How To Use Propensity In A Sentence
Our birthright is the propensity to dream, dance, and evolve.
- Boing Boing
The Brits, with their propensity for schoolboy humour and scatology, deal with the subject by uproarious laughter.
First, peoples' idea affects their propensity to save and consume and invest, and difference attitude on risk, which are impacted on the economic situation.
The very same natural propensity to be communal and socially cohesive, makes us aggressive to outsiders.
Times, Sunday Times
The propensity for people enriched by capital gains to borrow and spend is gradually diminishing.

Fracture is determined not only by the propensity to fall but also by the underlying fragility of the bone.
Combine these qualities of self-denial and there is a propensity for deep unhappiness.
The market's latest surge and its propensity to reverse every attempt at an intraday selloff show how investors have become more daring, raising the risk of a near-term stumble as complacency grows.
The Economic Times
Valley, which he thought would have the highest propensity to adopt online shopping.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a propensity of employees to neglect the medical needs of teens, sometimes calling them fakers.
+ The second sort (odium inimicitiae, or hostility) aims directly at the person, indulges a propensity to see what is evil and unlovable in him, feels a fierce satisfaction at anything tending to his discredit, and is keenly desirous that his lot may be an unmixedly hard one, either in general or in this or that specified way.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
The economic propensity to higgle and barter appeared early among the
The Negro at Work in New York City A Study in Economic Progress
Wartime discoveries of acute poverty among elderly people heightened awareness of their propensity to poverty.
Monetary policy works because borrowers have a higher propensity to spend out of income than savers.
Times, Sunday Times
Rather, we differ from other nations only in our high propensity to imprison nonviolent offenders and to incarcerate them for long periods.
Towards the end of his reign he showed an increasing propensity for paranoia.
The outcome is an elevation in serum cholesterol levels and increased propensity toward the development of atherosclerosis.
Andrea Seppi, a creative photographer from Germany, combines a trigger-happy attitude with propensity for perfection.
The youth, however, had a wild and irreclaimable propensity to dissipation, which finally sent him to serve in the corps long maintained in the service of the States of Holland, and called the Scotch Dutch.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
Argon is also an ideal carrier gas, a propellant with no propensity to react.
Propensity to take an unfair advantage of available opportunities by those who lead the change.
For example, a consumer with an average long-term propensity to plan for money expect to pay nearly $20,000 more over the course of a 30-year mortgage on a - latest science and technology news stories
Now with the increased propensity of sloth in my lifestyle, I am getting out of shape.
I term this propensity to get used to things given the right conditions, psychological dialecticism - which I believe unites the Marxians and Hegelians.
Aboody and her colleagues were the first to demonstrate in 2000 the inherent propensity of neural stem cells to home in on invasive tumor cells, also known as tropism, even migrating from the opposite side of the brain or across the blood-brain barrier. - latest science and technology news stories
She wavered between hesitancy and her natural propensity for fun.
Allen was an aggressive coordinator in Denver, with a propensity to call blitzes that the Raiders traditionally stayed away from during Davis' tenure.
Natural selection has equipped us with a religious longing for dialogue with supernatural beings, and this propensity has in turn fostered a sense of "sociality" and other emotions essential to dealing with the omnipresent threat of extinction at the hands of nature and hostile human groups.
Commonweal Magazine
It is better to look for those tulips with a natural propensity for repeat performance.
At worst they are turning a generation into pale antisocial creatures with repetitive strain injury and a propensity to engage in real violence.
The Times Literary Supplement
Government Spending Multipliers - Numbers that increase the change in output affected by a change in government spending due to consumer's marginal propensity to consume.
They are growing slowly with a propensity for local recurrence and metastasis.
A mere eight years after Sebald voiced grave concerns about Germany's propensity to repress the past, to always be βlooking and looking away at the same time,β it is now no longer possible to look away.
Troublemakers: scapegrace ` wild and unprincipled, 'rakehell ` lewd and dissolute,' scarebabe (- bairn in Scotland), drawblood, flingbrand, blowcoal, makebate (as in ` debate '), stirpassion and stirstrife (why the wildflower loosestrife is accused of this propensity I know not), spitfire and shitefire
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 1
As the US has a high marginal propensity to import, when the economy expands, more dollars flow out of the country, which is another form of global stimulus.
