
How To Use Proximity In A Sentence

  • They are likely to be drawn to the same kind of partner and are often suddenly thrown into close proximity by family ties and get-togethers. The Sun
  • The geographical proximity of European countries has permitted fewer channels for terrestrial broadcast services in a single country than elsewhere. Television - policy and culture
  • All three criteria must thus be met in close temporal proximity.
  • So, like any good Washington pundit who imagines that proximity translates into perceptiveness, I feel entirely qualified to look into the president's eyes to get a sense of his soul. John Feffer: Barack Obama's Secret State of the Union
  • A contactless smart card works in proximity to a reader.
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  • The arsenal of weapons include homing plasma guns, rockets, proximity grenades, Gattling guns and much more.
  • Outside my home children play football and rounders within very close proximity to the houses and cars.
  • So even as they mutter racist slogans, members of Siberia's Lumpenproletariat benefit from proximity to the dragon.
  • Residues in close physical proximity to those of a subunit encoded by another genome are clearly functionally important.
  • Note 62: Fishing admirals had the first choice of fishing rooms in harbors for any given season, and certain coves were repeatedly selected because they were well situated in terms of shore facilities and proximity to fishing grounds. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Counterpoint is likely to be most immediately perceptible when the distinct voices use the same material in close proximity.
  • Once considered an adventurous shopping experience, these price slashers are now in easy proximity to the suburban jungle.
  • The best thing about the location of the house is its proximity to the town centre.
  • Organizational structure was driven by the necessity of having skilled negotiators in close proximity.
  • The urban buzz, youthful feel and proximity to vibrant streets and nightlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Copulation consists of the male wrapping the posterior part of his body around the female's ventral side, bringing his uropods in close proximity to her marsupium. Crustacea
  • That makes it easier for visiting teams, and their proximity to London will count against them. Times, Sunday Times
  • We chose the house for its proximity to the school.
  • It was agreed that rendering beneath a dpc, or in this case beneath a false dpc but nevertheless still in close proximity to the ground, should not have been included in the design.
  • Came away with tummy nicely full (hope no-one noticed me in embarrassingly close proximity to the mini-pavlovas for much of the evening!) and a heart newly inspired. Kakiseni at Alexis
  • Syrens whooped, steam whistles shrieked hoarsely; the raucous voices of fog-horns proclaimed the whereabouts of scores of craft, passing up and down the river; but the trim-built barge slid noiselessly along, ghost-like, in the dun-colored "smother," giving no intimation of her proximity. Golden Stories A Selection of the Best Fiction by the Foremost Writers
  • With its shoals and proximity to nearby shipping lanes, the Tortugas are a natural ship trap.
  • The AAIB said the Citation captain had later filed a near-miss report known as an 'airprox' or 'aircraft proximity' report. Home | Mail Online
  • Note that the proximity formula seamlessly extends to non-binary connectivity matrices.
  • In this way the centrosome approaches the female pronucleus, and thus finally the two nucleii are brought into close proximity. The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
  • It has also been understood for some time that the functions of these and several other primary reflex centers are integrated in the mesencephalon, that is, the grey matter, grouped in several nuclei, which is located below the hemispheres of the cerebrum, in immediate proximity to the hypophysis, which exercises a regulating influence on a great many vegetative functions. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1949 - Presentation Speech
  • Furnished sparely with two easels and several chairs to underscore the physical proximity of the artists when they inhabited the studio together, it was enclosed by gauzy translucent walls so that it could be peered into but not entered.
  • This often overlies a well of grief, and if unmourned, it simmers, at times boiling over and burning all those in close proximity. Wild Feminine
  • Now that the midriff, which is a kind of outgrowth from the sides of the thorax, acts as a screen to prevent heat mounting up from below, is shown by what happens, should it, owing to its proximity to the stomach, attract thence the hot and residual fluid. On the Parts of Animals
  • The battalion also includes fuze jammers that deploy to protect high-value assets from artillery proximity-fuzed munitions. FM 100-61 Chptr 9 Artillery Support
  • That is, their level of lethality is inversely proportional to their proximity to any innocent, doe-eyed, child.
