How To Use Proprietor In A Sentence
Richardson, are proprietors of shows, and the berouged, bedraggled creatures who exhibit on the platform outside for their living.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
II. i.223 (370,7) [My lips are no common, though several they be] _Several_, is an inclosed field of a private proprietor, so Maria says, _her lips_ are _private property_.
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
He put a proprietorial arm around her.
But a quick word with the proprietor of the local service station reassured me otherwise.
The proprietor is an interesting guy named Gilberto Penzo.
Cool ship models

It's also much more expensive to clean up and much more damaging to the proprietor seen as they usually cannot use a room I've just vacated - not until the fumigators have finished anyway.
This requirement arises only where such a person demands to know the name and address of the proprietor and not otherwise.
Though the long-term proprietor, Julie Griffiths, hates the term, this pub high in the Chiltern hills, lays claim to being the original gastropub.
The 20 best places to eat in Britain this summer
The proprietor, Bob Blanc, has plans to construct what he calls ‘boatel’ units - simple accommodations for the yachties using the marina.
It is not difficult to see why Gregory and his supporters denounced both lay proprietorship and clerical marriage.
For National Poetry Month (April, to civilians), GottaBook's proprietor is promising new work by some of the finest kids 'poets in the land.
Chicken Spaghetti:
The praetors changed the system of property by allowing a person, who had a thing in bonis, the right to recover before the prescribed term of usucaption had conferred absolute proprietorship.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The grant had been made by Fairfax's grandfather, Lord Culpeper, the coproprietor and
George Washington: Farmer
Paris Minton is minding his own business -- a small used bookstore of which he is the proud proprietor -- when a beautiful woman named Elana Love walks in and asks a few questions.
Fearless Jones: Summary and book reviews of Fearless Jones by Walter Mosley.
Have discussions taken place with proprietors of nursing agencies with a view to assessing the cost effectiveness of using agency nurses?
The harlequin is enamoured of a young dancer who has been forced to marry the proprietor of the troupe.
Condolences go to the proprietors of the shop who have worked so hard to make a success of it.
The gentleman of the buckskins was the proprietor, with whose bailiff Harry Wakefield had dealt, or was in the act of dealing.
Chronicles of the Canongate
The present proprietor keeps the house arranged as it used to be, and has gathered one or two memorials of its famous tenant, including his poor clavecin and his watch.
My hostess is a spry 81-year-old sporting a perilous arrangement of blue-tinted hair which hints at her past as proprietor of a West End salon called Lilian's.
Some quite inquisitive - and even proprietorial - individuals came close, begging for food and carefully observing us whilst we worked in the water.
He bethought himself of his uncle, proprietor of a flourishing plumber and gasfitter's firm in the Broomielaw, Glasgow.
They heard his cheerful voice coming from within as he hailed the proprietor of the establishment.
I therefore organized my Street Arab detective corps, and sent them systematically to every cab proprietor in London until they ferreted out the man that I wanted.
The light was so-so, and I took the photos surreptitiously and quickly, as the proprietors of many stores do not like people taking photographs inside.
When this was reported to the proprietor, he determined, if possible, to outroot this last remnant of disturbance.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865
An eternal optimist, proprietor Robert Finch has an amazing story to tell of the vicissitudes of farming emus.
It is affirmed that the aumils and renters exact from the proprietors of the actual harvest a large increase in kind on their stipulated rent: that is, from those who hold their _pottah_ by the tenure of paying _one half_ of the produce of their crops, either _the whole_ without subterfuge, or a _large_ proportion of it by a _false measurement_ or other pretexts; and from those whose engagements are for
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 08 (of 12)
Hawksnest, over beyond, I noted, had its pseudomorph too; a newspaper proprietor of the type that hustles along with stolen ideas from one loud sink-or-swim enterprise to another, had bought the place outright; Redgrave was in the hands of brewers.
Tono Bungay
The Republicans in control of the House argue that repealing the Bush tax cuts would have an adverse impact on small businesses which are often single proprietorships subject to individual income tax rates.