The marginal propensity to import, in other words, is a " leakage " from the expenditure stream.
Table 4. National income and the average propensity to consume in the United States, 1869- 1928.
He was. a gifted man, but had a propensity for falling into bad associations.
I do think the propensity of Americans to engage in invidious discrimination really has diminished, and diminished to the point of where much of the 1964 Act is unnecessary.
The Volokh Conspiracy Β» So a Libertarian and a Liberal Walk into a Bar
In reality, the prospect is implausible: reduce a man's propensity to lust and he will compensate with an increased aggression or cupidity.
Those that succeed do so with grace and with what seems to be a natural propensity to invent.
The appendix in man is medically important because of its propensity to become inflamed in the condition known as acute appendicitis.
At Johanna, or possibly at St. Augustine's, some of our officers and men, moved by that queer propensity of mankind to acquire strange objects, however useless, had bought animals of the kind called mongoos.
From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life
With his propensity to date openly white women and his apparent delight in beating white fighters, Johnson educed universal disgust among white boxing fans.
In patients with significant reflux disease, certain procedures should be avoided: The fundus of the stomach has a thin wall and a great propensity to stretch, so this portion of the stomach should not be used in the formation of a pouch.
The urban propensity to dress babies with fancy clothes makes them more vulnerable to malaria.
The primary testing episode showed, however, a propensity to unite against the Government.
He has a propensity for drinking too much alcohol.
Among the many failings of lefties is their propensity to attribute made-up beliefs to their political opponents.
Matthew Yglesias Β» Baby, Itβs Cold Outside
That propensity to be overwhelmed by external stimuli also means she is unable to drive.
That's hard to imagine, given the creature's resistance to domestication and its propensity for using its quills to keep humans away.
The French propensity to incarnate ideas in depictions of the carnal reaches a high point in Klossowski's fiction, which indeed resembles Sade's in a few ways.
It is about the marginal propensity to consume (MPC), which is the extra consumption generated by a dollar of extra income.
One further point is that even the propensity to pair universalism and inclusivism over against particularism and exclusivism is problematic when applied to the biblical period.
By the second year, this xenophobic propensity has ripened into expressions of full-blown fear and hostility.
The label destroyed John Kerry, and Romney's propensity to change his mind makes Kerry's switches look tame to the point of irrelevance.
The latest from
In the battle for customers, a propensity to boast loudly and publicly about rate cuts is not always matched by a desire to cut profits.
You can hear the family influence: her brother's propensity for melodrama, mom's acute eye for telling lyrical detail, dad's mordant black humour, along with her own caustic imagery.
That woman and a string of mistresses describe him as a charmer but also a manipulator with a propensity to control weaker-willed people.
But PIP implants seemed to have a higher propensity to rupture.
Times, Sunday Times
He showed a propensity for violence.
A similar propensity for the use of liquor is termed dipsomania; so an uncontrollable disposition to smoke the pipe may be termed capnizomania.
Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
I was not always a good person, and there's a part of everyone that has a propensity to do bad.
But unlike many of the others, they were cursed with an ineluctable propensity to compare themselves with others-and to suffer, in their own eyes, by the comparison.
And so a test was performed to study both the credulity and propensity for lacrimation of mages.
Such gangs have a propensity to combine against a common enemy.
The chΓ’let is a fair hostelry for unfastidious travellers, its chief drawback being the propensity of tourists to get up at three o'clock in the morning in order to behold the sunrise from the Hoheneck.
In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
Given the propensity of other footballers for losing millions in creative investment schemes, perhaps he could pop into a nearby bank for some advice.
Times, Sunday Times
A number of those who find admission within these walls, in some degree varying at different times, have an original disrelish to study, and a ruling propensity to the active business of life.
Due to the proximity of and propensity for renal cell carcinoma to spread to the adrenal cortex, this possibility should be excluded.
The high propensity of synapsin I to form a monomolecular layer that covers large phospholipid surfaces supports the possibility that synapsin I covers a large portion of the synaptic vesicle surface.
Crane apparently has a propensity for rape and sexual exhibitionism but does not experience irresistible compulsions or an absolute volitional impairment.
The propensity for people enriched by capital gains to borrow and spend is gradually diminishing.
