
How To Use Propaganda In A Sentence

  • Equally important, the government succeeded in flushing out Al-Shabaab's human intelligence out of the unregulated national telecom industry, and disrupted or shutoff their propaganda radio stations. Abukar Arman: Somalia, Dark Clouds and Silver-lining
  • I wish people would bother to learn some history instead of regurgitating propaganda.
  • One of the first aims of propaganda is to dehumanize the enemy in the public mind.
  • The Front adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.
  • Years later, after their defeat, they finally understood how far from international norms they were and saw a change in the youngest element of their society, so they began a counterpropaganda campaign. The Coming Revolution
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  • It remains to be Seen if that is a genuine , substantial shift, or merely Aeon propaganda.
  • This propaganda was drilled into American soldiers for more than a year before the war.
  • They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda.
  • Mesell Malkontent of Faux News, the gripping cutting edge metaphorist megamedia propaganda outlet, a non-contributor of the pasty pedantry and PIG’s Pundits in General, spouts ‘demon duck du jour’, and claims, somehow, she knows, somehow, that Hezbollah is just a beauty pagent… Think Progress » Malkin: Outrage About Qana ‘Manufactured,’ ‘If It’s Not Qana, It’s Something Else…It’s Beauty Pageants’
  • But relatively speaking, it's the opposite of propaganda - nobody is being force-fed.
  • When one departs from the deeds of a specific group into speaking of the vices of a whole race or a people, one is descending to demonization and engaging in pure propaganda.
  • Of course it’s romanticized from the point of view of a southerner, but that’s nowhere near any “propaganda for the slave system”. Matthew Yglesias » Rep Trent Franks: Blacks Were Better Off Under Slavery
  • More serious, however, was the ineffectiveness of official propaganda in favour of the war.
  • Along these arteries of traffic many tons of tracts and propaganda are hurled annually by train, felucca and colporteur. Pan-Islam
  • I am deeply concerned about the propaganda and false arguments from those who oppose nuclear power.
  • I've written before of an earlier generation of MPs who were unabashed propagandists for Stalin, and there is an inglorious tradition of Labour MPs who serve the propaganda interests of despotism.
  • At the time, Salten was his conservative counter force at the New Free Press, the paper on the forefront of war propaganda, and wrote feuilletons.
  • It is no accident that the surge in idolatrous reality television you so abhor coincided with this call to propaganda.
  • He was brought up on a diet of political propaganda from birth.
  • The Guttmacher Institute has looked at the effects of comprehensive sex education - the sort where the facts are presented, not just antisex propaganda and wishful thinking. Boys & Girls Together
  • Suddenly the powerful propaganda machine of the big media concerns was no longer able to achieve the desired affect.
  • And to call the ayatollah's words lame propaganda ignores the fact that it is so effective in rallying our enemies. "This defeat is actually an obvious victory for the Iranian nation."
  • written propaganda is less efficacious than the habits and prejudices...of the readers
  • In the lift I took to go home yesterday, someone had attached a sheet of paper which said ‘Propaganda is to democracy what violence is to dictatorship’.
  • Why would a union launch such a propaganda campaign against a behemoth like Bell, based on some bare-faced lie?? Bell Canada spy cams in tech trucks
  • This is the lesson of the 1930s, which Republican/libertarian/right-wing propaganda has striven mightily, and successfully, to erase from the American memory, allowing it to happen all over again. xearther Bush Team Seeks Dictatorial Financial Powers « Blog
  • That's what public relations propaganda is all about - conning frail, vain humans.
  • In a recent article, John Pilger quotes historian Mark Curtis 'characterization of "unworthy victims" as "unpeople" while Herman and Chomsky explain the "propaganda system," played out in the dominant media, characterizes people abused and victimized by us or our client states as "unworthy. "Worthy and Unworthy Victims"
  • The regime sought to overcome the quietism of the middle classes and of the long-suffering peasantry with the propaganda of national greatness.
  • The usual evolutionist hand-waving and bait-and-switch tactics were employed in a grand piece of propaganda.
  • With reference to the function that a university should play in moulding national sentiment, for example, I have always had the view, and have never hesitated to declare it in public, that a great university should be a great propaganda of national feeling and national sentiment, and to me that means a propaganda of Imperial sentiment. Education and Empire Unity
  • Democracy depends on an informed citizenry, and the right wing consciously strives to misinform the American public by erasing the distinction between journalism and propaganda.
