
How To Use Protected In A Sentence

  • If it became possible for shareholders to sue firms where those firms might reasonably have protected them from insider trading, corporate Australia's complaisance towards insider trading could take a healthy hit.
  • Large and small white egrets, spoonbills, black cranes and the very rare lanner falcons are permanent inhabitants of the near-by, strictly protected bird reserve.
  • His midriff was protected by a drape of chainmail covering a leather girdle and loincloth.
  • All the inmates had to be protected and watched over, and any problems that arose would have to be sorted out at once.
  • On three sides your land extends for a mile, while to the north you are protected by dense woodland. Times, Sunday Times
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  • And the idea of the wind chimes, oiled, wrapped and protected in rolls of aromatic hessian sacking, lying up in the dark of the garage loft against some future need, is pleasing enough.
  • Once what is printed is decided by the judiciary then it will be the establishment that is protected while the people are duped. The Sun
  • The new owners may well consider reconverting this floor to accommodate further living accommodation, but as this is a protected structure, they will have to apply for planning permission to do so.
  • She's protected Michelle's father's identity for all these years, so she's quite capable of protecting Michelle.
  • It cannot be protected through setting clearly defined limits to what can or cannot be said - however generous those limits might seem.
  • Many are labelled PDO protected designation of origin, indicating that the cheese has been produced in a traditional way. Insiders' guide to Greece
  • It's all well and good for some to say that it's wrong for children to be advised to hit back, but I'm afraid I'd rather my son or daughter protected themselves against a pasting from a bully rather than wait for a teacher to come to their aid. Crib sheet 19.10.10
  • The amount of money protected if your bank or building society collapses drops sharply. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's protected by a huge shingle bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • The army's Quartermaster Corps, unaccustomed to providing for the needs of a wartime force, had disbursed flimsy, floorless tents; as a result, Grant and the rest of the four - thousand - man force slept in the cold mud, protected from the elements by thin woolen blankets. 'The Training Ground: Grant, Lee, Sherman, and Davis in the Mexican War, 1846-1848'
  • But that is no excuse for treating the scientist like a child who does not know what is good for him and must be protected by the parental arm of PC Plod.
  • He protected and promoted his clients while making them fortunes from red-top newspapers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Karen Waite, MS, equine specialist with MSU Extension added "If you have a horse and are unsure of its vaccination history, you should revaccinate them to be sure they are protected. News
  • Once verified, the proxy agent completes the connection to the protected network element on behalf of the source of the incoming request.
  • Three fire-protected stairwells in the building provide the opportunity for smaller rentable units.
  • Necessarily, it would sometimes leave persons unprotected whose injuries arose out of the use of a motor vehicle who would have been protected by the Act in its earlier form.
  • Hima applies particularly to wildlife and forestry and usually designates an area of land where grazing and woodcutting are restricted, or where certain animal species are protected.
  • The plaintiff is relieved of the burden of managing a large sum of money and is protected from possible dissipation of the funds.
  • The floral meristems are formed acropetally and are initiated on the periphery of the inflorescence meristem, being protected by bracts.
  • The spinal cord is protected by bones stacked one upon the other.
  • Evidence regarding the general lifestyle of Mr. Vancurenko in the community is not information that is protected under the umbrella of the homicide investigation.
  • Title and intellectual property rights are protected by the copyright laws and treaties.
  • This heat shield is covered by an insulating layer protected by an ablative material in contact with the hot plasma flow.
  • The court ruled that the DNR, which oversees the lower portion of the federally protected riverway, had no authority to overturn the city of Lakeland's approval of the project. News
  • The troop carrying convoy would then sail from southern English ports protected by an escort of frigates and corvettes.
  • This part of the community needs to be protected from racial prejudice .
