
How To Use Provable In A Sentence

  • Materialistic solutions in the science of man, humanitarian ends in legislation, naturalism in art, active faith in the improvableness of institutions ” all these are once more the marks of speculation and the guiding ideas of practical energy. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists
  • A more interesting occurrence of a term of the form MM can be seen in the provable inequation Combinatory Logic
  • Yet notwithstanding, the persons of believers being accepted through Christ, their good works also are accepted in him, [1504] not as though they were in this life wholly unblamable and unreprovable in The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • First, a correspondence between formulas that are provable in the implicational fragment of intuitionistic logic and the typable combinatory terms was discovered. Combinatory Logic
  • Even more sure than something "provable" as gravity. Kirk Cameron attempts to debunk Darwin
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  • Prov (Sb (ru1 ¦ unZ (x1) ¦ Z (xn))), by: ˜the formula with Gödel number r is provable if the Gödel number for the xi th numeral is substituted in place of the i th variable,™ neither the formal statement within the theory P nor anything we prove about it appeals to such meanings. Kurt Gödel
  • I must say that arguments about best steak are a bit like arguments about best Abba songs - unprovable and uninteresting.
  • We can and should debate, as best we can, where the lines should be drawn, but we should recognize that at some point it comes down to the unproven and unprovable, for the secular among us as well as for the religious.
  • The US and its allies need to focus on the strengths of their case rather than draw attention to flights of fancy or unprovable (for now) points.
  • Materialistic solutions in the science of man, humanitarian ends in legislation, naturalism in art, active faith in the improvableness of institutions -- all these are once more the marks of speculation and the guiding ideas of practical energy. Diderot and the Encyclopædists (Vol 1 of 2)
  • Formerly unliquidated damages in tort were not provable debts but they are now covered by the wide nature of r 12.3.
  • But in the past few years, a brave group of scientists, fewer in number than male nurses, has been trying to uncover the physiology of laughter and its provable medical benefits.
  • The regulator said that the treatment as proposed was 'not approvable' for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you have a provable scientific claim, especially one where you cite significant observable effects, there is no need to promote it through the medium of bombast and obfuscation.
  • Had we allowed her to stay, it's certainly possible that large numbers of people would start coming to New Zealand, making unprovable allegations that their daughters had been sexually abused, and demanding asylum.
  • Is this just another example of academics talking up unprovable dangers to draw attention to themselves?
  • You can see from other compounds that have been filed on recently that things in the 30\% range people feel those are fileable and potentially improvable and we would believe that if we can be at that range or above that we should be in a pretty good shape. Biotech Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • And it may perhaps be added that one of the chief reasons for believing heartily in the last Book is the delectable and unimprovable contrast which La Quinte and her court of intellectual fantastry present to this picture of intellectual materialism. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Promoting faith in unprovable ideas over empirical evidence and hard science is the path back to the Dark Ages.
  • As I thought about the history of Labor Day, I understood the importance of judging the government's ability to lead and facilitate for health care the kind of multifaceted, continually improvable reform that transformed the workplace from what it was in the early 20th century to what it is today. John Kenagy: An Obama Health Care Reform Scorecard
  • unreprovable" marks them out as still wavering, and liable to reproof. NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • Moreover, the whole point of Godel is that any (consistent, and moderately strong) first order system has true but unprovable statements.
  • The protocols are efficient and provable secure and can tolerate the malicious behavior of up to half of the proxies.
  • They were not objective about the theories they tried to prove, which were unprovable, because they were false.
  • Before we proceed to the direct subject of the present enquiry, it may not be improper to resume the subject of human improvableness, and consider it in a somewhat greater detail. Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
  • All of these involve experimental verification, and can be properly called provable fact. The Volokh Conspiracy » Leiter’s Tunnel Vision:
  • Roz gets her beloved son alibied by some nice simple, incontrovertible (well, provable) facts.
  • Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be unreprovable. NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • But there's nothing at all illegitimate about people making up their own minds about which laws to enact based on their own unprovable religious moral beliefs, or on their own unprovable secular moral beliefs.
