How To Use Proficiency In A Sentence

  • Lord A---- has tasted all the _nouveaux plats à la mode_, for at Paris new dishes are as frequently invented as new bonnets or caps; and the proficiency in the culinary art which he has acquired will render him an oracle at his clubs, until the more recent arrival of some other epicurean from the French capital deposes his brief sovereignty. The Idler in France
  • Perhaps they should have to pass their cycling proficiency test before climbing aboard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new 100% Proficiency scheme has also brought an added bonus - a rapid reduction in the amount of waste materials during training.
  • The gags almost seem muted by the technical proficiency of a practiced master of cinema.
  • Even if greater gains in proficiency are not made in later years, it is generally accepted that a stable faculty is one characteristic of a healthy, well performing school and that high teacher turnover is detrimental. Matthew Yglesias » Paying for the Experience that Counts
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  • The onus is on the applicant to satisfy the officer of claimed language proficiency.
  • A revamped cycling proficiency test will be rolled out across the UK. The Sun
  • A relationship between a child's age and proficiency in early math skills also exists.
  • The great Democratic presidents were not merely shrewd enough to balance their domestic programmes with a proficiency at fighting wars.
  • The museum at the department and several other achievements are testimony to Dr. Narayanan's proficiency.
  • McCain sponsored a bill in the Senate last year to grant citizenship to people who met conditions such as paying back taxes and speaking English with proficiency. Immigration issues divide GOP candidates
  • Nick's proficiency with computers is well-known.
  • Evidence of basic proficiency in English is part of the admission requirement.
  • And so it came to pass that daily thereafter did we practise for an hour or so in the armoury with sword and buckler, and with every lesson my proficiency with the iron grew in a manner that Falcone termed prodigious, swearing that I was born to the sword, that the knack of it was in the very blood of me. The Strolling Saint; being the confessions of the high and mighty Agostino D'Anguissola, tyrant of Mondolfo and Lord of Carmina in the state of Piacenza
  • The technical proficiency came from a family of builders and engineers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course.
  • Willie, because of his proficiency as a chirographer, always wrote the date line in the register. Anderson Crow, Detective
  • According to the correlation between language teaching and testing, language tests involve five basic types:proficiency test, aptitude test, achievement test, diagnostic test, placement test.
  • His proficiency as a surgeon is well known.
  • The gags almost seem muted by the technical proficiency of a practiced master of cinema.
  • He made little proficiency in literary accomplishments.
  • He deeply explored notions of love, Europe, and identity, and was a polyglot who insisted that linguistic proficiency was the key to overcoming misunderstandings and ignorance.
  • This means, however, that the mother may lose not only her proficiency in her job, but also the regular salary increments that go along with normal performance.
  • Nowhere in his transformative pedagogy is academic language proficiency challenged.
  • With the support of his commander, a battalion master marksman would improve marksmanship proficiency in the light infantry battalions.
  • Added to these qualities has been the extremely high technical proficiency of Italian goalkeepers. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • It may sound simple enough, but familiarity with the gear and proficiency in these basic skills is imperative when you are on top of a mountain in a howling gale.
  • Second, his indifference to business proficiency as a qualification for his closest companions.
  • The classes consist of immigrants, and students who will return to their home countries at the end of the course. The latter group are preparing for the Cambridge Proficiency Certificate.
  • Both in Spain and southern France accompanying instruments struck with plectra or twanged with the fingers were adopted at a very early period, and the people of those parts attained to a high state of proficiency -- so much so indeed as to have rendered the cultivation of this description of music a national characteristic with them in the use of such instruments. The Violin Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators
  • The cross-questioning ranged from his birth, family background, education, hobbies, language proficiency to, most disgracefully, whether he had defaulted on a mission assigned by his superiors.
  • The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition.
  • It clarifies how developing inflections, particularly tense markers, align with aspect categories and how this association varies across proficiency level.
  • Evidence of basic proficiency in English is part of the admission requirement.
  • This analogy suggests that comparing the language proficiency of a monolingual with a bilingual's dual language or multilingual proficiency is similarly unjust.
  • Many years ago, while teaching middle school Language Arts as a long-term substitute in a school located in a Brooklyn neighborhood in which many John Jay school students live, I stumbled upon a trick -- a quick, one-question diagnostic test for Language Arts proficiency: a Math problem. Michele Somerville: Fast One at 'Apartheid High'
  • It's a challenge for parents to maintain bilingualism -- what's called heritage language proficiency -- and also assure that kids get top notch English skills. As Betty and Wilma say, "CHARGE!"
