How To Use Proposal In A Sentence
She cast about for some excuse for refusing his proposal.
The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromise between the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists.
The Minister was asked particularly whether the Tauranga Harbour Bridge could be tolled under this proposal.
Will you approve the proposal?
At this point, the proposal is still at an embryonic stage, he said.

Make sure that the construction proposal is reliable, the working procedure works canonically, and the construction monitor goes effectively.
But government does not have the freedom to make proposals in haste and repent at leisure.
Times, Sunday Times
legislative proposal
Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have a veto over any proposal.
You mentionned the recent Vai proposal and I jumped head first into the whole issue of morae. LEPCHA [MORA].
He said the union had no option but to accept the company's proposals.
Spain blockaded Gibraltar for most of the last third of the 20th century (they gave up in 1984) and when the Blair government in Britain negotiated a co-dominium with Spain in 2002, but the locals had to be consulted, and the referendum rejected the proposal by 17,900 to 187.
Eric Lurio: Thoughts on a Gibraltar Street Fair
The politician gave a broad outline of his proposals.
The thread running through many of these proposals was the theme of individual power and opportunity.
The proposal is far above any allowable development in the area.
Their proposal to the Jewish council of religious leaders also called the Sanhedrin that they cooperate in getting rid of this troublemaker was met with enthusiasm.
Puzzlements & Predicaments of the Bible
It is good practice to write your proposal word for word as if it were the final draft.
Some of the proposals include exotic electronic states that have not yet been observed in any system.
This proposal was met with guffaws of laughter from the Labour-dominated committee, which included the then Coun Keith Thomson.
receptive to the proposals
A spokesman for the Minister for Environment confirmed that high-level negotiations have been on-going, but declined to comment on the IFA proposals.
She linked the rising narrational deficit under Obama to pricey spending proposals Barnes is pushing in his gubernatorial bid.
Valdosta Daily Times Homepage
The proposal went nowhere in the Senate.
Hurst was also delighted to hear of Super League's decision to back his proposal for a board of directors free of club ties.
This concluded with a recommendation that both proposals be rejected.
On a purely practical level, it is difficult to see how such proposals would work.
The proposals also raise questions about when employers would be able to force workers to retire.
Times, Sunday Times
This is despite the fact that no account has been taken of the potentially depressing impact on economic activity and revenue buoyancy of their tax raising proposals.
The local landowners and crofters have countered with an alternative proposal for a Wester Ross Wilderness Area.
He said it was unlikely the proposals would be put to a vote because ideally unanimous acceptance would be required.
Times, Sunday Times
He said the idea would let mom-and-pop stores buy their licenses "on a payment plan," allaying fears that the only big businesses would be able to afford to get into the market under his proposal.
McDonnell will count votes before calling special session
Other critics argue that the proposal would increase costs for the state because the services provided by volunteer board members would have to be replaced by highly paid consultants.
Throughout the 1990s, under the previous administration - which is no longer giving support to this moratorium - those proposals foundered.
With this caveat, he endorsed the Fifth Army proposal for resuming the offensive on the Right Bank.
He concocts a pilot proposal so offensive, so bound to misfire with test audiences, it's sure to get him canned.
The vote - 110 to 46 in the House and 31 to 8 in the Senate - came as mayors, town managers, social service agencies, and local activists across Massachusetts began to digest the massive cuts the budget proposal calls for, including up to a 15 percent cut in noneducation local aid for municipalities.
CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
In the first year of the new academic plan, 11 proposals from three colleges were funded through the pool managed by the Provost Office.
Under the new proposals, the degree of margin reduction for cane refiners is around two-and-a-half times greater than that for beet producers, so that the competitive imbalance between beet and cane producers would be widened.
Why, amidst all the proposals, have we never reached a situation where schoolgoing children, at least, can attend the doctor and receive medication free of charge?
These include the Government's proposal that an extra sub-clause be added to the chapter on provincial legislation in an effort to toughen laws in that area.
