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How To Use Proprietary In A Sentence

  • This is not a problem; however, because typically only transmittal equipment is available in the market and translating equipment is proprietary to specific companies. David Isenberg: The GAO Transcripts, Part 6: Coordinating PSC Activities in Iraq
  • (ABRAXANE) which is based on its proprietary tumor targeting system known as the nab ™ newswire stock news, financial news, investment news and industry news in leading sectors including cleantech, energy, water and more
  • If you're a scientist working in the proprietary labs of industry I've heard that the very first thing you have to learn is to UN-learn what you've been taught about the brick wall around causation. Continuation…
  • It is a proprietary product, priced competitively.
  • In March 1681 the king agreed to grant young William, the admiral's heir, proprietary ownership of the lands west of the Delaware River and north of the Maryland border in exchange for canceling the old debt.
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  • The regulator says Trillium, through nine proprietary traders, sent non-bona fide orders into the markets to create false volume, thereby attracting buying or selling interest.
  • All the big names have proprietary power saving programs that monitor CPU activity and respond accordingly to try to extend battery life on portables.
  • It was emphasised by him that the usufructuary rights that were referred to, which may not have been proprietary in character, nonetheless, depended wholly on the community title.
  • The loud-mouthed dealer may well have made the company £100m in proprietary trading profits, but he also cost it £150m in damages.
  • The Chinese group said it had full proprietary intellectual property rights. Times, Sunday Times
  • The e-tailing group, a shopper-centric e-commerce consultancy, recently published the results of an annual proprietary study of the buy-online/in-store-pickup services of 18 large and small retailers. In-Store Pickup: The Devil Is in the Details | Impact Lab
  • Simplicity of use is another plus here because its just a matter of popping in a filmstrip of a mounted slide into the film frame, which you're able to see being scanned in the proprietary lighting viewing window.
  • The utilization of digital bus protocols in the manufacturing and process industries has historically been centered on proprietary communication methods.
  • Mr. Marino said Mr. Aleynikov has been an active member of the open-source code programming community, which believes such nonproprietary computer code should be shared with the world. Goldman Code-Theft Trial Opens
  • Certainly a product's proprietary nature would need protecting whether contract manufacturing is done offshore or just across the street.
  • Scam Sensor uses a proprietary heuristic algorithm to identify fraudulent e-mails.
  • Directors weren't allowed any proprietary airs about the product they made.
  • The popular 5-Hour Energy drink from Living Essentials LLC, Farmington Hills, Mich., contains citicoline in a "proprietary energy blend," but the company won't say how much. An Energy Shot for the Brain
  • Too dependent on commercial, proprietary companies: Rather than create one system and beta-test it, the UK government depended on four companies to build the system, two of which quit or were fired for missing deadlines. Stephen Soumerai: Don't Repeat the UK's Electronic Health Records Failure
  • Right now, the best prescription drugs on the market to take at night before trying to sleep are amitryptyline, gabopentin sp? and expensive, proprietary Lyrica, which the V.A. won't supply to the likes of me. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • The exemption for proprietary matters, such as grants and benefits, seems particularly difficult to justify.
  • Consumers can quickly, safely and reliably pay bills and transfer money around the globe using the company's proprietary money transfer network.
  • The second option was to use British Telecoms proprietary unmetered tariff, BT Surftime.
  • This only causes headaches for Canada, whose government sees the Northwest Passage as a proprietary waterway, as Canadian as Lake Winnipeg.
  • Ivivi Technologies, Inc. is a medical technology company focusing on designing, developing and commercializing its proprietary electrotherapeutic technology platform, with a primary focus on developing treatments for cardiovascular disease. News
  • It was merely a gauche expression of a feeling of ownership, a childlike discovery of proprietary rights where the immediate and instinctive reaction is to take the toy apart.
  • In an interview, Lisa Bacus, American Family's VP-Marketing, said Ogilvy won the account, in part, because of what she described as impressive proprietary research into insurance consumers. Advertising Age - Homepage
  • In short, the proprietary targeted ad platform cannot be deleted, clicked-through or scrolled away, according to company officials.
