How To Use Prosody In A Sentence

  • Edgar Allan Poe, I am fond of believing, earned as a critic a good deal of the excess of praise that he gets as a romancer and a poet, and another over-estimated American dithyrambist, Sidney Lanier, wrote the best textbook of prosody in English; [31] but in general the critical writing done in the United States has been of a low order, and most A Book of Prefaces
  • The distich caused discussion regarding the quantity of "hic", but the pope defended the prosody of Voltaire who confirmed his opinion by a quotation from Virgil which he said ought to be the epitaph of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The second edition of 1575 tops this up with, among other things, the first treatise on prosody in English.
  • The results suggest the right side of the brain is important for processing emotional tone, or prosody, while the left side is important for processing emotional meaning, or semantics.
  • Verse such as this would permit of every rhythmical variation known in English prosody, and through the appeal of its rhythm would offer the dramatist opportunities for emotional effect that prose would not allow him; but at the same time it could be spoken with entire naturalness by actors as ultra-modern as Mme. Nazimova. The Theory of the Theatre
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  • The prosody of the language is very euphonic, and for the first week of classes (an hour every day), we recited what we thought was a prayer but turned out to be the paradigm of the verb “to go”. F is for First Lessons « An A-Z of ELT
  • He cared deeply about Greek and Latin history and mythology and possessed a comprehensive knowledge of the prose, poetry and prosody of the eighteenth century.
  • To be consistent, a tutor should take the same proleptical course with regard to the prosody of the Latin language: every Latin hyperdissyllable is manifestly accentuated according to the following law: if the penultimate be long, that syllable inevitably claims the accent; if short, inevitably it rejects it -- _i.e. _ gives it to the ante-penultimate. The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey—Vol. 1 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
  • However, an added bonus is that, even while dismissing Classical, or quantitative, prosody “English verse is so powerfully accentual and our ears are so habituated to its accents that quantitative prosody seems quite foreign to us.”156, they are able to support its study: THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
  • Here the English long and short syllables -- as far as "long" and "short" can be definitely distinguished in English -- correspond precisely to the rules of Roman prosody. A Study of Poetry
  • For this application syntactic processing is required to determine exactly where in the output to correctly specify prosody.
  • He believed that jazz was the essential American art form, and that no-one before him had seen the true potential of jazz prose or bop prosody.
  • Chinese prosody is a very difficult thing for an Occidental to understand. Fir-Flower Tablets: Poems Translated From the Chinese
  • Consequently, we need to scrutinize next the role of prosody, as well as the role of the word, syllable, and phonotactic nature of children's speech.
  • Sometimes his structures would be clear in a spoken form, but strain the capacities of punctuation in the absence of prosody.
  • The argument in favor of hexameter is thus analogous to Coleridge's endeavor to free himself from syllabic prosody in Christabel.
  • What Pound did in this text was to construct a Well-Tempered Prosody to exercise his mastery of metrics and diction.
  • Transcribed excerpts of the lyrics will be analyzed with respect to phonetics, phonology, morpho-syntax, prosody, and lexis.
  • But what I liked about ‘isotropic rigmarole’ was its prosody, anyhow.
  • It is therefore quite difficult to separate the prosody of the language from that of the song.
  • Latin hymnody and hymnography, appealing to the popular ear and heart, had gradually substituted accent for quantity in verse; for the common people could never be moved by a Christian song in the prosody of the classics. The Story of the Hymns and Tunes
  • But announcing the discovery of prosody (she was actually talking mainly about sentence intonation, not other prosodic features) seems a bit much.
  • It's said that way, with the local accent and prosody.
  • English prosody is regular and veiled, its natural beauties all melancholy; the clouds have shaped its hues, and the sound of waves its modulations. Selections from _Corinne_
  • The final duple arrangement is ‘Classical Prosody’ and ‘Prosody and Period’ -- the latter worth the price of admission by itself. THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
  • Consequently, we need to scrutinize next the role of prosody, as well as the role of the word, syllable, and phonotactic nature of children's speech.
