
How To Use Propose In A Sentence

  • This proposed procurement is a continuation of an existing contractual agreement for the developed prototype NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual Community (NSAVC) web site. ... Curious Virtual Community Procurement - NASA Watch
  • The clergyman and his son pricked up their ears at this, photography being with them only a degree less absorbing a pastime than that of walking; Ron awoke suddenly to the remembrance that his half-plate camera had never been unpacked since his arrival; and the three vied with each other in asking questions about the proposed excursion, and in urging that a date should be fixed. Big Game A Story for Girls
  • The term "strategic" came up again earlier this year, when Ontario's provincial government set up a committee to debate a proposed merger between London Stock Exchange Group PLC and TMX Group Inc., operator of Canada's flagship Toronto Stock Exchange. Canada Turns Wary Eye to Foreign Bids
  • Pay particular attention to zoning in each of the alternatives proposed for your area.
  • But proposed regulations may force people to take stock of their daily energy consumption and could make us think twice about our festive decor. Times, Sunday Times
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  • On the taxes proposed she said, "Those concerned by our wish list's ` nanny state 'implications might helpfully redirect their focus to the many unseen measures intentionally adopted by the food industry to shape our behaviour … It seems that without our knowledge or consent we are subject to the pervasive' nannying 'activities of industry. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • After dinner, the _renvoi_ of Genet was proposed by himself. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
  • During these conferences the alteration proposed by Briggs was agreed upon; and on his return from his second visit to Edinburgh in 1617 he accordingly published the first chiliad of his logarithms. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • They propose genetic screening for newborns to potentially benefit both the child and the rest of the family.
  • Instead, it has vaguely proposed some form of co-operation or alliance with Pirelli.
  • He expanded this idea to the propose the ‘deep, hot biosphere’ which both generates methane and adds biogenic signatures to inorganic petroleum, and that part, at least, is looking more correct every year.
  • They proposed a modest change to the presentation of the accounts to improve transparency but not disclosing the exact payment to Dr Saunders. Times, Sunday Times
  • I loved her so much but I always felt it was a one-way relationship so I proposed, she of course said yes.
  • They then proposed a sensible remedy to the problem.
  • To meet the inherent challenge of harmonizing a variety of capabilities in a group endeavor, Chicago proposed, and all the needleworkers agreed, to use the same background color fade, the same techniques and a common border.
  • When guerrilla or partisan warfare further exasperated him, Grant proposed radical measures.
  • This so-called "truncation" of the collection process calls for a redefinition of the duties incumbent on the holder and collecting and drawee banks and have been specifically addressed in the proposed legislation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • If you buy into the grave danger proposed exception to jl, I wonder how drunk the guy has to be to constitue grave danger. The Volokh Conspiracy » Chief Justice Roberts Dissents from Denial of Fourth Amendment Case — Again
  • Mordred and Agravaine propose to call the guileless Arthur's attention to Guenever and Sir A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  • Whilst not the first so to do but well before the bandwagon hove into view, I proposed that MPs expenses must be place in full, unexpurgated, unredacted beauty online as are those of MSPs by the Scottish Parliament. Where The Huntsman leads, the hounds follow
  • The proposed acquisition, which must be approved by shareholders, values the two networks at about $ 16 a share.
  • Our analysis shows that proposed cost for the new highway is unrealistic.
  • In response to a question from Séamus Cosaí Fitzgerald the harbour master, Brian Farrell, said that the proposed charges were in line with current fees in other ports.
  • The proposed changes caused howls of protest from the public.
  • The proposed shopping centre has called forth an angry response from local residents.
  • On Nov. 17, Havel broadcast his proposed amendments to the referendum law and the existing Constitution.
  • The council has been canvassing local opinion/local people to get their thoughts on the proposed housing development.
  • Encourage the subordinate gently to seek solutions and propose action.
  • As a means of solving the problem British philosopher Karl Popper proposed the principle of falsifiability - if a theory is falsifiable, then it is scientific; if it is not falsifiable, then it is not science.
