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How To Use Propriety In A Sentence

  • Something was said of the propriety of walling up the culprit alive, -- a mode of disposing of small family-matters somewhat _à la mode_ in those times. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 43, May, 1861 Creator
  • Victorian propriety is an important element of the story, the atmosphere to be upended over and over by slapstick action and sudden death. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Questioning the legitimacy or constitutional propriety of an action by the executive is a useful device for the opposition.
  • I have called draughtsmanship of this quality an inheritance -- I might have called it perhaps with better propriety a monument. First and Last
  • He and my mother fought often, either when his cruelty surfaced or when his behaviour failed to meet her standards of propriety.
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Master English with Ease
  • His whole appearance at such times excited disgust in that lady, and she would leave his presence as soon as possible, using even the term brute to express her disgust; Matthias too, would attempt to rouse him on such occasions, to a sense of impropriety, by exclaiming, "Why, Elijah! what are you saying, what are you about?" while other persons would remove his hand, and hold him. Fanaticism; Its Source and Influence, Illustrated by the Simple Narrative of Isabella, in the Case of Matthias, Mr. and Mrs. B. Folger, Mr. Pierson, Mr. Mills, Catherine, Isabella, &c. &c. A Reply to W. L. Stone, with the Descriptive Portraits of
  • I had not changed my intellectual belief as to my correspondent's behavior, but the impropriety of complicating an awkward business by placing myself in the wrong to the extent of losing my temper was so obvious that I blushed in recalling the bombastic periods of the torn composition. The Secret of a Happy Home (1896)
  • In much of today's Western culture, virtuousness is primarily associated with exaggerated propriety, but in past centuries virtue was of immense importance as a pivotal principle of religious, ethical and political thought.
  • The way tourists dress offends local standards of propriety.
  • What I find both amazing and aggravating is that those who insist on what they euphemistically call “single payer healthcare” refuse to even discuss the propriety of those who have preexisting conditions, or persist in the negative behaviors that lead to diseased conditions, paying higher premiums in exchange for their not being denied coverage. The Volokh Conspiracy » Putting Lipstick on the Health-Reform Pig:
  • In the Confucian Doctrine, propriety a concept of the political theory, and benevolence, the ethical system.
  • Questioning the legitimacy or constitutional propriety of an action by the executive is a useful device for the opposition.
  • There is no doubt that Hammarskj6ld's northern sense of propriety was deeply shaken by the roughness of the outburst, and ironically, since the Russian code of what is socially permissible comes largely across the Baltic from Sweden, it was precisely this rowdy behavior of Khrushchev's, dubbed Ne-Kulturny (uncultured), which eventually proved his undoing at home. An Autobiography
  • The one was a strict observer of the laws of propriety and an almost exclusive frequenter of fashionable society; the other, on the contrary, had an unmitigated scorn for the so - called proprieties and so-called good society. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • The propriety of his magical lady's injunction not to read can only be equalled by his candid acknowledgment of his independence of the trammels of spelling, although, to use his own elegant phrase, "'twas his neckverse at Byron's Poetical Works, Volume 1
  • After being honourably acquitted, he relumed his feat upon the bench, and made the following fpeech; which, confidered in a general way, is admirable both with refpecft to matter and form, though the propriety of applying it to the particular occafion may be queftioned, as the petitioners were neither rioters nor inlurgents, nor men who had othTwile violated the public peace. The history of America, : from its discovery by Columbus to the conclusion of the late war. : With an appendix, containing an account of the rise and progress of the present unhappy contest between Great Britain and her colonies.
  • Is this truly the test of moral propriety you would have us aspire to?
  • Latin verb gustare, "to taste;" but Medlar pleaded custom in behalf of C, observing, that, by the Doctor's rule, we ought to change pudding into budding, because it is derived from the French word boudin; and in that case why not retain the original orthography and pronunciation of all the foreign words we have adopted, by which means our language would become a dissonant jargon without standard or propriety? The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • Is she "lacking in motherly inhibitions and propriety and self-control" [p. 156]? Runaway by Alice Munro: Questions
  • A case can be made for both its constitutional propriety and its administrative efficiency.
  • There are no allegations of impropriety against any other individual.
  • At the time of the attacks, few in the United States or elsewhere raised questions about the propriety of nuclear weapons.
