How To Use Processed In A Sentence
Sugar, fat and protein molecules are taken through the cell membrane where they are processed by the mitochondria into energy.
The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
To illustrate this I want to put a bar chart and a table from the spreadsheet in my word-processed document.
These used rotating discs to initiate a quasi-musical sound which was then filtered, processed and reproduced at different pitches.
We use the fact that processed pseudogenes and functional genes are subject to different nucleotide-substitution patterns.
So the question then is how much information has the universe processed since the Big Bang?

German saboteurs plotted a wartime bombing campaign in Britain using exploding cans of processed peas, according to secret files made public for the first time today.
This year, almost a billion birds will be processed in the region.
The cannery is the last on the island, once a world fishery center with 16 canneries that processed tuna, salmon, herring and other fish.
The American Heart Association (AHA) is reporting that Americans are eating about 22 teaspoons of sugar (or 350 calories) every day from the "added sugar" in processed foods and beverages.
Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Artificial Sweeteners: Are They Better or Worse Than the Real Thing?
The higher order position of the instruction code indicating the location of data to be processed.
It also remains unclear whether consumers used to buying fresh produce will have an appetite for processed food.
Times, Sunday Times
The fish, mostly anchovetas (small anchovies), are caught in the Pacific and are processed into fish meal, which is used as animal feed.
No logs are exported but about 70% of mahogany leaves Fiji in the relatively unprocessed form of rough sawn timber.
Sorry Tracey ... but if you go to the cooler where all processed meats are sold at costco you can buy a pack of 15 hot dogs to take home ... and it is there that the devil lies in the details ...
Shopping at Costco just got even more awesome
This transform space allows luminance and chrominance to be processed separately.
But Californian pistachios, which are harvested and processed by more sophisticated means, are usually unblemished and left undyed.
The data files are then offline processed through the software to estimate the attitude parameters.
Consider the code above and realize that any enumerated value not specifically processed by a case statement is instead processed by the default statement.
the processed milk had separated into curds and whey
For one test, a device called a reflectometer is used to measure the degree of whiteness in processed tuber samples destined to become chips.
She says that rather than counting calories, those wanting to lose weight should focus on eating healthy foods and cutting out processed products altogether.
Times, Sunday Times
It is found in most foods, with excessive amounts in processed foods.
The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
With all of their manufactured steel, vulcanized rubber, and processed plate glass, Model Ts were selling at about 25 cents a pound - perhaps the best bargain in the industrialized world.
Adding a gum system to processed cheese spreads or artificial cheese products helps modify textural difficulties and helps the end product maintain desirable functional properties.
The functional data was processed with software statistical parameter mapping 2 (SPM2). After at test to the region of interest (ROI) activated respectively by the three kinds of stimulation pictures.
They say fiber from processed and sterilized cow manure could take the place of sawdust in fiberboard, which is used to make everything from furniture to flooring to store shelves.
Cow Manure To Be Used In Furniture And Flooring | Impact Lab
Spam levels reached a yearly high in July, accounting for 77 per cent of all emails processed by BlackSpider.
North Korea got America's attention big time last month when it claimed it had reprocessed enough spent nuclear fuel rods to make plenty of nuclear weapons.
Spent fuel can be reprocessed and used for nuclear weapons.
Today's preprocessed Nashville pop music with fiddles and steel guitars and twangy vocals, UNCOOL!
Playing harsh with the field of music
He's going to replace the heady sauce and the imported cheese with processed Swiss and a ready-pack version of remoulade.
These foods include meat, eggs and processed products such as biltong and cheese.
Chapter 3
The black sludge from Venezuela is processed into a variety of petroleum products.
On this basis, the statistical calculation and correlation analysis between the passive SLF electromagnetic exploration sample data and the coal-bed gas contents were processed.
We human beings are fascinated with events that remain unprocessed.
Stoned « BuzzMachine
Payments are processed quickly and securely and credit card information is not stored once the transaction is complete.
Coffee cherries must be processed immediately after harvest to prevent spoilage.
Fresh and processed apples account for over one-half of total OP exposure and risk for children.
The retailer said that it wanted to improve profits by ensuring that all invoices are processed so they are paid on time and in full.
A megabase with three rings of security, Bagram serves as a kind of clearinghouse where troops are processed and then airlifted to their frontline positions.
Life At Bagram
Mix provides a continuously adjustable balance between processed and unprocessed signals.
Many products comprise elements belonging to different generic product categories. Whether the product is then called service, software, hardware or processed material depends on the dominant element.
