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How To Use Professorial In A Sentence

  • While we are unable to offer a professorial chair we cannot compete on a level playing field with the Universities.
  • Bald, bespectacled and soft-spoken to a fault, he looks less hip than shyly professorial.
  • Short and rounded, his Viennese accent rumbling professorially, Grunwald was saved from pomposity by a quick wit, especially about himself. A MAN OF SUBSTANCE
  • Hand in hand with their honorable endeavours on behalf of this loftier aim have proceeded their attempts to defeudalize the monarchy to the utmost, with the sole purpose of substituting for the aristocratic guardians of the throne guardians speaking with professorial authority. Political Parties; a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy
  • He rarely gave interviews, but in 1984 he told Reuters, described as professorial and puffing on a cigar, "I suppose I'm a piece of national treasure, well-protected and immune from all kinds of turbulence. Lineal Descendant of Confucius Fostered Tradition
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  • Dallek: You bet Obama's 'professorial' - and that's a good thing Obama: 'We have run out of time,' summons leaders to White House as debt talks flounder Super Bowl XX, the team will finally get a meet and greet with the president. NY Daily News
  • She behaves professorially.
  • He had very clear brown eyes in a round face with small, neat features and an academician 's professorial fringe of thinning hair. DESTROY THE KENTUCKY
  • So what's he doing in his professorially cluttered Stockholm office talking about precommercial interfaces and chain capital? SCIENCE AND SAVVY
  • Martin Russell Crowe, professorial, mustachioed, monocled, wedding ring, looking up from an old volume of Hölderlin, pulling up his lederhosen: You have lost your "disquiet," which means you have found the way to your innermost, purest feminine essence. Philocrites: Martin & Hannah: The movie!
  • When she puts on her black-rimmed reading glasses to study the handouts, she suddenly looks professorial.
  • Mr. Haroun, whose buttoned-down appearance lends him a professorial air, took the title of his film from a line of verse by the famed Martinique poet Aimé Césaire, who wrote "a screaming man is not a dancing bear. The Stubborn Silence of 'A Screaming Man'
  • Through a kind of incantatory or sacrificial rite, they try to call up and reinstate the tropes, schemas or words which to them distinguish professorial language. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • As those among them who are useful idiots leave their professorial chairs, due to age, maybe, just maybe, we will all get a little intellectual fresh air in academe, and thus in public life. Coexist, or, Religious Liberty Considered by a Non-Lawyer
  • His disarming professorial habit of asking hard-boiled members of the press to repeat his words of wisdom after him (which he himself has repeated anyhow) somehow never seems offensive.
  • Professorial titles are commonly awarded even to nonteaching clinicians, although usually without involving tenured or probationary appointments.
  • Obama was in professorial mode, so it wasn't exactly riveting, but he made a couple of interesting points. Your Right Hand Thief
  • About 1773 he became junior professorial assistant to the professor of anatomy at Alfort veterinary school.
  • WHAT THE BUDDHA TAUGHT BY WALPOLA RAHULA, 1959, 1978, a well known Sri Lankan intellectual and Buddhist scholar, who in 1964, became the Professor of History and Religions at Northwestern University, thus becoming the first bhikkhu to hold a professorial chair in the Western world. Boors versus Buddhists
  • So what's he doing in his professorially cluttered Stockholm office talking about precommercial interfaces and chain capital? SCIENCE AND SAVVY
  • He will also hold a new endowed professorial chair in cancer and stem cell biology.
  • His professorial authority is widely respected.
  • Michael is a professorial fellow in linguistics.
  • I wish Obama would give pithier answers, be a bit less professorial. Matthew Yglesias » Obama Presser
  • I'd actually taught the video to my under-grads, read and responded to helpful blogs by several of my favorite professorial types, and grilled my tween daughter about the prison scene (which looks a lot like her other Mom's "illicit" HBO film, Stranger Inside, shot on the same location, which looks like the many women in prison exploitation flicks it campily quoted). Alexandra Juhasz: Lady Professor Sings the Blues
  • While the latter is lean and of average height, and often described as professorial, Odierno is well over 6 feet tall, built like a football lineman and sports a cleanly shaven head. Stars and Stripes
  • Robert C. Wood, whose book popularized the word "suburbia," set down his drink and was professorially patient. Martin Nolan: ''The Vice President is The Only Person The President Can't Fire.''
  • Between 1997 and 2001, at least a dozen professorial level scholars of Asia were headhunted for strategic jobs elsewhere.
  • He had very clear brown eyes in a round face with small, neat features and an academician 's professorial fringe of thinning hair. DESTROY THE KENTUCKY
  • professorial demeanor
  • He took up an academic position at the university, where he attained professorial standing.
