How To Use Proliferate In A Sentence
Once B cells have come into contact with an antigen they proliferate and differentiate into antibody secreting cells.
In heterozygous females, pre-B cells whose active X chromosome expresses the mutant gene would not terminally differentiate and proliferate.
Dividing immune cells are called "activated B cells," which proliferate into distinct populations.
James A. Shapiro: Purposeful, Targeted Genetic Engineering in Immune System Evolution
Its images tumble, proliferate and cross-hatch; they are extravagant and loopy and defiantly enormous in their ambition, making everything else look petty and piddling.
Grass grew, foliage returned to trees' canopies, and blooming flowers proliferated.

Yet the idea of a post-apocalyptic city captivates the contemporary mind and its images continue to proliferate.
Boxes and hunting lodges proliferated in market towns such as Melton Mowbray, where the hunting fraternity would stay throughout the season.
As a result, the same building can, literally, be found in Melbourne, Perth or Denver as copybook designs proliferate due to a successful cost analysis.
The literature on the work-family interface has proliferated in the last two decades.
Meanwhile, brewpubs continue to proliferate, broadening awareness of the stylistic range of beers beyond the light lagers offered by the mass domestic brewers.
If you chill the foods once bacteria have proliferated, they will not suddenly disappear.
I do not accept the argument that it is capitalism that has atomised us, hence creating a society where people feel little obligation to their fellow citizens and where bad manners proliferate.
The cells in the germinal zone have receptors for growth hormone, and growth hormone is probably directly responsible for stimulating these stem cells to proliferate.
And the possibilities in your future will proliferate alongside your prosperity.
Lighten Up
Slices of meat the size of individual portions, they were in their way forerunners of hamburgers, served up to busy city dwellers in the London chophouses that proliferated from the 1690s onwards.
Very soon, however, junkspace becomes a virus that spreads and proliferates throughout the macrocosm.
On the southern Dhofar coast, monsoon rains provide a fertile climate in which bananas and citrus trees proliferate.
The tumor proliferates, invades the uterine wall, and disseminates to remote organs.
At that time faddists of various persuasions proliferated up and down the Village: anarchists who dutifully went home every night to their mothers’ kitchens, a Hungarian monarchist with his own following, free-verse poets who eschewed capital letters, cultists who sat rapturously for hours in orgone boxes, cloudy Swedenborgians, and all the rest.
What Happened to the Baby?
The cells of this layer proliferate rapidly, and extending medialward surround the notochord; at the same time they grow backward on the lateral aspects of the neural tube and eventually surround it, and thus the notochord and neural tube are enveloped by a continuous sheath of mesoderm, which is termed the membranous vertebral column.
II. Osteology. 1. Development of the Skeleton
The cells of this layer proliferate rapidly, and extending medialward surround the notochord; at the same time they grow backward on the lateral aspects of the neural tube and eventually surround it, and thus the notochord and neural tube are enveloped by a continuous sheath of mesoderm, which is termed the membranous vertebral column.
II. Osteology. 1. Development of the Skeleton
As technology proliferated with the digital revolution, we gradually became more accepting of being under constant watch.
The symbols and culture of the middle class have proliferated to the point that many individuals are both the exploited and the exploiters.
For the last 25 years CCTV has proliferated into public spaces across the UK, but is it going too far to use cameras to give parking tickets and enforce bus lane rules?
When active, the stem cells proliferate and expand, building up the follicle and producing cells that make new hair.
The vast majority of the interdivisional games is being scheduled by bottom-rung Division I teams, a species that has proliferated in recent years, but some bigger names do it, too.
It consists of a goodly proportion of those college educated people whose skills and vocations proliferate in a ‘post-industrial society’ … We are talking about scientists, teachers and educational administrators, journalists and others in the communication industries, psychologists, social workers, those lawyers and doctors who make their career in the expanding public sector, city planners and the staffs of the larger foundations and upper levels of the government bureaucracy, and so on ….
Matthew Yglesias » Cato’s David Boaz Joins George Will in Peddling Bogus “Global Cooling” Stories
Recent research suggest that brain tumors contain a relatively small fraction of cells, termed brain tumor stem cel(lBTSC), that have the ability to self-renew, proliferate, and differentiate.