Leon Friedman: Fixing the Deficit by Getting Help From the Top 1%
At the back of the room sat a handsome young man playing the gusla and singing, apparently the proprietor, and two very pretty young women, all with that characteristically Slav look which comes from the pulling of the flesh down from the flat cheekbones by the tense pursing of the mouth.
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: Part V
I subsequently discovered that my new and non-sporting acquaintances were coffee-planters of a class then known as the Galle Face planters, who passed their time in cantering about the Colombo race-course and idling in the town, while their estates lay a hundred miles distant, uncared for, and naturally ruining their proprietors.
Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon
Business really is based on one of three basic organizational formats: the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation.
For sole proprietorships and partnerships, the deadline is April 18.
Why It's Worth Paying for a Tax Pro
Thousands of modest proprietorships and partnerships - grocers, blacksmiths, fabric merchants, printers, tailors, dressmakers, milliners - sold specialized goods.
Her subsequent position in the immigrant community as the proprietor of a cafe, however, is more closely aligned with middle-class social workers than with the labor activists and suffragettes of the working class.
New tracts of lands would be cultivated upon the Canal margin, and, encouraged by the State's example the proprietors of all the great unimproved tracts of Swamp lands will form themselves into Drainage Companies, by which method alone can we ever hope to witness the complete reclamation of the dismals of the seaboard.
The Beginnings of Public Education in North Carolina; A Documentary History, 1790-1840. Vol. II
jibs" might be seen perambulating the courts, in the vain effort to discover their tutors 'chambers, the names having undergone an alteration that left all trace of their original proprietors unattainable: Doctor
Charles O'Malley — Volume 1
The registered proprietor stated in his counterstatement that he had started the project.
Hazel, the proprietor, is in her sixties, and it's a toss-up as to whether she's more attached to her mother or her cats.
The Used World by Haven Kimmel: Book summary
Years ago, the proprietor developed a novel method to cast backyard satellite television dishes in a one-shot process that results in exceptionally smooth parabolic antennas.
-- "Proprietors interested in the execution of the above-mentioned works may unite in an authorized syndical company, either on the demand of one or of several among them, or on the initiative of the prefect.
The Modern Regime, Volume 1
The valley was unsurveyed for the most part, and the Indians naturally felt a sort of proprietorship in it, and when Wilson drove his cattle down into the valley and "squatted," the chief, Drifting Crane, welcomed him as a host might to an abundant feast whose hospitality was presumed upon, but who felt the need of sustaining his reputation as a host, and submitted graciously.
Drifting Crane
Herr Schikenader, the former proprietor, chanced to see me perform one evening.
The proprietors held their land in free and common socage, and the planters in the Northern Neck paid quitrents and fees to the proprietors rather than to the crown.
Mother Earth Land Grants in Virginia 1607-1699
Two days later, the professors found themselves confronting another polar bear, two mandrills, two agoutis, a tiger, a vulture, two eagles, and two more animal proprietors, who, like the first, were retained to care for the animals.
If this is so, a proprietor can object to unnecessary repackaging even when it causes no harm to the specific subject matter of the right.
Michelle was there too, holding his arm proprietorially.
I knew the proprietor must be struggling to make a living, because we could no longer afford to extend him any credit.
And so the old proprietor sighingly departed, leaving the new one smiling on the doorstep.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 35, September, 1860
The proprietor of the corner grocery was a strange thing in my life.
The proprietor, Val, has put together a site that should please any aficionado of mammalian aerialists.
A proprietor who had capital enough to invest in trading goods and supplies was called a bourgeois.
Champlain's Dream
And should every proprietor exercise his equal right to embank all his own lands, and thus the general operation shall strive to confine the river within the limits of its shores, the attempt must fail, and the floods, rising higher in proportion to their lateral confinement, will overtop any dykes which can be made by separate individuals, each working on his own separate plan.
Agricultural, Geological, and Descriptive Sketches of Lower North Carolina, and the Similar Adjacent Lands
Justin Hart, who we all know as the enterprising proprietor of
Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog
Road rage is a telling example; that's just people becoming proprietorial about something they should share.
