
How To Use Proofread In A Sentence

  • Proofread everything a hundred times and have one other person proofread it.
  • I do spellcheck and proofread, but no one's perfect.
  • The facts are well marshaled but the text suffers from lax editing and proofreading.
  • I had a chance to proofread the book for Peter during the writing process, and I can tell you that this is the complete reference guide to all aspects of computer virus research.
  • You lay his clothes out at night, you proofread his homework, you keep track of his phone calls. SUDDENLY
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  • punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading
  • The magazine needs some proofreading — I noticed several typos in the first few pages, including some really obvious ones, like “creat” — but I found the landscape format better suited to my computer screen than portrait pages. SP! Nexus Downloadable Small Press Magazine » Comics Worth Reading
  • After translation into these languages, the PIE was proofread for accuracy by different professional translators in the same translation agency.
  • In the study, 33 undergraduate students were asked to proofread a one-page business letter half of them using Microsoft Word with its squiggly red and green lines underlining potential errors.
  • During the last weekend, some citizens used the opportunity to ask where they can report violation of the Constitution and the Law on Macedonian language, which stipulate that state bodies must adhere to certain linguistic standards, alluding on the use of Latin instead of Cyrillic alphabet on the profile and the lack of proofreading. Global Voices in English » Macedonia: Facebook Removes Ministry of the Interior’s Personal Profile
  • Once you've written, rewritten, spellchecked, and proofread your newsletter in the word processor, copy and paste it into the body of your email program.
  • He was also highly literate, so, between musical gigs, he took in proofreading and even did secretarial work. Happy Birthday Randolph Bourne « Blog
  • I also e-mail, go on Facebook, watch YouTube videos, shoot photos with a digital camera, research stuff on the web, "attend" online meetings in a chat room, do freelance editing and proofreading in a pixel way, write a weekly newspaper column on my computer, and recently authored a book I keyboarded in Microsoft Word. Dave Astor: Confessions of an E-Book Virgin
  • When the story is in type, an impression, or _proof_, is taken of it, and this proof, still called copy, comes back to the copyreader or the proofreader for the correction of typographical errors. Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
  • If I had that kind of influence, all my students would do the reading every week, proofread their papers meticulously and attend every class.
  • Tasks include line-editing, copy-editing, proofreading, research, promotional activities, and writing book reviews for our ‘Received and Noted’ section.
  • Generally an edit will include correcting errors in syntax (spelling, punctuation & grammar) a line edit or a proofread, with notes or observations on the character development, plot structure and clarity. Defining the Role of an Editor « Write Anything
  • When I have time, I proofread and spellcheck but sometimes I have to do it after the event, when the thing has already been posted.
  • What bothers me about proofreading is when my eyes get really dry, so when I drive home I'm constantly blinking. Reviews in a word
  • One middle school teacher uses the digital recorder in the phone to proofread and write papers -- and has 4-5 nonactive cell phones for kids to use who don't have one -- the recorder still works and REALLY helps the kids see their writing errors. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Even when authors carefully check their work, and editors edit it and proofreaders proofread it, things go wrong.
  • Because of his father's occupation as a printer, Fuller developed early on a love of reading and writing, particularly when Fuller's father asked him to proofread some of his work.
  • Ignore all the usual advice about careful writing and proofreading given by every job counselor you know.
  • careless proofreading
  • Though I skimmed through things as I wrote it, it has not been proofread.
  • But after much thought she decided to hire a retired school teacher to do the editing and proofreading on the articles that were going into the Journal.
  • My tasks include cover design, interior layout, occasional copyediting and proofreading, and the aforementioned author support. Interview on Book Cover Design - Susan Wenger - by The Creative Penn | The Creative Penn
  • He made no effort to publish them and did not bother to correct or proofread those his acting company printed.
  • A caret is a proofreader's symbol, indicating where words or letters are to be inserted. Duke Today Top Stories Feed
  • I never got a chance to see layouts beforehand, approve changes, or proofread anything.
  • It also doesn't seem, to me, like the essay was copyread or proofread.
  • Also, a standard UTF-8 set of proofreading symbols until such time as preview is implemented. Wonk Room » Whole Foods Manager To Employees: If You Unionize ‘Every Benefit You Have’ Is ‘Thrown Out The Window’
  • Because proofreading is done by people, not by a computer, one must take into consideration room for human error. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Read. It. Aloud.
