How To Use Promontory In A Sentence
Below the promontory was a level area, perfect for a trading settlement.
Champlain's Dream
The Kirsehir-Nigde massif formed a promontory of this continental margin.
The Shark Observatory at Ras Mohammed is a viewpoint on a high promontory from where, years ago, visitors could view large shoals of milkfish with their dorsal fins breaking the surface.
The eye might be delayed by a desire to rest on the rocks, which here and there rose from the dell with massive or spiry fronts, or it might dwell on the noble, though ruined tower, which was here beheld in all its dignity, frowning from a promontory over the river.
It seemed that the Indians from San Salvador who were on board the Pinta had told him that beyond the promontory, named by Columbus the Cape of Palms, there was a river, four days 'journey upon which would bring one to the city of Cuba, which was very rich and large and abounded with gold; and that the king of that country was at war with a monarch whom they called Cami, and whom Pinzon identified with the Great Khan.
Christopher Columbus

It was hard to tell which eagle-eyed member of the crew spotted the stranded paddler waving at us from a rocky promontory.
The next morning, he descried a promontory which he called cape Cod, and, holding his course along the coast as it stretched to the south-west, touched at two islands, the first of which he named Martha's Vineyard, and the second, Elizabeth's Island.
The Life of George Washington, Vol. 1 (of 5) Commander in Chief of the American Forces During the War which Established the Independence of his Country and First President of the United States
The star-shaped fortress is situated on an important promontory in the harbour.
To the east lies the wild promontory of Portofino, whose southern coast is accessible only on foot or by sea.
The house sits on a rocky promontory at the southern tip of Kata beach, one of the best on the island.
Imagine a hooked promontory jutting from the cliffs, but submerged 10m.
Less commonly, shoulder dystocia results from impaction of the posterior shoulder on the sacral promontory.
If you want to be independent, go to any promontory, headland or peninsula that has deep water close inshore and allows you to stand on a cliff a good height above water level.
I beached it in a small bay and clambered to a rocky promontory to admire the surrounding grandeur and check my progress.
He had just become aware of the first dusky breath of the twilight, when a tiny sloop appeared, rounding the Deid Heid, as they called the promontory which closed in the bay on the east.
On the eastern side of the bluff, the bones of extinct species of bison attest that the promontory was once used as a buffalo jump.
Settling myself atop a promontory some distance from the tents, I prepared to wait.
If you want to be independent, go to any promontory, headland or peninsula that has deep water close inshore and allows you to stand on a cliff a good height above water level.
A fisherman is silhouetted there, standing on a rocky promontory.
The bold promontory on which it stood is now neatly kept and 'tidied' with smooth slopes, straight walks, and double rows of trees, pleasant to walk upon, but more suggestive of the Bois de Boulogne than the approach to a ruin.
Normandy Picturesque
The coast line made a hairpin turn, and a jutting promontory of granite caught a small shingly beach against it.
Far up to the north was a hazy promontory with a number of structures jutting up into the evening light.
These motions push the posterior shoulder over the sacral promontory, allowing it to fall into the hollow of the sacrum, and rotate the symphysis over the impacted shoulder.
The mountain Soevo, which he describes as forming a vast bay called Codanus, extending to the promontory of the Cimbri, is supposed by some to be the mountains that run along the Vistula on the eastern extremity of Germany, and by others to be that chain of mountains which commence at Gottenburgh.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 18 Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation, and Commerce, from the Earliest Records to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century, By William Stevenson
The plants on the promontory are also changing with the season.
Country diary: South Uist
If you want to be independent, go to any promontory, headland or peninsula that has deep water close inshore and allows you to stand on a cliff a good height above water level.
The Yeliou promontory recalls a giant tortoise slipping out from DatunMountain into the Pacific Ocean, a resemblance that has earned it the nickname of the "Yeliou tortoise.
An old crowstepped boathouse stood out in the water on a low promontory.
Times, Sunday Times
The name originated when the Dutch built a small fortalice on the promontory, on the southern side of the Galle bay in 1719.
They walked for a distance over the rough hillside and then came to a halt on a promontory which loomed out over the ravine.
This promontory, overlooking the narrow neck joining the peninsula to the mainland, constituted a protected yet strategic location.
The cavalry stopped just short of bow range from the rocky promontory, and the women prepared for a ground assault.
Both ponds were divided from the lake by a low promontory of land that encircled them.
Clearance of the obstruction showed that the tympanic membrane was compressed against the promontory.
The northwest corner of France, that promontory which we now call Bretagne, with a part of Normandy adjoining it, formed another island; while to the southeast of it lay the central plateau of France.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863
Notably, in 1869, the eastbound Central Pacific and westbound Union Pacific railroads met at Promontory, Utah, completing the nation's first transcontinental railway.
Breakfast could be eaten in the shade of the pines on the promontory while watching fishing boats putter across the waves.
Facial nerve paralysis is caused by compression of the nerve against the sacral promontory or by trauma resulting from the use of forceps during delivery.
There is not a single beach, promontory, belvedere or ruin that does not teem with literature, from Augustus to Gorky’.
By ten o'clock, the long blue line of the coast broke into irregular points, the Dictynnæan promontory and that of Akroteri thrusting themselves out toward us so as to give an amphitheatric character to that part of the island we were approaching, while the broad, snowy dome of the Cretan Ida, standing alone, far to the east, floated in a sea of soft, golden light.
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 8 Italy and Greece, Part Two
Maida and Beechy had already been for a walk with Sir Ralph and Mr. Barrymore, who had taken them up by a labyrinth of wooded paths to an old ruined castle which they described as crowning the head of the promontory.