  • So an embarrassed clerk in the table office wrote to Mr Wilson, advising him of proposed amendments to his motion.
  • Offered second billing on the Whig Party ticket in 1848, Daniel Webster cracked, "I do not propose to be buried until I am dead.
  • It was George who first proposed that we dry clothes in that locker.
  • The design and scale of the proposed development is a separate issue.
  • The 10 proposed novel evolutionary groups are indicated by braces to the right of the groups.
  • The so-called audience learns about the proposer herself, measures her credibility, considers her ideas, and deepens her understanding of the current exigency as the rhetor sees it.
  • The regulator said the proposed undertakings also rely on third parties completing certain actions, and involve complex and long-term behavioural obligations that present risks, creating uncertainty that IOOF could become an effective competitor to the combined NAB-AXA. NAB's Bid for AXA Asia Dealt a Blow
  • The Directors propose to offer ordinary shareholders the opportunity to receive fully paid ordinary shares in the Company in lieu of the cash dividend.
  • Functionalism as a linguistic approach is different from generative and cognitive approaches in that it makes no claim as to the cognitive reality of the mechanisms it proposes - that matter is irrelevant to its usefulness.
  • Many of the proposed fine distinctions seem relatively unimportant in routine neurological practice.
  • It introduces its structure, proposes network protocol stack model, the composing of a home gateway and the application design of remote control. Finally, it points out the next step work.
  • In order to retain flexibility the Directors propose that the 5% in five year limit should be continued indefinitely.
  • It said the flood walls and embankments being proposed would vary in height between one and 1.8 metres and protect most of the village, including the A166, against a one in 100-year flooding event.
  • Within a tertiary care academic setting, we have found the proposed treatment and training model is teachable and clinically useful.
  • A new interpretation of the forewing venation pattern of the Archaeorthoptera Béthoux and NeI, 2002 (‘orthopteroid’ insects including Orthoptera) was proposed by Béthoux and NeI, and then emended by Béthoux et al. and Béthoux and NeI.
  • Sibling-year observations are weighted to address the underrepresentation of high-mortality families in population-based surveys following the general methods proposed by Gakidou and King, where Bf is the original sibship size and PLoS Medicine: New Articles
  • Cameron's amendment would render the proposed backbench business committee "flimsier" than it otherwise could be, he added. Epolitix News
  • His proposed business was flogging office chairs that healed back ache. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some states proposed complicated statistical techniques for gauging school progress; others backloaded their predicted progress, with far greater gains toward the end of the 12-year timeline.
  • In Aberdeen, the licensing board has proposed minimum drink prices in pubs of £1.75 for a pint of beer, cider, premium lager or cocktail.
  • The paper proposed a new digitized faceted classification model based on dynamic weight value which is originated from classify faceted classification model.
  • He thought every thing was to be feared from the present state of the affair, and proposed revealing at once all he knew of it to Mr. Tyrold: but Camilla desired him to take no step till she had again expostulated with her sister, who might else be seriously hurt or offended. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • The Directors propose to offer shareholders the opportunity to receive fully paid ordinary shares in the Company in lieu of the cash dividend.
  • At least 70 people have been detained in connection with the proposed rally, on charges of belonging to the banned group. Times, Sunday Times
  • In view of this, previously proposed timescales for evolutionary events may need to be reassessed.
  • He now proposes changing his car to a 4x4 gas-guzzler, doubling my share of the cost. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then let the bureaucrats pre-qualify the bidders by carefully scrutinizing their track records, resources and proposed fees.
  • He has proposed that governments should tax advertising or force advertisers to issue a health warning. MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE
  • Mind, it is about time that you proposed to Clara, but you ought at least have spoken with your father beforehand.
  • Wallace had no interest in animal breeding and did not model his proposed mechanism on the process of artificial selection.
  • The proposed enclosure would stretch from wet sand to dry areas above the tidal zone, but allowed people to walk at the water's edge along the beach.
