How To Use Proposition In A Sentence
Finally, in the formation of an opinion as to the abstract preferableness of one course of action over another, or as to the truth or falsehood or right significance of a proposition, the fact that the majority of one's contemporaries lean in the other direction is naught, and no more than dust in the balance.
On Compromise
The second version occurs as Corollary 2 to Proposition 7 and was thought of as a method of expanding solutions of fluxional equations in infinite series.
Exponible propositions generally break down into elements that are called exponent propositions; they explain or expound what is going on in the exponible proposition.
Archive 2005-01-01
Investments that rely on the misfortune of others or the good will of sharks are a losing proposition in the long term, whatever the quarterly earnings report says.
Galileo was attracted by the implicit contrast between physical propositions that were demonstrated and those that were merely affirmed.

In his famous "antinomies", he proved four propositions: first, that the universe is limitless in time and space; second, that matter is composed of simple, indivisible elements; third, that free will is impossible; and fourth, that there must be an absolute or first cause.
The Profits of Religion, Fifth Edition
This is the proposition that I hoped the government would deny, or at least remain agnostic about.
Overall, the ‘strong emotions’ seek out what cannot be put into propositions, or even words: everything that is mysterious and unpresentable.
The offer of two tickets for the price of one makes it a very attractive proposition .
Bob Dole, the expected Republican presidential nominee, came out against the proposition Tuesday.
The apodeictical proposition cogitates the assertorical as determined by these very laws of the understanding, consequently as affirming a priori, and in this manner it expresses logical necessity.
The Critique of Pure Reason
All propositions are simple or compounded of simples.
As drafted, neither bill would deny public elementary or secondary education to illegal immigrants, as Proposition 187 sought to do.
The history of this proposition is not altogether clear.
If complementizer phrases denote propositions or possible states of affairs, then it is reasonable to assume that being good simpliciter is being a good state of affairs, and hence that it is a special case of attributive good.
Value Theory
I have been forced to admit diverse propositions which appear somewhat deplorable.
It's about building a business and a value proposition.
The proposition that this can be taken as a signal is an empirical argument that has not been supported.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Tushnet on Lithwick’s Lament
Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license," Judge Walker wrote in his opinion, issued Aug. 4.
We have eliminated traditional boundaries and made the proposition much clearer for shoppers.
It has become the most famous and hotly disputed California ballot measure since Proposition 13 cut property taxes in 1978.
Nevertheless, in September 2003 Proposition 12 passed by a razor-thin majority.
Batting last is not likely to be an easy proposition, with both sides fielding two spinners.
Times, Sunday Times
A ‘no bid’ handed to you on a plate contract is a pretty attractive proposition.
Such a broker examines all franchise propositions carefully to determine whether they will make good business propositions.
The correlation is expected to be positive if the factor abundance proposition holds in its generalized form.
Competing in a Global Economy
She spoke of how her immediate boss propositioned her and sexually harassed her.
Clients see it as a value proposition.
Times, Sunday Times
The masterplan for 2012, headed by Jason Prior, landscape architect and managing director of Edaw, clearly started with the proposition that this landscape is the context within which the huge variety of Olympic developments will take shape - the transport infrastructure, stadiums, housing.
Prunings XXI
The theory that existence is not a predicate implies, however, that all existential propositions are synthetic.
I can neither contradict," quoth I, "thy former propositions, and I see this illation followeth from them.
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
She will not be an easy proposition, either.
Times, Sunday Times
The oft-cited fact that he had ‘a wife and child at home’ when he was propositioning women is not relevant to sexual harassment.
Perhaps the most remarkable proposition in Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical letter Caritas in Veritate, therefore, is the controversial assertion that gratuity-or as the official English translation frequently reads, "gratuitousness" - is essential to economic life.
Catholic Community Speaks |
We think it is a realistic proposition to bring a crossing between Kent and Southend, and eventually up the Thames to London.
Theoretical propositions and recommendations were used in various conditions.
Outgoing Cah-lee-forn-ia Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger really seizing the moment: "The San Francisco Giants defeated the Texas Rangers tonight, just like California voters are going to defeat the attempts of dirty Texas oil companies to undo our clean energy laws at the polls tomorrow Proposition 23, which would suspend the state's greenhouse gas law.