ANC Daily News Briefing
These will be used as criteria for choosing proposals from companies bidding for the contract to renovate.
The proposals met with violent opposition from the environmental lobby.
Sternbane was the only member of the public who spoke on the proposal, but supervisors sympathized with nonsmokers, who sometimes have to share the confined spaces with people who pass the time by smoking.
Fairfax County bans smoking in bus shelters
In the wake of this summit he must rethink these deeply damaging proposals.
Times, Sunday Times
Lawmakers also vetoed an administration proposal to eliminate the referendum supervisory committee that is stipulated in the law.
Binationalism, as a general category, need not be equated - as Lama Abu-Odeh equates it - with the specific proposal for a binational state as opposed to a two-state solution.
The senator called the new highways proposal "...a fraud and a boondoggle that the taxpayer should not tolerate".
"The proposal is not meant to provide additional funds to finance government spending, " it said.
The Pentagon is currently drawing up a new list of project proposals, to be evaluated by a scientific advisory committee.
The proposals are currently under consideration .
This is consistent with the proposal that the cerebellar cortex contains an internal representation of gravitational torques which is encoded through a learning process.
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The proposal to include fin whales is inflammatory,' he said.
Times, Sunday Times
To put it simply, the new proposals mean that the average worker will be about 10% better paid.
There has been considerable alarm about the new proposals.
His proposal was no jest - he was completely sincere.
Although no firm proposals have been lodged with the council, exploratory drilling has commenced and the company has made a survey.
can we couple these proposals?
I am going to take for granted that you have done your homework and have a proposal that is worth seeing.
But fixture congestion would make that proposal virtually impossible.
The Sun
But we also offered some proposals for saving that would not have raised enough money to cover our promises.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps some feline bureaucrat has concluded that the best answer is to let the proposal stagger on and collapse, hoping to kill it with kindness?
Such a proposal is distinct from pantheistic notions which equate God with the natural world, because D'Espagnat relegates the natural world - the world of space, time and matter - to what Kant referred to as the 'phenomenal' world, the world produced by the modus operandi of our minds upon the noumenal world.
Archive 2009-03-01
This proposal is reminiscent of the consolidation interpretation of sleep-learning problems put forth by Hebb.
In addition, a proposal to protect 1.2 million acres of owl habitat would be dropped.
Space does not permit a detailed examination of each of these proposals.
The proposal conveniently ignored that fact that the usage of crop protection products falls year by year in this country anyway.
Some of them still stood out even the rest had agreed to accept my proposal.
So back to the camp we made our way, with tongue in cheek, to put his proposals to the others.
Work Camp 934 L
Over six years ago, the Association put forward proposals, which would rank farmers as preferential creditors for agricultural produce supplied by them.
The senior official said the proposals are calibrated to protect sovereignty.
Hence, the third proposal: Take records seriously and implement certification systems to formalize them, taking special notice of the promises you must make to succeed.
I was turning his proposal about all day long.
Brunelleschi won the contest in 1420 with a proposal to erect the dome without wooden centering.
The proposal to use this space between the flats and the traffic would cause nothing but trouble.
Proposals and projects are already in place.
Times, Sunday Times
The tax proposal is really a side issue with us.
Proposals to turn part of the existing building into flats and to build two blocks of two-storey flats have caused surprise and raised questions about where any revenue from the flats would go.
DOBBS: The White House, says President Bush tonight, will announce what they call visionary proposals to deal with our illegal immigration and border security crises.
CNN Transcript Jan 23, 2007
It should be noted that they have argued that the development of a bony secondary palate might have originally served as an aid to mastication, although this proposal has not gained currency.
The proposal includes unifying street trees, public realm , streetscape, transportation links, and a library roof garden.
The proposal is gaining more and more adherents.
The US media is expending a lot of ink and air time evaluating the potential economic effects of George Bush's new tax-cut proposal.