  • Many books that are superficially history books are easily detected as political propaganda or inspirational froth.
  • What should have been a propaganda coup for Germany turned out to be the opposite.
  • Men and women everywhere hawked government-controlled newspapers printed on a grayish, low-grade newsprint no doubt full of comparably dull propaganda.
  • In just a few months a small number of campaigners fought against the expensive and glossy propaganda pushed out by the privateers.
  • In neither case, of course, was art intended to be reduced to something vulgar or common - a mere commodity, for example, or propaganda.
  • The official propaganda machine went into overdrive when war broke out.
  • Lately, you have attempted to cloak your actions in falsehoods and propaganda.
  • Also, we would probably score a moral victory over the terrorists, since we show that we will not stoop to their levels and treat prisoners of war as “enemy combatants”, wich is what they want so they can use it for their propaganda. Think Progress » Brown victory party featured flag calling for a ‘second’ revolution, tea party-inspired civil war.
  • It is their sneaky methods, of propaganda, disinformation and manipulation of intelligence.
  • This sector plays a central role by influencing the public, who willingly buy into its propaganda.
  • (DSE Bulletin, 7 July 1949) 52This special role of women fuelled the abuse they received in countermovement propaganda. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • I'd hoped to do better having spent a good portion of my life in America, ingesting top-shelf propaganda.
  • By not taking on this issue head-on to explain why this intervention has nothing to do with the colonial past or the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, neither of which asked for military intervention as Libyans have, Obama allowed Gaddafi's crude anti-imperialist and anti-crusader propaganda to stand. Joe Lauria: "Time and Space" for Libyan Rebels
  • Perhaps only a long period of education or propaganda could remove our abhorrence.
  • Having been involved in forms of propaganda, and having observed Carol Reed at work, I was fairly well equipped to deal with a semidocumentary subject of this nature, and I was at home with the more or less academic camera techniques of the time. An Autobiography
  • The typical Czech "greengrocer" - Havel's famous description of the symbolic Czech Everyman - did not believe Soviet propaganda, but felt helplessly enmeshed in it. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Externally, a range of print media is available for the insertion of company propaganda, should the occasion arise.
  • The fear of revenge by the Stalinist system against turncoats and prisoners of war was dispelled by references, in German Wehrmacht propaganda - in accordance with the claims of the Goebbels Propaganda Ministry - to the near collapse of the Stalinist state, brought about, if not directly by German victory, then at least by inner opposition inside the country. The Civic Platform - A Political Journal of Ideas and Analysis
  • Seems that despite the popular propaganda perpetuated by the corporate media that the academy is a bastion for 'tenured radicals' is nowhere near the reality. La Profesora Abstraida
  • American propaganda painted him as unbalanced and remote from reality.
  • This is because the term bandwidth is propaganda aimed towards stretching the painful process of a company with technological and consumer preferences grossly outdated. GigaOM Network
  • A little bit further, pushed out of sight of the ruffianly soldier in suit and tie, a few protesters too few, who were still saving the opposition honor in this France visit, which was as much propaganda as business, with a strong oil smell. Chavez in Paris: an American in Paris it is not*
  • C) Americans are like the Germans of the 1933, they want a strong leader ruler), they submit to extensive eavesdroping and spying, and welcome the government control of the media: propaganda. Think Progress » ThinkFast: November 6, 2006
  • Nationalism which is the result not of race but of education, depends for its existence almost entirely on so-called ethnological propaganda and continues to thrive by the cultivation of two propositions, neither of which is true: that all the members of one national group are racially different from all the members of the neighbouring group; and that this racial difference naturally and necessarily and properly implies the mutual hatred of the two nations. The World in Chains Some Aspects of War and Trade
  • These prophecies are often reduced to the status of propaganda only, downplaying their religious value as interpretations of history, parenesis, and actualization of past authoritative utterances.
  • Propaganda: CO2 Cuts May Not Change Daily Life Much hosted. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Americans 'day-to-day lives won't change noticeably if President Barack Obama achieves his newly announced goal of slashing carbon dioxide pollution by one-sixth in the next decade, experts say. - Business News
  • To say that hagiography was mere propaganda for the saint in question is missing an important point.
