How To Use Profile In A Sentence
I reassured him it was secure by logging into my account and viewing his profile.
This absorbing profile muses on his universal popularity and compulsive desire to draw and paint.
Times, Sunday Times
Poly-L-lactic acid is the same material used in absorbable sutures and offers an excellent safety profile.
Archive 2004-11-01
The invention concerns a cable drum having a non-cylindrical profile of its outer surface and the use of this cable drum in a window regulator system, particularly in a vehicle.
Adding to my trepidation is this primary poll from Survey USA, which confirms Roulstone's campaign doesn't yet have the profile it needs.
Sound Politics: Roulstone Update

The heron profile that she saw through the grille.
This picture shows the girl in profile.
But it Hoolock Wu Wen-mei first half of yellow, white and the lower body more and more vertical profile, wing spot and more white, more mottled waist and tail-heavy.
And the high profile court battles have shown how difficult it is to get medical experts to agree on how to interpret the facts of a case.
We are entering a new era of genetic medicine in which it is becoming possible to profile all people for their inherited risk of disease.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a shame that one high-profile incident has had such an impact.
The Sun
In view of these possible sources of error it is surprising that extrapolated profiles ever yield results of any value.
An operator can input the parameters that define the geometry of the valve seat profile.
High PO2 levels help produce an efficient decompression profile providing they are balanced against oxygen toxicity.
THE man who went undercover in an attempt to expose the bung culture in English football was keeping a low profile again yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
So at last you can specify profiled and plain tiles together.
The "Very Funny" cable network burned off the whopping nine-episode season of its sly charmer about Chicago sportswriter PJ (Jordana Spiro) and her pals on Sundays opposite such sky-high-profile cable competition as Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Mad Men — whose costar Joel Murray, aka rehabbed alky Freddy Rumsen, guested on Boys as the owner who sold the gang's hangout, Crowley's, to Brando (Reid Scott) in the season finale.
Cheers & Jeers: My Boys to Men?
They kept a low profile until the controversy had alated.
Using behavioral sensitization animal models, poly-drug abuse about tramadol and betel quid extract was investigated in psychopharmacological profiles.
A coagulation profile should be obtained to rule out disseminated intravascular coagulation.
The TV presenter and model may have been keeping a relatively low profile over the past year but she has still managed to earn a decent crust.
The Sun
With its wedgy profile, trapezoidal front grille and abbreviated rear end, it clearly speaks the corporation's latest design language.
Times, Sunday Times
Hedman's mind has been more robust than his body, his self-confidence undented by his high-profile mistakes.
Data used to produce the I9X binding profile was abstracted from reference 21.
The sport with the highest profile is tenpins.
The consultant then carefully observes the anchors and reporters to determine if they fit the viewer profile.
It starts to become more difficult for the low intensity peaks, those with low signal-to-noise ratios, or those with a different elution profile e.g. peak tailing.
Recovering full mass spectra from GC-MS data
Inpart, this is due to the higher profile of socio-legal agencies on working-class housing estates where the user is more visible.
The deal will certainly raise the company's international profile.
By then, Time magazine had published a profile of me.
Note the different shapes, and use of a half profile for assured symmetry.
These MAb are expected to synergistically enhance the efficacy of current treatment options and have a superior safety profile in the management of highly resistant bacteria.
GEN News Highlights
During the phase ramp, fringing field effects smooth the phase profile.
As professional profiler, Max suspects that the mastermind is a frustrated academic.
The formed principle and CNC grinding machining method for polygonal profile are studied.
Thin coals mark periods of swamp conditions on the floodplain, although some palaeosol profiles suggest relatively well-drained conditions, including a thin calcrete.
Unlike other high-profile cases, the oil spill litigation is not being tried before a jury.
Times, Sunday Times
The profile that passed the window was of the sort called aquiline, after the beak of the eagle; but he rather suggested a grey and venerable eagle; an eagle in repose; an eagle that has long folded its wings.
The Complete Father Brown
Pressure has been intensified by a number of high-profile libel cases and a growing realisation the legal costs in such cases are completely ruinous.
Despite her keynote address at the 1996 Republican National Convention, her national profile remains low.
A profile is a collection of information about the user, typically including a short biography and contextually appropriate facts.
This shaped beam profile is imaged through the telescope system onto the back focal plane of the microscope objective.
Hannibal (in profile) as a youth © Clipart. comAt first, Rome was just one small city-state in the area of Latin-speaking people known as Latium, on the west side of the peninsula of Italy. Ancient / Classical History
With his group the Daintees, he was a high profile act with a major record company until quite recently.