  • In the intervals between them endless open carriages moved along, lined with white, filled with white dominos, drawn by horses all protected and covered with white cotton robes, against the whiter 'confetti' -- everyone fighting mock battles with everyone else, till it seemed impossible that anything could be left to throw, and the long perspective of the narrow street grew dim between the high palaces, and misty and purple in the evening light. Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
  • We seek a solution that addresses the legitimate concerns of iwi, that is acceptable to the vast majority of New Zealanders, and that ensures public access to our beaches is protected. National Business Review (NBR) New Zealand
  • Another senior Dashnak lawmaker Vahan Hovhannisyan spoke about the current situation in neighboring Georgia and, in particular, called for it to become a confederative state and for Javakhk, a mostly Armenian-populated province in Georgia, to become an autonomy within that state. “Georgian leaders should have understood that the guarantee of Georgia†™ s development and stability is a confederative state and in that case the rights of Javakhk would be protected, †he said. Armenianow
  • You are protected instantly if a thief misuses your credit card.
  • The decision opens the previously protected areas to development.
  • The architects said that it looked like an 'egg protected by vitrified wood resin'. Times, Sunday Times
  • British Kaffraria, Griqualand East and Griqualand West were examples of this policy, which is still represented, not unsuccessfully, by the great protected area of Basutoland. The Expansion of Europe
  • That way he can not be targeted by missile fire or some spells and will be potentially protected from war engines.
  • You can use these types of natural family planning to predict when you'll ovulate — and when you need to avoid unprotected sex if you don't want to conceive.
  • The judicial process was initially painfully slow, partly as a result of a 1978 amnesty law that protected members of the armed forces. Times, Sunday Times
  • The big important systems such as atmosphere, food, environmental, navigation, and drill were protected with so many back-ups and fail-safes that it was almost impossible for them to freeze.
  • Had my whole house done in "saltillo tile" - and sealed and protected with a shiny sealant - now, a few years later - the sealant is blistering off - and exposing the original surface - which is being stained by the mopping!! has anyone ever SANDED DOWN and refinished tile by tile? if so, how and with what products available in Guadalajara? Saltillo tiles
  • Do 16-year-olds really need to be protected from the F-bomb?
  • Steve stood at the bow of the ship, unprotected from the storm and hanging on for dear life as he pointed excitedly.
  • Most of the Northern Iberian breeds are in high risk of extinction and are conserved in environmentally protected rural areas of Spain and Portugal.
  • In his tours he found sacred woodlands ‘most carefully protected’ in many districts-from the Devara Kadus of Coorg in the south to the deodar temple groves in the Himalaya.
  • This supposedly protected subspecies continues to die in the tuna nets - Sam LaBudde witnessed 200 drown in a single net.
  • Many claims and counterclaims were advertised about who the real market leader was and who was the benefactor of the readers and protected the consumer's wallet.
  • Threatened plant species currently being protected or monitored include the endemic saltpan cresses (Lepidium kirkii and L. sisymbrioides matau), the upland shrub Hebe cupressoides, the endangered Hector's tree daisy (Olearia hectorii), native Peraxilla mistletoes, and the epiphytic forest shrub Tupeia antarctica. Cantebury-Otago tussock grasslands
  • The dog is not taking down a bad guy, judging from how the squad runs unprotected from various angles, and the "baddy" is wearing a mattress suit. Tacky Raccoons
  • Not everything said or written on an occasion of qualified privilege is protected.
  • Inarus, the author of the revolt, was betrayed, and perished on the cross, and the whole of Egypt once more succumbed to the Persian yoke, save only that portion called the marshy or fenny parts (under the dominion of a prince named Amyrtaeus), protected by the nature of the soil and the proverbial valour of the inhabitants. Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
  • The judicial process was initially painfully slow, partly as a result of a 1978 amnesty law that protected members of the armed forces. Times, Sunday Times
  • The three parties are the principal, who is the person bonded; the obligee, the person who is protected; and the surety, the person or corporation agreeing.
  • A heavy stockade around the cabin protected the pioneer from attack.
  • The existing ceiling joists must also be fire-protected with an overlay of glass fibre insulation, and new joists installed.
  • From Kaiteriteri, cruise the protected waters of the Astrolabe Roadstead past idyllic beaches fringed by lush native forest to the golden expanse of Anchorage Bay (30-45 mins).
  • Witnesses and defendants can be protected from injustice by robust restrictions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The harbor is protected by a long jetty running more or less north and south, and you have to enter at the southern end.
  • Kenworthy looked at the dejected cakes nominally protected from flies by sliding panels of smeared glass. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • A large solar particle event can produce enough radiation to kill an unprotected astronaut.
