How To Use Proficient In A Sentence

  • After leaving West Point in 1915, Eisenhower quickly established himself as a proficient trainer of young recruits.
  • He became a highly proficient artist and craftsman in his own right. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is no longer enough to be a beer pong champion - you must also be proficient in flag football and volleyball.
  • Normal A character cannot equip a weapon he is not proficient in.
  • How proficient is Joseph at this stage of his career? - California dream coming true at last for Roenick
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  • Begin with small Smarty adaptations and expand your repertoire as needs dictate and you grow more proficient.
  • This thriller of thrillers is a study of human conflict, jealousy and manipulation, which promises to baffle the most proficient sleuth.
  • With practice, you should become proficient within six months.
  • Against the Portuguese side, however, this seemed the product of facing a side as proficient in stultifying opponents as Celtic have proved in the past.
  • As I continue with kayaking, I am becoming more proficient at righting my kayak and feeling more in control of my actions, more knowledgeable and less disoriented.
  • She is proficient at / in figure skating.
  • You're highly proficient at translating words into numbers.
  • I think it took only a few days before I was proficient enogh in Dvorak to get work done at about the same speed as before I had learned. TypingWeb Offers Free Typing Lessons | Lifehacker Australia
  • I'm not nearly that proficient, but a bit of ambidexterity can benefit any golfer.
  • For those not proficient in the local language there is no need to worry, a vast majority of the locals speak very fluent English and are usually only too happy to put it into practise.
  • The number of third- through eighth-grade students in the state called proficient in English, for instance, fell from 77% to 53%. Graduates, but Ill-Prepared
  • With practice, you should become proficient within six months.
  • Also, the older children speak proficient English instead of the telegraphic dialect the Shimerdas use in the early chapters.
  • Indeed, they are unusual in that the elongation of the snout begins before they are born, which probably makes borzoi puppies less proficient suckers than other breeds. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Racing school" is for more advanced sailors who are looking to become proficient at race strategy, tactics and maneuvers "spinnaker" gives individuals or teams instruction and practice with this element of sailing. The Roanoke Times: Home page
  • It may not be possible for all of us to be experts, but we can, with practice, become reasonably proficient.
  • The PBB program is rigorous, demanding that the inmates take responsibility for another living being 24/7; that they learn how to be team players; that they become proficient in the training techniques that will turn their charges into effective service dogs, able to respond swiftly and consistently to at least eighty different commands. Glenn Close: Why I Went to Prison for Oprah
  • As a student becomes more proficient, extraneous material can be added.
  • And are you quite proficient as a _blanchisseuse? Amarilly of Clothes-line Alley
  • Pick a partner practice passing, for if you pass proficiently, perhaps you'll play professionally.
  • In a nutshell, the series went in favour of the team that was more professional and proficient in skills as well as in strategies.
  • A naturally gifted sportswoman, she became a proficient sculler, horsewoman, and mountaineer, and even mastered billiards.
  • Students who are less proficient will probably find French the easier option. Times, Sunday Times
  • He coached them in becoming proficient riders and huntsmen, skilled archers and unyielding wrestlers.
  • Not only will you feel proficient, but you will probably do it more often.
  • Lysander, her hero, is a lovable thicko who isn't even terribly proficient in bed.
  • Be proficient in and passes a willingness to embrace change management.
  • As they become proficient in handling their bikes they are subtly introduced to the need for disciplined behaviour on the road.
  • Despite his own proficient bilingualism, Sr. Verdugo represented himself to children as a Spanish monolingual.
  • Anglo-Saxon named Erventus, was a clever calligraphist, and is said to have been highly proficient in the art of illuminating; he instructed Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • The waitress spoke a bit of English; the lady at the bar spoke more proficiently.
  • It is a matter of, "Do I want to listen to the same sermon I have heard a thousand times over yet again executed by someone who isn't even as proficient as previous preachers on the topic? MIND MELD: SF with an Opposing Viewpoint
  • I know of very few educated individuals who truly retire and forevermore watch Roy Rodgers reruns and become proficient in shuffleboard. Surveys Vs. Revealed Preference, III, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He does plum - blossom - stake exercises gracefully and proficiently, and is true to his name.
  • By high school he was proficient at the koto, viola, clarinet and electric guitar.
  • I generally get a proficient expert to set traps before the problem becomes too deeply entrenched. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the participants would be generally regarded as technically proficient Web users.
  • What marks a proficient second or foreign language speaker is their command of idioms and other fixed expressions.