At least 75 per cent of our salt is found in processed foods such as ready-made meals, some breads and breakfast cereals, meat pies, soups, sauces, and cheese.
SOUDER: The pseudoephedrine, which is essential to the making of meth, is mostly coming from pseudo -- from labs in Mexico, is where it's processed.
CNN Transcript Aug 24, 2005
Some polymers, such as most polyimides and polycarbonates, are not photosensitive and are typically processed using photoresist patterning and reactive ion etching.
Firstly(Sentencedict), the digital character is processed by mathematics morphology for its special typeface structure.
Biopsy tissues were fixed in buffered formalin and processed routinely through paraffin wax, ensuring optimal orientation at the embedding stage.
Choose wholefoods that are minimally processed.
Times, Sunday Times
They will be processed in the ordinary way, first of all through the local clergy.
With such enormous amounts of money being processed through hawala brokers they have become frequent targets of armed robbers.
Times, Sunday Times
The term ‘plastic’ has nothing to do with polymers, but refers to the plasticity or ductility of aluminum when processed under certain high temperature conditions.
Formerly, kings and queens wishing to make a ceremonial entrance to Paris had processed through the Porte St. Denis and then driven south along the rue St. Denis, perhaps to the cathedral of Notre Dame.
The Mistaken Wife
Its soil contains raw materials that might be harvested and processed into rocket fuel or breathable air.
In addition, the automated check-in facility will alert readers to current issues of periodicals as soon as they are processed.
However, many processed foods can be enriched in dietary fibre through the addition of the bran portion of whole grain.
The retailer said that it wanted to improve profits by ensuring that all invoices are processed so they are paid on time and in full.
The antral biopsy specimens were fixed in formalin and processed routinely.
Condemned by health and environmental groups across the country, GNEP means foreign nuclear waste imported and "reprocessed" to USA for more plants.
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Your personal information will be processed to fulfill your request.
The Sun
It is processed by a series of soakings, which remove the bitter taste, after which it can be boiled to make an edible jelly or dried and ground to a flour for bread-making.
Documents are bulk-processed and, then, loaded into a large online database for storage and retrieval.
A panel of trained professional tasters also found electroheated milk to be sweeter, with less bitter, oxidized and stale flavors than UHT processed milk.
But just today they again debited my account because they determined there were, indeed, two transactions processed.
Getting burned at the Mexican ATM
Meanwhile, the EU lets oilseed enter the market duty free, but imposes high duties on processed oils from Indonesia and Malaysia.
New arrivals in-processed in Japan as others enjoyed rest and relaxation leave, or prepared to rotate home after completing their tours of duty.
Unlike glucose, fructose goes straight to the liver and is processed as fat.
Times, Sunday Times
Avoid fried food, and stay clear of margarine and other processed vegetable oils.
The company also has a fish shop that sells all its processed products at a wholesale price.
Other implantables that are explanted, reprocessed, and reimplanted into new patients include orthopedic prostheses and dental appliances.
An destination his request will be formally processed.
Times, Sunday Times
As immigration laws tighten, more matrimonies are agreed and processed.
Times, Sunday Times
And from the start of the next academic year new, although as yet unspecified, standards on the content of processed foods like beefburgers, sausages and cakes will be introduced with a view to reducing fat, salt and sugar consumption.
I have eaten traditionally processed organic soy foods such as tofu, tempeh, cooked yellow and black soybeans, miso, shoyu, and tamari several times per week for more than 30 years.
For example, a patient's death in a Colorado hospital was attributed to an infection transmitted by a reprocessed cardiac catheter.
Stainless steel sheet with polished surface processed with fiber emery wheel.
The best example is forest growth - trees, while growing, absorb CO2 and emit it after the tree is lopped and processed.
A spokesman for the Clydesdale confirmed that the bank had made an error somewhere and had not processed the tape.
Data that is relatively static is preprocessed and stored as a text representation in databases enabling search engines to perform matches more quickly.
The basic form of processed gold is gold bullion, and ingots or bars of bullion would be used for very large transactions.
Organisations upload their PDF documents, which are processed and returned with the relevant accessibility features added.
If all the peptides present in a single propeptide are processed and released this would lead to a complex secretagogue.
Digital images of stained material can be easily processed in various image-editing programs.
It is then processed, cooked and eaten in various forms ranging from a sticky treacle to a dry bread.
Sugar, fat and protein molecules are taken through the cell membrane where they are processed by the mitochondria into energy.
The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
The samples were processed by immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblotting.
It is these dried beans, with their yeasty aroma, that are roasted and processed into chocolate.