Except for the temperature inversion between 0 and 1 km altitude, these profiles are characterized by a classical decrease with increasing altitude.
Nearby, union boilermaker Pete Etoler drew a line between protesting politicians and disrupting the highest-profile event in the Hoosier State's history.
Labor Torn on Super Bowl Protests
It looked, to be sure, nothing like the milky portraits we had been shown in Sunday school, looked hardly at all like the handsome gentleman with the Aryan profile and the five-hundred-watt glow who effulged at us from calendars in Protestant parlors all over Dixie.
Another Roadside Attraction
He touched off the girl's profile with a few stokes.
The charity aims to highlight excellence and encourage best practice in teaching by raising the profile and public perception of the teaching profession.
Industrial and commercial uses of DEHP include resilient flooring, wall covering, roofing, aluminum foil coating/laminating, paper coating, extrudable molds and profiles, electronic component parts and wire and cable coating and jacketing.
Industrial uses of di(1,2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)
They included counterterror meeting minutes, details of organised crime and information on a high-profile investigation.
The Sun
She also said human resources departments had a much higher profile in the recruitment process.
Times, Sunday Times
In Profile is intended as a final presentation this year to celebrate 10 years of survival.
The former world light welterweight champion hit a trough of despair after two high-profile defeats.
The Sun
Two aspects of this profile deserve brief attention.
Mr. Hall's pedigree is unusual for a politician: He was a member of the successful 1970s band Orleans, and was able to draw on a network of fellow musicians to raise campaign funds and raise his profile.
Swing District in Motion Again
Whatever the future holds, Strasser will always have his high-profile past to relish.
The profile of the defector, the turncoat, is that they repudiate everything they've ever done.
He loaded his word processing program and called up his personal template for profiles.
Its somewhat old - fashioned profile, with branches in far - flung parts of China, plays to the new zeitgeist.
Without co-listers, many high-profile borough mayor candidates could find themselves swiftly saying bye-bye to their political careers.
I found his profile and "winked" at him because I thought he was cute.
Katress Diary Entry
The authors then subjected the iron-rich microspherical residue of the red-gray chips to X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS) to compare it with the profile of microspherical residue from known thermite combustions and found them to be virtually identical.
Pardon Our Dust, or, Why the World Trade Center Dust Matters
A highlight will be British Pop artist Allen Jones's "Soft Tread" (1966-1967), a colorful painting giving a profile view of a woman's feet, legs and bottom erotically gartered with laced hosiery and impossibly-high stilettos.
Selling Sex at Auction
Or do you try to keep a low profile about it?
And spurring that doubt are a growing crop of policy makers like Darrell Issa, profiled recently in the New Yorker, as a Republican representative poised to become Chairman of the Oversight Committee, who last year quoted Genesis at a congressional hearing to dismiss the dangers of climate change, As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease...
Kate Otto: "Rapid Response" to an Ancient Issue (VIDEO)
They could see her profile with the bridge amidships and her gantries and the smoke blowing sideways.
The presence of the manatee and the hippopotamus in the lower levels of the stratigraphic profile at the Ogoloma site is also significant.
With the LPEX editor base profiles, you can configure the editor to adopt the keyboard and command personalities of several popular editors, such as ISPF, XEDIT, VI, and Emacs.
He became the most high-profile newscaster in Britain when he made his debut as the programme's anchorman.
Choosing the correct digitization for a beam profiler depends on the application.
Olympic success equals international profile and prestige.
Times, Sunday Times
The cosmopolitan culture of the city, the profile of visitors it draws from within and outside the country and the profile of the city itself, makes it so.
The aircraft's fixed-wing profile with large wing leading edge root extensions gives good manoeuvrability and control at subsonic speed including manoeuvres at high angles of attack.
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Essentially, the badges have 4 LED lights that light up when you get within infrared range of other attendees with similar profiles.
Archive 2005-09-01
The two teenagers fit the profile perfectly.
The GC on the other hand requires the operator to shape the roast profile.
The DNA profile of the bloodstain found on a bedsheet was the same as Muntik Bani's, the Indonesian maid who died from abuse in October last year, the High Court was told.
Nst online
In Profile is intended as a final presentation this year to celebrate 10 years of survival.
Let's look at a concrete example: Listing 1 shows a simple XML-based user service profile.
The behaviour of bathypelagic perch fry (BPF) was monitored during 21 May, 24 June, 8 August and 5 September 1996 along the longitudinal profile of Øímov reservoir (Czech Republic), using acoustic methods.