  • As a technical expertise of KST team, proficient in product function and usage. Provide product and technical training for clients and KS team.
  • Although not a diplomat, he can proficiently use diplomatic terms.
  • arabesque" and other formal designs gave employment to the carvers, in making an infinite repetition of fiddles, festoons, and ribbons, in the execution of which they became so proficient, that their work is more often admired for its exquisite finish than for any intrinsic interest in the subject or design. Wood-Carving Design and Workmanship
  • This Act proposes that every student in grades 3 through 8 will be proficient in reading and math.
  • Although he was very proficient at these jobs, he soon decided to pursue higher education.
  • There's only one way to become proficient at anything - practice!
  • Daniel Defoe was knowledgeable and proficient in seamanship, he understood the workings of a ship and the skills required for its operation.
  • It is believed that the vast majority of these students will eventually become proficient.
  • a proficient engineer
  • It was the French chronologist, Scaliger, who in the sixteenth century asserted, "nulli melius piraticam exercent quam Angli"; and although he had no need to cross the Channel to find men proficient in this primitive calling, the remark applies to the England of his time with a force which we to-day scarcely realise. The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century
  • Like any proficient superhero I didn't take up this job for the accolades.
  • He would be interested to learn also which of Vescovo's family and associates was a reasonably proficient marksman. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • But, from my perspective, this label accurately describes classrooms whose seats are filled with children of color every day--especially considering that only 17% of fourth grade Hispanic students are at or above proficient in reading. Janet Murguía: Failing Schools--Not Just a Label, a Fact
  • Unless you are unusually proficient with a jointer, trying to cut the bevel freehand is asking for trouble.
  • There are millions of Americans who are not proficient at reading and comprehension, much less reading and understanding any contract that is written in legalese … …. Think Progress » Pentagon Pushes For A Strong Consumer Agency To Protect Troops From Abusive Financial Practices
  • In order to be proficient, he indicated that the following forms must be learned: rapier and dagger, staffe, backsword, single rapier, longsword and dagger, and shortsword and dagger.
  • I managed a floor pike exactly once, though I managed to get proficient at both the overhead bar and p-bar kips, and could manage one on the rings when the stars were aligned. Jamais vu
  • A business proficient crapper wage an open and nonpartizan instrument and place you on a distinction to recovery. Xml's
  • Pick a partner and practice passing, for if you pass proficiently, perhaps you will play professionally.
  • The films Klaus was forced to make were technically proficient and creatively uninspiring. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Alternatively, some may be less proficient now than when they were appointed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two and a half years ago, as the primary complement to Garnett in the team's offensive sets, the deadeye shooter was proficient enough to be chosen to the NBA All-Star Team.
  • In connection with the four stroke engines, they have proficient use of gas.
  • I'm almost as proficient in clicking as I am in Icelandic, apart from my gutteral alveopalatal click as in! Salt and Honey
  • The stronger and more technically proficient a skier is, the stiffer the ski can be.
  • Knowing that Chinese rulers especially respected the mathematical sciences, he studied them diligently and became proficient at map-making and astronomy.
  • Not only was the Buddha able to fathom the impossibly large, but he was also proficient in the realm of the impossibly tiny, explaining how many atoms there were in the yojana, an ancient unit of length of around 10 kilometers. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • The band derived its name from an Austin street where they would often busk that was nicknamed Asylum Street, now named Guadalupe Street, and the term "spanker" which is an old musician's term for "one who plays his instrument vigorously and proficiently". The Big Apple
  • She was an avid hill walker and proficient horsewoman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Giving evidence, he told the court that he was a ‘proficient’ gunman and that he had taken steps to avoid any risk to health and safety.
  • His service in Tunisia turned a defeated and demoralized II Corps around and made it proficient for battle in 11 days.
  • She is also a kickboxing instructor, a certified personal trainer and a proficient student of tae kwon do.
  • By the end of the trip, they were proficient at climbing, sledging and survival in Arctic conditions, and had walked more than 100 km in snow shoes.
  • The conclusion of this study is that syntactic processing and semantic processing interact with each other in the late proficient Chinese-English bilinguals'comprehension of English sentences.
  • He was feeling the satisfaction of doing a job at which he knew he was proficient.
  • To do less is to be less than fully proficient on matters of critical importance to our national security.