Resident proprietors welcome guests back year after year.
Japanese proprietors are erecting a complex infrastructure of political influence throughout America.
Gradually these gentlemen looked upon the land of the mir as their own property, but the peasants never did lose the conviction that the mir was the real proprietor.
The Story of Russia
On his father's death in 1869 he inherited the baronetcy and the proprietorship of the Athenaeum and Notes and Queries.
The devilry exhibited by minibus drivers and their long-distance counterparts is fuelled by the inability of transport proprietors to maintain their fleets or single vehicles in reasonable condition.
The proprietor prefers to be on the floor; hustling merch, schmoozing with the clientele and practising the salesmanship he learned 45 years ago.
Goats chewed the shadows of the rock and gazed with proprietorial sarcasm and planted themselves in my path to watch me hesitate.
I demanded to speak to the proprietor, a weak-willed man who claimed that the youths were only enjoying some music before attending a scout meeting.
As in the latter case the imagination discovers not so entire an union as in the former, but is able to trace and preserve a distinct idea of the property of each; this is the reason, why the civil law, tho 'it established an entire community in the case of confusion, and after that a proportional division, yet in the case of commixtion, supposes each of the proprietors to maintain a distinct right; however necessity may at last force them to submit to the same division.
A Treatise of Human Nature
Nikolaevna watches him and smiles at him, her bondslave, that smile he knows already, the smile of the proprietor, the slave-owner ....
The Torrents of Spring
A major downside to sole proprietorships and partnerships is that they lack liability protection.
Setting Up a Business Structure
The proprietorship is exclusive in ownership. Then, what about the partnership?
By 1778 Fry was the sole proprietor.
Times, Sunday Times
He looks what he claims to be, her friend, confidant and protector, a smiling, slightly proprietorial figure.
Japanese proprietors are erecting a complex infrastructure of political influence throughout America.
'Look here, boss,' I said to old man Moss -- the proprietor, you know -- 'You're a bit of a juggins to go on working with so much money under here,' -- and I pointed to the floor.
The Sorcery Club
In a recovery with double voucher, the tenant or proprietor of the land con - veys an eftate of freehold to fome indifferent pcrfon againft whom the v/rit is brought; the tenant to the precipe then vouches the proprietor of the land, who vouches over the common vouchee.
A Law Grammar; Or, An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of English Jurisprudence.
Family members often find entering business together is more efficient than operating several independent sole proprietorships.
This week seven readers have offered their satirical definitions for the term sole proprietorship, and now it's time for you to vote for best definition. stories: News
Engineering guarantee warrantee is not only an important means of risk transferring in construction engineering, but also an important tool of credit insurance between proprietor and contractor.
A humble proletarian hotel proprietor is subsequently pole-axed by the super-structure of the capitalist means-of-production in a dramatic example of Asiatic despotism at work throughout the totality of the imperialist capitalist system.
Libertarians Still Lusting for Palin? « Blog
Compared with the sole proprietorship, what advantages has the partnership got?
This sale is really a stellionate and an extortion; but by the legal fiction of the right of property, this same sale, severely punished, we know not why, in other cases, is a source of profit and value to the proprietor.
What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government.
Many investors act primarily as consumers of equities rather than as shared proprietors.
Proprietor Neil Stevenson confirmed that refunds will be available by returning the tickets to Grooves.
If the business is a sole proprietorship or a partnership, the money could be considered a loan that you will pay back by an agreed-to time and at an agreed-to interest rate.
The shop and entresol at that time were tenanted by a tinman; the landlord occupied the first floor; the four upper stories were rented by very decent working girls, who were treated by the portress and the proprietor with some consideration and an obligingness called forth by the difficulty of letting a house so oddly constructed and situated.
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
The proprietor of a famous bakery and rotisserie, he is known as a patron of the arts, and is also a poet himself.
The proprietor of the so-called sanitarium was also arrested, and both prisoners were driven down to the Brooklyn police station.
The Young Oarsmen of Lakeview
However, it is unlikely that such proprietorial power will be exercised without reference to commercial considerations or marketing considerations.