  • The pestering problem of ‘protected teachers’ can be tackled only if the unaided sector is put on a leash.
  • At the centre of the galaxy is a strange zone called the Void, protected by an Event Horizon. Peter F Hamilton Interview
  • That still leaves a vast expanse of ocean unprotected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officers found each of the vessels contained protected fish.
  • In her experiments she either stood face-to-face with them - protected by a plastic visor - or she used photos.
  • Those taking part knew their anonymity was protected by the methodology of the study. Times, Sunday Times
  • But successful geoeningeering might also encourage industrialized nations to continue to underwhelm on climate policy, because they would be protected from the consequences of their carbon emissions for longer. An easy solution to climate change?
  • Bodywork is protected by military-grade sacrificial thermo-ceramic intumescent paints (swelling, heat-resistant paint to you and me), and windows and bodywork are further insulated by advanced aerogel laminated insulation. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • They are so lovingly reared and protected by gamekeepers that they might easily mistake themselves for pets.
  • Every public opinion survey always shows a large majority of the population adhere to supposedly "leftish" or commonsensical views: investments far preferred to tax cuts, public services (eg. health care), multilateralism, an end to foreign military adventures, civil liberties protected but balanced with collective identity & self-protection (anti-hatemongering laws, Canadian nationhood). latest blog entries
  • In the Middle Ages, aristocrats and clerics were protected by a panoply of rules and customs - sumptuary laws, for example - that separated them from the peons.
  • Other large protected areas include Issyk-Kul Biosphere Reserve (6,298 km2), in Kyrgyzstan; and Mount Tomur Nature Reserve (1,000 km2) and Boghdad Mountain Biosphere Reserve (1,000 km2), both in the Chinese sector of the Tien Shan. Biological diversity in the mountains of Central Asia
  • He did not mean that Judge Molloy should be protected and nurtured, which is the actual purpose of the species law. NYT > Home Page
  • In short, our elite athletes often live a life wrapped in cotton wool and protected from the vagaries of growing up.
  • The superior honorableness of agriculture, is shown by the fact, that it was _protected and supported by the fundamental law_ of the theocracy -- God thus indicating it as the chief prop of the government, and putting upon it peculiar honor. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • The Catacombs Project plans to refurbish the disused buildings under the church, which is a protected structure.
  • This is because the older workers' protected situation may make employers reluctant to hire them.
  • At the mention of such a grown-up task, Alex squared his shoulders and assented that yes, he had protected his mother from all sorts of dangers while his father was away.
  • Though they were now only 65 air miles from their destination, the great salt lake lay more than 200 miles down the meandering river, through bands of belligerent nomads, wild rapids and a sun that threatened to "carbonize those who should be unprotected from its fierceness. Old Salt, Dead Sea
  • The landing beaches would be unprotected.
  • If Southern California boaters want inland, protected waters they have to head east.
  • Hackers can leak trade secrets stolen from unprotected networks.
  • And you don’t see that much difference between men’s and women’s uniforms in fencing where it would be stupid, *stupid* to leave the body unprotected or the rest of martial arts that don’t hinge on gripping the opponent’s clothes like karate or taekwondo. THE SEXUALIZATION OF FEMALE OLYMPIADS » Sociological Images
  • The ensuing fire-fight left the gun-boat beyond use and it left the 20 landing craft carrying the commandos unprotected.
  • Look for networks with protected access and use websites with secure connections. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were therefore not protected by the cushion of such longer-term borrowers.
  • Can you give me some examples of what can happen if moral rights aren't protected by legislation?
  • By six o'clock they were invisible, both from the road and anywhere else, protected by layers of brushwood. BARRACUDA 945
  • They deem themselves protected against any attacks behind their fortressed walls. Fantasy or Reality �� Is There a Way Back?
  • They are grown on small family farms, where workers are reasonably remunerated, protected by well-observed labour laws.
  • He was billeted at her home where her seven brothers had hitherto protected her from any approach by potential suitors.
  • The database will be protected by copyright .
  • The firearm is protected from the lock's die-cast metal alloy with rubber-like padding.