The Badawi cranium is small, ooidal, long, high, narrow, and remarkable in the occiput for the development of Gallβs second propensity: the crown slopes upwards towards the region of firmness, which is elevated; whilst the sides are flat to a fault.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
In addition, the high propensity of lead to oligomerize syt II offers a possible molecular explanation for how lead interferes with calcium-evoked neurotransmitter release.
It would be misleading to assert that a woodwind trio (oboe, clarinet, bassoon) has a propensity for entertaining music rather than solid serious stuff.
It's a pretty rare event for me to be rooting for a Sununu for anything; John Sr. had that dreadful Al Gore quality of being sure that he was twice as smart as anyone else in government or politics, and the same Gore-like propensity to overplan as a result.
Archive 2002-09-08
We are required not to overspend, so there will always be a propensity to underspend.
Given my propensity for frittering it away, it's better that I have a legal obligation to pay it to her.
My dear, dear child, try, _try_ to conquer the propensity!
Elsie's Kith and Kin
Others find her propensity for tacky glamour and ostentatious lack of decent clothing a little too much to bear.
During the 3-2 defeat at Liverpool, the Finn grew tired of what he perceived to be Milan Baros's propensity for going down with a bout of play-acting.
Which football teams have been referenced on album covers? | The Knowledge
Advertisers are hired to promote these products and services to specific markets based on a careful calculation of a target population's propensity to consume.
A hallmark of H. influenzae infections in bronchiectasis and COPD is their propensity for recurrence.
I also believe that those drugs, which are known to have the specific propensity to precipitate a cardiac dysrhythmia, I think that the drugs in Daniel Smith's case did exactly that, and that is why that boy died so suddenly and seemingly inexplicably at the time.
CNN Transcript Feb 8, 2007
Or maybe, given the propensity of my neighbors to drive up and honk (tocar) the horn (claxon), I'll wait upstairs until you honk.
Lo que quieres.
the propensity of disease to spread
Country size, for instance, appears to be related to the propensity to centralise collective bargaining authority within national confederations.
Best time is Sunday mornings due to my work schedule, love of my Saturday green market, and propensity to go gimpy during late afternoon (yes, I have epilepsy - fun times).
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With their limousines, flowers and apparently limitless propensity for supersizing, proms have a lot in common with modern weddings.
Times, Sunday Times
The sociobiological theories emphasize a heritable propensity for violence at both the individual and the social level.
The second movement - Allegro, rigorously designed after Vivaldi's manner, betrays Tartini's propensity for virtuoso ornamentation.
But the hardy little device was now safe from his propensity to overwork it and from my hysteria.
Attachment theory emphasizes the propensity for human beings to make and maintain powerful affectional bonds.
Many of us lack the leisure or propensity for deep, inquiring relationships with our aging parents.
In humid climates, triticale seed had the annoying propensity of sprouting prematurely; often, while still on the parent.
If your dogs tend to roll, you're a pronator -- get shoes that compensate for your foot's propensity to tilt in or out, otherwise you may hurt your knees.
Fitness: Pavement Pounding
Appearing before an audience at the University of New Mexico that cheered at virtually every jibe at Obama, McCain unloaded on his Democratic rival for everything from what he called his propensity to raise taxes and desire to impose a government-run health care system to his purported waffling on issues and his "eager" participation in a "corrupt" earmark system.
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He said at the time: 'It has a high propensity to turn over.
The Sun
There were few left who even knew him by the name his shipmates had given him for his monkeylike propensity to swing through the sheets and lines.
Aching for Always
The latter, his verbosity, or really a propensity towards verbal diarrhea, is what is potentially toxic in the modern campaign.
More Thoughts on Biden
Mr. French traces this propensity to a particular aspect of Caribbean parlance: "It was what Trinidadians call 'picong,' from the French 'piquant,' meaning sharp or cutting, where the boundary between good and bad taste is deliberately blurred, and the listener sent reeling.
The Man Behind the Man of Letters
The challenge ranges from leaden bureaucratic language full of arrimages and conciliation travail-famille to the Parti QuΓ©bΓ©cois's propensity for rosy labels the nation-building business of sovereignty is a projet de sociΓ©tΓ©; Bernard Landry's attempt to revive his party program was the Saison des idΓ©es.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
It turns out that such replacements have a propensity to make large errors, and their estimates thus are worse than the estimates of a new analyst at a brokerage that has not previously covered the firm.