  • What is missing is some sense of the thrust of the propaganda effort.
  • Ministry, the Giolittian organ, the Stampa, of Turin, has dropped something of its feverish neutralistic propaganda, the New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 3, June, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • The contest for client states that reached through Africa, Asia and the Middle East produced sponsored mobs on the streets and incessant streams of competing propaganda.
  • But there is a world of difference between holding as we do that people of goodwill of all races and cultures should preserve our God-given differences through mutually agreed separation, and the brutal and politically disastrous hatred exhibited by the '14 Words' cultists when they describe the unfortunate young victims of propaganda-induced racial integration as 'muds' and want to expel a grandfather from the BNP because his grown-up daughter fell in love with an African. The British National Party
  • The Olympics were of great propaganda value to the regime.
  • Priests and laymen of all three religions organized educational institutions and missionary propaganda.
  • I mean honestly I don't have any problem with Jews, but I do have a problem with the ignorance of those who comfort themselves with the propaganda spewed out by the Israeli government and then expurge this same propaganda onto those of us who aren't so easily brainwashed. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Despite the anti-Byelorussian propaganda from certain media, the neutral election observers have affirmed the vote was free and fair. Belarus: That's enough democracy | Editorial
  • NOTES: Labor historian Philip Foner says "The Dream of Debs" predicted the San Francisco general strike of 1934, that it is a small classic of working class propaganda and that it was reprinted in pamphlet form and had a huge circulation in labor circles. “. . . in the stiff, dead fingers, the petition of his slaves who toiled in Hell's Bottom.”
  • Eiriz's works resist the world and maintain a critical space apart from the propaganda of the world in a way profoundly akin to Adorno's formulation; they stand as powerful and moving signposts on the road to Dystopia.
  • One official dismissed the ceasefire as a mere propaganda exercise.
  • Her ideas have been shamelessly perverted to serve the president's propaganda campaign.
  • Sometimes misinformation, exaggerated fictions and relics of wartime propaganda are reported in the media.
  • •The government-run socialist-propaganda location known as Arlington National Cemetery REALNEO for all - Regional Economics Action Links North East Ohio
  • The Western system functions by allowing small islands of dissent in an overwhelming sea of conformist propaganda.
  • That explains why a regime of immanence has to be delivered with the forceps of a revolutionary fervour and needs to replace education, reflection, information and analysis with propaganda.
  • The German people in the 1930s and 1940s were systematically brainwashed on National Socialist racist propaganda that portrayed the Jews as "Untermensch" - a subhuman scourge that was responsible for the woes of Germany and needed to be eradicated. Latest News
  • Wartime propaganda commonly has the same effect, demonizing the other side, even when both sides expect the war to end with a negotiated peace.
  • They'll-get-you-coming-and-going, from his Grove entry: Apart from [his appointment as Abbot of] Löpsingen, he had three sources of income — a stipend from the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide in Rome, the abbacy of San Stefano in Carrara, near Padua, and a provostship in the Rhenish town of Seltz. Was (Not Was)
  • Not even the decipherment of hieroglyphics at the beginning of the 19th century, and the discovery that most of what the Egyptians had written consisted of spells, royal propaganda, and tax returns, could quite serve to frustrate the impulse. The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt by Toby Wilkinson; Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt by Joyce Tyldesley; and Egyptian Dawn by Robert Temple
  • When the propaganda is the truth it follows logically that your "truth" is really the propaganda. Sound Politics: McDermott: Bring Back Baath Party
  • Please do no show this so-called docudrama, it is nothing but propaganda. Think Progress » New ABC Docudrama Blames Clinton For 9/11, Praises Bush
  • It was thus necessary to reanimate local antislavery societies, renew the propaganda war, and once more undertake large-scale petitioning.
  • During the detente era, the Soviets were careful not to give the West too much propaganda ammunition.
  • This newsletter is a remarkable piece of propaganda. In the Picture: Orwell, India and the BBC
  • Inventions, handy fables, and propaganda wormed away at the story for decades, institutionalizing falsehoods and calcifying legends, many of which then became part of the narrative in the West, where further repetition hardened and certified official Soviet accounts. The Gun
  • The radio was a powerful disseminator of propaganda, while lightweight and inexpensive 35mm cameras enabled the regime to document its crimes so thoroughly. Why Did Germans Embrace Him?
