How To Use Protest In A Sentence
The protests were going on about 1 kilometers away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gass used among them, towards Salehi St. The film is shot by my friend who was standing beside me.
Iran Election Live-Blogging (Saturday June 20 Part II)
The opening Thursday of SugarHouse Casino, Pennsylvania's 10th casino, comes after years of community protests and delays.
The protest was held in opposition to government plans to dismiss 25,000 state employees in order to reduce fiscal spending by 42 percent.
I can't pass the matter by without a protest.
Helmeted police fired dozens of rounds of tear gas and kicked and clubbed unarmed protesters — one of whom cowered on the ground, covering his face.
Tunisian leader flees amid protests; PM takes over

A week-long state of emergency was declared, and the protests were forcibly suppressed with considerable loss of life.
This is the very definition of obstructionism: To delay a foregone conclusion for the sake of a petty protest.
At the beginning of the protest, Aristide partisans attacked demonstrators, hitting one with a rock and shooting another.
This is deemed necessary to contain gang warfare and political protests.
Times, Sunday Times
Every protestation that she should go on this outing was clearly a plea for her to stay and resist the invitation.
Defence lawyers routinely accuse victims who failed to make 'vigorous enough' protests, as in fact having consented.
More specifically, a recusant was someone who refused to attend Protestant church services.
She would fire off a letter of protest in the morning.
The farmer, the papers had said, was a part-time policeman, a member of the Protestant Ulster Defence Regiment, the UDR.
A 35-year-old Briton languishing in a Bangkok jail under sentence of death for a crime he says he did not commit is planning to protest his innocence by refusing to plead for a royal pardon.
But it is hard to sustain that insistence on the preservation of the Catholic tradition on the one hand with a total insistence on the diminution of a Protestant tradition on the other.
The Twelfth" officially commemorates the July 12, 1690, triumph of Protestant King William of Orange versus the Catholic he deposed from the English throne, James II, at the Battle of the Boyne south of Belfast.
Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
She protested about the expense.
Dozens of flights from the international airport were delayed as part of the protests and baggage-handling staff held a go-slow.
Some looked angry, while others seemed more amused as some of the angriest protesters bellowed at them through a loudhailer.
A handful of protesters began throwing stones at the police.
He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.
Bide a wee, bide a wee," he protested, when collared by the pocket-miner.
In Belgium, 2,500 truckers, taxi drivers and tour bus operators staged a protest on Sunday in Brussels.
Across the street, protesters denounced what they called a fraudulent vote and urged a boycott.
Protesters have hit out at a company's plans to expand its already huge food distribution depot beside the main road.
Rivlin said that anti-immigration rhetoric has galvanized immigrant voters, bringing them to the streets in protest and to the polling booth.
Anyone can protest, but crowds are corralled by iron gates that keep them checked.
The Protestant Reformers defined the Roman doctrine of Works as a form of barter system, whereby believers could accrue spiritual benefits for themselves and salvation through their performance.
Mr Abbott noted that it was unfortunate he had been verballed'' by some protesters. | Top Stories
The proposed changes caused howls of protest from the public.
He made the usual noises of protest and sat watching her as she busied herself with the pots.
Report provides a chronological account of Mexican military involvement in disbanding student protests in Mexico City during the week of July 29.
Tlatelolco massacre - the secret archives
All local farmers protested against building the new airport on their farm land.
Now, from the left, comes a ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others who've taken to the streets in protests dubbed "Occupy Wall Street.
Demonstrators arrived in strength to protest against the closure of the factory.
Cecil was a staunch Protestant but, like the king, took a relatively tolerant attitude towards Catholics.
`I'm surprised to find someone like you dabbling in that kind of Protestant neo-orthodoxy !
Medieval parties to celebrate saints' days would often descend into chaos or a protest.
There are obvious logistical problems involved in protesting outside such a facility, and it was clear from the outset that the protest was not going to reach the giddy heights of previous campaigns.
Little protest as to unlawful detention, the necessity of charges, et cetera.
It documents dozens of cases where security forces opened fire on peaceful protests.
Times, Sunday Times
The almost desperate character of the effort to silence or drown out antiwar protests suggests that something more than mindless flag-waving is going on here.
In 1974 campaigners occupied the office building to protest about it being left empty during a housing crisis.
Times, Sunday Times
The two leaders had earlier led a march of hundreds of demonstrators in defiance of a government ban on protest rallies or gatherings of more than four people.