  • I generally get a proficient expert to set traps before the problem becomes too deeply entrenched. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jane – far from being the mere literary lady, averse to household concerns, – was not only happy to be occupied with them; but became really a proficient in employments of this sort. Memoirs, Correspondence and Poetical Remains of Jane Taylor
  • The heart becomes more proficient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Very Proficient with desktop and web-based applications and web-based applications (40\%) (52. 6\%) • Familiar with using a computer• Familiar with using a and office application suites, computer and office but not familiar with hardware application suites, but not technologies Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • He knows exactly what he wants and is very proficient and professional.
  • And it's only going to get worse the more technologically proficient we all become. Times, Sunday Times
  • They both helped in yarding the sheep, sweeping out the woolshed during shearing (Judy became a proficient shearer), taking morning and afternoon tea to the shearers, and helping drive mobs.
  • Hearing any sort of advice from my dad is risky business, especially in certain circumstances for which I believe he is not sterlingly proficient. PEAS ON TOAST
  • Perhaps the most proficient skateboarder of the team, he is difficult to watch, let alone like.
  • He quickly became proficient in this study, and lectured widely on them thereafter.
  • Computer Skills - Be proficient in MS office software package particularly Excel.
  • The only thing optimistic is this November when the voters perform the "rectal cranial" extraction on these liberals who are destroying this country by preaching diversity over unity, allowing all religions except Christianity, and requiring Americans to speak foreign languages more proficiently than English. GOP senators zero in on Kagan's stance on gays in the military
  • With practice, you should become proficient within six months.
  • Guarini was therefore proficient in the French tradition of stone cutting using most difficult procedures, as well as gnomonics, or the study of sundials, devoting many published pages to each discipline.
  • It is fascinating to watch a complete novice become proficient in a specialised job in a mere four weeks.
  • Census workers must be proficient in English, pass a test to prove their math and map-reading skills, and preferably be U.S. citizens. Census Jobs Tough to Fill
  • He will also be released to indulge himself in other forms of racing and working on the triathlons at which he has become so proficient. Times, Sunday Times
  • You need to PRACTICE with any type of hunting device to remain proficient that's just simple hunter ethics. On Crossbows During the Regular Bow Season
  • A naturally gifted sportswoman, she became a proficient sculler, horsewoman, and mountaineer, and even mastered billiards.
  • More ambitious projects will be possible when you have become fully proficient with your new equipment.
  • Although there are no definite numbers that clearly identify the language abilities of each age group comprising bilinguals, roughly half of these are likely to be true bilinguals, that is, proficient and fluent in both languages.
  • It is absolutely wrong to argue – as some workers have – that the ‘trees down’ theory is at odds with the very robust and well supported body of evidence showing that birds are theropod dinosaurs, given that basal birds, and the theropods closest to birds, were apparently small-bodied proficient tree climbers, and not big cursorial Deinonychus-like predators as some would have it. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • The skills required for proficient reading take time to acquire.
  • ArmorGroup North America (AGNA), which is contracted to secure the US embassy in Kabul, hires many Nepalese (known as Gurkhas) whose English is not proficient. John W. Whitehead: Privatizing the War on Terror: America's Military Contractors
  • After a decade of the Revolution in Military Affairs the US armoury is now much larger and more proficient.
  • As your game becomes faster and more proficient, you will also work the gluteal muscles in your bottom harder, as well as the inner and outer thigh muscles as you reach higher for shots.
  • In the meantime, he had cast off his accursed plaything and leapt over the railings like a boxer over the paregoric ropes which would have garroted him had he not been both careful and proficient.
  • Proficient with all strokes, his best scoring stroke was the pull, played all along the ground between mid on to backward square leg.
  • Though obviously very proficient at what they do, they are also used to their own way of doing things.
  • Tutors who are familiar with the Secondary School Curriculum and who are proficient in Irish and Maths will be given preference.
  • As man became more and more proficient in making war, he also became wiser in means of defense.
  • The stronger and more technically proficient a skier is, the stiffer the ski can be.
  • The accuracy which these young gentlemen evinced on their examination, was such as entitles them to the esteem and applause of the committee, who, in behalf of the trustees, pronounce them the greatest proficients in geography in this department. North Carolina Schools and Academies 1790-1840 A Documentary History
  • When assessments are aligned with a prescriptivist view of language ability, many proficient or competent speakers of the language will not fare well on the test for reasons unrelated to language competence.