Specific transcription profiles of mitochondrial genes were associated with specific mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in a natural population of a gynodioecious species S. vulgaris.
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The vitality, reliance on linear profile and formal gesture remind me quite strongly of Mexican muralists like Diego Rivera and the graffiti artists of the 80s and 90s.
The plane is a Grecian ovolo with bead and is designed to cut a one-inch wide profile in half-inch thick stock.
Pinching the home screen lets you select different profiles and add new customizations.
They also have a worryingly low profile.
Times, Sunday Times
In these tests, advertised as drug response profiles, the companies check for some DNA segments that encode enzymes involved in metabolizing some drugs like tamoxifen, methotrexate, Plavix (clopidogrel), coumadin and others.
Dr. Elaine Schattner: An Educated Medical Consumer: On Personal DNA Testing
In refractory cases, monounsaturated fats may replace carbohydrates, but weight and lipid profile should be closely monitored.
It is after the first few years in employment that the profiles diverge dramatically and again the male/female contrast is vivid.
Why don't you give a profile, a little smile like the girl in the toothpaste ad?
We find that the violent offenders as a group do differ to normals, but it doesn't mean to say that every murderer does have an abnormal profile.
A full profile was obtained on the scrapings from his right hand, which included cellular material such as skin.
Specifying that, in the case of so-called multivalent or composite documents, that the alternatives form a complete version of the document, e.g. so where there are several alternative formats given for formulae, that there are JPEGs and MathML versions of all formulae, according to some edition of some profile or specification.
Planet XML
It was a quarter moon, what Papa called a horned moon, and I thought I could see the profile of the man in the moon, old and withered looking.
My Sweet Audrina
In Montana today, the grayling is a “high profile” species in fisheries programs.
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He was profiled in Los Angeles Magazine a couple of years ago in an article entitled ‘Is this the Most Hated Man in Hollywood?’
Aw, man, my status as the lone vegetarian (who cheats) profiled is ovah!
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The analgesic profile and other data collection tools were pretested at 7 hospital sites in 3 phases.
The trouble is that big brands pay people to create Facebook profiles to "like" their brand and share with their "friends".
The project ' s high-profile architect — Tom Kundig of Seattle firm Olson Kundig, known for his steel, concrete and glass homes that expose the guts of their construction — says he ' s used to what he calls insulting remarks.
Contrarians Pour On the Concrete
The National Party is lifting its profile as socially conservative guardian of traditional values.
A temporal profile needs to be contributed by a finite verb, as in I walked into the garden, We drove towards the sea.
Our overarching goal is to both provide a needed community service, and to raise the profile and public visibility of the Alabama State Nurses Association.
They have got all the flavour profiles that come from being fully ripe.
Times, Sunday Times
The 37-year-old has a profile on four matchmaking sites and spends up to four hours a day on them.
The Sun
In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.
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After creating the dies to extrude the frame profiles, workers in Italy produced the extrusions.
Differences between the actual costs and cost profile and the budget are called variances.
Clay and concrete roofing tiles are generally available in two shapes: profile and flat.
The surface profile of joints can be characterized by the waviness and unevenness components.
It is a shame that one high-profile incident has had such an impact.
The Sun
This said, the profile of the customers is not uniform as can be revealed with a homogeneity analysis.
He has sharply escalated his profile in recent weeks, however, by invoking India's Gandhian tradition of fasting to evince political change.
India's Anti-Corruption Leaders Renew Government Pressure
Nearly half of those who have tried an online dating service (44%) have come across an online profile of someone they know, such as an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, when they were surfing through profiles.
We would have to keep a low profile.
I gave him a more complete picture of my risk profile.
As usual, the media wrote laudatory profiles about the 30-year-old, black, Southern New Democrat who represented the future of the party.
Instead, we are treated to four vigorous profiles, with only the lion and the mylodon drawn full frontal.
It was just that they were all in profile and virtually identical.
LINKS, new archives profile layout dland alexis alfred althea anqi chu yuan chrissy daniel tay derrick huiling monster serene chen xiao shi xinni xinru
Zhen-zhen Diary Entry
To make such determinations, forensic scientists typically identify 13 regions (known as loci) on a chromosome to assess profiles 'similarity.
Osagie K. Obasogie: Democrats and DNA Databases
At the moment, DNA profiling can only be used to match DNA with the profiles of known, convicted criminals held on computer databanks.