My Friend the Chauffeur
Carmel -- the mountain promontory north of Israel, in Asher, abounding in rich pastures, olives, and vines.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Was this a prehistoric promontory fort, as traces might indicate?
Cantine Rallo was founded in Marsala, on the westernmost promontory of Sicily, and is a successful integration between nature, technology, and traditional Sicilian wine-making techniques.
The early settlement was sparse, but this changed around 625 BC, when a substantial defensive wall was built across the neck of the promontory and roughly aligned stone houses were constructed within the enceinte.
On this westmost promontory of the beautiful land -- the farthest point reached by the oldest civilisation of Egypt and Greece -- the Sibyl stood on her watch-tower, and gazed with prophetic eye upon the distant horizon, seeing beyond the light of the setting sun and "the baths of all the western stars" the dawn of a more wonderful future, and dreamt of a--
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
Perched on a promontory of chalk cliffs overlooking an Atlantic estuary, the tiny fortified fishing village of Talmont-sur-Gironde, around 450 kilometers southwest of Paris, commands a site sufficiently dramatic to impress the most jaded sightseer.
Visiting Charm-Guaranteed French Villages
Though fishermen and picnickers sometimes appear in the afternoons or evenings, the lakefront on both sides of the promontory is pristine and undeveloped.
The Wrath of Khan
If you want to be independent, go to any promontory, headland or peninsula that has deep water close inshore and allows you to stand on a cliff a good height above water level.
Occurring along the northern promontory of Ujung Kulon near Tanjung alang-alang is a seasonally inundated freshwater swamp forest.
Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatau Nature Reserve, Indonesia
Gay Head, a promontory in Vinyard Sound, MA, U.S. and Portland Bill, a promontory in English Channel appear to support the results of this study.
On the eastern side of the bluff, the bones of extinct species of bison attest that the promontory was once used as a buffalo jump.
Increasing numbers of walkers are attracted by the network of well-marked footpaths on the Portofino promontory to the west - a wild, rocky place bristling with myrtle, gorse, hawthorn and ilex.
Then, across the width of the steep valley she saw the ruins of a building on a promontory of rock.
Tomas pointed out the promontory forts that are dotted around the area.
The Oyster Residence is a seven-bedroom eco-retreat perched on a rocky promontory and surrounded by a pine forest that comes all the way down to the shores of the eastern Mediterranean.
A coastal path climbs spectacularly over a rocky promontory and brings you to L' Estagnol, where you will find a sheltered sandy cove.
Just over the promontory is an isthmus with a small sheltered beach semi-enclosed by two rocky arms.
Tenacatita: hidden jewel
Both ponds were divided from the lake by a low promontory of land that encircled them.
The lighthouse at Portland Bill, a famous landmark on the promontory for mariners, stands 135 feet high and was built around 1903
Standing proudly on an isolated promontory, this 13th century stronghold once commanded the whole upper part of the Great Glen.
You have to read your tides right - otherwise you could find yourself stranded on the rocky causeway that connects the promontory to the mainland.
Once you gain the promontory of grandparenthood, these things last for only short whiles, not for 20 straight years like they used to.
It was in the promontory of Paria that Columbus first descried the continent; there terminate these valleys, laid waste alternately by the warlike anthropophagic Carib and by the commercial and polished nations of Europe.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
At the east end is a small promontory fort, probably Iron Age.
Close inspection of the scans revealed an enlarged inferior tympanic canaliculus, an absent vertical carotid canal, a vascular prominence over the promontory and a normal horizontal intrapetrous carotid canal.
The Inn is built high on a rocky promontory that looks over Chesterman Beach, and the sheer acreage of windows in this cedar-and-glass structure makes it ideal for its winter attraction - storm-watching.
The promontory, jammed with red-tiled roofs, was once an island, but had for centuries been joined to the mainland by a narrow causeway.
Before you to the north, on the point of a blunt promontory, stand the two quarters called Galata and Pera.
From Pole to Pole A Book for Young People
Every peak and promontory shall catch up the symphonious echoes.
Pinta had told him that beyond the promontory, named by Columbus the Cape of Palms, there was a river, four days 'journey upon which would bring one to the city of Cuba, which was very rich and large and abounded with gold; and that the king of that country was at war with a monarch whom they called Cami, and whom Pinzon identified with the Great Khan.
Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery — Complete
At the tip of the promontory is the Dungeness nuclear power station.
Dungeness's strange beauty under threat from shingle plan
The stones at Carnac weave strange spells on this wave-tossed promontory that juts so stubbornly into the Atlantic.
Regardless of how you get there, it is worth making a trip to the island's capital, which is built on a promontory that projects dramatically out into the sea.
Arrived at the upper ridge of the promontory, I saw a vast white plain covered with morses.
Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
The dolphin swam towards the shore, and round a small promontory.
Hauff's Fairy Tales, Translated and Adapted
The promontory on which Sorrento stands is barren enough, but southward rise pleasant cliffs viridescent with samphire, and beyond them purple hills dotted with white spots of houses.
The Life of Sir Richard Burton
Strategically situated on a rocky promontory with an adjacent natural harbor, it was called Cabo Corso, or short cape, by the Portuguese.
Survivors of the burning of Panama City in 1671 rebuilt a walled bastion on a rocky promontory to the west.
The castle was perched atop a promontory jutting from the foothill of a steep, ice-stained mountain whose angular cliffs rose tier after tier to a single high bluff of bare rock.
There's a point at which we crest over this hillish promontory (this is the way, terminally, that I think of things, like the dream where the werewolf sank its teeth in me,
The American Scene