  • According to Rolling Stone's Pentagon documents, the Rendon Group was charged with creating an "Information War Room" to monitor worldwide news reports at lightning speed and respond virtually instantly with counterpropaganda. Dr. Peter Rost: How a Public Relations Firm Helped Start the War
  • Now, the protective propaganda cloak is shredding. The Spineless Huffington Post Gives ‘Equal Time’ « Blog
  • The well-oiled and inspirited propaganda machine functions superbly from Wall Street to Washington D.C.
  • #25 – Dear Parrotlover – The air quality in smoggy Los Angeles is vastly improved since the 1960’s – quit believing all the propaganda you “parrot” in your posts. Think Progress » Rebuttal To Gore Movie, Enthusiastically Embraced By The Right, Grossly Distorts Scientific Facts
  • The GLA website was a website that I only visited in extremis, as it gave me a really nasty turn to have to read the pro-Livingslime propaganda it contained. Http:// and some advice for Boris
  • They are therefore carried away with the false propaganda spread by the chauvinists with the help of the electronic media.
  • Any theatregoer, regardless of their political persuasion, should object to such a sloppy, selfregarding bit of propaganda masquerading as art. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Central Propaganda Department and the Provincial Party Propaganda Department have issued orders to forbid you from reporting this.
  • This is a clear indication of the effectiveness of the cynical propaganda used by political and military leaders.
  • Instead of letting me watch two people formicate, the whole thing looks like one of those propaganda videos of "successful" missions in Iraq that the Pentagon is always showing. American Beat: Party On, Paris!
  • It's now up to the government's propaganda machine to restore the prime minister's image.
  • If i'm trolling , then enlight me : "..intimidation, coercion, or propaganda is primarily sought Schmid, 1988. More Dots! Cried the Terrorist
  • What Fox and the right mean by liberal indoctrination is anything other than slavish conformity to RIGHTWING propaganda Think Progress » Texas Education Agency Slams Fox News’s Fearmongering About The State’s Social Studies Curriculum Changes
  • And some who do (e.g. the infamous Krauthammer) pride themselves on leaving their formal training behind to engage in spouting pure propaganda. Matthew Yglesias » The Inconveniently Boring Truth
  • One of the first big Hollywood stars to play in a Chinese film and promote it, Bale, who won an Oscar this year for his role in "The Fighter", said anyone who used the word propaganda to describe Zhang's film would be wrong. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • I am fed up with your council rubbish and propaganda and I expect a lot of other people are as well.
  • In a separate directive, the government banned the broadcasting of rebel propaganda, comments, and interviews.
  • Newspapers vary in the degree to which they emphasize propaganda rather than information.
  • His work included several propaganda and trade exhibitions, notably the Soviet Pavilion of the 1939 World's Fair in New York, and his dynamic techniques of photomontage, printing, and lighting had wide influence.
  • Numerous falsifications, voter intimidation and a vicious propaganda campaign have prevailed in the first round.
  • But our dear Soviet literary schlock is not that innocent: it represents either the militant propaganda of antihumanism, or a senseless waste of material resources, energy, and labor. A Satisfied Author
  • Another boon is for the President of the United States to echo and reinforce Islamofascist propaganda themes, as Mr. Obama did in his first interview with an Arab language television network. Stromata Blog:
  • The miners were no angels but the media was blatantly and cynically used as a propaganda machine for the government.
  • It is always a little dicey to throw around the word propaganda.
  • MMGW is a scam and theres no evidence apart from dodgy computer predictions and propaganda pumped out by your employer why dont you report that the antartic ice cap reach is at a record? maybe as it does not suit your agenda On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Fifthly, because CNN passed on administration and pentagon propaganda through 'imbedded' reporters and journalists, as opposed to Turner's CNN in 1990 having had Peter Arnett reporting independently from Baghdad on civilian damage caused by the bombing while the Bush I administration was projecting an image of "smart bombs, surgical precision, little civilian life lost", and accusing Arnett and CNN of "unpatriotic journalism". CNN Sold Us the War. Now It Sells Us the Heartbreak with Unctuous Consoling, "Heroic! Brave!"
  • The report from a prestigious international agency is another valuable propaganda tool.