Union members are not only discontented with the increase on offer but also the pay differential between staff and to the proposal that any pay increase be backdated only to May 1.
Robinson called the proposal a quick fix of limited value.
My questions have to do with your proposals for reorganizing the financial system.
They could not gain over anyone to support their proposal.
Spanish Web site operators have taken their sites offline in protest at government proposals to regulate online content.
With the other chamber resisting radical change, Miller finalized the new proposal at a meeting with Kingston Tuesday morning.
There were no opposers and no counter proposals.
These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation.
Well, then," returned the ruffian, "to put you out o 'suspense, as the topsman remarked to poor Tom Sheppard, afore he turned him off, I'm come to make you an honourable proposal o' marriage.
Jack Sheppard A Romance
He has put forward new peace proposals.
The proposals for a transaction tax simply do not stand up.
Times, Sunday Times
I do learn that the "do less" or "do no harm" Geithner-Emanuel alliance â¨regularly kneecapped a Romer-Summers "do something" alliance--perhaps â¨because Summers' and Romer's small CEA and NEC staffs could only come up â¨with outlines and proposals rather than plans--which only the Treasury with â¨its ample staff could produce--and, as Geithner liked to say, "plan beats no â¨plan".
Brad DeLong: Review: Ron Suskind's Confidence Men
The proposal was rejected as too costly.
Himalayan shikar reserves; surveys and management proposals.
Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms.
Is he afraid we will expose the huge holes in these fatally flawed proposals?
The administration said that the enviro proposal was a good starting point for negotiations.
I concluded, and the cabinet supported me, that a third access off Canvey was a better proposal than adopting the other request to dual Canvey Way.
The initial proposal outlined a simple system of using networked hypertext to quickly disseminate documents among colleagues.
Yunupingu, who is reportedly embroiled in a dispute with family members over the dispersal of mining royalties and grants, gave no details about the mine proposal or how it would be financed.
The proposal assumes, as seems reasonable, that the relation of constitution only ever obtains between persisting objects which are composite, as are the statue and the lump of bronze.
A month ago, the company gave staff a month to accept proposals which are aimed at achieving cost savings.
Suddenly, benign words like "boutonniere" and "function hall" have the power to bring Andy to his knees but not, unfortunately, in the proposal position.
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The equivocation of its affirmation - if affirmation it be - is first among the defects that ought to disqualify this proposal.
Cooks at York old peoples' homes are facing the axe under a proposal to buy meals-on-wheels from York District Hospital for residents.
It adds: ‘The proposals have been well designed and are considered to be sympathetic to the Grade II almshouse on the site.’
This can stir proposals and promises or your first meeting with the love of your life.
The Sun
Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.
The National Rifle Association and other advocates of firearms rights are expected to vigorously oppose these proposals.
Every council member voted against the proposal.
Ambitious new proposals for York's vital Castle-Piccadilly area could see the car park at the foot of Clifford's Tower buried underground.
The proposals were first floated in a report produced by a council-led scrutiny inquiry into gypsies and travellers and were revealed in the Daily Echo in October.
I cannot give my blessing to such a proposal.
But both terms ascribe a kind of grandeur to the Bush proposal that it lacks.
John McQuaid: It's Neither a Surge Nor an Escalation
His proposal is not acceptable.
This insight is then applied to three prominent proposals.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Virtual Crime, Virtual Deterrence:
Section VI of the proposal covers the challenges and risks to laser weapons ... mainly that of cheaply producing large quantities of Polonium-210 (currently produced only in microgram quantities, and extremely lethal).
Boing Boing
Republican Congressional leaders have launched a rhetorical assault against the Clinton proposal this week.
Like Allen, I would urge you to provide a systematic review of the empirical data supporting your proposal.
These groups point to a number of situations in which the proposal could have baleful effects on the rights of other workers or on customers.
The proposal was met with outright hostility.
The proposal came amid fears that the Ministry of Agriculture might introduce tougher restrictions or even an outright ban.