One suspects that the term optimal came into widespread use among economists as a marketing device to promote their normative propositions based on efficiency.
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Can attend propositional invitational tournament, this is a challenge, also be an opportunity!
And just briefly skimming what I can find on counterintuition on the net, it seems that treatment of counterintuitive statements in terms of, effectively, pseudo-propositions, is an unusual characterization.
Archive 2005-01-01
Now, if Judge Douglas will demonstrate somehow that this is popular sovereignty, the right of one man to make a slave of another, without any right in that other, or anyone else to object, demonstrate it as Euclid demonstrated propositions, there is no objection.
Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln
She immediately threw cold water on the proposition.
The proposition of structuralists such as Althusser is that institutional structures (in the sense of a structure of social roles and social norms) are a basic, non-reducible feature of the world and the actions, values, self-images and the like of individual human agents must conform to these structures because individual agency, properly understood, is in fact constituted by such structures.
Social Institutions
In this regard it would go some way towards making it a more attractive proposition for inward investment and would help to reduce the peripherality of the region.
This view is supported by Bolzano's claim that each “private” mental phenomenon, such as a feeling, a desire, a volition or a thought (i.e., a subjective idea or a subjective proposition), is an attribute of the individual mind that “has” it, where ˜has™ expresses the copula (WL II, 69).
Slices of Matisse
In the first 57 propositions in On the Section of a Cone Serenus examined triangular sections of right and scalene cones made by planes passing through the vertex.
But in neither of those propositions does one find the "I" which, for Descartes, was the necessary bastion against hyperbolical doubt.
Ballot Proposition 4: Public Acknow-ledgement of God
The Facts: News
The idea that "political power" should be "amassed" by any one religious group in America's history is, by itself, a scary proposition.
Michael Standaert: War and the Wayward
And he also told an Edinburgh audience that there were immense business propositions if nations were prepared to work together.
In sum, it is not clear how the distinction between categorematic and syncategorematic terms, so natural in the framework of a term logic, can be extended to a post-Fregean function/argument conception of propositional structure.
Logical Constants
Staying under the public's radar is a much tougher proposition.
Times, Sunday Times
But the new duke and duchess were determined to keep Woburn in the family and to make it a paying proposition.
Times, Sunday Times
Let me outline this in the form of two simple propositions: Modernity pluralizes the lifeworlds of individuals and consequently undermines all taken-for-granted certainties.
Proposition 22, which defined marriage to be between a man and a woman and adopted by California voters on March 7, 2000 with 61.4% in favor, was hijacked along with the California Legislative Branch by the Tyrannical Justices of the California Supreme Court which legislated from the bench in direct violation of the California Constitution and managed to null the will of the people and declare Proposition 22 unconstitutional.
California becomes second U.S. state to legalize gay marriage : Law is Cool
Wired into the way we are forced to live there are silent imperatives, unspoken propositions about the world.
Still, the quantity of the predicate is often an important consideration; and though in ordinary usage the predicate is seldom predesignate, Logicians agree that in every Negative Proposition (see § 2) the predicate is
Logic Deductive and Inductive
If you can reason from self-evident propositions and not contradict the laws of logic as you reason, anything you deduce can only be true.
And it has moved to the political theater with initiative campaigns such as those in behalf of Propositions 187 and 209.
All in favor of this proposition will please say " Aye ".
But the state Supreme Court ruled that Proposition 140 contains a lifetime ban, a decision binding on federal courts.
Book One discusses his laws of motion then proceeds to a series of propositions, theorems and problems.
That was a difficult proposition to prove.
Times, Sunday Times
They will be a different proposition when they bowl on a strip with more pace and bounce.
The Sun
Just as a denial of cert is not a pronouncement on the merits of a case, the non-consideration of a question not presented cannot reflect “acceptance” on the part of the Court for any given proposition; or that a given proposition is “encoded into the DNA of our law.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Interesting SCOTUS Line-Up
The distinction between appearance and reality, as expressed in the propositional copula, then leads dialectically to a new task of thought, the task of theoretical science, of systematic inquiry into the realm of truths.
The controversy is heating up just days after voters overwhelmingly turned down a ballot proposition to increase mountain lion hunting.
The offer of two tickets for the price of one makes it a very attractive proposition .
