How To Use Providence In A Sentence

  • The theory I do not accept: one simply folds his sails, unships his rudder, and waits the will of Providence, or the arrival of some compelling fate. Saunterings
  • Those women would certainly regard his death as an act of providence. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • Last evening a gentleman arrived here from Providence, by whom we are favour'd with the following, fresh advices from the northern army.
  • He prays that God would give him strength to praise him: "Let thy judgments help me; let all ordinances and all providences" (both are God's judgments) "further me in glorifying God; let them be the matter of my praise and let them help to fit me for that work. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Pastor Rick Warren's best-selling "The Purpose Driven Life" is suffused with predestinarian themes, repackaged as a gentler divine providence. Highway To Heaven
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  • Yet this is not all: they are proud still, and therefore they do not seek unto God (Ps.x. 4), or, if they do cry unto him, therefore he does not give answer, for he hears only the desire of the humble (Ps.x. 17) and delivers those by his providence whom he has first by his grace prepared and made fit for deliverance, which we are not if, under humbling afflictions, our hearts remain unhumbled and our pride unmortified. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • If Huck had felt ‘ornery’ and insignificant in the face of Providence Jim is capable of the same emotion when he recalls his shabby treatment of Elizabeth.
  • The will of Providence be resigned to in the rest: as that leads, let me patiently and unrepiningly follow! — Clarissa Harlowe
  • Something else helped the men of D-Day: their rock-hard belief that Providence would have a great hand in the events that would unfold here.
  • They were resilient people with strong faith and a firm belief in providence.
  • Providence; a vow unalterable and imprescriptible, which unites man in society to his country and his sovereign. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • If one had to narrow it down, the most formative factors in Mr. Muhly's childhood were the rise of the Internet and his work as a boy chorister in Providence, R.I. Much of his music has the feel of a computer desktop with multiple windows open at the same time. All in a Day's Work, Polygamy Included
  • I think the next frontrunner is Mayor Ciciline of Providence now Patrick Kennedy (D, RI) cutting and running. | RedState
  • Two seabirds with restricted breeding ranges, the providence petrel (Pterodroma solandri) and white-necked petrel (P. cervicalis) have been reported breeding on Philip Island. Norfolk Island subtropical forests
  • Though he recognized the importance of luck, or providence as he usually called it, and opportunity, he saw his own political success as a product of his iron determination and fanatical belief in his mission.
  • Providence is always on the side of the strongest battalions. 
  • Providence from the venom by which the finest form in others is empoisoned. Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XV and XVI. Being secret memoirs of Madame Du Hausset, lady's maid to Madame de Pompadour, and of the Princess Lamballe — Complete
  • From the untameableness of this and other creatures we may infer how unfit we are to give law to Providence, who cannot give law even to a wild ass's colt. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence.
  • Providence in mercy permits the union of families long to remain unbroken; and, at length, in _mercy_ too -- whatever the suggestions of despondency -- dissolves it. Female Scripture Biographies, Volume I
  • Logical determinism is independent of any causal theory at all; and predestinarianism is not only consist - ent with, but is usually held together with, the doctrine of special providence, according to which the foreor - dained future contains undetermined interventions by DETERMINISM IN HISTORY
  • However, I believe, on the whole, we may wisely leave such matters in the hands of Providence; that if we have the power of teaching the right to anybody, we should teach them the right; if we have the power of showing them the best thing, we should show them the best thing; there will always, I fear, be enough want of teaching, and enough bad teaching, to bring out very curious erratical results if we want them. The Two Paths
  • In this case the trailers are for Mystery, Alaska, Outside Providence, and Happy, Texas and are skipped using the chapter search button on most remotes.
  • View image of page frequently rejoice unrestrainedly, and thank the Lord that he hath thus favored me in the choice, which I now verily believe was directed and sanctioned by his providence and which I trust shall ever be blessed to his holy name and to usefulness in his cause. Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie HoustonOctober 10, 1856
  • The Greek verb is used purposely instead of "builded," in order to mark that the building meant is not a literal, but a spiritual house: the Church both of the Old Testament and New Testament; and that the building of such a house includes all the preparations of providence and grace needed to furnish it with "living stones" and fitting "servants. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • We thought there was some sort of divine providence which would somehow or other get us away.