Protestant hymnody in particular has a special hold on him.
a Protestant denomination
Despite this apparent initial failure, which was openly scorned by China's state media as "performance art", the blog site asked again for what it called "strolling protests" against the ruling Communist Party at 2pm on Sunday. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Most Protestants only get as far as calling Catholic statues and icons a likeness.
The meeting resolved that teachers had no choice but to resign in protest over the government's ‘negligence’.
In one documented incident soldiers shot directly into a crowd of protesters.
Times, Sunday Times
It showed two white police pickup trucks, with large bullbars on the front bumpers, plowing separately into a group of protesters. Headlines
Throughout the last decades of the eighteenth century and the first decades of the nineteenth, scarcely a year passed without violent protest or armed rebellion.
Protestants had already established school systems and colleges in this way.
Christianity Today
Despite his occasional protestations of friendship, he disliked England and thought her a worthless ally.
The boy entering the room about that time lifted such a protest that a "Vergil" and a "Cicero" were recovered from the flames, but the other books, including some good original manuscript, went up in smoke.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 13 Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Lovers
There came a collective protest from the students, but they obeyed.
The highlight of President Bush’s European tour may well be his visit on Sunday to this tiny country, one of the few places left where he can bask in unabashed pro-American sentiment without a protester in sight.
Someone Likes Him
His violent menaces had extorted his readmission into the church, against which Cyprian protests with much vehemence: ne pecuniae commissae sibi fraudator, ne stuprator virginum, ne matrimoniorum multorum depopulator et corruptor, ultra adhuc sponsam Christi incorruptam praesentiae suae dedecore, et impudica atque incesta contagione, violaret.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
Instead of dissuading him from further crime, the fact of having been labelled a criminal may be sufficient to make him what, if we believe his protestations of innocence, he was not.
An owl hooted across the compound, and a paraquet disturbed by the outcry uttered a shrill, indignant protest.
The Lamp in the Desert
In Tang Hall, 524 people signed objecting letters, and 72 protest letters were fired off to city chiefs.
Animal protection supporters gathered to protest against hunting.
University students rallied in protest.
As wet, fluffy snow fell throughout the day, many protestors began tossing snowballs at riot police.
Many protesters will be ‘disguising’ themselves as innocent hillwalkers wanting to tackle the Ochils this weekend.
Widespread protests have placed the President under serious pressure.
Staff at some air and sea ports are beginning to protest over pay.
He said people should join a planned protest on July 1 to express their calls for democracy.
This week, we got the clue about the French Protestants of the Reformed Tradition, and the one about St Paul's Letter to the Galatians, but got hopelessly stuck on the clue that simply said "discombobulated".
Archive 2008-02-01
DUSHANBE -- More than 20 journalists protested today outside the Uzbek Embassy in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe, to demand an end to what they call Uzbekistan's ongoing economic blockade of Tajikistan, RFE/RL's Tajik Service reports.
Spero News
Gavlok trailed along after, protesting his friend's evacuation.
The meeting was disrupted by a group of protesters who shouted and threw fruit at the speaker.
The protester, wearing a white T-shirt, shorts, sunglasses and a beanie hat, showed no imminent signs of coming down.
But the new working class of former rural folk did not make the transition to industrial wage labor easily or without protesting in subtle and indirect ways.
America Past and Present
In Quebec, unlike other provinces, common-law exes aren't eligible for alimony and the women's movement has never protested this.
Griselde, once again, accepted her fate and protested her love for the marquis, solely requesting her dignity upon exodus from the palace.
Anna put up a mild protest.
Their unusual protest was organised after they were banned from bringing in banners and placards.
The Sun
The people are feeling so terrified that they are moving into shells and developing a typical aversion towards any kind of agitational path or protest movements.
Archive 2006-06-01
John Hales, clerk of the hanaper, a learned and able man, and, like all who espoused this party, a zealous protestant, had written, and secretly circulated, a book in defence of the claims of the lady Catherine, and he had also procured opinions of foreign lawyers in favor of the validity of her marriage.
Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
I'm left dumbfounded when a Protestant asks me how I can pretend infallibility is not contradicted in light of this.
In the last year, three general strikes called to protest against the president, protests in the streets, people killed, and one attempted coup.
Despite the growing protests of the medical establishment, boxing still thrives at the championship level.
Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference.
The protest was a symbolic gesture of anger at official policy.
Despite dire threats of violence from extremist groups, the protest passed off peacefully.
Ten thousand people are reported to have taken part in the protest which passed off peacefully.
The lags staged the rooftop protest during a sunny spell and refused to come down.