There, the capitalist class had the larger savings propensity, and a transfer to wage-earners reduced the rate of accumulation.
He has now had both shoulders fixed because of their high propensity to pop out of the joint.
The Sun
But I have, for a long time, called him Badger, for his propensity of badgering and harassing young women with whom he fancies himself in love.
Argon is also an ideal carrier gas, a propellant with no propensity to react.
He and host Jimmy Pardo riffed on a wide range of topics, such as the world's obsession with his relationship with Jay Leno, how O'Brien's propensity for made-up words might affect his children, and why he's an ineffective swearer.
WATCH: Conan O'Brien Jokes About Life, Career & His Beard On 'Never Not Funny'
A '60s-bred propensity to drop out, to question the conventional, to value the genuine and the antipolitical can be attractive, says Democratic polltaker Geoffrey Garin-particularly at a time when public suspicion of politics and government runs high.
The '60S Democrats
In her summing-up the judge tells the jury that they may take Ben's good character evidence as relevant to his lack of credibility and his propensity to commit offences.
What it illustrates is the propensity of political science to become colonized by economists, for the agents theorized in this way are basically economic actors.
Indeed, although our data on exploratory behaviors comes from only one lake, and thus precludes generalization, we have also found in a previous study that stonewort individuals from both lakes had a lower propensity to engage mating, which also independently suggests a tendency to avoid exposure
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But this propensity is already here, in embryonic form.
Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
Their propensity for misalignment and poor passing was only exceeded by their ability to kick good ball away.
Today his reputation as a composer is only rivalled by his propensity for writing musical dramas of an unparalleled length.
He doesn't suffer fools gladly and has a propensity for telling the truth.
I find in myself a natural aversion to my duty, and to spiritual and divine exercises, and a propensity to that which is evil, such an inclination towards the world and the flesh as amounts to a propensity to backslide from the living
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
Their conceptualization of their own suffering and their response to the resulting trauma stood in sharp contrast to the Western propensity to medicalize human suffering.
The best that can be said for providing the nickname here is that Bush's propensity for nicknaming everyone is so well known that no one is misled that the βKenny Boyβ nickname means anything.
Admittedly he is one with a propensity to do physical damage to opposing players.
Times, Sunday Times
For example, there is evidence of groupthink operating within many cabinets of any political persuasion where government ministers, arguably, are selected according to a propensity to accept, rather than challenge, policy.
The main problem here is the propensity of the land to flood, and Edinburgh council are still debating the best solutions.
That woman and a string of mistresses describe him as a charmer but also a manipulator with a propensity to control weaker-willed people.
PS - Women shrug off their propensity to vote for the "cuter" male candidate..the one with silky hair, beaming smile, taller, even the "Obambi cuddlesome effect".
Zogby has McCain/Palin pulling ahead and men, not women, favoring Palin; and I offer a poll about that.
The anchor man's propensity to select the correct pass at all times once more saw him stand out as the pick of City's trialists before his half-time substitution.
It was a venial mistake on Hume's part to include a reference to the mind's propensity in what was supposed to be a definition of causality.
To some, the director-general is an oaf dressed in jester's clothing, a big-mouthed fool with a propensity to put his foot in it.
He argued that if domestic demand for goods and services is weak, perhaps because of a low propensity to consume, there is likely to be a lot of unemployment, as otherwise supply would exceed demand.
A corollary from the hypothesis is that, people's marginal propensity to consume in earlier life cycle is high, in the following life cycle is relatively low, and in the late life cycle is high again.
While deserving of commendation for that part-way return to a long-missed cup tradition, the FA never stray too far away from the propensity for shooting themselves in the foot.
He has a propensity for drinking too much alcohol.
We hear also that the people have already in many instances exhibited that propensity common to the habits of common life, which we call squatting, and to which we have always looked forward as one of the evils likely to accompany their emancipation, and calling for the earliest and most serious attention of our Legislature.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
The objective of this study was to develop and examine the reliability and validity of a questionnaire that assesses individual differences in the propensity for sexual excitation and inhibition.
His propensity to self-divulgence was extraordinary (even obsessive), especially for someone trying to recover for the twentieth century the gifts of the apophatic tradition.