  • He also retained a belief in predestination and in an unfathomable Providence overseeing the affairs of the world.
  • Since Fortuna is a personification of the fortuitous, and the fortuitous is a branch of the chain of causality, its normal place in the providential scheme is within the realm of Fate, which is the unfolding of Providence in multiplicity and time. FORTUNE, FATE, AND CHANCE
  • Some commentators still blamed working men's improvidence for forcing their wives out to work, but social investigators increasingly documented the fact that most men simply could not earn a breadwinner wage.
  • Inherent in Augustine's lifelong concern to vindicate providence was his belief that no pain or loss is undeserved.
  • The Providence could carry an enormous stretch of sail for a seventy-foot, single-masted ship. John Paul Jones
  • They made their secret voiceless worship, they did their steadfast, uninspired, unthanked, unselfish work as helpful daughters, as nurses, as faithful servants, as the humble providences of homes. In the Days of the Comet
  • For a pagan Platonist its particularity seemed scandalously incompatible with divine immutability and with a universal operation of providence in the cosmos as a whole.
  • And as a miserable apode fallen to earth, he would never have been raised, had not the cock, as an instrument of divine providence, struck his ears with its voice, at the same instant in which his sweet Treatise on the Love of God
  • What roles does affliction, the suffering constrained by the sense of God's palpable absence, play in divine providence, according to Herbert's poetry?
  • It may sound trite but we all must accept the cards that Providence deals to us.
  • Recent advances in genetics such as the identification of the responsible genes for several forms of Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY), now referred to as monogenic diabetes, have established precedents linking specific drug therapies to defined subtypes of diabetes patients," said Robert Smith, MD, of Brown University in Providence, R.I. and co-author of the statement. Newswise: Latest News
  • This put the family friend in a position to control future distributions of income from the LLC, an important layer of protection against the improvidence of spendthrift heirs.
  • The Old Testament in Hebrew (which was the native language of the people of God of old), and the New Testament in Greek (which at the time of the writing of it was most generally known to the nations), being immediately inspired by God, and by his singular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore authentical; [880] so as in all controversies VIII. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • That is why the divine providence revealed himself in story.
  • In 1872, a pressman for The Providence Journal turned an old express wagon into an eatery, thus creating the first diner.
  • Nassau, the capital on New Providence and the only real town, was a modest settlement of lightly built wooden houses clustered around a single unpaved street.
  • Jennifer is a recently expatriated New Yorker who now lives in Providence. July « 2009 « Off The Broiler
  • He had been born in the charity ward of a Providence Catholic hospital called St. Joseph's: mother unwed, father unknown. Blaze
  • A Christian Darwinist is bound to maintain logically incompatible positions: that evolution is both a tool and an autonomous process, that providence and chance are both ultimately real, that design is potentially detectable and that it is a priori indetectable. The Panda's Thumb: Science and Faith Archives
  • Heaven has already been sufficiently gracious to me by your hands, in redeeming me from my cruelest enemy: and for the rest, I put my trust in the same overruling Providence. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Ah, madam, Providence labors with quaint instruments, dilapidating Troy by means of a wood rocking-horse, and loosing sin into the universe through a half-eaten apple. The Cream of the Jest: A Comedy of Evasions
  • The pleasure he takes in humbling the proud and exalting those of low degree (v. 6): The Lord lifts up the meek, who abase themselves before him, and whom men trample on; but the wicked, who conduct themselves insolently towards God and scornfully towards all mankind, who lift up themselves in pride and folly, he casteth down to the ground, sometimes by very humbling providences in this world, at furthest in the day when their faces shall be filled with everlasting shame. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The size of the nestler is comic, and its tiny beseeching weakness is compensated perfectly by the happy patronizing look of the mother, who is a sort of high reposing Providence toward it. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • So, under the protection of Providence, and the mercy of footpads, I trust we shall meet again to-morrow; at all events, there is nothing huffish in this; for, whether sad or merry, I am always, Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan — Volume 02
  • It is as if by divine providence that I am supplied educational material just when I need it the most.