  • They went on to accuse the by-then dead Sherburn of sloppy scholarship, slovenliness in proofreading, deception, ruthless and clumsy editing, prudery, censorship, and the hostile trivialization of a great work of Western literature.
  • I spent two weeks a few years ago proofreading it for him and confess it was hard work.
  • As for the hawk-eyed youngster, she says she wants to grow up to be a proofreader.
  • This provides two more months for proofreading, formatting, printing and preparations for online publishing. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are a lot of constraints on people in contracting etc. that requires proofreading and second opinions, a simple mistake that is seen too quickly could have drastic repercussions. Google Wave “Is What Email Would Look Like If It Were Invented Today” | Lifehacker Australia
  • Pearl put him in his place with his own sonnet which begins, ‘Proofreaders, tremble; and poor typists, quail; / For R - N, lynx-eyed, thunders on your trail ’, and proceeds to show why books deserve better.
  • Already in high school, he had indexed and proofread his father Irwin's texbook, and, by all accounts, had improved it in other nontrivial ways.
  • Instruction will focus on techniques of gathering and reporting news; on skills of editing, copyreading, and proofreading; and on the techniques for designing newspaper pages.
  • They note that they have not been proofread, and that there may be errors in the number counts or even the voting records themselves.
  • From previous comment – I meant to say (but my clicker is faster than my proofreader) With my kids, we talk about … if they talked about it on their own, that would be awesome and I would not need to parent them!! Hello, Princess | Her Bad Mother
  • Yesterday was spent formatting Sirenia Digest #52 (and proofreading, and writing the prolegomenon), which is pretty close to being ready to go out. "There's blood in the sky. It bleeds from the land."
  • Each article must be proofread thoroughly for spelling, errors, grammar and word count prior to submittal. If not they will not be eligible for payment.
  • Later, I applied for a job in the advertising department of a magazine, and while working there wrote some articles and proofread the magazine each month.
  • Final drafts of essays, assignments and lab reports are reviewed and proofread by highly knowledgable graduate students with refined writing skills.
  • In contrast, proofreading is both more involved and higher-stakes. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Estimating self-publishing costs: cover design and editing
  • There are whole departments devoted to media buying and planning, client services (often called AE's for Account Executives), studio production, art buying, strategic services, human resources, quality assurance (proofreaders), accounting, and traffic. Buzz, Balls & Hype
  • Most paradoxically, in proofreading, a # is the symbol for nothing, indicating that the typesetter should insert a space between two characters. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Make sure it's well written and proofread your letter carefully.
  • A two hour lecture takes a week to prepare, revise, proofread, and create handouts for.
  • My piece for the local book periodical is in the electronic mail this evening; I must have proofread it about five times.
  • It's fine to help explain an assignment or proofread an occasional paper, but make sure both of you are pulling your own weight.
  • Anyway, poofreading, sorry, proofreading is for pedants and you are a writer (as well as a worrier!). Coquilles
  • I can't remember how to spell myself anymore because although I was once a competent proofreader I've spent a lot of time on the intarwebs since then and have almost grown accustomed to pregnate women with dialating cervices so how many Ls there are in travelling is beyond me. So so tired
  • You cite an example of defects in polymerase proofreading and mismatch repair leading to an increased risk of cancer. The Memory Hole
  • I probably should've proofread that as writing angry rants in haste is never a good thing, but I've never been this frustrated when dealing with an online store. Free AudioBook: Sun of Suns by Karl Schroeder
  • Ignore all the usual advice about careful writing and proofreading given by every job counselor you know.
  • The four of us ate dinner together most nights, and George routinely helped the girls type and proofread their term papers. Spoken from the Heart
  • The proofreader then corrects the text and the editor looks through it again and makes the final changes.
  • live copy is ready to be set in type or already set but not yet proofread
  • Proofread and edit the completed document. use the Spell and Thesaurus programs.
  • Publishing on-line without proofreading is probably not the greatest of sins, but for a grammar pedant such as I, it's pretty transgressive nonetheless.
  • The next chapter (thirty-whatever) is in the process of being proofread.
  • It looks really classy and has a new foreword which was written (although not copy-edited or proofread) by me.