  • Podmore as Secretary for Oxford and G.W. Johnson for Cambridge, had begun the "permeation" of the Universities, which has always been an important part of the propaganda of the Society. The History of the Fabian Society
  • The idea that children in Scottish schools are being force-fed gay propaganda is preposterous.
  • Part of this problem stems from all the propaganda they bombard you with when you buy a four-wheel-drive vehicle.
  • Five fighters and two bombers were assigned a mission to drop propaganda leaflets on the city.
  • Political leaders, especially autocrats and dictators, have always used writing for propaganda purposes.
  • I'm just having a problem with what the Chinese internal propaganda machine is cranking out.
  • A propaganda line was prepared, while the city was peppered with repeated bombardment.
  • Propaganda has turned the former president into a heroic myth.
  • When they have their Red A advocate hats on, they rely on black-and-white thinking, peddle stereotypes, play to emotions, cherry pick, engage in confirmation bias and propaganda, act like thugs, and rationalize their unethical behavior because the end justifies the means. Advocacy in Science: a Parasitic Practice
  • A cursory review of the reportage in this conflict reveals misinformation, disinformation, mistakes, exaggerations, lies and propaganda flowing freely in all directions.
  • The propaganda artists selected a small Kurdish splinter group called Ansar al-Salam and elevated it into an organized group of Al Qaeda “terrorists” who were “said to be” controlled by Saddam Hussein and “believed to be” producing ricin, a deadly biotoxin. Think Progress » January 2005: Gonzales Said Bush Did Not ‘Authorize Actions’ In Contravention of Our Criminal Statutes
  • At hele den ulykkelige affære med flåden, der blev taget som gidsler af hamas propaganda så søges gentaget med endnu mere synlig ekstremitet, burde få verdens samfundet til at vågne. Blogbot - forsiden
  • Certainly “bin Ladenism” seemed to share some commonalities with the Nazis and the Soviets: their anti-Semitism; their antiliberalism and general contempt for Enlightenment values; their cultlike embrace of charismatic leaders; their deft exploitation of modern propaganda methods; and their bogus promises of utopia here on Earth if their programs were implemented. The Longest War
  • The propaganda brainwashed many people
  • maladroit propaganda
  • Failing of rapid success in waging a sheer political propaganda, and finding that they were alienating the most intelligent and most easily organized portion of the voters, the socialists lessoned from the experience and turned their energies upon the trade-union movement. THE CLASS STRUGGLE
  • The Cold War may be over, but the intelligence-gathering and propaganda machines grind on.
  • Newspapers vary in the degree to which they emphasize propaganda rather than information.
  • Ironically the younger generation's zeal is a byproduct of the censorship and propaganda they have been suckled on.
  • It is hard to disentangle propaganda from fantasy.
  • The NRA leadership's constant dissemination of "insurrectionist" propaganda has been an inspiration for such statements. Josh Horwitz: What is the "Message" Behind Increased Gun Sales?
  • If someone had predicted the president's staff would out a CIA agent as revenge against a critic, defy a law against domestic propaganda by bankrolling supposedly independent journalists and commentators, and ridicule a 37-year Marie Corps veteran for questioning U.S. military policy -- and that the populace would be more interested in whether Angelina is about to make Brad a daddy -- I would have called the prediction an absurd fantasy. 12/27/2005
  • And this is what truly makes running the piece rank propaganda down here, rather than just plain old fibs and/or misinformation.
  • The propaganda of both sides relies heavily on historical myth.
  • Hinting on pressures and propaganda from other quarters, he gives the lowdown on his daily challenges which he has to face as a television anchorperson and a minister.
  • So typical of totalitarian regimes … and the funny kicker is the oblamma / bider propaganda advert in the mix - truly a compelling insertion!. California Literary Review
  • Why we as a nation, have been titrated, which is the gradual increasing of dosage, pressure, and propaganda, till the desired effect – an inured and compliant society – have willingly bequeathed away our autonomy of self-government, embraced the genesis of tyranny, and begin our seemingly inexorable march towards dictatorship. Democracy Interrupted
  • It is the extreme risk-averseness of the government which picked the Propaganda heads. Lee Kuan Yew tells China how to play the Western media rules
  • You have to be a lot better at propaganda if you want to make people listen to your views.