  • In the overruling providence of God, the troubling may prepare the way for healing.
  • Zephaniah is advanced, sooner than he expected, to this place of trust and power, and Shemaiah would have him think that Providence had preferred him that he might persecute God's prophets, that he had come to this government for such a time as this, and that he was unjust and ungrateful if he did not thus improve his power, or, rather, abuse it. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • At the end of the play he praisingly accepts the role of Providence in his life, as having provided a more satisfactory answer to his dilemmas than he could have devised for himself. Shakespeare
  • It was the ignorance of man's reason that begat this very name, and by a careless term miscalled the providence of God: for there is no liberty for causes to operate in a loose and straggling way; nor any effect whatsoever but hath its warrant from some universal or superior cause. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • And yet we are willing to expose our selves to shuch eminente dangers as are like to insue, & trust to ye good providence of The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete
  • And though I doubt not but it will be more fully done by my honourd friends, whom it 'did more di - rectly concerne, and have more pcrticuler knowledg of y° matter, yet I will here give a hinte of y* same, and Gods providence in preventing y' hurte that might have come by y 'same. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • And be sure of this, that if we understood better the meaning of life, that it was all intended to be our road to God, and if we judged of things more from that point of view, we should less frequently be brought to stand by what we call the mysteries of Providence and more able to wring out of them all the rich honey which is stored in them all for us. Expositions of Holy Scripture Psalms
  • The first collection which he published, intituled PAMELA, exhibited the beauty and superiority of virtue in an innocent and unpolished mind, with the reward which often, even in this life, a protecting Providence bestows on goodness. Sir Charles Grandison
  • Israelites might have brought from Egypt more clothes than they wore at their outset; they might also have obtained supplies of various articles of food and raiment in barter with the neighboring tribes for the fleeces and skins of their sheep and goats; and in furnishing them with such opportunities the care of Providence appeared. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Eat, and thank Providence for such delights as this, which you infidels call ambrosia," says he, while one of his women put the dish of honey-coloured curds before me. The Sky Writer
  • For where words have had miraculous operaton, there hath beene alwaies the speciall providence, power and grace of God uttered to the strengthening of the faith of Gods people, and to the furtherance of the gospell: as when the apostle with a word slue Ananias and Saphira. Archive 2008-02-01
  • A city of east-central Rhode Island on Narragansett Bay south of Providence. Settled in 1643, it is a manufacturing center and a summer resort. Population, 85,427.
  • The pepil richt affrayitly, returnit to him out of all partis of the wod, to comfort him efter his trubill; and fell on kneis, devotly adoring the haly croce; for it was not cumin but sum hevinly providence, as weill apperis; for thair is na man can schaw of quhat mater it is of, metal or tre. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • The thing we are dehorted from, covetousness, 293. by which is not meant a prudent forecast and parsimony, 294. but an anxious care about worldly things, attended with a distrust of Providence, 295. a rapacity in getting, 298. by all illegal ways, 301. a tenaciousness in keeping, Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • ``I trust you're not tempting providence with that remark," he said. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • Now that Providence had seen fit to cast him ashore, if he was to be permitted to continue his flight alone, he would go straight for his goal, the Swiss border, and not be led astray (that is what he called it, _led astray_) by any other enterprise. Tom Slade with the Boys Over There
  • Creature, less instructive; for it excited me in this my Solitude, to admire the inscrutable Providence of the Powers Divine, who distribute their Benefits diversly; to some the Gifts of Nature, to others those of Exilius
  • It is the favourite boast of the sentimental millionaire that he holds his wealth in trust for humanity, -- in other words, that he has been chosen by an all-wise Providence to be the universal almsgiver of mankind. American Sketches 1908
  • Paul earned his BFA in illustration from the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, Rhode Island. Archive 2010-02-01
  • It united all the colonies into one, under the name Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. History of American Women
  • But we like to believe we're all those things as a result of our own diligence, intellect and a certain providence that shelters democracies. Canada After September 11
  • Hebrews and Christians practiced the ancient magical art of cleromancy, otherwise known as “casting lots to divine the will of Providence.” Another Conservative Christian Repudiation of the Bible
  • Gabriel herself had not had a happy family life, but a merciful providence, as she now saw it, had orphaned her early. COFFIN IN FASHION
  • And his providence is a continued creation, Ps. cxix. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • And so Basrans toil in the blazing heat of the Arabian Gulf, waiting for fate, kismet, providence, grace - or perhaps the more earthly mechanism of globalization - to inspire them to reclaim their former greatness.
