How To Use Profitability In A Sentence

  • The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromise between the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists.
  • When prices fall, commodity producers can maintain profitability by cutting costs or increasing output.
  • Mr. Lennon said appraisers can sit down and come up with an inherent commercial value for a patent "based on how much in damages a person could collect, analyzing profitability in the market of a product and how much is sold. Contenders to Line Up for Nortel Patents
  • A product manager is responsible for product profitability.
  • We will ensure that farmers have a strong safety net and can achieve profitability in the marketplace.
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  • Mr Treuting will have overall responsibility for the growth and profitability of Verio's operations in the Southeast business market.
  • Although the media companies harrumph about the dangers of the new technology, they are all well aware of the lesson of the video, and the immense potential profitability of the new digital forms of distribution.
  • Rather than pursuing the holy grail of million-selling titles, the company is focused on achieving annual profitability.
  • Worried men Operating margins have increased to 30% or so, putting garbage up with pharmaceuticals in terms of profitability.
  • The present director has presided over a rapid decline in the firm's profitability.
  • It is trying to transform itself from a retailer into a fast-moving goods company, to improve profitability and reduce its reliance on volatile high street sales. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having persistently higher cash prices than one's neighbors did not significantly impact profitability.
  • The usual solution, massive storage centers for recycled resources, burns up its slim profitability.
  • The company has been hovering around profitability for a couple of quarters, and the cuts should give it an extra nudge toward the black.
  • Changes were made in operating methods in an effort to increase profitability.
  • The profitability of the trade has given rise to speculation that money from wildlife is financing terrorist activities.
  • The carrier's real issue is that, in the face of unstoppable competition, its currently enjoyed levels of profitability are unsustainable.
  • Mr. Rosier declined to comment on the relative profitability of adipic acid and pollution credits. French Firm Cashes In
  • Government policy that maximises profitability of businesses needs to be devised.
  • A highlight of this performance was the contribution of the Marquis brand to the improvement in Waterford Crystal's operational profitability.
  • Conversely, the rationale for starting cattle on a diet with less roughage and more concentrate is based on the perceived improvement in performance and, thereby, increased profitability.
  • Essentially, he argues that capitalist societies are prone to periodic fluctuations in profitability.
  • Oerlikon also said it would cut 2,500 jobs as part of a cost-reduction program, which seeks to save 400 million francs in costs and return the company to profitability by 2010. Oerlikon's CEO Steps Down; Swiss Firm to Cut 2,500 Jobs
  • How much risk economic and strategic factors pose for the operations of a firm, its profitability and long-term solvency ?We use the Rate of Return on Assets (ROA) to answer this question.
  • Total average assets is used to determine activity ratios and, when multiplied by the profit margin on sales, provides better insight into the profitability of a company.
  • A highlight of this performance was the contribution of the Marquis brand to the improvement in Waterford Crystal's operational profitability.
  • So the effect of rent is to equalize the profitability of all bare sites, reducing profit margins to those obtainable on marginal sites, i.e. sites with zero rental value.
  • In order to provide profitability, we had to cut into rising fixed costs somehow.
  • The Yves Saint Laurent label inched closer to profitability, after it reduced operating losses to PPR's Net Profit Doubles
  • Research shows that dealers who effectively advertise and promote name - brand merchandise enjoy higher sales and profitability.
  • Undertake this analysis, that utilize the cost assess and profitability index will able to build a competitive advantage and better reward for the new product.
  • Sticking with an employee who breaks his little toe is one thing; keeping timeservers who endanger profitability is another.
  • His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied re-engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-term profitability.
  • Even fans of its stock don't think the acquisition will improve the insurer's profitability any time soon.
  • The ability to borrow greatly enhances the profitability of investments.
  • One must also be able to identify which firms offer the best prospects for increasing productivity, profitability, and expansion.
  • In the case of the stockmarket, the key to achieving good capital growth is profitability.
  • The mutual dependence of profitability and growth, as we will see, makes the assessment of management motivation particularly problematical.
  • He's always willing to try something new to expand our business and profitability.
  • That has led companies to keep their tariffs very low, seriously harming their profitability. Times, Sunday Times
  • A product manager is responsible for product profitability.
  • For such capital-intensive industries, relocation decisions are more difficult and costly and they are likely to impact firm profitability over a much longer period than for other businesses.
  • Textron Financial has enjoyed a stellar We know that processes need to be sim - record of growth and profitability over pler in an increasingly complex world. the past 21 years. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The reversal of fortune illustrates how investment banks are struggling to find their footing, and sources of profitability, in the postcrisis regulatory and market environment. Costly Rush Away From Risk
  • While the ostensible motivation will be to improve the security of the Internet, the real objective will be to increase corporate profitability.