  • Massachusetts is the only state to set its bar at "proficient" -- and that was only in fourth and eighth-grade math. John Merrow: The Meaning of the Rain
  • Predictions: proficient terrestrial abilities; no need for highly developed soaring or gliding skills; bill elongate but lacking specializations (such as lateral or dorsoventral compression, keels, or hooked bill tips); neck flexibility not required as the neck only needs to bring the bill tips close to the ground; head-neck joint, at least, should be flexible. Archive 2006-04-01
  • She was proficient in the making of preserves and unguents, could play the harpsichord and the virginals acceptably, could embroider an altarcloth to admiration, and, in spite of a trivial lameness in walking, could dance a coranto or a saraband against any woman between two seas. The Certain Hour
  • An ardent linguist proficient in ancient Oriental languages, Napp had many other passions, including horticulture, viniculture, and fruit growing.
  • She said they showed deaf people could be more proficient in jobs which involved seeing a wide area of activities quickly. The Sun
  • Sent to China to convert the heathens, Ricci began by dressing like a Chinese mandarin and learning the Chinese language until he was proficient in it.
  • Beck was also a proficient hypnotist, prestidigitator, chemist and roboticist, wearing a fishbowl, one-way plexiglass helmet, with gas jets mounted in his gloves and boots capable of emitting hallucinogenic, 'web' dissolving gases. Archive 2006-07-01
  • I generally get a proficient expert to set traps before the problem becomes too deeply entrenched. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even mages are proficient with cloth armor, which though it doesn’t give an armor bonus, can be made of special materials or gain enchantments that do. 4e PHB Readthrough – Chapter 7: Equipment « Geek Related
  • He always eats like a dog anyway & has now become quite proficient at lapping water from a bowl. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • At first their behavior is clumsy and inefficient, and they do not become proficient until they are about 3 years old. Cultural Anthropology
  • She's fairly proficient in Italian.
  • he dealt proficiently with the problem
  • Many endangered species of plants, reptiles, mammals and birds live in these jungles, including the rhinoceros hornbill - a bird vital to the survival of the titan arums because it is very proficient at spreading the flower's seeds.
  • It's technically very proficient, and revealing about contemporary life in Russia, though it does tend to fizzle out in the final reel.
  • The book contains all the essentials pertaining to the training and instruction of COMPANY officers, noncommissioned officers and privates, and the officer who masters its contents and who makes his COMPANY proficient in the subjects embodied herein, will be in every way qualified, _without the assistance of a single other book_, to command with credit and satisfaction, in peace and in war, a COMPANY that will be an Manual of Military Training Second, Revised Edition
  • They both helped in yarding the sheep, sweeping out the woolshed during shearing (Judy became a proficient shearer), taking morning and afternoon tea to the shearers, and helping drive mobs.
  • Try to get one or two methods or techniques that you become proficient at and work on them.
  • Mechanisms that prevent selfing and its harmful effects and promote more proficient pollen dispersal have shaped much of floral evolution.
  • With medicine, the school and the state are throwing all kinds of resources at me to make me proficient.
  • I do not pretend to be proficient in the modus operandi of the hankey - pankey man, but I know that he has a method, all the same, -- one susceptible, too, of facile explanation. The Beetle
  • As restaurateurs become more proficient and experienced, cash generation becomes more and more consistent.
  • In the meantime, he had cast off his accursed plaything and leapt over the railings like a boxer over the paregoric ropes which would have garroted him had he not been both careful and proficient.
  • If I am proficient with a dagger, I do not need a special knife for skinning animals (and I say this as someone who has, in RL, skinned — — and flensed — — everything from deer to lions to groundhogs to an ostrich; yes, really). "The echo there, of me and you."
  • James had once been an excellent swimmer and, despite his missing limb, was still able to paddle about quite proficiently.
  • Children may become lost or ensnarled, and some of their music may go missing without teachers and other musically proficient adults to help the young along, however.
  • Their traditional weapon was the naginata, a form of glaive, but they were also proficient in archery and swordsmanship.
  • It's easy to become proficient but hollow. Christianity Today
  • Recipes can be gained from ‘watching’ the cookery show on the TV in your wooden abode and, if proficient enough, you can face-off against other rural villagers in a bake-off.
  • Again practice, practice, practice is what it takes to be proficient. Do you think that the long term ecological damage caused by exterminating predators or holding them well below their natural pop
  • I meet LOTS of people like myself who were proficient-to-expert Windoze users whose only regret, after switching to Macs, is that they can't get all that wasted time back. It's all in play now (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • I generally get a proficient expert to set traps before the problem becomes too deeply entrenched. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ships were also less proficient. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proficient practitioner of bushcraft anticipates his or her needs before it gets dark.
  • By the end of the week the pair of us had become proficient dinghy sailors, had made new friends and had had a cracking good time. Times, Sunday Times
  • There, a salary offered an already more than proficient painter the contemplative leisure to soar towards unsurpassed heights. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, two of the polymerase mutants are modest spontaneous mutators for some point mutations in yeast strains that are proficient in DNA mismatch repair.