  • It is true that among our nation's founders, a firm belief in the marketplace was coupled with a belief in Providence.
  • This side of glory we are left to wrestle, at times, with quite bewildering providences.
  • Shotguns were fired into several homes, but again providence spared us injuries. Freedom Election Campaign
  • Ve biradial to all providence of bithynia a webby mindoro on the air in testosterone of a web paba. Rational Review
  • Providence, taken from those false rates and grounds, by which men generally forejudge of the issue or event of actions. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • I suspect that this was the case, because Christ takes occasion from it to warn against covetousness, pleonexia -- a desire of having more, more than God in his providence has allotted us. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • After this, I fell into a pretty sound and refreshing sleep, and lay till twelve o’clock, tolerably easy, considering I was very feverish, and aguishly inclined; and she took a deal of care to fit me to undergo more trials, which I had hoped would have been happily ended: but Providence did not see fit. Pamela
  • Another doctor who works at the centre, Joan Teno of Brown University, based in Providence, said she became convinced of Oscar's talent after he appeared to make a mistake. Archive 2007-07-01
  • In God's providence he had the opportunity to do something about this that July.
  • But he in whom it is hath a fitness, readiness, and habitual power for all vital actions, yet so as without the concurrence of God in his energetical providence, moving and acting of him, he can do nothing; for "in God we live, and move, and have our being," Acts xvii. Pneumatologia
  • To act as you have done is to fly in the face of Providence.
  • They were resilient people with strong faith and a firm belief in providence.
  • But if we conceive of a providence - a source even of the immeasurable suffering inflicted by, and on, mankind - what sort of almighty is it that we - like the tramps - are to meet somewhere, some day? Nobel Prize in Literature 1969 - Presentation Speech
  • Man's worship ascends upward, and the Divine providence descends thereby.
  • God is to be overthrown, then providence must be expressive of God's approbative ordination, equally as his revealed will is. Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • It is true that God was good to Canada in bestowing upon it untold riches but it took a great people to overcome the difficulties that Providence placed in your way. An Address by Raymond Daniell and Tania Long
  • Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of our contemporaries, the connection of events.
  • Her recovery was a special providence of God.
  • Feigned necessities, imaginary necessities, are the greatest cozenage which man can put upon the providence of God, and make pretences to break known rules by. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 378, April, 1847
  • In fact, the Founders sought to solemnize the most important public events by deliberately including religious language and appeals to divine providence in the text of their speeches and documents.
  • But this being at beft but a probable cpnjefiure, I ihall iniift no farther upon It. The 14th we paffed by Scouten's Ifland, and Providence Ifland, and found ftill a very ftrong current fetting to the north-weft. Voyages and TRavels in All Parts of the World
  • Hearst's inclusiveness as a collector, coupled with his improvidence as a purchaser, contributed to an indebtedness of $100 million in 1937-a predicament so grave that he had to sell more than half his art collection.
  • While in a hospital suffering from mutism and hysterical blindness, he had a vision that he had a great mission to perform - that he was chosen by Providence to liberate Germany from reparations and make it great.