Dressed in Wellington boots and a waxed jacket, Mike Robinson, proprietor of the Harwood Arms pub in London and Pot Kiln pub near Newbury, Berkshire, England, whacks some freshly killed fallow deer onto a home-made barbeque, pulls out some chanterelle and wood-blewit mushrooms plucked from the forests that morning, and throws them into another pan with some rich-yoked duck eggs.
A New Breed of Epicurean Delights
The proprietor owns or obtains the materials and capital equipment used in the operation of the business and personally supervises its operation.
SR.) (4) The farms of Blet and Brosses really produce nothing for the proprietor, inasmuch as the tithes and the champart (field-rents),
The Ancient Regime
Their descendants took the name of Charteris, as connecting themselves with their maternal ancestors, the ancient proprietors of the property, though the name of Thomas de Longueville was equally honoured amongst them; and the large two handed sword with which he mowed the ranks of war was, and is still, preserved among the family muniments.
The Fair Maid of Perth
This was actually what the proprietor said to them when he wandered out of his office - a converted trailer from a huge juggernaut.
Reggie, as heir presumptive, had agreed to leave his post in the City and take over as proprietor of the Manor/ hotel.
When Dennis died in 1971 Mary became the sole proprietor.
I therefore organized my Street Arab detective corps, and sent them systematically to every cab proprietor in London until they ferreted out the man that I wanted.
Loose-jointedly Milt climbed a loose-jointed high stool and to the proprietor, Bill McGolwey, his best friend, he yawned,
Free Air
The metage dues are therefore as much their property as an hereditary estate is that of its acknowledged proprietor.
The Corporation of London, Its Rights and Privileges
An exhausted proprietor at the head of his waiters, crazed with sleepiness, eventually succeeds in driving these noctambulist apostles into the streets.
Modern Painting
Watson's problem was that he is a bed and breakfast proprietor who several years ago made some incautious remarks on Stephen Nolan's radio show about his reluctance to have homosexual rumpo on the premises; and, as we know, Team Cameron are deeply sensitive about that issue.
Splintered Sunrise
Proprietors do appoint editors and chief-executives; they decide budgets and manning levels and they put their imprint on the total organizations.
He is now sole proprietor of the business.
The proprietor was a middle-aged woman with dyed hair and a small, mean mouth, tight as a spring-loaded purse.
After twelve months of negotiation, the fellaheen were at last bought out on fair terms, each proprietor receiving a stated price for his dwelling and a piece of land elsewhere, upon which to build another.
A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
Looking back at the early operations of the trade, and considering that steel pens were made by hand at the beginning of the present century, we can scarcely understand why the idea of cheapening the production by the application of labor-saving contrivances did not occur to those inventive geniuses, the proprietors of Soho.
The Story of the Invention of Steel Pens With a Description of the Manufacturing Process by Which They Are Produced
We want to make the pantomime writer, the proprietor of the penny “comic,” the billsticker, and the music-hall artist extremely careful, punctiliously clean, but we do not want, for example, to pester Mr. Thomas Hardy.
Mankind in the Making
He beautified here and beautified there, built a new drawing-room, added bedrooms, constructed a tunnel under the road, erected in the "wilderness" on the other side of the road a Swiss châlet, which had been presented to him by Fechter, the French-English actor, and in short indulged in all the thousand and one vagaries of a proprietor who is enamoured of his property.
Life of Charles Dickens
Phillip's Voyage to Botany Bay, by permission of the Proprietor_] [Transcriber's note: names of painter and engraver are only guesswork.] [Illustration: AM I NOT A MAN AND A BROTHER] "To call the pearly drops from Pity's eye,
The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
Would a new proprietor raise the fees?
Times, Sunday Times
In unison, we asked the proprietor how he ended up so far from his homeland.
The majority of what I have termed turpentine-farmers -- meaning the small proprietors of the long-leafed pine forest land, are people but a grade superior, in character or condition, to these vagabonds.
A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; With Remarks on Their Economy
For a while, having a sole proprietorship raised your chances of getting audited.
