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How To Use Proper name In A Sentence

  • Grant Smith is an onomastician at Eastern Washington University in Cheney, who studies the branch of linguistics dedicated to proper names. Archive 2007-08-12
  • The carelessness of copyists, the use of "sigla", contractions for proper names, and the frequency of transcription, led naturally to much confusion. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Female interviewees were, once again, resolutely vague or "forgetful" when it came to the proper names of European officials or settlers, although they had little trouble recalling their nicknames in Shangaan. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • No proper names and no plurals. The Sun
  • He has also much fertility in epithets; these being fitted to their objects properly and naturally have the force of proper names, as when he gives to the several gods each some proper designation, so he calls Zeus the “all-wise and high thundering,” and the Sun, Hyperion, “advancing aloft,” and Apollo, Phoebus, that is, shining. Essays and Miscellanies
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  • Maybe the way to get the US to convert to metric is to start using the proper name for the "English" weights and measures system: "British Imperial Units". NASA Finds The Metric System Too Hard To Implement for Constellation - NASA Watch
  • That author gave brown in lower case and Betty in upper case; and, in default of evidence to the contrary, it seems best to go along with the view that Betty is here a proper name.
  • Smaller chunks of ice without proper names do get classified into categories.
  • This planet, which doesn't yet have a proper name, is an 'exoplanet', one orbiting a star outside our solar system. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proper name for Matthew's condition is hyperkinetic syndrome.
  • Ultimately, a central objective of political theorizing is to replace proper names with abstract concepts.
  • We now have the proper name of the receipt in the quest's Hud.
  • The proper name for its workers is ‘associates,’ a term that connotes higher status and collegiality and that actually means lower pay and workplace autocracy.
  • A person's proper name, in this way, is the literal - and, so, most proper - figure of the extralinguistic Self behind the name.
  • Fine, but call it by its proper name. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abra was the Greek word for the favorite waiting-maid; and was, also, this girl’s own proper name. Cæsar
  • The term united is not part of a proper name, but is simply an adjective qualifying States, and has its full and proper sense. The American Republic : constitution, tendencies and destiny
  • [Margins, 243, his emphasis]), because this sun-sower is functioning as something like a proper name and an anthropomorphism: as the blinding, impossible site of the positing of trope. Introduction
  • If you write by hand print out proper names as legibly as possible; underscore _u_ and overscore _n_. Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
  • Through the ruse of a technique, Baraka names the nameless, which creates an aporia that interrupts the functioning of the proper name.
  • Of course the yellow quartz should be sold under the proper name, _citrine quartz_. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • So it is there that is situated the first thing that is effable and can be called by proper names.
  • Most of the ingredients come from abroad such as olibanum, the proper name for Frankincense, which comes from the sap of a tree in the mountains of Somalia, and petit grain, which is derived from beating young twigs off trees in Paraguay.
  • Potiphar" is traced (K. W.) to the Egyptian word signifying "he whom Ra (the sun god) gave," a typically Egyptian proper name. Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • He blithely absolves this libel as an example of "antonomasia" ( "the use of a proper name to express a general idea," OED), saying rather too airily that in this instance he meant a "Pat Boone-type" to imply any crooner of the well-scrubbed variety. Happy Days Are Here Again
  • Greek proper names and placenames containing kappa are often written in English with "c" due to contemporary rendering into the Latin alphabet by ancient Romans.
  • I took this opportunity, not only to answer her question and remind her of the proper name for the damper pedal, but also to explore the piano and how it worked.
  • Fine, but call it by its proper name. Times, Sunday Times
  • The question of whether proper names of people and places have a rightful place in a dictionary is probably an obsolete one: their presence was formerly justified on the grounds that as "words" they are far more frequent than many of the "legitimate" words, like elytron, greave, or mithridatism. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 3
  • Will had given their proper names, instead of their shortened nicknames.
  • Use Arabic numerals and capitalize the proper name, but not the word missile: Titan 2 missile. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • But in course of time these words have lost their force -- their meaning has been forgotten -- and they have come to be mere proper names, designative but not significative. History of Phoenicia
  • We may have been drinking it for the last 350 years but Camellia sinensis, to call the tea plant by its proper name, became a staple in Asia long before.