Massive bottom-up infrastructure sprouted all over the world in bits and pieces, proliferated, and a new paradigm was created.
Primetime newsmagazines have proliferated even as the nightly newscasts have lost some of their luster.
During the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars the British regular army remained fairly small, but home defence forces such as yeomanry, volunteers, and fencibles proliferated.
The algae consumed waste products from the reef and under the intense artificial sunlight they proliferated in stringy green mats.
As nameplates proliferate and lower-volume vehicles claim an increasing share of the market place, OEMs will be faced with the challenge of figuring out how to profitably produce these vehicles.
There are a number of extant monumental variants, and renditions proliferated in copies and in versions on coins and vases and in relief sculpture.
As the definition quality of digital cameras increases, playback devices such as proliferate, and the use of the Internet for downloading music and video continues to grow, more files accumulate in the home," said Parks Vice President Kurt Scherf.
Yahoo! News: Technology News
A mesenchymal signal triggers an ectodermal cell to proliferate and the cells grow downward to form a hair germ.
as nuclear weapons proliferate, preventing war becomes imperative
Then the calculations proliferated, churning out scads of random data.
The Omega Theory
The unbelievers continue to carp about suffering and evil, and why an omnipotent, benevolent God allowed these to exist and even proliferate.
The cultured cells showed a declined tendency to proliferate by MTT test.
Sometimes, however, they can make them ‘immortal’ - transforming a normal cell into a cancerous cell that proliferates indefinitely.
If cloning by fission is viewed more generally as a form of tissue modeling seen in all metazoans, in which some cells proliferate and others die, knowledge from other organisms can suggest candidate genes.
And it is well known that when algae proliferate, their toxic blooms can wipe out a region's aquaculture or close down its seafood restaurants.
These influences all contribute to an environment that allows hematopoietic progenitor cells to proliferate and differentiate normally.
In the early twentieth century, booster organizations that favored particular water projects proliferated.
And another thing - again, suggested by the term 'Gauleiter', that role of 'community leadership' seems very close to the outrageously-named community representatives that proliferate in Northern Ireland - often surrogates for paramilitary groups.
Never Trust a Hippy
This is precisely the kind of structure that proliferated in countless downtowns and suburban office parks after World War II, resulting in an epidemic of visual sterility unprecedented in the annals of civilization.
At the time, the notion that we could proliferate stem cells from an adult kidney, or any other organ for that matter, was hardly the conventional wisdom that it is today.
Here on the free-draining soil gorse proliferates and, year by year is gradually spreading across good grazing land, its impenetrable prickly branch structure ideal cover for rabbit burrows.
DNCD3 splenic cells from young NOD mice (1) provided long-lasting protection against diabetes transfer in NOD/Scid immunodeficient mice, (2) proliferated and differentiated in the spleen and pancreas of NOD/Scid mice and pre-diabetic NOD mice into IL-10-secreting T
Elites TV
Such cultures retain viability and continue to proliferate for approximately I week but changing the medium may extend this period.
Print journals continue to proliferate, as does the cost of printing them, and since the readership of these journals is too small to support them through subscription, and the support provided by universities (where most of the journals reside) only weakens (as does support for university press poetry publication), these meaningless prizes and the entry fees they generate have arisen as a way of maintaining the supply of ink and paper.
Writing and Publishing
As London like other cities grew, in the eighteenth century into a city of secular institutions as well as churches, the possibilities for different mnemonic relationships proliferated.
Winding roads, with nail-biting hairpin bends, offer views over steep wooded slopes and the jagged profile of the Alpi Apuane mountain range, where chestnut trees, olive groves and tall cypresses proliferate.
Schwanns cells proliferated and unmyelinated nerve fiber decreased.
So setting aside for now any and all skepticism of the polymer's ability to significantly mitigate some future species-ending plague, might we expect biocidal fountains to proliferate soon: like CCTV cameras, littering your daily commute, and misting you from the moment you exit your house till you finally settle down on your office chair?
Archive 2006-12-01
Moreover, as regulations proliferate, there is increased demand for exceptions that can sensitively accommodate religious needs.
When sulphate availability is increased sulphate reducing bacteria proliferate and eventually may outcompete methanogens when the sulphate supply is sufficient.