Yes, we deliberately chose people who were high profile, and also yes, quite cool and quite hip and quite witty.
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Because of the online disinhibition effect some share too much on their social networking profiles, sometimes even things they wouldn't admit to their closest friends.
A bookshop's customer base might well change as a result of changing stock profile.
Zanetti's design has also brought out anti-Muslim sentiment since she's become a high-profile member of the Islamic community.
Differences between the actual costs and cost profile and the budget are called variances.
What he had to do now was to analyse the new material and incorporate it into his profile.
District judges handle the vast bulk of family and civil cases but they have a low profile.
Times, Sunday Times
The company likes to keep a low profile and let rival companies take the flak.
Times, Sunday Times
He's not the sort of politician to keep a low profile for long.
I SEE similarities in the profile of the sides.
The Sun
The profile of the label jumped up a couple of notches over that period, reflected in a week-long 10th anniversary party held in downtown Toronto in '86.
I think the profile of the products, the categories, the footprint, is quite strong.
Transcript: Irene Rosenfeld
The fact that he has been allowed to appear in team colours will raise Formula One's profile in China.
Tess Monaghan is here, in two stories and a profile, aligning herself with various underdogs.
Hardly Knew Her by Laura Lippman: Book summary
When you are feeling happy, please enjoy it, but keep low profile.
Click Profile in the top header on the Live homepage. In the Web Activities section in the left side-bar, you can add and manage your feeds.
Pursue that thought, and we might have got an interesting work; instead Wills gives the reader 16 profiles, each one meant to exemplify a particular type of leadership, and each contrasted with an "antitype.
Take Me To Your Leader
A decent gig on a highprofile select committee with a tasty inquiry can get you quality airtime.
Times, Sunday Times
The research was conducted to provide information on demographical profiles and to measure the tourist and economic impact potential of arts festivals in South Africa.
A full-length portrait executed in what critics describe as in the style of Van Dyck, it shows her tall, beautiful figure to great advantage in a splendid gold silk gown but her profile is positively haggish, making her look more like Margaret Hamilton the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz rather than Princess Diana of Wales, whom I believe she greatly resembled.
Archive 2010-03-01
Then he dissolves to an almost identical angle, again of himself in profile, carrying the lines he is speaking over the dissolve in mid-sentence to indicate temporal continuity.
He intends to raise the profile of politics on campus, which is arguably a good thing.
Its profile was an irregular parallelogram, and it appeared to be made up of interlocking blocks of crystalline metal.
In a high-profile case it is likely to have attracted wide publicity.
It has 18 inch rims wrapped in low profile toyo tires I am looking to upgrade it for better acceleration and also looking to add a locker.
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Steve Sailer's iSteve Blog: British surname profiler skip to main
British surname profiler
Open ID will only be open to phishing if it contains sensitive, potentially stealable, information; and if you publicise that, even via blogger or wordpress profiles, then you're a nitwit who deserves whatever you get.
Why would you use OpenID?
A few ‘cosmetic’ amendments have been made to our duties: high-profile patrols; extra security on the transatlantic flights and UK flag carriers.
The findings suggest that clinically important differences in the cardiovascular safety profiles of different antidiabetes drugs, and support recommendations that favour metformin as first-line therapy for type 2 diabetes.
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The company has been pushing their new line of running shoes, the most high-profile ad so far being the streaking naked man at the soccer game.
Though Bristol is being billed a "star" here based on her public speaking career, this career stems from being a high-profile teen mom, with her high profile the result of Bristol's famous mom being elevated from the relatively obscure post of governor of Alaska, to one of the nation's most visible political figures, when John McCain decided to roll the dice on his VP pick just two short years ago.
Phil West: Staying Alive: Bristol Palin Lives to Dance Another Week, and What That Says About the Pending Mid-Term Elections
The deal will certainly raise the company's international profile.
Look out for our forthcoming profile of Sir Richard Body, and articles on farm animal welfare.
In contrast, the f CO2 profile of Atlantic-origin waters shows that waters below 50 m in the Eurasian Basin are undersaturated and will take up atmospheric CO2 if moved onto the shelf by upwelling [15].
Carbon cycle and climate change in the Arctic
New for 2003 is style 556, the Fahrenheit structured mid-profile brushed cotton 6-panel cap with soft buckram and a fabric back strap and brass buckle.
Keep a high profile at work.
The Sun
The annual competition is organised by the city administration and aimed at improving skills and boosting the profile of sports among the city's youth.
If you're not familiar with the term wiki, here's a definition from Wikipedia, which is itself probably the highest profile wiki on the internet.
