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How To Use Prospective In A Sentence

  • Companies need to be able to handle surges, otherwise the cost of generating leads is wasted and prospective customers who cannot get through may get such a bad impression of the company that they do not bother calling back.
  • The stiff entrance examination removes 60 per cent of prospective students.
  • Additional prospective, longitudinal research is needed to further elucidate the experiences and outcomes associated with lung transplantation.
  • Parents and prospective students should take note. Times, Sunday Times
  • Be cautious: many busy prospective employers are turned off by unsolicited phone calls.
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  • The prospective employer should contact the state board of nursing for issues previously reported.
  • But again, if the subject is sensitive, the colloquy among the attorneys, prospective jurors, and judge can be held privately at the bench.
  • Perceptual displacement of cues modulated performance of the prospective component but not the retrospective component.
  • First to appear is one of the counsellors who answers the phone when prospective patients initially call. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result, Sheffield health chiefs are planning to ask the next two to three years' intake of prospective students to get vaccinated.
  • You have to take a look at the nature of your prospective employer. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • Any synergy realisations were prospective and speculative. Even then, it valued the shares at between 247-266 pence per share.
  • These encouraging results in pilot studies required confirmation in prospective and randomised trials.
  • The prospective new members are already in the church building. Christianity Today
  • Of special interest were the multi-media packages, which business executives could use to make product and service presentations to clients and prospective customers.
  • Council discussed the prospective sales during budget deliberations this month.
  • But when she is exiled to the cabin of her prospective husband, her senses as well as her principles revolt.
  • She is respectful of individual†™ s personal timetables and idiosyncrasies and always seeks to bring the best out in everyone. acknowledges other†™ s gifts and talents. master brainstormer, always suggesting possible fundraisers and prospective corporate or community partners. adept at seeking out possible grants and competently applying for them with great success. First Book Blog
  • Vol. 373 No. 9680 pp 2027-2033, "Incidence trends for childhood type 1 diabetes in Europe during 1989-2003 and predicted new cases, 2005-2020: a multicentre prospective registration study. This is diabetes awareness month - Is type 1 in US and European children also increasing?
  • Coleridge was thus for him the latest in a line of prospective English prosodic proselytes.
  • News of the fatal attack has prompted enquiries from prospective owners to kennels that raise the dogs, which were originally bred from cattle dogs, mastiffs and bulldogs brought to the Canary Islands by British settlers.
  • By being honest and trustworthy, you are marketing yourself to prospective customers.
  • Otherwise, the prospective aerial photographer must construct the carrier using alloy strip or channel.
  • Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming.
  • Jahdo decided that as prospective brothers-in-law went, Demet had a lot to recommend him. A TIME OF WAR
  • We aim to make sure that the cottage is in tip-top condition for any prospective purchasers having it surveyed.
  • Regarding any possible future disclosure of the applicant's caution data, there now existed a statutory framework in place for disclosure of criminal record information to prospective employers. Times, Sunday Times
  • When they started working on the case, not only did they find clear-cut Batson violations—a former prosecutor who worked in the DA’s office around the time of Bo’s trial would later testify that the philosophy of his office was, in his own words, “that prospective black jurors at that time were antipolice, antiestablishment, and should not be left on juries”—but they also turned up significant evidence that Bo was innocent of murder. Living Justice
  • And the main advantage is that a prospective reader can browse through endless tomes by unknown authors in their own home.
  • Prospective trust board members will be selected on merit related to the skills they possess and the skills necessary to manage this reserve.
  • What would be wrong in having pulchritudinous young lovelies – cheerleaders doing splits and routines for all the waiting prospectives? Matthew Yglesias » Nomination Follies
  • Areas such as Cambay basin, Krishna-Godavari basin and Assam-Arakan basin are considered as most prospective areas for shale gas exploration, Srivastava said. Daily News & Analysis
  • And with few exceptions, she always included at least two or three people from her list of prospective new members. Christianity Today
  • Free one-day taster courses run throughout the year to give prospective students an idea of what studying at Northumbria would be like. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.
  • The downbeat assessment contrasts with consumers' positive views about their prospective own situations, which improved by two points compared with a year ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recently she appeared to be showing prospective buyers around the house dressed in a night dress and dressing gown. Times, Sunday Times
  • A social worker is appointed to interview the prospective adopters.
  • Despite the pardon, this former elite-level hockey coach would still have his name flagged on the Canadian Police Information Centre database by a prospective employer if he applied to work at a summer camp, The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • At the same time his subdued speaking style has left some prospective voters distinctly underwhelmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Requiring drug tests of this discrete group of citizens is an intrusion, a humiliation and a subtle deterrent to prospective candidates.