  • He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings.
  • Since it was built over a deep gorge, it was well protected against destructive forces.
  • At the moment it is illegal to own eggs stolen from protected birds in Britain, such as ospreys, sea eagles and golden eagles.
  • Those times were somewhat wild and barbarous, signore, and a gentleman who protected his estates and asked tribute of strangers was termed a brigand, and became highly respected. Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad
  • But military defense that protected only one state, or a small group of states, still is a public good.
  • An attacker advanced on her while she stood unprotected, with nowhere to run.
  • This straw-dry, stone-strewn river plain is perfect for grapes, planted in long straight rows protected by tidy fences with impressive gateways and fancy names for the wines they produce.
  • In the huge battles of 1914-15 Russian infantrymen had to attack unprotected by artillery barrages and often lacking even rifles.
  • I plant carrots late, just so I have lots of them for winter; if I've protected them with a mulch of hay, I can keep grubbing them out through the season.
  • Also, with lower porosity the speed and erosiveness of the wind as it passes around the ends of windbreaks will be increased, and these areas should be protected, for example, with perennial crops or stone mulch. 5. How plants live and grow
  • Yet, the buzzard does not exist in such numbers for it to be a constant danger to the game preserves, and quite rightly it has been placed upon the list of protected birds.
  • Because she was protected by a red veil, Veiel concluded that it was caused by the sun's chemical rays.
  • The dirty, white stone front of the shop, which stocked boxes of beer cans, was pitted with bullet holes, while a car and lorry parked in the protected courtyard outside were badly damaged in the attack.
  • Moreover, we know that premenopausal women are very protected from sleep apnea.
  • Monsters protected by sterile uniforms rush in to "decontaminate" the area. Movies: Scare The Heck Out Of 'Shrek'?
  • Once the completed manuscript was bound between rigid covers clasped firmly shut, it was well protected.
  • To date, printed scores have been strictly protected; photocopying them is illegal.
  • Now protected, its numbers do not exceed five hundred.
  • Fur stroked against his nose as several other dogs joined them behind the sled, the only thing that protected them from the blustering wind.
  • It's the ideal setting for swimming and sunbathing in this protected natural park. Times, Sunday Times
  • It does not only password protect your data but also let you choose security levels for your data, so that you can choose making your files inaccessible, invisible, delete-proof or write-protected. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • She should have the best of forage, the purest of water, the cleanest and best of ventilated stables, and the air should be free from any taint of noxious vapors - in a word, the entire environment of this faithful animal should be as carefully and honestly protected as though she was human and not brute.
  • The room is safe, enclosed, protected from the harsh glare of artificial light.
  • Except to a certain antiquated ideology embraced in biology, which apparently has to be protected in academia by an 'orthodox' priesthood and imposed on society by force of law. An Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris
  • Move potted plants you want to protect from freezing under the eaves of the house or some other spot where they will be protected from the deluge of winter rains.
  • Soldiers are well-defended against most IEDs while they travel in all-terrain Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles, Fuller says. Army weighs silk to help shield troops' pelvic areas from IEDs
  • Female, as a social vulnerable masses is the protected object on which law lays particular emphasis on.
  • But a state of affairs where the group most subject to being singled out for violence is uniquely not protected by the law is a manifest injustice.
  • A work that is created (fixed in tangible form for the first time) on or after January 1, 1978, is automatically protected from the moment of its creation and is ordinarily given a term enduring for the author's life plus an additional 70 years after the author's death. Copyright Basics
  • Peace grows when the graces of God and the blessings of Earth are not considered possessions to be protected but divine gifts intended for all.
  • In protected equity products, derivatives help to give investments the look of an proper equity portfolio. Times, Sunday Times
  • These closed cryptogamic communities occur in protected areas at lower elevations. Antarctic Peninsula
  • Each is protected by a layer of zinc, which drips on to the ground when it rains.
  • Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, the Hawaiian monk seal has had some of its coastal habitat protected.