If Israel accepts the maximist Palestinian proposals: a state on the 1967 armistice lines, removes all Jews from the west bank, and agrees to have east Jereusalem as the capitol of a palestinian state; Hamas and the 1.5 million Gazans it represents will still want to destroy Israel and Hamas would still wage war against Israel.
Matthew Yglesias » Israel’s Irrealism on Settlements
Several foresighted assumptive ideas and proposals to plant and utilize each variety of camellia oleifera are put forward.
A protest group drew first blood in the fight to win people's opinions when an energy company showed its onshore wind farm proposals for Bradwell.
The Geraldton City Council will canvass its electors on a proposal to amend local burning by-laws.
The insurance industry has produced its own proposals for universal health care.
If its proposal is accepted, the company will be saddled with a higher interest bill.
Times, Sunday Times
The Democratic senators recalcitrated against every proposal from the Republican side
By any means, we should tell him frankly what we think of his proposal.
Mrs Bradley said she was confident of a good response to the proposals from parents.
The thread running through many of these proposals was the theme of individual power and opportunity.
The proposals are now on show at the council's offices in Basildon town centre and can be viewed by the public until the middle of February.
While the essay gives a compartmentalization of suburb and some proposals on the promotion of Recreational Belt around Metropolis.
She asked me to check the draft of her proposal.
“We take the position that it will be difficult to make the system work,” BBN wrote hedgingly in its proposal.
Where Wizards Stay Up Late
This proposal is unfair, unworkable, highly illiberal and probably open to legal challenge.
Times, Sunday Times
The new proposals have met with stiff opposition.
Meanwhile, other politicians have offered their own proposals to address the advantages enjoyed by the wealthy.
A proposal to introduce a levy on plastic bags will be introduced into Federal Parliament this week.
Wednesday's proposal would strike the credit-ratings criteria and replace it with a new standard requiring a company to have issued more than $1 billion of nonconvertible debt securities in primary offerings within the past three years.
SEC Proposes Striking Ratings From Short Forms
The mother flatly rejected my proposal that she meet her daughter tomorrow.
Individual paper proposals unconnected with existing seminars may also be sent to the Program Committee.
The proposals are certainly welcome news for mothers who want to work.
The Sun
These things being premised, I shall now set down and make public that proposal which heretofore I have tendered, as a means to give some light into a way for the profitable and comfortable practice of church government; drawing out of general notions what is practically applicable, so circumstantiated as of necessity it must be.
The Sermons of John Owen
She did not want to lose the doctor and accepted his proposal of marriage.
They are favorable to the proposal.
The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority hopes the scheme will be extended if ministers give their approval to the science proposals.
As early as 2003, a proposal for a denuclearized ME supported by Egypt and Jordan was to be presented to the UN by Khatami's reformist government on Iran's behalf.
Amir Madani: Perspectives of Peace in the Middle East
We do not anticipate any objections to your proposal.
The proposal was seconded by Senator Paddy Burke.
What should have been a slam-dunk if Walker's proposal was really as extreme and disaffecting as unions claim turned out to be an even split," he continued.
Breaking News: CBS News
Cllr Moloney either abstained or voted against the zoning proposals in each of the areas.
Two thousand miles is a long way to go to have your marriage proposal turned down.
He put forward some proposals to reform the educational system.
One diplomat said the anti-war camp in fact raised no objections to his proposal last week partly out of deference to his more emollient tone on their plans for European Union defence.
Your proposal is embarrassingly optimistic, like the product of a child's imagination.
At every crucial phase in this nation's history from 1906 to 1950 Sri Aurobindo intervened & gave advice & direction for decisive action which if followed would have been benificial for the nation, a number of examples come to mind namely Cripps proposal, opposing the award of communal electorate at Lucknow in 1916, Cabinet Mission Plan etc.