  • Take, for example, the closed city of Ozersk, a community of 85,000 people, whose existence was so hushed under the Soviets that it was not allowed a proper name, and was referred to only by its post office box numbers — first No. 40, then No. 65 — in Chelyabinsk, an open city forty-four miles away. How to Get a Nuclear Bomb
  • Would it have killed the owners to choose a proper name for their restaurant instead? Times, Sunday Times
  • And their proper name is door supervisors, thank you very much. The Sun
  • Another type of antonomasia we meet when a common noun is still clearly perceived as a proper name.
  • word meaning" as you declare, but rather "onomastics" is the study of proper names and thus, "anonymous" is not strictly a fit object of onomatology.
  • The groundwork of the pleasantry is the identity in form of the proper name with the common noun 'will.' A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles
  • No proper names and no plurals. The Sun
  • We take this opportunity of again begging correspondents who write to us on several subjects to oblige us by writing on separate papers; and_ (_which does not refer to_ A. L.) _by writing_ plainly, _more particularly_ proper names _and_ quotations. Notes and Queries, Number 75, April 5, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • The proper name for Matthew's condition is hyperkinetic syndrome.
  • Redemption of this sort is a motif, applicable in both cases and de - scribable in anonymous terms, whereas myth or legend always has a proper name or at least a local habitation which it gains from the identity of a hero or concrete situation. MOTIF
  • Although the word legislature isn’t part of the formal, proper name for the lawmaking bodies in many states, it may be used instead of a formal name. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • Israel Kamakawiwo'ole -- his proper name -- was a distant relation of Keola, his so-called calabash cousin. Beard
  • The proper name for Matthew's condition is hyperkinetic syndrome.
  • They are studying humanity to see if we're a threat, they have no proper name.
  • Propertius 'similar practice: 42 of the 166 quadrisyllable pentameter endings in Propertius are proper names (Platnauer 17). The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Margent; and for that the said Sir John Newton is yncertaine of any creaste which he ought to beare by his owne proper name, he therefore hath also required vs, the said kings and hereauldes of armes, to assigne and confirme vnto him and his posteritie for ever, the creaste of Sir Auncell Corney, knight, which Sir Auncell Corney, as it doth appere by divers ancient evidence and other monuments of the said Sir Notes and Queries, Number 56, November 23, 1850
  • The antonomasia can also work the other way, with a proper name as a description - referring to a soldier as a Rambo, for instance, or calling an obsequious black man Uncle Tom.
  • Therefore, in Germany, we were unable to call shoyu by its proper name, "shoyu. VEGAN "LIVERWURST"-- TRUST ME, IT'S DELICIOUS!-- AND INFO ON LIQUID SMOKE
  • CJK founder Jack Halpern says his small team pored over hard copies of phone directories, encyclopedias, student rosters and general-interest books from a slew of Middle Eastern countries to compile a dictionary of seven million variants in all of Arab proper names. Arabic Names Spell Trouble for Banks
  • At its lower end the tibia forms what is known as the ankle joint by articulating with the next long bone, which is commonly called the tarsus, although the proper name would be really metatarsus. Our Bird Comrades
  • Spurts draws the portrait operator later period 12, the apprentice proper name.
  • We have already seen this use generalised to descriptive titles of books, paintings etc (Reclining Nude; Portrait of a Lady …) Of proper nouns, Halliday has this to say “With proper nouns [the referent] is defined experientially: there exists only one, at least in the relevant body of experience … This means that typically there is no further specification … Proper names usually occur without any other elements of the nominal group”. A is for Articles (2) « An A-Z of ELT
  • The 11 competitors from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia tend to be tagged with the soulless acronym FYROM because their country's proper name is such a mouthful -- and Greece jealously reserves the name Macedonia for its north-central administrative region. Happy Just To Be Here
  • That's their proper name and I slieve the Kennel Club have brought it in When they were brought here from armany after the First World War there was a It of anti-German feeling -- hence we used the iphemism "alsatian". Put On By Cunning
  • The editing is splendid except for an inordinate number of misprints, especially in proper names and in foreign words.
  • Ovid admitted quadrisyllable endings more freely if they were proper names. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • The number following each proper name indicates the number of appellatives assigned to that person.
