[ US /ˈpɹɑspɝəs/ ]
[ UK /pɹˈɒspəɹəs/ ]
  1. in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
    they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards
    his family is well-situated financially
    easy living
    well-to-do members of the community
    a prosperous family
  2. presaging or likely to bring good luck or a good outcome
    a favorable time to ask for a raise
    lucky stars
    a prosperous moment to make a decision
  3. marked by peace and prosperity
    the halcyon days of the clipper trade
    a golden era
  4. very lively and profitable
    a palmy time for stockbrokers
    flourishing businesses
    did a thriving business in orchids
    a prosperous new business
    a thriving tourist center
    doing a roaring trade
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How To Use prosperous In A Sentence

  • Our ambition is to build a prosperous, inclusive and outward-looking country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The relationship with her mother, Zippora, née Assur, the daughter of a prosperous merchant family, who had never attended school, became more and more difficult. Fanny Lewald.
  • The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.
  • This is just a short note to wish you all a very successful, productive and prosperous New Year.
  • I remind the Minister that Gateshead is far from being one of Britain's most prosperous towns.
  • Behind Luff has soccer association president after all the tribulus prosperous uneven standard support.
  • Their city, known as the `Athens of the Midwest," was civic-minded, proud, and increasingly prosperous. ISAAC CAMPION
  • The inscription above the arch, "To a happy and prosperous entrance," seemed a mockery in the old douanier days, when delays and extortions vexed the soul of the visitor, and produced a mood anything but favourable to the enjoyment of the Eternal City. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • Rising waters would uproot prosperous farmers from the fertile riverbanks, forcing an estimated 100,000 people to move to higher ground where they could no longer plant corn and wheat.
  • Rather a major problem is that the financial gap between the prosperous and poorer classes has been widening.
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