  • The other problems we faced were that the houses are made out of wood and they are in close proximity to each other.
  • Military personnel were early users of electronic equipment operating in close proximity to radio transceivers.
  • Mumps is highly infectious and spreads rapidly in susceptible people living in close proximity.
  • He said firms had been attracted to the site by its proximity to the new A1 - M1 link and its hi-tech security.
  • People get PISSED if you interfere or even get in proximity to their fishing grounds. Florida Man Charged In Fish Fight
  • Vividly described are some pictures centrally important for Renaissance conceits such as the proximity of pleasure and the pox.
  • At AventureStats, the definition of Solo similarly implies "no human assistance (such as airdrops); no physical human contact throughout the entire expedition, and no proximity to other expeditions on the ice. Undefined
  • The south-west of Dublin remains the favoured location for firms seeking industrial property because of its proximity to the country's main roads.
  • Mr.R. R.che, J.P., who lives a mile from Edenburn, also distinctly heard the explosion, which he describes as resembling in sound that caused by the fall of a huge tree in close proximity. The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent
  • Because of its close proximity to work, immigrants settled on the Lower East Side, forming ethnic enclaves.
  • Since I had a grasp of Latin cultures but had never been given an opportunity to experience them, proximity aside, South America was definitely the right place to begin. Marie Elena Martinez: Reflecting on Hispanic Heritage Through the Lens of Travel
  • The frame was quoted to another supplier, but due to Tower's proximity to the plant and the fact that the vehicle was basically the same, Tower was able to reutilize some of its current assets and come in with a lower bid.
  • The main thing recommending the commuter village of Uplawmoor is its proximity to Glasgow.
  • As many people know, the two sides are in close proximity, separated only by the so-called demilitarized zone, so its hard to see how, you know, a war would be in anyones interest. Seoul Resumes Propaganda War Against North Korea
  • The big disadvantage, and almost a dead give-away of this trick, is that the compass pointer moves in direct response to the movement and the proximity of your body!
  • Two months later, though, I'm unclear how Palin was" overprepared "for questions about what periodicals she likes to read or why Russia's proximity to Alaska enhanced her foreign policy credentials, as she suggested to Charlie Gibson. Hot Air » Top Picks
  • Bring her face into close proximity with his lips; she gently blew on the cut.
  • It has been proposed on general theoretical grounds that the frequency selectivity of hair bundles, as well as their sensitivity to weak signals, is conferred by their proximity to a dynamical instability.
  • As you know, airline seats occur in close proximity to each other in order to squash the greatest number of passengers into a small space.
  • Due to the close proximity of the operculum and the pectoral fins, water jetting out of the operculum could affect flow over the pectoral fins, possibly changing locomotory efficiency.
  • Thus it was able to undergo intense transformations, such as mechanical deformation or metamorphism, but remain always in proximity to the surface.
  • The worth of the person is not affected by disease, disability, functional status, or proximity to death.
  • Proximity to the parish brought conventuals closer to the everyday concerns of churchgoers.
  • Bormann followed the simple principle of always remaining in the closest proximity to the source of all grace and favor.
  • Plus its close proximity to Cambodia means holidaymakers are doubling up, doing both countries in one jaunt. The Sun
  • Given the proximity of the interviews, there are still many imponderables that make predicting an outcome near impossible.
  • And in any case the narrowing is pretty slight, if speech within 1000 feet of the funeral qualifies as physical proximity. The Volokh Conspiracy » Short Essay on Snyder v. Phelps, Part V: The Intrusion Upon Seclusion Tort
  • Beyond the use of the word "dangerous" and "African American" in such close proximity, it's hard to understand the combo of cultural concern and pro-life authorship without considering how the billboard -- this one installed a half-mile from Planned Parenthood on Bleeker Street in Manhattan -- activates the stereotype of the young black women asmindless baby-making machine. Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Pro-Life Billboard: Saving (Those Baby-Dropping) Black Women From the Abortionist
  • Conde Nast Traveler magazine readers last year rated Lindbergh among the top 10 most-popular airports because of its proximity to downtown.