  • They are skilled manipulators who lie with the proficiency of long practice.
  • Although they function closely together, language proficiency and academic achievement are two distinct constructs and should be measured separately.
  • Every test will inevitably measure both what the learner knows about the particular subject matter and the learner's proficiency in the particular language.
  • Two self-assessment benchmarks are used: the perceived language proficiency of francophone peers and the difficulty represented by specific everyday tasks in French.
  • It would also be useful to detail his proficiency in three languages. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chapter acts of the cathedral for 12 March 1544 mention ‘Jacobus Clement Pbro’ presbyter, and on 26 March Clemens was nominated succentor ‘per modum probae’; the fact that he had to pass a proficiency examination indicates that he was hardly known. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Schuster authored two books on Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro, and is fluent in his native Serbian/Croatian, English and Russian, with proficiency in Slovak, Macedonian and San Antonio Business News - Local San Antonio News | The San Antonio Business Journal
  • To say that The Fellowship of the Ring boasts astonishing art direction, smart editing, and any number of fantastic ‘cinematic’ vestitures should not take away from the economy and proficiency of its screenplay.
  • What they could not forgive, or get over, was the extraordinary circumstantiality of the fictions which with she had gulled them: to be able to invent lies with such proficiency meant that you had been born with a criminal bent. — The Getting of Wisdom
  • But in order to initiate this interplay, the creator - the artist - must have some measure of skill or technical proficiency in his or her craft.
  • Penalty corner hits are an additional weapon to his accomplished all-round proficiency.
  • The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition.
  • In time, I achieved a certain pathetic proficiency; I mastered a Bourrée by Bach, a couple of simple pop songs, and found myself a mate. A Conversation with Chris Stewart, author of Driving Over Lemons
  • Proficiency in woodcraft required an intimate, hands-on knowledge of the woods.
  • Their "plain" styles are really just exercises in banality, studiously avoiding the "literary" because to attempt something other than bare proficiency would reveal the aesthetic void at the core of their work. Narrative Strategies
  • Yet he was a rebel with a cause, and was able to prove it by showing early proficiency at writing. Times, Sunday Times
  • To sum up, do in Rome as Rome does, but you need not worry about these cultural barriers since most Chinese are hospitable and amiable and will not mind your nonproficiency.
  • With smooth proficiency, the trimmers backed the jib, and the mainsail was eased, swinging the bow around.
  • We could argue whether AAVE is a language or a dialect, whether it should be treated as a second language for instructional purposes, or how exactly one proves proficiency in AAVE. I don’t care if you don’t like it, it’s a fact « Motivated Grammar
  • You need a whole other level of proficiency, to be able to film close to real time and to be consistent.
  • The contract linguist must be able to obtain a Top Secret security clearance and undergo a language proficiency screening.
  • The CIA is larded with Russian specialists left over from the cold war, even as the agency struggles to recruit and train officers with proficiency in other tongues.
  • Although not trained in astronomy, she quickly showed a unique proficiency in analyzing photographic plates.
  • Moreover, I rejoice that next year is just the season for the triennial examinations, and you should start for the capital with all despatch; and in the tripos next spring, you will, by carrying the prize, be able to do justice to the proficiency you can boast of. Hung Lou Meng
  • I haven't attempted to master its intricacies yet, but no doubt we shall both acquire some sort of proficiency in time.
  • Equally adept at comedy and drama, Cranham has played bumbling detectives, passionate army dentists and good-hearted pastors with equal proficiency.
  • Inevitably, this is a drop from the 1970s, before the age of the electronic calculator, when, at its peak, 3.2 million pupils sat at the national soroban proficiency exam in a year. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • With smooth proficiency, the trimmers backed the jib, and the mainsail was eased, swinging the bow around.
  • '' One pilot was giving the other pilot what we call a proficiency check, and the accident occurred, '' FAA spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said. Undefined
  • Don't get depressed - bird identification is difficult and there is no quick way to proficiency.
  • Thames watermen and Tyne keelmen in particular acquired an astounding proficiency in the choice and application of abusive epithets, but of the two the keelman carried off the palm. The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • Proficiency in computer applications, word processing capability, standard Mandarin.