The theory is founded on two basic propositions.
They set out the tea-things on one of the little tables, feeling a mutual need to discuss Mem'sab's strange proposition.
He also examined the consistency of certain propositions in Gödel's system of axiomatic set theory.
Immediately after, the court of London announced to the other courts of Europe, that if France entered Holland with armed force, she would consider it as an act of hostility, and declare war against her; sending Mr. Grenville here, at the same time, to make what she called a conciliatory proposition.
Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 2
If your Majesty considers it fitting to approve this so useful and even so necessary proposition, your bishop is of the opinion, as he has already intimated, that the see of the new bishopric can be determined, and that it may be entitled the bishopric of Panay or of Jaro -- which is a well-populated village, as I have said above.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 28 of 55 1637-38 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
At first blush, that would seem a preposterous proposition.
The proposition that democracies do not fight each other is based on a tiny historical sample.
The authors offer some propositions which I take to be logically flawed.
Even then, it is not the easiest proposition to grasp.
The affirmation of a proposition is not itself a proposition; it is the determination of an empirical fact, viz., the fulfillment of the intention expressed by the proposition.
I've put my proposition to the company director for his consideration.
Such propositions appear only as premises, never as conclusions.
Here, Wells makes a dual proposition: ornamentation is the fun part of both art and nature.
The method of projection is the thinking of the sense of the proposition.
In particular he has inveighed against the proposition that women should be encouraged by law and circumstance to rise through the ranks of business or politics.
As a publisher, it propositions me all the time to buy names.
It is also widely held that in addition to having such properties as reference, truth-conditions and truth ” so-called extensional properties ” expressions of natural languages also have intensional properties, in virtue of expressing properties or propositions ” i.e., in virtue of having meanings or senses, where two expressions may have the same reference, truth-conditions or truth value, yet express different properties or propositions (Frege 1892/1997).
Mental Representation
I'm not going to take the easy route and suggest the glib proposition.
It is a risky proposition under any circumstances, and sometimes it doesn't last.
Oh don't worry - I'm not propositioning you on your wedding day, I'm just complimenting you and being honest.
It is worthy of notice, as regards the use of English terms, that Newman reserves the term certitude for the state of mind, and employs the word certainty to describe the condition of the evidence of a proposition.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
For example, Spinoza's Ethics has the same format as Euclid's Elements, containing propositions and demonstrations.
And that's a much tougher proposition.
Times, Sunday Times
Illuminating reality without recourse to truth is proving a difficult proposition.
Wednesday afternoon was fun, spent it wandering around with the delicious Tiki and the shameless Danny … there were propositions and comments about helmuts and hiding and and I think blocked the other comments he made due to brain breakage …
October 15th, 2004
The correlation is expected to be positive if the factor abundance proposition holds in its generalized form.
Competing in a Global Economy
In other fields, it's more important that non-experts can assume that published work has been vetted by reliable researchers; putting every paper out on a free preprint server is a dicier proposition.
It appeared an attractive and interesting proposition.
In the one reported staff incident, a male officer subtly propositioned the woman.
A number of normally sensible people in Europe have supported this proposition.
So unless Cisco is about to invest heavily in optical research and find a way to catch up to the Canons and Panasonics of the world, this seems like a purchase at the nadir of a product cycle rather than a value added long term proposition.
At $590M, Did Cisco Pay Too Much for Flip?
Another difficulty arises when trying to assess how far different media may be taken as propositional.
The focus of the design proposition has been to help in opening up thedrinking occasionality, and communicating theconcept of ‘infectious playfulness’ for Baileys.
Bailissimo Traveling Bar by Jump Studios
Nationalism which is the result not of race but of education, depends for its existence almost entirely on so-called ethnological propaganda and continues to thrive by the cultivation of two propositions, neither of which is true: that all the members of one national group are racially different from all the members of the neighbouring group; and that this racial difference naturally and necessarily and properly implies the mutual hatred of the two nations.
The World in Chains Some Aspects of War and Trade
Whether Proposition 140 imposes a lifetime ban was a major issue discussed by the state Supreme Court in 1991.
And then, to my amazement, she accepts as fact the proposition that some men on the battlefield have been "hallucinated," and proceeds to give the theory of sensory hallucination.