  • The commission will also vet all nominations for life peers, including those made by the political parties, for the highest standards of propriety.
  • If that were the case, Secretary White might justifiably (and lawfully) refuse to countersign the certificate on ethical grounds based on the manifest impropriety of Blago's action. Illinois Sec. of State Refuses To Approve Burris Appointment, But Admits He Really Can't Stop It
  • Although none of this indicates any form of impropriety, it does illustrate the scale of the market and why many international investors are wary of it.
  • The film certainly succeeds in doing that - but it also taps into Barrie's well-documented yearning for a world in which playfulness and whimsy would always triumph over seriousness and propriety.
  • Wouldn't the government have acted had it been another kind of corruption like financial impropriety or something?
  • Of course, the young people flirted, for that diversion is apparently irradicable even in the "best society," but it was done with a propriety which was edifying to behold. Scarlet Stockings
  • He had no reason to question his doctor about the propriety of their use.
  • Nevertheless, questions about the propriety of OMB's oversight activity have continued to arise.
  • There can be no doubt of the propriety of including the nature of these ramenta and scales in its generic character. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The student, Steven LaPier, filed a lawsuit in federal court Thursday seeking $1.5 million and alleging that he was dismissed from the class because he was outspoken about the impropriety. Lawsuit details allegations of cheating at Prince George's police academy
  • Are they two different men, one a pillar of propriety who stares from a portrait, the other a debauchee and a rake? A Mountain of Crumbs
  • Blogathon actions are unusual, and the best way to ensure propriety is to do it through their system. Monday!
  • In her acceptance she broke the code of propriety, went beyond the established manners in a light encounter.
  • There was no suggestion of any impropriety, or lack of regard for rules of natural justice.
  • It was positively with trepidation that he presented himself before her very soon after his arrival; and an undeniable blush "mantled" his cheek -- if a blush can be said with any propriety to mantle the male cheek --- when he marched into the drawing-room, where she was doing a dainty bit of embroidery, and with much simplicity and directness said, "You said I might come, you know, and I have come; and I begged of Ethel to come too, but she could not leave my aunt," before he had so much as shaken hands. Lippincott's Magazine, August, 1885
  • The police are satisfied that there has been no impropriety,' he told one person who inquired. Times, Sunday Times
  • And must the disinherited knight, whose blood has been warmed in the company of the tender and beautiful Rebecca, sit down contented for life by the side of such a frigid piece of propriety as that icy, faultless, prim, niminy-piminy Rowena?
  • Of course, in the company of others, Angharad rode side-saddle, for she'd had to accustom her horse to it for propriety.
  • Sometimes he challenges conventional notions of literary propriety or detachment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kemp pulled forward another chair which Mrs Warrender took without acknowledgement, remaining gloved, hatted and stiff with propriety. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • Impropriety regarding cozy relationships with local politicians also surfaced.
  • This is the period when we built up the institutions of democratic government and tried to act according to certain norms of propriety.
  • [Footnote 2: So called by Ericsson because it would "admonish" the South, and also suggest to England "doubts as to the propriety of completing four steel-clad ships at three and one-half millions apiece."] A History of Sea Power
  • You will spend weeks holding back from uttering it for propriety's sake. Times, Sunday Times
  • There, deposited into her mother's clutches, Little Edie snubs him on the platform, failing to say goodbye as he stands there pleading as much as his granitelike propriety will allow. Slate Magazine
  • Acting Assistant Paymaster J.W. Sands and myself, as to the propriety of steaming down the river without dredging it, it was agreed upon to call the dredge-boats in, and we proceeded down the river, shelling the woods on right bank of the river and then came to an anchor above Reminiscences of Two Years in the United States Navy
  • In short, it was for the bank to show that it lacked constructive notice of the impropriety of the relevant arrangements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before the winter was far advanced, it is actually on record that Emmy took a night and received company with great propriety and modesty. Vanity Fair
  • Such a total denial offended justice and propriety. Times, Sunday Times
  • The findings of the review are not expected to be made public despite the allegation of financial impropriety. Times, Sunday Times
  • Circumcision is a way of protecting propriety, morality, and marriageability.
  • They will get no quarrel from me about the utterly tacky impropriety of these guys acting as the messengers for such a call.
  • However, it is the issue of moral propriety that interests me most.