  • Of course adoption services must give the full facts to prospective parents.
  • In practice, prospective partners would be foolish to ignore the interests of either institution.
  • A prospective study would also be useful in assessing the intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors at play in short track speed skating.
  • The prospective memory cues occurred in 12 trials out of the total 112 trials.
  • Incidentally I wasn't serious when I suggested we and our friends might cross North Dakota off our list of prospective holiday destinations this summer.
  • Growing roses as an herb means the prospective rosarian must also be concerned with selecting roses less susceptible to pests and diseases, thereby reducing the need for pesticides in and around other herbs.
  • Though, as we discuss below, this provision has been modified, the nationalistic sentiment was clearly registered by prospective buyers.
  • Ideally, research on this question should be conducted prospectively to reduce measurement error in reporting of such meaningful experiences.
  • But the price is underpinned by a solid 3.6 per cent prospective dividend yield and reasonable growth prospects. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every prospective AW author must submit a proposal form that asks them to describe the target market, how useful the book will be to others, and how they envision promoting it.
  • The good news for any prospective developer is that prices are more affordable than you might think.
  • The rah-rah atmosphere seems particularly strange given that, according to employees, the bulk of prospective donors are elderly.
  • The study concludes that things are looking up for renters and prospective renters in the Waterloo area.
  • While 24 agencies made specific reference to one or more possibly disqualifying attributes of prospective adopters, only 10 listed positive qualities they look for in assessing potential parents.
  • Voters may look back on an incumbent's performance in office, and cast a retrospective vote, or may compare what the candidates promise to do if elected to office, and vote prospectively.
  • Officers of the Government exercising functions which are pertinent to the responsibilities of the Small Defense Plants Administration shall facilitate the discharge of those responsibilities by keeping the Small Defense Plants Administrator currently informed with respect to the exercise of such functions, including prospective actions, and by providing for participation in deliberations affecting small businesses by representatives of the Small Defense Plants Administration. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10323
  • Of the three remaining, two used prospective cohort designs and the other a retrospective cohort design.
  • Good evening ladies and gentlemen, good evening kids of all ages, good evening my exwives and my wife and prospective wives, good evening some of my own children out there in the audience, good evening my lawyer, my agent, my accountant, good evening my recordlabel execs, good evening my podiatrist (who just last Thursday she told me that my onychauxis it had developed into onychogryphosis, had a professional trim my nails) .... Experimental Fiction
  • Prospective buyers in those counties should have the position over crofting clarified by their solicitor before proceeding. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are important contributors to the service delivery promised by the school to current and prospective pupils and parents.
  • There are a legion of them, a scattering of businessmen and prospective students, but mostly teachers and principals, professors and university officials.
  • For prospective suitors keen to expand in Europe's largest economy, however, Commerz is sized just about right.
  • In every case the prospective mother's happiness or well-being has been put at stake by unplanned pregnancy.
  • Gould would also have angled for contacts who might help him with his prospective expedition.
  • John Taylor became one of the best known prospective parliamentary candidates when some local tories objected to his selection.
  • All prospective students are to be accompanied by a parent/guardian and have all relevant enrolment forms completed.
  • The language that Silver uses to quell a prospective mutiny sums up much. Times, Sunday Times
  • One way to catch the attention of a prospective employer is to secure a work placement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The latest crime figures are likely to put off prospective visitors to the city.
  • The notice outlines roughly the requirements that prospective buyers are expected to meet.
  • He prints out a detailed call list of prospective employers to take with him, squeezing in phone conversations during breaks throughout the day from his pickup truck, which he calls his "office.
  • After being indicted, he pulled together lists of prospective jurors in his case, then a list of the 14 people empaneled to hear his case.
  • A prospective study of serum DDT and progesterone and estrogen levels across menstrual cycle in nulliparous women of reproductive age. Modern environmental health hazards
  • They worry that paying donors will discourage altruistic people from signing up, possibly leading to an overall decline in prospective donors. Lawsuit urges payment for bone marrow donors
  • When he retired he wrote a book on medical science for lay people and prospective doctors.
  • Winston Jones, making his first appearance in South Bradford as prospective parliamentary candidate for the division, was introduced to the new branch.
  • The next day I called his prospective school and talked to the principal. If Schools Could Pick Their Students...
  • These representatives of companies travelled round the country displaying samples to prospective customers and taking orders.
  • The language that Silver uses to quell a prospective mutiny sums up much. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amongst the conditions of sale is proof by prospective purchasers of the availability of funds.