  • Besides proximity to a large population of consumers, the other advantage of the new store is greater efficiency.
  • The same applies to colleagues who work in close proximity. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, a statistical genetic association may be observed when the implicated SNP is in strong linkage disequilibrium with another ungenotyped, but "causative," SNP, often one that is in close proximity to the implicated SNP. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Beyond the use of the word "dangerous" and "African American" in such close proximity, it's hard to understand the combo of cultural concern and pro-life authorship without considering how the billboard -- this one installed a half-mile from Planned Parenthood on Bleeker Street in Manhattan -- activates the stereotype of the young black women asÂmindless baby-making machine. Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Pro-Life Billboard: Saving (Those Baby-Dropping) Black Women From the Abortionist
  • She†™ s more hardcore then the Six and can chanel the Specter, which is the only mystical being she ever showed to need proximity to steal his powers in resent DC history. Dueling Review: Secret Six #16 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Mud wallowing is a frequent activity, and most tamarau are found in close proximity to water.
  • Some species may nest in close proximity to each other.
  • All the air which is needed to support combustion, as well as the excess of air which actually passes through the burner tube and flame in incandescent burners, is obviously sterilised; but so also is the much larger volume of air which, by virtue of the up-current due to the heat of the flame, is brought into anything like close proximity with the light. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The forest interior zone was subsampled depending upon proximity to a stream (forest interior stream and forest interior non-stream habitats), as was the forest margin.
  • Of course, the Vancouver Games were expected to outrate Torino given the Canadian city's close proximity to the U.S. and favorable time-zone comparisons, as well as predictions of a strong medals performance for the Americans.
  • One group will focus on natural processes that affect dispersal of genes such as wind, timing of plant flowering, or proximity to compatible wild relatives.
  • Think-tanks are all very well, but Stock Takes has noticed the tendency for discussions of economic matters online, where the lack of physical proximity encourages participants toward discourteousness, to quickly become septic rather than thoughtful. Undefined
  • Even the close proximity of the other players over a long period didn't seem to create any camaraderie in him.
  • Because of this, and the proximity of other Roman Catholic churches to Durrington, the decision was regretfully taken to close the church.
  • Its background details - office meetings, package holidays - seemed as significant as the shuffle between lust and love, amorality and a search for meaning: the proximity of banality to tragedy or redemption.
  • I would let verisimilitude and photogenics dictate my route more than proximity to Madison Square Garden.
  • Communities that craft a vision for the de - When such uses are in proximity, walking, velopment of architecture, streetscapes and 9 Make Development Decisions Incited by demographic shifts and environmen - biking and transit are viable; streets are landscapes are reflecting their own values, Predictable, Fair and Cost Effective tal and economic concerns, communities like vibrant, and property values rise. thereby distinguishing their community The smart growth development process can Manchester are adopting the principles from others and avoiding the "placelessness" require time-consuming and costly variances. of smart growth to adapt to the shifts to - 2 Take Advantage of Compact that comes from places looking too similar. ward sustainable values and competitive State and local governments can support Building Design positioning. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The close proximity of two ‘L' s’ in al-Ilah caused them to be elided together so that the word became Allah.
  • This lash-up, especially with its unfortunate geographical proximity to MacArthur's forces, set out a dual challenge for Ghormley: coordination of his own land- and sea-based air forces and coordination between theater commands.
  • But closeness is not just about physical proximity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the length of the pit, the proximity of these articulated extremities and the ilium shows that the primary burial was in a flexed position prior to disturbance.
  • The order of precedence among legal heirs is defined by the degree of proximity of kinship.
  • Such proximity might well seem wholly unsuitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • A common criticism of cities throughout the ages is that they atomise society, that they replace community with a mere collection of strangers living in close proximity to each other.