  • sectionalism" against the Republicans, pretended to see no impropriety in proposing this purely selfish and sectional alliance. Abraham Lincoln, a History — Volume 02
  • The propriety of housing (p. 207) a Senior Chaplain in an estaminet might be questioned, but this particular one was called the estaminet of St. Joseph. The Great War As I Saw It
  • Gospel has succeeded to the Jewish priest in respect to giving _surety_ officially for the fulfilment of the covenant, and on that account may with propriety be called a _priest_. An Essay on the Scriptural Doctrine of Immortality
  • When this is done by a private government contractor, the impropriety is obvious.
  • If my grandad was a decent man, I wouldn't say anything about it," replied Stumpy, apparently troubled with a doubt in regard to the propriety of the revelation he was about to make. The Coming Wave The Hidden Treasure of High Rock
  • They are then called upon to "weave the warp, and weave the woof," perhaps, with no great propriety; for it is by crossing the _woof_ with the _warp_ that men _weave_ the _web_ or piece; and the first line was dearly bought by the admission of its wretched correspondent, "give ample room and verge enough [198]. The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II
  • A solicitor acting on his own behalf has an even higher duty to behave with the utmost propriety than he would if he were representing clients in a similar transaction.
  • But in the end some slow-acting sense of propriety made her give a sigh, jam the lid back on to the tin of floor polish and stand up. UNREASONABLE DOUBT
  • But the point made is that, at some stage in life, propriety must supersede convenience.
  • It was denounced by one outraged commentator as ‘a monstrous departure from the dignity and propriety of journalism’.
  • In general, one must consult with his Rav concerning the Halachic propriety of eating any food (even tomatoes or apples) at a non-kosher restaurant.
  • No such misconduct was alleged in these cases, and only one serious impropriety has actually emerged. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the act of the assembly because voted by the major part; and if it be a crime, the assembly may be punished, as far forth as it is capable, as by dissolution, or forfeiture of their letters (which is to such artificial and fictitious bodies, capital) or, if the assembly have a common stock, wherein none of the innocent members have propriety, by pecuniary mulct. Leviathan
  • The witness said he was not aware of any hint of anything improper or any impropriety in the granting of the licence.
  • Teian, there was a Lacedaemonian, a Cean, and countless others; there was even a woman, a Lesbian, who wrote with such grace and such passion that the sweetness of her song makes us forgive the impropriety of her words; among our own poets there were Aedituus, Porcius, and Catulus, with countless others. The Defense
  • I have several other excellent reasons against our success, though I could combat them with as many drawn from the insufficience of the present folk, and the propriety of Mr. Pitt being minister; but I am too tired, and very likely so are you, my dear lord, by this time, and therefore good night! The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
  • May impropriety and bawdiness grow and flourish and evolve into lusty, heartfelt words to shake the very foundations of those scared by language.
  • In advising Edward VIII against a morganatic marriage to Mrs Simpson he acted with the utmost constitutional propriety.
  • Now I contend that Moses employed the word "rakia" with exactly the same propriety, neither more nor less, as when a Divine now-a-days employs the English word "firmament. Inspiration and Interpretation: Seven Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford: With Preliminary Remarks: Being an Answer to a Volume Entitled "Essays and Reviews."
  • Seeing therefore the introduction of propriety is an effect of Commonwealth, which can do nothing but by the person that represents it, it is the act only of the sovereign; and consisteth in the laws, which none can make that have not the sovereign power. Leviathan
  • They discussed the propriety of treating ill children against the wishes of the parents.
  • Inflammation of bursae and thecae may be classified on a chronological basis with propriety because the duration of such affections, in many cases, materially modifies the result. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • She only wished that it were less openly shewn; and once or twice did venture to suggest the propriety of some self-command to Marianne.
  • Therefore also dikē is the implacable foe of that peculiar trespassing of the bounds of propriety which the Greeks called hybris (W. & D. 213, 238-39; Archilochus, frag. 94), and even though hybris may degrade dikē to violence in the Iron Age (W. & D. 190-93; cf. Theognis 'complaints at 44-45 and 291-92), dikē will win out in the end Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • So, I read that he has been mired in accusations and allegations of corruption, sexual impropriety, and drug use.