  • They are also joined by Javier Martinez Robert Amaya, a man who comes into their lives either by accident or by divine providence. Jackie K. Cooper: Courageous: A Faith-Based Film That Entertains (Video)
  • Within the country, a distinction is made between the capital of Nassau on New Providence Island and the out islands of the archipelago.
  • It was warmish and sunny when we left Providence, but by the time we crossed the bridge to Aquidneck Island and reached Newport, clouds had moved in and the day had turned chillier. A Day in Newport (Three Days Ago)
  • Providence may, indeed, sunder forever those dearest to each other, and the stricken soul accepts the blow as the righteous discipline of a Higher Power; but when the bereavement is the arbitrary dictate of human will, there are no such consolations to sanctify grief and assuage agony. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 49, November, 1861
  • Now the Cyclopes neither plant nor plough, but trust in providence, and live on such wheat, barley, and grapes as grow wild without any kind of tillage, and their wild grapes yield them wine as the sun and the rain may grow them. The Odyssey
  • ‘Death,’ wrote Washington, ‘was leveling my companions on every side of me; but, by the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected.’
  • The second cause, God's Providence, is abandoned because it is unphilosophical.
  • It is also about the paradoxical tension between human freedom and divine providence.
  • the agency of providence
  • There is a certain attentive tenderness, difficult to be described, which the manly of our sex feel, and which is peculiarly pleasing to woman: 'tis also a very delightful sensation to ourselves, as well as productive of the happiest consequences: regarding them as creatures placed by Providence under our protection, and depending on us for their happiness, is the strongest possible tie of affection to a well-turned mind. The History of Emily Montague
  • It does not belong to a mere fallible human being to question the ways of divine providence.
  • His Ascended Glory is the comfort of wise Providence in every moment and time and dispenses trial.
  • divine providence
  • He that gave us our being, by a constant renewed act upholds us in our being, and his providence is a continued creation. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Providence, than the provost himself, my lord though he be, or even the mayor of London, with his velvet gown trailing for yards in the glaur behind him, or riding about the streets in a coach made of clear crystal and wheels of beaten gold. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
  • If we habitually looked at calamities as His loving chastisement, intended to draw us to Himself, we should not have to stand perplexed so often at what we call the mysteries of His providence. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
  • My Dear Charles, -- St. John, in 1914 a light-hearted lieut., advancing and retiring with his platoon as an all-seeing Providence or a short-spoken Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, March 7, 1917
  • England's successful wars against the French, its growing overseas empire, its social stability and its mercantile hegemony were all interpreted as the blessings of a beneficent providence on a Protestant people.
  • And thus the dear, once haughty, assailer of Pamela's innocence, by a blessed turn of Providence, is become the kind, the generous protector and rewarder of it. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 07 — Fiction
  • As he speechified his way toward Washington, Lincoln invoked “Divine Providence,” “the Providence of God,” “that God who has never forsaken this people,” “the Divine Power, without whose aid we can do nothing,” “that Supreme Being who has never forsaken this favored land,” “the Maker of the Universe,” and “Almighty God.” The Chosen Peoples
  • What they call the allotment of Providence is, often enough, the allotment of their own laziness or defective energy. The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
  • Augustine saw order as the supreme manifestation of providence.
  • The only high-performing Providence school is a largely white, middle-class magnet school affiliated with Brown University.
  • The President of the British Empire Club of Providence, Rhode Island, Mr. Spencer Over, was the guest of the Club at this meeting and was introduced by President Mitchell in felicitous terms, the members applauding heartily as Mr. Over bowed his thanks. Difficulties and Opportunities of the British Empire
  • After he had successfully testified in 1973 against loan sharks and against drug-dealers Gallo and Conigliaro, I relocated him to Federal Hill in Providence under the name Vincent Ennis. The Mob and Me
  • Among these principles: the Supreme Deity loves each person equally, but He did not intend them to play equal roles in society:GOD ALMIGHTY in his most holy and wise providence, hath soe disposed of the condition of mankind, as in all times some must be rich, some poore, some high and eminent in power and dignitie; others mean and in submission. 1491: excerpts part 3
  • The hand of Providence seems to be everywhere raising up for the human family in boundless profusion the corn wherewith to make the bread we eat, and the cotton wherewith to make the clothes we wear. The Cotton of Various Climes
  • It does not belong to a mere fallible human being to question the ways of divine providence.