  • The sites are protected by international treaties designed to preserve rare habitats and the endangered bird populations they support. Times, Sunday Times
  • (02 / 19 / 2008) Careful design of protected areas to safeguard key "refugia" and allow for migration can increase the resilience of Amazon biodiversity to climate change, report researchers writing in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Tuna may go the way of cod: a collapsed fishery News
  • Taro is sometimes confused with malanga, yautia, and cocoyam, tubers of a number of New World tropical species in the genus Xanthosoma, which are also arums protected by oxalate crystals. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Paul also realizes that his Roman citizenship may offer him some protection, because Romans are protected by their legal system from false imprisonment and illegal whippings .
  • You are here in prison but you are not condemned to death, so you have to be protected.
  • His absurd plan to deliver a surplus entirely through cuts to unprotected departments is tantamount to a proposal to abolish the police. Times, Sunday Times
  • "Our women are bona fide citizens who are also protected by the state constitution.
  • They are large and platelike, and form the marsupium, in which the eggs and developing young are protected. Crustacea
  • This arrangement also protected the husband; should he die, his merry widow could never marry her amico. If He Has A Mistress, Why Can't She Have...A Mister?
  • The researcher is asked to attempt to guarantee that the subject will be protected from physical or psychological harm.
  • Poorly protected from the Pacific Ocean, chill winds and dense fog-banks whistled and swirled sadly across the sand-dunes. CHAPTER XXI
  • Such speech is still protected by the First Amendment unless it causes substantial disruption or interferes with the rights of others.
  • It is possible, in some instances, to hold the trial in a courtroom where there is a specially protected dock.
  • He has avoided the rush and protected the football and he has really competed for us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Behind the clapboard doors he could hear the surge buffeting the boat against the rubber tyres that protected the surrounding boardwalk. COMPULSION
  • The soaring price of copper and bronze has made such salvage profitable but the letter calls for the site to be protected. Times, Sunday Times
  • The use of arsenious oxide dissolved in a strong acid, and the solution absorbed in pumice or kieselguhr has been protected by G.F. Jaubert. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • At least half of the world's yearly crop of 50,000 metric tons is cultivated in subtropical Mexico, including protected areas in the mountains of the Sierra Madre Occidental, where the Lantern himself has spotted more than a few gardens within park boundaries. Ever wonder how people who take illegal drugs affect the planet?
  • Portions of these protected lands still support forests on remnant natural levees, similar to those studied by Penfound and Howard.
  • These protected gypsum plaster soil blocks developed sufficient strength to act as load bearing blockwork. Chapter 5
  • There is imminent danger of collapse into the narrow channel that allows fishing boats and pleasure craft access to the deep, protected inner harbour.
  • Once write-protected a disk can't be infected by a virus.
  • If farmers want their livestock to be protected then they should protect them in a more secure way.
  • They also in certain circumstances impose positive obligations to take measures designed to ensure that those rights are effectively protected.
  • That's not to say that it's entirely safe; unprotected sex is involved, after all.
  • She felt she knew him, knew him intimately, that he personally protected her and watched over her.
  • Some composites such as precious opal protected between layers of quartz or glass are sold as such.
  • We've had something similar because of devaluation but the banksters have been protected.
  • Patients with aggressive skin cancer have been protected from relapses after receiving the first personalised antitumour vaccines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bermuda's windswept northern coastline is protected from spray by non-native tamarisk trees.
  • It is protected by a broad wet ditch, and in the caponiers are the magazines and store chambers of the fortress.
  • The nest was protected from the wind and from the eye of any roving hawk looking for an easy meal. TREASON KEEP
  • Obviously he felt disquieted by the procedure and felt that it would have been possible for him to have protected the complainants adequately had the normal process of cross-examination proceeded.
  • What if these citizens were quietly protected, even aided and abetted, by our elected officials?
  • You are protected by me and my power like every other vampire who follows and obeys me.
  • The dunes of Holland are sometimes protected from the dashing of the waves by a revetement of stone, or by piles; and the lateral high-water currents, which wash away their base, are occasionally checked by transverse walls running from the foot of the dunes to low-water mark; but the great expense of such constructions has prevented their adoption on a large scale. [ Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 05 (historical)
  • Of course the umpire is protected against acts of violence by the state -- we all are, at least in theory. A Theory of Government, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Hood down, clever aerodynamic design ensures that the occupants are almost totally protected from wind buffeting, making open air motoring quite practicable, even at this late stage of the year.