  • Its only real weapon over the government is that it can propose a vote of censure.
  • Nynex, Anheuser-Busch and Sun decided last month to propose terminating pension plans for their outside directors.
  • He proposes that this area would not involve agreement to the common agricultural policy, common foreign and security policy, justice or home affairs. Times, Sunday Times
  • A still-larger dam, the Grand Inga Dam, has been proposed for completion between 2020 and 2025 in the Democratic Republic of Congo on the Congo River: Its output could reach 39 gigawatts of power.
  • The proposed mechanism is compelling, " says John Thompson, a molecular biologist at the University of Waterloo in Canada.
  • The bill does not propose to impose a ceiling on the level of interest rates that can be charged by loan companies, which some organisations feel is a mistake.
  • The uncontradicted evidence of Mr. Hopkins was that they refused due to the termination policy set out in the contract proposed by Lithonia.
  • Directors who are aware of a conflict of interest in any proposed contract are required to draw it to the attention of the board, but may thereafter take part in any vote on the matter.
  • Lord Falconer, a previous lord chancellor, proposes an amendment with a different twist.
  • Based predominantly on the morphology of the carpometacarpus, some ornithologists have proposed that cariamaens are closely related to the Hoatzin* Opisthocomus hoazin**, that bizarre folivorous, arboreal bird that (uniquely among birds) practices foregut fermentation. Archive 2006-11-01
  • A study was undertaken in co-operation with oil companies to propose optimum data acquisition techniques and formation evaluation procedures.
  • Democratic leadership sources admitted that a major motivation for keeping the senators at the Capitol is to keep negotiations going and reach a compromise on a proposed public health care option. Obama to the Capitol Hill Sunday
  • In this season of strikes — mostly against proposed pension reform — we've seen the Eiffel Tower closed to visitors and Metro train interiors reminiscent of Hieronymus Bosch paintings. It's Lights, Camera, Strike in France
  • I do not propose to reveal details at this stage.
  • Moreover, candidacy for technical membership has to be proposed and endorsed by council members.
  • The opposition was in full cry in Parliament last night over the proposed changes to the education bill.
  • Building the proposed new road would be environmentally damaging.
  • This suggests that such indices are unlikely to provide useful markers for the identification of colorectal cancer risk as previously proposed.
  • Labour moderates propose a 56% rate rise, with £5.6m of cuts.
  • Yet of course it is they who practiced linguistic apartheid, and the system we propose which could bring this to an end.
  • With the ideological polarity of the cold war, the UN procedures for collective security were still-born (as either of the superpowers and their allies would veto any action proposed by the other).
  • The chairman will address the shareholders on the proposed demerger.
  • He proposed a motion that the chairman resign.
  • = Merkel proposed MORES, citing Virgil _G_ I 50-52 'at prius ignotum ferro quam scindimus aequor,/uentos et uarium caeli praediscere _morem_/cura sit' and Statius _Sil_ III ii 87 'quos tibi currenti praeceps gerat Hadria _mores_'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Although the order does not propose any great innovations, it is worth making some brief comments on its background.
  • The pupil, who was well assured of the true motive, allowed his governor to enjoy the triumph of his own penetration, and consoled himself with the hope of seeing his dulcinea again at some of the public places in Paris, which he proposed to frequent. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Based on deformation features and productive experiences of angle steel a optimum design method is proposed.
  • They are in the nature of a proposed amended writ of summons, a summons for directions and an affidavit in each of the matters and a list of authorities in each of the matters.
  • they proposed a new direction for the firm
  • A group in Stockholm believed they had made it in 1957, and proposed the patriotic name nobelium, after the Swede Alfred Nobel.
  • At least, this was the method proposed by its foremost expositors.
  • I propose to set off immediately.
  • This proposes that all women should be entitled to maternity leave for 14 weeks regardless of length of service.
  • We propose a countermeasure:after confirming the true Bungarus multicinctus, inserting a falsepreventing pill or mark into its oral cavity and packing it in mould pressing plastic package.