  • In fact, the good squire was a little too apt to indulge that kind of pleasantry which is generally called rhodomontade: but which may, with as much propriety, be expressed by a much shorter word; and perhaps we too often supply the use of this little monosyllable by others; since very much of what frequently passes in the world for wit and humour, should, in the strictest purity of language, receive that short appellation, which, in conformity to the wellbred laws of custom, I here suppress. XI. The Narrow Escape of Molly Seagrim. Book IV
  • Impropriety regarding cozy relationships with local politicians also surfaced.
  • Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way Of starved people] [Shakespeare is not more exact in any thing, than in adapting his images with propriety to his speakers; of which he has here given an instance in making the young Jewess call good fortune, _manna_. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • They found it intellectually stultifying and conformist, enslaved to propriety and, well, bloody boring.
  • In fact, the good squire was a little too apt to indulge that kind of pleasantry which is generally called rhodomontade: but which may, with as much propriety, be expressed by a much shorter word; and perhaps we too often supply the use of this little monosyllable by others; since very much of what frequently passes in the world for wit and humour, should, in the strictest purity of language, receive that short appellation, which, in conformity to the wellbred laws of custom, I here suppress. XI. The Narrow Escape of Molly Seagrim. Book IV
  • [W] here there is no coercive Power erected, that is, where there is no Commonwealth, there is no Propriety; all men having Right to all things: Therefore where there is no Commonwealth, there nothing is Unjust. Coercion
  • A principle that in its nature and tendency is introductive of all anarchy and confusion, and with the greatest propriety deserves the encomium of the _anti-government scheme_. Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • I want to raise a question about the constitutional propriety of this.
  • He has declared that he does not care to accept the propriety of compossible rights and will not be bound by them.
  • She denied any further and more serious impropriety when it was easily open for her to do so.
  • The club completely disassociates itself from stories in the press implying that there was any financial impropriety on David's part concerning his dealings on behalf of the club.
  • The High Court found no impropriety or illegality in her dismissal.
  • Extreme caution or prudence, the soundest organic health, large hope and comparison and fondness for women and children, large alimentiveness and destructiveness and causality, with a perfect sense of the oneness of nature, and the propriety of the same spirit applied to human affairs -- these are called up of the float of the brain of the world to be parts of the greatest poet from his birth. Poems By Walt Whitman
  • Those States have assume the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution; they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. The Volokh Conspiracy » Was the Declaration of Independence an Example of Secession, Revolution, or Both?
  • Her failure to respect constitutional propriety has tripped her up before.
  • You must be above suspicion of any impropriety.
  • It is easy to excuse incompetence, it is unacceptable to pardon impropriety.
  • And the issue of moral propriety tended to have to do with the fidelity of the wife rather than the activities of the husband.
  • Most people with any sense of propriety whatsoever would think that his acceptance of this immodest pourboire for services rendered would immediately preclude him from holding the office of President of the EU Council on the basis that the conflict of interest would be plain as a pikestaff to all and sundry. Blair's Thirty Pieces Of Silver?
  • 'are called upon to "Weave the warp, and weave the woof," perhaps with no great propriety; for it is by crossing the _woof_ with the _warp_ that men weave the _web_ or piece; and the first line was dearly bought by the admission of its wretched correspondent, "Give ample room and verge enough. Life of Johnson, Volume 2 1765-1776
  • They court according to an intricate and stylised code of formality and propriety that hints at a wealth of buried emotion.
  • As an athlete, he violated the codes of modesty and propriety.
  • IV. vi.80 (450,3) Bear free and patient thoughts] To be melancholy is to have the mind _chained down_ to one painful idea; there is therefore great propriety in exhorting Glo'ster to _free thoughts_, to an emancipation of his soul from grief and despair. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Delvile, though their total separation but the moment before had been finally decreed, she considered as a weak effusion of tenderness, injurious to delicacy, and censurable by propriety. Cecilia
  • He expects his readers to behave with perfect propriety towards large corporations, which, funnily enough, do not write to the New York Times and ask how they should behave.
  • Perhaps it's the Unicorn's very ability to resist such temptation, that's kept our numbers down, but like the manticore and the chimera I have great reasons to suspect the propriety of some of my ancestors.