Already by 1913, recreation was a profitable, commercialized concern for the proprietors of amusement parks.
All went swimmingly at first, and I had that warm, faintly proprietorial glow that goes with introducing friends to somewhere that you feel has been your own brilliant discovery.
Many proprietors try to furnish their hotels with antiques.
The result is that the same or similar marks can be owned by different proprietors in respect of dissimilar goods or businesses.
`I'll show you then," Livy said, with a faintly proprietorial air.
Finally they find a dodgy motel that has some space, but the proprietor tells them the only room left contains one single bed.
(b) is it necessary that the proprietor of a trade mark should have his trade mark registered before he can begin to "acquiesce" in the use by another of (i) an identical or
The IPKat - supporting prudent IP use
A heartfelt plea to any theatre proprietors who have a venue available during November.
As a proprietor, Chan diversified the business to include metal products for interior decoration.
Its proprietors have managed to fashion a sow's ear out of a silk purse.
Telegraph proprietor Conrad Black has estimated the price cut will cost £1.5m a month.
It was dark by the time they entered the avenue of Ravenswood Castle, a long straight line leading directly to the front of the house, flanked with huge elm-trees, which sighed to the night-wind, as if they compassionated the heir of their ancient proprietors, who now returned to their shades in the society, and almost in the retinue, of their new master.
The Bride of Lammermoor
Peter Riis, proprietor of The New Companion and a "shameless and hardened belletrist," noticed the recent renaissance of hat-related posts here and sent me a link to a glorious advertisement he had posted a couple of years ago:THE PRICE OF FRIENDSHIP. DON'T FORGET PERRING'S HATS.
The "loss of China" as ally, market and mission field appalled Americans such as Henry Luce, proprietor of Time magazine and the most influential voice of the China lobby.
The proprietor had traded a snowmobile for the bus, gutted it and turned it into a kitchen.
As Turbosoft were not a limited liability company, the proprietors are personally liable for the losses and could be made bankrupt.
We heard with satisfaction that the present proprietor of the zamang had brought an action against a cultivator who had been guilty of cutting off
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
A proprietor had noted in 1910 that he had applications for jobs at twenty-five shillings a week from competent reporters of forty and fifty years of age with families.
We leave with a large poster of the man - a gift from the proprietor.
Times, Sunday Times
The proprietor of the confectionery was a benevolent old man with
The Trimmed Lamp, and other Stories of the Four Million
No, they are sometimes too rough, too driven by circulation targets and proprietors with an eye for profit, too sensational, too uncaring.
The star at our table was Aubert de Villaine, the 71-year-old proprietor of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, one of the few Burgundian vignerons who probably wears a foulard from time to time.
Burgundy: When It's Good, It's Very, Very Good...
Most are sole proprietorships, but about 5 million are distinct business entities employing more than 60 million employees.
Proprietors are looking to make the lanes playable so that scores are high.
Wisden has been vexed about the influence that a sole proprietor inevitably exerts over his club and the game.
Times, Sunday Times
And if you're not a C corporation-- and most businesses are partnerships or sole proprietorships--there is no business tax at the state level avoiding the double taxation of the past.
Saving Detroit: The Conversation
Etruria Pottery, formerly operated by Messrs. Ott & Brewer, now known as the Cook Pottery Company, the mark used on Belleek ware was a crescent bearing the name with the initials of the proprietors, "O. & B.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 1082, September 26, 1896
She was stroking Cheetham's thigh proprietorially while he appeared to be conducting an inquisition about the carrier bags.
The public dinner was already over, being Sabbath; but the proprietor of our hotel, a worthy Quaker named Potter, got us a very comfortable meal at five o'clock, according to our wishes: meantime we rid ourselves of the accumulated dust of two days, and were comfortably established in out-quarters, the hotel being full.
Impressions of America During The Years 1833, 1834, and 1835. In Two Volumes, Volume II.
People who run their businesses through sole proprietorships, therefore, must keep track of how they spend money that they borrow.
Fried bread, potatoes, mushrooms, fancy jams, and regional frills such as porridge, black pudding, laverbread, or gammon are provided at the discretion of the proprietor.