If you have any cells with estrogen receptors and you put more estrogen into the body, you're going to stimulate those cells to proliferate and divide.
In the last few years, technology parks have proliferated in the main industrial areas and near universities and R&D centers.
It had to kiss that goodbye, when minicomputers and then PCs and servers proliferated.
Inside of this zone, undifferentiated xylem cells without secondary walls proliferated through mitotic activity.
By contrast, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic images proliferated in the secular arts.
As contexts proliferate, objects accrue multiple layers of meaning, not all of which necessarily agree.
These fantasies came a little closer each time, and each time they continued to proliferate, to take new forms.
And I'm not going to perseverate —or proliferate any programmatic perorations — about the proper spelling of "doughnut.
Drive-by photography — L.A.
We incorporate this wave of progressive maturation into the IGM model by allowing the basal layer of cells, which we call the generative layer, to proliferate giving rise to apical daughters or additional generative layer cells throughout sepal development (
PLoS Biology: New Articles
Regulatory T cells appear to alter the chemical environment around their aggressive cousins, known as autoreactive T cells, in ways that either suppress them or cause them to proliferate, the study found.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
By the 10th century, there were said to be at least twenty different cursive styles of script that had proliferated over the years, largely used for personal correspondence or to meet the needs of the bureaucrats and merchants.
In our current time, hardly a day passes without new and exciting breakthroughs, as the number of conferences, articles, and books on the topic continue to proliferate and the findings of ethological research continue to amaze – and humble ¯ the research community and lay audience.
Minding the Animals: Ethology and the Obsolescence of Left Humanism
Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years.
As mentioned earlier, tapeworm proglottids exit the body along with bodily wastes to search for a new host in which to proliferate.
Also unsettling was the revelation that the husband, identified as Sher Mohammad, 30, was suspected of being a member of a local militia that, the police and government officials said, has proliferated in the region and stoked lawlessness and violence, including in the home.
SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
In later life we are not supposed to continue to proliferate tissue at a rapid rate, grow, and accumulate mass, but rather to mature.
When steam and later compressed air were available for drilling the holes and dressing the quarry blocks, the use of granite proliferated.
Nuclear warheads for a variety of tactical missiles, artillery shells, torpedoes, and other munitions also proliferated.
The cells which constitute the wall of the tube proliferate rapidly, lose their cell-boundaries and form a syncytium.
IX. Neurology. 2. Development of the Nervous System
In town ‘no vacancy’ signs proliferate and the town is jumping for the Easter weekend.
At night he hung out in the bars that proliferate throughout Dubai, the biggest and showiest of the emirates and a short drive from his house in Ajman.
Blood clots, or pulmonary emboli, had proliferated out of nowhere.
The Autoimmune Epidemic
In that time the rotifer has proliferated into more than 450 species found around the globe.
Without fish, insects become the dominant species and acid-loving insects, such as water boatmen, proliferate.
Other rare British birds are also under threat as the turbines proliferate.
Studies on escalating student debt will proliferate.
We went up to that high poverty neighborhood, where crime scene tapes proliferate and unemployed men linger on street corners.
John Merrow: A Paradox? Or Just a Contradiction?
Under typical growth conditions, on the other hand, persisters hardly grow at all, while normal cells rapidly proliferate.
Thus, eye disc cells continue to proliferate until an even larger ecdysone pulse occurs during the middle of the pupal period.
DXM would promote the carcinogenesis and the proliferate in the mouse's forestomach. The low function of the immune is related to the metabolic inhibition cf the cells.
Panhandlers and street sleepers proliferate in New York, and soup kitchen lines have become noticeably longer.
Rectangular cells, gently arching lines and compressed zigzags proliferate across the supports.
As courses proliferate, they promote themselves with ever more exotic gimmicks.
According to WHO the main health risk is diarrhoea, which is spread by flies which proliferate near sewage.
More unhelpful news from gaza
It is believed that the organism proliferates in decaying organic material, producing the toxins that are then taken up by animals.
In an unfortunate and wholly predictable electronic expectoration, the headlines and reactions proliferated, slandering author, book, and most of all, subject.