  • Title: Xanthelasmata, arcus corneae, and ischaemic vascular disease and death in general population: prospective cohort study To Keep Hearing Young, Play an Instrument
  • The attorneys approached the bench, assorted papers were passed around, and the prospective members of the jury were led in.
  • The bank recently sent teasers to prospective suitors. Times, Sunday Times
  • And with few exceptions, she always included at least two or three people from her list of prospective new members. Christianity Today
  • Both Jensen and McFadyen stated fears that fees will rise, making post-secondary education inaccessible to many prospective students.
  • He was forced to entrust an assistant with the important task of testing and demonstrating aircraft to prospective customers.
  • It is a forgone conclusion that Netanyahu's preconditions -- Palestinian recognition of Israel as a "Jewish state," "demilitarization" of the prospective Palestinian less-than-a-sovereign state and preserving Israel 's illegitimate "right" to expand its illegal colonial Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories -- will fare worse than Sharon 's conditions. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • This study lacked objective or prospective data and was biased by the exclusion from the controls of people with irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Formed in 1997, the Railroad's ‘event production herstory,’ according to the Basics Booklet given prospective members, lists twelve events.
  • Most prospective cohort studies and randomised controlled trials today include only individuals who are followed to observe outcomes.
  • He has already admitted being eager to impress individuals who he thought were prospective employers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prospective PC will be the miniature circuit in embedded possessory cerebra.
  • In 1962, in Sir David's final year at university, he was adopted as prospective parliamentary candidate for the Pentlands.
  • Ride improves the likelihood that prospective Sailors will begin their Navy careers in the right rating for them.
  • CIVIX counterclaimed for false advertising, tortious interference with prospective economic advantage, and breach of contract/breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Take the prospective licensing of research on ‘human admixed embryos’, composed of both human and animal material. John Rentoul today puts Trevor Kavanagh and myself in the...
  • For that, many prospective VG passengers have already begun training in a suburban Philadelphia complex and aboard a specially modified Boeing 727-200 jetliner, known as G-Force One.
  • Many an hour could be whiled away here, eating, drinking, surfing the net, listening to music and chatting up a prospective date.
  • Follow up work will focus on assessment of priority kimberlite targets and additional evaluation of the most prospective of the lamprophyre breccias. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • He and I used to interview prospective students. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result, these men will become the prospective bridegrooms for ladies of the West!
  • The prospective business partners suddenly vanished without trace. Times, Sunday Times
  • The instructor also saw them, and registered them as prospective students.
  • It is sending out non-disclosure agreements to prospective buyers this week. Times, Sunday Times
  • The latest crime figures are likely to put off prospective visitors to the city.
  • The only way they can market their products is to produce literature detailed enough to convince the prospective buyer.
  • Recently she appeared to be showing prospective buyers around the house dressed in a night dress and dressing gown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Would it be normal or standard for most prospective tenants, when they put their names forward to be checked?
  • But right now he's at the centre of a prospective bid battle that carries eerie echoes from his past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither should we neglect training prospective officers with the help of simulators, for which purpose appropriate funds and materiel ought to be allocated.
  • The notion that a young person entering an apprenticeship or traineeship can bargain equally with a prospective employer is laughable.
  • FRISCO - A prospective home owner's meeting will be hosted today for the new Peak One attainable-housing neighborhood in Frisco. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • Had she therefore known that I was the prospective buyer, she may not have chosen to sell the bar to me, or she could have significantly increased her asking price to make it prohibitive for me to make the purchase.
  • The prospective corpse was not "heeled," as he was not in any feud just then, and was not expecting trouble, but he knew that he would have to act, and quickly, by his wits, or he would be shot, and he turned on the fellow and said carelessly: Documenting the American South: The Southern Experience in 19-th Century America
  • UK Coal admitted some equipment had been taken to some of its other pits but said the colliery would be sold to any prospective bidder.
  • The nosological status of neurotic depression: A prospective three to four year follow-up examination in light of the primary-secondary and unipolar-bipolar dichotomies. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • To maintain a high quality exploration portfolio focusing on core business areas and under-explored prospective basins.
  • But it provided a conversation piece when the estate agent and prospective buyers came round.
  • They badmouth and criticize their current or past employers and justify their own convictions, thinking that a prospective employer is going to identify with them.
  • Study on the progressive aspect of English verbs from cognitive prospective can be analyzed from direct situation and indirect situation.
  • The bank found other prospective suitors, which ultimately jacked up the price.
  • Likewise, what employer will risk taking a punt on a prospective employee with criminal convictions for racist activities?