  • And to this change I object: the meaning was obvious before; "lorded" stands clearly enough here for made lord of or over, etc.; and though the expression is unusual, it is less prosaic than the proposed word The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 35, September, 1860
  • The law requires a detailed analysis of the potential impact on the environment of a proposed project.
  • Methods In this paper, the authors introduced orthonormal contrast transformation to avoid auto-correlation, and proposed the tests of presuppositions by likelihood ratio statistics.
  • He proposed that only those countries which were willing and able should opt in to phase three.
  • A reduction in military spending was also proposed so funds could be channeled toward countrywide primary education for all children.
  • Who knows, but what they propose is not as far-fetched as it sounds.
  • Prior to the making of such alterations the tenants should obtain the consent of the landlord to the proposed alterations.
  • The Tories could back a motion proposed by the Commons standards committee to delay all reforms until an independent review is published. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bill proposes raising the ownership limit from the current 12 stations covering no more than 25 percent of the country.
  • If I could propose a line, it would be that hostile workplace sexual harassment exists where the environment is so severe as to be functionally equivalent to discrimination in hiring or promotion. The Volokh Conspiracy » Just What Speech Does “Hostile Environment Harassment” Law Restrict?
  • To some extent they are complementary accounts, but they also propose alternatives with somewhat different purposes in mind.
  • I'm also concerned that the change is being made piecemeal, without regard to the proposed redevelopment of the waterfront and City Hall car park.
  • Some Pascalians propose combining pragmatic and epistemic factors in a two-stage process.
  • In his speech he proposed that the UN should set up an emergency centre for the environment.
  • The proposed new sixth form block is designed to free up classroom space for the new intake.
  • It proposes a new search algorithm namely "reusable component search algorithm with information of UML design model". Combined with facet search algorithm, it is used in a practical system.
  • Follett proposes a fourth possible outcome, which she calls integration: the creation of something new, which transcends the mutual exclusion of the opposing sides and fully satisfies both. Robert Koehler: Restraining the Profit Itch
  • On top of that you have to add all the other spending he's proposed.
  • He proposed a new diplomatic initiative to try to stop the war.
  • The latest proposed tower to sprout up among the ever-changing skyline is the Burj Al-Taqa Energy Tower for the Middle East. BURJ AL-TAQA: Zero-Energy Tower for the Middle East | Inhabitat
  • What do you propose we do?
  • All those recent results suggest a flexibility of the backbone conformational structure and several stable configurations are proposed and debated.
  • The government is set to vote on the proposed reforms tomorrow.
  • He proposed that work was generated by the passage of caloric from a warmer to a cooler body, with caloric being conserved in the process. Carnot, Nicolas Léonard Sadi
  • Municipal legislatures appeared especially prone to corruption, and consequently reformers proposed a shift in authority from the board of aldermen or city council to the mayor.
  • As it is, whenever sport-led regeneration is proposed in this country, the public is fobbed off with stat-free waffle about how it will benefit and regenerate local communities – and in some cases, we seem to be dispensing with even that fig leaf. Stanley Park will bring little benefit to local community in Liverpool
  • Officers have now recommended approval for the Bell Autoelectrics scheme after a number of minor design alterations were made to the proposed building.
  • But there was enclosed with it a further copy of the draft of the proposed order that it sought from him.
  • He would not be able to live down the embarrassment in the event of someone telephoning him, as it was he who proposed the motion at committee to ban mobiles.
  • The election chiefs also propose to do away with voting precincts.
  • Parliament has approved a bill, proposed by Mr. Chen, that permits referendums on critical issues.
  • A program of public education was not the only form of welfarism that Paine proposed.
  • One mechanism often proposed to explain how encrusting algae can inhibit their potential competitors is thallus shedding, which is well documented among nongeniculate coralline algae.
  • Aiming at the bad performance of existing retinal blood vessel segmentation methods for small and low contrast vessels, a new segmentation method based on transition region extraction is proposed.