  • The company also uses their extensive R&D capabilities, as well as their national presence, to bring you the best, proprietary products and equipment at the best prices.
  • It was the forrunner for AJAX, not to mention a proprietary technology called RDS that was used by MS back in 97 doing Ajax like updates. Microsoft Watch
  • The deal will give Daiichi Sankyo "a new, strong presence in the fast growing business of nonproprietary pharmaceuticals, Daiichi Targets Generics to Extend Reach
  • Using a proprietary fermentation process, Mountain View, Calif. -based Cobalt has turned lodgepole into the biofuel butanol, which is more like gasoline than ethanol. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Namely, the act's rejig of debit-card fees, the so-called Volcker rule's prohibition on proprietary trading and changes to derivatives regulation. The Battle Over Too-Big-to-Fail Continues
  • More research is urged to explore the possibility of future collaboration between proprietary schools and community colleges.
  • He has no proprietary interest in the farm .
  • Concerns for privacy of information, protection against cyberattacks, cybertheft and the safeguarding of proprietary information have shifted the focus of technology spending to these areas.
  • The company's portfolio includes the world's first and only protein-bound nanoparticle chemotherapeutic compound (ABRAXANE), which is based on the company's proprietary tumor targeting technology known as the nab® platform. Undefined
  • Each tendon consists of one or more steel prestressing strands coated with a proprietary intumescent material.
  • To develop his professional, authorial brand, he was 'at once entrepreneurial, combinatory, proprietary, sociable, and creative'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Participating owners in a proprietary shipping pool do not operate the pool themselves; they place their trust in the pool operator to do it for their benefit.
  • Here's the full gen from the company: "About the size of a grain of rice, each product contains a unique verification number that is captured by briefly passing a proprietary scanner over the chip."
  • Even though you can build flexible architectures with proprietary technology, it creates vendor lock-in, reduces flexibility in future sourcing, and likely results in higher total cost of ownership.
  • They also have a proprietary coating that reflects radiant interior heat back inside to help you stay warm in winter.
  • When every citizen is obliged to surrender DNA and a finger or retina print to a national database, it suggests that the state has some proprietary right over that information and the citizen's identity.
  • Commercial products are proprietary, and focus on immediate convenient access (rather than long-term document access).
  • They have proprietary control over an open architecture that underlies an entire sector of the high-tech landscape and has high switching costs. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • We will continue to be allowed to vote because voting maintains an air of Democracy (Greek-Demos) in a society, even if the means of counting the votes is proprietary (read DIEBOLD) and shielded from the Demos. Think Progress » SC Lt. Gov. compares people getting gov’t help to ‘stray animals’ who ‘breed’ because they don’t know better.
  • His Lordship's initial impression was that the case fitted more readily into a contractual than a proprietary slot.
  • We put our players on a brain healthy program that included a weight-loss group, regular exercise (surprisingly many of these former elite athletes had become couch potatoes), mental exercises, and nutritional supplements that support brain health, such as fish oil, and a proprietary formula including ginkgo biloba, huperzine A, phosphatidyl serine and vinpocetine, among others. Daniel Amen, M.D.: Can Brain Trauma In NFL Players Be Rehabilitated?
  • SizeOn also contains a unique, proprietary, patent-pending oligosaccharide called Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • As a senior member of the men's group that wandered in and out of the café all day, he nursed a kind of proprietary air about the place.
  • She rests a proprietary hand on the man's shoulder, as if for security, and the little finger of her other hand-it almost makes you wince to see it-is extended primly.
  • The forms will be sequentially numbered to record all proprietary plant and services purchases and any overspends or under spends to the budget.
  • He described it as a proprietary right and the rights of the individual members of the clan or group were the possessory or usufructuary rights.