The Sun
It was the culmination of years of boycotts and demonstrations, of freedom rides and sit-ins, of protest and struggle, of sacrifice and suffering.
On 1 July there was a protest march against legislation aimed at criminalizing pro-independence activities.
Masked protest, intimidatory filming or physical disruption is unacceptable and must be stopped.
Times, Sunday Times
The protests could "ruin the economy," he said, if the continued unrest discourages tourism and foreign investment.
Syria's Sluggish Economy Adds to Regime's Troubles
In the first, the applicant S took part in a protest against a grouse shoot.
Also Randy Alcorn, a well-known pro-life apologist and Protestant pastor, published a booklet in 1998 in which he gave the reasons for why the pill is an abortifacient and he has actually counselled couples in his ministry against using the pill for that reason.
ProWomanProLife » A remarkably honest abortionist
It ends with the animal protesting, after being chained during musth.
Police detained dozens of protest marchers in Bombay.
Times, Sunday Times
The Church of England has always taken pride in its "comprehensiveness" - a British tolerance for theological diversity dating to Queen Elizabeth I, who combined element of Catholicism and Protestant ism to form a "bridge" between the two traditions.
Pink Collars For Anglicans
The south-east Asian nation moved this week to secure regional approval for the first major hydropower plant on its stretch of the river in the face of protests from international conservation groups.
The party boycotted the election in protest at alleged vote rigging.
5000 employees came out on strike in protest at the poor working conditions.
Protesters are calling for a public hearing.
Most Protestant Churches wholeheartedly accept the Augustinian worldview (though most reject the Doctrine of the Elect.)
Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Two - Grace, Salvation, and Redemption | Heretical Ideas Magazine
The poem can be read as a protest against war.
I implore the May Day protesters to worry about real problems, rather than just labelling everything as an evil of capitalism.
At the same time the election was accompanied by continuous strikes, small and large, protest marches and student demonstrations.
One of those passive protests, where one lies down nobly in front of the bulldozers.
Times, Sunday Times
Angry townspeople protested in the streets following the explosion, shouting anti-government chants and tossing rocks at security forces.
The immense man, brandishing his recovered certificates, plunged forward to encounter them, shouting in Arabic, hustled them back, kicked them, struck at the camels with a stick till those in front receded upon those behind and the street was blocked by struggling beasts and resounded with roaring snarls, the thud of wooden bales clashing together, and the desperate protests of the camel-drivers, one of whom was sent rolling into a noisome dust heap with his turban torn from his head.
The Garden of Allah
Outside in the street student protest marches wander aimlessly by.
Pro - Thaksin protesters are likely to be further enraged by the Election Commission's ruling.
The revolutionary socialists only agreed to cease their protest when they were invited to an after-show lig in one of the capital's most expensive pubs.
While it's uncertain whether the protest and subsequent meeting will prevent cuts, the way the governor's staff handled the whole affair is instructive: I'm told that technically they could have been arrested for blocking the way.
She groaned out loud in protest.
Among the protesters and war veterans proudly displaying their medals was Aubrey Rose.
His proof came in the guise of soundbites that he pledged "were not edited," and the "methodicalness" came by a member of the O'Reilly crack staff going out to the Iraqi War Protest in Washington this past week to ask questions of Sean Penn, Jane Fonda, Susan Saranden and Tim Robbins.
Methodical Bill O Proves There Are No Other Options To Bush Iraq Policy
What accounts for the intermittent nature of southern rural protest?
A Social History of Modern Spain
The Norwegian Foreign Ministry summoned Iran's charge d'affaires on Thursday to protest against what it called the confiscation of Ebadi's Nobel medal and diploma and express 'grave concern' about the treatment of her husband.
Khaleej Times : UAE News
Therefore, they resisted what they perceived as American extremes of rationalism and indifferentism, precisely as did their Protestant and Catholic colleagues.
She gained notoriety when she joined student protestors in Millbank Tower, the home of CCHQ, and tweeted live from within the kettle.
Esta actitud del gobierno motiva la gran protesta que se vive actualmente en buena parte del territorio nacional.
Global Voices in English » Peru: Indigenous Communities Continue Protests
Move to the Left, encourage mass protest, and they risked being marginalized in a revolutionary confrontation.
Jubilant, most gave up the idea of protesting in the freezing temperatures again, but approximately 1,000 persisted with their plan.
He has posted pix of the anti-war protest in San Francisco this past weekend which should be seen by every American.
Spanish Web site operators have taken their sites offline in protest at government proposals to regulate online content.