  • The Declaration invokes God in manifold capacities including as Nature's God, as Creator who endows man with unalienable rights, as Supreme Judge of the World and as Author of Divine Providence.
  • -- Cecilia! have I been a murmurer at the decrees of providence? have I been an impious repiner when heaven has poured down its wrath upon my head? if not, why am I marked out for divine vengeance? before I lose my senses, or my life, for both I cannot retain, hear the last act of your friend's tragic story. Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph
  • But divine providence interceded, for the wheel broke, the spikes flying off and injuring many bystanders.
  • That which, in the next place, we are to speak unto is, "The equity of this divine constitution, -- that, in the ordinary way of God's rule and dispensation of his providence, repentance and reformation shall turn away impendent judgments, and procure unto a people a blessed deliverance; and nothing else shall do it:" "Except ye repent, ye shall perish. The Sermons of John Owen
  • PROVIDE'NTIAL, _a. _ effected by Providence; referrible to Providence The Illustrated London Reading Book
  • He has been brought up to understand that to be a Duke is not to be a titled nonentity or a pampered _roué_, but to be one whom Providence has blessed with an opportunity of benefiting and watching over the welfare of those less fortunate than himself in the world's good gifts. A Bid for Fortune or Dr. Nikola's Vendetta
  • Providence be resigned to in the rest: as that leads, let me patiently and unrepiningly follow! Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 2
  • In consequence of my engagement to George, which I imparted to Mr Fellows when in Suffolk, as well as in consequence of the great blessings that providence has shower'd upon me, I hereby engage to pay you, this time twelvemonth, that which our elder Letter 158
  • He had often looked with wonder at the rock, and miauled bitterly and resentfully as man does in the face of a forbidding Providence. Cat.
  • The Lady of the Lake - her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur.
  • | u | ies which the Providence of GocJ docs pot make of excellent ufe to thofe on whorn they fall, and to others, who. wifely confix der thpfe events. An Essay on Providence: Written by Mr. Lewis de Marolles; and Translated from the French, by ...
  • He had piped to us in gracious and merciful providences, mourned to us in calamitous, afflicting providences, and has set the one over against the other. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Although this has been a tight and restringent year financially with us, the kind hand of Providence has mysteriously provided for every material necessity, to the extent that the children have not gone wanting for food and raiment nor has there been any lag in any of the departments of industry of the institution but all are in good condition and have made satisfactory progress. Annual report of the Colored Orphan Asylum located at Oxford, North Carolina from January 1, 1909, to December 1, 1910
  • We affirm that inspiration, strictly speaking, applies only to the autographic text of Scripture, which in the providence of God can be ascertained from available manuscripts with great accuracy. Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
  • Providence is always on the side of the big [strongest] battalions. 
  • I feel that deciding which women are allowed true providence is as harmful as deciding which women are "allowed" to keep at home (stay at home mothers only, stay at home mothers and wives but no others, on and on dot dot dot). Living the Dream
  • Rea is only one, but she was and is still on a deeply personal mission to repair that fabric as director of SOPUDEP (Society of Providence United for the Economic Development of Petionville), whose membership actively participates in the National Literacy Project. Georgianne Nienaber: Haitian Women: Rea Dol vs. the Republic of NGOs
  • In vain do we look for Providence in the workings of nature.
  • Providence is always on the side of the big [strongest] battalions. 
  • Providence, R.I. Not all the big Broadway hits of the '40s were as boomingly earnest as "South Pacific. The Importance of Not Being Earnest
  • The first Slav pope, John Paul, said that providence had chosen him to proclaim the spiritual unity of Europe.