  • Yet it remains clear that for the objectives sketched in the article, even much more extensive and sophisticated models of signifiers than those elaborated in structural phonology (intonation, graphology and graphetics, prosody, etc.) would still fail to provide any meaningful semantic coherence and unity.
  • Even when it is concerned with poems written in fixed verse forms, it pays no attention to prosody, discussing the texts in question as if they were, in fact, written in prose.
  • One empirical focus of her work has been the morphophonemics and prosody of Japanese.
  • It seems like this whole discussion thread needs a lesson in prosody, mainly because everyone is getting them wrong. Barack’s Prosody Problem: A Guest Post - Freakonomics Blog -
  • But to go on from this, as Dr Guest and some of his followers have done, to the subjection of the whole invaluable vocabulary of classical prosody to a sort of _præmunire_, to hold up the hands in horror at the very name of a tribrach, and exhibit symptoms of catalepsy at the word catalectic -- to ransack the dictionary for unnatural words or uses of words like "catch," and "stop," and The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • Prosody in linguistics refers to the study of intonation, tone, and stress in language.
  • Miss Prosody, quite genial and urbane after luncheon, was deep in consultation with the boatman as to the locality of certain ferns she proposed spudding up for her pet rockery at "The Maples," where her lighter hours were diurnally spent in washing and tending her spoils. Bluebell A Novel
  • SPONDEE, a classical prosody a foot of two long syllables; in English prosody a foot of two 'long' or accented or stressed words or syllables, The Principles of English Versification
  • My ‘form group’ of writers had continued to meet and I regularly discussed prosody with a friend and poet who writes consistently and beautifully using given forms.
  • Earlier British attempts to adopt the meter, such as that of Sir Philip Sidney, failed only because they clung to the quantitative system of classical prosody.
  • The mother's spoken responses, which at first convey to the baby only feelings - the shared affective language of posture and prosody - begin to carry specific semantic content.
  • Unfortunately, however high his standards of prosody and musical composition, he has relaxed his standards about the stuff he chooses to ornament.
  • Judges rated the atypicality of the prosody in samples of conversation from participants in each of the three groups.
  • And then, I felt harassed teaching a seminar in prosody — teaching form — at the graduate school level to unwilling, even surly students who were only taking it because they needed the credit. The Art of Living
  • But, however brilliant the translators' work may be, obviously it is not ideal; the composers' prosody must necessarily suffer, and the character of the opera change.
  • ELISION, the omission or crowding out of unstressed words or unaccented syllables to make the metre smoother; a term belonging to classical prosody and inappropriate in English prosody except where syllable-counting verse is concerned. The Principles of English Versification
  • Full-sailed, wide-winged, poised softly forever asway" is irregular according to the foot-rule of traditional prosody, when it is probable, as Mr.C. E. Russell maintains, that Swinburne was here composing in purely musical and not prosodical rhythm? A Study of Poetry
  • But irregularity is even more prominent in Wordsworth's prosody. 'Put to the Blush': Romantic Irregularities and Sapphic Tropes
  • Let us apply these facts to some of the more simple of the vexed questions of prosody, No one disputes the universality of the rhythmizing impulse; the quarrel begins as soon as any prosodist attempts to dogmatize about the nature and measurement of those flowing time-intervals whose arrangement we call rhythm. A Study of Poetry
  • By good luck I heard that a former professor of mine was about to teach a course in prosody - the study of poetic metre, rhyme and stanza.
  • The development of an appropriate poetic line is one of the most enduring interests and concerns of prosody.
  • Further ventures into prosody and theory I leave until senior classes.
  • Traditional prosody describes the rhythm of poetry as the meaningful counterpoint of speech pattern against a fixed abstract meter.
  • My emphasis is upon ‘how it's made ’, what poetic ‘tricks of the trade’ can be found in the poems in terms of dramatic situation, lines, image, prosody, voice, and so on.