  • As I'm currently working on "provable" cryptography and this has quite some relation to it, I'll try to explain it a bit in simple words and will give some outlook what this may mean for the security of your bank accounts and encrypted emails in the future. Hanno's blog
  • The existing improvable strategies are sorted into gas filtration and kitchen ventilation, which have different applied methods and functions respectively.
  • Evolution is not totally proven (or provable for that matter).
  • Emilia, guide her still forward in the Paths of Virtue, defend her from the Insolence and Wrongs of this undiscerning World; at length when we must no more converse with such Purity on Earth, lead her gently hence innocent and unreprovable to a better Place, where by an easie Transition from what she now is, she may shine forth an The Spectator, Volume 2.
  • K. K.MES: There is no such thing as good grifter, sir, and the term "grifter" is nothing more than an allegation that is an unprovable event. CNN Transcript Apr 25, 2001
  • Let succuba succumb, the improvable his wealth made possible! Finnegans Wake
  • Men have not been optimists in the matter of the improvableness of humanity. Imperialism
  • On October 7, 1931, when he was 24 years old, he announced his result, a proof that showed that any formal system that is rich enough to express arithmetic will have a proposition which is true and unprovable.
  • The board used a flexible standard that said totality of the circumstances when it clearly appears a chad is separated from the card or, in circumstances where it's not separated from the card, the remainder of the ballot appears to reflect the same type of intent from vote to vote, and the example is -- and you may have seen this from interviews from the chairman of the canvassing board on -- on television -- where an imperfectly punched ballot was reviewed by the canvassing board, known as the indented chad or the dimpled chad, and the canvassing board saw no other evidence of that type of indentation throughout the remainder of the voting, the board determined that the intent to vote was not fully formed and provable for that presidential race and, therefore, it did not count as a vote. CNN Transcript - Saturday Morning News: The Florida Recount: Duval County Officials Prepare for Recount - December 9, 2000
  • Once again, Arnold made his well-worn case - not an argument, really, just a litany of unprovable assertions.
  • God, be kept unblameable and unreprovable before Him. Regeneration
  • A word of warning first: this post is speculative in nature as I have no proof, nor do I think that what I say is provable, verifiable or falsifiable.
  • Keep us safe from this, and belief in the unscientific and unprovable remains a possibility; expose us personally, and our faith will be obliterated as if hit by a 60 ft wave travelling at the speed of a jet plane.
  • However, the relations corresponding to such predicates are strictly weaker than PP and PE and no biconditional is provable in M that would yield a corresponding definiens of Wild Dreams Of Reality, 3
  • Some terms are formally provable (or assertable) and are classified as true. Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
  • Some of these legends are unprovable, but there is evidence of their settlement in Cranganore in 68 A.D, after further Roman attacks.
  • Rejects uniformitarian ages as based on unprovable presuppositions The Funniest Page on the Internet
  • March 7, 2006, 10: 04 am amoxil says: amoxil overrules, bibliographical guardians cremated unprovable The Volokh Conspiracy » My Guy Definitely Won:
  • These sentences are of the self-referential form, s = 'I am not provable from A', where A is a subset of sentences in the theory. Theories of Everything and Godel's theorem
  • practical truth provable to all men
  • Commentators with a taste for proving the unprovable have brought forward evidence that virtually every poet of Shakespeare's time - and even of other times, such as Dante and Tasso - aroused Shakespeare's envy.
  • I maintain that the demand for rarities, while not readily apparent or provable, is very strong, and that reports of minimal supply in 2010 have been overstated. New Weekly Column: Coin Rarities & Related Topics : Coin Collecting News
  • They would not stand scrutiny because they are based neither on provable fact nor serious evidence.
  • For example, we might say that we have a theory about why a person committed a crime. The meaning of the word in this context is that the theory is an idea or set of ideas which are not proven or even provable.
  • For this is the logic that dare not speak its name, the logic that says, I believe in something completely incredible, unprovable, irrational, and with no evidence to support it, but never mind all that.
  • This was unusual, given conventional medicine's antipathy towards anything considered wacky or unprovable.