  • What it does test is verbal ability, not your proficiency in topics you learned in English class.
  • But technical proficiency does not equal good music, nor does it prevent that music from being boring, from being bloated, self-indulgent twaddle.
  • His proficiency as a newscaster also lent credibility to this inherently incredible story.
  • Don't get depressed - bird identification is difficult and there is no quick way to proficiency.
  • The goal of this kind of programme is for students to achieve some degree of proficiency in the language.
  • Proficiency and Qualification badges are worn either on a brassard on the right arm or directly on the jersey.
  • The state, for whatever reason, the Regents, changed the definition of what they call proficiency. John C. Fager: New York Matters: Mayoral Control and Denial
  • Others are choosing to demonstrate competency by completing the proficiency examinations in one or more of these areas.
  • It said in the job ad that they wanted proficiency in at least two languages.
  • This study demonstrated that reading attitudes transfer from first to second language but as distinct from transfer of reading abilities and strategies, the influence of second language proficiency is much weaker. Barriers to Reading Comprehension « Literacy Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • His Masonic erudition is about as great and as little as his proficiency in Kabbalah; he quotes Carlyle as "an authority," applies the term orthodox to French Freemasonry exclusively, whereas the developments of the Fraternity in France have always had a heterodox complexion, while his tripartite classification of the 33 degrees of that rite and of the Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • All academic documents show the student admissible except for language proficiency.
  • Most are, like their American counterparts, far from fluent in a foreign language, hence the need for greater attention to proficiency.
  • After two years he received the certificate of the college for proficiency in chemistry.
  • The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition.
  • Because of his lack of proficiency in English, discovered later, Roberto began the semester withdrawn and unengaged.
  • Proficiency is a sum total of special skills, knowledge, and practical experience enabling a naval officer to perform particular functions and duties.
  • The 11-year-old fell in the road after school just hours after passing her cycle proficiency test. The Sun
  • Only 7 percent of black children in the eighth grade read at a level of proficiency.
  • The MacBook Pro line in early summer 2011 received new Sandy Bridge processors to accelerate proficiency with no aesthetic differences from previous uni- body design. News
  • The test results were used as an index of language proficiency.
  • To secure your donkey while you sleep, dine, sightsee or shop, you'll need to demonstrate proficiency with the chair or bowline knot.
  • Her gift is a pop proficiency that's rarer than musicianship in that she keeps people curious.
  • But when, in the Nicolai order, the time for this study arrived, so far from being pleased to find his instructions anticipated, or welcoming such promise of future greatness, -- so far from rejoicing in his pupil's proficiency, the pedagogue chafed at the insult offered to his system by this empiric antepast. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • He taught himself to carve to a high degree of proficiency.
  • The gags almost seem muted by the technical proficiency of a practiced master of cinema.
  • Evidence of basic proficiency in English is part of the admission requirement.
  • Amidst these offences of foulness and violence, and so many iniquities, are sins of men, who are on the whole making proficiency; which by those that judge rightly, are, after the rule of perfection, discommended, yet the persons commended, upon hope of future fruit, as in the green blade of growing corn. The Confessions
  • He taught himself to carve to a high degree of proficiency.
  • Still, he was proud that his arts subcaste status mirrored his proficiency in the mainstream disciplines of the larger technological caste, such as computer science and the various maths. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire
  • The budget will increase to 30 million over three years, to be spent on a new cycling proficiency test and improved cycling lanes to schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • The confectionary, which is the test of a lady's proficiency in gastronomic science, was of great variety, and exceedingly good. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • This proficiency is certainly essential in preventing boundary transgressions and violations in treatment, but it is also important in avoiding diagnostic errors of overemphasis or underemphasis.
  • “Go whack the foozle” is the jist of many quests, combat proficiency is very much required to make it through some of the higher level areas, and bragging rights often center around how much damage you can do in a single strike. MMOG Nation » The Beat of a Different Swordsman
  • Our goal is not to over-saturate pilots, but allow them to develop proficiency in basic skills and then introduce more demanding tasks.
  • The only way to truly obtain proficiency is to read blogs. Economics Education for High School Students, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In my day they visited for road safety talks and cycling proficiency tests. The Sun
  • Such was the proficiency of the family's use of sign language that when the mother wanted to express her feelings to the daughter, she felt able to do that more effectively by signing than by speaking.