  • Without regret, he used that proximity to his family to continue contact with the foreign country for which he was previously convicted of spying. "cia chief in algeria accused of rape from dpa: The CIA station chief in Algeria is under investigation for allegedly drugging and raping at least two Muslim women, ABC News reported Wednesday, citing US law enforcement sources. Media monarchy
  • Thymic tissue can span from the level of the diaphragm to the thyroid, making surgical dissection difficult (especially in light of the proximity of the phrenic and vagus nerve and other vital structures).
  • Obviously, other cities have theatres and restaurants, but not so many in such close proximity that the stage can underwrite the table. Times, Sunday Times
  • A small region of monomer B catalytic domain (dark grey) and monomer C oligomerisation domain (light grey) have been included to illustrate the proximity of point mutations with regard to dimer and tetramer interfaces. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He even amused himself in gunnery practice by warning his men against low-elevation shelling over his area, because "the pixies would degauss (demagnetize) their proximity fuses". More Than Human
  • We cobbers bond through proximity not talk - not serious talk anyway.
  • The importance of tactility and of body-object proximity is inflected, moreover, in the self-conscious design of such boxes - a matter of fashion and of comfort.
  • The Spaniards also took advantage of the proximity of the volcano, planting sugar cane, which thrives in volcanic soil. The Cuisine Of Colima: Tropical Delights From Mexico's Pacific Coast
  • Once in England, he based himself at East Molesey, then as now a sleepy little suburban backwater on the Thames, popular with rowers and weekend day-trippers because of its proximity to the palace of Hampton Court.
  • I should also say that I often use the term neighbourhood because it captures the sense of proximity, friendship and mutual assistance which characterises Australia and Thailand : A Shared Future
  • Being in this close proximity with a good-looking guy on a motorcycle is getting me giggly.
  • So - even before I'd seen the movie - I'd decided that the Banshee and Great leonopteryx were inspired by (1) microraptors, (2) tapejarids and (3) proximity gliding suits, plus with a bit of raptor and megabat thrown in too. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The free-floating atmospherically conveyed influenza virus moves from human to human in proportion solely to the proximity and number of human contacts it lands on.
  • Device placement in proximity to the great vessels makes stability of the prosthesis in the disc space paramount to patient safety.
  • Dong Xoai, Vietnam 1965 tells the story of Detachment A-342's assignment to the title location, a strategically critical position due to its proximity to several roads that intersect near it. Publishers Weekly - Children's Books News
  • Queuing is hampered by the close proximity of the check-in desk to the shelves nearby.
  • In this study, we divided the members of three families into clusters and subfamilies with the purpose of separating to some degree the influence of physical proximity and identity.
  • A large community of ethnic Cham, converts to Islam, live in close proximity to Hoa Hao village.
  • In such cases, proximity concord operates, the verb agreeing with the nearest noun.
  • There is a wider, non-legal sensibility through which people identify injury by adhering to physical symptoms, to familiar relationships, to the remoteness or proximity of harm.
  • The proximity of the wealthy suburb to the squatter camp throws the plight of the squatters into even sharper relief.
  • Anderson said that with the windows of time for calving and breeding being in close proximity, the period of post-calving, or post-partum, anestrus can have a large impact on calf production for the next year. Siskiyou Daily News Homepage RSS
  • The urban buzz, youthful feel and proximity to vibrant streets and nightlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Assuming each person incurs a slight cost when an additional rider gets on a bus (inaccurate, as the cost is only truly incurred by those in proximity to the new rider) the average cost is still minimized by cramming people in as opposed to making some wait. Take the Next One | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • There are men in the world who derive as stern an exaltation from the proximity of disaster and ruin, as others from success" (Winston S. Churchill).
  • At least a half dozen times today, watching some putt or chip leave a player's clubface, I thought to myself, "Oh, no! That's a terrible shot!" only to watch in amazement as the apparently foozled ball kept rolling and rolling and eventually snuggled in good proximity to the hole. Hills in Them There Greens
  • And the many others who were not directly on what we call the pile, the horrendous mountain of debris following the attacks, but were in close proximity. Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the League Of Conservation Voters
  • Through the proximity of these two verses, the resident alien has been redefined as a neighbor, to whom is due the covenant obligation of love.