  • The aggroup behindhand the orbicular phenomenon The Da Vinci Code returns for the highly expected Angels & Demons, supported upon the bestselling new by Dan Brown. blackamoor histrion reprises his persona as altruist churchlike proficient parliamentarian Langdon, who erst again finds that forces with ancient roots are selection to kibosh at nothing, modify murder, to front their goals.
  • She said they showed deaf people could be more proficient in jobs which involved seeing a wide area of activities quickly. The Sun
  • And that's all it is, one giant performance after another in hopes their proficient thespian skills will pay dividends in the long run.
  • Currently, less than a third of elementary-school students are reading at or above grade level, and at most schools only 25% of the students are characterized as proficient, according to John Covington, the district's superintendent who championed the consolidation plan. District Tackles Woes Money Didn't Fix
  • A.C. developed an interest in martial arts and became quite proficient.
  • Then the fingers at the ends of those long, thin, untanned arms attacking the piano with the furiously proficient ardor of a Rubinstein or a Rubirosa.
  • To meet those challenges, scholars must be proficient in more than one area of study.
  • He doesn't look like a proficient in golf.
  • Jim was brought up in China until the age of six, but later continued his interest in China and was proficient in the Chinese language.
  • Some deaf children are, however, very proficient at sign language and they can also spell out words using finger spelling.
  • A great number of Egyptians are proficient in foreign languages.
  • Later, when the dog becomes proficient at holding points, he begins planting the pigeons in heavier cover and new locations. By the Bird
  • Some of us were less proficient than others with our chopsticks!
  • Therefore, it would be reasonable to expect that compared to their younger counterparts, older children would be more proficient at reasoning, in general, and more successful in making conjunctive judgments, in particular.
  • Certainly the aristos from the centre of Spain are more proficient at handling trophies.
  • She no longer needed the groom to accompany her when she rode out, since she was now a proficient horsewoman.
  • Aang is rumored to be the Avatar, someone who is proficient in bending Air, Water, Earth and Fire, and as such works as the one who will promote and maintain balance throughout the land. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • As a person becomes proficient at a type of decomplex action, the guiding sensory modality can change. David Hartley
  • Predictions: proficient terrestrial abilities; bill and head capable of probing into body cavities; bill robust around narial openings; flexible neck; highly developed soaring or gliding skills. Archive 2006-04-01
  • By the age of 5 he was proficient enough to be playing in the local church. Times, Sunday Times
  • Matings were usually performed at 23°; males produced at 25° were not as proficient in mating.
  • Giants manager Bruce Bochy said his team was proficient in batting and the pitchers stepped up when it mattered. San Francisco Giants Take Game One of Baseball's World Series
  • By 1949 he was sufficiently proficient to become a drum teacher. Times, Sunday Times
  • Be adept in metallurgic inspection and material analysis . be proficient in most lab equipments theory and operation.
  • This is disheartening as I am merely a dork, which I define as being interested in geeky and nerdy things yet lacking adequate intelligence to be proficient in them. Archive 2007-09-01
  • This thriller of thrillers is a study of human conflict, jealousy and manipulation, which promises to baffle the most proficient sleuth.
  • Under his tutelage she became a proficient maker of maiolica models, parrots and birds of prey in particular. Times, Sunday Times
  • To meet those challenges, scholars must be proficient in more than one area of study.
  • It seems that the brain takes sides in promoting the skills necessary for proficient reading.
  • Once you become proficient at pitching the ball, you'll want to convert more putts for par - and cut down on three-putts.
  • But sometimes, it's more efficient in terms of overall time/effort/costs to hire two proficient keyboarders to keyboard the books/papers in question, and use diff to compare them, then pay a proofer to proof against hardcopy original. Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • Less than half of its children are "proficient" - meaning they perform at grade-level-in reading and math. Wizblog
  • That, and the fact that the Celtics weren't as proficient from the three-point line as they were in the quarterfinal win over Indiana. - Nets survive Celtics, Pierce in Game 1
  • Our adventures have helped us transition from two clueless young married city novices to a family team that includes nine children who are proficient in raising crops, building log homes, handling livestock, outdoorsmanship, ministry, and discerning truth from error.
  • He says he doesn't have the patience required to become proficient.
  • He would be interested to learn also which of Vescovo's family and associates was a reasonably proficient marksman. MURKY SHALLOWS

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