As an analogy, would you agree that a person who self-identifies as a heterosexual and honestly admits to being attracted to the opposite sex (think chest-pounding male) has the propensity to engage in heterosexual acts?
The Volokh Conspiracy Β» Add Bad Ethics to the Problems of βDonβt Ask, Donβt Tellβ?
They must doubt everything I write with my propensity for typos.
For example, the propensity of opioid abusers entering opioid agonist treatment to discount their cocaine use has been previously documented.
It seems unlikely that overnight my son has developed the male propensity for uncommunicativeness.
Almost 200 years ago, researchers first began to characterize plant responses to sunlight-among them, the propensity of a plant's tip to grow towards the light and its root to grow away from the light, a phenomenon called phototropism.
News from The Scientist
A player will have a given propensity to score.
Times, Sunday Times
You would have thought that between siblings there is a natural propensity to love each other's projects.
Times, Sunday Times
Google hit #5 for darwin propensity for violence, lust for power lord of the flies.
Archive 2005-07-01
It stabilised demand by income transfers to those who had a high propensity to consume.
Her propensity for riding about in extravagant carriages ... followed a standard set by the French queen (121). close window
Notes on 'Framing Romantic Dress: Mary Robinson, Princess Caroline and the Sex/Text'
He might enjoin upon me the most laborious tasks, set the envy of my brother to watch me during the performance, make the most diligent search after my books, and destroy them without mercy, when they were found; but he could not outroot my darling propensity.
Memoirs of Carwin, the Biloquist
For the majority of young people, a propensity to blush is a natural, if embarrassing, aspect of adolescence.
The narcos' propensity for gold-plated toilets and loud parties has not endeared them to their neighbors in the fashionable districts.
His propensity for taking young, barely postpubescent girls was well known-as was their regrettable tendency to not survive such encounters.
Widows and Orphans
The book also parodies his demagoguery and propensity for offensive outbursts.
Times, Sunday Times
More than one βprosateurβ has affected to despise poetry; in reference to which propensity, we may call to mind the bon-mot of Montaigne: βWe cannot attain to poetry; let us revenge ourselves by abusing it.β
A Philosophical Dictionary
The propensity of different groups to intermarry is affected by their numbers in the population.
But, in the early days of becoming a meditator, it was extremely difficult to shut down the mind with its propensity to chatter almost incessantly.
Steve McSwain: 10 Mantras For A More Meaningful New Year
I remind myself that I'm not a 16 year-old kid with raging hormones with a propensity to infatuate.
Jaimewolf Diary Entry
None of the children there had a private room; since each of them worked basically alone for six hours every day, the Institute insisted upon shared rooms as a way of counteracting the propensity toward isolationistic traits that could so easily develop in their scholarly young minds.
The Three-Minute Universe
Every advance in knowledge has to be earned by a painful struggle against our spontaneous propensity for ignorance.
US Airways said the low numbers reflect the airline's comparatively smaller frequent-flier membership, its short-haul route structure which makes it harder for members to rack up big mileage totals, and the propensity for its members to cash in miles for awards on Star Alliance partner airlines that fly longer routes.
For Frequent Fliers, a Ranking of the Stingiest Airlines
Groups of Hies are introduced into the top of the cylinder, where they remain temporarily due to their natural propensity for negative geotaxis.
The history of the Bank provides ample testimony to its propensity for torpidity.
Many of us lack the leisure or propensity for deep, inquiring relationships with our aging parents.
Two, that conservatives 'facility in articulation arises from their individual propensity to actually study-out the issues β they are individualists who selfishly relish responsibiltiy for their own thoughts and actions β and therefore can actually speak to the issues.
Liberal bloggers admit conservatives have upper hand on Twitter
Others find her propensity for tacky glamour and ostentatious lack of decent clothing a little too much to bear.
Those who have a propensity to philosophy, will still continue their researches; because they reflect, that, besides the immediate pleasure attending such an occupation, philosophical decisions are nothing but the reflections of common life, methodized and corrected.
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
If your individual propensity to save equals your individual propensity to consume then you are a maximally efficient member of society (you remove no wealth from circulation through saving/hoarding, whatever you call it) and although long-run PPC growth is a goal, as Keynes put it, "In the long-run we are all dead.
Test Scores and Economic Performance, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Despite his exemplary crooning ability and his propensity for loungey arrangements, his was never an easy career to sum up.
