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How To Use Produce In A Sentence

  • By adding the chlorides of strontian, uranium, potassium, sodium, iron, or copper to the liquid, various effects may be produced, and these bodies will be found to produce the same color on the plate that their flame gives to alcohol. American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype
  • Having drop-dead gorgeous, private, windowed offices makes it a lot easier to recruit the kinds of superstars that produce ten times as much as the merely brilliant software developers.
  • Apart from paintings he produced a good deal of graphic work, including numerous book illustrations in lithograph and woodcut.
  • Hmm... a bit of Googling produces this short book review by Charles Solomon, which has the line: "As an essayist, Didion lacks the hyaline profundity of Susan Sontag or the classical erudition of Marguerite Yourcenar ... Making Light: Open thread 136
  • Hale and hearty, though aged, strong-featured, with the tough and leathery skin produced by long years of sunbeat and weatherbeat, his was the unmistakable sea face and eyes; and at once there came to me a bit of Kipling's A Winner of the Victoria Cross
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Master English with Ease
  • He looked a bit worried when I sat down at the table and produced a bunch of inhalers, some pills, a bottle of cough syrup and some throat lozenges and proceeded to stuff them all into my mouth…
  • If the point of the tongue be placed between the teeth, and air from the mouth be forced between them, the Th sibilant is produced, as in thigh, and should have a proper character, as [TN: Looks like the Greek 'phi']. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • Stoke's summer signing from Wolves could only produce a tame shot that went into the ground. The Sun
  • While the alpine end of the sport needs only cold weather to produce skiable terrain, cross-country must have snow.
  • Acrylamide is produced during cooking, particularly high-temperature processes such as frying and roasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jim had hustled over quietly and begun to help out with the horseshoeing, expecting ridicule from the likes of Hugh Glass or old Zeke Williams, who had just arrived at the rendezvous, but, to his surprise, the fact that he was married to a woman of such pure fire produced the very opposite of the effect he had feared. The Berrybender Narratives
  • Get an up close insight on the early song writing technics that produced several timeless Lynyrd Skynyrd Albums. Ronnie Van Zant Speaks « Lynyrd Skynyrd Dixie
  • Gradually coffee came to replace maize as the main agricultural produce of the community and foodstuffs were bought with surplus cash.
  • United Brands produced bananas, and was accused of a variety of abusive practices which were said to infringe Article 86.
  • Fuss' photograms have reproduced water droplets, birds in flight, moving light and even a trail of snakes moving across light-sensitive paper, dusted with talcum powder.
  • He said the long term vision of the ginnery is to establish a fully fledged textile industry, which will produce finished materials if the company started producing more lint than what the customers could take.
  • But he railed against subsidies for ethanol producers and other provisions of the bill that he called unneeded, unnecessary, unwanted sweeteners ' ' to win votes for the package. Tax-Cut Bill Draws Wide Support in Senate
  • The producer disliked the script and demanded a rewrite.
  • Several hormones are produced from cholesterol like estrogen and testosteron, cortison and aldactone. Physiology or Medicine 1985 - Press Release
  • The portrait, reputed to be the most widely reproduced photograph in the world, has come to symbolize not just the ideals of the Cuban revolution but of revolution in general.
  • Here's what the magazine reproduces from his award citation.
  • The new pump should produce an additional 220,000 liters per hour.
  • Despite having all the appropriate authorisations in their possession, they were unable to produce the program for which they had travelled to the country.
  • Someone co-ordinated with the radio or TV producers and sponsors, and held a larger vision of the whole than either performer or listener could.
  • Care and skill in the use of dyes can produce products that resist bleeding, crocking, frosting, and discoloration. HOME COMFORTS
  • In the early 1800s, the French weaver Joseph Jacquard invented a loom in which a series of punched cards controlled the patterns of cloth and carpet produced.
  • The slump in prices was largely attributed to inferior quality tea being produced by various India gardens.
  • Advertising was forbidden, and the idea that one master guildsman might produce a better product than his colleagues was regarded as treasonable. The Worldly Philosophers
  • The wandering wraiths, addicts and drunks that you see around town didn't just come about out of the blue - they were produced by the education system.