So anyway, in comes the proprietor and says g'day to me and his son.
The State authority was to be the purchaser, and the occupier was to be the proprietor.
The Grand Old Man
As he proprietorially slaps her buttocks he is saying words she can't make out.
One proprietorial hand was laid, light as a priestly blessing, on an old-fashioned microscope in gleaming brass.
Each signory, barony and colony consisted of 12,000 acres, and it was provided that after a certain term of years the "proprietors" should not have power to alienate or make over their proprietorship, but that "it should descend unto their heirs male.
The Great South; A Record of Journeys in Louisiana, Texas, the Indian Territory, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland
On his restless nocturnal strolls, Harry frequently encounters his next-door neighbor, and friendly fellow insomniac, Bradley Thomas (Greg Kinnear), the maritally jinxed proprietor of the campus coffee shop, and the source of much of the film’s humor in the kind of pompously clueless role he played so effectively in last year’s hilarious Little Miss Sunshine.
A Lovable Feast: An Old Friend Offers Cure for the War Weary
Perhaps they too had felt proprietorial on their return and now were equally resentful that the territory was to be shared.
He is mourned by parents Aidan and Chris, proprietors, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, and a host of friends.
The internet, the most effective means yet discovered for sharing proprietorial information, redefines the concept of copyright beyond anything the law can keep up with.
The knightly class soon ceased to be purely professional soldiers and became landed proprietors in their own right, acting as seigneurs or lords of the manor.
Second, proprietors' equities at the end of the year equaled proprietors' equities at the beginning of the year plus revenues and minus expenses for the year.
At the end of each newspaper edition, political opinions expressed will be carefully logged and the proprietor charged a fee for each that is not balanced by an equal and opposite point of view.
One half of Customers and Patrons constitutes a transcription (with detailed annotation) of a case book of Dr John Monro, the physician to the Bethlem Asylum and the proprietor of several madhouses in the London region.
It's a caper through London's East End in the company of four blokes with a proprietorial interest in a boozer, which acts as the control centre for their dodgy enterprises.
The link between family and agrarian system will help us to understand why dechristianization gained ground, from 1791 onwards, in regions of large farms and share-cropping, and met with resistance in provinces where tenant farming and peasant proprietorship were predominant.
France as a "nation"
After middle period of Qing Dynasty, the proprietorship of soil was changed from patrician to fresh landholder , and management method was changed from slavery to tenancy.
Will they allow us to continue editing and producing this paper without proprietorial interference?
Since then proprietors have upgraded their safety standards, Tipton said.
In 1725 he "caused a plot or plan containing 360 acres of land to be admeasured and laid out in lots, which 360 acres is but part of a larger tract or parcel of land containing 1500 held by patent thereof" of the proprietors.
Journal of a Lady of Quality; Being the Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the Years 1774 to 1776
Ken also played a man selling luminous leprechauns and a newspaper seller talking inconsequential nonsense to the proprietor of a coffee stall.
Early on Saturday morning, the popular function rooms in the Southend park were nearly destroyed, leaving proprietors Tracey < cor > and Chris Harris clutching thousands of pounds of deposit money.
Under the stewardship of head chef and co-proprietor Joe Shannon, The Dooney delivers a great lunch package, ranging from a full meal to a sandwich, salad or bap.
The new Proprietor looked on him and saw a man triumphing where the multitude of essaying disciples fail: not in lofty ideals, not in emotional experiences, not in grand works undertaken; but in the prosiest, hardest spot -- albeit the touchstone of many a man's consecration -- the _money question_.
The First Soprano
Benny Goodman, who commissioned the work, saunters through it proprietorially.
After dinner we went into a liquor store where I bought a bottle of muscatel and the old proprietor and his old fat buddy looked at us and said "Where you boys been?
The butty was a contractor who engaged with the proprietor or lessee of the mine to deliver the coal or iron-stone at so much per ton, himself hiring the labourers, using his own horses, and supplying the tools requisite for the working of the mine.
Recent Developments in European Thought
Hotel proprietors, restaurateurs and publicans are unanimous on the point and not one of them regrets the changed habits of their patrons.