  • Volunteers who sign contracts specifying their tasking designation can be assigned to military units only upon passing proficiency tests.
  • Others achieved considerable proficiency and could carry on extended conversations.
  • From beginning to end, these volumes afford almost continued specimens of perfection in the art of "quizzing," and may therefore be particularly indicated to such as are anxious to acquire proficiency in that way. The American Quarterly Review, No. 17, March 1831
  • This led to a broader approach to teaching programmes and abolished the link between Proficiency marks and secondary education.
  • The "bac" serves two purposes: it sets a standard for what French high school graduates know and can do, and it serves as a moment of consequence for French young people: they cannot move forward until they have proved their proficiency. Charles Kolb: Educational Success: America's New Industrial Policy
  • From initial performance reviews of new hires, it is determined that the employees' average proficiency in problem solving is 25 percent.
  • That one risen eukaryotic who california high school proficiency exam preciously ependyma the quack pungently a allhallows or tambala that overcoating and one that unerringly does. POWET.TV
  • Proficiency in some preliminary asanas will speed your learning and go a long way toward preventing problems in Headstand.
  • For the Fon people, the primacy of Eshu (whom they call Legba) comes about through his linguistic ability, his proficiency at communicating.
  • Two years of experience that had polished her technical proficiency. Christianity Today
  • The principal component, as always, is lack of language proficiency.
  • I brought her proficiency up to the required level.
  • In short, the minnow's biological proficiency does little to foster its survival in the modified world to which this fish desperately clings.
  • The trial laws replace pure power with technical proficiency. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his view the pupils received an excellent grounding in the key subjects of reading, writing and arithmetic, and if they passed Proficiency and then left school they had the basic skills to enter the workforce.
  • practice greatly improves proficiency
  • The proficiency testing algorithm is used to detect deviations from acceptable performance that may affect the accreditation of a laboratory.
  • Communicative competence is a theory of the nature of such knowledge and proficiency.
  • Perhaps they should have to pass their cycling proficiency test before climbing aboard. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wrote about meeting Deborah Ball a while back, she taught me that like any profession, there are objective, clear, and assessable gradations of attainment in teaching proficiency. 10 posts from December 2009
  • The confectionary, which is the test of a lady's proficiency in gastronomic science, was of great variety, and exceedingly good. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • Daughters, you have the opportunity to earn snowflakes for proficiency, and to help bethels who need your assistance.
  • The music was hot, but the proficiency of the musicians was eye popping.
  • The reason that the gap between E3 and E1 is so hard to bridge is that (a) the language described for EFL teaching purposes bears only a notional resemblance to the language used by native speakers (as corpus linguists have demonstrated) and (b) the likelihood of most EFL learners ever achieving native-like proficiency is remote, to say the least (not to mention issues of appropriacy, identity etc). C is for Conditional (the Third) « An A-Z of ELT
  • 4 Among the Revolutionists were many surgeons, and in vivisection they attained marvellous proficiency. Chapter 21: The Roaring Abysmal Beast
  • This place just proves the theory that there's an inverse relationship between attractiveness and proficiency in math.
  • That a Heinlein character is nicknamed “slipstick” for his proficiency with the slide rule is a minor lapse of imagination in a future of moving highways, extraterrestrial colonies, asteroid mining, interstellar travel, near-immortality and other technological marvels. The Computer I Want for Christmas, and Other Thoughts
  • At least that's what I think he said, my proficiency in the "niggaz" language is pretty low. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Thus, drooling and slobbering, we earned our cooking proficiency badges with flying custard and went of to the jamboree to entertain our parents.
  • The contents are similarly sweet, gloriously adventuresome pop crafted with astonishing ambition and proficiency, even while being loopily sloppy and self-referential.
  • The results show neither a significant main effect of rhetorical task type nor a significant interaction effect between task type and English proficiency or writing anxiety.
  • Although most of the people discussing this topic were not of the age to sit Proficiency we had examinations each term and took them seriously.
  • With smooth proficiency, the trimmers backed the jib, and the mainsail was eased, swinging the bow around.
  • His command of six strings incorporates a hair-raising degree of proficiency and versatility from tingling jangles to hypnotic jigs and ragged fragments of blues.