  • Make sure your teen understands that Plan B One-Step and Next Choice must be used within 72 hours of unprotected sex to be effective.
  • The knowledge that his left flank would be protected by the Prussians encouraged Wellington to strengthen the right and centre of his line. WATERLOO: Napoleon's Last Gamble
  • It is also a refuge for elephants, buffaloes, zebras, cheetahs, leopards, lions, waterbucks and impalas and it contains the only protected indigenous forest remaining in the area.
  • Normally the aircar landing pad was protected from these things by a low-level shield, but the storm had knocked out the power and the pad had iced over. Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Shattered Light
  • The two Steves negotiated to get the burl to Ashland, and then Steve Sharps and his sons moved it to the current site, debarked it, and protected it with tung oil.
  • For square-riggers, the island had a perfect strategic location for control of the island chain to the south, and it had, in English Harbour, one of the world's most protected anchorages.
  • Because of past threats, the flat was protected by ten bodyguards, who remained outside. Times, Sunday Times
  • These comments were not an exercise in constitutionally-protected free speech, but a moment of publicly-recorded hate for certain segments of American citizenry, wrongfully conflating homosexuality with liberal/progressive politics. Think Progress » O’Reilly Resorts To McCarthyism, Plans To Publish Online Enemies List
  • The identity of her daughter and granddaughter are also protected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Behind the clapboard doors he could hear the surge buffeting the boat against the rubber tyres that protected the surrounding boardwalk. COMPULSION
  • Unprotected manholes can fill up with silt, as can associated piping.
  • Conservation officers get the beasts to trample shacks on protected forest land in the Assam region, where hilly terrain makes bulldozers impractical. The Sun
  • The grunion is and was a protected fish, and catching them by hand as they lay their eggs is not only cruel and stupid but also illegal. Full Frontal Nudity
  • The idea seems to be to live out a neverending fairytale celebrity existence on camera, protected from real reality by an incestuously close relationship with the E! network. Philippa Warr: Why Reality Television Isn't Real
  • No parang song has ever created animosity, incited anarchy, induced horning, glorified carnage, supported drug abuse or unprotected sex, condoned domestic violence or maligned any person.
  • In the case of stock farming and game ranching care can be taken not to overstock and nesting areas of ground nesting bees and wasps can be protected from trampling.
  • Altar Q's stone legs are today badly spalled, for they also protected the monument's main block from the same destructive process of groundwater transpiration that left them wrecks.
  • Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive.
  • It offers long-acting contraception for women who are no longer protected by lactational amenorrhea.
  • In the early cases, courts routinely rejected the argument that discrimination against transsexuals is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title VII, just as they had rejected the notion of transsexualism as a protected class under the statute. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • He writes that environmental degradation causes poverty and migration, but people fleeing poverty are unprotected under international law. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trio are believed to have crossed the border into nearby Venezuela as soon as they shook off a heavy police escort that protected them on the journey from prison to the outskirts of Bogota.
  • This whole area used to be Henry VIII's hunting chase, a protected patch of lush woodland to the north of the capital.
  • The gateway was equipped with a portcullis, but it was raised and the entry was protected only by a light, almost ornamental iron lattice.
  • But the fruit's clusters of arils - or seeds surrounded by a juicy sac - are protected by sections of white, pithy membrane.
  • Surviving populations at Big Bend, which live in a single, protected pool, descend from three gambusias rescued from the declining population in 1956.
  • Warrantless searches in those situations are statutorily protected under s.
  • She's protected Michelle's father's identity for all these years, so she's quite capable of protecting Michelle.
  • The defense argued that the question of weapons testing was not judiciable and that testing, like war, was in fact protected by the constitution. ArchivesBlogs
  • I am told that a less pungent way to deter cats is to spray a solution of eucalyptus oil around the area to be protected. Times, Sunday Times
  • The employee is protected from coercion by the employer because of other employers for whom he can work and so on.
  • Only a thin metal wall protected her from the winter's third snowfall.
  • If anybody from google is reading this post please ask blude dart to use more protected envelops for our check payments. From blues to blooms with Blue Dart

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