  • He feels that [the patient] does not cope well with confinement and being in close proximity to people he believes are more seriously ill than her.
  • That this can go on in such proximity without any feelings of discontentedness or envy is an amazing feature of campus life.
  • The site is in close proximity to motorways and an airport.
  • A move to the village would give the Duchess her independence while allowing her daughters to be in close proximity to their father.
  • Mumps is highly infectious and spreads rapidly in susceptible people living in close proximity.
  • Device placement in proximity to the great vessels makes stability of the prosthesis in the disc space paramount to patient safety.
  • It was alive with two irresistible teases: proximity to celebre-lites and the highly intoxicating prospect of winning money!
  • Most reefs exhibit a similar zonation pattern that reflects both vertical and horizontal gradients in water energy (mainly waves) and proximity to land. Coral reef
  • The scattering of the Beats was both physical and figurative, and it was so highly charged for their poetics as well as their ethics because it represented a fall from a specific point of origin when proximity seemed absolute.
  • Police are certain the three are connected because in each case entrance was gained via windows at the rear of the properties which were all in close proximity to each other.
  • Nests in the Bunster Range are within 5 km of marine areas, and have the highest nest-visitation rates yet reported for murrelets, which is thought to be linked to proximity of foraging areas.
  • After all, in many important spheres of life proximity to or participation in events is a disqualification for objectivity.
  • I was in Prague within two months and went with this realtor to see four chateaus within an hour's driving proximity of Prague. EXCLUSIVE: Crispin Glover's Creepy Prague Castle
  • Their geographical contiguity must have come to be regarded as a zone of political proximity if not a frontier or border of some kind.
  • No self-respecting chick is going to agree to a first date in proximity to your Star Wars sheets. Meredith Fineman: Fifty First (J)Dates: 5 Places You Should NEVER Go on a First Date.
  • If the past tense conveys distance from the speech event, the present tense conveys proximity.
  • Dr Rock said he was expecting Chris to be a bit of a big-head given his familial proximity to rock royalty… but not so.
  • Our product pipeline includes a system designed to deliver pharmacologic agents such as anesthetics and corticosteroids in close proximity to nerves for regional anesthesia, pain control and the treatment of focal neuropathies. Current News - Top Stories
  • Herzog's parade of oddball commentators and his own inimitably dry delivery of such coincidences as the close proximity to this cave of albino crocodiles make this, too, a beguiling experience of wonderment. Berlin film festival – review
  • A capacitive proximity switch works with a high frequency oscillating circuit that creates an electromagnetic field on the active sensor surface by means of a capacitor.
  • Often buying grass would put you into much closer proximity to someone who might sell something harder.
  • First, age, or more precisely proximity to the state-pension age, had an important bearing on early retirement.
  • The proximity of these three perhaps explains why smell is a more powerful trigger of feelings and associations than any of the senses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nature of Oxford's collegiate system requires us to live together in very close proximity.
  • Organizational structure was driven by the necessity of having skilled negotiators in close proximity.
  • Now, Haffy, my potentate of passion," his lovely wife Karina said, laying a scrumptiously plump beringed hand upon his chest while regarding him from her large and lovely eyes made deepest purple by art and by proximity to the priceless catseye chrysoberyl jewels she bore in abundance upon her shell-like ears, her delicate wrists, and her delicious decolletage. First Warning
  • First, age, or more precisely proximity to the state-pension age, had an important bearing on early retirement.
  • One of the joys of living in Angus is my proximity to the only commercial producer of sea kale in Great Britain.
  • Instead, ask for a mooring along the Balboa shore, in reasonable proximity to the shoreside restaurants and shops.
  • While this may require more filtering to remove jots of jetsam, it is neither too salty due to constant mixing with sea-water, nor too earthy, due to proximity to soil.