This signal is then processed through four other layers of the retina and passes through the optic nerve to the lateral geniculate nucleus.
Sugar and Saline
Many international counselors are accustomed to the fresh, unprocessed foods that are the norm in many countries.
Avoid processed products as much as possible, especially white flour and white rice.
Bad Breath
It has a high oil content, is usually processed locally, and is available to the poor at low cost, especially when unpackaged.
Dimension writeback is unavailable until this dimension is included unmodified in a processed cube.
Eat fruit and vegetables and foods high in fibre but low in red and processed meat and salt.
The Sun
A video piece of handwashing by Bruce Naumann sits comfortably with a splendid display of Delft tiles; and a blue-and-white chamber pot and several life-size sofa-type objects with their "backs" made from tons of processed human feces somehow go nicely with the 1661 English delftware plate deflatingly inscribed "You and I are Earth.
Dishing the 'Dirt' on Filth
It is found in most foods, with excessive amounts in processed foods.
The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
It has also worked to lobby against compulsory traffic-light labelling on processed foods.
Times, Sunday Times
Sugar, fat and protein molecules are taken through the cell membrane where they are processed by the mitochondria into energy.
The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
Subsequently, when zeolite is chemically dissolved in a simple water solution, or when taken as a straight mineral supplement in capsule form, its therapeutic effect (i.e. benefit to you) is not as strong or beneficial as it is when combined with an all natural, organic, bio-active intracellular carrier such as humic, fulvic, or processed humates.
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Noticing the deck needs to be repaired leads to you making a note about the deck, which gets processed and turns out to be more than a single step, which in turn leads to a creation of a project surrounding the rehabilitation of your down-and-out deck, which in turn swells your Project List by one more and adds to your general feeling that your Project List might crush you.
How to Maintain a Project List that Doesn’t Crush Your Soul | Impact Lab
When cases are clogged at the courthouse door and not processed in a timely manner, it causes pressure in other parts of the criminal justice system.
The computer can record how accurately information is processed and how quickly.
Fatty cuts of meat and processed meats are among meats high in saturated fat.
The data were processed using the software provided by the manufacturer.
The fresh tissues were routinely processed for transmission electron microscopy.
In these artists' hands, images of those individuals who walk the city on a daily basis are processed through filters and fragmentations into unrecognizable subjects.
The product sectors exhibited in the Hall ranged from manufactured products, non-metallic minerals, processed foods and precious and semi-precious stones.
The laboratory has processed close to 5000 units of cord blood and hundreds of units of PBSC (peripheral blood stem cells) for both autologous and allogenic transplantation purposes.
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When samples from a particular area have to be processed routinely, it is better to determine the ideal cut-off by carrying out serosurveys and finding out the distribution of titres in the community.
But someone who knows they the white dots are in transform space, and knows -how- to do image processing on it, can clean up the data in transform space, transform it back, and the resulting graph/chart/image shows relationship that people can see, a lot better than the original "unprocessed" data....
Making Light: Scholarly works to avoid citing at all costs
Once the data was acquired it needed to be processed for reporting purposes and then stored in the data warehouse for future access.
He was once asked to write something funny about the unfairness of the differential in tariffs imposed on processed and unprocessed Tanzanian coffee.
‘Goods cannot be taken off the apron at Dublin Airport if they have not been processed by the system,’ he said.
It is also called the Cork Tree, as an inferior cork is processed from its corky bark.
The service level monitoring (SLM) functionality of WebSphere DataPower appliances enable fine-grained behavioral control over the workloads processed by individual services.
Software interrupts are interrupts produced by a program and processed in kernel mode by the operating system.
I had explained to Msgr. Moretti that, due to the incompetent states of my own superiors, my request for exclaustration could not possibly be processed in a proper manner.
Clerical Whispers
Indian authorities acknowledge less than half the grains processed through the PDS actually make it to the intended recipients.
Cardinals wearing white miters processed onto the square, the wind rippling their red vestments and the pages of the book of the Gospel, which was placed on the coffin.
The voltage signal is processed and transmitted to the control equipment in the same way as in the case of the ionisation smoke monitor.
Food labels must be on all processed food products.
Subscriptions have been processed from the following people (to protect your privacy, I am only using your last name): Hansen, Kent, Casper, Wentling, Clark, Rowland, Hardy, Wojcik and Tostevin.
Lifetime Book Subscriber Update – Brian Keene
Apparently we needed to sign in front of an official so that our learner's license could be processed.
Take a good look at your diet, too - it is vital you address any bad habits and cut out junk and processed foods.