Visiting anglers pay large sums to fish such prime salmon beats but without offering privacy, proprietors will see little return on their investments.
Included in the project were health check-ups for the elephants and safety training for mahouts and proprietors.
Throughout the rural Great Plains, nearly 70 percent of recent job growth came from nonfarm proprietorships - in other words, people creating a job for themselves and perhaps a handful of others by starting their own small business.
Omaha World-Herald > Frontpage
Originally coal was mined on a 'butty' system where a butty was a middleman between a gang of half a dozen workers and the proprietors, the miners being paid a fixed rate per ton.
It has been free from proprietorial interference for nearly 10 years now.
He beautified here and beautified there, built a new drawing-room, added bedrooms, constructed a tunnel under the road, erected in the “wilderness” on the other side of the road a Swiss chalet, which had been presented to him by Fechter, the French-English actor, and in short indulged in all the thousand and one vagaries of a proprietor who is enamoured of his property.
Life of Charles Dickens
Most include third party coverage - for example, if a customer sues the proprietor of a retail store.
They become integrated into the chromosomes of their carriers and are copied each time the proprietor's cell divides.
Landed proprietors generally did not much invest in the funds, although some individual peers had substantial holdings.
The sole proprietor is responsible for 100 % of all business debts and obligations.
Most prominent billing was accorded to the proprietor, a Baron von Braun.
The grounds are primarily for the use of the proprietors, columbaria niche owners, mausoleum crypt owners and the families and friends of the deceased.
"...stains on the carpet and stains on the scenery..."
Russell stood aside to allow a long-time sailing colleague to have the honour of helming the final victory and the proprietorship of the America's Cup until the next round, in 2003.
In addition, there is a strip of land down by the burn (and occasionally flooded by it) -- – I think it would qualify as a haugh -- which was once held in common by three proprietors.
Jean's Knitting
It seems likely that much of the fertile lands of the Garonne corridor and the coastal strip were in the hands of rich proprietors, who owned vast estates.
‘Just look at these mountains,’ he says, with all the proprietorial pride of a man who feels he is monarch of all he surveys.
More than two-thirds of all small businesses are either sole proprietorships, partnerships, or S corporations.
Composing myself, in my most blasé tone I casually asked the proprietor if he'd consider breaking up the set.
Instead on increasing income taxes, which might arguably affect single proprietorships and small businesses, we could impose a tax based on wealth.
Leon Friedman: Fixing the Deficit by Getting Help From the Top 1%
Or you could do the equivalent and open your Washington Post, where destiny has been achieved: Fred Hiatt, the proprietor of America's Worst Opinion Page, has done what he does best, invite a mendacious lackwit to gussy up his surplus of dead tree-pulp to the detriment of his rapidly declining readership.
Dinesh D'Souza Docks In America's Safest Harbor For Lackwits [UPDATE]
It didn't have any identification on it, unlike most satellites which were emblazoned with the logos of their proprietors.
This is because the sole proprietorship is made up solely of assets, such as equipment, leases, receivables and customer lists.
As the sole proprietor of the store, perhaps slippers would be a lofty accouterment to incorporate into your inventory.
Crossing the Tracks
The proprietor, an Ichabod Crane look-alike, emerged from the back room.
In the UK on the other hand sole proprietorship and partnership were the only legal forms available to audit firms until 1991.
I crossed to the bar and asked the proprietor about the room.
Aside from corporation, the most common types are proprietorship and partnership.
There are sausage-makers, pasta makers, mincers, olive presses and, there on the shelf behind one of the proprietors, a rugged little cheesegrater.
Newspaper proprietors accepted the new controls on the altar of total war and co-operated in disseminating government propaganda.
The proprietor of a North Hollywood candy store recently posted a sign saying he may no longer accept Wells Fargo checks.
He tells the story of a gangster's moll, treated in a casually proprietorial manner by her man, who exacts revenge by falling in love with her plumber.
Or many small businesses are what they call sole proprietorships.
CNN Transcript Jul 9, 2004