  • We hear from reverse refugees, those who have fled the suburbs to revitalized downtowns, where they enjoy proximity to stores, parks, and community gardens.
  • The biggest danger when an incumbent president hits the money trail is that his quest for campaign swag will put him in close proximity with donors who want special favors from the government.
  • This approach is not without problems, due to the neurovascular anatomical structures in close proximity.
  • Miss Bridges dismissed speculation that the close proximity of the rides had helped the fire to spread.
  • Again, the proximity of Morocco, where cannabis is a traditional product, facilitated the supply of hashish and marijuana for the Spanish market.
  • Hydrobiological conditions are relatively stable within the domain of the Atlantic water to the south and west of Iceland, while there may be large seasonal as well as interannual variations in the hydrography and levels of biological production in the mixed waters on the north and east Icelandic shelf [13], depending on the intensity of the flow of Atlantic water and the proximity of the Polar Front. Fisheries and aquaculture in the Central North Atlantic (Iceland and Greenland)
  • There is the rapprochement of proximity on the Esplanade and the bathing beach, where one gets a little of his fellow-creatures in a sort of spiritual endosmose and exosmose. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 12, No. 32, November, 1873
  • Because of the close proximity of the heart and the esophagus, it is difficult to distinguish chest pain that is caused by problems of the esophagus from true angina pectoris.
  • Due to the proximity of and propensity for renal cell carcinoma to spread to the adrenal cortex, this possibility should be excluded.
  • He says that he has discovered the whereabouts of the big ship, floating in Arctic waters, within close proximity of rocky outcrops in an area of sea where the international law of ‘finders keepers’ operates.
  • MRS BELLINGHAM: He addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a Venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman Palmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his earflaps and fleecy sheepskins and of his fortunate proximity to my person, when standing behind my chair wearing my livery and the armorial bearings of the Bellingham escutcheon garnished sable, Ulysses
  • The restaurant benefits from its proximity to several cinemas.
  • Rockwell Automation, for example, has ‘equal-sensing’ inductive proximity sensors that can sense whether a metal is ferrous or non-ferrous.
  • The proximity, both geographically and chronologically, of such similar structural arrangements is, clearly, very significant.
  • Given the teams' close proximity, they played each other frequently. Times, Sunday Times
  • A proximity alert started to go off in the meanwhile - two Crab fighters were trailing him.
  • On entering the crevice we recognised the proximity of tigers by a porcupine recently emboweled. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • These work by sensing your proximity to the car and automatically unlocking the doors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leaving aside trikes, most flying is either coastal or inland towing, because, as you know, Australia doesn't have a real lot of good inland mountain sites in reasonable proximity to major population centres.
  • Is it only accidental that these dialects are spoken in proximity to French, which makes abundant use of nasalized vowels? Chapter 9. How Languages Influence Each Other
  • As in any supermoon event, high tides are forecast because of the moon's proximity, but the effect is expected to be small.
  • But they didn't realise that one of the signs was in close proximity to the hospital's psychiatric unit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Headphones are not practicable for hearing aid wearers because the proximity of the headphone causes acoustic feedback in the aids.
  • MRS BELLINGHAM: He addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a Venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman Palmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his earflaps and fleecy sheepskins and of his fortunate proximity to my person, when standing behind my chair wearing my livery and the armorial bearings of the Ulysses
  • Both men married and led families with multiple children, resided (at least part of the time) in journeymen's neighborhoods within close proximity to other trade unionists, and seemed to live rather stable lives while supporting temperance, antislavery, and moral reform. Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • Arguably the definitive film about submarine warfare, the film forces the audience into unbearably close proximity with the crew of the boat. Times, Sunday Times
  • There will always be something special about throwing a controller to a friend and racing each other at close proximity on the same screen. The Sun
  • It is also possible that the close proximity between the infected lung and the diaphragm contributed to the preferential impairment of diaphragmatic contractility.
  • Stretching plus folding lead to mixing by distancing neighboring points and bringing distant points into close proximity.