  • He has the command of all the creatures that he has made (v. 16); his providence is a continued creation. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • That we also have a hand in that guilt, forerunning such providences so far as there is any thing penal in them. The Sermons of John Owen
  • On the other hand, there are their counterparts of avarice, fraud, injustice, and selfishness, as displayed by the inordinate lovers of gain; and the vices of thriftlessness, extravagance, and improvidence, on the part of those who misuse and abuse the means entrusted to them.
  • In Shakespeare, the word providence can refer to destiny or fate or a kind of augury. Dangerous Illusions
  • We can not express too highly our admiration of those seaman like qualities which have under Providence brought us thus far in safety on our journey which promises now a happy and speedy termination.
  • Buying an iPhone for $5,000 without inquiring about the providence is sheer folly at best and a felony atworst. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is It a Crime to Receive an Item That You Know Belongs to a Third Party?
  • Come winter, the grasshopper finds himself starving and begs the ant for help, but the ant instead admonishes him for his improvidence. Henry J. Stern: Tweed Still at It
  • Joe was not the only one to trust in providence.
  • It felt both humbling and a bit nostalgic to lecture, in God's providence to 240 ministerial students in the place I was once called to serve.
  • Poverty isn't something that all people bring upon themselves by their own improvidence.
  • We think it much better, however, unless the providence of God direct otherwise, that the missionaries continue their present relation to the Tai-hoey until the native Church is farther developed. Forty Years in South China The Life of Rev. John Van Nest Talmage, D.D.
  • In 1872, a pressman for The Providence Journal turned an old express wagon into an eatery, thus creating the first diner.
  • Providence: his mind was like a warm climate, which brings everything to perfection suddenly and vigorously, not like the alembicated productions of artificial fire, which always betray the difficulty of bringing them forth when their size is disproportionate to their flavour. Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson
  • the inscrutable workings of Providence
  • I take it, friend physicianer," he at length gravely replied, "that the chances of life and death, in your particular case, depend altogether on the will of Providence, as it may be pleased to manifest it, through the accursed windings of Indian cunning. The Prairie
  • It may be, however, that at a deeper level than the ecclesiastical and economic reasons, there is a question of God's Providence.
  • These women regard his death as an act of providence.
  • Such is what the traditional doctrines of divine omnipotence, preservation and providence are really saying.
  • Epistle to the Corinthians the arrangement of Divine Providence in the reconciliation of sinners: “God,” he says, “hath reconciled us to Himself through Christ, _and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation_ .... The Faith of Our Fathers
  • Haines joined CBNC in 1989 after working at stations in Philadelphia, New York and Providence, R.I. He was the founding anchor of CNBC's morning show Squawk Box, and co-anchor of Squawk on the Street. Veteran CNBC Anchor Mark Haines Dies at 65
  • These amateur officers then gathered a labor force of sturdy Yankee farmers, seamen and stevedores from the Rhode Island seaport and drew others from the poorer classes of the City of Providence.
  • Providence is always on the side of the big [strongest] battalions. 
  • Writing in the Providence Gazette, “A Freeholder” advised that passage of the impost would shred the protections of local rights embodied in the Articles of Confederation, “at once destroying all the liberties of the several states, reducing them to so many provinces of Congress, and tending to the establishment of an aristocratical or monarchial government.” Robert Morris
  • You need in your minds to have an unblushing nudity that can say, ‘I believe in God and I accept his providence’.
  • A conceit not only injurious unto truth and confutable by daily experience, but somewhat derogatory unto the providence of God; that is, not only to impose so destructive a quality on any plant, but to conceive a vegetable whose parts are so useful unto many, should, in the only taking up, prove mortal unto any. Rookwood
  • In the past, we could leave that onerous responsibility to fate or providence, and then rail against them when it went wrong.
  • As I was driving south I saw a sign for Providence Canyon and eventually a sign for Kolomoki Mounds State Park.