  • It has appointed a working group to produce a workable plan by the end of April. Times, Sunday Times
  • The grannom, and the reaction it seems to produce in fish, can prove a head-scratcher. Times, Sunday Times
  • This company's workhorse is lemna, also known as duckweed-a tiny, aquatic clonal plant that doubles its biomass every 36 hours-and is skilled at making proteins that mammalian cells struggle, and often fail, to produce. News from The Scientist
  • Finally, dissatisfaction with housing conditions produced schemes for slum clearance or improvement and substantial house-building programmes.
  • When prices fall, commodity producers can maintain profitability by cutting costs or increasing output.
  • Tribal traditions and a male-dominated reading of Islam have produced a deeply rooted ideology of women as temptresses, who must be kept under control to avoid "fitna" or social strife, thereby safeguarding the "peace of Islam. Ida Lichter, M.D.: Afghan Women's Movements Deserve More From the West
  • Produced by the BBC's network current affairs unit in Manchester, Real Story will have a three series run of 28 programmes.
  • Appropriately, seborrhea by itself is a condition whereby the skin produces to much oiliness. Psoriasis Guru » Blog Archive » Scalp Psoriasis Vs. Seborrheic Dermatitis
  • Instead of emitting light, like a laser, the maser emits microwave energy at a specific frequency, which produces a very specific ticking.
  • And the more people who go see them, the more "bankable" Nicolas Cage becomes in the eyes of Hollywood producers, which in turn allows Nicolas Cage to make more movies.
  • In 2004, when Merck's brand of simvastatin, known as Zocor, was about to go off patent, Merck teamed up with Schering-Plough to produce a new patented product called Vytorin, a combination of simvastatin and Zetia. Zetia: Down for the count?
  • To comply with the new regs, U.S. farmers and food processors would have to completely change the way they grow, store, produce, and transport their goods.
  • In the early 1980s, the term telepresence was coined to refer to the use of remote control and the feedback of sensory information to produce the impression of being in another place, an idea which is now part of virtual reality.
  • Of course they spoke of their brew as if it were a medicinal cure-all when in reality they produced highly refined and greatly prized moonshine.
  • Consequently, Muir believes, biotech fish could quickly decimate a fish population by their increased ability to produce damaged young.
  • That's about four acres under cultivation - enough to produce a total harvest last year of about 10,000 bundles.
  • Scented candles, especially the industrial strength and size that many people light around the holidays, give off more than fragrance-studies show they produce tiny bits of pollution known as particulates that can inflame the respiratory tract and aggravate asthma, Dr. Sublett says. Top headlines
  • The hot-cross buns are still iced by hand in the bakery, and the produce comes primarily from local growers in season.
  • In the case of darker parts of the internet, the algorithms produce a destructive positive feedback effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) has the ability to survive in a highly acidic environment, which is what makes it such a nasty tooth-decayer: remember, it’s the acid bacteria produce as they consume carbohydrates that eats away at tooth enamel. Paging all you "Face on Mars" believers...
  • Birding could produce a veritable spring of teal.
  • Downsizing produced an increased risk of sickness absence, in line with earlier findings.
  • The string of binary digits that the machine has now produced at the left is the answer to the calculation.
  • So long as there is a demand for the produce, illegal excavations and the smuggling of antiquities will continue.
  • Chronically stressed mammals produce hormones called glucocorticoids, which can suppress certain immune-system and gonadal functions when the hormones remain elevated.
  • Madame Grès, born Germaine Krebs, was once as well-known as her contemporary Coco Chanel, but while Ms. Chanel sold mass-produced ready-to-wear, Ms. Grès designed only hand-made haute couture that sold first as the label "Alix" and later as "Madame Grès. Collecting Vintage Dresses Like Art
  • The success of our initiative is testament to the high quality calibre of the producers in our region.
  • Pierre noted that St Lucia receives some 700,000 visitors a year and it is important to produce goods visitors can enjoy.
  • He produced a knife with a six-inch blade which he waved at the guard, forcing him to back off.
  • A half-hardy annual, this variety produces tall stems topped with feathery pure-white flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • No surer sign of a female character's evilness is his disinterest or refusal to reproduce. Michael Giltz: Halloween DVDs: The Exorcist, Psycho, Troll 2 and More
  • When asked for permission to reproduce a work she granted the request and refused payment.
  • In old persons intracapsular fracture may be caused by such a trivial thing as turning in bed, and even a sudden twist of the ankle has been sufficient to produce this injury. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The process to make the cap includes positioning viscous plastic material in a mold to produce the desired retention member shape.