  • What measurement do you propose to use in gauging “possible deaths?” The Volokh Conspiracy » Car Bomb Found in Times Square?
  • Three years ago the South African government proposed a clause in their Medicines Act which would authorise the manufacture of generic AIDS drugs and other medicaments in South Africa.
  • Both the proposed method and finite element method were applied to analyze the dynamic responses of a two-layer plate subjected to rectangular impulsive load, and the results show a good agreement.
  • He proposed she become his lawfully wedded wife.
  • His proposed solution to the sprawling mess of subtopia was not to restrict building but to increase urban densities. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The Administration proposed and the Senate approved a similar understanding in its resolution of ratification of the Convention against Torture.
  • The functional model to integrate organization, human factors and technology as a coordinated system was proposed, which contributes to the achievement of the product development process integration.
  • I was to propose the toast on behalf of his guests. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has also been proposed that H pylori ammonia production will lead to mucosal damage by denaturing the protective mucus layer.
  • During his visit to Japan, Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping proposed to utilize Japanese capital and technologies, which ushered in China's reform and opening up and attraction of foreign capital.
  • Pledges for Geraldton's proposed community bank are flowing in and the working group behind the project remains optimistic the bank will become a reality.
  • Compton proposed that the quantum of light could act as if it were a particle, and he christened this the photon.
  • The Prime Minister has joined the fracas over the proposed changes to the health service.
  • Primarily introduced the nutritional constituents of the urtica and its physiological function. Propose as a kind of new food resource. The urtica will have broad prospects for exploiting.
  • In adaptive we propose an algorithm that performs joint subchannel and power allocation.
  • One hotly debated alternative proposes plowing the road from West Yellowstone to Old Faithful for mass-transit vehicles, and closing it to snowmobiles.
  • The law requires a detailed analysis of the potential impact on the environment of a proposed project.
  • So an embarrassed clerk in the table office wrote to Mr Wilson, advising him of proposed amendments to his motion.
  • However, I argued that we should not suppose that the essentially competitive process he proposed implies a competitive outcome.
  • The government has proposed further cuts to the feed-in tariff for green energy systems, such as solar panels. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a while, we crossed a dry gulch, Horse Creek, and turned off into a patch of Grasslands the Forest Service proposes to keep roadless.
  • He proposes that we read the novel's valorization of failure as its way of preserving the possibility of a utopian future.
  • They proposed raising the age of consent from thirteen to sixteen and extending the provisions of the Industrial Schools Amendment Act.
  • With that basis, we propose a centralized inventory decision-making mechanism based on risk pooling.
  • Gage proposed cutting costs by using volunteers for the labor and corporate sponsors for the equipment.
  • Now the engineers have proudly announced the discovery of no fewer than five clumps of louseworts safely beyond the proposed dam site.
  • The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees.
  • It is only fitting that Simon propose the first toast tonight.
  • The European Commission can confirm that Microsoft has proposed a consumer ballot screen as a solution to the pending antitrust case, " it said in a statement.
  • The proposer of the motion tonight is Jonathan Hesk.
  • But what had made the girl propose to him in this way?
  • American defender of theirs says just the same of their industrialism and free-trade; indeed, this gentleman, taking the bull by the horns, proposes that we should for the [78] future call industrialism culture, and the industrialists the men of culture, and then of course there can be no longer any misapprehension about their true character; and besides the pleasure of being wealthy and comfortable, they will have authentic recognition as vessels of sweetness and light. Culture and Anarchy
  • He circumvented their objection to the plan by having one of their own members propose it.
  • Does it propose to welcome these new adherents or sympathizers by yelling in the tones of that great bigmouth?
  • Another novelty proposed by Alvey is the idea of demonstrator projects which would involve industry and academe in pooling their knowledge.
  • We propose an effective algorithm for automatic key segment extraction based on the analysis of positive and negative samples of key segment extracted manually from a training database.
  • I'd like to propose my own candidate for the most loathsome display of demagoguery in the past 25 years.
  • It proposes to realise human unity in diversity and not in uniformity.