  • See Colossians 1: 22 'in the body of his flesh,' saith he, 'to present you holy and unblameable, and unreprovable in his sight.' Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • He knows that Christ is concerned in his honour, that his name be not evil spoken of by reason of him; that he is concerned in love to his soul, having that design upon him to "present him holy, and unblamable, and unreprovable in his sight, Of Temptation
  • Pentru a forţa comunităţii ştiinţifice pentru a da greutate egal cu fiecare bit prostie unprovable a ideologiei religioase, s-ar pisa progresul ştiinţific se opreste. »2007» February
  • That would make him a direct descendant of Robert II - though I suspect this is unprovable.
  • The end of His reconciling atonement by death. holy -- positively; and in relation to God. unblamable ... unreprovable -- negatively. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • That some scientists confuse the unprovable with the nonexistent does not justify the deliberate attempt of IDists to substitute sophistry for science in our public schools.
  • I've said some fairly remarkable stuff while trying to trick girls, but it's usually unprovable stuff like I'm a top secret rocket ship pilot or I invented the panda bear.
  • There is knowing and there is faith, the knowable is provable to a certain extent, faith is not, thus perpetuating the latter's own need tautologically. TEXAS FAITH: What's the role of religion in public education? | RELIGION Blog |
  • If I'd been trying to divert suspicion away from myself, that was exactly the kind of unprovable line I'd come up with. DEAD BEAT
  • To the extent that anything is "provable" in economics, there is good evidence against a significant stimulus role for tax cuts. Paul Abrams: Dems (and Obama) Are Losing the Economic Argument: They May Also Lose the Economy
  • According to Drudge, the article exposes several demonstrably provable factual inaccuracies in Brock's book.
  • And we believe that persons thus entirely sanctified may, by the power of God, be kept unblameable and unreprovable in His sight. ' Standards of Life and Service
  • Jesus Christ, who shall confirm you unreprovable in the day of our Lord NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • (Trust your wife) $1500 per month in provable income will very likely be enough for both of you with a 50% reduction in the amount of required income for her. Moving belongings to Mexico with FM3
  • However, the relations corresponding to such predicates are strictly weaker than PP and PE and no biconditional is provable in M that would yield a corresponding definiens of Wild Dreams Of Reality, 3
  • In everyday speacheveryday a green light means a provable approval to continue with your a project.
  • it was both unproved and unprovable
  • An inequation M ‰¥ N is provable in CL ‰¥ if and only if Combinatory Logic
  • That's not so much a problem if you discard objective truth as improbable and inherently unprovable (like myself), but by God, if you're going to be religious, do it right.
  • Gulf War veterans fighting to prove hundreds of former servicemen have been crippled and killed by a mysterious syndrome caused by their time in the conflict have been dealt a massive blow - their own solicitors say the case is unprovable.
  • And the term "grifter" is nothing more than an allegation that is an unprovable event. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live Weekend: Convicted Murderers Sante and Kenneth Kimes Profess Their Innocence - March 25, 2001
  • If the claim is a provable one, then, as soon as the bankruptcy proceeding is set in motion all proceedings to collect on a debt are stayed.
  • True, religious people's moral views may rest on unproven and probably unprovable metaphysical assumptions - but the same is generally true as to secular people's moral views.
  • But in the past few years, a brave group of scientists, fewer in number than male nurses, has been trying to uncover the physiology of laughter and its provable medical benefits.
  • If this principle is not provable, there are no incontrovertible propositions and the goal of gnoseology will not be reached. Joane Petrizi
  • But the thoughts of men have widened with the process of the suns, and they have found that there are developments in other races than the Greeks, in which men will show an improvableness that proves that God's ways in endowing men have been higher than their ways. Imperialism
  • The official, watered-down version (in the absence of provable fact) is that Masonry originated from the stone craft guilds.
  • Saying a morph of a morph is considered more attractive than just the morph may well be true and provable ... but it says nothing about how attractive real Eurasians are. SeeLight:
  • He knows that Christ is concerned in his honour, that his name be not evil spoken of by reason of him; that he is concerned in love to his soul, having that design upon him to "present him holy, and unblamable, and unreprovable in his sight, Of Temptation

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