  • The problem is that their remarkable efficiency allows them to overproduce almost any commodity, so agriculture tends to lurch from surplus to surplus.
  • An advanced course develops existing expertise - exploring factors that influence the customer, business, produce and sales-person.
  • A catalogue has been produced to accompany the exhibition, which runs from 24 November to 18 December.
  • Back in the South Sea in Tahiti and from 1901 on the Marquesas Islands, Gauguin produced some thirty more woodcuts - mostly monotypes.
  • The awkwardness between them soon vanished when they began laughing and mocking the poorly produced film.
  • Clonal progeny may be produced by stolons, runners, rhizomes, tubers, buds on bulbs, corms and roots, layering of stems, and agamospermous seed.
  • Luckily, someone who wants to produce a bare-bones syndication feed does not need to work very hard.
  • The single-sided fish defects of KFC copper alloys applied to lead frame produced by domestic corporation were studied and analyzed by energy spectrum analysis, SEM and metallographic analysis.
  • The flavours intermingle to produce a very unusual taste.
  • It has produced high-quality DNA from various malvaceous species, and from old cotton fibers.
  • Even two songs cut with hot producer Gavin Brown and ace keyboardist Richard Bell are merely passable.
  • His respect for produce runs deep, which helps explain what makes him an intuitive, natural chef. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rebuilding the aglet that allows cells to divide helps those cancer cells reproduce and spread. You Staying Young
  • nonobvious" too easy a standard to meet. 7 It is unclear, however, whether that judgment will produce concrete effects on actual practices of patent grants and litigation. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • The Kuban produces an eighth of Russia's grain, meat and milk.
  • We also befriended a local compost supplier, a music producer and a writer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best golf of the day had been produced by the boy champion, Tim Baxter, playing off scratch.
  • As a rule of thumb, the villages of Barolo and La Morra produce the most perfumed win es, while Monforte d 'Alba and Serralunga produce more structured, powerful wines that require substantial cellaring. In Search of Barolo
  • My question is, I'm wondering if you support stem-cell research in hopes that they may produce new limbs for amputees.
  • The fruit of the fig is about as big as a rounceval pea, or very small gooseberry; and each of them, upon breaking off the stalk very close, produces one drop of a milky liquor, resembling the juice of our figs, of which the tree is indeed a species. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 13
  • When I wrote, imprecisely, that domestic subsidies for agricultural commodities are equivalent to protective tariffs, I was groping at the notion that in both cases (1) domestic consumers/taxpayers pay a premium above the world price and (2) that foreign producers are discouraged from entering the domestic market. The Case for Free Trade, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In deeper waters, not enough light penetrates the depths, which means the reef's main food producers, algae and plankton, cannot photosynthesize.
  • Through observational learning you have acquired a great number of behaviors that you could potentially produce but never do.
  • Bulgaria's State Agriculture Fund has started selecting grain producers for buying out bread wheat for the newly set up Grain Commodity Fund.
  • Only sale of the company, acquisition of another company in the same industry, or merger will produce a business of the needed size. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • Actually, they call it "pranked," and you probably think I'm talking about famous Canadian-born SNL producer Lorne Michaels, but no, no, no ... or should I say "non, non, non? The Seminal :: Independent Media And Politics
  • Soft red winter wheat and corn used were produced on farms in southeast Virginia and obtained from a local grain dealer.
  • A lengthy police investigation failed to produce any evidence on which the suspect could be convicted.
  • Both as a pointer to the future and as a spectacle in its own right, the Championships have produced a quality of football that had at least one viewer occasionally leaping from his armchair to applaud the action.
  • It is for any manufacturer who produces a cabriolet a niche product.
  • This utility allows you to alter images in such a way as to produce the best possible hard copy from your printer.
  • Even within the world of mass-produced culture, it is possible to approach the question of standardization differently.
  • Each water unit produces 15,000 liters of clean potable water a day.
  • I met fuel-injection-pump rebuilders who knew the gross margins of every nozzle and pump they produced.
  • A new plant in Scotland is being tooled up to produce these screws.
  • These used rotating discs to initiate a quasi-musical sound which was then filtered, processed and reproduced at different pitches.
