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How To Use Propulsion In A Sentence

  • For perciform fishes, the pectoral fin and tail are known to play important roles in propulsion and there is now a substantial literature on the function of these fins.
  • Kitesurfing involves riding a small board over water while gaining propulsion from the wind by means of a large kite.
  • The most significant of these may be the use of helium-3 in spacecraft propulsion, in a fusion rocket.
  • There was rhythmic propulsion and vigor in the fast sections, yet the quartet never exaggerated the music's pulse.
  • Exhaust nozzle is one of the key components of pulse detonation rocket engine (PDRE). Exhaust nozzle can be used to improve the propulsion performance of PURE.
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  • The propulsion system provides a maximum submerged speed of 33 knots and a surface speed of 10 knots.
  • Laser power beaming and propulsion, on the other hand, would require sustained average power output from lasers of megawatts to gigawatts .
  • Japan's largest earthquake on record may have knocked the planet 3.9 inches off its axis as one crustal plate slid beneath another, Eric Fielding, a principal scientist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., told Bloomberg news agency. Report: High chance of magnitude-7 or higher quake in Japan in coming days
  • Its ion-propulsion engine will fire continuously for the next four days to help it stabilise.
  • The dune buggy has a motor for propulsion and parafoil for lift. The Sun
  • The program includes new avionics and propulsion and new structural elements including the wings.
  • Boost velocity control is achieved by burning all boost propulsion stages to burnout, shaping the trajectory to use all the energy, without thrust termination.
  • Their humbler followers , such as partridges, have a like power of strong propulsion, but soon tire.
  • It has an air-cushioned catamaran hull and waterjet propulsion, which provides high speed and manoeuvrability.
  • This uses a hybrid propulsion system, consisting of ducted fans, to move in microgravity and a differential traction system to move in normal gravity.
  • We know there are billions and billions and billions of stars, and so it makes sense that life exists not just on one planet but on many, many planets," says Swiss astronomer Didier Queloz, codiscoverer of the first planet outside the solar system and a visiting scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Hello, Out There! The New Science Of Astrobiology
  • I think it's safe to say we're on the threshold of recovery, " says Michelle Santee , an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
  • The captain yelled to the dockworkers to secure the lines and gave the engineer the okay to shut down the propulsion. FALLOUT
  • An ornithopter is an aircraft that gets its forward propulsion from the flapping of wings (the ORNITH – in ornithopter comes from the ltain for “bird” – putting “ornith” on a prefix makes it “bird-like”) an ornithopter is a heavier-than-air aircraft that is propelled by the flapping of wings. KAMN Show #11: Dune : The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas
  • Operating process of thrust chamber in spacecraft propulsion system is studied.
  • In electric traction, the first inventions for propulsion of vehicles were by battery-stored power.
  • Euve did not have an on-board propulsion system to allow engineers to control the spacecraft's re-entry.
  • UFO Disclosure would also expose advanced energy-generating and anti-gravitic propulsion technologies, which have been figured outby those involved with the UFOtopic in the black world, and would free us from our energy problems. OpEdNews - Diary: Obama's To-Do List-- Open Thread; Add your to-do items
  • The ramjet is a device for using the interstellar hydrogen as a means for propulsion. I Don’t Understand ?
  • Ultimately, for travel to distant star systems, the tremendous energy available in particle annihilation will be applied in propulsion.
  • During the tests, the airplane is fixed atop a ground-level metal grate over the hover pit - a large rectangular basin with special ducting that pulls away the propulsion system's downward rush of air and engine exhaust.
  • I was happy that the wrecks of Champion and Iona were still there, giving divers the chance to see a method of propulsion that is now almost extinct.
  • The installation of an air-independent propulsion system might be considered in a future refit or upgrade program.
  • Ordinarily, the spacecraft would have used their own propulsion systems to refine and circularise orbits at a geostationary altitude of some 36,000km. BBC Ouch! Blog
  • Research in collaboration with Peugeot has developed propulsion units rather like hamsters running inside a drum.
  • The invention relates to a propulsion system for a fast seagoing ship, especially a naval ship.
  • The effects of the cocktail on overload, the level and vertical acceleration on flight path angle, sinking velocity and extra required propulsion were analyzed during the glide of the aircraft.
