the fact that it is foil and not gladwrap that has psychic protective powers.
  • If it's an experiment, you might want to start by inviting people to read your mind - or whatever - and establish a success rate among a few individuals who appear to be psychic enough to get in.
  • The one-sided patriarchal system is dying, and to cling to it is now a psychic sin.
  • White light protection is a method used by many spiritualists and psychics.
  • However, the producers also decided to look at the claims of believers that animals have psychic powers - such as telepathy and precognition.
  • Can an old house somehow harbour psychic memories? Times, Sunday Times
  • Can an old house somehow harbour psychic memories? Times, Sunday Times
  • People who have extrasensory perception are said to be psychic.
  • Your positions on religion, mystics, psychics, new age medicine, etc. are a breath of fresh air.
  • That's a profession that ranks right up there with aromatherapist, pet psychic, and Fung Shui expert. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor: Samoa: Stormy Weather
  • After this experience Dannion became quite psychic, which was witnessed by others.
  • Talk to one of my team of gifted psychics and astrologers from 9am to midnight. The Sun
  • When Duncan starts moving forward and backward in time while psychic witches and warlocks control him, the show becomes ludicrous.
  • It is a terrible psychic curse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Quietly, the two telepaths found a small space where they could sit back to back, the contact with another psychic enhancing and refining the raw powers of their minds.
  • A number of your films contain the theme or subject of psychic phenomena as well as witchcraft and magic or what you might term occult subjects.
  • When those are consistently the responses by the "caregiving surround," a term familiarized through Self-Psychology to mean empathic based caring or lack thereof as in "non caregiving surround" experienced by the developing, helpless infant they become internalized into a solid core which that person can always return to and buttress themselves up during times of let down, hurt , disappointment and physical and psychic injury. The Full Feed from
  • FIND out what the future holds by talking to one of my gifted psychics and astrologers. The Sun
  • “American Nervousness” incentennial ofChina’s Open Door treaty withculture ofeducation inin 1870Gilded Age avarice inlecture circuit inliterature ofnewspapers inpsychic loneliness ofracism inreligion inscience vogue insophistication ofin Spanish-American Warsports inUnited States Gazette Mark Twain

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