  • And could it be explained otherwise than by cheerfully acknowledging the bounty of an overruling Providence that Nancy Wentworth should have had a new winter dress for the first time in five years -- a winter dress of dark brown cloth to match her beaver muff and victorine? The Old Peabody Pew
  • On my drive back and forth to Providence yesterday I was musing about worship, prompted by sitting in on a traditional worship set for the first time in a long while.
  • These apartments, under the best superintendence, cannot be made to afford proper accommodations for the inmates … and a portion of the rooms seemed more like those receptacles of crime, “to whose foul mouth no healthsome air breathes in,” than tenements prepared for the recipients of an awful visitation of Divine Providence, justly considered the worst “of all the ills that flesh is heir to.” The Mad Among Us
  • Note, Those deceive themselves who place their happiness in carnal joys; for God in his providence can soon cast a damp upon them and put an end to them. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • But, unfortunately, that improvidence which is so remarkable in their kindred tribes is also with them proof against the repeated lessons of bitter experience they are doomed to endure. Journal of the Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage
  • Perhaps this is because he believes so much in divine providence and God's redemption in Christ, and he refuses to believe that God is capricious.
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  • At length one of them said, that he thought it was not by fortune, but by the providence of the gods, that Chrysippus came into the world after Arcesilaus and before Carneades; of which the one was the author of the contumelies and injuries done to custom, and the other flourished most of all the Academics. Essays and Miscellanies
  • Nothing but the superintending care of Providence could have saved him.
  • Oh! that God would in His providence hasten the time when some irenicon may be found, and it can be truly said of our country, Tupelo
  • Alas, Sophia!" he ingeminated, "how liable to misconception -- though doubtless wise on the whole -- are the rulings of Providence, which in one short hour has torn me from your soft embrace to follow a calling which I foresee I shall detest! The Blue Pavilions
  • It was the ignorance of man’s reason that begat this very name, and by a careless term miscalled the providence of God: for there is no liberty for causes to operate in a loose and straggling way; nor any effect whatsoever but hath its warrant from some universal or superior cause. Religio Medici
  • Providence; English trans. of Lejeune-Dirichlet (1893). Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics
  • The neuralgia was a mild and kindly hint of Providence not to do it again, but I am rejoiced it has vanished. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3
  • Providence, and to prevent the abuse of these mercies by cowish gambols. Rosin the Beau
  • Mother Mayberry from Providence, who is the grand old woman of the whole valley, having established her claim to the title thirty years ago by taking up her dead doctor husband's practice and "riding saddlebags to suffering ever since," as she puts it, broke the feminine ice by rising from her seat by the side of one of the entranced Magnates, -- who had been so delighted with her and her philosophies that he could hardly do his dinner justice, -- and addressing the rally in her wonderful old voice with her white curls flying and her cheeks as pink as a girl's. The Tinder-Box
  • Some telecoms experts familiar with the cable industry believe that NTL shareholders should snatch at an offer of $35 a share if Providence is willing to make it.
  • There you find those sublime impieties, those admirable lines against Providence and the immortality of the soul, which pass from mouth to mouth, through all after-ages: A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The tendency for earlier generations to lean so heavily on providence had been connected with the brevity and insecurity of life.
  • It was strange to see how listless they were about the meal, even though Providence itself put it into their hands; to note how the yellow-girted slaves scudded amongst them, serving out the loaves, themselves had grown, harvested, and baked; slipping from group to group, rousing, exhorting, administering to a helpless throng that took their efforts without thought or thanks. Gulliver of Mars
  • Her recovery was a special providence of God.
  • Just as providence protects drunks and fools, so it also spares the pseuds who make excuses for the butchers who have killed their neighbours.
  • For while the mind of man looketh upon second causes scattered, it may sometimes rest in them, and go no further; but when it beholdeth the chain of them, confederate and linked together, it must needs fly to Providence and Deity. The Essays
  • I thankit Providence for the day, for it was better to tak the lang miles back in sic a sun than in a blast o 'rain. The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies
  • I repine not at the lot which Providence has assigned me? The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale

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