  • He dressed professorially.
  • I was one of the first two professorial appointments to be made from outside the institution.
  • He concluded that Rachel Maddow is too nice, Chris Matthews too uncreative, and Lawrence O'Donnell too professorially subdued. Ed Schultz-Jon Stewart Feud Breaks Out
  • It is clearly time to eschew uses of the term professorial that imply a cold, condescending person who is unable to think or speak clearly. FemaleScienceProfessor
  • The government of San Marino should be advised the Flea stands ready for any offers of citizenship or professorial sinecures.
  • Tall and broad, large spectacles framing his eyes beneath a springy mop of blond professorial hair, Denève is not one to blend into the background.
  • However, he retains his professorial title and benefits at the University of Washington.
  • In 1967, he took his first professorial position.
  • At the age of 55, he briefly returned to professorial life.
  • They would aim for the muscle that Tariq, in a professorial voice, called the deltoid A Thousand Splendid Suns
  • she behaved very professorially
  • But of this the great majority have no feeling, but are merely hireling and professorial; except when it occasionally happens that some workman of acuter wit and covetous of honor applies himself to a new invention, which he mostly does at the expense of his fortunes. The New Organon
  • There was too much reliance on professorial authority and ideas learnt many years before.
  • His manner is not so much regal as professorial.
  • He is often described as professorial and has written a number of academic papers on monetary policy. Acting Chief Says Disputes
  • She scrutinizes the menu professorially and chooses a chicken salad.
  • Then we picked a professorial type we'd most like to split a spliff with or have dated back in college. Adam Neiman: The Blame Game
  • A professorial older gentlemen gets out of his car.
  • About 1773 he became junior professorial assistant to the professor of anatomy at Alfort veterinary school.
  • He will hold a new endowed professorial chair in cancer and stem cell biology.
  • In answer to the professorial desire for control, students can effectively dissimulate the appearance of learning.
  • Not two sentences into their answer the terms pedantic and didactic were employed with professorial authority. Build Blog » A Vocabulary List for Architects Who Want to Get Things Built
  • Dressed in a beige cardigan sweater, corduroys and rimless glasses, he exudes a polite, professorial air.
  • `Forgive me," he said, reverting to his old, professorial jollity. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • “Ed has a bad feeling about this one, boys and girls,” he announced, leaning back in the leather chair at the head of the conference table, peering professorially over his half glasses. The Girls He Adored
  • Despite the substantial contributions he had made to topology by this time, Brouwer chose to give his inaugural professorial lecture on intuitionism and formalism.
  • Nevertheless, CNN has talked to a "language analyst" who gets paid to "[analyze and catalogue] trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture," and they report that Obama was too "professorial," and now America is at grave risk of not passing its midterm exams on the oil spill. Obama Oil Spill Speech Criticized By CNN's Language Analyst For Not Being Moronic Enough [UPDATE]
  • But if you remove his professorial spectacles and lose the highbred, New England accent, Bush the First was as manly as they come. Barry Bortnick: Of Presidents and Men
  • As he professorially cleared his throat ( "Well, you know, I …"), a sharp laugh erupted from Hillary, who exclaimed, "I want to hear this! How He Did It
  • He had known she would be, even though he was no longer dressed in the good, professorial tweeds she expected him to wear. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • He looks at it all too professorially.
  • His beard gives him a very professorial look.
  • He doubted Tzizvvt held any professorial position or was a scholar of any kind.
  • Mark Wooden is a professorial research fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic Research.
  • He is described as professorial, calm, cool, technocratic, a lover of argument and debate. I cite
  • He says these words in a somewhat pretentious voice, his hand rubbing his chin almost professorially.
  • Leo ran his hand through his beard professorially. Unprecedented weirdness
  • Along with his hospital colleagues, he strongly promoted meetings featuring internationally renowned academics, but realised that the overwhelming need was to establish a professorial chair of otolaryngology at Sydney University.
  • What might be called a professorial simplicity is seen in many of Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • He had known she would be, even though he was no longer dressed in the good, professorial tweeds she expected him to wear. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • His glasses were solid black frames with rather square lenses that gave a harsh professorial authority to his gentle blue eyes behind them.
  • I'm not sure if he's scouting future talent or having a little professorial fun with us.
  • I could then resume my life of genteel professorial poverty and quiet self-destruction. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • Patch is an associate professorial professor at the U.S.
  • By the 1920's the German historical school was on its last legs but still ensconced in the professorial chairs.
  • I raised my voice to a professorial tone.

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