  • Vancouver Island is regarded as the source of terrigenous material of the Hoko River Formation due to its matching lithologies, close proximity, and agreement with paleocurrent directions.
  • Throughout the 30-minute, conversational video, apparently the first in a series, Mr. al-Zawahri emphasizes what he calls the "nobility" of bin Laden's character - as well as his own proximity to him. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Methods of shading - like dot density, line proximity and cross-hatching - can be used with equal success on both surfaces.
  • In areas like savannas, where the scrub jays are in close proximity to suburban habitats, house cats are important predators of many bird species as well as herpetofauna.
  • The relaxed conjunction of leaf and slingshot forms a rebus, suggesting the proximity of support and threat in relationships between things - all sorts of things, human, animal and mineral.
  • Henry of Navarre was a victim of bromidrosis; proximity to him was insufferable to his courtiers and mistresses, who said that his odor was like that of carrion. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • We chose the house for its proximity to the school.
  • Edenburn, also distinctly heard the explosion, which he describes as resembling in sound that caused by the fall of a huge tree in close proximity. The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent
  • This is largely the result of the crags' proximity to the road and their popularity with local outdoor centre groups.
  • Proximity alerts are pilot selectable at 60, 90 and 120 seconds.
  • Hasn't technology increased labor's mobility and diminished the importance of physical proximity?
  • Since Hereford Road is in dangerous proximity to Ladbroke Grove, I was sitting tight in my apartments on receipt of this grave intelligence, with funk in my heart, and the Unknown hovering above me, when my young friend HOWARD ALLBUTT-INNETT, Esq., arrived with his bicycle, like a god on a machine, and perceiving the viridity of my countenance, inquired sympathetically what was up. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • Big city schools might be in proximity to all-night Thai food, but schools in small cities can give students a huge advantage in preparing for a career. Five Cities for the Career-Minded Student
  • The last time I was in the Holy City, in 1999, on the eve of the new millennium, local officials expected a large outbreak of the so-called Jerusalem syndrome, defined by doctors from the Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center in a paper published by the British Journal of Psychiatry as “a psychotic decompensation… related to religious excitement induced by proximity to the holy places of Jerusalem.” The Lampshade
  • The sidewalk is narrow and the pedestrian is buffeted on one side by traffic, on the other by the proximity of the plunge and the meagre hip-height railing.
  • Leonarde's relative disinterest in her corporeal state could be linked to her proximity to the beatific vision, where such considerations would become insignificant.
  • For example, proximity to one's home and community may act as a spur to some to fight harder.
  • It speeds things up for suspects, can eliminate them more quickly if they are innocent, and means witnesses are not in close proximity to the suspects as they can be under the old system.
  • Even this development necessitated the continued use of the proximity fuze in the control of its point of detonation.
  • Due to the proximity of the half-wave potentials of the formal 1+/0 and 0/1- couples, there is substantial disproportionation of the redox sites at room temperature, resulting in a conductive tervalent mixed-valent material.
  • There are, in close proximity to the main house, stables and a bothy for staff accommodation, both of which give scope for imaginative conversion.
  • These populations are morphologically distinct from the more typical ruderal form which often occurs in close proximity in surrounding pastureland.
  • We share bilinguality and some geographical proximity and I'm very happy and comfortable with my “place” in your social network. Too Many People — Climb to the Stars
  • All three are human commensal staple diet: pizza crusts and very, very tolerant of proximity of people, traffic, cats & dogs. Rabett Run
  • Stretching plus folding lead to mixing by distancing neighboring points and bringing distant points into close proximity.
  • The earlier film culture manifested a proximity to the avant-garde, the rebel.
  • Perhaps it is the emotionally wounding proximity of him that brings back suppressed memories of the past.
  • Shaken by his proximity and the truth of his words, Daphne feels goosebumps rising on her skin.
  • Three general routes of syringe distribution were identified between primary and secondary exchangers: between close friends and lovers; for people who lived in close proximity to them; and with customers who bought drugs from them.

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