Vamsee Juluri: Gandhi: The Truth
By following the ridge of the city's hills, it provides tolerable gradients and avoids steep inclines, which proliferate in the city's side streets.
This work tests the novel notion that cancer cells co-opt cellular pathways that govern metabolism in order to proliferate beyond a cell's normal means.
Archaic ungulates (‘condylarths’) were long known to be among many eutherians to make their first appearance and proliferate in the Paleocene.
As titles for the entitled proliferate, we are in danger of becoming a nation of all chiefs and no Indians.
Stephanie Pierson and Barbara Harrison: Job Titles: What to Do When No One Has a Clue
Many of their books, films, and other interpretive works have proliferated since the mid-1990s.
One can only expect that as the presidential race continues to garner more attention and headlines in the coming months that spam levels using the election as clickbait will only continue to proliferate.
EWeek Security Watch
In parallel, revivalist and Pentecostal churches have proliferated in many parts of Africa, offering spiritual stability in times of uncertainty.
Cytokines are secreted proteins that induce cells to proliferate and differentiate.
The cells remaining in the ruptured follicle proliferate rapidly and form the corpus luteum.
Stem cells are precursor cells that can proliferate, differentiate, and self-renew.
And as these labels proliferate to envelop just about every piece of unconventional childhood behavior, our view of what is normal is shrinking.
You’re a Better Parent Than You Think!
As for the Greens, as long as the two-party duopoly misrules America, third-party efforts will percolate and independent voters will proliferate.
Nuclear weapons were reduced, but not abolished, and they continued to proliferate to new countries.
The Return
When sulphate availability is increased sulphate reducing bacteria proliferate and eventually may outcompete methanogens when the sulphate supply is sufficient.
In people with eczema or an impaired immune system, however, the vaccine virus can proliferate out of control, causing serious complications such as encephalitis or even death.
Scared Of Smallpox
This work tests the novel notion that cancer cells co-opt cellular pathways that govern metabolism in order to proliferate beyond a cell's normal means.
Infections like dengue and malaria, therefore, proliferate solely where environmental conditions are suitable.
Warehouses and wharves proliferated, and steamboats and sailing vessels crowded the riverfront.
The Eladeldi were never known to involve themselves in medical matters. In the absence of understanding, superstitions proliferated.
Proposals proliferated for a new constitutional arrangement: special status for Quebec, the construction of the federal level along binational lines, Quebec sovereignty linked to a Canadian economic association.
At night he hung out in the bars that proliferate throughout Dubai, the biggest and showiest of the emirates and a short drive from his house in Ajman.
Tumour cells proliferate only in vascularized regions, whereas in non-vascularized areas they necrotize as they do in animal/human tumours.
I actually agree with Genoways that there are too many litmags publishing too much perfunctory work, but that these magazines have proliferated because the demand for postmodernism is so insistent seems to me patently absurd.
Writing and Publishing
In the human management of distributed control, hierarchies of a certain type will proliferate rather than diminish.
The creation of these late orders of chivalry proliferated in European nations in the 19th century and was emulated by emergent aspirant nations in their spheres of influence.
Musical ideas proliferate at a bewildering rate, as he tries out a phrase, a mood, pulling the tune this way and that.
In recent years, these judge shows have proliferated at an astonishing rate.
The artist explores advertising, government and private enterprise signage, and the California landscape on which outdoor media proliferate, making permanent on panels what is removable and reprogrammable in outdoor space.
Vanessa Coblentz: Opening This Weekend in LA: SkullPhone's "Digital Media" at Subliminal Projects
Since they proliferate by invading and taking over surrounding healthy cells, they are protected by a coat of protein.
The final polemic is found in Maimonides, who objects to Karaite practices which had proliferated among the Jews, i.e. bathing in drawn water, laxity in accounting of the seven clean days and, even worse, sprinkling instead of immersion.
Female Purity (Niddah) Annotated Bibliography.
Thought to be named after the cranes which feed on them, cranberries proliferate in the boggy marshlands of the Canadian and North American seaboard.
In many species, lateral roots proliferate in, and/or grow towards, zones of higher nutrient availability.
They also proliferate, multiplying to increase the response to the wound.
These fantasies came a little closer each time, and each time they continued to proliferate, to take new forms.