  • Moreover, local concentration where mergers do occur does not bring higher profitability.
  • Our short-term aim is to deal with our current financial difficulties, but our long-term aim is to improve the company's profitability.
  • Low levels of profitability mean there is a lack of incentive to undertake new investment.
  • When we visited last year, it was a middle-sized player aspiring to improve sales and profitability in a sector dominated by a few large rivals that were more profitable.
  • Our short-term aim is to deal with our current financial difficulties, but our long-term aim is to improve the company's profitability.
  • Msjor areas of emphasis include profitability, liquidity, operating efficiency, and capital structure.
  • Our short-term aim is to deal with our current financial difficulties, but our long-term aim is to improve the company's profitability.
  • Chief Executive Steven Carley said the company is implementing "significant initiatives" to increase same-store sales, reduce expenses, improve restaurant-level margins and drive overall corporate profitability. Stocks Close at 2½-Year High
  • The company is embarking on a cost-cutting drive to boost profitability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pilferage in the warehouse reduces profitability by about two per cent.
  • According to experts, the company took its lumps but is on the road to profitability.
  • There is an alternative story which could explain the inverse relationship between profitability and debt ratios. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Capital has profitability, suck gender, outspread sex, emulative, speculation, change the major attribute as the gender.
  • The remote access computer antiacid by the essential primitivism foreclosure atreus trionyx on his audibly ties to uneducated larkspur and his calcedony balloon on at momently two profitability to wattmeter megabat who were rotted to get zoroastrian music with matai. Rational Review
  • We expect a significant uplift in profitability from 2005 onwards.
  • Buses could more effectively operate them when integrated with the rest of the bus network, which would also enhance its profitability.
  • Driver-only buses have become the norm, and may have increased privatised profitability, but they've decreased traffic flow.
  • Changes were made in operating methods in an effort to increase profitability.
  • We're in a really healthy place for profitability and for future growth," said Dan Montague of Autofacts, the forecasting unit of PricewaterhouseCoopers, who predicted 12.5 million units of sales in the next year, a modest increase he calls "another stair-step up. Strong December Auto Sales Boost Hopes For 2011
  • Ironically, during the time of a recession, absenteeism will decrease but presentism, that is being at work but not performing at optimum capacity, will increase and this not only affects the mental health of staff but also the profitability of the company," Prof Cooper said. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • A product manager is responsible for product profitability.
  • The other vital factor for banks' profitability in today's harsh climate is cost control.
  • It seems to me that if we're asking what developers want or should want, then they, like most businesses, *should* want whatever gives them minimum risk and maximum profitability. Third Party Beneficiaries and Other Fantastical Beasts in Virtual Worlds
  • A lifecycle profitability tool is provided to determine the lifecycle profitability of a leasable asset.
  • Share buy-backs mean that with less stock outstanding, earnings per share increase, even though the underlying profitability of the company has not.
  • That has led companies to keep their tariffs very low, seriously harming their profitability. Times, Sunday Times
  • the simultaneous optimization of growth and profitability
  • The global slowdown and sterling's continued strength against the euro have reduced sales volumes and profitability.
  • No matter how mad at banks we might be, we have got to leave them with a way to return to profitability that does not rely on speculative bubbles, pump-and-dump schemes, and accounting fraud. L. Randall Wray: QE2 Won't Save Our Sinking Ship
  • The present director has presided over a rapid decline in the firm's profitability.
  • A better financial position in April to June this year will be achieved through growing profitability of sales, increased exports and reduced costs, according to the report.
  • Assets are imperfect substitutes because they possess different characteristics with respect to liquidity, marketability and profitability.
  • Like Kimpton, Conley believes that the small tightly run hotel is often the better route to profitability.
  • Its average revenue per user--a key gauge of profitability for wireless telecom companies--for its mobile internet services was 250 rupees and 600 rupees per month for its prepaid and post-paid users, respectively. Interview: Sistema Shyam Keen to Acquire or Merge in India
  • The bank is more concerned with liquidity than profitability, so that its central bank clients can withdraw funds without publicity at a moment's notice.
  • With bank-bond spreads and costs of credit-default swaps having risen so sharply since July, profitability is going to be squeezed with every bond and every interbank loan that matures, and an ever-greater share of assets is going to have to be mortgaged to keep the funding base stable. For French Banks, Problems Abound
  • This is similar to when media conglomerates sell off ownership of some of their subsidiaries because conglomeration loses profitability at a certain point.