  • The dress was made to reach right down to the ankles, in deference to Lady Hayes's ideas of propriety, and Darsie felt prodigiously fine and grown-up as she peacocked about before the long glass of her bedroom wardrobe on the day of the garden-party itself. A College Girl
  • One really finds it beneath oneself to go ad hominen with the mom of a christianist lesbian love-child incubation chamber, but this time, the aspish Lyndy-Loo has exceeded the bounds of propriety. Think Progress » Lynne Cheney: Putting Scooter Libby On Trial ‘Does Not Reflect Well On Our Judicial System’
  • In her acceptance she broke the code of propriety, went beyond the established manners in a light encounter.
  • The movie deals with the need for moral propriety in life.
  • Mr. Justice Collins was the judge and the case was conducted at first with the outward seemliness and propriety which are so peculiarly English. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • The Halachic propriety of opening a plastic bag is somewhat complex.
  • None of the allegations related to financial impropriety or wilful misconduct.
  • Easier to detect was a sense of chivalry and propriety among the athletes.
  • For many readers, this moment of unexpected sexual explicitness drives the general grittiness of Horace's satire beyond the pale of propriety.
  • We can no longer call otto of rosemary, or otto of nutmegs, essential oil of rosemary or nutmegs, with any more propriety than we can term sulphuric acid "oil" of vitriol. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • It is the custom of that excellent lady when these visits occur, to appear every three minutes, either in her own person or in that of Mrs. Tisher, and lay an offering on the shrine of Propriety by affecting to look for some desiderated article. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
  • Such we cannot term Penzance -- not with propriety -- much like Omai, who said to you, "No mutton there, missee, no fine coach, no clock upon the stairs," etc.; but en revanche here is no Land's The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • I was surprised by the impropriety of his remarks.
  • His Lordship articulated three grounds for judicial review: illegality, irrationality and procedural impropriety.
  • The bishop then decided that there was enough evidence of impropriety for the case to go before a consistory court.
  • We hesitated at the propriety of the method.
  • The software company's propriety was cited as the chief reason for Camelot's initial exclusion from the final bidding round.
  • Of course, in the company of others, Angharad rode side-saddle, for she'd had to accustom her horse to it for propriety.
  • Some further thoughts remain to be thrown out in the third place, as to the prëconceivable fitness or propriety of that Holy Union, which we call the trinity of Persons who constitute the Probabilities : An aid to Faith
  • And yet so little was the pace to him that he fairly gamboled in playfulness as he went slashing along, until the deacon verily began to fear that the honest old chap would break through all the bounds of propriety and send his heels anticly through his treasured dashboard. How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney Kept New Year's And Other Stories
  • You have used with _propriety_ the words "encomium" and Memoirs of Aaron Burr, Complete
  • Those States have assume the right ofdeciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fifteenof the States and recognized by the Constitution; they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they havepermitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign theproperty of the citizens of other States. DISUNION!
  • It is with great propriety that subtilty, which, in its original import, means exility of particles, is taken, in its metaphorical meaning, for nicety of distinction. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • Thus in Britain the grounds for review are summarized as illegality, irrationality or procedural impropriety by the public agency being challenged.
  • Temperate men are not governed in their religious researches by the pride of peculiarity nor the influence of party views, and a faithful trial ought to have been made in order to convince of error before the charge of _pride of peculiarity_, or the influence of party views, could with propriety have been made. A Series of Letters in Defence of Divine Revelation
  • The art, or, as the Continental foresters rather ambitiously call it, the science of sylviculture has been so little pursued in England and America, that its nomenclature has not been introduced into the English vocabulary, and it would not be possible to describe its processes with technical propriety of language, without occasionally borrowing a word from the forest literature of France and Germany. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
  • Its author (possibly Nassau Senior or Southey himself) purports to trace the history of injunctions back to the 18th century, when the Court of Chancery took over issues of literary propriety from the common law courts. A Brief Publication History of _Wat Tyler_
  • Two consecutive tribrachs cannot be uttered with propriety without an intervening vocal pause.
  • No matter how self-evidently correct or right-headed the project may appear, epistemic propriety demands that doxastic commitment be delayed, one way or another, until there is data.
  • Or just seize all their assets, do not allow them or their families into the US again and specifically put in every contract the contract is null and void, a 100% penality will be paid and the contract terminated if any of them or their families even give the whiff of the appearanceof impropriety and let them rely on the charity of their nation to support them? Costs of Entrepreneurship, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • There were also plenty of discussions about the moral and ethical propriety of informing on others.