Peace, order and good government, eh?: July 2005 Archives
Back when you were plotting your online profile, the delete key and edit function bailed you out of blunders before posting to the cyber-nation.
Cut edging profile to the height of the dado rail.
Objective To delineate the immune regulatory pathway in pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) by using gene expression profile analysis.
Depending on what profile you want to achieve, you may also need to improvise with lengths of dowel or similar implements.
Where the old car had concave surfaces on the doors, the new doors swell outwards, lending more bulk to the profile.
Thinkofwhy…there is power in NUMBERS..and we have them out numbered…all its going to take are some cases with a high profile..a congressman/ or woman, a few actors etc… and things are going to change real soon..its already started, like a big boulder of truth going down hill..we MUST do our part and spread the word.
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This system also permits a very low centre of gravity for the total fin profile.
Cut an inside miter (long point on backside of trim), and cope the resulting profile straight back.
The naturalistic philosophies of the non-religious do not play the same kind of high profile role in political and civic life as do the supernaturalist ideas of their religious counterparts.
Main is also working on a hush-hush project involving a Scottish-based online games business and a couple of high-profile sports journalists.
Time magazine profiled her among 100 of the world's leaders.
Up to now they had kept a low profile, but they were becoming more militant.
The showroom is located in the heart of “Østerbro”, on the eastern side of Copenhagen, and features the entire Normann Copenhagen collection as well as a large variety of contemporary lifestyle products and high profile fashion brands from around the World.
Retail Interior Inspiration from Normann Copenhagen
As you can imagine, having such high profile talent draws a sizable crowd of followers.
The microcomputer then selects one of communication systems based on the profile.
I freelanced profiles of the different players, and it was harder than you might think to come up with ways to make marginal role players sound heroic.
In the Time of Bobby Cox
Included in the stable of so-called high-profile candidates is CHCH TV's Donna Skelly, who was another one to be anointed at the expense of a long-time Conservative party member in Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale. - Home Page
They're going to be very high pressure, very high profile.
The Sun
Differences in body-fat distribution (i.e., gynecoid versus android) associated with an altered metabolic profile were documented in the medical literature 50 years ago.
There are a number of high profile people who have already signified their intention to take part and support the venture and they include Pauleen McLynn and Tommie Tiernan.
Enter former FBI profiler Frank Black, a man delving headfirst into the dark recesses of the human soul, shining light on the horrors that men and women do.
Reading Room is a touring theatrical encounter between a group of dancers and one high-profile actor per performance.
Times, Sunday Times
As a result of an unestablished link between long-haul flights and various medical conditions, the DVT controversy has involved numerous high-profile lawyers and politicians pushing for compensation.
Concrete filled steel profiles follow in sinus waves from the ground level to the top of the tower, creating a distinctive identity and complementing the tower design.
Dorobanti Tower by Zaha Hadid Architects
I suppose that the real body profile of female roadies is too scary for adds being they are either of two - mine - flat chest, thin with overly large thighs and chunks of muscle or muscle bound legs under several layers of insulation, endomorph.
It's BSNYC! It's Friday! It's Fun! It's a Qüiz! (Now with gratuitous umlaut.)
He was another football man of high profile and character who commanded attention and respect in his players.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Wanderlust’ depicts a man's profile with seagulls flying in the background.
The buying effort this year is part of a strategy by Associated to whittle down its exposure to sleepier markets like Michigan in favor of holdings in higher-profile regions like Washington.
Associated Estates Has an Appetite for Apartments
According to a recent profile in the New York Times Magazine, physicist Freeman Dyson escaped from his stereotypically hellish English boarding school by: reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which gave him his first sense of America as a more "exciting place where all sorts of weird things could happen," and Jules Verne's comic science-fiction descriptions of "more crazy Americans" bound for the moon.
Archive 2009-04-01
Some forces have responded by having high profile armed patrols walking the streets within those areas.
Dani has a lovely profile.
The research team identified three distinct family profiles-one happy, termed cohesive, and two unhappy, termed disengaged and enmeshed.
The Hindu - Home
The deliberately sculptured profiles of the Tower proved extremely difficult to build because of the complexity of the necessary framework.
Should you create custom user profiles or not?
NET profile manager uses XML serialization to serialize and deserialize custom types.
He was another football man of high profile and character who commanded attention and respect in his players.
Times, Sunday Times
This showed that management awareness profiles were circulated to the staff in 30 of the 34 units that answered the relevant question.