  • The new oil is formulated with high-quality Group II base stocks and uses a proprietary, premium additive package containing ashless dispersants, oxidation inhibitors, metallic detergents and a metallic anti-wear agents. Business Wire Travel News
  • It is adding the artificial sweetener sucralose, which is commercially known as Splenda, and a proprietary additive that enhances sweetness. Hawaiian Punch Makes Over Drink, Mascot
  • Whether the mobile world will settle into one nonproprietary or many proprietary ecosystems is far from decided. The Phone Wars Aren't Over
  • That sense of ownership sometimes includes a proprietary attitude toward waterways abutting a Texan's land.
  • In fact, the tooling is the chief proprietary aspect of the product see Exhibit 2 for VPR2 product information. Managing New Product and Process Development
  • When the Glorious Revolution deposed James in 1689, rebellions in Massachusetts and New York overthrew the Dominion of New England and unseated the proprietary government in Maryland.
  • Some software gurus deem it to be a crafty way of getting people locked in to proprietary systems that will become more costly over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a proprietary formulation that binds natural grain dextrins to fruit juice so it metabolizes steadily.;
  • Blackstone Group, which long has backed hedge funds through its fund-of-funds business, is now raising a second, bigger "seeder" fund so it can dole out more money to proprietary traders and other investment pros spinning out of Wall Street to start hedge funds, say people close to the matter. Hotshot Traders Leave Wall Street
  • So far we have managed to hold things more or less together, with the promise of our own proprietary self-locking tie and application tool, available later this year.
  • Collexis now offers the world's first pre-populated scientific social network for life science researchers, www. Collexis 'proprietary technology builds conceptual profiles of text, called Fingerprints, from documents, Websites, emails and other digitized content and matches them with a comprehensive list of pre-defined "fingerprinted" concepts to make research results more relevant and efficient. Undefined
  • Indeed it is difficult to discover even partial delegation of the licensee's proprietary or managerial functions.
  • Once the hackers gain access to systems they download proprietary information, customer databases, and credit card information before trying to blackmail victims.
  • The product is proprietary and relatively low priced compared with the competition's.
  • After all, even with the best of intentions, it's impossible to convert a proprietary product line to a standard protocol overnight.
  • Mr. Negroponte says OLPC's nonproprietary software hindered sales, with some countries reluctant to commit to a nonstandard machine that didn't run Windows. Laptop Program for Kids
  • There might also in some circumstances be a proprietary claim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those catalysts could include new products, demographic trends, proprietary products, increased market share, or a change in cost structure.
  • There are many proprietary makes of planer on the market but they are all basically the same.
  • Tyvek® Vivia combines the trusted performance of DuPont ™ Tyvek® print media with a proprietary coating developed by DuPont ™ to deliver superior print quality, drapeability and flexibility in wide format applications. PRWeb
  • None of them should be doing that in my humble estimation because it is proprietary, personal, it is a matter of U.S. privacy law.
  • PCIB) reported today that it has completed the successful treatment of the second dose group in the phase I/II study of its proprietary photosensitiser Amphinex (R) used in combination with the cytotoxic agent bleomycin in cancer patients. News Articles
  • Affimed's proprietary and highly productive TandAb® technology enables the company to generate unique tetravalent, bispecific, fully human antibody formats that promise increased therapeutic potential and superior profiles compared to monoclonal antibodies. Reuters: Press Release
  • Then the court must decide whether the unjust enrichment should be compensated through a monetary award or through the granting of a proprietary interest.
  • In earlier product cycles, we'd used a proprietary system for tracking bugs, another one for storing code, and some combination of bug reports and spreadsheets to track feature progress.
  • I'm afraid this is proprietary for the moment, but the idea's clearly generalisable: Archive 2007-01-01
  • The effort - called the "aberrational performance inquiry" - uses what the S.E.C. calls proprietary risk analytics to evaluate hedge fund performance. NYT > Home Page
  • At the core of IV-7: silver dihydrogen citrate-based antimicrobials (SDC), a proprietary, patented electrolytically generated source of stabilized ionic silver. Sheila Shayon: IV-7: The Next Generation of Germ Defense
  • I thus would personally avoid defining any of these proprietary products, in order to remain consistent.