  • Ultimately, a central objective of political theorizing is to replace proper names with abstract concepts.
  • Now, a distinctive appellation is one of the first necessities of life, whether savage or civilized; and in an age when proper names, and the occupations from which proper names Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • A stands for Antwerp, Austerlitz, Agata, Aychenwald, and scores of other proper names round which the novel moves.
  • Ordinary lathe worker 4, mill, pliers, grinder apprentice proper name, master mechanic proper name.
  • Then followed many words in Italian, interspersed only here and there with an American proper name. Radio Boys Loyalty Bill Brown Listens In
  • Sex educators (before the abstinence only people made them stop talking about sex at all, which is a whole other story), use a technique called "desensitization" to help people get to where they can talk sensibly about previously verboten facts such as the proper names for body parts. Gloria Feldt: Memo About Hillary Clinton: Guys, Get Over It
  • Ultimately, a central objective of political theorizing is to replace proper names with abstract concepts.
  • Ultimately, a central objective of political theorizing is to replace proper names with abstract concepts.
  • The proper name in Middle Persian is actually "Parsi," but this changed some time after the Islamic conquest of Persia to "Farsi" because Arabs don't have the bilabial plosive "P" in their language. Think Progress
  • These are b driven motor - driven oil pumps, which whose proper name is hydraulic pump pumping unit.
  • They contain, according to him, mostly proper names, with devotional formulae, similar to those of the Sinaitic inscriptions and the Kufic and later epigraphs which we discovered. The Land of Midian
  • Pinang, from the pinang or areca-palm, is the proper name of the island, but out of compliment to George IV. it was called Prince of Wales Island. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • Consult one of the best of them, Webster's New World Dictionary, and what you find is a miniature encyclopedia filled with the explanations of initials, proper names, and entries like "macrosporangium" and "abhenry," which are not and never will be words of the English language. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 3
  • And their proper name is door supervisors, thank you very much. The Sun
  • Whatever names are used, though, are probably going to be internalized by regular shuttle bus riders as typical unanalyzed proper names.
  • City of Fortune: How Venice Ruled the Seas" celebrates the Stato da Mar to give the Venetian empire its proper name from its beginning in 1000 till 1503, whereafter Ottoman sea power redirected Venetian expansion to northern Italy. The Doges of War
  • No proper names and no plurals. The Sun
  • On the basis of the fact that, unlike (9), (10) can serve to express two distinct counterfactual beliefs, Kripke (1972) hypothesizes that a proper name is what he calls a rigid designator. Intentionality
  • The precocious talkativeness is a major attribute of the boy, who is known by the name of his class rather than a real proper name.
  • Ultimately, a central objective of political theorizing is to replace proper names with abstract concepts.
  • No proper names or plurals. The Sun
  • Hero is here the proper name, for there was some contention, and the men who had titles crowd all others beneath their titles and escutcheons. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
  • Con is a proper name: Can is a name of authority or dignitie, which signifieth a diuiner or soothsayer All diuiners are called Can amongst them. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • In the Millian view, proper names have denotation, but not connotation.
  • The rebus is the bridge from the writing of thoughts to the writing of sounds, and it came into use through the necessity of writing proper names. The Booklover and His Books
  • According to this theory, logically proper names are very like the demonstratives this and that; they are empty of descriptive content, and their meanings are the particulars they denote.
  • But the feast then had no proper name; it was simply called the fortieth day after Epiphany. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Whatever names are used, though, are probably going to be internalized by regular shuttle bus riders as typical unanalyzed proper names.
  • The proper name of a shul is ‘beis knesset’ or the ’house of assembly.’
  • Would it have killed the owners to choose a proper name for their restaurant instead? Times, Sunday Times
  • In the 18th century, the great German anatomist, von Sömmerring avoided using eponyms, i.e., the use of proper names.
  • What is more, proper names are normally introduced into discourse by means of descriptive phrases.
  • Even the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) which is called God's "proper name" only denotes His highest emanation in creation.
  • But "crusions" are golden carp, and when I was a child the Devonshire fishermen used to call the long white fish with argent stripes (whose proper name, I think, is the launce) a silverling. Gossip in a Library
  • Participants were told that the solution words did not include foreign words, plurals, or proper names, and that they could use paper and pencils as aids.

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