  • But I also think that this off-shore drilling mania is a political propaganda adopted by McCain. Congress Confronts Final Week of Work - The Caucus Blog -
  • I've always liked adverts and logos and branding and propaganda.
  • So the notion that propaganda is bad but free speech is good is a carefully contrived nonsense designed to allow the IOC to kowtow to the bullyboy Chinese Communists. Archive 2008-04-06
  • Failing rapid success, in waging a sheer political propaganda, and finding that they were alienating the most intelligent and most easily organized portion of the voters, the Socialists lessoned from the experience and turned their energies upon the trade union movement. The Class Struggle
  • I had the opportunity to kind of eavesdrop on a couple of interrogations, which are certainly surreal, if you're used to this sort of anti-American propaganda, where the guys are in dungeons and chains, chained to these little, wooden chairs under the bare light bulb, or some guys beating the information out of them. Mark Steyn and Hugh Hewitt reveal the true impulses underlying yesterday's vote
  • Anticommunism and antisocialism, the main banners of this propaganda, were used as instruments to try to keep the capitalist regime intact and the people divided. 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS 1ST SPEECH
  • Even if this book is propaganda, and Mother Teresa the cat's-paw of Vatican fundamentalists, there's something here beyond the muckraker's ken. Trashing Mother Teresa
  • For the masses the only information available is the propaganda peddled in state-run newspapers and on the state-run television. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some were persuaded to join various curious organizations, to produce pro-Soviet propaganda for German soldiers. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • He uses them as an opportunity to effectively endorse propaganda techniques against allied nations.
  • In promoting these illusions, Mr Latham is accepting the threadbare propaganda of the neo-liberal social agenda.
  • What’s impracticable is simply the idea of getting a law passed such that someone in the position of Helen Aberson and Harold Perl, for example, the writer and illustrator of the children’s book that DUMBO is based on, might take Disney to court for, say, introducing a racist character like Jim Crow or throwing in some right wing anti-union propaganda in the form of evil clowns. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The Democrats have demanded an investigation and want to outlaw what they call covert propaganda. CNN Transcript Jan 28, 2005
  • That the classical Olympic spirit emphasized international peace is lost in such simple-minded political propaganda.
  • This kind of vile parading of corporate interests, fear, and propaganda to further expand the stranglehold of industry over the health and welfare of the masses is a disgrace. Think Progress » Health Care Industry Front Group Cheers Death Of The Public Option With Large Washington Post Ad
  • The role of the government propaganda camps known as public schools cannot be discounted in all this.
  • McCain tiptoed around the news of the day, excerpts from former White House press secretary Scott McClellan’s forthcoming book that accuse the Bush administration of using propaganda to convince the American public war in Iraq was justified. McCain says Obama's Iraq trip would convince him of success
  • There has been so much propaganda against smoking that many people have given it up.
  • For instance, for a Philosophy paper on how propaganda dehumanizes the enemy during war, I focused on the question of who the enemy actually is.
  • I am cautious of any paper that uses AIPAC as a bogey man, instantly dismisses as propaganda anything — no matter how well documented — that may support Israel’s version of the facts, and puts scare quotes around “Commandoes” when describing 4 armed frogmen from the Al Aksah Martryrs Brigade en route from Gaza to Israel The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s Going on With Turkey
  • Adam Schofield examines the ways Juraj Herz's The Cremator "elicits psychological horror through its disorienting cinematography," how it "reflects trends in Nazi propaganda" and "the much-overlooked indirectly subversive Aesopian messages pertaining to communism that the film directed towards Czechoslovakian audiences of the late 1960s. GreenCine Daily: Senses of Cinema. 43.
  • Richard Body has made a brave attempt to shed the mythology and propaganda, and to expose farming objectives to public debate.
  • Books which present a fair account of corruption have a defence denied to glossy propaganda.
  • Their purposefully chaotic show unites song, video and propaganda as the boys bid to convert us from eco-worriers to eco-warriors.
  • You, on the other hand and obviously not being one, have picked up half - baked, popularist propaganda from that fraudster Richard Dawkins, with a faith and gullibility that would make any witch doctor green with envy. david skinner On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Brian - I read that the pork in the cartridges was a particularly clever piece of counterpropaganda entirely fabricated by the mutineer forces. Cheeseburger Gothic » How cool is this!