  • It further encouraged interoperability by adopting open-standard, nonproprietary technology (known as IEEE 802.11), and rapidly released products instead of perfecting them. All for One
  • Siemens will use its sales and service organization in Saudi Arabia to distribute and support the MyCelx product line, which includes proprietary advanced coalescer and oil removal technology, as well as proprietary filtration media. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • There is also a lack of senior management support for the technology, and a lack of choice compared with proprietary software. Computing
  • Cope is derailed by enthusiastic interjections from proprietary fans and the show lurches from one interruption to another.
  • To give him the greater weight, he was created a landgrave of the colony, to which dignity forty-eight thousand acres of land were unalienably annexed: but to his mortification he soon found, that the proprietary government had acquired but little firmness and stability, and, by his imprudence and rigour, fell into still greater disrespect and contempt. An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 1
  • I am talking about real technology companies that make real things like semiconductors or components or have proprietary software.
  • It provides the only surviving record of some transactions, and it contains proprietary land grants, certificates of admeasurements, wills, leases, releases, and other documents.
  • There are mini headphone and microphone jacks - the unit includes a pair of headphones with a tiny electret mic attached on a boom - and a proprietary USB jack with cable supplied.
  • But it also allows uncooperative people to convert the program into proprietary software.
  • STRONGSVILLE, OH - By incorporating a precision polymer drain layer and proprietary multi-layered media, Clark Reliance has developed a series of coalescer elements for natural gas conditioning. ThomasNet News - Today's New Product News
  • This proprietary blend shows tremendous depth and concentration, with generous blackberry fruit and hints of chocolate and blueberry.
  • The company has a proprietary right to the property.
  • Each delicate piece of edible art is made using a proprietary drying and forming process that converts organic materials into the paper thin layers, giving you the sense of a microscopic view into their intricate cellular structure. Biodegradable Bowls Made From Vegetables
  • This proprietary blend of solubilized nutritional components is engineered to enhance, support, and recharge healthy body systems. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • Listen, kids get very proprietary about ‘their’ bands.
  • Don't be tempted to use a proprietary descaler, as it may corrode the aluminium. Times, Sunday Times
  • How many times will we have to muddle through ham-handed attempts to shoehorn users into limited choices with proprietary protocols that will eventually be replaced by common. open ones?
  • Berners-Lee then moved to MIT to lead an international consortium dedicated to preserving the Web as a nonproprietary space. Capitalism 3.0~ Chapter 10
  • One of the doctors made $12.5 million in royalty payments from the device maker, while others were described in Medtronic disclosure forms to the government as having a "proprietary interest in the product tested. Grassley Asks FDA About Firms' Payments to Doctors
  • On the other hand, a number of firms have shown that you can run a healthy business without cornering the market with your proprietary technology.
  • I have a plain, cheap Cuisinart nonstick skillet (supposedly a proprietary nonstick coating of titanium, but I'm skeptical) that is almost exclusively for eggs and crepes and other things that stick to even the "nonstick" Calphalon. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • The site uses proprietary algorithms to weight shows by venue and participants; where a show is held—whether in a small museum or at the Met—counts for a lot.
  • Cool and all, especially for iPhone app developers, but are we once again stepping into the muck of proprietary property browser wars? CSS reading - Knowledge is Power
  • A proprietary finishing system ensures that the fabric will meet specified pyrogen levels.
  • SiCortex, a company that makes a green supercomputer using proprietary chips and some “Back to the Future” styling, is seeking to sell its assets by the end of June. On the Block: SiCortex’s DeLorean-Style Green Supercomputer
  • The technology utilizes a proprietary "linker" technology that connects the anti-cancer agent to the appropriate receptor binding moiety to form a conjugate. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Branding is an effort at countering the devolution of a so-called proprietary good into a "commodity."
  • Because of the intensely dry climate, steel weathers quickly but does not rust through, so it was not necessary to use costly proprietary types of oxydized steel cladding.
  • Is he using proprietary logos without permission, and operating without the necessary business permits?
  • Our proprietary hydroforming and magnetic-pulse welding technologies allow for enhanced structural rigidity, reduced weight, and improved crashworthiness.