  • If ion propulsion is used, the delta v is actually less due to the more favorable solar beta angles for the "climb out" of the LEO gravity well. NAS Seeks Public Input on Space Goals - NASA Watch
  • the principle of jet propulsion
  • I spent the next two years as a messenger, serving coffee to engineers in the propulsion plants, diving in the bilges to retrieve tools dropped by my White counterparts and being barred from the chem lab, where only White sailors were allowed. Mike Green: Innovation Crisis in Black America Pt. 3: The challenges of tech entrepreneurship
  • While the propulsion system does have a slightly higher price tag, replacing an expensive outdrive could be a thing of the past.
  • This propulsion concept could be used as the engine for an interstellar probe.
  • The most appropriate way of accelerating charged particles for use in a propulsion system is to use a linear accelerator.
  • As one of the important parts in the pipe assembly of a satellite propulsion system, the orbicular seal joint is related with the reliability and service life of the satellite working in orbit.
  • Based on motion similarity of micro robot drive fin and fish caudal fin, this paper discusses fish muscle hydrodynamics, and analyzes propulsion force produced by biomimetic fish-like drive fin.
  • If the muscularis propria escapes extensive damage, we assume that the impaired bowel propulsion is allowed to recover to some extent.
  • All sea snakes have flattened compressed paddle-like tails for propulsion in water.
  • In fact with appropriate advancements in propulsion and life support technology, it is reasonable to consider extending the approach to missions into the main asteroid belt and destinations in the outer solar system. Griffin Beg-a-thon Update - NASA Watch
  • Gel propellant is a new kind of propellant for rocket propulsion and other gas generator.
  • There are, though, two half-hearted subplots which give some vague sense of propulsion.
  • The sister ships are also powered by an all-electric propulsion system which includes 360 degree podded thrusters - a first for a Royal Navy ship.
  • Visibility was always the main drawback to this medium, accentuated when steam propulsion permitted ships to ignore wind direction so that flag hoists might be end-on to those supposed to read them.
  • Research in collaboration with Peugeot has developed propulsion units rather like hamsters running inside a drum.
  • FOPS provides a wide-ranging reference for researchers who are starting out in interstellar propulsion. Frontiers of Propulsion Science « dudegalea
  • Having no proven track record with Mars spacecraft themselves, let alone Mars landers, ESA asked the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to evaluate Beagle 2.
  • With the default set up, your vehicle will align itself to manoeuvre to wherever you aim the targeting reticle with the mouse, while the keyboard controls forward and reverse propulsion.
  • They were armed with a ram, relied on oars for propulsion and their deep v-shaped lower hulls had a significant advantage in speed and manoeuvrability.
  • Prior to the final touch down, the spacecraft shuts down the propulsion engine and enters into a free fall descent.
  • A number of experimental methods of spacecraft propulsion are based on magnetohydrodynamic principles.
  • Some struggled free of the crush and began towards Howie by whatever means of propulsion they possessed. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • The M45 propulsion system has three-stage solid fuel rocket motors producing hypersonic speed.
  • Because I had developed an interest in rocketry I applied for and obtained a job in the then Ministry of Supply at the Rocket Propulsion Department in Sir Peter Mansfield - Autobiography
  • This is the secret of rocket propulsion.
  • Two of the three reaction wheels (for manoeuvring, SumbandilaSat has magnetic torquer rods, three reaction wheels, and a propulsion system with a small thruster), namely the Z-axis and the Y-axis wheels, cannot be used anymore, probably owing to a power distribution system failure. Engineering News | Home
  • Beavers have large webbed hind feet and a moderately long but highly flattened tail, which is used for propulsion in the water.
  • The ships are fitted with two independent Voith Schneider 18GH cycloidal propellers, which provide propulsion and steering in cruising and minehunting modes, and two twin tube bow thrusters.
  • The AirJelly is the first indoor flying object to use such a peristaltic propulsion system. Tingilinde:
  • Successful application of the United States are the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
  • Some 56% of the boats used most often had propeller propulsion and of those boats with motors, nearly 60% were outboards and 26.7% were inboards.
  • Once the data that Spirit collected from her examination of Peace was downlinked to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the MER science team discovered that this was a new class of water-impacted rock.