  • The passion to know, in the face of censure and propriety, is what advances our understanding of the world. Bonk by Mary Roach: Book summary
  • It's financial impropriety that gets my goat. Times, Sunday Times
  • A polite, courteous, almost lavender man, he seems the model of bourgeois propriety.
  • Here, there was an air of sedate prosperity, speaking of a prim propriety that made Petra's Berliner soul feel stifled. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • [Footnote: Some geographical writers apply the term bifurcation exclusively to this intercommunication of rivers; others, with more etymological propriety, use it to express the division of great rivers into branches at the head of their deltas. The Earth as Modified by Human Action
  • The whole atmosphere is one of propriety and etiquette, under which the sordid matters of power and money bubble.
  • After wishing for wings to fly over to his dear country, which was in his view, from what he calls Thule, as being the most western isle of Scotland, except St. Kilda; after describing the pleasures of society, and the miseries of solitude, he at last, with becoming propriety, has recourse to the only sure relief of thinking men, ” Life of Johnson
  • He has since been on bail and always denied any impropriety, maintaining the items were given to him by his employer.
  • This is the essence of Mark Rose's bipartite definition of intellectual property: copyright came to serve as both a form of economic property and a guarantee of moral propriety.
  • In short, it was for the bank to show that it lacked constructive notice of the impropriety of the relevant arrangements. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Legislative address presented by the Joint Committee of which the undersigned was a member, not having been completed, until this morning precludes the propriety of a formal minority report. Senate journal of the second extra session of the thirty-third General Assembly of the state of Tennessee : which convened at Nashville on Thursday, the 25th day of April, A. D. 1861,
  • The never-ending fuss about the propriety of testing helps to keep the practice within bounds.
  • It was not her long curls, her lovely figure, or full lips in a constant half smile, nor was it her gentle voice, unusual propriety, or sweet sincerity which held the unruly pirates in captivation; it was her eyes.
  • There is authority for the proposition that a wrong opinion is both unreasonable and capable of constituting a flagrant impropriety.
  • They found it intellectually stultifying and conformist, enslaved to propriety and, well, bloody boring.
  • Walden, -- she had 'tried to entangle him' -- there had been 'a scene with him at the Manor, '-- she was' forward, '' conceited '-- and utterly lost to any sense of propriety. God's Good Man
  • There is no suggestion of any impropriety on their part. Times, Sunday Times
  • King was not nearly so restrained, and the primmer the crowd, the greater his urge to test the limits of propriety. The Five of Hearts
  • Hence, the propriety of manumitting slaves is, to say the least, doubtful, unless they are colonized. A Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin or, An Essay on Slavery
  • She had assured me that she had taken the sacrament in attestation of her innocence of all criminality; that assurance and other circumstances induced me to believe her innocent of the last offence; but of the impropriety of her conduct and total disregard of outward appearance, by which alone society can form its opinion, no one who moved in our circles could doubt. English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century
  • But it was the women of the congregation who largely drew up the rules of propriety, decorum and morality, and exercised control or influence over the behaviour of their children.
  • With legal impropriety, the judge bullied the jury into a finding of guilty.
  • They discussed the propriety of treating ill children against the wishes of the parents.
  • Rumours of financial impropriety began swirling around the association in the fall of 2003.
  • As you may have twigged, there is a strong sense of propriety in Lauren, which is rather endearing in one so young.
  • If the latter, no edition is rightly stopped; for, of course, there should be a comma after "massy;" and then I somewhat doubt the propriety of "proof" for Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850
  • In my view this connotes something more than a legitimate disagreement between counsel as to the propriety of particular questions.
  • There is no suggestion of any impropriety, financial or otherwise, on his part. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think as the editorial in The Courier Mail said on Saturday, there have been veiled suggestions of impropriety.
  • Last but not least, I'd like to emphasize the core the Five Classics is propriety.
  • Joe Biden’s famous plagiarism scandal, in which he paraphrased a speech by British leftist politician Neil Kinnock, is described, and somewhat minimized here, in a chapter of The Appearance of Impropriety. Another San Francisco Poster Boy Crack Dealer…
  • Her speech was not frivolous nor her words presumptuous but in every way she behaved with utmost propriety.