Citizenship rights were developed along with liberal government due to modernisation and protest in order to obtain a greater degree of participation.
The opposition called a protest to demand the president's resignation.
Times, Sunday Times
Contrary to the sense of chaos and violence offered in unsourced Twitter feeds, Iranian protests have been largely peaceful
The government has also noticed how quiet the protests have been against the antiterror law, which increased the power of law enforcers to act against potential terrorists.
The Government has been arguing that it is this measure that will be the ultimate safeguard for citizens involved in peaceful protests and industrial strikes.
The guy protested and laid a hand on Novak - who responded by socking him and threatening to knock his teeth out.
Greece has been rocked by riots and industrial action in protest over spending cuts by the government.
The Sun
Time and time again I would see one of the protests I attended on the news, them making us look like the dividers.
Glenn also has pictures of the event, which will no doubt start the usual discussion about how many right-of-center people showed up to protest, in the hopes that it will distract people from the more interesting point that right-of-center people are now increasingly likely to show up to protest …
Kill the Bill rally in Washington. | RedState
Initially, there will be uproar with protests and dire warnings of disaster.
The Sun
Nearby, union boilermaker Pete Etoler drew a line between protesting politicians and disrupting the highest-profile event in the Hoosier State's history.
Labor Torn on Super Bowl Protests
Although the oil-rich kingdom has escaped the sort of unrest unleashed in Egypt, Libya or Tunisia, there have been signs of domestic discontent over high unemployment, as well as some nervousness that Saudi Arabia's Shiite Muslim minority could be inspired by the protests of their co-religionist neighbors in Bahrain.
Saudi King to Return Home as Turmoil Sweeps Region
It looked, to be sure, nothing like the milky portraits we had been shown in Sunday school, looked hardly at all like the handsome gentleman with the Aryan profile and the five-hundred-watt glow who effulged at us from calendars in Protestant parlors all over Dixie.
Another Roadside Attraction
Late on Friday night, authorities freed three of the protesters, saying there was no direct proof that they were involved in attacks on police.
The protesters sat silently near an empty chair meant to symbolize the absence of the professor.
They were quickly seized by student protesters anxious to distance themselves from the act.
Times, Sunday Times
It's as if they know, no matter how much they complain or protest, nothing will change.
But Mr. Mubarak's language and refusal to yield to what he called the intervention of foreigners left protesters furious, the scene in Cairo precarious and the White House seemingly unable to influence events.
Crisis Puts White House in Disarray
In the Protestant's view, indeed, who assumes that miracles never are, our thaumatology is one great falsehood; but that is _his_ First Principle, as I have said so often, which he does not prove but assume.
Apologia pro Vita Sua
It took nine policeman and four firefighters to remove the three female protesters.
Hundreds of uniformed and plain-clothed police officers patrolled expected protest sites in China's two main cities, Beijing and Shanghai.
Heavy Police Presence Thwarts Call for Protests in China
To do so would constitute a stumbling block to the reconversion of Protestants who favored the new astronomy.
There has been precious little international protest about all this; UNESCO remains curiously quiet.
Publication of WikiLeaks sourced private US comments on the corruption and nepotism of a hated "sclerotic" regime is said to have helped create Tunisia's protest, and generated talk by US commentators of a "Wikileaks revolution".
Tunisia: The WikiLeaks connection
Some protest that this affirmation comes at a cost: you cannot receive it unless you first abase yourself as a hopeless and helpless sinner in need of redemption.
By 1983, protests against the dictatorship by social organizations and the banned political parties convulsed the country.
The mainly young protesters, many in their teens, defied the security forces' assaults and chanted slogans against the upcoming presidential elections, calling it a masquerade.
It is my prediction that protesting may yet become the recreational pursuit of choice in the 21st century.
Many different forms of student protest have already been organised.
Every person who stands up in protest against the plans makes it that little bit more awkward for the powers-that-be to steamroller ahead.
I'm sure the writers will protest that discussing issues like this, using sympathetic characters, helps educate others in similar situations.
All of those charges have protested their innocence, claiming that they were using accepted interrogation methods.
A Palestinian stood in front of Israeli soldiers during a protest in the West Bank village of Bilin, near Ramallah.
5000 employees came out on strike in protest at the poor working conditions.
Protesters find that their objections fall upon deaf ears; their reasons belittled and their sheer weight of numbers ignored.
Louisa Gouliamaki/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Greek riot police clashed with hundreds of people protesting austerity measures who tried to break a cordon outside Parliament.
Anger in Athens
Only Protestants escaped the onslaught, though they were never supporters of the regime.