  • This promotes language proficiency to at least the same level of attention and importance as being able to drive the unit's vehicle of choice out of the motor pool.
  • Their "plain" styles are really just exercises in banality, studiously avoiding the "literary" because to attempt something other than bare proficiency would reveal the aesthetic void at the core of their work. Narrative Strategies
  • Of these, dexterity or technical proficiency is considered to be of paramount importance among surgical trainees.
  • While I would agree that it can only help your proficiency, it should not stifle creativity.
  • The principal component, as always, is lack of language proficiency.
  • There was not a man of the 150 attempting to represent two service squadrons who had not at some period balanced his life against his proficiency with the rifle, and who had not realised that on service his firelock was the soldier's best and staunchest friend. On the Heels of De Wet
  • They learn how to game the system, which is not hard, because our whole elementary and secondary education system outside of the Advanced Placements (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) test proficiency of regurgitation, not the profoundness of our thinking, or really our ability to think and reason well. Brian Ross: Rather than Race to the Top, We Should Have Started Fixing Education There
  • I believe there is an integrity that is lost when a piece chosen for exhibiting masterful writing skill is chopped down to mere syntactical proficiency and stripped of its essence.
  • She encouraged us to use our ears, rather than rely on our technical proficiency on a particular instrument. Times, Sunday Times
  • At school, she was barely able to wield a badminton racket with any proficiency and here she was in a swordfight.
  • Our readers must not suppose that his proficiency is merely of an ordinary kind, or that his notoriety is another species of Barnumism. Music and Some Highly Musical People
  • In the language teaching world "proficiency" is rated on a scale from novice to superior, with lots of steps along the way. Learning the language
  • People who work on crowded waterways seem to acquire an extraordinary proficiency in the art of abuse, and in the said art a keelman is much superior to the Thames bargeman. The Romance of the Coast
  • In a sense, an extensive vocabulary appears to have mistakenly become a touchstone by which one's English proficiency is judged and assessed.
  • When I had perambulated the length and breadth of the classes, M. Pelet turned and said to me — “Would you object to taking the boys as they are, and testing their proficiency in English?” The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Also road signs are symbols, not words, so English proficiency is not required. No-English Traffic Ticket » E-Mail
  • This will help you to compete with those who have more technical proficiency but less work experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given his prolific output and consistent proficiency, it is testimony to the niggardly artistic heart of the big publishing houses that there hasn't even been a Selected - leave alone a Collected - volume of his poems.
  • The trial laws replace pure power with technical proficiency. Times, Sunday Times
  • His proficiency as a surgeon is well known.
  • For centuries commanders have recognized that military proficiency requires prior study and exercise.
  • I applaud her technical proficiency. Times, Sunday Times
  • By virtue of its brisk flow from one pose ( "asana") to the next, the progressively difficult set sequence of asanas and the style in which Ashtanga is traditionally taught ( "Mysore style", which originated in Mysore, India, and in which the student is "given" the next asana in the sequence only when the teacher has determined that some level of proficiency has been attained in all of the poses already being practiced by the student), Ashtanga demands daily practice if a student wishes to progress within the system to more challenging asanas and, ideally, a quieter mind, which is what yoga is supposed to be about. Lauren Cahn: Posh-Asana: Do You Have To Be Rich To Do Yoga?
  • It is about technical proficiency and power in the contact area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, it's about the individual garment and its technical proficiency. Times, Sunday Times
  • The MacBook Pro line in early summer 2011 received new Sandy Bridge processors to accelerate proficiency with no aesthetic differences from previous uni- body design. News
  • Students must now pass proficiency exams in order to enter and graduate from high school, replacing the system of social promotion.
  • “Lieutenant Darren Ditillo, a seasoned space traveler with proficiency in astrometric analysis.” Star Trek Voyager Mosaic
  • Perhaps they should have to pass their cycling proficiency test before climbing aboard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rifleman who attains proficiency _focuses his eye on the target while aiming_, but he glances at one sight and then the other to see that they are aligned properly, then back at the target, and at the instant of discharge _his eye is on the target_. Manual of Military Training Second, Revised Edition
  • Yet, he was a skilled bear killer, and the shared proficiency of hunter and quarry added another level of compulsion to the stories.
  • Demands for technical proficiency and joint capability have exacted a price on today's officers in the form of complex and extended career and professional military education demands.

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