  • Verse would have clothed it in the qualifications of prosody.
  • If prosody modulates word valence during memory encoding or consolidation, memory for prosody should be irrelevant and hence may not correlate with the word valence effect. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • First, with respect to prosody, he believes that the syllable count of poetic lines, strophes, stanzas, and poems was essential to the writing of biblical poetry.
  • The ultimate goal is to articulate, provisionally, a new theoretical and historical contextualization of early modern prosody.
  • In these each aspirant's contribution was judged, in conformity with strict, somewhat pedantic rules, on his song's sacred content: its prosody, its rhyme, and its melody.
  • Apraxia of speech is a term frequently used by speech pathologists to designate an impairment in the voluntary production of articulation and prosody (the rhythm and timing) of speech.
  • Its many polymorphous delights include its being a casebook of prosody, but its real achievement is its musically endgame equipoise and its intelligent, credible wisdom.
  • In which case, the difference between Japanese and Dutch prosody might be intrinsically more learnable for a large class of abstract learning systems than is the difference between the reverse of these languages.
  • The original Rubaiyat (as, missing an Arabic guttural, these tetrastichs are more musically called) are independent stanzas, consisting each of four lines of equal, though varied, prosody; sometimes all rhyming, but oftener (as here imitated) the third line a blank.
  • But like Hopkins, Lin wants almost every syllable to pop in some way, and he pushes the line across the page quickly, impatiently, challenging the ear to assimilate its bounding prosody.
  • Sidney expressed indifference to prosody: "... the greatest part of poets have appareled their poetical inventions in that numbrous kind of writing which is called verse."
  • In addition to grammar in the sense we know the study to-day, grammar in the old Roman and mediaeval mind also included much of what we know as the analytical side of the study of literature, such as comparison, analysis, versification, prosody, word formations, figures of speech, and vocal expression (R. 76). The History of Education; educational practice and progress considered as a phase of the development and spread of western civilization
  • In either case, however, the word valence effect would depend on and therefore correlate with the participants 'memory for prosody. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Participants were informed about the word valence rating and the prosody memory task only when commencing the respective test block in the actual experiment. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Transcribed excerpts of the lyrics will be analyzed with respect to phonetics, phonology, morpho-syntax, prosody, and lexis.
  • By contrast, Chapter 6 uses the prosody of classical Greek poetry to illuminate the Seventh Symphony.
  • His prosody is based upon the numbers five and seven, a Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan
  • Yet you also stress the importance of forms and prosody in polishing and revising poetry.
  • The fundamental importance of prosody in relation to human speech and song, where the timing of stress within a word can determine its linguistic function as noun or verb, is well expressed in ‘office psalmody’.
  • It has to be a lexis shaped by the influence appropriate in the context and situation, the proper morphology, word order or prosody etc. L is for (Michael) Lewis « An A-Z of ELT
  • This well-known Arabist not only assisted me in passing the whole work through the press he also added a valuable treatise on Arabic Prosody (x. 233-258) with indexes of various kinds, and finally he supervised the MSS. of the Supplemental volumes and enriched the last three, which were translated under peculiar difficulties in analphabetic lands, with the results of his wide reading and lexicographical experience. Arabian nights. English
  • Finally, this Sunday strip has no connection to syntax or prosody, but does highlight the inadequacy of modern lexicography.
  • There is no song without prosody, no prosody without song.
  • While the revival of form and narrative among young literary poets could be dismissed by critical tastemakers as benighted antiquarianism and intellectual pretension," Gioia writes, "its universal adoption as the prosody-of-choice by disenfranchised urban blacks. . .is impossible to dismiss in such simplistic ideological terms. Is Rap Poetry?