Clashes between police and opposition protesters in Zanzibar over disputed elections have led to an unconfirmed death toll of 37.
By now, the police were chasing protesters into various neighbourhoods, and throwing cluster bombs of rubber pellets at locals.
Disaffected eco-warriors around the world can now learn the lessons of a decade of resistance from Faslane Peace Camp and other UK protest sites, as a tunnel-builder's guide is published on the internet.
A crowd of up to 200 protesters were held back by troops who used screens and riot shields to form a pathway for the terrified youngsters and their parents.
The paper reported that in Nakuru, more than 350 employees went on a go-slow to protest the delay in paying salary arrears and allowances.
He says he is disgusted with the way peace protesters have been behaving.
The nineteenth-century elites kept to their strict Protestant ways, abjuring the theater but supporting music.
The protest added to momentum created during a larger demonstration Monday in the central business district.
The workers also protested against poor working conditions and job losses.
There was then a public protest, and Palin rescinded the librarian's termination.
Further Update on “What if...I asked you to remove some books?”
Our lone female antiheroine not only falls for the student protester, but she also agrees to help him with a robbery in order to help fund an all out war on the corrupt police.
Remembering Yasuharu Hasebe (1932-2009)
Three people died yesterday in violent street protests .
Myth and Manpower" at the jewel-box sized Craft and Folk Art Museum packed in a show that takes artwork from California fruit label boxes and marketing and juxtaposes them with artwork cultivated for use as protest posters for United Farm Workers.
Wyatt Closs: Worker Worthy Standouts: Part 5 - Art & Books
The Foes were Dissenters, Protestants who did not belong to the Anglican Church, and Daniel's ironic attack on the church landed him a three-day stretch in the pillory.
With the Protestants, it manifests itself in a proliferation of denominations.
And when the anger moves from more easily dismissible protesters in Lower Manhattan to a larger swath of the American citizenry, comments like Perry's "I don't care about that" will not be received well.
Mitchell Bard: Income Inequality Is the Achilles Heel in the GOP Strategy to Demonize Occupy Wall Street
Everyone seems to accept the need for cuts and austerity until it actually affects them, then there are squeals of protest.
Times, Sunday Times
One camerawoman leaned over to me a casually said, "I don't care what happens to those guys in the tree, but they the protesters better not hurt that dog.
Rabbi Yonah Bookstein: A Rabbi's Testimony: The Repression and Elimination of OccupyLA
[A fumigant called MIDAS] was approved by EPA during the Bush administration despite the protests of many independent scientists, who sent a petition citing significant health concerns. ...
Nancy Chuda: As TSCA Collapses, Toxic Baby Fights Back (VIDEO)
Nevertheless, a significant portion of the public supported the forcible suppression of campus protests.
The bad news for his rivals, however, is that protest candidates have proved very effective at indelibly soiling whatever image the party is trying to convey at the moment.
It brought together veteran anti-nuclear protesters with new people.
Before she could get the chance to protest, he pulled her outside and pulled out the folded lemon yellow paper.
But protests from 10,000 disgusted licence payers show they have misjudged the public mood.
The Sun
Writing on Alibayli’s Blog, even some of the dispossessed remain unimpressed by the campaign of street protests.
Global Voices in English » Georgia: Opposition protests on hold, new concerns emerge
If political leaders lack the control to rein in their more violent followers, they have no right to public protests.
Early modern religion emerged with the Protestant Reformation.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
The court upheld an injunction barring protesters from blocking access to the company.
But ” and this is a fundamental difference between the situation in physics and the situation in history ” a historian may protest against the inclusion of data in the material to be colligated on grounds of interest or value in a way that is foreign to the method of physicists when they criticize each other.
Letting Go
Catholics no longer go to confession as a regular practice, and many Protestant services have eliminated or downplayed the confession of sins.
Kathy and I used to go to the ballet on Super Bowl Sunday, as a kind of protest against the month of nonending hype.
Not Caring XLII
Argentina's second-largest trade union confederation, led by teamster's leader Hugo Moyano, organized the protest.
They didn't protest with banners and cute slogans.
Times, Sunday Times
The nude peace protest movement continues to gain momentum.
The group's deep-dyed conservatism and hostility to social protest widely discredited it.
The genuine protestors were joined by outside agitators, intent on encouraging violence.
The protest was organised to highlight concerns at the planned introduction of flotels to house asylum-seekers recently arrived in the country.
Fee-paying schools do not receive capitation and related supports - unless they are Protestant schools.