  • The way tourists dress offends local standards of propriety.
  • queenly propriety
  • Moral propriety was an essential of his creed - dancing and cinema-going were anathema.
  • The trouble with descriptivism—the idea that the grammarian's job is to describe the language, not to issue judgments about propriety—isn't that it's theoretically unsound. Grappling Grammarians
  • He was forced to resign over allegations of financial impropriety, which resulted in a criminal inquiry. Times, Sunday Times
  • I felt it would be a service to those families to provide guidelines regarding modesty and propriety so that such a technique could be done in the most respectful way possible.
  • She breaks every possible rule of propriety, in her behavior both as a woman and as businessperson.
  • The Queen is meticulous in her strict observance of the constitution and keeps her role to herself; which does not necessarily mean she has never privately consulted her husband, when she could with propriety do so.
  • Democrats on the panel said seven separate investigations into the travel office affair have produced no evidence of illegality or impropriety.
  • They are then called upon to "weave the warp, and weave the woof," perhaps, with no great propriety; for it is by crossing the _woof_ with the _warp_ that men _weave_ the _web_ or piece; and the first line was dearly bought by the admission of its wretched correspondent, "give ample room and verge enough [198]. The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II
  • Somehow the sudden lapses of respected people, odd indecorums, backbitings, bigamies, embezzlements, and attempted chastities -- the surprising leaps they make now and then out of propriety into the police-courts -- somehow news-items of this kind do not altogether -- how shall I put it? More Trivia
  • To stay in the house, she invents the story that she is a runaway juvenile delinquent, and kind of blackmails the goodhearted Prof. Patterson, who is all worried about propriety.
  • No man's fonder of 'untin' than I am, but to turn out on sich a day as this would be a daring -- a desperate violation of all the laws of registered propriety. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour
  • At figure-drawing classes at BYU, models wear full-body leotards to avoid any suggestion of impropriety. Should religious art require a fig leaf?
  • The accepted view of an organisation which is the protector of conformity and propriety has disappeared.
  • Those States have assumed the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution: they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. Boing Boing
  • Temperate men are not governed in their religious researches by the pride of peculiarity nor the influence of party views, and a faithful trial ought to have been made in order to convince of error before the charge of _pride of peculiarity_, or the influence of party views, could with propriety have been made. A Series of Letters in Defence of Divine Revelation
  • Though I would disagree with the term ‘overly rational’ for the same reason that ‘overly terminal’ would offend my idea of lexicological propriety, I cannot imagine ever excluding the possible existence of more than five senses.
  • A certain Dutch Latinist who once attempted to find good Roman words for all the terms [unclear: Spheazes] used among merchants employed with great propriety, the term Adversaria for a Ledger; matters of account being there arranged, as we all know, in opposition to each other Letter to John Hall, Philadelphia, November 21, 1806
  • The propriety of adopting the intentional stance towards a system is settled pragmatically in terms of the utility of its application in interacting with the system.
  • There is no suggestion of impropriety by the minister.
  • There are different standards of propriety for an intimate dinner than for the State of the Union address.
  • Things seemed arranged with more propriety even than in the kingdom of Heaven.
  • They were shy and had a sense of modesty and propriety.
  • 'My advice, however, is, that you attempt, from time to time, an original sermon; and in the labour of composition, do not burthen your mind with too much at once; do not exact from yourself at one effort of excogitation, propriety of thought and elegance of expression. Life of Johnson
  • The whole thing stank of a setup and police impropriety.
  • In forwarding this despatch Lord Milner made the apposite comment that the propriety of employing the term suzerainty to express the rights possessed by Great Britain is an "etymological question," and Mr. Chamberlain, replying on December 15th, accepts President Krüger's declaration that he is willing to abide by the articles of the Convention, reasserts the claim of suzerainty, declines to allow foreign arbitration, and demands the immediate fulfilment of Article IV. Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902
  • But we deny any impropriety. Times, Sunday Times
  • These instances might with propriety be reckoned among singular or heteroclite instances, for in the whole extent of nature they are of rare and extraordinary occurrence. The New Organon
  • He said: "They were clearly implying impropriety on my part."
  • The director insisted that there was no question as to the propriety of how the funds were raised.

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