  • I think it's safe to say we're on the threshold of recovery, " says Michelle Santee , an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
  • The fires knocked out a number of vital systems, including main propulsion, and she was left wallowing in 25 ft waves driven by gale-force winds.
  • I flew downward but with a burst of propulsion I was able to stop my descent.
  • Organic abnormalities of deglutition may be related to initiation of the swallowing reflex in the oropharynx or to propulsion of the food bolus through the esophagus.
  • “The braking thrusters are firing too hot!” she said, shouting to be heard above the overstrained sublight propulsion system that seemed about to rattle the ship apart. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire
  • In its current structure, the 12 chapters cover all aspects of shipping from construction and fire protection to nuclear propulsion, dangerous cargo, safety management and maritime security.
  • We developed a multilink bending mechanism imitating anguilliform propulsion of organisms in water.
  • The need to generate forward propulsion will rely on similar sequences of contractions of the myotomal muscles, as is the case for anguilliform swimming in other aquatic animals such as fish and lampreys.
  • Nuclear propulsion pay will now be received by sub lieutenants and lieutenants at category A levels on completion of their engineer officer of the watch board.
  • Manual wheelchair propulsion provides a modicum of exercise and most importantly, provides mobility for non - ambulatory individuals.
  • The propulsion is all-chemical, and requires no new technology development. NASA/ESA Focus On Outer Planet Missions - NASA Watch
  • Somewhere inside itself, the thing had a sort of jet propulsion.
  • Apparently, hopping is the most ergonomically economic of all the muscular propulsion methods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perchlorate is the substance that has served since the 1940s as an oxidizer in solid rocket fuel for more effective propulsion for space shuttles and missiles.
  • This large-microwave-oven-sized microsatellite contained two cameras, communication gear and an ammonia-based gas propulsion system to enable maneuvering around the Shenzhou. China's Close Call
  • It flies out to Mars with its two methane/oxygen driven rocket propulsion stages unfueled.
  • It seems to me that a reusable space vehicle based upon something akin to Node 3, a propulsion system and an aerobrake would not be that difficult or expensive to build and could be attached to ISS in between missions. Moon Outpost or Bust - NASA Watch
  • An aeroplane requires a set of wings for lift, wing flaps and rear rudder for control and engines for propulsion.
  • Contributors to the collection address these metaphors of propulsion and seizure.
  • The first, traditional balloons, are pear-shaped, carry a basket suspended underneath, but lack any means of propulsion or guidance.
  • Munito di zaino a propulsione e pistola al plasma, Dynamite Dog da la caccia a Puke, la pulce dello spazio. No Fat Clips!!! : Atomic Monsters
  • That book contained a proposal for electrical propulsion of spacecraft, a technique we would now call ion propulsion.
  • Both missions depart from the space station using hydrogen-oxygen chemical propulsion.
  • I worked in propulsion in the navy for a short while, at a municipal wastewater facility and in the nanotechnology field. Projects You Shouldn’t Try To DIY | Lifehacker Australia
  • Jet Propulsion Labs of California are internationally renowned for their astounding scientific achievements.
  • It is laid in the sea bottom and will rise to surface with its rocket propulsion.
  • The outer windings seem to provide both the extra rigidity needed for motility in structured media and better propulsion in low viscosity media.
  • Unlike the Soyuz, the orbital module was equipped with its own propulsion, solar power, and control systems, allowing autonomous flight.
  • Improvements include increased payload share of ship displacement, stealthy design, advanced propulsion system and combat systems with modular open architecture.
  • This kind of propulsion system is called a solar thermal rocket.
  • No engine is likely to generate superluminal speeds; the laws of physics prevent us from doing that, but we will be able to go many times faster than our current propulsion methods allow.
  • Daughter In The House Of Fools and Mikazuki relying on a more rhythmic and harmonic propulsion utilising a disjointed funk and Eastern sounding harmonics respectively.
  • After the docking is completed, a full-sized module, called the BA-330 would be launched and dock with Sundancer and the propulsion module, completing the private orbital outpost. Progress on World’s First Space Hotel | Impact Lab
  • Within the space of four short months the Iranians demonstrated a mastery of three different rocket propulsion technologies (liquid, storable liquid, and large diameter solid), three different thrust vectoring technologies (graphite jet vanes, tungsten jet vanes, gimbaled rocket motors), two systems of stage separation, and an embryonic multiple-warhead nose fairing. More on Iran's Satellite...