The Angels of Mons The Bowmen and Other Legends of the War
You're saying that the leaders of other nations are buyable, and that is not an acceptable proposition.
I understand that, and let that be accepted, but we have to test your propositions and those of the appellant against what Justice McHugh called the fly-by-nights, and they exist, Mr Tracey.
The book puts forward a number of extreme propositions about the nature of language.
At the end of the day it is a business proposition for the company.
It is clearly illogical to maintain such a proposition.
Now, you know, in my opinion, it's an absurd proposition.
The proposition was not to be declined, and with my dinner I did try a bottle of his oldest and best; and henceforth I declare myself a convert to Rudesheimer hinter-hausen.
A Residence in France
On Friday, the two met at the University of Pittsburgh's Alumni Hall with about 35 other academics and business people to talk about the long-term multidisciplinary project's core proposition, share examples of its demonstration and discuss its potential. - News
Mill first worked out his theory of terms, propositions, and the syllogism; he then set the book aside for five years.
Twitter would have been a totally different proposition.
Times, Sunday Times
He is a nasty proposition.
Clients see it as a value proposition.
Times, Sunday Times
SCHIAVONE: That amid mounting concerns that the North American Free Trade Agreement has been a losing proposition for American workers and a windfall for transnational agriculture giants.
CNN Transcript Mar 9, 2008
Says she has a business proposition for me.
Times, Sunday Times
Jam vero si sermo esc in damnatis Fenelonis propositionibus de statu habituali Charitatis purae excludente motivum caeterarum virtu - tum ab exercitiQ suorum actuum 9 eisque nullum locum relinquente; quo jure extendit Auctor damnationem ad actum fluentem 9 et tran* sitorium Charitatis 9 ad quern actus Spei Tbeologicae mire disponit 9 et ex quo certior evadit futurae beatitudinis expectatio t quam secum amicissime consociat?
Tractatus theologicus de charitate, in quo expenditur systema J.V. Bolgenj de amore Dei. Accedit ...
This makes them an extremely unattractive economic proposition for even the most destitute ragpicker.
This is not only a dubious historic proposition, but also represents an unwarranted slur on the reputation of his country and its neighbours.
Times, Sunday Times
This lot could already speak the lingo enough to understand almost certainly complex comedic propositions.
Times, Sunday Times
Ultimately, a Classic Center workshop restoration might not always appear on paper to be a sound value proposition, but as any vintage-car tinkerer knows, return-on-investment is a relative calculation in the semisacred realm of the garage.
Californians also turned down Proposition 202, a proposal to limit lawyers' contingency fees and encourage early settlement of lawsuits.
We also need to sharpen our proposition and make sure our service standards are consistently delivered.
Times, Sunday Times
Simon resides in Newgate so she visits him there with an enticing proposition.
Some Like It Wicked-Teresa Medeiros « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
Criticism of the footnote is not a quibble about a minor incidental proposition.
Thus it is that the weakness of our intellect and the perversity of our will lend each other mutual support; and that, generally, a disputant fights not for truth, but for his proposition, as though it were a battle pro aris et focis.
The Art of Controversy
There are few cars that offer this much joy yet remain an approachable proposition.
The Sun
Much of what I have learned about these propositions I owe to the research of predoctoral and postdoctoral students, to subsequent studies during their professional careers, and to my academic colleagues.
Theodore W. Schultz - Prize Lecture
Oh, yes, " returned Carrie, vacantly, trying to arrange this curious proposition in her mind.
That's a very romantic proposition and one you should take him up on.
Times, Sunday Times
While keeping an eye on Marilyn Monroe (whom Sinatra had put up at one of his LA pads), Jacobs is propositioned by the the blonde bombshell.
It is to be a cold, prosaic, matter-of-fact business proposition.
Chapter 22
Who can tell the validity of this proposition -- yet there are people whose conviction is strong enough to steer fate.
The responses of those 41% are consistent with the central proposition of this article.
Clark in Mannyntree, where they spent some time in praying unto their familiars, and every one in order went to prayers; afterwards some of them read in a book, the book being Elizabeth Clarks; and this examinant saith, that forthwith their familiars appeared, and every one of them made their severall propositions to those familiars, what every one of them desired to have effected. —
The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
The first question tacitly assumes that a paradoxical reality is a reasonable (in your favorite sense, i.e., coherent) counterproposition, or not a metaphysical proposition, or that reality does not exist.
Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
UI is clean, proposition nice … But it seems you relied on the listing sites to post vs. trye aggregation.
Edgeio To Shut Down – In The DeadPool
The adjunction of the negation of such a sentence to the axioms of the system yields a consistent extension of formalized classical mathematics in which an actually false proposition [ein inhaltlich falscher Satz] is derivable.
So, given the nineteenth century, we are opposed, as a general proposition, and among all peoples, in Asia as well as in Europe, in India as well as in Turkey, to ascetic claustration.
Les Miserables
It was strictly a cash on delivery proposition.
All further ideas about it, such as the oneness or manyness of the spiritual substance on which it is based, are therefore void of intelligible meaning; and propositions touching such ideas may be indifferently affirmed or denied.
The Varieties of Religious Experience
And _All elephants are sagacious_ does not limit sagacity to elephants: regarding 'sagacious' as possibly denoting many animals of many species that exhibit the quality, this proposition is equivalent to '_All elephants are_ some _sagacious animals_.'
Logic Deductive and Inductive
Propositional attitudes are then relations between a person and an ordered n-tuple that is the proposition that is the content of the attitude.
Nonconceptual Mental Content
The proposition that democracies do not fight each other is based on a tiny historical sample.
For any project (except for perhaps the smallest ones) a cost-benefit analysis of having at least one experienced practitioner on your team is probably a winning proposition.
She told herself that the mysterious proposition might be everything or might be nothing: the fact that outstood was that she had brought her aspirations to this -- that
This Freedom
The question was, indeed, broached by the greatest thinkers among the great Greeks; howeer, their answer was always with reference to the presencing of the present Anwesen des Anwesenden, and the ambiguity contained in this "twofold," the tragic flaw contained in this failure to make what Heidegger calls the "ontological difference" was to haunt western thought concerning the tiny word "is" from Parmenides' famous maxim to the "is" of Hegel's speculative propositions.
Our leading article in the same edition condemned the supermarket proposal and suggested that such a proposition would be better suited to a redeveloped Myrtle Walk.
This argument is based on the proposition that where a draftsman of a document has expressed himself differently in two places, there is a presumption that he did so because he intended two different effects.
I guess the meaning is the illocutionary force of interrogativeness with no propositional content.
Book One discusses his laws of motion then proceeds to a series of propositions, theorems and problems.
The answer will make an enormous difference to whether you have a viable business proposition.
Times, Sunday Times
Growing merchantable trees in that section of Idaho is no easy proposition.
But his religious views apparently contain testable but false, propositions about the natural, physical world, propositions which contradict his scientific writings.
All those liars for Jesus
But sense (4), that of "what it is like" to entertain a given quale, can be generalized: It is not only qualia that have the higher-order what-it's-like property; arguably propositional attitudes and other states that do not involve qualia in sense (3), such as occurrent thoughts, have it too (Siewert
Representational Theories of Consciousness
That was a difficult proposition to prove.
Times, Sunday Times
Note that this account of propositions (including the commitment to names being directly referential) entails that sentences that differ only with respect to coreferential names express the same proposition.
Structured Propositions
If that is your proposition, that seems to me to present an insuperable hurdle in your way.
That distance, with a ship the size of the Pegasus, would give ample cover but a fleet Rover-class oiler was a different proposition.
The colonial experience gave him material for his propositions about colonial nationalism, the subject which he quickly made his own.
My proposition, I assure you, would be to our mutual benefit.
Tuesday's elections seem to be a model of the synthesis strategy in operation, as ideopolis-rich New Jersey chose Democrat Jon Corzine as its new governor; bluer than blue California gave Arnold the finger on all four of the propositions he sponsored; Dover, Pennsylvania turned out Republican school board members backing the teaching of Intelligent Design; and a decidedly purple Virginia chose Democrat Tim Kaine as its governor.
The Magic Words
Gophna et al. also cite for support the progressionist notion that evolution disfavors events such as the simplification of complex systems like the flagellum, a dubious proposition in modern evolutionary theory, especially considering the common evolutionary trend of simplification in pathogens and parasites.