  • If they fail to reproduce their kind, they have failed in their purpose; they are unconsciously ruled by the philoprogenitive passion; it is their raison d'etre, for it they are fed, clothed, trained, bred. Captivity
  • Such conditions produce overdispersion, wherein the variance exceeds the mean.
  • In a pipe organ of quality each pipe is a carefully-designed and individually-voiced musical instrument which produces only one frequency of sound.
  • It will produce electricity more cheaply than a nuclear plant.
  • The fact that other reports of excess heat do not produce these hydrides and can evolve over days or weeks suggests the opposite condition of starvation where oscillation is delayed and slow but still occurs over time as the atomic gas slowly accumulates the velocities needed to exchange time dilation for energy. Will 2010 be the Year of Zero Point Energy?
  • But the calcium scale produced when conditioned water is heated will still produce scum with soap, and will not dissolve existing scale.
  • In truth, though, Oxford did not produce the hockey they are no doubt capable of in the second period.
  • All 44 diocesan bishops and 10 suffragans were asked to attend the meeting to discuss October's Windsor Report, a document produced to examine the crisis.
  • Increased exposure and professionalism have dovetailed to produce bona fide stars—people young players can identify with—not least among them England's hard-hitting batter Claire Taylor. Women's Cricket Scores With Investment, Interest
  • Apart from portraits, Kelly painted landscapes and also pictures of Asian dancing girls that were once much reproduced in the form of popular prints.
  • The Executive undertakes to produce a coherent programme of government which the parliament is duty bound to scrutinise, debate and give assent to.
  • A talented winemaker whose drinking wine of the moment is Shiraz, Debbie has a clear idea about the wine that she likes to produce and the wine she likes to drink.
  • Experiments have demonstrated the ability to reproduce classical conditioning phenomena and robot control simulations.
  • As a producer and processor of organic products, Dirk is a successful and independent supplier of the current market demand.
  • Our woodcut is taken from the improved model produced by Mr. Stokey; no doubt Mr. Rarey took the idea of his gag-bit from the wooden gag, which has been in use among country farriers from time immemorial, to keep a horse's mouth while they are performing the cruel and useless operation of firing for lampas. A New Illustrated Edition of J. S. Rarey's Art of Taming Horses With the Substance of the Lectures at the Round House, and Additional Chapters on Horsemanship and Hunting, for the Young and Timid
  • The insect body has produced an almost infinite variety of forms.
  • They love the series and some whitehats tell em they gotta do it in three movies and some bullshit tv series..which most likely wouldnt be hbo or the like they cancelled deadwood in three seasons because it was too expensive to produce. network tv adaptation would be a catastrophe and blasphamy..they deny it probably out of respect. Ron Howard to direct DARK TOWER movie trilogy
  • Some species consist only of females that produce their daughters from unfertilized eggs, a type of reproduction called parthenogenesis.
  • The ornamentation of such objects was similar to that of the nielloed gold and silver ladles and cups produced at the Kremlin Armoury in the 16th to early 17th centuries.
  • The shop sells only fresh local produce.
  • Observers estimated the cost to farm producers and agribusiness to be over $100 million.
  • Scientists are looking for genetic variation within the breed that would allow producers to choose sires based on the beef tenderness of their progeny and other characteristics.
  • The antiproton was produced when protons from a cyclotron were used to bombard a copper target.
  • Having neither opium nor hashish on hand, and being desirous of filling his brain with twilight, he had had recourse to that fearful mixture of brandy, stout, absinthe, which produces the most terrible of lethargies. Les Miserables
  • Hence, toxic substances in air can easily reach the lung and produce harmful effects locally and in other organs.
  • The ability to produce components in a range of materials including hot-work steels, stainless steel, cobalt chromes and Inconel, plus titanium and aluminium alloys, presents the aerospace industry with large potential for direct part production using ALM. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • It is the produce of a single wine harvest in a specific year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yellow variegated leaves are still quite efficient at using the energy of sunlight to produce sugars.
  • The testicles are glands that produce sperm and the hormone testosterone.
  • Yet many people will swear that they produce almost instantaneous results. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can start a fire by rubbing two dry pieces of wood together until you produce a spark.
  • Several years ago, when we removed taxes and tariffs on all antimalaria commodities, the cost of mosquito nets sold in local markets declined, local demand for nets increased, and more small businesses entered the market to produce and supply these essential commodities. Free Trade and the Fight Against Malaria
  • Organically grown produce does not differ greatly in appearance from conventionally grown crops.
