How To Use Proselyte In A Sentence
At the extreme, the new economy proselyte promotes the Internet as the solution for everything from education and health care to pollution, inequality and world peace.
While Buddhism is not a religion that proselytes, it certainly has a sense of its own mission in spreading its message.
Then that race whose son carried the Savior's Cross, while the Semitic and Japhetic races united to crucify Him, will wear the Dispensational Crown; being also the race, which in the person of the Ethiopian eunuch, furnished the first convert of pure Gentile blood (through a Jewish proselyte) and who hastened to stretch out his hand to God, when Philip drew near to him; and even to ask himself for Christian Baptism.
Men of Maryland
The Briton forgetting his Defoe, [Footnote: The True-born Englishman.] the Jew forgetting the very word proselyte, the German forgetting his anthropometric variations, and the Italian forgetting everything, are obsessed by the singular purity of their blood, and the danger of contamination the mere continuance of other races involves.
A Modern Utopia
The mournful spectacle of a divided Christendom; of rival sects compassing land and sea to make proselytes; of the spiritual alienation of those who, in reality, belong to the one divine family; of waste and inefficiency in methods of evangelical effort; not to mention the error, pride, and worldliness inherent in the gigantic ecclesiastical systems known as denominational churches.
The Last Reformation

The governments of some countries forbid us to proselyte.
For these same proselytes, it meanwhile fulfilled the scriptural injunction of a temple service garment of utmost simplicity.
In Leviticus (a later text) ger has come to mean a "proselyte," i.e. one who has become a fellow Israelite and must therefore be given full benefit of the Law.
Love Which Neighbor?
More likely, they were Jews or Gentile proselytes who knew about the God of the Old Testament but not about Jesus, his death, his resurrection, and salvation through him.
I have found this in the case of Buddhism, which doesn't advocate proselytes, and somewhat in Judaism - which doesn't seek to convert either but many followers certainly have a great pride in it and wish to express this.
The fright with which Mr. Drim had retreated, gained no proselyte to his opinion; Mr. Girt, the perfumer, asserted, significantly, they were only idle travellers, of light character; and Mr. Firl, when in dodging them, he saw they went into a bathing room, offered to double his wager that it was to make some assortment of their spoil.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
It visited the sin of the fathers not only upon their biological children but also upon every single Jew, homeborn or proselyte.
God set them apart for himself, as a peculiar people, distinguished from, and dignified above, all other people (Num.xxiii. 9); but they were replenished from the east; they naturalized foreigners, not proselyted, and encouraged them to settle among them, and mingled with them, Hos. vii.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The artist of the printed Amsterdam Haggadah, a proselyte by the name of Abraham bar Jacob, based his image on an unrelated image from the well-known Icones Biblicae of the Swiss artist Matthaeus Merian, first published in 1630.
From either side of the Atlantic, two of the more influential proselytes of that degenerate old collectivist have chosen to re-iterate all the old myths once again.
They baptize a proselyte in such a confluence of waters as was fit for the washing of a menstruous woman.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
The word translated ye are come (here and at verse 18) in its noun form gives the English word "proselyte," suggestive perhaps of the move of the Hebrews from Judaism to Christ.
Our Man In Heaven: An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews
All foreigners that came to settle in Palestine were baptized; they were called domiciliary proselytes.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Coleridge was thus for him the latest in a line of prospective English prosodic proselytes.
I think the churches are filled with people who have been proselyted to a religion.
Englishmen when I say that to insult and abuse a man for adopting another faith, however opposed to our own, and even ridiculous in itself, is an odious method in controversy, and for myself I see little to choose between a proselyte of the gate, a renegade Mason, and a demitted Roman Catholic.
Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
The painful and even dangerous rite of circumcision was alone capable of repelling a willing proselyte from the door of the synagogue.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Carnal hearts seldom shrink from the pains necessary to carry on their carnal purposes; when a proselyte is to be made to serve a turn for themselves, they will compass sea and land to make him, rather than be disappointed.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
The efforts of early missionaries to proselyte Minnesota Indians were largely unproductive.
It was with a lingering eye to his countrymen that he took up his abode in the house of 'one that feared God,' that is, a proselyte; and that he settled down next door to the synagogue.
Expositions of Holy Scripture: the Acts
a neighbour, an Israelite in religion and worship, that is, a proselyte.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
‘We don't want taxpayer dollars being spent in order to proselyte children into praying to Zeus and Apollo,’ she remarked.
Now, the Jews at that time were in solidum possessed of all the true religion that was in the world, and this they boasted of as their privilege, bearing up themselves with the thought and reputation of it everywhere and on all occasions; it being at that time their great business to gain proselytes unto it, whereon also their honour and advantage did depend.
For in politics, as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword.
Eunomian heresy; the African voyage was consecrated by the baptism and auspicious name of the first soldier who embarked; and the proselyte was adopted into the family of his spiritual parents,
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
One of the few prayers prescribed in the Bible includes “I have also given it [a tithe] to the Levite, the proselyte, to the orphan, and to the widow, according to the commandments You commanded me; I have not transgressed any of your commandments and I have not forgotten … I have hearkened to the voice of Hashem, my G-d, I have acted according to everything You commanded me.”
Performance Evaluations and Yom Kippur | Managing Greatness
‘freshman’ for proselyte; ‘mooned’ for lunatic; ‘foreshewer’ for prophet; ‘hundreder’ for centurion; Jewel ‘foretalk’, where we now employ preface; Holland ‘sunstead’ where we use solstice; ‘leechcraft’ instead of medicine; and another, ‘wordcraft’ for logic; ‘starconner’
English Past and Present
How could it be otherwise, when all of the first Christians were Jews and when, on this reading, both the fourth evangelist and his primary readers were Jews and Jewish proselytes?
Dr. Lightfoot quotes a saying of one of the rabbin, "That one proselyte is more acceptable to God than all the thousands of Israel that stood before mount Sinai; for they saw and received the law, but a proselyte sees not, and yet receives it.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)