
[ UK /pɹˈɒməlɡˌe‍ɪtɐ/ ]
  1. (law) one who promulgates laws (announces a law as a way of putting it into execution)
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How To Use promulgator In A Sentence

  • These consequences have yet to be understood by most physicians, not to mention the public, the media or arguably even the promulgators of this impending disaster.
  • Far from being a destroyer of the written word, the Internet, with Google as a leading vehicle, will prove to be its great support and egalitarian promulgator.
  • Would the CREP self-select its jurisdiction (e.g., able to select any case it wants to adjudicate), or only rule on legislation designated as "economic" by the enactor or promulgator? Do Voters' Biases Bias Policy?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • How did Rhonda Byrne, proponent and chief promulgator of the Law of Attraction, end up attracting such a large number lawsuits and disgruntled former team members? Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks: What Can We Learn From The Lawsuit Against Rhonda Byrne and The Secret?
  • It's funny, PZ lobs the "Dark Ages" charge at all concerned, but his reaction fits the tone of the host desecration stories of the Middle Ages, too, if putting him on the other side, a character in the play or tale, rather than a promulgator of it. Pharyngula's Cracker
  • In the process of steering our own strategic interests in a ditch over the past five years, America has lost its credibility as an international model for the democratic ideal, as a promulgator of justice. John McQuaid: Serving Up Symbolism on Tibet and Turkey
  • What is this ‘rote defense of liberalism’ and who are its promulgators?
  • Moses, therefore, remained the sole promulgator and interpreter of the Divine laws, and consequently also the sovereign judge, who could not be arraigned himself, and who acted among the Hebrews the part, of God; in other words, held the sovereign kingship: he alone had the right to consult God, to give the Divine answers to the people, and to see that they were carried out. Theologico-Political Treatise
  • Mortimer, never, in the history of this country correct me if I am wrong has a presidential doctrine been named while its promulgator was still in office. "I didn't hesitate, no," Sarah Palin told Charlie Gibson.
  • Whether or not you believe that public institutions should withdraw facilities from organisations, merely because they are promulgators of racism, the following three points are clear.
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