The Wisdom of Parasites - The Panda's Thumb
Forus not to dothis would only endorse the proposition that the American electorate is intellectually obtuse and morallyderelict and we surround ourselves in a steel fortressof delusion and denial andany awareness of the grossest atrocities committed by leaders we choose.
We Must Raise Our Voices for Our Country's Redemption
He uses his exploration of these long-forgotten characters and their arcane quarrels to advance three propositions.
He said the arguments for Proposition 140 do not say that a lifetime ban is not imposed.
Proposition 187 has been blocked by the courts, but opposition to illegal immigration remains strong in California.
Californians may choose to take this step on Nov.2, however they also have a proposition on the ballot that would be a step in the other direction.
Her Honour enunciates the master tort theory on the basis that that proposition is to the effect that the employer acquires a liability because of his or its responsibility in the selection of the employee.
This idea that there is some group of "logical functions" whose repeated application to some other entities yield complex propositions (and relations) is characteristic of what I am calling algebraic approaches.
Structured Propositions
His poem - for all the mellifluousness of its alexandrines - was a lacerating attack upon the proposition that "tout est bien."
The proposition as employed against ID is a functional extension of the dysteleology argument against teleological views.
A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
Will you explain specifically your proposition about the term of payment?
Indeed, for the cause of action to arise only when the lender realises his security would be a highly unattractive proposition.
Even among seasoned mountaineers Pinnacle Ridge is considered quite a tough proposition.
Again, I and O propositions are subcontrary, but not contrary or contradictory.
Every organization offers a value proposition that says, in effect: We will deliver something of value to you at a specified price.
It seemed like an unattractive proposition for audiences and ultimately box office sales.
We have to use the theory of probability when we do not know whether a proposition is true or false.
In the assertorical, we regard the proposition as real (true); in the apodeictical, we look on it as necessary.
Blowing Hot and Cold
There is some empirical support for the proposition that the likelihood of attack decreases with size.
And I wonder why religion has always been such an unattractive proposition to me.
Voters also defeated Proposition 201, a complicated measure aimed at restricting shareholder lawsuits, which have plagued Silicon Valley high-tech companies.
Such 'pragmatically self-verifying' propositions seem too specialized to serve as models for foundational judgements generally.
But we could not prove independently that there are practical propositions which command categorically, nor can it be proved in this section; one thing, however, could be done, namely, to indicate in the imperative itself, by some determinate expression, that in the case of volition from duty all interest is renounced, which is the specific criterion of categorical as distinguished from hypothetical imperatives.
The direct or ostensive proof not only establishes the truth of the proposition to be proved, but exposes the grounds of its truth; the apagogic, on the other hand, may assure us of the truth of the proposition, but it cannot enable us to comprehend the grounds of its possibility.
The Critique of Pure Reason
We cannot prove that this practical rule is an imperative, i.e., that the will of every rational being is necessarily bound to it as a condition, by a mere analysis of the conceptions which occur in it, since it is a synthetical proposition; we must advance beyond the cognition of the objects to a critical examination of the subject, that is, of the pure practical reason, for this synthetic proposition which commands apodeictically must be capable of being cognized wholly a priori.
The problem is that when those amendments come fast and late, it is difficult for the officials to immediately recognise the burden of the argument and the strength of the propositions.
Voters responded overwhelmingly, carrying the proposition into law by a margin of nearly 20 percent.
The five are charged with propositioning men and then pretending to be police officers, handcuffing the men, and then robbing them.
In the assertorical, we regard the proposition as real (true); in the apodeictical, we look on it as necessary.
Blowing Hot and Cold
One of the main difficulties in writing on Levinas is the risk of thematizing propositions and concepts which in their very utterance in Levinas's work always already fall victim to thematization.
As written, the proposition is overly broad and might have vicious unintended consequences the Legislature didn't foresee.
The 1960 puzzle was a tougher proposition.
Times, Sunday Times
The book puts forward a number of extreme propositions about the nature of language.
Developing a new manned spacecraft in addition to larger launch vehicles becomes an expensive proposition.
Torchwood is a much more difficult proposition.
Times, Sunday Times
Most people accept the move is on towards a cashless society, but small business will have to be presented with a better proposition and they will have to be assured the benefits will not be confined to the banks.