  • Theories of origin Various theories have been proposed to account for the origin of pidgin languages, and fall into three broad types: monogenetic, polygenetic, and universalist.
  • Once again plans were proposed to extend the area of arable lands and the number of cattle. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • The feat, proposed by Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose in 1925, could help shrink the size of electronic devices.
  • The road leading to the proposed international airport in Bangalore is being expanded into a four-lane highway.
  • And even while operating under that constraint, Clinton proposed to expand Medicaid coverage to some 5 million uninsured children.
  • They propose a change in rule to regularise the practice of some teams huddling together before the playing of the National Anthem.
  • The board has mighty powers to reject or approve the proposed hike.
  • The plan originally proposed was ruled completely unrealistic.
  • He may have signed off on the idea of creating a youth brigade, and put a gold star in the dossier of the sweating toady who proposed the idea.
  • Meanwhile, Hong Kong advocacy groups Tuesday announced plans to fight the proposed changes.
  • To date, 35 state legislatures have drafted bills addressing offshoring and 161 state laws restricting or banning offshoring have been proposed.
  • A novel under-voltage lockout circuit is proposed which could generate reference voltage and bias current itself, and could stabilize lockout threshold voltage and hysteresis quality.
  • The captain professed great annoyance and indignation at what he termed the desertion of his ward, and demanded to know when the tutor proposed to return to his duties. Roger Ingleton, Minor
  • Since the Kennedy cousin brained Martha Moxley with a five iron, I propose that we outlaw golf. Golfing With A Shotgun
  • It proposed that affirmative action be limited to initial preferential treatment, and that a cut-off date be fixed for the programme.
  • The proposed tidal barrage would generate enough electricity to supply between 60 000 and 80 000 homes.
  • Navy officials yesterday were unable to provide details about the proposed maintenance center, including its location, functions and staffing.
  • A Dutch inventor proposes replacing the traditional dental drill with a ‘plasma needle’, a device that despite being cold and painless to the touch will kill dead cells and cauterise the surroundings. Plasma Dentistry | Blog | Futurismic
  • The resolution was proposed by the chairman of the International Committee.
  • The burnability of the proposed raw mix has been tested in a muffle furnace by firing nodules at 1450°C for 30 minutes. Chapter 17
  • It proposed an ambitious programme of investment and the designation of Cabinet colleagues as ministers for various decaying areas.
  • Farrar let it be known that he saw nothing wrong with the proposed solutions.
  • J'espere que je ne vais pas passer pour un gros fumiste en ayant refuser l'heure supplementaire que ma patronne m'a proposé ... c'n'est pas que j'ai refusé par faineantise mais juste parce qu'elle m'a prevenu trop tard et mon pere m'attendais dehors pour me ramener ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • I propose to set off immediately.
  • Preliminary evidence was obtained to prove the action of the position effect which has no relation to developmental phase on the grafts. A concept of positional information memory was proposed.
  • She proposes an exchange of contracts at two o'clock.
  • Under the SPLM's proposed confederation, the south and north would establish their own constitutions, with a common non-religious political system in the capital city.
  • We propose a generalization of Sahlqvist formulae to polyadic modal languages by representing modal polyadic languages in a combinatorial style.
  • In 1593 Roomen had proposed a problem which involved solving an equation of degree 45.
  • The Centre today proposed to levy a cess of 2 per cent on income tax, corporation tax, excise and customs duties and service tax to give a boost to primary education in the country.
  • A meeting of the offeree, the proposed vendor, takes place at which the offer is put before it and there is a resolution of the offeree to accept the offer and to sell the land in consideration of the receipt of the A class units.
  • Ronald Reagan is now being proposed as a replacement on the US dime or 10 cent piece for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the defeater of the Axis.
  • In order to relieve complexity and time-consuming for vector edge update of objects in GIS, A new vector edge update method based on improved active contour model is proposed.
  • With limited exceptions, it proposed that all functions of local government be undertaken by a single authority in each area.

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