  • Future research could address this issue by using the same stimuli in a word valence task and a prosody memory task but separating them by several days. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Classical prosody distinguished several other feet, some of which are occasionally mentioned in treatises on English verse: amphibrach ◡ _ ◡, tribrach ◡ ◡ ◡, pyrrhic ◡ ◡, paeon _ ◡ ◡ ◡, choriamb _ ◡ ◡ _. The Principles of English Versification
  • Do you think it is possible, or desirable, to identify a specifically female language or prosody?
  • The prosody prediction is to estimate the intonation, rhythm, stress placement and timing.
  • Six main categories of deep-structure marker are identified:word order, lexical item, grammatical structure, prosody, punctuation and conjunction.
  • These are all valuable reasons to explore and experiment using not just classical prosody but even, if a free verser, the stanzaic forms set out earlier. THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
  • QUANTITY, the length of a syllable; established by convention in classical prosody; in English prosody very uncertain but always present. The Principles of English Versification
  • Her diction, her art of prosody, the amorous passion that he brings into her troubling singing make up for her hard and rather metallic tone.
  • Not being, like Payne, a poet and a lord of language; and, as he admits, in his notes, not being an initiate in the methods of Arabic Prosody, Burton shirked the isometrical rendering of the verse. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • In the prosody of the postmodern lyric sentence, the prose aspect is heightened as a continuer, the verse aspect lessened as a retarder.
  • Evaluations of prosody, of course, are a slippery undertaking, and it certainly bears pointing out that the ‘authoritative’ decipherings of a computer still leave much open to interpretation.
  • While most sonnets conform to the usual rules of prosody, with their decasyllables and 14 rhymed lines, there are exceptions throughout the set.
  • First, with respect to prosody, he believes that the syllable count of poetic lines, strophes, stanzas, and poems was essential to the writing of biblical poetry.
  • a spondee from a tribrach they vapour about prosody, of which they know nothing, and imagine to be new what antedates the Upanishads. Shandygaff
  • In 1938 he was the subject of an offensive caricature in Samuel Beckett's Murphy, where his experiments with Gaelic prosody and his sexual repression are mocked in the figure of Austin Ticklepenny.
  • Finally, this Sunday strip has no connection to syntax or prosody, but does highlight the inadequacy of modern lexicography.
  • What makes this (I think misnamed) book worthwhile is that it is, in fact, a very good introduction to English prosody, to the rules of versification, metre, rhyme, and so on, as they apply to more traditional poetry.
  • In other words, without a sense of the context I am obliged to provide here, if you want a fully textured morsel of that local flavor, you'll get nothing but my poor attempts at prosody.
  • Participants performed the word valence judgment on a different set of words than the prosody memory task. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Although older adults have greater difficulty than younger adults when the rate of speech is more rapid, use of prosody remains largely unaffected by age.
  • In his handling of the French octosyllable he at once displays that impatience of the rigidly syllabic system of prosody which Teutonic poetry of the best kind always shows sooner or later. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • In singing Spanish verses two facts are of especial interest: that, where the rules of prosody require synalepha, hiatus sometimes occurs (especially in opera), thus: Modern Spanish Lyrics
  • The argument in favor of hexameter is thus analogous to Coleridge's endeavor to free himself from syllabic prosody in Christabel.
  • Surviving journals, notebooks, and letters articulate his profound responsiveness to nature and beauty, his acumen as a literary critic and theorist of prosody, his playful wit and devoted friendliness.
  • The missing link is the prosody, the patterns of stress, inflection, and intonation in a language.
  • But to go on from this, as Dr Guest and some of his followers have done, to the subjection of the whole invaluable vocabulary of classical prosody to a sort of _præmunire_, to hold up the hands in horror at the very name of a tribrach, and exhibit symptoms of catalepsy at the word catalectic -- to ransack the dictionary for unnatural words or uses of words like "catch," and "stop," and The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • What made prosody a central concern for these thinkers (evidenced by the failed race to perfect quantitative prosody in English participated in by Spenser, Sidney and others)?
  • The editors begin their work with a detailed introduction to the collection's contents and also include a few pages of ‘the basic terms of prosody used in this book’.

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