  • The common law tradition posed fewer difficulties for the Crown as long as its vocabulary was informed by ideas of feudal tenure rather than proprietary ownership.
  • It awarded the honorable title of nation high-tech enterprise, which provided with proprietary intellectual property rights on anti-static Calcium Sulphate Raised Access Flooring System series.
  • Giants like Yahoo and Google have thus far taken a mostly nonproprietary stance toward their data, typically letting outside developers access it in an attempt to curry favor with them and foster increased inbound Web traffic. Should Web Giants Let Startups Use the Information They Have About You?
  • With an air of proprietary pride, he looks out over the nesting site of one of the world's rarest birds.
  • We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology.
  • Anyone who learned about the game by reading Bill James and later consuming books like the annual Baseball Prospectus preview to which Mr. Keri was a longtime contributor has surely rued one odd effect of the triumph of their work within the sport: It seems that every time a sabermetrician does something really original, he is hired on by a team, with his work soon receiving a big stamp reading "proprietary" on it. The Religion of Prediction
  • This proprietary blend shows tremendous depth and concentration, with generous blackberry fruit and hints of chocolate and blueberry.
  • An early tradition established was that the incumbent president of the regatta organizing committee was the then commodore of the Royal Varuna Yacht Club, which holds the proprietary rights to the event.
  • DiLA2 is Marina Biotech's proprietary delivery platform of novel synthetic di-alkylated amino acid compounds used to make liposomal delivery formulations. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Nevertheless, it has become established as the only real alternative for organisations seeking to avoid or escape proprietary, single-vendor systems.
  • The loud-mouthed dealer may well have made the company £100m in proprietary trading profits, but he also cost it £150m in damages.
  • They have proprietary rights to the data.
  • The firm's court-appointed receiver, Lee Richards, said the move "greatly reduced" the assets of the company, which he described as a dormant entity with no clients that served solely as a proprietary trading unit, Bloomberg reports. Bobsguide News
  • When implemented with our training programme for managers and team leaders to use this intelligence, we guarantee improvements in operational results in short timescales. eg's proprietary software package eg operational intelligence® including eg work manager® has been developed and refined over the last 18 years and form a comprehensive work, resource and performance reporting tool. Press Releases
  • Proprietariness tidily explains the relatively high representation of women among filicide-suicides as compared to familicide-suicides and spousal homicide-suicides; women would be expected to feel proprietary toward their children, but much less so toward their husbands. Mental Nurse
  • Local units began developing inbred parental lines and breeding stock that the seed trade would use to create proprietary varieties.
  • We knew the Kindle's DRM would be cracked the minute we heard about it, and it looks like the first chink in the armor is here courtesy of Igor Skochinsky: he's discovered the algorithm the Kindle uses to turn regular Mobipocket books into Amazon's proprietary. azw format. Archive 2007-12-01
  • Integration brokers have long suffered from being highly proprietary in nature.
  • Chap. 308. der or catarrh cure, or any patent or proprietary prepara - tion containing cocaine, or any of its salts, or alpha or beta eucaine, or any of their salts, or any synthetic sub - stitute for the aforesaid. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The most obvious one is to sell unique and proprietary products to the largest number of people.
  • These products are new, patented, proprietary products and are rapidly growing because they have been introduced within the last five years.
  • While the company continues to hammer away at the upscale appliance market in the United States, it has opened its once-proprietary control protocol to other companies.
  • He uses a proprietary process to laminate 3 layers of different dough to get a noodle that's slippery on the outside, yet firm on the inside.
  • The company has applied this targeted deuteration strategy to established drug molecules across a wide range of therapeutic areas and has secured a proprietary position on more than a hundred compounds. Featured News and Stories
  • OpenID is open-source, or nonproprietary, meaning others can adapt it to their own needs. One Key Fits All
  • The latter is a medical device manufacturer specializing in proprietary OEM products and private-label fluid disposables.
  • The result of several years' research, the product incorporates a proprietary dual-action coating, using hydrophilic and photocatalytic properties to eliminate water and organic and inorganic deposits from the surface of the glass.