  • Ziolkowsky began as a science fiction writer in the late 1800s, but later laid down some of the fundaments of rocket propulsion that are still used today.
  • The Axel rover system being developed at NASA's Jet Propulsion System could be used as a "marsupial" rover. Cosmic Log
  • _The drift from God is a movement of events, a propulsion of vital experience, not a parade of words to be diverted by other words_. The Necessity of Atheism
  • The eclipse of electricity as a means of propulsion has been one of the more curious facets of the evolution of transport.
  • However, the propulsion device of a rocket can be called either a rocket motor or a rocket engine, and usage here seems not to have settled on one or the other.
  • Bonnie Buratti is a scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.
  • According to two separate NASA studies, one conducted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the other by the Langley Research Center, the oceans now appear to be heading into another natural periodic cooling phase within a typical 55- to 70-year dipolar warm/cool pattern. Hot Sensations Vs. Cold Facts
  • There were four basic methods of propulsion: rotors, propellers, turbojets, and ducted fans, the last meaning propellers or multibladed fans spinning inside enclosed cowlings. The Dream Machine
  • Main propulsion was provided by a single multibladed fan, and several small swivel jets gave attitude control. The Ghost from the Grand Banks
  • The units will provide auxiliary power to the vehicles and will not be used for propulsion.
  • As the name implies, it is a hovercraft type of vehicle with motorcycle steering and propulsion.
  • This aircraft works by jet propulsion.
  • This aircraft works by jet propulsion.
  • In fact with appropriate advancements in propulsion and life support technology, it is reasonable to consider extending the IRHAX approach to missions into the main asteroid belt and destinations in the outer solar system. Griffin Beg-a-thon Update - NASA Watch
  • The Royal Navy's carriers will, at 65,000 tonnes, be smaller, but they are likely to have the same propulsion system.
  • Such a current would produce a magnetic field of up to 15 tesla in these wires - powerful enough to use in several futuristic spacecraft propulsion systems, which is why the Army has awarded Adams’ team a grant to develop the technology.
  • The nineteenth century witnessed a revolution in ship design and propulsion.
  • Interest in jet propulsion was now growing at the Air Ministry.
  • Like squids and octopuses, cuttlefishes have a funnel for jet propulsion, but unlike the other two, they also have an internal, oval-shaped bony chamber that fills with gas.
  • Apparently it is all down to its aluminium design and waterjet propulsion units. Times, Sunday Times
  • D2's my baby - tested propulsion/hyd systems on pretty much all of them. you NOAA-N Launch Delayed Again - NASA Watch
  • Dr. Griffin himself made the amazingly wrong claim that there was not enough Xenon in the world to support large scale solar electric propulsion when a simple phone call to one of the manufacturers would have disabused him of that mistaken notion. NASA Faces Tough Choices & Needs an Administrator Now - NASA Watch
  • Instead - without the rocket propulsion provided by the engines - the craft is falling freely. ANTI-ICE
  • scientific principles such as chemical bonding or the workings of jet propulsion
  • A key element of the mission would be the hi-tech electric propulsion system used to power the spacecraft, said Dr Walker.
  • It will be a rear wheel drive full hybrid making it able to travel at low speeds under electric propulsion alone.
  • She tried to back up, but the bike's propulsion systems were malfunctioning.
  • This kick has more forward propulsion and causes the hips to rise, just like in butterfly.
  • I was certainly the first fireroom officer aboard the Taussig who ever conducted his own hull inspections — I did my own diving — and who wore green fatigues while pawling over, under, around, and through the whole boiler and propulsion system before I signed off that any specific work had been done. Rogue Warrior
  • The nineteenth century witnessed a revolution in ship design and propulsion.
  • The chugging bass and driving drums recall the weightless propulsion of Japan's high-speed maglev rail system. WATCH: Tokyo Police Club Live at WIRED Store!
  • Swimming crabs can easily be recognized by the fact that their hindmost legs have developed into ‘swimmerets’, paddle shaped at the ends so that they can be used for propulsion.