  • The bank recently sent teasers to prospective suitors. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also worthwhile attending to scuffs and other marks that you have grown used to living with over the years, as these may be the little things that may put off prospective buyers.
  • Another new feature allows prospective students to type their interests into a search engine that responds with related college programs.
  • Thus the results showed limitation in term of prospective ability , randomization, comparability and creditability.
  • Prospective mineral developers should acquaint themselves with the appropriate development plans.
  • TMZ obtained the juror questionnaires - filled out by all of the prospective jurors before they were empanelled on the jury to determine the fate of the man accused of murdering her family.
  • And retaining a small threshold offers at least some incentive for prospective investors to spend the hours leafing through the company's financials and gaining a more thorough understanding of the business.
  • What should hearten prospective deal makers is how the stock market has reacted to the transactions: It has loved them. Investors Warm to Big Deals
  • A single blinded, randomized, controlled, prospective study was performed at St. Paul's Sinus Center, Vancouver, a tertiary referral rhinology center.
  • Prospective contestants take initiative not by worming into almanacs, but by pressing iron-ons to their clothing, making sweatshirts that read ‘I Love U Bob!’
  • The prospective bridegroom is a silly ass, the best man is a cad and the escort is a bore - so much for the men.
  • Normally a prospective member needs to be supported by four existing members to be considered. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a country where it is illegal to organize many types of public meetings, fans formed booster clubs and canvassed malls to court prospective voters.
  • He was forced to entrust an assistant with the important task of testing and demonstrating aircraft to prospective customers.
  • If your job was important, the leaders would investigate the background and performance of your prospective mate.
  • It is perhaps not surprising that one in four families who put themselves forward as prospective adopters are told their services are not required. Times, Sunday Times
  • She knew that they were talking about that old trouble, and Nahum Beals's voice of high wrath made her shrink; but, after all, she was removed from it all that night into a little prospective paradise of her own, which, as is the case in childhood, seemed to overgild her own future and all the troubles of the world. The Portion of Labor
  • The prospective franchisor also has to factor in upfront costs such as promotion - each commits to a certain annual spend advertising the business - and legal fees.
  • Few would argue that rarely do prospective champions have one such glaring weakness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fuel pressure overcomes the spring tension in the poppet valve, forcing it from its ball and seat, injecting fuel into the prospective cylinder.
  • Participating banks also agreed to accept Mexican and Guatemalan consular IDs from prospective customers, which drew in the city's Latino population.
  • But the price is underpinned by a solid 3.6 per cent prospective dividend yield and reasonable growth prospects. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rooms remain unpainted and unused but provide a clean palette for prospective buyers.
  • Prospective examples include kernels common to all members of a given phylum or superphylum. The Edge of Evolution
  • New Guidelines from the AHA on prevention of Infective Endocarditis Extensively analysis of literature on procedure-related bacteriemia and infective endocarditis, results of profilactic studies in animals, and retrospective and prospective studies of the prevention of infective endocarditis. Random feeds from
  • Clearly, the legislation is prospective, and in future that will be quite possible.
  • Potential buyers work through a real-estate broker who arranges for viewing prospective homes before the auction.
  • The prospective bride must fulfill certain requirements, other than being beautiful, charming, talented and educated.
  • But a copy of the 123-page document obtained by The Wall Street Journal emphasizes the importance of giving certain prospective co-pilots flight-time "credits" for academic and other relevant experience. FAA Mulls Proposals for Pilot Qualifications
  • From our e-learning prospective, I think there will be a dramatic change in terms of the competitive landscape.
  • Question 8 Your prospective tenant is dithering about whether to sign up for a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The efficacy and tolerability of a butterbur root extract (Petadolex [R]) for the treatment of asthma was analyzed in a prospective, nonrandomized, open trial.
  • The prospect of a legal challenge to the Bluestone planning decision is proving a barrier in the minds of prospective job applicants.
  • He said the trust interviews all prospective candidates who apply to live at the almshouses.
  • After full discussion, interim Draft Aide Memoire of Hefei Urban Environment Improvement Project TA Review Mission has finished. The meeting had prospective purpose.
  • Student support services are essential to help enhance the success of prospective teachers.
  • The prospective business partners suddenly vanished without trace. Times, Sunday Times
  • I came to think about these words and dig up their etymologies after visiting prospective colleges with my daughter.
  • Experience shows that investing in gambling and casino companies is itself risky, and the prospective multiple is a healthy 29.