Each time she chants it we encounter the essential use of the simple declarative sentence, the basic seed from which all speech proliferates.
Pokeberries proliferate even during drought and in rocky, infertile soil.
Pokeberries Could Be the Key to Spreading Affordable Solar Power Around the World | Impact Lab
They also work through middlemen, known as "exchangers," who proliferate where one cannot deal in real estate, where public advertising and the illegal housing market have been demonized.
Yoani Sanchez: Lack of a Housing Market Hides Vast Inequalities
Individual schoolmistresses and teachers in the academies and seminaries that proliferated in Alexandria during the antebellum period offered instruction in a wide range of useful and ornamental subjects.
But the shit proliferates, he wrote, and there is still much to be done.
Topical jokes proliferate, flames spout from balustrades and chorines' hats as Las Vegas meets Cirque du Soleil.
During the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars the British regular army remained fairly small, but home defence forces such as yeomanry, volunteers, and fencibles proliferated.
If standards slide as Asian clinics proliferate and competition increases, patients will suffer.
Event TV was thought to be dying as channels proliferated, people timeshifted their viewing and audiences fragmented in a way that made the viewing figures of yesteryear 21.6 million to find out who shot JR, 28 million every time Eric and Ernie popped their Christmas hats on, 32.3 million for the 1966 World Cup seem like the fevered dream of an overstrained ITV exec.
How Twitter saved event TV
+ / + and NFAT5 − / − T lymphocytes induced to proliferate with (A) anti-CD3 / CD28 antibodies plus IL-2 or (B) concanavalin A (ConA) plus IL-2 in isotonic or moderately hypertonic media.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
The number and kind of private joint-stock companies quickly proliferated.
Massive bottom-up infrastructure sprouted all over the world in bits and pieces, proliferated, and a new paradigm was created.
On the other, niche diagnoses have proliferated, apparently as a result of collusion between experts and the pharmaceutical industry.
Also unsettling was the revelation that the husband, identified as Sher Mohammad, 30, was suspected of being a member of a local militia that, the police and government officials said, has proliferated in the region and emboldened lawlessness and violence, including in the home.
NYT > Home Page
It is the relentlessness and the variety of the procedures available that helps the current preoccupation with beauty - both male and female - to proliferate.
I mean, one threat, of course, is a proliferation threat, which we're dealing with through what we call the proliferation security initiative, which is a group of nations that say, "We're not going to allow this country to proliferate.
CNN Transcript Jul 6, 2006
It was the type of luxury but inessential furnishing that proliferated in type and quantity in sixteenth-century Venice.
Apoptosis is a normal and essential part of early development, when brain cells proliferate rapidly and some are killed off, but little is known about how apoptosis of growing neurons is regulated.
They proliferated endlessly, and seemed to be of little clinical use, not least because they were so hard to operationalize.
The Times Literary Supplement
Particularly in the pathological examination, we discovered that it could activate and proliferate cells in lymph follicles, geminal centre, paracortical zone and medullary cord of lymph nodes.
Waders such as redshank and spoonbills, have begun to proliferate, and numbers of larks, linnets, yellowhammers and reed bunting have grown.
Over time, the scolex degenerated and the aberrant larval form proliferated.
Few animals eat privet, which is one of the reasons the plant has been able to proliferate the South.
Local News from TimesDaily
Pizza parlors proliferate in this area
Objective. To determine the expression of leptin and its functional receptor in herniated disc tissues, and to elucidate whether leptin can stimulate rat NP cells to proliferate in vitro.
Vice squads have been disbanded all over the country and pimping (or poncing as it was once known) has proliferated.
Stem cells are unique cells that have the capacity for self renewal, exhibit pluripotency and can proliferate indefinitely in culture while maintaining epigenetic and karyotypic stability
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Me, too: hardcover series books about countries of the world, mammals of Asia, rocks and minerals of the fifty states, etc. still proliferate like crazy, even though the information they contain is available all over the digital place.
Archive 2008-10-01
Photographic picture books, illustrating New York and other subjects, proliferated; a number of these featured the work of the new documentary photographers.
As feminist theorists in the 1980s and 1990s proliferated differences in order to better represent the contours of twentieth-century life, science kept pace.