And this, with the Greens' propensity for error that increased in direct proportion to their frustration with their own palsied lack of penetration, was just enough to edge the game.
Britain's propensity to rely on foreign mercenaries when they sent forces to the continent reached its peak in the middle of the eighteenth century.
The British way in Warfare - 1688-2000
The funny thing about European gunmakers is a propensity to drop all parts and service upon discontinuing a gun model.
The propensity to seek wealth and power has led persons of conscience to inveigh against the maldistribution of income for a long time.
The book also parodies his demagoguery and propensity for offensive outbursts.
Times, Sunday Times
Maybe I have a propensity for those sort of muddles, but maybe I'd rather have a propensity for that sort of a muddle, for my demonstrative pronouns are very dear to me.
We have also projected out, using black hourglasses, a possible path for the propensity to hold U.S. currency.
It is clear that the propensity of an economy to deflate is in direct proportion to the degree of protectionism it historically maintained.
They employ the term psychical to indicate the relation of the human soul to sense, appetite, propensity, etc., and psychological, as indicating the ultimates of spiritual being.
The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
His sweater vests, his propensity to say "jeepers," and his insistence on going to sleep at 9: 00 sharp -- it all makes him seem like a very old man.
Literary Mama: Literary Mama Home
On page 22, we are told that the division of labor βis the necessary, though very slow and gradual, consequence of a certain propensity in human nature β¦ the propensity to truck, barter, and exchange one thing for another.β
A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
Skullcap is a member of the mint family and is considered one of the best nervine tonics because of its propensity to relieve nervous tension while, unlike valerian, for instance, it refreshes the mind.
In humid climates, triticale seed had the annoying propensity of sprouting prematurely; often, while still on the parent.
This consumer is showing a propensity to pick what they call "masstige," or "mass prestige" products, those that aren't nose-bleed expensive but are far from the bargain brands.
For Celtic's French defender has shown a propensity for injudicious decision-making when finding himself in the white heat of colossal continental confrontations.
The torque steer has been eradicated too, and the turbo has lost its propensity to surge when you were not expecting or requiring it.
Perhaps they have less of a propensity to be flexible on this while men might be marginally less concerned about these things.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite their propensity for dishonesty, the name fiddler crab comes from the fact that while waving their big claw to attract females they look like they are playing the violin.
From whence it appears that the propensity to action, whether it be called irritability, sensibility, voluntarity, or associability, is only another mode of expression for the quantity of sensorial power residing in the organ to be excited.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
In many cases this is due to a genetic propensity of the deltoid and tricep muscles to be primarily involved in this pushing motion.
Alex is extremely intelligent with a propensity for fits of anger and uncontrollable rage.
First, several studies have demonstrated that larger males deliver larger spermatophores that reduce post-mating receptivity and female propensity to remate.
His manner was courteously masculine with no trace of the eunuchoid or effeminate; but in our hundreds of private hours together, Mac never hinted at a sexual propensity of his own, in any direction.
Before I give you the kiss you deserve, comfit, we need to talk about your propensity to climb through windows.
Much Ado About Marriage
Arguably, foie gras production merely takes advantage of this natural propensity.
Bad Food Britain
Our propensity to indulge in crude condemnation has a long, undistinguished history.
Times, Sunday Times
The cousin was Carl Laemmle, founder of Universal Pictures and a man with a sentimental propensity for hiring his relatives.
The government has long since given up trying to reduce the propensity to commit crime.
A key prediction of Williamson's theory, which has also been supported empirically, is therefore that the propensity of economic agents to conduct their transactions inside the boundaries of a firm increases along with the relationship-specific features of their assets.
The Prize in Economics 2009 - Press Release
There exists in human nature a strong propensity to depreciate the advantages, and to magnify the evils, of the present times.
By using Chinese Household Survey of 2005, this paper adopts the dummy variable and Propensity Score Matching model to estimate wage returns on computer uses.
He's well-known for his natural propensity for indiscretion.
This leads to an adverse impact on the propensity to save and the domestic accumulation of capital.
Yet there is no similar propensity to indicate when films are designed to lure younger adult moviegoers.
By using Chinese Household Survey of 2005, this paper adopts the dummy variable and Propensity Score Matching model to estimate wage returns on computer uses.