  • She nurses a proprietary air about the place and has a particular fetish about the driveway.
  • This may prevent the victim of a fraud seeking a proprietary remedy against a bank where money has been deposited into a bank account.
  • Today, there still isn't a single non-proprietary desktop application suite to compete with Microsoft Office.
  • The device can also be connected to a special keyboard, or users can write on the touchscreen, which will convert script into text with proprietary software.
  • The company's portfolio includes chemotherapeutic compound (ABRAXANE), which is based on the company's proprietary tumor targeting technology known as the nab® platform. Business Wire Travel News
  • Medicinal extracts and preparations of all kinds, including proprietary or patent medicines, but exclusive of quinine or preparations of quinine, opium, gange, and bhang. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 9, part 1: Benjamin Harrison
  • There are currently many different vendors that have widgets (see Resources), and almost all of them implement their own proprietary application program interface (API) and packaging format.
  • Although Mr. Kushchenko says he will have neither a financial stake nor a formal role in the Nets 'organization, he speaks with a proprietary air about his colleague's venture and what he calls their frequent "joint reflections" on it. Meet Prokhorov's Fixer-In-Chief
  • The stain itself is a proprietary product made specifically for brick.
  • Pre-coating clean brander plates with a proprietary release water soluble barrier film is a cheaper alternative.
  • If you suspect a true external fungus infection treat with proprietary brand of fungus care.
  • Certificate programs are training based on proprietary criteria/curriculum and sometimes include an exam without any recertification requirements. Michele Nash-Hoff: Why We Don't Need a New Program to Train America's Manufacturing Workers
  • It was limited to a single page of nonproprietary data, " Col. New Twist in Effort to Replace Refueling Tankers
  • Nonproprietary products are in the public domain and anyone can produce or distribute them.
  • Proprietary software for strategy formulation and strategic thinking falls into six main groups briefly discussed below.
  • This proprietary blend shows tremendous depth and concentration, with generous blackberry fruit and hints of chocolate and blueberry.
  • Use plain water, detergents, suitable proprietary compounds, or emulsifying agents.
  • Firstly, the company is about as understandable as it gets, with its proprietary database of listed companies underpinning the share research of many a market punter.
  • The microbrewery's beers are formulated from proprietary recipes.
  • The proprietary process can be precisely controlled to impart varying degrees of microporosity.
  • It applies to all liens, including equitable liens where there may be proprietary interests.
  • If insiders sold stock acting on proprietary knowledge that the company was failing, there are existing laws to deal with it that can require treble damages and incarceration.
  • Our technical approach combines proprietary advances in synthetic chemistry, surface chemistry, molecular biology, enzymology, array technology and optics.
  • Retail chemicals, antibiotics, proprietary Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine Yinpian.
  • There's a high premium on proprietary product.
  • For example, institutions report monthly account maintenance fee income as SCDA, but not income earned from fees charged to a noncustomer, such as fees for the use of its proprietary MONEY LOANs. - Business News
  • The brand type Sustanon Steroid Cycles 250 is a proprietary mixture of testosterone propionate (30mg), testosterone phenylpropionate (60mg), testosterone isocaproate (60mg), and testosterone decanoate (100mg) for a total of 250mg of testosterone each ml of oil. Xml's
  • (NASDAQ: MRNA) is trading higher after it announced a study effort with Pfizer to focus on the evaluation of MDRNA's proprietary di-alkylated amino acids platform and UsiRNA constructs for RNA interference. 24/7 Wall St.
  • Fortunately or unfortunately, the Roslin Institute has said that if the Raeli - ans ask to license its proprietary clon - ing technique (which they have not), it will refuse. Spring Cloning
  • The base of the unit is home to a proprietary connector that hooks up to the Vaio Pocket's docking cradle and provides pass-through for power, USB and line-out ports on the back of the dock.
  • In these assays, proprietary fluorescent phosphopeptide tracers compete with nonfluorescent phosphopeptides generated during kinase reactions for binding to phosphospecific antibodies. The Scientist
  • And a number of other companies have their own proprietary insulation and water-repellent or wind-repellent fabrics.