  • Every year produces a new crop of explanations, a new collection of essays, experiments, and simulations.
  • Over a sixty-year career as a writer, actor, coproducer, and activist, Fay Kanin was awarded several Emmys and Peabodys, the ACLU Bill of Rights Award, the Crystal Award from Women in Film, the Burning Bush Award from the University of Judaism, and nominations for Oscar and Tony awards. Fay Kanin.
  • But on the advice of Lightroom programmer Andy Rahm McCormack dug into the text of the software's existing template files, called presets, and adapted them to produce a custom file with a 24-frame per second rate used in some video. Crave: The gadget blog
  • That's right, vast swabs of the offending speech are reproduced under the cover of the Parliamentary privilege that had been so abused.
  • Moreover, host plant can also affect the growth and development of AM fungi, and produce different infection rate, spore-bearing rate and mycorrhiza effect.
  • We are appealing for financial support to produce flyers, posters, election advertising and other materials and for donations towards our campaign fund of €10,000.
  • It appears that some of these had rotted and produced a lethal gas which asphyxiated the crew members.
  • Film producers were the first to notice the rundown part of the city.
  • The drawings themselves will be used to produce the zinc templates from which workmen in the Minster stoneyard will work when they begin to carve the replacement stones.
  • High PO2 levels help produce an efficient decompression profile providing they are balanced against oxygen toxicity.
  • Survival depends on the neuron receiving neurotrophic factors, such as nerve growth factor, which are produced by the target tissue and for which neurons compete.
  • Many complex particle showers are produced in such interactions.
  • One particular challenge has been finding enough sterile manufacturing capacity to produce the vaccine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zilkha did however produce a graceful match of polka dots and floral patterns in drop-waist dresses which will make for a very wearable ensemble when the sun comes back next spring.
  • The former, in relation to a thing as being in the number of entities; (2.) the latter, in reference to something inherng in a thing, being present with it or one of its circumstantials -- or in reference to a thing as producing something else, or as being produced by some other -- and if there be any other affections and relations of things among themselves. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
  • Yet as blogger Wesley Elsberry discovered when he searched domain registrations, the producers registered the URL "expelledthemovie. com" on March 1, 2007 -- more than a month (and in some cases, several months) before the scientists were interviewed. Archive 2008-04-01
  • HAV infection produces a self-limited disease that does not result in chronic infection or chronic liver disease. Dr. Andrew Lange: How to Get a Sexually Transmitted Disease Without Having Sex
  • Going into a somewhat different trajectory, specifically to continue a line of speculation from a previous post on an African bridge house: can someone be fundamentally altered — like the corn they're cultivating to produce cancer cures — while living quasi-permanently in flourescent-lit dampness and hermetic seclusion, detached from the vagaries of weather, time and natural pollination, amidst pure geology? Cave Pharming
  • Specialty metals such as stainless steel, silicon electric steel, alloys and tungsten still are produced in the area.
  • The flake mica produced in the U.S. comes from several sources: the metamorphic rock called schist as a by-product of processing feldspar and kaolin resources, from placer deposits, and from pegmatites. Mica
  • Istria is planted with around 3,000 hectares of Malvazija, a white grape variety that, in the case of western Istria producer Roxanich, produces a white wine with a copper gold color, an unusual nose with notes of marzipan, a slight sherried character and a tangy minerality. Discovering Classic Croatia
  • Why don't my dahlias produce any flowers? The Sun
  • The plants I am going to use include begonias, impatiens and verbenas, which should produce solid mounds and balls of colour.
  • Vigorously develop and produce new type energy - saving construction materials, heat insulating materials and green decoration materials.
  • Yet despite variable environments, new commercially available maize hybrids continue to be produced each year with ever-increasing harvestable yield.
  • A good artist can produce a very realistic effect using only light and shade.
  • In this work, the dose distribution produced by a single, rectangular ( "planar") x-ray microbeam was simulated inside the head phantoms which had a cylindrical shape. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • years of research produced no reportable results
  • The component had been genetically engineered to produce a vaccine highly effective against all strains.
  • Under the new proposals, the degree of margin reduction for cane refiners is around two-and-a-half times greater than that for beet producers, so that the competitive imbalance between beet and cane producers would be widened.