  • They set up strike committees, produced propaganda and even put on shows and political theatre.
  • That they seem to have done it for propaganda purposes must sicken all reasonable.
  • It was supposed to contain not a jot of propaganda, to be all sheer art, merrymaking, and the euphoria of proud toil.
  • Fahrenheit 9/11 is not a documentary for the ages, it is an act of counterpropaganda that has a boorish, bullying force. Edelstein on f9/11
  • Hammersmith and Fulham: Commons committee bashes Greenhalgh "propaganda" paper Eating Animals The Guardian World News
  • This is a bit of pre-election propaganda... Globe and Mail
  • Control of information and propaganda has always been a central plank of war strategy.
  • To regard this as a propaganda coup is to misunderstand the sociopathic threat that confronts us.
  • Few observers, however, even in the Tsardom, gaged the strength or foresaw the effects of the anarchist propaganda which was being carried on suasively and perseveringly, oftentimes unwittingly, in the nursery, the school, the church, the university, and with eminent success in the army and the navy. The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
  • I was never going to betray my country or become a propaganda mouthpiece for anyone.
  • The Front adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.
  • The propaganda for cigarettes on the airwaves is transcribed ecstasy on a 24-hour basis, with its hymn of jubilation over the latest filter, the new cigarette, or the old cigarette with its newly discovered richer-milder-smoother-finer — where have we heard those words before? — qualities. To Smoke or Not to Smoke?
  • Hammersmith and Fulham: Commons committee bashes Greenhalgh "propaganda" paper Latest news from the public and voluntary sectors, including health, children, local government and social care, plus SocietyGuardian jobs |
  • It makes me so mad that we often get propaganda and not news from the television and daily papers.
  • They were intended to conduct psychological warfare and distribute anticommunist propaganda.
  • Instead of information, he feeds us propaganda that, again and again, we later find out to be lies.
  • In other words, at these points, Dawkins depends on propaganda and rhetoric.
  • · The government-run socialist-propaganda location known as Arlington National Cemetery· All Facts and Opinions
  • If using the White House propaganda machinery to try to discredit a critic is a crime, then every administration since John Adams could be considered a criminal enterprise. Think Progress » Source to Stephanopoulos: President Bush Directly Involved In Leak Scandal
  • ‘The London premiere was slated by the critics for being propaganda, and it hasn't been performed since, but it has value,’ Osborne says.
  • Too many propaganda battles went beyond the limit of acceptable untruth.
  • This cynical pro-Israel propaganda masquerading as a plea for humanity may score big on the Spectator/Melanie Philips clapometer, but that doesn’t make it “magnificent” in anybody else’s book. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Many of these exiles launched a relentless crusade of anti-Catholic propaganda and subversive literature against Mary, which the government was obliged to suppress or refute as best it could.
  • Propaganda pumpin punks calling it food I think theyre confused, Killer sweet-treat deceit let-loose abuse For a fast-food attitude mad cow cash-crop mentality Growing instant gratification sewing seeds of slavery Its amping up the pace of the lab rat race The soma coma kamikaze selling pig fat as milkshakes A rorter slaughter trauma sick cows line mass graves - Financial News
  • Above all a political gesture and propaganda exercise, the charter had less effect on American isolationists than hoped.
  • The whole idea of this propaganda is to commercialise every relationship; and to commodify every person.
  • In the prototype experiment by Janis and Fesh-bach, conditions of strong, mild, and minimal fear were included in propaganda about dental hygiene, and resistance to counterpropaganda was measured. The Bass Handbook of Leadership
  • Historians disagree whether Washington told whoppers or whether he just spread propaganda among British spies and soldiers to help win the American Revolution.
  • The absurd oversimplification of a bipolar political model was encouraged by the propaganda excesses of the cold wars but has never really been of much use for understanding the political scene.
  • After he discovered the power of images as propaganda, for example, the studios of artists such as Gros, Gerard, and Isabey were busy making copies.
  • Ironically, the hemp medicine and intoxicant industry will generate the least amount of capital, though it is the target of prohibitionist "reefer" propaganda. Hemp Can Help Us Solve Our Problems Now
  • But most did not slander their comrades using language that mirrored Soviet or Vietnamese Communist propaganda.

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