  • They consisted of launching full-scale missile dummies with a first stage propulsion system and a simplified command system.
  • Yet, it was one of Goddard's ‘firsts’ in the now booming significance of rocket propulsion in the fields of military missilery and the scientific exploration of space.
  • On this scale, one may now rank the different propulsion systems available to different types of civilizations.
  • For propulsion, it relies on the aerospike, a linear rocket engine.
  • The main propulsion system processor of the digital autopilot converts body axis and attitude error signals generated in TVC into pitch and yaw nozzle deflection commands for the main engines. Transition Team Update - NASA Watch
  • That's Richard Gross , of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory . He is the scientist who performed the calculations.
  • The vessel's shallow draft and water jet propulsion give it tremendous flexibility and maneuverability over conventional ship forms.
  • They also had another great advantage -- a means of propulsion through the water. THE LONELY SEA
  • The body itself can be handled and manipulated as though lacking in the capacity for self-propulsion.
  • Towards the stern, the propulsion was mangled, the diesel-electric engine still trying to turn.
  • Guitarist Keith Reins has a pleasantly weathered, reedy voice; Brad Pouleson (mandolin, whistles, uillean pipes) offers a clear tenor; and fiddler Tara Dutcher applies her lovely, bell-toned voice to a pair of beauties; Joe Dutcher (bodhran) supplies steady rhythmic propulsion. - SPORTS
  • Maybe some sorta Meglev propulsion track could be fitted to a shuttle to launch from the moon.
  • Nine minutes later, and the jet propulsion of Samuel allowed him to leave red shirts in his slipstream to fasten on to a Henry through ball.
  • EarthSky spoke with research climatologist and oceanographer Bill Patzert of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory about Hurricane Alex.
  • In what way does centrosomal function rely on liquid propulsion? Make The Leap - The Panda's Thumb
  • Building Shuttle-C is not "long payoff research in propulsion and other technologies. What Civil Space Agency Would You Create? - NASA Watch
  • Propulsion system selection criteria and mission analysis are introduced.
  • An aeroplane requires a set of wings for lift, wing flaps and rear rudder for control and engines for propulsion.
  • Electromagnetic propulsion could take us to the heliopause at a speed unachievable by conventional spacecraft.
  • This aircraft works by jet propulsion.
  • Imo, the main theme in Iron Man is hardware: weapons, giant robots, jet propulsion armors, etc. The Future of Iron Man: Alcoholic Tony Stark, War Machine, and Beyond! «
  • They has previously used nuclear energy to power spacecraft but never in a propulsion system.
  • With more effort my propulsion through the water increased, although I still used my hands for balance.
  • Your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for release of information from the files of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was received in FOIA processing at the NASA Management Office-Jet Propulsion Laboratory on July 16, 2007. NASA Watch: September 2007 Archives
  • I personally like the idea of the govt focusing its limited resources on pushing the key leveraging technologies that will enable long-term, far-ranging operations in space: nuclear propulsion & power, aerobraking, ISRU, tethers, closed-loop ECLSS, etc. Leroy Chiao Seeks Your Input - NASA Watch
  • The fish uses its tail fins for propulsion through the water.
  • Nuclear propulsion pay will now be received by sub lieutenants and lieutenants at category A levels on completion of their engineer officer of the watch board.
  • Flying some X33 types of vehicles to get real flight experience in propulsion and materials. Would You Bring Back NGLT-or SLI? - NASA Watch
  • Those of us in the industry that are not privy to the details of the propulsion system guess the pearls are the result of a pulse jet type systems.
  • The profile conveys its sportive nature and combines a high-performance propulsion system with the comfort of a traditional motor yacht.
  • Over the next several months, a team of engineers and technicians at Lockheed Martin's Mississippi Space & Technology C.nter, an advanced propulsion, thermal, and metrology facility located at the John C. Stennis Space C.nter, will integrate the spacecraft's propulsion subsystem, which is essential for maneuvering the satellite during transfer orbit to its final location as well as conducting on-orbit operations and repositioning maneuvers throughout its mission life. Defense Industry Daily
  • Electromagnetic propulsion could take us to the heliopause at a speed unachievable by conventional spacecraft.
  • They feed by day and by night, and forage by swimming underwater, using their wings for propulsion.