  • It is hardly surprising that real wages rose less rapidly than productivity and hence that profitability and competitiveness improved.
  • While some in the industry have lamented the end of designer leadership, there's already evidence that the moneymen are a boon to both profitability and creativity. Luxury Goes Undercover
  • The combined result is increased profitability, regardless of whether the company makes aspirin or amplifiers.
  • Regulatory costs weigh heavily on bank profitability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the right to graze on the commons is assigned, the owner has the economic incentive to allow the maximum number of cows on the grasslands to maximize profit, but halt grazing at the precise point where future profitability is impended by overgrazing. Matthew Bergman: The Roads of Africa: Moving Beyond the Tragedy of the Commons
  • With increasing profitability business is prepared to make the investment. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • Investors who suffered the 4% loss in the period to 2002 wouldn't have returned so quickly to profitability if greater capital risks had been taken and greater drawdowns suffered.
  • The test of a competitive strategy is its profitability. Corporate strategy plans the company's cluster of firmlets.
  • The number of detected rogue anti-malware programs - fake security software that actually infects computers to animate assorted electronic crimes - fell by nearly 60 percent between June and July of 2009, as e-crime gangs turned away from massive distribution schemes for this kind of crimeware to mine personal data from PCs to an apparently more successful ransomware model that require less aggressive circulation to return optimal profitability. Help Net Security - News
  • Nine months later, they are nearing profitability and have substantial cash reserves to fund growth.
  • They reduce soil erosion, improve soil tilth, help reduce pesticide use, and enhance agricultural profitability.
  • While letter delivery in the UK is a lucrative market, the profitability of door-to-door services is not uniform throughout the country.
  • These costs will impact on our profitability.
  • Your paying for this bandwidth is the least of their concerns, profitability is all that counts. New Shaw BT throttling claims
  • Discounts may not appeal to certain notions of fairness, but they certainly appeal to objective market notions of profitability. Free Trade with the AARP, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Often, this actually causes substantial loses to the firm, alibied by saying that the "write-offs" are "short term" and the "restructuring" will lead to long term profitability. Archive 2007-07-01
  • The present director has presided over a rapid decline in the firm's profitability.
  • Low levels of profitability mean there is a lack of incentive to undertake new investment.
  • He dispenses advice about how book shops can increase their profitability by enhancing the pleasurability of book buying and, at the same time, build customer loyalty. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Low levels of profitability mean there is a lack of incentive to undertake new investment.
  • Only 15 percent of employees felt that the price of gas would affect company profitability.
  • The profitability analysis of this project using cost vs. revenue method validates that the investment of Ruby Tuesday in Shanghai should be a successful one.
  • Governments could have offset declining profitability by cutting taxes on profits or by increasing the generosity of tax allowances given for investment.
  • The optical component market has few scale efficiencies and this could limit the growth and profitability of the sector particularly as the industry is growing at meteoric rates to satisfy demand due to increased network traffic.
  • The second half of the eighteenth century saw substantial changes in the agrarian practices employed in north-east Scotland, consequent on the need to increase the profitability of the great estates.
  • A less noticeable but ultimately more crucial problem was a general decline in profitability.
  • We're trying to get farmers to develop a plan to improve profitability.
  • Last year's boom has been reflected in the profitability reported by investment banks and the take-home pay of the corporate rainmakers.
  • As a result the accounts produced will tend to reflect a fairly accurate view of the profitability of the business.
  • These add to the profitability of the attractions by allowing short-stay holidays and increasing the catchment area of each. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is abounding evidence that the profitability and growth of independent and SME software developers has often been to a significant extent dependent on the possession of patent rights.
  • Its populism, not its profitability, was the network's primary purpose.
  • The remote access computer antiacid by the essential primitivism foreclosure atreus trionyx on his audibly ties to uneducated larkspur and his calcedony balloon on at momently two profitability to wattmeter megabat who were rotted to get zoroastrian music with matai. Rational Review
  • Management may use dividends to signal to shareholders (and bondholders) that they are meeting their profitability objectives. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Under our model contracting may cause difficulties with dispensing, deputising, partnership agreements, profitability, and investment in premises.
  • That kind of content is un-stealable, which is why music piracy can't make a dent in the profitability of live performance. TechCrunch
  • Undertake this analysis, that utilize the cost assess and profitability index will able to build a competitive advantage and better reward for the new product.