  • The animation of insentient or nonhuman entities produces an effect of cacophony and distraction.
  • The flicker produced by fluorescent lamps is a result of the pulsing of the arc within the lamp.
  • The male form does not produce any berries and is much more vigorous with stronger growth, making it more likely to weaken its host plant over time. The Sun
  • T cells identify antigens, and the antigen-sensitised T cells produce cytokines and other soluble factors which mediate the hypersensitivity reaction, or else they develop cytotoxicity. The Different Types of Dairy Allergy
  • DEEP in the rolling Hampshire countryside is a farm that produces cheese from a steaming herd of buffalo. The Sun
  • After some halting conversation, concerned mainly with the difficulties of the day, Orpishurda produced a bottle. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Large multinational corporations produce and acquire vast volumes of information in the course of their business.
  • Many are labelled PDO protected designation of origin, indicating that the cheese has been produced in a traditional way. Insiders' guide to Greece
  • Failure to produce proof of identity could result in prosecution.
  • Mice produced reaginic antibody within 1 wk of painting with the contact sensitizing agent picryl chloride.
  • Some kind of unimaginable chemical reaction would take the natural sweat produced by us all and turn it into an emitter of light.
  • Dishes and tureens were produced in great quantities at a fraction of their cost in silver.
  • The first synthetic polymer produced by a condensation reaction was Bakelite.
  • Probably, producers thought that my being so open and acceptable to any good role that came my way was okay with them.
  • Specifically, if females respond adaptively to changes in population density, they should produce large broods of small young at low density and small broods of large young at high density.
  • One overriding principle governs farmers' markets everywhere: the producer sells direct to the consumer.
  • He is one of the best producers on the coast and his family has been growing lemons there for six generations. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the past, asbestos has been widely used by South African companies to produce a wide range of products, including gaskets, seals, brake linings, roofing sheets, gutters and other building products, waste pipes and flower pots.
  • Major producers of military and civilian outdoor tent pole bracket, leisure travel with the climbing pole, ski pole, pole competition with products such as the arrow.
  • By creating a potential difference of several kilovolts between the needle and the chamber walls, an intense electric field can be produced at the exit of the needle.
  • But a more elastic material, such as nitinol, can be used to produce an endoscope that offers a high degree of flexibility and kink resistance.
  • The dust was also mixed with clay to produce a finer quality brick. Times, Sunday Times
  • Referring to Fig. 249, it is seen that the large expansion of the bone is produced by the gradual transition of the hollow shaft of compact bone to cancellated bone, resulting in the production of a much larger volume. II. Osteology. 6c. 3. The Femur
  • Domestic shipbuilders along with cold-rolled steel companies last week asked Posco to produce a combined 600,000 metric tons steel products for "possible emergency needs" in the coming months, a Posco spokesman said. South Korean Shipbuilders Ask Posco to Raise Output
  • Data used to produce the I9X binding profile was abstracted from reference 21.
  • Copper produces a reddish tinge, which is by no means unpleasant compared with the dazzling whiteness of the nickel deposit. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • The particular form of idiocy known as cretinism is the result of this deficiency, which produces an arrest of the development of the brain cells. The Pivot of Civilization
  • Produce production can be instrumental in arresting the decline in the number of farms in some rural areas, as well as in providing an alternative to tobacco production.
  • To overcome this problem many policy papers which examine population ageing produce a variety of projections using different fertility assumptions.
  • Recent research on deaf children has produced some interesting findings about their speech.
  • On that day, the three rods with the floats produced most of the fish.
  • It also remains unclear whether consumers used to buying fresh produce will have an appetite for processed food. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is these seeds that will ultimately be crushed to produce the vegetable oil that the crop is grown for.
  • The Chinese a script so fiendishly complicated that they cannot produce a proper keyboard.
  • After six weeks, the ducks can be fed entirely on locally produced feed-sweet potatoes, taro, banana, pumpkin, choko, etc. 28 additional technical notes about tropical agriculture
  • After it moved to its Curtis Street premises 13 years ago, the enterprise started stocking organic produce.
  • An exam, or even an exciting social event may produce butterflies in the stomach.
  • With a romantic flourish, he produces a presentation box, he gently eases it open and shows his amour some fantastically expensive ring.

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