  • He had felt it for a long time, since the first vague pricklings of understanding at the sunny, long lost Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Across The Sea Of Suns
  • The first phase develops, fabricates, integrates and tests prototype propulsion systems and power packs.
  • A laser differs from ordinary light because it is coherent light, but that is pretty much irrelevant for propulsion purposes.
  • When using jet-propulsion, a frogfish appears to levitate and drift along using its fins as stabilizers.
  • A chemist by training, he was invited on as an "experimenter" in the infancy of NASA, working at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Houston. The Guardian World News
  • Because he found it harder to gain purchase with his feet, he was using his knees for propulsion, rubbing them red in the process.
  • Power boats, he says, rely solely on an engine for propulsion and usually are not stable enough for sailing open seas.
  • In the fast ferry industry the water jet is becoming the predominant propulsion of choice.
  • It is worth noting that Nikko manufactures its own award-winning gearless lift propulsion machine, though it is not clear whether one is used as a replacement motor here.
  • As the name implies, it is a hovercraft type of vehicle with motorcycle steering and propulsion.
  • The propulsion and power systems are controlled from the Machinery Control Room.
  • The electric propulsion feasibility and effect in space debris mitigation were studied.
  • A tendency to go backward or retropulsion has been observed, according to Gray, as has also a tendency to go forward or propulsion. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The nineteenth century witnessed a revolution in ship design and propulsion.
  • The nineteenth century witnessed a revolution in ship design and propulsion.
  • A service module, providing propulsion, electricity, radio, and other equipment would add at least 1,800 kg to this mass for the circumlunar mission. Archive 2006-05-01
  • With increasing requirements for ship manoeuvrability, marine propulsion motor is required to transform operating mode rapidly.
  • Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) successfully completed a rigorous qualification of its new Draco spacecraft thruster and Draco propulsion tank at the SpaceX Test Facility in McGregor, Texas. NASA Watch: April 2009 Archives
  • The latter ended up drifting without navigation or propulsion for two hours.
  • According to the results, the author put forth the theory of Canal System of the Meniscus, and consequently the theory of Synovial Fluid Propulsion System, through which the menisci gained then.
  • But the great masses of timber -- not yet firmly lashed together -- lay loose and loggish upon the water, and moved very slowly and irregularly under such ill-assorted propulsion: and, notwithstanding that the raft had obtained a hundred yards the start of the swimmers, its occupants began seriously to dread being overtaken. Ran Away to Sea
  • The propulsion system drives two shafts with seven-bladed fixed-pitch propellers.
  • British shipowners, however, had been slow to build tankers and in the tramp traders had lagged behind in adopting diesel propulsion.
  • The design exclusively improves mechanical ways. Uses a suit of power source to drive two inequilateral arm's propulsions and successfully solves mutual interference.
  • Swimming crabs can easily be recognized by the fact that their hindmost legs have developed into ‘swimmerets’, paddle shaped at the ends so that they can be used for propulsion.
  • Ion propulsion is a method of propulsion that uses electrical rather than chemical forces to generate thrust for a spacecraft.
  • Interest in jet propulsion was now growing at the Air Ministry.
  • When most people think of space travel they typically think of rockets, spaceships, propulsion systems, spacesuits, and structures to ship to Moon or Mars colonies to live in.
  • Scientists and engineers at the control center in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, cheered.
  • The SPC-II fish robot prototype is an experimental platform which validates the stability, high efficiency and maneuverability by utilizing the caudal fin propulsion mechanism.
  • An aeroplane requires a set of wings for lift, wing flaps and rear rudder for control and engines for propulsion.
  • It will be the first European probe using electric propulsion.
  • Manual wheelchair propulsion provides a modicum of exercise and most importantly, provides mobility for non - ambulatory individuals.
  • Because the Orion had to be so stripped down, the problem caused further issues when it came to the Altair lander which now had to carry propulsion capabilities for purposes other than the critical moon landing phase - which means that dead weight now has to be carried to the surface in the form of excess tankage. Orion Slims Down - NASA Watch
  • Both creatures can, like the nautilus, use jet propulsion on occasion.
  • Various propulsion schemes have been proposed, from nuclear fusion to antimatter to laser sails.

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