Savitri Era party is a necessity which must begin to effectively give an alternative direction
And I would have cut dead any discussion of proposals and suchlike if I did not love him.
We'll only get our proposal considered if we can gain the ear of the managing director.
First, his proposal to appoint ‘socially disadvantaged,’ voting members to local boards gives those members a second ingredient to what they already have, appointive representation.
According to these proposals, ‘genuine’ asylum seekers, it seems, are simply flotsam washed up by the tidal wave of persecution.
The planners rejected the initial proposal over concerns about the trees.
Times, Sunday Times
But Boyko disagreed, saying that anybody who thinks there is broad support for such a proposal is ‘delusional.’
The local planning authority has indicated that it will resist any residential development proposals.
I admire the President for always trying to include the Republicans within his agenda, even when they have pledged to resit and vote NO on all his proposals.
Obama invites senators from both parties to discuss vacancy
We didn't actually have to go out and build some new defenses, but make a presentation, submitting our proposals to the rest of the group complete with economical and environmental costs/benefits.
The current proposals are a choice between North Yorkshire Police merging with the West Yorkshire force, or being amalgamated into a Yorkshire and Humber regional force.
He said among the proposals at the conference, KwaZulu-Natal felt that Cosatu should withdraw from the summit and call a stayaway on that day.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The Executive's proposals are at the heart of a fundamental review of NHS dental services in Scotland.
earthshaking proposals
``Shall I assume you wish to make a counterproposal, Dr. Moore?
Will the proposal to have dedicated lanes on main roads for two and three-wheelers help in smoother flow of traffic and perhaps reduce accidents?
The proposal has so far drawn only a lukewarm response from Arab nations.
There was public disquiet about the private finance decision but Mackie says improving the educational experience is at the heart of all his proposals.
I ginned up all kinds of projects that didn't get off the runway--public radio programming, book proposals, magazine pieces--and got to the point where I'd write and pitch and battle the futility for a few hours in the morning and then what?
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They have until fall to study Bell's proposal for longer-term thinning and tending to improve timber quality.
Kootenay Rockies - News
His proposals include fitting cars with smaller engines and banning power steering and automatic gearboxes.
The same, I'm told, was true as to proposals that fast-food restaurants use glasses rather than paper cups.
Nor is there any effort from the so-called distinguished agricultural scientists, economists, and social scientists to come out with proposals to put an end to this shameful blot on the country's image.
Warrington Council has been given a detailed presentation on Liverpool's proposals by airport managing director Rod Hill.
The mother flatly rejected my proposal that she meet her daughter tomorrow.
Also discussed was a revenue - raising proposal to hide the sales tax.
We will consult widely before finalising proposals.
A proposal known as stratospheric aerosol insertion suggests that chemicals - sulfur dioxide, in this case - sprayed into the Earth's nearest atmospheric levels could bind with other chemicals to reflect sunlight from the Earth.
Finally, the writer expects the market trends and the predictive of statistical analysis system of wireless data access, and puts forward development proposals.
The company will only provide insurance if the information on the proposal form and declaration is correct and complete.
I feel that we ought to accept his proposal.
Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.
It has supported a proposal for the provision of a low cost terminal D pier at Dublin Airport.
This proposal is by no means a sure thing.
The spokesman said no decision on the proposal was likely in the immediate future.
The proposal to move the vans was to reduce disturbance to residents of the new Kiln Corner housing development.
Your proposal will be put to the board of directors.
The Council accepted BWG's proposal and a group of interested parties and individuals was set up.
Yet Republicans remain leery of the growing Democratic push for a second economic stimulus program to be considered in September, worried that Democrats are trying to corner them with a politically appealing proposal right before the elections.
Congress Moves Toward Approving Housing Bill - The Caucus Blog -
A proposal to raise Luas onto stilts at an additional cost of €20 million is unlikely to go ahead due to planning problems.
With the general election just 11 months away, the government is keen to rush through proposals that will chime well with savers.
Times, Sunday Times