  • Yet profitability is not the purpose of but a limiting factor on business enterprise and business activity. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Few banks can accurately allocate costs and measure the profitability of each line of business.
  • Some profitability or efficiency ratios can be linked in useful ways. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • With the much lower production costs of the late 1980s, small circulation was no longer the same barrier to profitability.
  • The corporate tax can be fluxed, or worked; each corporation capable of adjusting prices and Profitability ratios, to get their desired production matrix of Sales. Prescott on Tax Cuts, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Corporations involved in the escalating race to acquire media properties seek not only expanded profitability but also increasing influence.
  • Provided the manufacturer can claw back the benefits, this will increase its profitability.
  • The idea is to help pay the salaries of employees and avoid sackings while the company struggles to achieve profitability, which it says will happen toward the end of this year.
  • Network Solutions consistently has declined to discuss profitability.
  • Feeding cull cows a feedlot diet for a period of time before selling may improve quality of animals and overall profitability.
  • Will postmasters and postmistresses who see their profitability falling risk borrowing more money - if they even can - to expand the goods and services available in their post offices?
  • Such forwardlooking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, the nonoccurrence or occurrence of which could cause the actual results - including the financial condition and profitability of Wincor Nixdorf - to differ materially from or be more negative than those expressed or implied by such forwardlooking statements. Aktuellste Pressemeldungen der PresseBox
  • The usual solution, massive storage centers for recycled resources, burns up its slim profitability.
  • The key here," says Mr. Baumgartner, "is that aeronautics is leaving government control and being taken over by industry, where cost-cutting and profitability, rather than contractors milking the state for as much as they can get, will lead to a lot of innovation, affordability and efficiency. And Tomorrow's Winners Will Be...
  • Increased customer retention increases profitability.
  • As a result the accounts produced will tend to reflect a fairly accurate view of the profitability of the business.
  • That includes communications technology, Internet infrastructure, and biopharmaceuticals - all areas that are critical to other companies and have the potential of long-term profitability.
  • What we lose in cost per unit profitability will be made up by the volume movable at these prices, especially when trade paperback republication is factored in. The Codex Continual » Bulwark Publishing: Kharndam Collected (#2)
  • It is interesting that the profitability of motor mechanization in rainfed cropping in this region is only achieved with 35 ha of mechanizable cropping area (double-axle tractor, no vegetable cropping) (Klingensteiner, 1. Labour productivity and distribution
  • The company needs to return to profitability extremely soon.
  • It was limited in its size, and the size of the arena is the key to its profitability and commercialism.
  • The objectives of a marketing department are directed towards the attainment of corporate aims, such as profitability growth and social responsibility.
  • As part of the Nebraska Soybean and Feed Grains Profitability Project, Jerry Mulliken has conducted replicated trials on his farm in Dodge County for four years to evaluate the effect of row cleaning on corn yield following soybean.
  • While demand may pick up as the threat of recession recedes, there are doubts that corporate profitability can soar ahead.
  • But the squeeze on profitability continues, as does the pressure on services.
  • But by 1988, Dairylea had sold its product lines and the last of its milk plants, and refocused its resources on enhancing the overall profitability of its membership.
  • This innovation has been widely adopted, and has helped intermediaries to rebuild profitability.
  • The new chairman made the cuts necessary to return the company to profitability.
  • Unlike Macy's Inc., Kohl's was able to expand its gross margin, a measure of profitability, as the Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony brands met what it called "aggressive" sales plans. -- Top News
  • So the underlying cause of the fall in investment is the decline in profitability.
  • A company - wide business strategy designed to reduce costs and increase profitability by solidifying customer loyalty.
  • But when consumer uncertainty is coupled with doubts about corporate profitability there is precious little consolation.
  • Fuel prices that surged to records have also eroded profitability.
  • There is an alternative story which could explain the inverse relationship between profitability and debt ratios. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Each would prepare a business plan that included sales projections, budget requirements, and net profitability.
  • At the slightest hint of profitability, carriers begin bulking up and adding routes, which quickly undercuts profits and exacerbates huge losses when travel drops off.
  • The law of the land has generally been that compatibility is legal, even if it undermines your profitability -- making a product does not create a monopoly over everything that your customers might do with that product. Boing Boing
  • Our short-term aim is to deal with our current financial difficulties, but our long-term aim is to improve the company's profitability.
  • Production efficiency is critical due to its effect on profitability.
  • The profitability of corn whiskey, heavy frontier drinking, the spread of saloons in cities, and the immigration of beer-drinking and whiskey-swilling foreigners all encouraged the nation's bibulous tendencies.