  • The RICS said the fall in its balance in May was driven by a rise in the number of prospective sellers on the market, coinciding with a modest drop in people looking to buy. U.K. House Prices Fall, Sellers Abound
  • prospective earnings
  • Prospective buyers can't view the car before making a pitch, but full documentation proving the car's provenance and service history are promised.
  • Professors at small- to mid-size colleges and universities regularly teach a variety of introductory and upper-division courses, in addition to working with advisees, meeting with prospective students and their families, attending faculty and committee meetings, serving in off-campus organizations, and, yes, attempting to remain engaged with one's field and the broader academic community. The Teaching vs. Research Debate at Our Universities
  • This them to reduce interpersonal conflict, focus prospective study found that graduates who on substantive issues, think strategically, and practiced the TM technique advanced to design and implement a new program of levels of maturity that are generally rare in the quality management. population, compared to three control groups This case suggests that management teams matched for gender and age over the same engaged in implementing complex time period, as measured on a standard management systems such as TQM would instrument of development. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The prospective study, however, indicated a clear cut association between pseudomelanosis coli and colorectal tumours in man.
  • Prospective randomized study of X-ray pelvimetry in the primigravida. 7. REFERENCES
  • A prospective UK cohort study found no difference in the prevalence of amblyopia between children who had been offered primary orthoptic screening at 3 years and children offered only surveillance by a health visitor.
  • For many Western European countries, the shortfall of prospective taxes to benefits, the result of demographics, is greater in present value terms than the total value of government bonds outstanding in each country. Aging Europe, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming.
  • One of the prospective tenants was Clarke Romans, who wanted to locate a micro-brewery in a secondary building on the property.
  • One prospective study in the literature adds support to the hypothesis that discrimination affects psychological health.
  • This will matter not a jot to many prospective buyers as few are pressed into service as family cars.
  • The project aims to provide tilapia and catfish fingerlings to prospective fish farmers.
  • A prospective study of dairy foods intake and anovulatory infertility. Lactose Not Associated with Fertility
  • The study was a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial in healthy volunteers.
  • So merely giving an argument with premises a sophisticate accepts is not sufficient for providing a defeater; the premises must also be such that once I see the conflict, rationality requires that I give up the prospective defeatee rather than the premises. Warranted Christian Belief
  • In a prospective study of 59 patients undergoing cardiac surgery, the amplitude and area of diaphragmatic evoked potentials were more sensitive than latency in detecting phrenic nerve paresis.
  • The maulana criticised the new Haj guideline and called it contrary to the interests of prospective Hajis.
  • For prospective customers who find the amount of choice to be overwhelming, the site will offer seven ready-made lists of songs associated with specific characters.
  • This prospective study enrolled ambulatory patients 65 years and older.
  • I think it's fair to say that it's the stump speech in his prospective campaign for Norm Coleman's senate seat in 2008.
  • Formula One's top four teams have called a summit meeting next week with the prospective takeover of the sport top of their agenda. Times, Sunday Times
  • A host of mistakes and surprises undermined the schemes: the restrictions on alleged "overfunding" introduced by Lord Nigel Lawson; tighter regulation, in response to injustices and scandals; errors by actuaries in forecasting life expectancy and prospective returns at the peak of the stock market bubble; and declining interest rates. Gordon Brown Admits He Was Wrong...Sort Of
  • Journals which publish the date of receipt and final revision under articles at least let the prospective author estimate the likely delay.
  • Abele also will provide prospective buyers with e-mail updates of new listings that meet their criteria.
  • Prospective buyers should study the small ads in the daily newspaper.
  • When the tenants vacated it, there was no interest from prospective tenants.
  • But it is not only prospective customers who are tapping these sites.
  • A dog that appears to have a double nose is struggling to find a home after being overlooked by sniffy prospective owners. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's fixed up and polished till it proudly gleams again and catches the eye of yet another prospective owner.
  • Prospective climate forecasted climate investigator forecast phenomenon of large - scale 1997 ell Ni Nuo successfully.
  • She tells prospective romantic partners she is polyamorous.
  • Although prospective in design these studies have methodological flaws.
  • In his questioning of Osterhaus, Shepherd asked whether DCF had a means to determine whether prospective adoptive parents are susceptible to mental illness, drug abuse or domestic violence -- or whether such risks were '' unascertainable. '' Family Court
  • This paper illustrates good prospective to seek gas hydrate in the Continental Slope and Okinawa Trough in the East China Sea, according to the research of 2D seismic profiles surveyed by our bureau.
  • Study on the progressive aspect of English verbs from cognitive prospective can be analyzed from direct situation and indirect situation.
  • The Congregation itself is being more selective and encouraging prospective candidates to complete their school education.

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