  • * If you’re interested in proofreading, please let me know. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Estimating self-publishing costs: cover design and editing
  • She can write "stet" as well as I can ( "stet" is a proofreaders mark, Latin for "let it stand," and when one wishes to disregard a copyeditor's mark, one writes "stet" in the margin of the page. One of those WoW things.
  • Like a proofreader searching for a typo in a book, the lab must read each exon to see if it contains a mutation. Genetics and Alagille Syndrome
  • After that, the same editor or another editor should proofread the manuscript and correct typos, grammatical errors and misspelled words.
  • I've been submerged with Guide proofreading, a semi-annual communal exercise in eyestrain and Twizzlers and chocolate-fueled mania; yesterday I couldn't stop calling everyone "enthusiasts" after reading the word one too many times. Reviews in a word
  • Such companies will translate, edit, and proofread your material, and gather it all into the proper format, usually for between 20 cents and 30 cents a word.
  • Many who were less talented at writing entered the world of publishing as editors, calligraphers, copyists, or proofreaders.
  • After going over your resume with a fine-tooth comb, solicit proofreading assistance from trusted friends and colleagues.
  • But a big part of reading your own blog is just rechecking your own proofreading.
  • My proofreading is always a little out of whack especially on the road. Atomic Doctor Faust
  • Already his work has weathered rejection by publishers, objection by printers, suppression by censors, confiscation by custom officials, bowdlerization by pirates, oversight by proofreaders, attack by critics, and defense by coteries -- not to mention misunderstanding by readers. James Joyce
  • The Keter benefited from a larger staff of human proofreaders and the additional assistance of computer collation which was able to detect many errors that even the very conscientious human team had failed to ferret out.
  • Finally, should there be a reprint of this book, one can hope that the Press will take the trouble to weed out the endless proofreading errors that deface the present text.
  • When the chapters were reissued in America, the proofreader, warned by the presence of numerous other gross misprints, naturally corrected the meaningless "lilt" to the obvious and natural "tilt. The Booklover and His Books
  • I will continue to update often since most of the other chapters are already written, but are still being proofread.
  • As a young office worker, then a proofreader, he was attracted to anarchism before becoming a syndicalist.
  • The bibliography is being revised, copyread, proofread, and updated.
  • It looks really classy and has a new foreword which was written (although not copy-edited or proofread) by me.
  • He agreed - probably as compensation for doing some gratis proofreading of his book - and we spent half an hour on the phone Sunday evening.
  • Poetic Obituaries: Working as the sole writer, editor, illustrator, platemaker, compositor, proofreader and pressman, he Joseph Low published limited editions of short stories and poetry, illustrated with his own wood and linoleum cuts. Poetic Obituaries: Working as the sole writer,
  • I was paid (through an adult intermediary because of child labor laws) as a technical proofreader for Chemical Abstracts (knowing an o from an omicron AND knowing the molecule in question was a key). On Teens, and the Fact Their Writing Sucks « Whatever
  • Lack of proofreading is also one of my faults I suppose. Matthew Yglesias » Kinsley’s Transcendental Deduction of Hyperinflation
  • He indicated a manuscript which he appeared to be halfway through proofreading: `Alanbrooke. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Proofread and edit the completed document. use the Spell and Thesaurus programs.
  • I don't know whether to count this as one or two errors by the soi-disant ‘official’ proofreader of San Bloggio, but this time she has stuck her big toe in the light socket.
  • I should proofread my manuscripts
  • The aural dimension of the poetry he discusses is, however, regularly obscured by slip-slop editing and proofreading. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Somebody needs to proofread better in UT's PR department. Gilligan: A Visionary Leader
  • Obviously, these folks don’t believe in proofreading something before they send it out. Think Progress » The Right’s New Strategy: Anti-Alito = Anti-God
  • She's been a pastry chef, a whorehouse receptionist, and a proofreader on Wall Street.
  • Tasks include line-editing, copy-editing, proofreading, research, promotional activities, and writing book reviews for our ‘Received and Noted’ section.
  • And I've been doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work for the WAY OF KINGS release (the book is being composited as we speak and is due back from proofreading on Friday). Catching Up on Updates
  • I have assumed a complete absence of proofreading.

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