  • In present-day Russian practice, cost-plus prices are rarely used, with the exception of the least effective ones, based on a fixed profitability rate.
  • Corporate profitability and the profit share in the economy remain relatively strong.
  • Low levels of profitability mean there is a lack of incentive to undertake new investment.
  • The end result is a more scalable solution that can deliver rapid payback and greater carrier profitability.
  • Only a handful of companies will ever manage to bring their products to the marketplace and achieve profitability.
  • We will also try to boost operational efficiency to offset a possible decline in our profitability.
  • Just when you think you've got your strategy nailed and you've eked out all the profitability you can, Tom walks in and shows you all the easy money you left on the table or inconveniently hidden away inside one of your business silos. John Fox: The Root Cause of All Corporate Performance
  • Our concerted efforts to introduce permanent structural change across the airline has led to a reduction in nonfuel costs and a return to profitability," said BA Chief Executive Willie Walsh, who will be CEO of the enlarged airline group. BA, Iberia Swing to Profit
  • The company announced that it had returned to profitability in the third quarter due to raised fares and more business travellers who were attracted by features such as seats that fully recline on long-haul flights.
  • Changes were made in operating methods in an effort to increase profitability.
  • The consensus forecast for the year for profit before tax, goodwill and exceptionals is £905m compared with £836m the previous year, with all divisions expected to show an increase in profitability.
  • This enables telecoms to arbitrage international cost differences to boost profitability.
  • Assumptions about the rate of payment by debtors may have a significant bearing on the expected profitability of the project.
  • Their measures of success are not ideological purity but profitability within their chosen sectors.
  • Hedging or pre-empting foreign currency exposure is an ideal way to protect profitability.
  • The internal rate of return (IRR) method is the most widely use by engineering economic analyze, it is called the profitability index.
  • In order to insure profitability, it is a good idea to determine the profit you need from this enterprise.
  • Hedging or pre-empting foreign currency exposure is an ideal way to protect profitability.
  • Main reasons seem to be persistent low profitability among farmers and their uncertainty about the future.
  • Low levels of profitability mean there is a lack of incentive to undertake new investment.
  • Maxtor fell back into the red during its third fiscal quarter, it admitted this week, after a brief foray into profitability during Q2.
  • Switzerland's elimination of battery cages increased the Swiss egg industry's profitability and its acceptability to consumers.
  • Analysis of product profitability is a foundation of product mix decision. A valid analysis is dependent on the accuracy and integrity of cost information.
  • The profitability or palpability of beetles and bugs may be greater than that of moths.
  • With the highly productive Center-West farm states plagued by these high transportation costs, the overall profitability of the product from these areas is almost even with that in the United States.
  • I also put a scorecard in place so that we could understand how we were doing on our dual goals of profitability and integrity to the law and clients.
  • In a curious way, the firm's biggest rainmaker, is also emblematic of the company's biggest problem - its modest profitability.
  • Turning fully to organic which automatically sequesters carbon?] * Supporting the profitability of farmers and ranchers by providing a safety net [The absolute best (and totally free to tax payers) safety net would be stopping NAIS] that works for all of agriculture, including independent producers andlocal and organic agriculture, [How's he plan to do that when those people will be gone after NAIS and the seed contamination regulations under the FDA go into effect. The politically correct Vilsack: Lipstick on a ...
  • It is hardly surprising that real wages rose less rapidly than productivity and hence that profitability and competitiveness improved.
  • The range has been enlarged to increase commercial customer product offerings, increase unit sales and raise profitability.
  • Profits, people and teamwork Higher productivity is a crucial component of our drive to improve profitability.
  • A wider, partly quantitative examination of the development, scale, profitability and so on of the excised manufactures would allow a further understanding of the effects of regulation.
  • Will postmasters and postmistresses who see their profitability falling risk borrowing more money - if they even can - to expand the goods and services available in their post offices?
  • Profitability and popularity analyses of menus and beverage lists.
  • Marketing decisions are critical to profitability due to the variability of prices monthly, annually, and cyclically.
  • Morrison Bowmore, the distiller, is cheering a sharp rise in profitability after shifting its focus from low-margin blended whisky to single malts.
  • The crucial determinants there are profitability, cash flow and capital base.
  • make things factor into a company's profitability
  • Like all other endeavors so far attempted in space, the limiting factor on profitability of space resource use is transportation cost.
  • Corporations involved in the escalating race to acquire media properties seek not only expanded profitability but also increasing influence.
  • This table also confirms the seeming decline in overall profitability during the 1980s and particularly in 1986.

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