  • Crimeware can have a significant economic impact due to loss of sensitive and proprietary information, not to mention the associated financial losses.
  • OSLO - (Business Wire) PCI Biotech AS (PCIB. OL) (OSE: PCIB. reported today that it has completed the successful treatment of the second dose group in the phase I/II study of its proprietary photosensitiser Amphinex® used in combination with the cytotoxic agent bleomycin in cancer patients. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • However, if I made the mistake of creating it in a proprietary file format, the only way I can decode it faithfully is by using that proprietary vendor's application or try my best to reverse engineer that file format. Archive 2007-07-08
  • Exactly how a vendor which of its own volition posts information in a public forum can then go back and claim it's proprietary defies comprehension.
  • I would love for this event to enculturate new thinking, new ideas and new appreciation for using open web standards, open web technologies like microformats and OpenID and other non-proprietary web design methodologies. Why I’m involved in iPhoneDevCamp | FactoryCity
  • The markets that LivingGreen Materials sees their proprietary AggraLight photoelectrode boosting include consumer electronics such as cell phones with solar panels and other gadgets, smaller off-grid PV systems such as rooftop arrays for homes, and integrated building arrays such as glass facades. - Articles related to U.S. airline industry once again goes under scrutiny
  • So now that my kids are older and the people who feel proprietary over babies have lost their desire to give me sage advice, they have had to come up with new and improved ways of sticking their noses into my ovaries.
  • The Orient is associated with an uncivilized nature, the Westerner with a proprietary consumption of it.
  • I believe the pass/fail issue with manufacturing the RD-180 engine stateside is some proprietary metallurgy, not tooling. ULA Briefings Show that EELVS Can Replace Ares 1 - NASA Watch
  • I'm not advising anybody to break the law, or to violate trademarks or service marks or proprietary names or anything like that.
  • If we treat information as a proprietary good, we commodify information, and create ownership and control regimes.
  • The important point about Falcon 9, so called because its lift-off is propelled by nine of SpaceX's proprietary Merlin rocket motors, is that it is powerful enough to put people into orbit.
  • Likewise, the cell-phone market is stagnating because manufacturers and carriers restrict which features consumers can add to their proprietary systems.
  • It is also based on non-proprietary standards and open source software.
  • Unlike ordinary 3-watt cellular phones that service population centres and traffic corridors, the Autotel service pumps a 25-watt signal to proprietary, high-elevation repeaters.
  • The product's proprietary plastic bottle also prevents light-induced oxidation and helps to prolong its shelf life.
  • There is a widely known stubbornness by these programmers in refusing to learn from the lessons proprietary software has to offer.
  • And I ended up losing the Amstrad disk, which was some weird, unreadable proprietary brand anyway.
  • The proprietary system never did work well, and the colony never became a great place for refuge.
  • It is the very dubious activity known as proprietary trading that permits the dealers to create the positions.
  • Sysmex has developed a new methodology of cell growth dynamics based on C2P by using a proprietary chip-based multi-protein analysis.
  • It seemed clear that a copyright owner did not have a proprietary claim to the fruits of an infringement of copyright. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contractual rights may be more valuable and enduring than proprietary rights.
  • This phyto-nutrient-rich serum utilizes a proprietary combination of peptides, Swiss apple stem cell biotechnology and vitamins to allow your eyelashes to grow fuller, longer, stronger and darker.
  • Paint and other materials that are not soluble in degreasing solvents may require the use of methylene chloride, alkaline cleaners, or special proprietary compounds.
  • The prags have a brilliant and proprietary writing toolchain, loosely based on DocBook and several other tools. Writing Assignments
  • The Skype system uses several different proprietary audio codecs to handle audio compression.
  • ExxonMobil's proprietary Global Energy Management System focuses on opportunities that reduce the energy consumed at our refineries and chemical plants, including the application of cogener - ation, which is the simultaneous production of steam It can generate enough electricity to run entire plants. Recently Uploaded Slideshows

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