The Sun
Fast foods are often heavily processed and loaded with chemical flavorings, additives, and preservatives.
To reassign out-of-focus light to its point of origin, the data was processed using an iterative constrained deconvolution algorithm.
It had the sort of sweetness and paste-like mouth-feel of processed pate, and totally lacked the gamey depth of flavour that one expects from pheasant.
They have the natural goodness that is absent from processed cereals, and they can lower cholesterol and reduce constipation.
Low-power voltage controlled oscillators in 90 nm CMOS using high-quality thin-film post-processed inductors
The intact/non-intact distinction was first announced in a July 19, 1999 FSIS policy statement that the meat industry had long pushed as a way of deeming O157 an "adulterant" only in ground beef and other non-intact meat not "further processed" in a federally-inspected facility.
Marler Blog
The first leg (leftmost) as well as the actual UNION operator is processed by the coordinator agent.
Spice oleoresins are the true essence of spices in their most concentrated form and are the most preferred and convenient substitute for raw spices in the processed food industry.
Sugar, fat and protein molecules are taken through the cell membrane where they are processed by the mitochondria into energy.
The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
In the California hand roll, however, the crab, cucumber, and avocado were food-processed into a lumpy, green mixture lopped over the rice.
A positive way to combat the state of our children's diets is to opt for natural, unprocessed foods.
The initial resit diet processed results for approximately 300 candidates, covering six exams at two levels, elementary and advanced.
Fresh from the garden it might have been once, but then it was preserved, processed, packaged, plastered with a label boasting how fresh it is then finally sent to wait for you in your supermarket.
Ellen Kanner: Meatless Monday: Listening To Your Broccoli
She ate a lot of processed snack foods and the same big dinner every night and still felt hungry.
Canned soups and sauces, salad dressings, ice cream and some processed meats and cheeses may contain wheat-based thickeners, fillers and stabilizers.
Industry: transportation equipment, chemicals, processed and unprocessed minerals, food products.
An employee may avoid the 20% withholding if the distribution is processed as a direct rollover to a Traditional IRA.
The time-of-arrival identified for the line-of-sight component of the incoming signal at a plurality of locations can then be processed to determine the geolocation of the wireless terminal.
We just have to pick and choose, hoping to get some meaty bits in a sea of wilting lettuce, processed coleslaw and mass produced pavlova.
We need to opt for wholesome, unprocessed, home-made food.
The Sun
Line, too, is processed in one particular part of the visual cortex.
Times, Sunday Times
Sir, we hear reports that North Korea supposedly claiming to have reprocessed all of its spent nuclear fuel rods.
Comprised of eight minimal, ambient soundscapes, digitally processed and sourced from snapshots of classical music, the result is nothing short of breathtaking.
South Africa says the cotton processed in this gin is some of the finest on the African continent.
This would be valuable for those crops processed before use, eg, oilseed rape, sugar beet or soya beans.
The small almonds that grow in China are also slightly bitter and contain a toxic substance if not processed properly.
This was very nice for a couple of miles in the company of curlews that glided across the heather rippling out their fluty songs and black millipedes that processed north across the track.
For each patient, the algorithm processed the menu of available treatment options.
Smithsonian Mag
I am pleased Paul eats primal fare such as this, and little in the way of unhealthy man-made fats such as margarine and processed foods.
They were originally recorded in mono, and reprocessed for stereo.
If we can do a bulk would we be looking at the same cost per unit as the blues? on October 2, 2008 at 9: 28 pm | Reply dungfox ship the mugs in puffed up discarded police emails processed as paper mache [z] that can be sat on by a local riffraff, or rolled up discarded daily wails, duly rolled up with lots of [hot air] and knotted so that they accept the shock of being dropped of thy local church steeple, if want proof of beeing shippable, saves plastic.dungbeetle. on October 5, 2008 at 10: 41 am | Reply exRUCtion
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However, in Vietnamese "chon" appears to be ambiguous - "weasel" or "civet" - and some descriptions mention caphe cut chon ( "fox-dung coffee", to confuse the biology) as being processed by the civet.
The secret of Kopi Luwak
The pad is used to store a mound of ore through which chemicals percolate to leach out the gold ore, which is then collected and processed into bullion.
It was considered such ideal fluxing ore that the El Paso smelter paid the costs for shipping it by rail and processed the ore at no charge to assure a steady supply.
Every time you make a long distance telephone call, your voice is processed through an adaptive filter.
Avoid foods that have been chemically processed and which contain a wide range of preservatives and flavourings.