These stem cells proliferate and differentiate into granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils), monocytes and lymphocytes, which together comprise the absolute white blood cell count.
He predicts initiatives across digital, data and cyber to proliferate - 'all of which can provide exciting for nimble-minded creative lawyers'.
Times, Sunday Times
In Vancouver, where construction and road maintenance proliferates in the run-up to the Olympics, work crews are allowed to use their own "flagmen" to direct traffic with "Slow" and - Home Page
Rabbits proliferate when they have plenty of food.
A metazoan body develops as the egg cleaves into cells that then proliferate in a branching pattern of mitoses to produce a cell tree.
Or consider, Frum says, the debasement of universities, where gay studies, courses on the novels of Louis L'Amour and the frivolities of decon-struction proliferate.
Up From Geniality
Country fairs have proliferated to the extent that the season must be extended to fit them all in.
There is a natural tendency for services to proliferate.
Upon muscle injury, these cells undergo mitosis, proliferate, form syncytium and ultimately form new skeletal myocytes.
The world has become far more multipolar than it was prior to 1989, and the means by which other players can enter the competitive field of play have greatly proliferated.
Musical ideas proliferate at a bewildering rate, as he tries out a phrase, a mood, pulling the tune this way and that.
Multiple variations quickly proliferate into thousands of different model numbers.
These fantasies came a little closer each time, and each time they continued to proliferate, to take new forms.
Private devotion and preparation for death were the greatest stimuli to patronage as chantry chapels, founded for prayers for the dead, proliferated together with tombs and books for prayer and meditation.
Such cultures retain viability and continue to proliferate for approximately I week but changing the medium may extend this period.
Several forms of cancer involve the inactivation of the apoptotic process, thus enabling the cancer cells to continue to proliferate.
Controversy reigns, cards of both hues proliferate and crazy scorelines litter nearly half-a-century of Isthmian League rivalry.
By following the ridge of the city's hills, it provides tolerable gradients and avoids steep inclines, which proliferate in the city's side streets.
We must not proliferate nuclear arms
According to a separate 2008 study, lincomycin combined in minute concentrations with several other drugs that also have been detected in surface water made human cancer and kidney cells and fish liver cells proliferate. Top headlines
The Eladeldi were never known to involve themselves in medical matters. In the absence of understanding, superstitions proliferated.
The anlagen for the eye imaginal disc arise as a group of about 20 cells in the embryo and proliferate through the first and second instar larval stages.
The photo quickly proliferates among the residents of Springfield until Homer is catching giggles and glances from everyone.
Despite the obstacles early weed abatement programs faced, weed control efforts proliferated.
Safety aids of all kinds, both active and passive abound, and there is cruise control with a limiter built in - very useful as speed checks proliferate.
Even more gratifying - money isn't everything, of course - surgeons throughout the country adopted my procedure and colostomies have proliferated.
As stories like this proliferate, we become increasingly fearful for York's future.
It was prudent of Ricks to set himself constraints: the book isn't short as it is; the combination of Dylan's creative and Ricks's critical fecundity could, untempered and unchecked, proliferate indefinitely.
The prolabium of complete BCL operated on with straight line suture method had muscle fibers proliferated from the lateral lips, but the fibers were sparse and also had ultra structure variations.
Assorted tools for it have proliferated since its inception: hammers, thumbs, tampers, blades, brooms, plows, compactors, trenchers, pallet forks, rakes, grapple attachments, augers, myriad buckets, and more.
Satellite cells proliferate, differentiate, and fuse with existing myofibers.
If this process of self-protection does not work then the destructive cells can proliferate uncontrollably.
If affixation means forming a word by adding an affix (e.g. frosty from frost, refusal from refuse, instrumentation from instrument), then back-formation is essentially this process in reverse: it adapts an existing word by removing its affix, usually a suffix (e.g. sulk from sulky, proliferate from proliferation, back-form from back-formation).
Back-forming back-formations
Momentum trades-trades, not investments- can gather momentum on the downside in a steeper run if the margin calls proliferate. News
Musical ideas proliferate at a bewildering rate, as he tries out a phrase, a mood, pulling the tune this way and that.
Online support and discussion groups on every disease and health care topic have proliferated rapidly.