Healthy By Nature
Such spent fuel could be reprocessed to produce plutonium for nuclear arms.
Themes of kids at play and sinister, forbidding landscapes remain, processed through a computer and enhanced by found sounds and distorted, provocatively repetitive tone patterns.
While Chartwells promises super-nutritious meals of cereal, fruit, milk and eggs, if their current lunch offerings are any indication of what's to come, kids will likely be eating sugar-coated, carbon-dated cereals and fruit cups, high fat-hormone riddled chocolate milk, and processed egg McMuffins.
Jacqueline Edelberg: Chicago Schools Serve Up Breakfast, But Not Everyone's Happy
The programs are processed as a single unit thus avoiding wasted computer time as each program is loaded.
Computers Basic Facts
The tagline "One woman's rage against the abuse of the term 'artisan' in the world of processed food" pretty much says it all.
The Full Feed from
GFP-positive neurons were processed and scored (in a blinded fashion) for having either a normal vs a pyknotic / mis-shapen / condensed morphology.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Crops such as oilseed and linseed which can be produced in bulk and processed quickly and efficiently may in future be modified to produce the anticoagulant hirudin which is found naturally in leeches.
Specify a filename to be used for the generated preprocessed output stream.
All proviral DNA isolations were processed in P3 laboratory facilities.
A team of young men worked on shifts feeding all the gathered data into a databank, which was constantly processed by the machine to identify special visitors who required special attention.
Industries such as dairy farming and meat processing generate waste materials that are dried or minimally processed into fertilizers.
Of the 9,660 cases processed last year, only 10 per cent were totally rejected.
Some of his experiments suggested that high levels of processed sugar could lead to coronary thrombosis, diabetes and heart disease.
The hottest-selling fabric for embroidered caps today is a chino cotton-washed material, which is processed in such a way that it provides a soft, luxurious but sturdy finish.
your application for a mortgage is now being processed.
On the 2nd of January I was called up at 8:00 a.m. I got processed and placed in the bullpen with 10 other prisoners.
Hemp can replace many non-renewable resources as well as numerous processed and manufactured goods.
With processed foods such as baked goods, snacks, and jam, scan ingredient labels for sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite, sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, and sodium sulfite.
The real risks of sulfites
Unless packaged and sterilized, critical items should be reprocessed immediately before use.
We were being processed for flight by a talking orange.
In 1973 (Science, Vol. 181, p. 1053) I showed that while the tectum was needed to react to moving prey, another visual area processed stationary edges, allowing frogs to dodge stationary barriers and to avoid tumbling into holes in the ground.
'In the River of Consciousness': An Exchange
We have chosen the second approach, and this section describes how the density has been preprocessed.
He said the processed ore'could serve as fuel to expand its nuclear weapons stockpile '.
Times, Sunday Times
Jai Ram Bhai is just one migration lawyer in Suva who says he's processed about 5,000 emigration applications since May last year.
It isn't only strawberries; we're eating less unprocessed or melanged fruit altogether.
Times, Sunday Times
Since processed maize is highly cariogenic, dental caries and resulting tooth loss increase with the adoption of maize agriculture.
[Researchers] say that fiber from processed and sterilized cow manure could take the place of sawdust in making fiberboard, which is used to make everything from furniture to flooring to store shelves.
Poop Beneath Your Feet: A Good Thing?
Processed foods such as cakes, cookies, mayonnaise, and corn chips contain hydrogenated oil.
This is so because although information concerning the external world is received and processed through our senses, the resulting percepts and mental activities remain entirely private within one's own consciousness.
The videotapes were digitized, and processed through a computer based non-linear video editing system.
Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.
Such "reprocessed" devices cost about half as much as new ones, SterilMed said in a statement.
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Oil is an important raw material which can be processed into many different products, including plastics.
Nearly one-third of the agricultural production of the island is from the tea and rubber estates, products that are partially processed locally.
The government slapped a ban on the export of unprocessed logs.
Currently biodiesel is produced by a process called transesterification where the vegetable oil or animal fat is first filtered, then processed with alkali to remove free faty acids.
Scientific Blogging
The article presented the configuration and facture, processed elementary experience.
Lunch is a sparse plate of sandwiches with salmon paste or paper-thin processed turkey roll.
At school Sarah consumed mainly processed food and fizzy drinks, but consumed vegetables with her evening meal most days.
Nearly all processed nuts came from uncultivated trees growing in wild populations.
We do eat too much sugar and salt and processed meats.
The Sun
And his opinions were processed the same way, in indigestible chunks.
Mazatlan: Tequila, tans and working stiffs